예제 #1
void cBlockArea::DumpToRawFile(const AString & a_FileName)
	cFile f;
	if (!f.Open(a_FileName, cFile::fmWrite))
		LOGWARNING("cBlockArea: Cannot open file \"%s\" for raw dump", a_FileName.c_str());
	UInt32 SizeX = ntohl(m_SizeX);
	UInt32 SizeY = ntohl(m_SizeY);
	UInt32 SizeZ = ntohl(m_SizeZ);
	f.Write(&SizeX, 4);
	f.Write(&SizeY, 4);
	f.Write(&SizeZ, 4);
	unsigned char DataTypes = GetDataTypes();
	f.Write(&DataTypes, 1);
	int NumBlocks = GetBlockCount();
	if (HasBlockTypes())
		f.Write(m_BlockTypes, NumBlocks * sizeof(BLOCKTYPE));
	if (HasBlockMetas())
		f.Write(m_BlockMetas, NumBlocks);
	if (HasBlockLights())
		f.Write(m_BlockLight, NumBlocks);
	if (HasBlockSkyLights())
		f.Write(m_BlockSkyLight, NumBlocks);
예제 #2
void cBlockArea::Expand(int a_SubMinX, int a_AddMaxX, int a_SubMinY, int a_AddMaxY, int a_SubMinZ, int a_AddMaxZ)
	if (HasBlockTypes())
		ExpandBlockTypes(a_SubMinX, a_AddMaxX, a_SubMinY, a_AddMaxY, a_SubMinZ, a_AddMaxZ);
	if (HasBlockMetas())
		ExpandNibbles(m_BlockMetas, a_SubMinX, a_AddMaxX, a_SubMinY, a_AddMaxY, a_SubMinZ, a_AddMaxZ);
	if (HasBlockLights())
		ExpandNibbles(m_BlockLight, a_SubMinX, a_AddMaxX, a_SubMinY, a_AddMaxY, a_SubMinZ, a_AddMaxZ);
	if (HasBlockSkyLights())
		ExpandNibbles(m_BlockSkyLight, a_SubMinX, a_AddMaxX, a_SubMinY, a_AddMaxY, a_SubMinZ, a_AddMaxZ);
	m_OriginX -= a_SubMinX;
	m_OriginY -= a_SubMinY;
	m_OriginZ -= a_SubMinZ;
	m_SizeX += a_SubMinX + a_AddMaxX;
	m_SizeY += a_SubMinY + a_AddMaxY;
	m_SizeZ += a_SubMinZ + a_AddMaxZ;
예제 #3
void cBlockArea::MirrorYZNoMeta(void)
	int HalfX = m_SizeX / 2;
	int MaxX = m_SizeX - 1;
	if (HasBlockTypes())
		for (int y = 0; y < m_SizeY; y++)
			for (int z = 0; z < m_SizeZ; z++)
				for (int x = 0; x < HalfX; x++)
					std::swap(m_BlockTypes[MakeIndex(x, y, z)], m_BlockTypes[MakeIndex(MaxX - x, y, z)]);
				}  // for x
			}  // for z
		}  // for y
	}  // if (HasBlockTypes)
	if (HasBlockMetas())
		for (int y = 0; y < m_SizeY; y++)
			for (int z = 0; z < m_SizeZ; z++)
				for (int x = 0; x < HalfX; x++)
					std::swap(m_BlockMetas[MakeIndex(x, y, z)], m_BlockMetas[MakeIndex(MaxX - x, y, z)]);
				}  // for x
			}  // for z
		}  // for y
	}  // if (HasBlockMetas)
예제 #4
void cBlockArea::CopyTo(cBlockArea & a_Into) const
	if (&a_Into == this)
		LOGWARNING("Trying to copy a cBlockArea into self, ignoring.");
	a_Into.SetSize(m_SizeX, m_SizeY, m_SizeZ, GetDataTypes());
	a_Into.m_OriginX = m_OriginX;
	a_Into.m_OriginY = m_OriginY;
	a_Into.m_OriginZ = m_OriginZ;
	int BlockCount = GetBlockCount();
	if (HasBlockTypes())
