예제 #1
/** Using the [Post]ProcessingAlgorithm and [Post]ProcessingProperties
 * create and initialize an algorithm for processing.
 * @param postProcessing :: true to create the PostProcessingAlgorithm.
 *        false to create the ProcessingAlgorithm
 * @return shared pointer to the algorithm, ready for execution.
 *         Returns a NULL pointer if no algorithm was chosen.
IAlgorithm_sptr LiveDataAlgorithm::makeAlgorithm(bool postProcessing) {
  std::string prefix;
  if (postProcessing)
    prefix = "Post";

  // Get the name of the algorithm to run
  std::string algoName = this->getPropertyValue(prefix + "ProcessingAlgorithm");
  algoName = Strings::strip(algoName);

  // Get the script to run. Ignored if algo is specified
  std::string script = this->getPropertyValue(prefix + "ProcessingScript");
  script = Strings::strip(script);

  std::string scriptfile =
      this->getPropertyValue(prefix + "ProcessingScriptFilename");

  if (!algoName.empty()) {
    g_log.information() << "Creating algorithm from name \'" << algoName
                        << "\'\n";

    // Properties to pass to algo
    std::string props = this->getPropertyValue(prefix + "ProcessingProperties");

    // Create the UNMANAGED algorithm
    IAlgorithm_sptr alg = this->createChildAlgorithm(algoName);

    // Skip some of the properties when setting
    std::unordered_set<std::string> ignoreProps;

    // ...and pass it the properties
    alg->setPropertiesWithString(props, ignoreProps);

    // Warn if someone put both values.
    if (!script.empty())
      g_log.warning() << "Running algorithm " << algoName
                      << " and ignoring the script code in "
                      << prefix + "ProcessingScript\n";
    return alg;
  } else if (!script.empty() || !scriptfile.empty()) {
    // Run a snippet of python
    IAlgorithm_sptr alg = this->createChildAlgorithm("RunPythonScript");
    if (scriptfile.empty()) {
      g_log.information("Creating python algorithm from string");
      alg->setPropertyValue("Code", script);
    } else {
      g_log.information() << "Creating python algorithm from file \'"
                          << scriptfile << "\'\n";
      alg->setPropertyValue("Filename", scriptfile);
    g_log.information("    stack traces will be off by 5"
                      " lines because of boiler-plate");
    return alg;
  } else {
    return IAlgorithm_sptr();
예제 #2
 * Returns a shared pointer by algorithm id
 * @param id :: The ID of the algorithm
 * @returns A shared pointer tot eh algorithm
IAlgorithm_sptr AlgorithmManagerImpl::getAlgorithm(AlgorithmID id) const
    for( std::deque<IAlgorithm_sptr>::const_iterator a = m_managed_algs.begin(); a!=m_managed_algs.end(); ++a)
        if ((**a).getAlgorithmID() == id) return *a;
    return IAlgorithm_sptr();
예제 #3
 * Returns a shared pointer by algorithm id
 * @param id :: The ID of the algorithm
 * @returns A shared pointer to the algorithm
IAlgorithm_sptr AlgorithmManagerImpl::getAlgorithm(AlgorithmID id) const {
  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> _lock(this->m_managedMutex);
  for (const auto &managed_alg : m_managed_algs) {
    if ((*managed_alg).getAlgorithmID() == id)
      return managed_alg;
  return IAlgorithm_sptr();
예제 #4
/// Returns the most recently created instance of the named algorithm (or null
/// if not found)
AlgorithmManagerImpl::newestInstanceOf(const std::string &algorithmName) const {
  for (auto it = m_managed_algs.rbegin(); it != m_managed_algs.rend(); ++it) {
    if ((*it)->name() == algorithmName)
      return *it;

