예제 #1
SourceBufferIterator::AdvanceOrScheduleResume(size_t aRequestedBytes,
                                              IResumable* aConsumer)

  if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(!HasMore())) {
    MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Should not advance a completed iterator");
    return COMPLETE;

  // The range of data [mOffset, mOffset + mNextReadLength) has just been read
  // by the caller (or at least they don't have any interest in it), so consume
  // that data.
  MOZ_ASSERT(mData.mIterating.mNextReadLength <= mData.mIterating.mAvailableLength);
  mData.mIterating.mOffset += mData.mIterating.mNextReadLength;
  mData.mIterating.mAvailableLength -= mData.mIterating.mNextReadLength;
  mData.mIterating.mNextReadLength = 0;

  if (MOZ_LIKELY(mState == READY)) {
    // If the caller wants zero bytes of data, that's easy enough; we just
    // configured ourselves for a zero-byte read above!  In theory we could do
    // this even in the START state, but it's not important for performance and
    // breaking the ability of callers to assert that the pointer returned by
    // Data() is non-null doesn't seem worth it.
    if (aRequestedBytes == 0) {
      MOZ_ASSERT(mData.mIterating.mNextReadLength == 0);
      return READY;

    // Try to satisfy the request out of our local buffer. This is potentially
    // much faster than requesting data from our owning SourceBuffer because we
    // don't have to take the lock. Note that if we have anything at all in our
    // local buffer, we use it to satisfy the request; @aRequestedBytes is just
    // the *maximum* number of bytes we can return.
    if (mData.mIterating.mAvailableLength > 0) {
      return AdvanceFromLocalBuffer(aRequestedBytes);

  // Our local buffer is empty, so we'll have to request data from our owning
  // SourceBuffer.
  return mOwner->AdvanceIteratorOrScheduleResume(*this,
예제 #2
파일: Config.cpp 프로젝트: libretro/PSP1
bool Config::saveGameConfig(const std::string &pGameId)
	if (pGameId.empty())
		return false;

	std::string fullIniFilePath = getGameConfigFile(pGameId);

	IniFile iniFile;

	for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(sections); ++i) {
		IniFile::Section *section = iniFile.GetOrCreateSection(sections[i].section);
		for (auto setting = sections[i].settings; setting->HasMore(); ++setting) {
			if (setting->perGame_){


	return true;
예제 #3
void Config::Save() {
	if (iniFilename_.size() && g_Config.bSaveSettings) {

		IniFile iniFile;
		if (!iniFile.Load(iniFilename_.c_str())) {
			ERROR_LOG(LOADER, "Error saving config - can't read ini %s", iniFilename_.c_str());

		// Need to do this somewhere...
		bFirstRun = false;

		for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(sections); ++i) {
			IniFile::Section *section = iniFile.GetOrCreateSection(sections[i].section);
			for (auto setting = sections[i].settings; setting->HasMore(); ++setting) {
				if (!bGameSpecific || !setting->perGame_){

		IniFile::Section *recent = iniFile.GetOrCreateSection("Recent");
		recent->Set("MaxRecent", iMaxRecent);

		for (int i = 0; i < iMaxRecent; i++) {
			char keyName[64];
			snprintf(keyName, sizeof(keyName), "FileName%d", i);
			if (i < (int)recentIsos.size()) {
				recent->Set(keyName, recentIsos[i]);
			} else {
				recent->Delete(keyName); // delete the nonexisting FileName

		IniFile::Section *pinnedPaths = iniFile.GetOrCreateSection("PinnedPaths");
		for (size_t i = 0; i < vPinnedPaths.size(); ++i) {
			char keyName[64];
			snprintf(keyName, sizeof(keyName), "Path%d", (int)i);
			pinnedPaths->Set(keyName, vPinnedPaths[i]);

		IniFile::Section *control = iniFile.GetOrCreateSection("Control");

		if (!iniFile.Save(iniFilename_.c_str())) {
			ERROR_LOG(LOADER, "Error saving config - can't write ini %s", iniFilename_.c_str());
		INFO_LOG(LOADER, "Config saved: %s", iniFilename_.c_str());