		memcpy(a_Into.m_BlockTypes, m_BlockTypes, BlockCount * sizeof(BLOCKTYPE));
	if (HasBlockMetas())
		memcpy(a_Into.m_BlockMetas, m_BlockMetas, BlockCount * sizeof(NIBBLETYPE));
	if (HasBlockLights())
		memcpy(a_Into.m_BlockLight, m_BlockLight, BlockCount * sizeof(NIBBLETYPE));
	if (HasBlockSkyLights())
		memcpy(a_Into.m_BlockSkyLight, m_BlockSkyLight, BlockCount * sizeof(NIBBLETYPE));
예제 #5
void cBlockArea::MirrorYZ(void)
	if (!HasBlockTypes())
		LOGWARNING("cBlockArea: Cannot mirror meta without blocktypes!");

	if (!HasBlockMetas())
		// There are no blockmetas to mirror, just use the NoMeta function

	// We are guaranteed that both blocktypes and blockmetas exist; mirror both at the same time:
	int HalfX = m_SizeX / 2;
	int MaxX = m_SizeX - 1;
	for (int y = 0; y < m_SizeY; y++)
		for (int z = 0; z < m_SizeZ; z++)
			for (int x = 0; x < HalfX; x++)
				int Idx1 = MakeIndex(x, y, z);
				int Idx2 = MakeIndex(MaxX - x, y, z);
				std::swap(m_BlockTypes[Idx1], m_BlockTypes[Idx2]);
				NIBBLETYPE Meta1 = BlockHandler(m_BlockTypes[Idx2])->MetaMirrorYZ(m_BlockMetas[Idx1]);
				NIBBLETYPE Meta2 = BlockHandler(m_BlockTypes[Idx1])->MetaMirrorYZ(m_BlockMetas[Idx2]);
				m_BlockMetas[Idx1] = Meta2;
				m_BlockMetas[Idx2] = Meta1;
			}  // for x
		}  // for z
	}  // for y
예제 #6
void cBlockArea::MirrorXYNoMeta(void)
	int HalfZ = m_SizeZ / 2;
	int MaxZ = m_SizeZ - 1;
	if (HasBlockTypes())
		for (int y = 0; y < m_SizeY; y++)
			for (int z = 0; z < HalfZ; z++)
				for (int x = 0; x < m_SizeX; x++)
					std::swap(m_BlockTypes[MakeIndex(x, y, z)], m_BlockTypes[MakeIndex(x, y, MaxZ - z)]);
				}  // for x
			}  // for z
		}  // for y
	}  // if (HasBlockTypes)
	if (HasBlockMetas())
		for (int y = 0; y < m_SizeY; y++)
			for (int z = 0; z < HalfZ; z++)
				for (int x = 0; x < m_SizeX; x++)
					std::swap(m_BlockMetas[MakeIndex(x, y, z)], m_BlockMetas[MakeIndex(x, y, MaxZ - z)]);
				}  // for x
			}  // for z
		}  // for y
	}  // if (HasBlockMetas)
예제 #7
void cBlockArea::MirrorXZNoMeta(void)
	int HalfY = m_Size.y / 2;
	int MaxY = m_Size.y - 1;
	if (HasBlockTypes())
		for (int y = 0; y < HalfY; y++)
			for (int z = 0; z < m_Size.z; z++)
				for (int x = 0; x < m_Size.x; x++)
					std::swap(m_BlockTypes[MakeIndex(x, y, z)], m_BlockTypes[MakeIndex(x, MaxY - y, z)]);
				}  // for x
			}  // for z
		}  // for y
	}  // if (HasBlockTypes)
	if (HasBlockMetas())
		for (int y = 0; y < HalfY; y++)
			for (int z = 0; z < m_Size.z; z++)
				for (int x = 0; x < m_Size.x; x++)
					std::swap(m_BlockMetas[MakeIndex(x, y, z)], m_BlockMetas[MakeIndex(x, MaxY - y, z)]);