  return IAlgorithm_sptr();
예제 #5
 * Returns a shared pointer by algorithm id
 * @param id :: The ID of the algorithm
 * @returns A shared pointer to the algorithm
IAlgorithm_sptr AlgorithmManagerImpl::getAlgorithm(AlgorithmID id) const {
  Mutex::ScopedLock _lock(this->m_managedMutex);
  for (std::deque<IAlgorithm_sptr>::const_iterator a = m_managed_algs.begin();
       a != m_managed_algs.end(); ++a) {
    if ((**a).getAlgorithmID() == id)
      return *a;
  return IAlgorithm_sptr();
예제 #6
/** Creates and initialises an instance of an algorithm.
 * The algorithm gets tracked in the list of "managed" algorithms,
 * which is shown in GUI for cancelling, etc.
 * @param  algName :: The name of the algorithm required
 * @param  version :: The version of the algorithm required, if not defined most
 *recent version is used -> version =-1
 * @param  makeProxy :: If true (default), create and return AlgorithmProxy of
 *the given algorithm.
 *         DO NOT SET TO FALSE unless you are really sure of what you are doing!
 * @return A pointer to the created algorithm
 * @throw  NotFoundError Thrown if algorithm requested is not registered
 * @throw  std::runtime_error Thrown if properties string is ill-formed
IAlgorithm_sptr AlgorithmManagerImpl::create(const std::string &algName,
                                             const int &version,
                                             bool makeProxy) {
  Mutex::ScopedLock _lock(this->m_managedMutex);
  IAlgorithm_sptr alg;
  try {
    Algorithm_sptr unmanagedAlg = AlgorithmFactory::Instance().create(
        algName, version); // Throws on fail:
    if (makeProxy)
      alg = IAlgorithm_sptr(new AlgorithmProxy(unmanagedAlg));
      alg = unmanagedAlg;

    // If this takes us beyond the maximum size, then remove the oldest one(s)
    while (m_managed_algs.size() >=
           static_cast<std::deque<IAlgorithm_sptr>::size_type>(m_max_no_algs)) {
      std::deque<IAlgorithm_sptr>::iterator it;
      it = m_managed_algs.begin();

      // Look for the first (oldest) algo that is NOT running right now.
      while (it != m_managed_algs.end()) {
        if (!(*it)->isRunning())

      if (it == m_managed_algs.end()) {
        // Unusual case where ALL algorithms are running
            << "All algorithms in the AlgorithmManager are running. "
            << "Cannot pop oldest algorithm. "
            << "You should increase your 'algorithms.retained' value. "
            << m_managed_algs.size() << " in queue." << std::endl;
      } else {
        // Normal; erase that algorithm
        g_log.debug() << "Popping out oldest algorithm " << (*it)->name()
                      << std::endl;

    // Add to list of managed ones

  } catch (std::runtime_error &ex) {
    g_log.error() << "AlgorithmManager:: Unable to create algorithm " << algName
                  << ' ' << ex.what() << std::endl;
    throw std::runtime_error("AlgorithmManager:: Unable to create algorithm " +
                             algName + ' ' + ex.what());
  return alg;
예제 #7
/** Creates and initialises an instance of an algorithm
*  @param  algName The name of the algorithm required
*  @param  version The version of the algorithm required, if not defined most recent version is used -> version =-1
*  @return A pointer to the created algorithm
*  @throw  NotFoundError Thrown if algorithm requested is not registered
*  @throw  std::runtime_error Thrown if properties string is ill-formed
IAlgorithm_sptr AlgorithmManagerImpl::create(const std::string& algName, const int& version)
        Algorithm_sptr alg = AlgorithmFactory::Instance().create(algName,version);// Throws on fail:
        m_managed_algs.push_back(IAlgorithm_sptr(new AlgorithmProxy(alg)));

        // If this takes us beyond the maximum size, then remove the oldest one
        if (m_managed_algs.size() > static_cast<std::deque<IAlgorithm_sptr>::size_type>(m_max_no_algs) ) m_managed_algs.pop_front();
    catch(std::runtime_error& ex)
        g_log.error()<<"AlgorithmManager:: Unable to create algorithm "<< algName << ' ' << ex.what() << std::endl;
        throw std::runtime_error("AlgorithmManager:: Unable to create algorithm " + algName + ' ' + ex.what());
    return m_managed_algs.back();
예제 #8
/** Using the [Post]ProcessingAlgorithm and [Post]ProcessingProperties
 * create and initialize an algorithm for processing.
 * @param postProcessing :: true to create the PostProcessingAlgorithm.
 *        false to create the ProcessingAlgorithm
 * @return shared pointer to the algorithm, ready for execution.
 *         Returns a NULL pointer if no algorithm was chosen.
IAlgorithm_sptr LiveDataAlgorithm::makeAlgorithm(bool postProcessing) {
  std::string prefix = "";
  if (postProcessing)
    prefix = "Post";

