void CompareLocalHash(ServerConnectionState *conn, char *sendbuffer, char *recvbuffer) { unsigned char digest1[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE + 1], digest2[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE + 1]; char filename[CF_BUFSIZE], rfilename[CF_BUFSIZE]; char *sp; int i; /* TODO - when safe change this proto string to sha2 */ sscanf(recvbuffer, "MD5 %[^\n]", rfilename); sp = recvbuffer + strlen(recvbuffer) + CF_SMALL_OFFSET; for (i = 0; i < CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST_LEN; i++) { digest1[i] = *sp++; } memset(sendbuffer, 0, CF_BUFSIZE); TranslatePath(filename, rfilename); HashFile(filename, digest2, CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST); if ((HashesMatch(digest1, digest2, CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST)) || (HashesMatch(digest1, digest2, HASH_METHOD_MD5))) { sprintf(sendbuffer, "%s", CFD_FALSE); Log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Hashes matched ok"); SendTransaction(&conn->conn_info, sendbuffer, 0, CF_DONE); } else { sprintf(sendbuffer, "%s", CFD_TRUE); Log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Hashes didn't match"); SendTransaction(&conn->conn_info, sendbuffer, 0, CF_DONE); } }
static int AuthenticationDialogue(ServerConnectionState *conn, char *recvbuffer, int recvlen) { char in[CF_BUFSIZE], *out, *decrypted_nonce; BIGNUM *counter_challenge = NULL; unsigned char digest[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE + 1] = { 0 }; unsigned int crypt_len, nonce_len = 0, encrypted_len = 0; char sauth[10], iscrypt = 'n', enterprise_field = 'c'; int len_n = 0, len_e = 0, keylen, session_size; unsigned long err; RSA *newkey; int digestLen = 0; HashMethod digestType; if ((PRIVKEY == NULL) || (PUBKEY == NULL)) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "No public/private key pair exists, create one with cf-key"); return false; } if (FIPS_MODE) { digestType = CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST; digestLen = CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST_LEN; } else { digestType = HASH_METHOD_MD5; digestLen = CF_MD5_LEN; } /* proposition C1 */ /* Opening string is a challenge from the client (some agent) */ sauth[0] = '\0'; sscanf(recvbuffer, "%s %c %u %u %c", sauth, &iscrypt, &crypt_len, &nonce_len, &enterprise_field); if ((crypt_len == 0) || (nonce_len == 0) || (strlen(sauth) == 0)) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Protocol format error in authentation from IP %s", conn->hostname); return false; } if (nonce_len > CF_NONCELEN * 2) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Protocol deviant authentication nonce from %s", conn->hostname); return false; } if (crypt_len > 2 * CF_NONCELEN) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Protocol abuse in unlikely cipher from %s", conn->hostname); return false; } /* Check there is no attempt to read past the end of the received input */ if (recvbuffer + CF_RSA_PROTO_OFFSET + nonce_len > recvbuffer + recvlen) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Protocol consistency error in authentication from %s", conn->hostname); return false; } if ((strcmp(sauth, "SAUTH") != 0) || (nonce_len == 0) || (crypt_len == 0)) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Protocol error in RSA authentication from IP '%s'", conn->hostname); return false; } Log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Challenge encryption = %c, nonce = %d, buf = %d", iscrypt, nonce_len, crypt_len); decrypted_nonce = xmalloc(crypt_len); if (iscrypt == 'y') { if (RSA_private_decrypt (crypt_len, recvbuffer + CF_RSA_PROTO_OFFSET, decrypted_nonce, PRIVKEY, RSA_PKCS1_PADDING) <= 0) { err = ERR_get_error(); Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Private decrypt failed = '%s'. Probably the client has the wrong public key for this server", ERR_reason_error_string(err)); free(decrypted_nonce); return false; } } else { if (nonce_len > crypt_len) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Illegal challenge"); free(decrypted_nonce); return false; } memcpy(decrypted_nonce, recvbuffer + CF_RSA_PROTO_OFFSET, nonce_len); } /* Client's ID is now established by key or trusted, reply with digest */ HashString(decrypted_nonce, nonce_len, digest, digestType); free(decrypted_nonce); /* Get the public key from the client */ newkey = RSA_new(); /* proposition C2 */ if ((len_n = ReceiveTransaction(conn->conn_info, recvbuffer, NULL)) == -1) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Protocol error 1 in RSA authentation from IP %s", conn->hostname); RSA_free(newkey); return false; } if (len_n == 0) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Protocol error 2 in RSA authentation from IP %s", conn->hostname); RSA_free(newkey); return false; } if ((newkey->n = BN_mpi2bn(recvbuffer, len_n, NULL)) == NULL) { err = ERR_get_error(); Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Private decrypt failed = %s", ERR_reason_error_string(err)); RSA_free(newkey); return false; } /* proposition C3 */ if ((len_e = ReceiveTransaction(conn->conn_info, recvbuffer, NULL)) == -1) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Protocol error 3 in RSA authentation from IP %s", conn->hostname); RSA_free(newkey); return false; } if (len_e == 0) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Protocol error 4 in RSA authentation from IP %s", conn->hostname); RSA_free(newkey); return false; } if ((newkey->e = BN_mpi2bn(recvbuffer, len_e, NULL)) == NULL) { err = ERR_get_error(); Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Private decrypt failed = %s", ERR_reason_error_string(err)); RSA_free(newkey); return false; } /* Compute and store hash of the client's public key. */ Key *key = KeyNew(newkey, CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST); ConnectionInfoSetKey(conn->conn_info, key); Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Public key identity of host '%s' is '%s'", conn->ipaddr, KeyPrintableHash(ConnectionInfoKey(conn->conn_info))); LastSaw1(conn->ipaddr, KeyPrintableHash(ConnectionInfoKey(conn->conn_info)), LAST_SEEN_ROLE_ACCEPT); if (!CheckStoreKey(conn, newkey)) /* conceals proposition S1 */ { return false; } /* Reply with digest of original challenge */ /* proposition S2 */ SendTransaction(conn->conn_info, digest, digestLen, CF_DONE); /* Send counter challenge to be sure this is a live session */ counter_challenge = BN_new(); if (counter_challenge == NULL) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Cannot allocate BIGNUM structure for counter challenge"); return false; } BN_rand(counter_challenge, CF_NONCELEN, 0, 0); nonce_len = BN_bn2mpi(counter_challenge, in); // hash the challenge from the client HashString(in, nonce_len, digest, digestType); encrypted_len = RSA_size(newkey); /* encryption buffer is always the same size as n */ out = xmalloc(encrypted_len + 1); if (RSA_public_encrypt(nonce_len, in, out, newkey, RSA_PKCS1_PADDING) <= 0) { err = ERR_get_error(); Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Public encryption failed = %s", ERR_reason_error_string(err)); free(out); return false; } /* proposition S3 */ SendTransaction(conn->conn_info, out, encrypted_len, CF_DONE); /* if the client doesn't have our public key, send it */ if (iscrypt != 'y') { /* proposition S4 - conditional */ memset(in, 0, CF_BUFSIZE); len_n = BN_bn2mpi(PUBKEY->n, in); SendTransaction(conn->conn_info, in, len_n, CF_DONE); /* proposition S5 - conditional */ memset(in, 0, CF_BUFSIZE); len_e = BN_bn2mpi(PUBKEY->e, in); SendTransaction(conn->conn_info, in, len_e, CF_DONE); } /* Receive reply to counter_challenge */ /* proposition C4 */ memset(in, 0, CF_BUFSIZE); if (ReceiveTransaction(conn->conn_info, in, NULL) == -1) { BN_free(counter_challenge); free(out); return false; } if (HashesMatch(digest, in, digestType)) /* replay / piggy in the middle attack ? */ { Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Authentication of client %s/%s achieved", conn->hostname, conn->ipaddr); } else { BN_free(counter_challenge); free(out); Log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Challenge response from client %s was incorrect - ID false?", conn->ipaddr); return false; } /* Receive random session key,... */ /* proposition C5 */ memset(in, 0, CF_BUFSIZE); if ((keylen = ReceiveTransaction(conn->conn_info, in, NULL)) == -1) { BN_free(counter_challenge); free(out); return false; } if (keylen > CF_BUFSIZE / 2) { BN_free(counter_challenge); free(out); Log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Session key length received from %s is too long", conn->ipaddr); return false; } session_size = CfSessionKeySize(enterprise_field); conn->session_key = xmalloc(session_size); conn->encryption_type = enterprise_field; Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Receiving session key from client (size=%d)...", keylen); Log(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "keylen = %d, session_size = %d", keylen, session_size); if (keylen == CF_BLOWFISHSIZE) /* Support the old non-ecnrypted for upgrade */ { memcpy(conn->session_key, in, session_size); } else { /* New protocol encrypted */ if (RSA_private_decrypt(keylen, in, out, PRIVKEY, RSA_PKCS1_PADDING) <= 0) { err = ERR_get_error(); Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Private decrypt failed = %s", ERR_reason_error_string(err)); BN_free(counter_challenge); free(out); return false; } memcpy(conn->session_key, out, session_size); } BN_free(counter_challenge); free(out); return true; }