				}  // for x
			}  // for z
		}  // for y
	}  // if (HasBlockMetas)
예제 #8
bool cBlockArea::SaveToSchematicFile(const AString & a_FileName)
	cFastNBTWriter Writer("Schematic");
	Writer.AddShort("Width", m_SizeX);
	Writer.AddShort("Height", m_SizeY);
	Writer.AddShort("Length", m_SizeZ);
	Writer.AddString("Materials", "Alpha");
	if (HasBlockTypes())
		Writer.AddByteArray("Blocks", (const char *)m_BlockTypes, GetBlockCount());
		AString Dummy(GetBlockCount(), 0);
		Writer.AddByteArray("Blocks", Dummy.data(), Dummy.size());
	if (HasBlockMetas())
		Writer.AddByteArray("Data", (const char *)m_BlockMetas, GetBlockCount());
		AString Dummy(GetBlockCount(), 0);
		Writer.AddByteArray("Data", Dummy.data(), Dummy.size());
	// TODO: Save entities and block entities
	Writer.BeginList("Entities", TAG_Compound);
	Writer.BeginList("TileEntities", TAG_Compound);
	// Save to file
	cGZipFile File;
	if (!File.Open(a_FileName, cGZipFile::fmWrite))
		LOG("Cannot open file \"%s\" for writing.", a_FileName.c_str());
		return false;
	if (!File.Write(Writer.GetResult()))
		LOG("Cannot write data to file \"%s\".", a_FileName.c_str());
		return false;
	return true;
예제 #9
void cBlockArea::RotateCW(void)
	if (!HasBlockTypes())
		LOGWARNING("cBlockArea: Cannot rotate blockmeta without blocktypes!");

	if (!HasBlockMetas())
		// There are no blockmetas to rotate, just use the NoMeta function
	// We are guaranteed that both blocktypes and blockmetas exist; rotate both at the same time:
	BLOCKTYPE * NewTypes = new BLOCKTYPE[m_SizeX * m_SizeY * m_SizeZ];
	NIBBLETYPE * NewMetas = new NIBBLETYPE[m_SizeX * m_SizeY * m_SizeZ];
	for (int x = 0; x < m_SizeX; x++)
		int NewZ = x;
		for (int z = 0; z < m_SizeZ; z++)
			int NewX = m_SizeZ - z - 1;
			for (int y = 0; y < m_SizeY; y++)
				int NewIdx = NewX + NewZ * m_SizeX + y * m_SizeX * m_SizeZ;
				int OldIdx = MakeIndex(x, y, z);
				NewTypes[NewIdx] = m_BlockTypes[OldIdx];
				NewMetas[NewIdx] = BlockHandler(m_BlockTypes[OldIdx])->MetaRotateCW(m_BlockMetas[OldIdx]);
			}  // for y
		}  // for z
	}  // for x
	std::swap(m_BlockTypes, NewTypes);
	std::swap(m_BlockMetas, NewMetas);
	delete[] NewTypes;
	delete[] NewMetas;

	std::swap(m_SizeX, m_SizeZ);
예제 #10
void cBlockArea::RotateCWNoMeta(void)
	if (HasBlockTypes())
		BLOCKTYPE * NewTypes = new BLOCKTYPE[m_SizeX * m_SizeY * m_SizeZ];
		for (int z = 0; z < m_SizeZ; z++)
			int NewX = m_SizeZ - z - 1;
			for (int x = 0; x < m_SizeX; x++)
				int NewZ = x;
				for (int y = 0; y < m_SizeY; y++)
