예제 #1
파일: cl_cin.c 프로젝트: postfix/quake2vr
byte *SCR_ReadNextFrame (void)
	int32_t		r;
	int32_t		command;
	byte	samples[22050/14*4];
	byte	compressed[0x20000];
	int32_t		size;
	byte	*pic;
	cblock_t	in, huf1;
	int32_t		start, end, count;

	// read the next frame
	r = FS_FRead (&command, 4, 1, cl.cinematic_file);
	if (r == 0)		// we'll give it one more chance
		r = FS_FRead (&command, 4, 1, cl.cinematic_file);

	if (r != 4)
		return NULL;
	command = LittleLong(command);
	if (command == 2)
		return NULL;	// last frame marker
	if (command == 1)
	{	// read palette
		FS_Read (cl.cinematicpalette, sizeof(cl.cinematicpalette), cl.cinematic_file);
		cl.cinematicpalette_active = 0;	// dubious....  exposes an edge case

	// decompress the next frame
	FS_Read (&size, 4, cl.cinematic_file);
	size = LittleLong(size);
	if (size > sizeof(compressed) || size < 1)
		Com_Error (ERR_DROP, "Bad compressed frame size");
	FS_Read (compressed, size, cl.cinematic_file);

	// read sound
	start = cl.cinematicframe*cin.s_rate/14;
	end = (cl.cinematicframe+1)*cin.s_rate/14;
	count = end - start;

	FS_Read (samples, count*cin.s_width*cin.s_channels, cl.cinematic_file);

	S_RawSamples (count, cin.s_rate, cin.s_width, cin.s_channels, samples, Cvar_VariableValue("s_volume"));

	in.data = compressed;
	in.count = size;

	huf1 = Huff1Decompress (in);

	pic = huf1.data;


	return pic;
예제 #2
파일: cl_cin.c 프로젝트: Clever-Boy/yquake2
byte *
	int r;
	int command;
	byte samples[22050 / 14 * 4];
	byte compressed[0x20000];
	int size;
	byte *pic;
	cblock_t in, huf1;
	int start, end, count;

	/* read the next frame */
	r = FS_FRead(&command, 4, 1, cl.cinematic_file);

	if (r == 0)
		/* we'll give it one more chance */
		r = FS_FRead(&command, 4, 1, cl.cinematic_file);

	if (r != 4)
		return NULL;

	command = LittleLong(command);

	if (command == 2)
		return NULL;  /* last frame marker */

	if (command == 1)
		/* read palette */
		FS_Read(cl.cinematicpalette, sizeof(cl.cinematicpalette),
		cl.cinematicpalette_active = 0;

	/* decompress the next frame */
	FS_Read(&size, 4, cl.cinematic_file);
	size = LittleLong(size);

	if (((unsigned long)size > sizeof(compressed)) || (size < 1))
		Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "Bad compressed frame size");

	FS_Read(compressed, size, cl.cinematic_file);

	/* read sound */
	start = cl.cinematicframe * cin.s_rate / 14;
	end = (cl.cinematicframe + 1) * cin.s_rate / 14;
	count = end - start;

	FS_Read(samples, count * cin.s_width * cin.s_channels,

	if (cin.s_width == 2)
		for (r = 0; r < count * cin.s_channels; r++)
			((short *)samples)[r] = LittleShort(((short *)samples)[r]);

	S_RawSamples(count, cin.s_rate, cin.s_width, cin.s_channels,
			samples, Cvar_VariableValue("s_volume"));

	in.data = compressed;
	in.count = size;

	huf1 = Huff1Decompress(in);

	pic = huf1.data;


	return pic;