HRESULT d3d_execute_buffer_execute(struct d3d_execute_buffer *buffer, struct d3d_device *device, struct d3d_viewport *viewport) { DWORD vs = buffer->data.dwVertexOffset; DWORD is = buffer->data.dwInstructionOffset; char *instr = (char *)buffer->desc.lpData + is; if (viewport->active_device != device) { WARN("Viewport %p active device is %p.\n", viewport, viewport->active_device); return DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS; } /* Activate the viewport */ viewport_activate(viewport, FALSE); TRACE("ExecuteData :\n"); if (TRACE_ON(ddraw)) _dump_executedata(&(buffer->data)); while (1) { LPD3DINSTRUCTION current = (LPD3DINSTRUCTION) instr; BYTE size; WORD count; count = current->wCount; size = current->bSize; instr += sizeof(D3DINSTRUCTION); switch (current->bOpcode) { case D3DOP_POINT: { WARN("POINT-s (%d)\n", count); instr += count * size; } break; case D3DOP_LINE: { WARN("LINE-s (%d)\n", count); instr += count * size; } break; case D3DOP_TRIANGLE: { int i; D3DTLVERTEX *tl_vx = buffer->vertex_data; TRACE("TRIANGLE (%d)\n", count); if (buffer->nb_indices < count * 3) { buffer->nb_indices = count * 3; HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, buffer->indices); buffer->indices = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(*buffer->indices) * buffer->nb_indices); } for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { LPD3DTRIANGLE ci = (LPD3DTRIANGLE) instr; TRACE(" v1: %d v2: %d v3: %d\n",ci->u1.v1, ci->u2.v2, ci->u3.v3); TRACE(" Flags : "); if (TRACE_ON(ddraw)) { /* Wireframe */ if (ci->wFlags & D3DTRIFLAG_EDGEENABLE1) TRACE("EDGEENABLE1 "); if (ci->wFlags & D3DTRIFLAG_EDGEENABLE2) TRACE("EDGEENABLE2 "); if (ci->wFlags & D3DTRIFLAG_EDGEENABLE1) TRACE("EDGEENABLE3 "); /* Strips / Fans */ if (ci->wFlags == D3DTRIFLAG_EVEN) TRACE("EVEN "); if (ci->wFlags == D3DTRIFLAG_ODD) TRACE("ODD "); if (ci->wFlags == D3DTRIFLAG_START) TRACE("START "); if ((ci->wFlags > 0) && (ci->wFlags < 30)) TRACE("STARTFLAT(%u) ", ci->wFlags); TRACE("\n"); } buffer->indices[(i * 3) ] = ci->u1.v1; buffer->indices[(i * 3) + 1] = ci->u2.v2; buffer->indices[(i * 3) + 2] = ci->u3.v3; instr += size; } IDirect3DDevice7_DrawIndexedPrimitive(&device->IDirect3DDevice7_iface, D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, D3DFVF_TLVERTEX, tl_vx, 0, buffer->indices, count * 3, 0); } break; case D3DOP_MATRIXLOAD: WARN("MATRIXLOAD-s (%d)\n", count); instr += count * size; break; case D3DOP_MATRIXMULTIPLY: { int i; TRACE("MATRIXMULTIPLY (%d)\n", count); for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { D3DMATRIXMULTIPLY *ci = (D3DMATRIXMULTIPLY *)instr; D3DMATRIX *a, *b, *c; a = ddraw_get_object(&device->handle_table, ci->hDestMatrix - 1, DDRAW_HANDLE_MATRIX); b = ddraw_get_object(&device->handle_table, ci->hSrcMatrix1 - 1, DDRAW_HANDLE_MATRIX); c = ddraw_get_object(&device->handle_table, ci->hSrcMatrix2 - 1, DDRAW_HANDLE_MATRIX); if (!a || !b || !c) { ERR("Invalid matrix handle (a %#x -> %p, b %#x -> %p, c %#x -> %p).\n", ci->hDestMatrix, a, ci->hSrcMatrix1, b, ci->hSrcMatrix2, c); } else { TRACE("dst %p, src1 %p, src2 %p.\n", a, b, c); multiply_matrix(a, c, b); } instr += size; } } break; case D3DOP_STATETRANSFORM: { int i; TRACE("STATETRANSFORM (%d)\n", count); for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { D3DSTATE *ci = (D3DSTATE *)instr; D3DMATRIX *m; m = ddraw_get_object(&device->handle_table, ci->u2.dwArg[0] - 1, DDRAW_HANDLE_MATRIX); if (!m) { ERR("Invalid matrix handle %#x.