					NewTypes[NewX + NewZ * m_SizeX + y * m_SizeX * m_SizeZ] = m_BlockTypes[MakeIndex(x, y, z)];
				}  // for y
			}  // for x
		}  // for z
		std::swap(m_BlockTypes, NewTypes);
		delete[] NewTypes;
	if (HasBlockMetas())
		NIBBLETYPE * NewMetas = new NIBBLETYPE[m_SizeX * m_SizeY * m_SizeZ];
		for (int z = 0; z < m_SizeZ; z++)
			int NewX = m_SizeZ - z - 1;
			for (int x = 0; x < m_SizeX; x++)
				int NewZ = x;
				for (int y = 0; y < m_SizeY; y++)
					NewMetas[NewX + NewZ * m_SizeX + y * m_SizeX * m_SizeZ] = m_BlockMetas[MakeIndex(x, y, z)];
				}  // for y
			}  // for x
		}  // for z
		std::swap(m_BlockMetas, NewMetas);
		delete[] NewMetas;
	std::swap(m_SizeX, m_SizeZ);
예제 #11
void cBlockArea::RotateCWNoMeta(void)
	if (HasBlockTypes())
		BLOCKTYPE * NewTypes = new BLOCKTYPE[GetBlockCount()];
		for (int z = 0; z < m_Size.z; z++)
			int NewX = m_Size.z - z - 1;
			for (int x = 0; x < m_Size.x; x++)
				int NewZ = x;
				for (int y = 0; y < m_Size.y; y++)
					NewTypes[NewX + NewZ * m_Size.z + y * m_Size.x * m_Size.z] = m_BlockTypes[MakeIndex(x, y, z)];
				}  // for y
			}  // for x
		}  // for z
		std::swap(m_BlockTypes, NewTypes);
		delete[] NewTypes;
	if (HasBlockMetas())
		NIBBLETYPE * NewMetas = new NIBBLETYPE[GetBlockCount()];
		for (int z = 0; z < m_Size.z; z++)
			int NewX = m_Size.z - z - 1;
			for (int x = 0; x < m_Size.x; x++)
				int NewZ = x;
				for (int y = 0; y < m_Size.y; y++)
					NewMetas[NewX + NewZ * m_Size.z + y * m_Size.x * m_Size.z] = m_BlockMetas[MakeIndex(x, y, z)];
				}  // for y
			}  // for x
		}  // for z
		std::swap(m_BlockMetas, NewMetas);
		delete[] NewMetas;
	std::swap(m_Size.x, m_Size.z);
예제 #12
void cBlockArea::Crop(int a_AddMinX, int a_SubMaxX, int a_AddMinY, int a_SubMaxY, int a_AddMinZ, int a_SubMaxZ)
	if (
		(a_AddMinX + a_SubMaxX >= m_SizeX) ||
		(a_AddMinY + a_SubMaxY >= m_SizeY) ||
		(a_AddMinZ + a_SubMaxZ >= m_SizeZ)
		LOGWARNING("cBlockArea:Crop called with more croping than the dimensions: %d x %d x %d with cropping %d, %d and %d",
			m_SizeX, m_SizeY, m_SizeZ,
			a_AddMinX + a_SubMaxX, a_AddMinY + a_SubMaxY, a_AddMinZ + a_SubMaxZ
	if (HasBlockTypes())
		CropBlockTypes(a_AddMinX, a_SubMaxX, a_AddMinY, a_SubMaxY, a_AddMinZ, a_SubMaxZ);
	if (HasBlockMetas())
		CropNibbles(m_BlockMetas, a_AddMinX, a_SubMaxX, a_AddMinY, a_SubMaxY, a_AddMinZ, a_SubMaxZ);
	if (HasBlockLights())
		CropNibbles(m_BlockLight, a_AddMinX, a_SubMaxX, a_AddMinY, a_SubMaxY, a_AddMinZ, a_SubMaxZ);
	if (HasBlockSkyLights())
		CropNibbles(m_BlockSkyLight, a_AddMinX, a_SubMaxX, a_AddMinY, a_SubMaxY, a_AddMinZ, a_SubMaxZ);