  // Get the name of the algorithm to run
  std::string algoName = this->getPropertyValue(prefix + "ProcessingAlgorithm");
  algoName = Strings::strip(algoName);

  // Get the script to run. Ignored if algo is specified
  std::string script = this->getPropertyValue(prefix + "ProcessingScript");
  script = Strings::strip(script);

  if (!algoName.empty()) {
    // Properties to pass to algo
    std::string props = this->getPropertyValue(prefix + "ProcessingProperties");

    // Create the UNMANAGED algorithm
    IAlgorithm_sptr alg = this->createChildAlgorithm(algoName);

    // Skip some of the properties when setting
    std::set<std::string> ignoreProps;

    // ...and pass it the properties
    alg->setPropertiesWithSimpleString(props, ignoreProps);

    // Warn if someone put both values.
    if (!script.empty())
      g_log.warning() << "Running algorithm " << algoName
                      << " and ignoring the script code in "
                      << prefix + "ProcessingScript" << std::endl;
    return alg;
  } else if (!script.empty()) {
    // Run a snippet of python
    IAlgorithm_sptr alg = this->createChildAlgorithm("RunPythonScript");
    alg->setPropertyValue("Code", script);
    return alg;
  } else
    return IAlgorithm_sptr();
예제 #9
  /** Using the [Post]ProcessingAlgorithm and [Post]ProcessingProperties properties,
   * create and initialize an algorithm for processing.
   * @param postProcessing :: true to create the PostProcessingAlgorithm.
   *        false to create the ProcessingAlgorithm
   * @return shared pointer to the algorithm, ready for execution.
   *         Returns a NULL pointer if no algorithm was chosen.
  IAlgorithm_sptr LiveDataAlgorithm::makeAlgorithm(bool postProcessing)
    std::string prefix = "";
    if (postProcessing)
      prefix = "Post";

    // Get the name of the algorithm to run
    std::string algoName = this->getPropertyValue(prefix+"ProcessingAlgorithm");
    algoName = Strings::strip(algoName);

    // Get the script to run. Ignored if algo is specified
    std::string script = this->getPropertyValue(prefix+"ProcessingScript");
    script = Strings::strip(script);

    if (!algoName.empty())
      // Properties to pass to algo
      std::string props = this->getPropertyValue(prefix+"ProcessingProperties");

      // Create the UNMANAGED algorithm
      IAlgorithm_sptr alg = this->createChildAlgorithm(algoName);

      // ...and pass it the properties
      boost::char_separator<char> sep(";");
      typedef boost::tokenizer<boost::char_separator<char> > tokenizer;
      tokenizer propPairs(props, sep);
      // Iterate over the properties
      for (tokenizer::iterator it = propPairs.begin(); it != propPairs.end(); ++it)
        // Pair of the type "
        std::string pair = *it;

        size_t n = pair.find('=');
        if (n == std::string::npos)
          // Do nothing
          // Normal "PropertyName=value" string.
          std::string propName = "";
          std::string value = "";

          // Extract the value string
          if (n < pair.size()-1)
            propName = pair.substr(0, n);
            value = pair.substr(n+1, pair.size()-n-1);
            // String is "PropertyName="
            propName = pair.substr(0, n);
            value = "";
          // Skip some of the properties when setting
          if ((propName != "InputWorkspace") && (propName != "OutputWorkspace"))

      // Warn if someone put both values.
      if (!script.empty())
        g_log.warning() << "Running algorithm " << algoName << " and ignoring the script code in " << prefix+"ProcessingScript" << std::endl;
      return alg;
    else if (!script.empty())
      // Run a snippet of python
      IAlgorithm_sptr alg = this->createChildAlgorithm("RunPythonScript");
      alg->setPropertyValue("Code", script);
      return alg;
      return IAlgorithm_sptr();