		if (!bGameSpecific) //otherwise we already did this in saveGameConfig()
			IniFile controllerIniFile;
			if (!controllerIniFile.Load(controllerIniFilename_.c_str())) {
				ERROR_LOG(LOADER, "Error saving config - can't read ini %s", controllerIniFilename_.c_str());
			if (!controllerIniFile.Save(controllerIniFilename_.c_str())) {
				ERROR_LOG(LOADER, "Error saving config - can't write ini %s", controllerIniFilename_.c_str());
			INFO_LOG(LOADER, "Controller config saved: %s", controllerIniFilename_.c_str());
	} else {
		INFO_LOG(LOADER, "Not saving config");
예제 #4
void Config::Load(const char *iniFileName, const char *controllerIniFilename) {
	const bool useIniFilename = iniFileName != nullptr && strlen(iniFileName) > 0;
	iniFilename_ = FindConfigFile(useIniFilename ? iniFileName : "ppsspp.ini");

	const bool useControllerIniFilename = controllerIniFilename != nullptr && strlen(controllerIniFilename) > 0;
	controllerIniFilename_ = FindConfigFile(useControllerIniFilename ? controllerIniFilename : "controls.ini");

	INFO_LOG(LOADER, "Loading config: %s", iniFilename_.c_str());
	bSaveSettings = true;

	bShowFrameProfiler = true;

	IniFile iniFile;
	if (!iniFile.Load(iniFilename_)) {
		ERROR_LOG(LOADER, "Failed to read %s. Setting config to default.", iniFilename_.c_str());
		// Continue anyway to initialize the config.

	for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(sections); ++i) {
		IniFile::Section *section = iniFile.GetOrCreateSection(sections[i].section);
		for (auto setting = sections[i].settings; setting->HasMore(); ++setting) {

	if (!File::Exists(currentDirectory))
		currentDirectory = "";

	IniFile::Section *recent = iniFile.GetOrCreateSection("Recent");
	recent->Get("MaxRecent", &iMaxRecent, 30);

	// Fix issue from switching from uint (hex in .ini) to int (dec)
	// -1 is okay, though. We'll just ignore recent stuff if it is.
	if (iMaxRecent == 0)
		iMaxRecent = 30;

	if (iMaxRecent > 0) {
		for (int i = 0; i < iMaxRecent; i++) {
			char keyName[64];
			std::string fileName;

			snprintf(keyName, sizeof(keyName), "FileName%d", i);
			if (recent->Get(keyName, &fileName, "") && !fileName.empty()) {

	auto pinnedPaths = iniFile.GetOrCreateSection("PinnedPaths")->ToMap();
	for (auto it = pinnedPaths.begin(), end = pinnedPaths.end(); it != end; ++it) {

	if (iAnisotropyLevel > 4) {
		iAnisotropyLevel = 4;

	// Check for an old dpad setting
	IniFile::Section *control = iniFile.GetOrCreateSection("Control");
	float f;
	control->Get("DPadRadius", &f, 0.0f);
	if (f > 0.0f) {

	// MIGRATION: For users who had the old static touch layout, aren't I nice?
	// We can probably kill this in 0.9.8 or something.
	if (fDpadX > 1.0 || fDpadY > 1.0) { // Likely the rest are too!
		float screen_width = dp_xres;
		float screen_height = dp_yres;

		fActionButtonCenterX /= screen_width;
		fActionButtonCenterY /= screen_height;
		fDpadX /= screen_width;
		fDpadY /= screen_height;
		fStartKeyX /= screen_width;
		fStartKeyY /= screen_height;
		fSelectKeyX /= screen_width;
		fSelectKeyY /= screen_height;
		fUnthrottleKeyX /= screen_width;
		fUnthrottleKeyY /= screen_height;
		fLKeyX /= screen_width;
		fLKeyY /= screen_height;
		fRKeyX /= screen_width;
		fRKeyY /= screen_height;
		fAnalogStickX /= screen_width;
		fAnalogStickY /= screen_height;
	const char *gitVer = PPSSPP_GIT_VERSION;
	Version installed(gitVer);
	Version upgrade(upgradeVersion);
	const bool versionsValid = installed.IsValid() && upgrade.IsValid();

	// Do this regardless of iRunCount to prevent a silly bug where one might use an older
	// build of PPSSPP, receive an upgrade notice, then start a newer version, and still receive the upgrade notice,
	// even if said newer version is >= the upgrade found online.
	if ((dismissedVersion == upgradeVersion) || (versionsValid && (installed >= upgrade))) {
		upgradeMessage = "";

	// Check for new version on every 10 runs.
	// Sometimes the download may not be finished when the main screen shows (if the user dismisses the
	// splash screen quickly), but then we'll just show the notification next time instead, we store the
	// upgrade number in the ini.
#if !defined(ARMEABI)
	if (iRunCount % 10 == 0 && bCheckForNewVersion) {
		std::shared_ptr<http::Download> dl = g_DownloadManager.StartDownloadWithCallback(
			"http://www.ppsspp.org/version.json", "", &DownloadCompletedCallback);