	m_OriginX += a_AddMinX;
	m_OriginY += a_AddMinY;
	m_OriginZ += a_AddMinZ;
	m_SizeX -= a_AddMinX + a_SubMaxX;
	m_SizeY -= a_AddMinY + a_SubMaxY;
	m_SizeZ -= a_AddMinZ + a_SubMaxZ;
예제 #13
void cBlockArea::Expand(int a_SubMinX, int a_AddMaxX, int a_SubMinY, int a_AddMaxY, int a_SubMinZ, int a_AddMaxZ)
	if (HasBlockTypes())
		ExpandBlockTypes(a_SubMinX, a_AddMaxX, a_SubMinY, a_AddMaxY, a_SubMinZ, a_AddMaxZ);
	if (HasBlockMetas())
		ExpandNibbles(m_BlockMetas, a_SubMinX, a_AddMaxX, a_SubMinY, a_AddMaxY, a_SubMinZ, a_AddMaxZ);
	if (HasBlockLights())
		ExpandNibbles(m_BlockLight, a_SubMinX, a_AddMaxX, a_SubMinY, a_AddMaxY, a_SubMinZ, a_AddMaxZ);
	if (HasBlockSkyLights())
		ExpandNibbles(m_BlockSkyLight, a_SubMinX, a_AddMaxX, a_SubMinY, a_AddMaxY, a_SubMinZ, a_AddMaxZ);
	m_Origin.Move(-a_SubMinX, -a_SubMinY, -a_SubMinZ);
	m_Size.x += a_SubMinX + a_AddMaxX;
	m_Size.y += a_SubMinY + a_AddMaxY;
	m_Size.z += a_SubMinZ + a_AddMaxZ;
예제 #14
void cBlockArea::Merge(const cBlockArea & a_Src, int a_RelX, int a_RelY, int a_RelZ, eMergeStrategy a_Strategy)
	// Block types are compulsory, block metas are voluntary
	if (!HasBlockTypes() || !a_Src.HasBlockTypes())
		LOGWARNING("%s: cannot merge because one of the areas doesn't have blocktypes.", __FUNCTION__);
	// Dst is *this, Src is a_Src
	int SrcOffX = std::max(0, -a_RelX);  // Offset in Src where to start reading
	int DstOffX = std::max(0,  a_RelX);  // Offset in Dst where to start writing
	int SizeX   = std::min(a_Src.GetSizeX() - SrcOffX, GetSizeX() - DstOffX);  // How many blocks to copy

	int SrcOffY = std::max(0, -a_RelY);  // Offset in Src where to start reading
	int DstOffY = std::max(0,  a_RelY);  // Offset in Dst where to start writing
	int SizeY   = std::min(a_Src.GetSizeY() - SrcOffY, GetSizeY() - DstOffY);  // How many blocks to copy

	int SrcOffZ = std::max(0, -a_RelZ);  // Offset in Src where to start reading
	int DstOffZ = std::max(0,  a_RelZ);  // Offset in Dst where to start writing
	int SizeZ   = std::min(a_Src.GetSizeZ() - SrcOffZ, GetSizeZ() - DstOffZ);  // How many blocks to copy

	const NIBBLETYPE * SrcMetas = a_Src.GetBlockMetas();
	NIBBLETYPE * DstMetas = m_BlockMetas;
	bool IsDummyMetas = ((SrcMetas == NULL) || (DstMetas == NULL));
	if (IsDummyMetas)
		SrcMetas = new NIBBLETYPE[a_Src.GetBlockCount()];
		DstMetas = new NIBBLETYPE[GetBlockCount()];
	switch (a_Strategy)
		case msOverwrite:
				m_BlockTypes, a_Src.GetBlockTypes(),
				DstMetas, SrcMetas,
				SizeX, SizeY, SizeZ,
				SrcOffX, SrcOffY, SrcOffZ,
				DstOffX, DstOffY, DstOffZ,