\n", ci->u2.dwArg[0]); } else { if (ci->u1.dtstTransformStateType == D3DTRANSFORMSTATE_WORLD) device->world = ci->u2.dwArg[0]; if (ci->u1.dtstTransformStateType == D3DTRANSFORMSTATE_VIEW) device->view = ci->u2.dwArg[0]; if (ci->u1.dtstTransformStateType == D3DTRANSFORMSTATE_PROJECTION) device->proj = ci->u2.dwArg[0]; IDirect3DDevice7_SetTransform(&device->IDirect3DDevice7_iface, ci->u1.dtstTransformStateType, m); } instr += size; } } break; case D3DOP_STATELIGHT: { int i; TRACE("STATELIGHT (%d)\n", count); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { LPD3DSTATE ci = (LPD3DSTATE) instr; TRACE("(%08x,%08x)\n", ci->u1.dlstLightStateType, ci->u2.dwArg[0]); if (!ci->u1.dlstLightStateType || (ci->u1.dlstLightStateType > D3DLIGHTSTATE_COLORVERTEX)) ERR("Unexpected Light State Type %d\n", ci->u1.dlstLightStateType); else if (ci->u1.dlstLightStateType == D3DLIGHTSTATE_MATERIAL /* 1 */) { struct d3d_material *m; m = ddraw_get_object(&device->handle_table, ci->u2.dwArg[0] - 1, DDRAW_HANDLE_MATERIAL); if (!m) ERR("Invalid material handle %#x.\n", ci->u2.dwArg[0]); else material_activate(m); } else if (ci->u1.dlstLightStateType == D3DLIGHTSTATE_COLORMODEL /* 3 */) { switch (ci->u2.dwArg[0]) { case D3DCOLOR_MONO: ERR("DDCOLOR_MONO should not happen!\n"); break; case D3DCOLOR_RGB: /* We are already in this mode */ break; default: ERR("Unknown color model!\n"); } } else { D3DRENDERSTATETYPE rs = 0; switch (ci->u1.dlstLightStateType) { case D3DLIGHTSTATE_AMBIENT: /* 2 */ rs = D3DRENDERSTATE_AMBIENT; break; case D3DLIGHTSTATE_FOGMODE: /* 4 */ rs = D3DRENDERSTATE_FOGVERTEXMODE; break; case D3DLIGHTSTATE_FOGSTART: /* 5 */ rs = D3DRENDERSTATE_FOGSTART; break; case D3DLIGHTSTATE_FOGEND: /* 6 */ rs = D3DRENDERSTATE_FOGEND; break; case D3DLIGHTSTATE_FOGDENSITY: /* 7 */ rs = D3DRENDERSTATE_FOGDENSITY; break; case D3DLIGHTSTATE_COLORVERTEX: /* 8 */ rs = D3DRENDERSTATE_COLORVERTEX; break; default: break; } IDirect3DDevice7_SetRenderState(&device->IDirect3DDevice7_iface, rs, ci->u2.dwArg[0]); } instr += size; } } break; case D3DOP_STATERENDER: { int i; IDirect3DDevice2 *d3d_device2 = &device->IDirect3DDevice2_iface; TRACE("STATERENDER (%d)\n", count); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { LPD3DSTATE ci = (LPD3DSTATE) instr; IDirect3DDevice2_SetRenderState(d3d_device2, ci->u1.drstRenderStateType, ci->u2.dwArg[0]); instr += size; } } break; case D3DOP_PROCESSVERTICES: { /* TODO: Share code with IDirect3DVertexBuffer::ProcessVertices and / or * IWineD3DDevice::ProcessVertices */ int i; D3DMATRIX view_mat, world_mat, proj_mat; TRACE("PROCESSVERTICES (%d)\n", count); /* Get the transform and world matrix */ /* Note: D3DMATRIX is compatible with struct wined3d_matrix. */ wined3d_device_get_transform(device->wined3d_device, D3DTRANSFORMSTATE_VIEW, (struct wined3d_matrix *)&view_mat); wined3d_device_get_transform(device->wined3d_device, D3DTRANSFORMSTATE_PROJECTION, (struct wined3d_matrix *)&proj_mat); wined3d_device_get_transform(device->wined3d_device, WINED3D_TS_WORLD_MATRIX(0), (struct wined3d_matrix *)&world_mat); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { LPD3DPROCESSVERTICES ci = (LPD3DPROCESSVERTICES) instr; TRACE(" Start : %d Dest : %d Count : %d\n", ci->wStart, ci->wDest, ci->dwCount); TRACE(" Flags : "); if (TRACE_ON(ddraw)) { if (ci->dwFlags & D3DPROCESSVERTICES_COPY) TRACE("COPY "); if (ci->dwFlags & D3DPROCESSVERTICES_NOCOLOR) TRACE("NOCOLOR "); if (ci->dwFlags == D3DPROCESSVERTICES_OPMASK) TRACE("OPMASK "); if (ci->dwFlags & D3DPROCESSVERTICES_TRANSFORM) TRACE("TRANSFORM "); if (ci->dwFlags == D3DPROCESSVERTICES_TRANSFORMLIGHT) TRACE("TRANSFORMLIGHT "); if (ci->dwFlags & D3DPROCESSVERTICES_UPDATEEXTENTS) TRACE("UPDATEEXTENTS "); TRACE("\n"); } /* This is where doing Direct3D on top on OpenGL is quite difficult. This method transforms a set of vertices using the CURRENT state (lighting, projection, ...) but does not rasterize them. They will only be put on screen later (with the POINT / LINE and TRIANGLE op-codes). The problem is that you can have a triangle with each point having been transformed using another state... In this implementation, I will emulate only ONE thing : each vertex can have its own "WORLD" transformation (this is used in the TWIST.EXE demo of the 5.2 SDK). I suppose that all vertices of the execute buffer use the same state. If I find applications that change other states, I will try to do a more 'fine-tuned' state emulation (but I may become quite tricky if it changes a light position in the middle of a triangle). In this case, a 'direct' approach (i.e. without using OpenGL, but writing our own 3D rasterizer) would be easier. */ /* The current method (with the hypothesis that only the WORLD matrix will change between two points) is like this : - I transform 'manually' all the vertices with the current WORLD matrix and store them in the vertex buffer - during the rasterization phase, the WORLD matrix will be set to the Identity matrix */ /* Enough for the moment */ if (ci->dwFlags == D3DPROCESSVERTICES_TRANSFORMLIGHT) { unsigned int nb; D3DVERTEX *src = ((D3DVERTEX *)((char *)buffer->desc.lpData + vs)) + ci->wStart; D3DTLVERTEX *dst = ((D3DTLVERTEX *)buffer->vertex_data) + ci->wDest; D3DVIEWPORT *Viewport = &viewport->viewports.vp1; D3DMATRIX mat; if (TRACE_ON(ddraw)) { TRACE(" Projection Matrix : (%p)\n", &proj_mat); dump_D3DMATRIX(&proj_mat); TRACE(" View Matrix : (%p)\n", &view_mat); dump_D3DMATRIX(&view_mat); TRACE(" World Matrix : (%p)\n", &world_mat); dump_D3DMATRIX(&world_mat); } multiply_matrix(&mat,&view_mat,&world_mat); multiply_matrix(&mat,&proj_mat,&mat); for (nb = 0; nb < ci->dwCount; nb++) { /* No lighting yet */ dst->u5.color = 0xFFFFFFFF; /* Opaque white */ dst->u6.specular = 0xFF000000; /* No specular and no fog factor */ dst->u7.tu = src->u7.tu; dst-> = src->; /* Now, the matrix multiplication */ dst-> = (src->u1.x * mat._11) + (src->u2.y * mat._21) + (src->u3.z * mat._31) + (1.0 * mat._41); dst-> = (src->u1.x * mat._12) + (src->u2.y * mat._22) + (src->u3.z * mat._32) + (1.0 * mat._42); dst-> = (src->u1.x * mat._13) + (src->u2.y * mat._23) + (src->u3.z * mat._33) + (1.0 * mat._43); dst->u4.rhw = (src->u1.x * mat._14) + (src->u2.y * mat._24) + (src->u3.z * mat._34) + (1.0 * mat._44); dst-> = dst-> / dst->u4.rhw * Viewport->dvScaleX + Viewport->dwX + Viewport->dwWidth / 2; dst-> = (-dst-> / dst->u4.rhw * Viewport->dvScaleY + Viewport->dwY + Viewport->dwHeight / 2; dst-> /= dst->u4.rhw; dst->u4.rhw = 1 / dst->u4.rhw; src++; dst++; } } else if (ci->dwFlags == D3DPROCESSVERTICES_TRANSFORM) { unsigned int nb; D3DLVERTEX *src = ((D3DLVERTEX *)((char *)buffer->desc.lpData + vs)) + ci->wStart; D3DTLVERTEX *dst = ((D3DTLVERTEX *)buffer->vertex_data) + ci->wDest; D3DVIEWPORT *Viewport = &viewport->viewports.vp1; D3DMATRIX mat; if (TRACE_ON(ddraw)) { TRACE(" Projection Matrix : (%p)\n", &proj_mat); dump_D3DMATRIX(&proj_mat); TRACE(" View Matrix : (%p)\n",&view_mat); dump_D3DMATRIX(&view_mat); TRACE(" World Matrix : (%p)\n", &world_mat); dump_D3DMATRIX(&world_mat); } multiply_matrix(&mat,&view_mat,&world_mat); multiply_matrix(&mat,&proj_mat,&mat); for (nb = 0; nb < ci->dwCount; nb++) { dst->u5.color = src->u4.color; dst->u6.specular = src->u5.specular; dst->u7.tu = src->u6.tu; dst-> = src->; /* Now, the matrix multiplication */ dst-> = (src->u1.x * mat._11) + (src->u2.y * mat._21) + (src->u3.z * mat._31) + (1.0 * mat._41); dst-> = (src->u1.x * mat._12) + (src->u2.y * mat._22) + (src->u3.z * mat._32) + (1.0 * mat._42); dst-> = (src->u1.x * mat._13) + (src->u2.y * mat._23) + (src->u3.z * mat._33) + (1.0 * mat._43); dst->u4.rhw = (src->u1.x * mat._14) + (src->u2.y * mat._24) + (src->u3.z * mat._34) + (1.0 * mat._44); dst-> = dst-> / dst->u4.rhw * Viewport->dvScaleX + Viewport->dwX + Viewport->dwWidth / 2; dst-> = (-dst-> / dst->u4.rhw * Viewport->dvScaleY + Viewport->dwY + Viewport->dwHeight / 2; dst-> /= dst->u4.rhw; dst->u4.rhw = 1 / dst->u4.rhw; src++; dst++; } } else if (ci->dwFlags == D3DPROCESSVERTICES_COPY) { D3DTLVERTEX *src = ((D3DTLVERTEX *)((char *)buffer->desc.lpData + vs)) + ci->wStart; D3DTLVERTEX *dst = ((D3DTLVERTEX *)buffer->vertex_data) + ci->wDest; memcpy(dst, src, ci->dwCount * sizeof(D3DTLVERTEX)); } else { ERR("Unhandled vertex processing flag %#x.\n", ci->dwFlags); } instr += size; } } break; case D3DOP_TEXTURELOAD: { WARN("TEXTURELOAD-s (%d)\n", count); instr += count * size; } break; case D3DOP_EXIT: { TRACE("EXIT (%d)\n", count); /* We did this instruction */ instr += size; /* Exit this loop */ goto end_of_buffer; } break; case D3DOP_BRANCHFORWARD: { int i; TRACE("BRANCHFORWARD (%d)\n", count); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { LPD3DBRANCH ci = (LPD3DBRANCH) instr; if ((buffer->data.dsStatus.dwStatus & ci->dwMask) == ci->dwValue) { if (!ci->bNegate) { TRACE(" Branch to %d\n", ci->dwOffset); if (ci->dwOffset) { instr = (char*)current + ci->dwOffset; break; } } } else { if (ci->bNegate) { TRACE(" Branch to %d\n", ci->dwOffset); if (ci->dwOffset) { instr = (char*)current + ci->dwOffset; break; } } } instr += size; } } break; case D3DOP_SPAN: { WARN("SPAN-s (%d)\n", count); instr += count * size; } break; case D3DOP_SETSTATUS: { int i; TRACE("SETSTATUS (%d)\n", count); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { LPD3DSTATUS ci = (LPD3DSTATUS) instr; buffer->data.dsStatus = *ci; instr += size; } } break; default: ERR("Unhandled OpCode %d !!!\n",current->bOpcode); /* Try to save ... */ instr += count * size; break; } } end_of_buffer: return D3D_OK; }