int AuthenticateAgent(AgentConnection *conn, bool trust_key) { char sendbuffer[CF_EXPANDSIZE], in[CF_BUFSIZE], *out, *decrypted_cchall; BIGNUM *nonce_challenge, *bn = NULL; unsigned char digest[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE]; int encrypted_len, nonce_len = 0, len, session_size; bool need_to_implicitly_trust_server; char enterprise_field = 'c'; RSA *server_pubkey = NULL; if ((PUBKEY == NULL) || (PRIVKEY == NULL)) { /* Try once more to load the keys, maybe the system is converging. */ LoadSecretKeys(); if ((PUBKEY == NULL) || (PRIVKEY == NULL)) { char *pubkeyfile = PublicKeyFile(GetWorkDir()); Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "No public/private key pair found at: %s", pubkeyfile); free(pubkeyfile); return false; } } enterprise_field = CfEnterpriseOptions(); session_size = CfSessionKeySize(enterprise_field); /* Generate a random challenge to authenticate the server */ nonce_challenge = BN_new(); if (nonce_challenge == NULL) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Cannot allocate BIGNUM structure for server challenge"); return false; } BN_rand(nonce_challenge, CF_NONCELEN, 0, 0); nonce_len = BN_bn2mpi(nonce_challenge, in); if (FIPS_MODE) { HashString(in, nonce_len, digest, CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST); } else { HashString(in, nonce_len, digest, HASH_METHOD_MD5); } /* We assume that the server bound to the remote socket is the official one i.e. = root's */ /* Ask the server to send us the public key if we don't have it. */ if ((server_pubkey = HavePublicKeyByIP(conn->username, conn->remoteip))) { need_to_implicitly_trust_server = false; encrypted_len = RSA_size(server_pubkey); } else { need_to_implicitly_trust_server = true; encrypted_len = nonce_len; } // Server pubkey is what we want to has as a unique ID snprintf(sendbuffer, sizeof(sendbuffer), "SAUTH %c %d %d %c", need_to_implicitly_trust_server ? 'n': 'y', encrypted_len, nonce_len, enterprise_field); out = xmalloc(encrypted_len); if (server_pubkey != NULL) { if (RSA_public_encrypt(nonce_len, in, out, server_pubkey, RSA_PKCS1_PADDING) <= 0) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Public encryption failed. (RSA_public_encrypt: %s)", CryptoLastErrorString()); free(out); RSA_free(server_pubkey); return false; } memcpy(sendbuffer + CF_RSA_PROTO_OFFSET, out, encrypted_len); } else { memcpy(sendbuffer + CF_RSA_PROTO_OFFSET, in, nonce_len); } /* proposition C1 - Send challenge / nonce */ SendTransaction(conn->conn_info, sendbuffer, CF_RSA_PROTO_OFFSET + encrypted_len, CF_DONE); BN_free(bn); BN_free(nonce_challenge); free(out); /*Send the public key - we don't know if server has it */ /* proposition C2 */ memset(sendbuffer, 0, CF_EXPANDSIZE); len = BN_bn2mpi(PUBKEY->n, sendbuffer); SendTransaction(conn->conn_info, sendbuffer, len, CF_DONE); /* No need to encrypt the public key ... */ /* proposition C3 */ memset(sendbuffer, 0, CF_EXPANDSIZE); len = BN_bn2mpi(PUBKEY->e, sendbuffer); SendTransaction(conn->conn_info, sendbuffer, len, CF_DONE); /* check reply about public key - server can break conn_info here */ /* proposition S1 */ memset(in, 0, CF_BUFSIZE); if (ReceiveTransaction(conn->conn_info, in, NULL) == -1) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Protocol transaction broken off (1). (ReceiveTransaction: %s)", GetErrorStr()); RSA_free(server_pubkey); return false; } if (BadProtoReply(in)) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Bad protocol reply: %s", in); RSA_free(server_pubkey); return false; } /* Get challenge response - should be CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST of challenge */ /* proposition S2 */ memset(in, 0, CF_BUFSIZE); if (ReceiveTransaction(conn->conn_info, in, NULL) == -1) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Protocol transaction broken off (2). (ReceiveTransaction: %s)", GetErrorStr()); RSA_free(server_pubkey); return false; } /* Check if challenge reply was correct */ if ((HashesMatch(digest, in, CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST)) || (HashesMatch(digest, in, HASH_METHOD_MD5))) // Legacy { if (need_to_implicitly_trust_server == false) { /* The IP was found in lastseen. */ Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, ".....................