	INFO_LOG(LOADER, "Loading controller config: %s", controllerIniFilename_.c_str());
	bSaveSettings = true;

	IniFile controllerIniFile;
	if (!controllerIniFile.Load(controllerIniFilename_)) {
		ERROR_LOG(LOADER, "Failed to read %s. Setting controller config to default.", controllerIniFilename_.c_str());
	} else {
		// Continue anyway to initialize the config. It will just restore the defaults.
	//so this is all the way down here to overwrite the controller settings
	//sadly it won't benefit from all the "version conversion" going on up-above
	//but these configs shouldn't contain older versions anyhow
	if (bGameSpecific)


#ifdef _WIN32
	iTempGPUBackend = iGPUBackend;

	// Fix Wrong MAC address by old version by "Change MAC address"
	if (sMACAddress.length() != 17)
		sMACAddress = CreateRandMAC();

	if (g_Config.bAutoFrameSkip && g_Config.iRenderingMode == FB_NON_BUFFERED_MODE) {
		g_Config.iRenderingMode = FB_BUFFERED_MODE;
예제 #5
파일: Config.cpp 프로젝트: LOSTT/ppsspp
void Config::Load(const char *iniFileName, const char *controllerIniFilename) {
	iniFilename_ = FindConfigFile(iniFileName != NULL ? iniFileName : "ppsspp.ini");
	controllerIniFilename_ = FindConfigFile(controllerIniFilename != NULL ? controllerIniFilename : "controls.ini");

	INFO_LOG(LOADER, "Loading config: %s", iniFilename_.c_str());
	bSaveSettings = true;

	IniFile iniFile;
	if (!iniFile.Load(iniFilename_)) {
		ERROR_LOG(LOADER, "Failed to read %s. Setting config to default.", iniFilename_.c_str());
		// Continue anyway to initialize the config.

	for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(sections); ++i) {
		IniFile::Section *section = iniFile.GetOrCreateSection(sections[i].section);
		for (auto setting = sections[i].settings; setting->HasMore(); ++setting) {

	if (!File::Exists(currentDirectory))
		currentDirectory = "";

	IniFile::Section *recent = iniFile.GetOrCreateSection("Recent");
	recent->Get("MaxRecent", &iMaxRecent, 30);

	// Fix issue from switching from uint (hex in .ini) to int (dec)
	if (iMaxRecent == 0)
		iMaxRecent = 30;

	for (int i = 0; i < iMaxRecent; i++) {
		char keyName[64];
		std::string fileName;

		sprintf(keyName, "FileName%d", i);
		if (recent->Get(keyName, &fileName, "") && !fileName.empty()) {

	auto pinnedPaths = iniFile.GetOrCreateSection("PinnedPaths")->ToMap();
	for (auto it = pinnedPaths.begin(), end = pinnedPaths.end(); it != end; ++it) {

	if (iAnisotropyLevel > 4) {
		iAnisotropyLevel = 4;

	// Check for an old dpad setting
	IniFile::Section *control = iniFile.GetOrCreateSection("Control");
	float f;
	control->Get("DPadRadius", &f, 0.0f);
	if (f > 0.0f) {

	// MIGRATION: For users who had the old static touch layout, aren't I nice?
	// We can probably kill this in 0.9.8 or something.
	if (fDpadX > 1.0 || fDpadY > 1.0) { // Likely the rest are too!
		float screen_width = dp_xres;
		float screen_height = dp_yres;

		fActionButtonCenterX /= screen_width;
		fActionButtonCenterY /= screen_height;
		fDpadX /= screen_width;
		fDpadY /= screen_height;
		fStartKeyX /= screen_width;
		fStartKeyY /= screen_height;
		fSelectKeyX /= screen_width;
		fSelectKeyY /= screen_height;
		fUnthrottleKeyX /= screen_width;
		fUnthrottleKeyY /= screen_height;
		fLKeyX /= screen_width;
		fLKeyY /= screen_height;
		fRKeyX /= screen_width;
		fRKeyY /= screen_height;
		fAnalogStickX /= screen_width;
		fAnalogStickY /= screen_height;
	if (dismissedVersion == upgradeVersion) {
		upgradeMessage = "";