BOOL gldInitialiseMesa_DX( DGL_ctx *lpCtx) { GLD_driver_dx7 *gld = NULL; int MaxTextureSize, TextureLevels; BOOL bSoftwareTnL; if (lpCtx == NULL) return FALSE; gld = lpCtx->glPriv; if (gld == NULL) return FALSE; if (glb.bMultitexture) { lpCtx->glCtx->Const.MaxTextureUnits = gld->d3dCaps.wMaxSimultaneousTextures; // Only support MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS texture units. // ** If this is altered then the FVF formats must be reviewed **. if (lpCtx->glCtx->Const.MaxTextureUnits > GLD_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS_DX7) lpCtx->glCtx->Const.MaxTextureUnits = GLD_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS_DX7; } else { // Multitexture override lpCtx->glCtx->Const.MaxTextureUnits = 1; } lpCtx->glCtx->Const.MaxDrawBuffers = 1; // max texture size // MaxTextureSize = min(gld->d3dCaps8.MaxTextureHeight, gld->d3dCaps8.MaxTextureWidth); MaxTextureSize = min(gld->d3dCaps.dwMaxTextureHeight, gld->d3dCaps.dwMaxTextureWidth); if (MaxTextureSize == 0) MaxTextureSize = 256; // Sanity check // // HACK!! if (MaxTextureSize > 1024) MaxTextureSize = 1024; // HACK - CLAMP TO 1024 // HACK!! // // TODO: Check this again for Mesa 5 // Got to set MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE as max levels. // Who thought this stupid idea up? ;) TextureLevels = 0; // Calculate power-of-two. while (MaxTextureSize) { TextureLevels++; MaxTextureSize >>= 1; } lpCtx->glCtx->Const.MaxTextureLevels = (TextureLevels) ? TextureLevels : 8; // Defaults IDirect3DDevice7_SetRenderState(gld->pDev, D3DRENDERSTATE_LIGHTING, FALSE); IDirect3DDevice7_SetRenderState(gld->pDev, D3DRENDERSTATE_CULLMODE, D3DCULL_NONE); IDirect3DDevice7_SetRenderState(gld->pDev, D3DRENDERSTATE_DITHERENABLE, TRUE); IDirect3DDevice7_SetRenderState(gld->pDev, D3DRENDERSTATE_SHADEMODE, D3DSHADE_GOURAUD); // Set texture coord set to be used with each stage IDirect3DDevice7_SetTextureStageState(gld->pDev, 0, D3DTSS_TEXCOORDINDEX, 0); IDirect3DDevice7_SetTextureStageState(gld->pDev, 1, D3DTSS_TEXCOORDINDEX, 1); // Set up Depth buffer IDirect3DDevice7_SetRenderState(gld->pDev, D3DRENDERSTATE_ZENABLE, (lpCtx->lpPF->dwDriverData!=D3DX_SF_UNKNOWN) ? D3DZB_TRUE : D3DZB_FALSE); // Set the view matrix { D3DXMATRIX vm; #if 1 D3DXMatrixIdentity(&vm); #else D3DXVECTOR3 Eye(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); D3DXVECTOR3 At(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f); D3DXVECTOR3 Up(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); D3DXMatrixLookAtRH(&vm, &Eye, &At, &Up); vm._31 = -vm._31; vm._32 = -vm._32; vm._33 = -vm._33; vm._34 = -vm._34; #endif IDirect3DDevice7_SetTransform(gld->pDev, D3DTRANSFORMSTATE_VIEW, &vm); } // DX7 does not support D3DRS_SOFTWAREVERTEXPROCESSING /* if (gld->bHasHWTnL) { if (glb.dwTnL == GLDS_TNL_DEFAULT) bSoftwareTnL = FALSE; // HW TnL else { bSoftwareTnL = ((glb.dwTnL == GLDS_TNL_MESA) || (glb.dwTnL == GLDS_TNL_D3DSW)) ? TRUE : FALSE; } } else { // No HW TnL, so no choice possible bSoftwareTnL = TRUE; } IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState(gld->pDev, D3DRS_SOFTWAREVERTEXPROCESSING, bSoftwareTnL); */ // Dump this in a Release build as well, now. //#ifdef _DEBUG ddlogPrintf(DDLOG_INFO, "HW TnL: %s", // gld->bHasHWTnL ? (bSoftwareTnL ? "Disabled" : "Enabled") : "Unavailable"); gld->bHasHWTnL ? "Enabled" : "Unavailable"); //#endif // Set up interfaces to Mesa gldEnableExtensions_DX7(lpCtx->glCtx); gldInstallPipeline_DX7(lpCtx->glCtx); gldSetupDriverPointers_DX7(lpCtx->glCtx); // Signal a complete state update lpCtx->glCtx->Driver.UpdateState(lpCtx->glCtx, _NEW_ALL); // Start a scene IDirect3DDevice7_BeginScene(gld->pDev); lpCtx->bSceneStarted = TRUE; return TRUE; }