[.h.a.i.l.]................................."); Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Strong authentication of server '%s' connection confirmed", conn->this_server); } else /* IP was not found in lastseen */ { if (trust_key) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Trusting server identity, promise to accept key from '%s' = '%s'", conn->this_server, conn->remoteip); } else { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Not authorized to trust public key of server '%s' (trustkey = false)", conn->this_server); RSA_free(server_pubkey); return false; } } } else { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Challenge response from server '%s/%s' was incorrect", conn->this_server, conn->remoteip); RSA_free(server_pubkey); return false; } /* Receive counter challenge from server */ /* proposition S3 */ memset(in, 0, CF_BUFSIZE); encrypted_len = ReceiveTransaction(conn->conn_info, in, NULL); if (encrypted_len <= 0) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Protocol transaction sent illegal cipher length"); RSA_free(server_pubkey); return false; } decrypted_cchall = xmalloc(encrypted_len); if (RSA_private_decrypt(encrypted_len, in, decrypted_cchall, PRIVKEY, RSA_PKCS1_PADDING) <= 0) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Private decrypt failed, abandoning. (RSA_private_decrypt: %s)", CryptoLastErrorString()); RSA_free(server_pubkey); return false; } /* proposition C4 */ if (FIPS_MODE) { HashString(decrypted_cchall, nonce_len, digest, CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST); } else { HashString(decrypted_cchall, nonce_len, digest, HASH_METHOD_MD5); } if (FIPS_MODE) { SendTransaction(conn->conn_info, digest, CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST_LEN, CF_DONE); } else { SendTransaction(conn->conn_info, digest, CF_MD5_LEN, CF_DONE); } free(decrypted_cchall); /* If we don't have the server's public key, it will be sent */ if (server_pubkey == NULL) { RSA *newkey = RSA_new(); Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Collecting public key from server!"); /* proposition S4 - conditional */ if ((len = ReceiveTransaction(conn->conn_info, in, NULL)) <= 0) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Protocol error in RSA authentation from IP '%s'", conn->this_server); return false; } if ((newkey->n = BN_mpi2bn(in, len, NULL)) == NULL) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Private key decrypt failed. (BN_mpi2bn: %s)", CryptoLastErrorString()); RSA_free(newkey); return false; } /* proposition S5 - conditional */ if ((len = ReceiveTransaction(conn->conn_info, in, NULL)) <= 0) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Protocol error in RSA authentation from IP '%s'", conn->this_server); RSA_free(newkey); return false; } if ((newkey->e = BN_mpi2bn(in, len, NULL)) == NULL) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Public key decrypt failed. (BN_mpi2bn: %s)", CryptoLastErrorString()); RSA_free(newkey); return false; } server_pubkey = RSAPublicKey_dup(newkey); RSA_free(newkey); } assert(server_pubkey != NULL); /* proposition C5 */ if (!SetSessionKey(conn)) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Unable to set session key"); return false; } if (conn->session_key == NULL) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "A random session key could not be established"); RSA_free(server_pubkey); return false; } encrypted_len = RSA_size(server_pubkey); out = xmalloc(encrypted_len); if (RSA_public_encrypt(session_size, conn->session_key, out, server_pubkey, RSA_PKCS1_PADDING) <= 0) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Public encryption failed. (RSA_public_encrypt: %s)", CryptoLastErrorString()); free(out); RSA_free(server_pubkey); return false; } SendTransaction(conn->conn_info, out, encrypted_len, CF_DONE); Key *key = KeyNew(server_pubkey, CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST); conn->conn_info->remote_key = key; Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Public key identity of host '%s' is: %s", conn->remoteip, KeyPrintableHash(conn->conn_info->remote_key)); SavePublicKey(conn->username, KeyPrintableHash(conn->conn_info->remote_key), server_pubkey); unsigned int length = 0; LastSaw(conn->remoteip, KeyBinaryHash(conn->conn_info->remote_key, &length), LAST_SEEN_ROLE_CONNECT); free(out); return true; }