				a_Src.GetSizeX(), a_Src.GetSizeY(), a_Src.GetSizeZ(),
				m_SizeX, m_SizeY, m_SizeZ,
		}  // case msOverwrite
		case msFillAir:
				m_BlockTypes, a_Src.GetBlockTypes(),
				DstMetas, SrcMetas,
				SizeX, SizeY, SizeZ,
				SrcOffX, SrcOffY, SrcOffZ,
				DstOffX, DstOffY, DstOffZ,
				a_Src.GetSizeX(), a_Src.GetSizeY(), a_Src.GetSizeZ(),
				m_SizeX, m_SizeY, m_SizeZ,
		}  // case msFillAir
		case msImprint:
				m_BlockTypes, a_Src.GetBlockTypes(),
				DstMetas, SrcMetas,
				SizeX, SizeY, SizeZ,
				SrcOffX, SrcOffY, SrcOffZ,
				DstOffX, DstOffY, DstOffZ,
				a_Src.GetSizeX(), a_Src.GetSizeY(), a_Src.GetSizeZ(),
				m_SizeX, m_SizeY, m_SizeZ,
		}  // case msImprint
		case msLake:
				m_BlockTypes, a_Src.GetBlockTypes(),
				DstMetas, SrcMetas,
				SizeX, SizeY, SizeZ,
				SrcOffX, SrcOffY, SrcOffZ,
				DstOffX, DstOffY, DstOffZ,
				a_Src.GetSizeX(), a_Src.GetSizeY(), a_Src.GetSizeZ(),
				m_SizeX, m_SizeY, m_SizeZ,
		}  // case msLake
			LOGWARNING("Unknown block area merge strategy: %d", a_Strategy);
			ASSERT(!"Unknown block area merge strategy");
	}  // switch (a_Strategy)
	if (IsDummyMetas)
		delete[] SrcMetas;
		delete[] DstMetas;
예제 #15
void cBlockArea::MergeByStrategy(const cBlockArea & a_Src, int a_RelX, int a_RelY, int a_RelZ, eMergeStrategy a_Strategy, const NIBBLETYPE * SrcMetas, NIBBLETYPE * DstMetas)
	// Block types are compulsory, block metas are voluntary
	if (!HasBlockTypes() || !a_Src.HasBlockTypes())
		LOGWARNING("%s: cannot merge because one of the areas doesn't have blocktypes.", __FUNCTION__);
	// Dst is *this, Src is a_Src
	int SrcOffX = std::max(0, -a_RelX);  // Offset in Src where to start reading
	int DstOffX = std::max(0,  a_RelX);  // Offset in Dst where to start writing
	int SizeX   = std::min(a_Src.GetSizeX() - SrcOffX, GetSizeX() - DstOffX);  // How many blocks to copy

	int SrcOffY = std::max(0, -a_RelY);  // Offset in Src where to start reading
	int DstOffY = std::max(0,  a_RelY);  // Offset in Dst where to start writing
	int SizeY   = std::min(a_Src.GetSizeY() - SrcOffY, GetSizeY() - DstOffY);  // How many blocks to copy

	int SrcOffZ = std::max(0, -a_RelZ);  // Offset in Src where to start reading
	int DstOffZ = std::max(0,  a_RelZ);  // Offset in Dst where to start writing
	int SizeZ   = std::min(a_Src.GetSizeZ() - SrcOffZ, GetSizeZ() - DstOffZ);  // How many blocks to copy
	switch (a_Strategy)
		case cBlockArea::msOverwrite:
			InternalMergeBlocks<MetasValid, MergeCombinatorOverwrite<MetasValid> >(
				m_BlockTypes, a_Src.GetBlockTypes(),
				DstMetas, SrcMetas,