	// Check for new version on every 10 runs.
	// Sometimes the download may not be finished when the main screen shows (if the user dismisses the
	// splash screen quickly), but then we'll just show the notification next time instead, we store the
	// upgrade number in the ini.
	if (iRunCount % 10 == 0 && bCheckForNewVersion) {
		std::shared_ptr<http::Download> dl = g_DownloadManager.StartDownloadWithCallback(
			"http://www.ppsspp.org/version.json", "", &DownloadCompletedCallback);

	INFO_LOG(LOADER, "Loading controller config: %s", controllerIniFilename_.c_str());
	bSaveSettings = true;

	IniFile controllerIniFile;
	if (!controllerIniFile.Load(controllerIniFilename_)) {
		ERROR_LOG(LOADER, "Failed to read %s. Setting controller config to default.", controllerIniFilename_.c_str());
	} else {
		// Continue anyway to initialize the config. It will just restore the defaults.

예제 #6
nsStringEnumerator::HasMoreElements(bool* aResult)
  return HasMore(aResult);
예제 #7
파일: Config.cpp 프로젝트: libretro/PSP1
void Config::Load(const char *iniFileName, const char *controllerIniFilename) {
	const bool useIniFilename = iniFileName != nullptr && strlen(iniFileName) > 0;
	iniFilename_ = FindConfigFile(useIniFilename ? iniFileName : "ppsspp.ini");

	INFO_LOG(LOADER, "Loading config: %s", iniFilename_.c_str());
	bSaveSettings = true;

	bShowFrameProfiler = true;

	IniFile iniFile;
	if (!iniFile.Load(iniFilename_)) {
		ERROR_LOG(LOADER, "Failed to read %s. Setting config to default.", iniFilename_.c_str());
		// Continue anyway to initialize the config.

	for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(sections); ++i) {
		IniFile::Section *section = iniFile.GetOrCreateSection(sections[i].section);
		for (auto setting = sections[i].settings; setting->HasMore(); ++setting) {

	if (!File::Exists(currentDirectory))
		currentDirectory = "";

	IniFile::Section *recent = iniFile.GetOrCreateSection("Recent");
	recent->Get("MaxRecent", &iMaxRecent, 30);

	// Fix issue from switching from uint (hex in .ini) to int (dec)
	// -1 is okay, though. We'll just ignore recent stuff if it is.
	 if (iMaxRecent == 0)
		iMaxRecent = 30;

	 if (iMaxRecent > 0) {
		 for (int i = 0; i < iMaxRecent; i++) {
			 char keyName[64];
			 std::string fileName;

			 snprintf(keyName, sizeof(keyName), "FileName%d", i);
			 if (recent->Get(keyName, &fileName, "") && !fileName.empty()) {

	auto pinnedPaths = iniFile.GetOrCreateSection("PinnedPaths")->ToMap();
	for (auto it = pinnedPaths.begin(), end = pinnedPaths.end(); it != end; ++it) {

	if (iAnisotropyLevel > 4) {
		iAnisotropyLevel = 4;

	// Check for an old dpad setting
	IniFile::Section *control = iniFile.GetOrCreateSection("Control");
	float f;
	control->Get("DPadRadius", &f, 0.0f);
	if (f > 0.0f) {

	const char *gitVer = PPSSPP_GIT_VERSION;
	Version installed(gitVer);
	Version upgrade(upgradeVersion);
	const bool versionsValid = installed.IsValid() && upgrade.IsValid();

	// Do this regardless of iRunCount to prevent a silly bug where one might use an older
	// build of PPSSPP, receive an upgrade notice, then start a newer version, and still receive the upgrade notice,
	// even if said newer version is >= the upgrade found online.
	if ((dismissedVersion == upgradeVersion) || (versionsValid && (installed >= upgrade))) {
		upgradeMessage = "";

	bSaveSettings = true;

	//so this is all the way down here to overwrite the controller settings
	//sadly it won't benefit from all the "version conversion" going on up-above
	//but these configs shouldn't contain older versions anyhow
	if (bGameSpecific)


#if defined (_WIN32) && !defined (__LIBRETRO__)
	iTempGPUBackend = iGPUBackend;

	// Fix Wrong MAC address by old version by "Change MAC address"
	if (sMACAddress.length() != 17)
		sMACAddress = CreateRandMAC();

	if (g_Config.bAutoFrameSkip && g_Config.iRenderingMode == FB_NON_BUFFERED_MODE) {
		g_Config.iRenderingMode = FB_BUFFERED_MODE;