static PromiseResult RenderTemplateMustache(EvalContext *ctx, const Promise *pp, Attributes a, EditContext *edcontext) { PromiseResult result = PROMISE_RESULT_NOOP; if (!FileCanOpen(a.edit_template, "r")) { cfPS(ctx, LOG_LEVEL_ERR, PROMISE_RESULT_FAIL, pp, a, "Template file '%s' could not be opened for reading", a.edit_template); return PromiseResultUpdate(result, PROMISE_RESULT_FAIL); } unsigned char existing_output_digest[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE + 1] = { 0 }; if (access(pp->promiser, R_OK) == 0) { HashFile(pp->promiser, existing_output_digest, CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST); } int template_fd = safe_open(a.edit_template, O_RDONLY | O_TEXT); Writer *template_writer = NULL; if (template_fd >= 0) { template_writer = FileReadFromFd(template_fd, SIZE_MAX, NULL); close(template_fd); } if (!template_writer) { cfPS(ctx, LOG_LEVEL_ERR, PROMISE_RESULT_FAIL, pp, a, "Could not read template file '%s'", a.edit_template); return PromiseResultUpdate(result, PROMISE_RESULT_FAIL); } JsonElement *default_template_data = NULL; if (!a.template_data) { a.template_data = default_template_data = DefaultTemplateData(ctx); } Buffer *output_buffer = BufferNew(); if (MustacheRender(output_buffer, StringWriterData(template_writer), a.template_data)) { unsigned char rendered_output_digest[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE + 1] = { 0 }; HashString(BufferData(output_buffer), BufferSize(output_buffer), rendered_output_digest, CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST); if (!HashesMatch(existing_output_digest, rendered_output_digest, CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST)) { if (SaveAsFile(SaveBufferCallback, output_buffer, edcontext->filename, a, edcontext->new_line_mode)) { cfPS(ctx, LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PROMISE_RESULT_CHANGE, pp, a, "Updated rendering of '%s' from template mustache template '%s'", pp->promiser, a.edit_template); result = PromiseResultUpdate(result, PROMISE_RESULT_CHANGE); } else { cfPS(ctx, LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PROMISE_RESULT_FAIL, pp, a, "Updated rendering of '%s' from template mustache template '%s'", pp->promiser, a.edit_template); result = PromiseResultUpdate(result, PROMISE_RESULT_FAIL); } } JsonDestroy(default_template_data); WriterClose(template_writer); BufferDestroy(output_buffer); return result; } else { cfPS(ctx, LOG_LEVEL_ERR, PROMISE_RESULT_FAIL, pp, a, "Error rendering mustache template '%s'", a.edit_template); result = PromiseResultUpdate(result, PROMISE_RESULT_FAIL); JsonDestroy(default_template_data); WriterClose(template_writer); BufferDestroy(output_buffer); return PromiseResultUpdate(result, PROMISE_RESULT_FAIL); } }
int AuthenticateAgent(AgentConnection *conn, bool trust_key) { char sendbuffer[CF_EXPANDSIZE], in[CF_BUFSIZE], *out, *decrypted_cchall; BIGNUM *nonce_challenge, *bn = NULL; unsigned long err; unsigned char digest[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE]; int encrypted_len, nonce_len = 0, len, session_size; bool implicitly_trust_server; char enterprise_field = 'c'; RSA *server_pubkey = NULL; if ((PUBKEY == NULL) || (PRIVKEY == NULL)) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "No public/private key pair found at %s", PublicKeyFile(GetWorkDir())); return false; } enterprise_field = CfEnterpriseOptions(); session_size = CfSessionKeySize(enterprise_field); /* Generate a random challenge to authenticate the server */ nonce_challenge = BN_new(); if (nonce_challenge == NULL) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Cannot allocate BIGNUM structure for server challenge"); return false; } BN_rand(nonce_challenge, CF_NONCELEN, 0, 0); nonce_len = BN_bn2mpi(nonce_challenge, in); if (FIPS_MODE) { HashString(in, nonce_len, digest, CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST); } else { HashString(in, nonce_len, digest, HASH_METHOD_MD5); } /* We assume that the server bound to the remote socket is the official one i.e. = root's */ if ((server_pubkey = HavePublicKeyByIP(conn->username, conn->remoteip))) { implicitly_trust_server = false; encrypted_len = RSA_size(server_pubkey); } else { implicitly_trust_server = true; encrypted_len = nonce_len; } // Server pubkey is what we want to has as a unique ID snprintf(sendbuffer, sizeof(sendbuffer), "SAUTH %c %d %d %c", implicitly_trust_server ? 