				SizeX, SizeY, SizeZ,
				SrcOffX, SrcOffY, SrcOffZ,
				DstOffX, DstOffY, DstOffZ,
				a_Src.GetSizeX(), a_Src.GetSizeY(), a_Src.GetSizeZ(),
				m_Size.x, m_Size.y, m_Size.z
		}  // case msOverwrite
		case cBlockArea::msFillAir:
			InternalMergeBlocks<MetasValid, MergeCombinatorFillAir<MetasValid> >(
				m_BlockTypes, a_Src.GetBlockTypes(),
				DstMetas, SrcMetas,
				SizeX, SizeY, SizeZ,
				SrcOffX, SrcOffY, SrcOffZ,
				DstOffX, DstOffY, DstOffZ,
				a_Src.GetSizeX(), a_Src.GetSizeY(), a_Src.GetSizeZ(),
				m_Size.x, m_Size.y, m_Size.z
		}  // case msFillAir
		case cBlockArea::msImprint:
			InternalMergeBlocks<MetasValid, MergeCombinatorImprint<MetasValid> >(
				m_BlockTypes, a_Src.GetBlockTypes(),
				DstMetas, SrcMetas,
				SizeX, SizeY, SizeZ,
				SrcOffX, SrcOffY, SrcOffZ,
				DstOffX, DstOffY, DstOffZ,
				a_Src.GetSizeX(), a_Src.GetSizeY(), a_Src.GetSizeZ(),
				m_Size.x, m_Size.y, m_Size.z
		}  // case msImprint
		case cBlockArea::msLake:
			InternalMergeBlocks<MetasValid, MergeCombinatorLake<MetasValid> >(
				m_BlockTypes, a_Src.GetBlockTypes(),
				DstMetas, SrcMetas,
				SizeX, SizeY, SizeZ,
				SrcOffX, SrcOffY, SrcOffZ,
				DstOffX, DstOffY, DstOffZ,
				a_Src.GetSizeX(), a_Src.GetSizeY(), a_Src.GetSizeZ(),
				m_Size.x, m_Size.y, m_Size.z
		}  // case msLake
		case cBlockArea::msSpongePrint:
			InternalMergeBlocks<MetasValid, MergeCombinatorSpongePrint<MetasValid> >(
				m_BlockTypes, a_Src.GetBlockTypes(),
				DstMetas, SrcMetas,
				SizeX, SizeY, SizeZ,
				SrcOffX, SrcOffY, SrcOffZ,
				DstOffX, DstOffY, DstOffZ,
				a_Src.GetSizeX(), a_Src.GetSizeY(), a_Src.GetSizeZ(),
				m_Size.x, m_Size.y, m_Size.z
		}  // case msSpongePrint

		case cBlockArea::msDifference:
			InternalMergeBlocks<MetasValid, MergeCombinatorDifference<MetasValid> >(
				m_BlockTypes, a_Src.GetBlockTypes(),
				DstMetas, SrcMetas,
				SizeX, SizeY, SizeZ,
				SrcOffX, SrcOffY, SrcOffZ,
				DstOffX, DstOffY, DstOffZ,
				a_Src.GetSizeX(), a_Src.GetSizeY(), a_Src.GetSizeZ(),
				m_Size.x, m_Size.y, m_Size.z
		}	// case msDifference
		case cBlockArea::msMask:
			InternalMergeBlocks<MetasValid, MergeCombinatorMask<MetasValid> >(
				m_BlockTypes, a_Src.GetBlockTypes(),
				DstMetas, SrcMetas,
				SizeX, SizeY, SizeZ,
				SrcOffX, SrcOffY, SrcOffZ,
				DstOffX, DstOffY, DstOffZ,
				a_Src.GetSizeX(), a_Src.GetSizeY(), a_Src.GetSizeZ(),
				m_Size.x, m_Size.y, m_Size.z
		}  // case msMask
	}  // switch (a_Strategy)
	LOGWARNING("Unknown block area merge strategy: %d", a_Strategy);
	ASSERT(!"Unknown block area merge strategy");