'n': 'y', encrypted_len, nonce_len, enterprise_field); out = xmalloc(encrypted_len); if (server_pubkey != NULL) { if (RSA_public_encrypt(nonce_len, in, out, server_pubkey, RSA_PKCS1_PADDING) <= 0) { err = ERR_get_error(); Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Public encryption failed = %s", ERR_reason_error_string(err)); free(out); RSA_free(server_pubkey); return false; } memcpy(sendbuffer + CF_RSA_PROTO_OFFSET, out, encrypted_len); } else { memcpy(sendbuffer + CF_RSA_PROTO_OFFSET, in, nonce_len); } /* proposition C1 - Send challenge / nonce */ SendTransaction(conn->sd, sendbuffer, CF_RSA_PROTO_OFFSET + encrypted_len, CF_DONE); BN_free(bn); BN_free(nonce_challenge); free(out); if (DEBUG) { RSA_print_fp(stdout, PUBKEY, 0); } /*Send the public key - we don't know if server has it */ /* proposition C2 */ memset(sendbuffer, 0, CF_EXPANDSIZE); len = BN_bn2mpi(PUBKEY->n, sendbuffer); SendTransaction(conn->sd, sendbuffer, len, CF_DONE); /* No need to encrypt the public key ... */ /* proposition C3 */ memset(sendbuffer, 0, CF_EXPANDSIZE); len = BN_bn2mpi(PUBKEY->e, sendbuffer); SendTransaction(conn->sd, sendbuffer, len, CF_DONE); /* check reply about public key - server can break connection here */ /* proposition S1 */ memset(in, 0, CF_BUFSIZE); if (ReceiveTransaction(conn->sd, in, NULL) == -1) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Protocol transaction broken off (1): %s", GetErrorStr()); RSA_free(server_pubkey); return false; } if (BadProtoReply(in)) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "%s", in); RSA_free(server_pubkey); return false; } /* Get challenge response - should be CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST of challenge */ /* proposition S2 */ memset(in, 0, CF_BUFSIZE); if (ReceiveTransaction(conn->sd, in, NULL) == -1) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Protocol transaction broken off (2): %s", GetErrorStr()); RSA_free(server_pubkey); return false; } if ((HashesMatch(digest, in, CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST)) || (HashesMatch(digest, in, HASH_METHOD_MD5))) // Legacy { if (implicitly_trust_server == false) /* challenge reply was correct */ { Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, ".....................[.h.a.i.l.]................................."); Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Strong authentication of server=%s connection confirmed", conn->this_server); } else { if (trust_key) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, " -> Trusting server identity, promise to accept key from %s=%s", conn->this_server, conn->remoteip); } else { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, " !! Not authorized to trust the server=%s's public key (trustkey=false)", conn->this_server); RSA_free(server_pubkey); return false; } } } else { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Challenge response from server %s/%s was incorrect!", conn->this_server, conn->remoteip); RSA_free(server_pubkey); return false; } /* Receive counter challenge from server */ /* proposition S3 */ memset(in, 0, CF_BUFSIZE); encrypted_len = ReceiveTransaction(conn->sd, in, NULL); if (encrypted_len <= 0) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Protocol transaction sent illegal cipher length"); RSA_free(server_pubkey); return false; } decrypted_cchall = xmalloc(encrypted_len); if (RSA_private_decrypt(encrypted_len, in, decrypted_cchall, PRIVKEY, RSA_PKCS1_PADDING) <= 0) { err = ERR_get_error(); Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Private decrypt failed = %s, abandoning", ERR_reason_error_string(err)); RSA_free(server_pubkey); return false; } /* proposition C4 */ if (FIPS_MODE) { HashString(decrypted_cchall, nonce_len, digest, CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST); } else { HashString(decrypted_cchall, nonce_len, digest, HASH_METHOD_MD5); } if (FIPS_MODE) { SendTransaction(conn->sd, digest, CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST_LEN, CF_DONE); } else { SendTransaction(conn->sd, digest, CF_MD5_LEN, CF_DONE); } free(decrypted_cchall); /* If we don't have the server's public key, it will be sent */ if (server_pubkey == NULL) { RSA *newkey = RSA_new(); Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, " -> Collecting public key from server!"); /* proposition S4 - conditional */ if ((len = ReceiveTransaction(conn->sd, in, NULL)) <= 0) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Protocol error in RSA authentation from IP %s", conn->this_server); return false; } if ((newkey->n = BN_mpi2bn(in, len, NULL)) == NULL) { err = ERR_get_error(); Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Private key decrypt failed = %s", ERR_reason_error_string(err)); RSA_free(newkey); return false; } /* proposition S5 - conditional */ if ((len = ReceiveTransaction(conn->sd, in, NULL)) <= 0) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Protocol error in RSA authentation from IP %s", conn->this_server); RSA_free(newkey); return false; } if ((newkey->e = BN_mpi2bn(in, len, NULL)) == NULL) { err = ERR_get_error(); Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Public key decrypt failed = %s", ERR_reason_error_string(err)); RSA_free(newkey); return false; } server_pubkey = RSAPublicKey_dup(newkey); RSA_free(newkey); } /* proposition C5 */ if (!SetSessionKey(conn)) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Unable to set session key"); return false; } if (conn->session_key == NULL) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "A random session key could not be established"); RSA_free(server_pubkey); return false; } encrypted_len = RSA_size(server_pubkey); out = xmalloc(encrypted_len); if (RSA_public_encrypt(session_size, conn->session_key, out, server_pubkey, RSA_PKCS1_PADDING) <= 0) { err = ERR_get_error(); Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Public encryption failed = %s", ERR_reason_error_string(err)); free(out); RSA_free(server_pubkey); return false; } SendTransaction(conn->sd, out, encrypted_len, CF_DONE); if (server_pubkey != NULL) { char buffer[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE * 4]; HashPubKey(server_pubkey, conn->digest, CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST); Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, " -> Public key identity of host \"%s\" is \"%s\"", conn->remoteip, HashPrintSafe(CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST, conn->digest, buffer)); SavePublicKey(conn->username, conn->remoteip, buffer, server_pubkey); // FIXME: username is local LastSaw(conn->remoteip, conn->digest, LAST_SEEN_ROLE_CONNECT); } free(out); RSA_free(server_pubkey); return true; }
int AuthenticateAgent(AgentConnection *conn, Attributes attr, Promise *pp) { char sendbuffer[CF_EXPANDSIZE], in[CF_BUFSIZE], *out, *decrypted_cchall; BIGNUM *nonce_challenge, *bn = NULL; unsigned long err; unsigned char digest[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE]; int encrypted_len, nonce_len = 0, len, session_size; char dont_implicitly_trust_server, enterprise_field = 'c'; RSA *server_pubkey = NULL; if (PUBKEY == NULL || PRIVKEY == NULL) { CfOut(cf_error, "", "No public/private key pair found\n"); return false; } enterprise_field = CfEnterpriseOptions(); session_size = CfSessionKeySize(enterprise_field); /* Generate a random challenge to authenticate the server */ nonce_challenge = BN_new(); BN_rand(nonce_challenge, CF_NONCELEN, 0, 0); nonce_len = BN_bn2mpi(nonce_challenge, in); if (FIPS_MODE) { HashString(in, nonce_len, digest, CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST); } else { HashString(in, nonce_len, digest, cf_md5); } /* We assume that the server bound to the remote socket is the official one i.e. = root's */ if ((server_pubkey = HavePublicKeyByIP(conn->username, conn->remoteip))) { dont_implicitly_trust_server = 'y'; encrypted_len = RSA_size(server_pubkey); } else { dont_implicitly_trust_server = 'n'; /* have to trust server, since we can't verify id */ encrypted_len = nonce_len; } // Server pubkey is what we want to has as a unique ID snprintf(sendbuffer, sizeof(sendbuffer), "SAUTH %c %d %d %c", dont_implicitly_trust_server, encrypted_len, nonce_len, enterprise_field); out = xmalloc(encrypted_len); if (server_pubkey != NULL) { if (RSA_public_encrypt(nonce_len, in, out, server_pubkey, RSA_PKCS1_PADDING) <= 0) { err = ERR_get_error(); cfPS(cf_error, CF_FAIL, "", pp, attr, "Public encryption failed = %s\n", ERR_reason_error_string(err)); free(out); FreeRSAKey(server_pubkey); return false; } memcpy(sendbuffer + CF_RSA_PROTO_OFFSET, out, encrypted_len); } else { memcpy(sendbuffer + CF_RSA_PROTO_OFFSET, in, nonce_len); } /* proposition C1 - Send challenge / nonce */ SendTransaction(conn->sd, sendbuffer, CF_RSA_PROTO_OFFSET + encrypted_len, CF_DONE); BN_free(bn); BN_free(nonce_challenge); free(out); if (DEBUG) { RSA_print_fp(stdout, PUBKEY, 0); } /*Send the public key - we don't know if server has it */ /* proposition C2 */ memset(sendbuffer, 0, CF_EXPANDSIZE); len = BN_bn2mpi(PUBKEY->n, sendbuffer); SendTransaction(conn->sd, sendbuffer, len, CF_DONE); /* No need to encrypt the public key ... */ /* proposition C3 */ memset(sendbuffer, 0, CF_EXPANDSIZE); len = BN_bn2mpi(PUBKEY->e, sendbuffer); SendTransaction(conn->sd, sendbuffer, len, CF_DONE); /* check reply about public key - server can break connection here */ /* proposition S1 */ memset(in, 0, CF_BUFSIZE); if (ReceiveTransaction(conn->sd, in, NULL) == -1) { cfPS(cf_error, CF_INTERPT, "recv", pp, attr, "Protocol transaction broken off (1)"); FreeRSAKey(server_pubkey); return false; } if (BadProtoReply(in)) { CfOut(cf_error, "", "%s", in); FreeRSAKey(server_pubkey); return false; } /* Get challenge response - should be CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST of challenge */ /* proposition S2 */ memset(in, 0, CF_BUFSIZE); if (ReceiveTransaction(conn->sd, in, NULL) == -1) { cfPS(cf_error, CF_INTERPT, "recv", pp, attr, "Protocol transaction broken off (2)"); FreeRSAKey(server_pubkey); return false; } if (HashesMatch(digest, in, CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST) || HashesMatch(digest, in, cf_md5)) // Legacy { if (dont_implicitly_trust_server == 'y') /* challenge reply was correct */ { CfOut(cf_verbose, "", ".....................[.h.a.i.l.].................................\n"); CfOut(cf_verbose, "", "Strong authentication of server=%s connection confirmed\n", pp->this_server); } else { if (attr.copy.trustkey) { CfOut(cf_verbose, "", " -> Trusting server identity, promise to accept key from %s=%s", pp->this_server, conn->remoteip); } else { CfOut(cf_error, "", " !! Not authorized to trust the server=%s's public key (trustkey=false)\n", pp->this_server); PromiseRef(cf_verbose, pp); FreeRSAKey(server_pubkey); return false; } } } else { cfPS(cf_error, CF_INTERPT, "", pp, attr, "Challenge response from server %s/%s was incorrect!", pp->this_server, conn->remoteip); FreeRSAKey(server_pubkey); return false; } /* Receive counter challenge from server */ CfDebug("Receive counter challenge from server\n"); /* proposition S3 */ memset(in, 0, CF_BUFSIZE); encrypted_len = ReceiveTransaction(conn->sd, in, NULL); if (encrypted_len <= 0) { CfOut(cf_error, "", "Protocol transaction sent illegal cipher length"); FreeRSAKey(server_pubkey); return false; } decrypted_cchall = xmalloc(encrypted_len); if (RSA_private_decrypt(encrypted_len, in, decrypted_cchall, PRIVKEY, RSA_PKCS1_PADDING) <= 0) { err = ERR_get_error(); cfPS(cf_error, CF_INTERPT, "", pp, attr, "Private decrypt failed = %s, abandoning\n", ERR_reason_error_string(err)); FreeRSAKey(server_pubkey); return false; } /* proposition C4 */ if (FIPS_MODE) { HashString(decrypted_cchall, nonce_len, digest, CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST); } else { HashString(decrypted_cchall, nonce_len, digest, cf_md5); } CfDebug("Replying to counter challenge with hash\n"); if (FIPS_MODE) { SendTransaction(conn->sd, digest, CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST_LEN, CF_DONE); } else { SendTransaction(conn->sd, digest, CF_MD5_LEN, CF_DONE); } free(decrypted_cchall); /* If we don't have the server's public key, it will be sent */ if (server_pubkey == NULL) { RSA *newkey = RSA_new(); CfOut(cf_verbose, "", " -> Collecting public key from server!\n"); /* proposition S4 - conditional */ if ((len = ReceiveTransaction(conn->sd, in, NULL)) <= 0) { CfOut(cf_error, "", "Protocol error in RSA authentation from IP %s\n", pp->this_server); return false; } if ((newkey->n = BN_mpi2bn(in, len, NULL)) == NULL) { err = ERR_get_error(); cfPS(cf_error, CF_INTERPT, "", pp, attr, "Private key decrypt failed = %s\n", ERR_reason_error_string(err)); FreeRSAKey(newkey); return false; } /* proposition S5 - conditional */ if ((len = ReceiveTransaction(conn->sd, in, NULL)) <= 0) { cfPS(cf_inform, CF_INTERPT, "", pp, attr, "Protocol error in RSA authentation from IP %s\n", pp->this_server); FreeRSAKey(newkey); return false; } if ((newkey->e = BN_mpi2bn(in, len, NULL)) == NULL) { err = ERR_get_error(); cfPS(cf_error, CF_INTERPT, "", pp, attr, "Public key decrypt failed = %s\n", ERR_reason_error_string(err)); FreeRSAKey(newkey); return false; } server_pubkey = RSAPublicKey_dup(newkey); FreeRSAKey(newkey); } /* proposition C5 */ SetSessionKey(conn); if (conn->session_key == NULL) { CfOut(cf_error, "", "A random session key could not be established"); FreeRSAKey(server_pubkey); return false; } encrypted_len = RSA_size(server_pubkey); CfDebug("Encrypt %d bytes of session key into %d RSA bytes\n", session_size, encrypted_len); out = xmalloc(encrypted_len); if (RSA_public_encrypt(session_size, conn->session_key, out, server_pubkey, RSA_PKCS1_PADDING) <= 0) { err = ERR_get_error(); cfPS(cf_error, CF_INTERPT, "", pp, attr, "Public encryption failed = %s\n", ERR_reason_error_string(err)); free(out); FreeRSAKey(server_pubkey); return false; } SendTransaction(conn->sd, out, encrypted_len, CF_DONE); if (server_pubkey != NULL) { HashPubKey(server_pubkey, conn->digest, CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST); CfOut(cf_verbose, "", " -> Public key identity of host \"%s\" is \"%s\"", conn->remoteip, HashPrint(CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST, conn->digest)); SavePublicKey(conn->username, conn->remoteip, HashPrint(CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST, conn->digest), server_pubkey); // FIXME: username is local LastSaw(conn->remoteip, conn->digest, cf_connect); } free(out); FreeRSAKey(server_pubkey); return true; }