예제 #1
파일: imlib.c 프로젝트: openmv/openmv
void rectangle_united(rectangle_t *dst, rectangle_t *src)
    int leftX = IM_MIN(dst->x, src->x);
    int topY = IM_MIN(dst->y, src->y);
    int rightX = IM_MAX(dst->x + dst->w, src->x + src->w);
    int bottomY = IM_MAX(dst->y + dst->h, src->y + src->h);
    dst->x = leftX;
    dst->y = topY;
    dst->w = rightX - leftX;
    dst->h = bottomY - topY;
예제 #2
파일: mathop.c 프로젝트: openmv/openmv
static void imlib_add_line_op(image_t *img, int line, void *other, void *data, bool vflipped)
    image_t *mask = (image_t *) data;

    switch(img->bpp) {
        case IMAGE_BPP_BINARY: {
            uint32_t *data = IMAGE_COMPUTE_BINARY_PIXEL_ROW_PTR(img, line);
            for (int i = 0, j = img->w; i < j; i++) {
                if ((!mask) || image_get_mask_pixel(mask, i, line)) {
                    int dataPixel = IMAGE_GET_BINARY_PIXEL_FAST(data, i);
                    int otherPixel = IMAGE_GET_BINARY_PIXEL_FAST(((uint32_t *) other), i);
                    int p = dataPixel + otherPixel;
                    p = IM_MIN(p, COLOR_BINARY_MAX);
                    IMAGE_PUT_BINARY_PIXEL_FAST(data, i, p);
        case IMAGE_BPP_GRAYSCALE: {
            uint8_t *data = IMAGE_COMPUTE_GRAYSCALE_PIXEL_ROW_PTR(img, line);
            for (int i = 0, j = img->w; i < j; i++) {
                if ((!mask) || image_get_mask_pixel(mask, i, line)) {
                    int dataPixel = IMAGE_GET_GRAYSCALE_PIXEL_FAST(data, i);
                    int otherPixel = IMAGE_GET_GRAYSCALE_PIXEL_FAST(((uint8_t *) other), i);
                    int p = dataPixel + otherPixel;
                    p = IM_MIN(p, COLOR_GRAYSCALE_MAX);
                    IMAGE_PUT_GRAYSCALE_PIXEL_FAST(data, i, p);
        case IMAGE_BPP_RGB565: {
            uint16_t *data = IMAGE_COMPUTE_RGB565_PIXEL_ROW_PTR(img, line);
            for (int i = 0, j = img->w; i < j; i++) {
                if ((!mask) || image_get_mask_pixel(mask, i, line)) {
                    int dataPixel = IMAGE_GET_RGB565_PIXEL_FAST(data, i);
                    int otherPixel = IMAGE_GET_RGB565_PIXEL_FAST(((uint16_t *) other), i);
                    int r = COLOR_RGB565_TO_R5(dataPixel) + COLOR_RGB565_TO_R5(otherPixel);
                    int g = COLOR_RGB565_TO_G6(dataPixel) + COLOR_RGB565_TO_G6(otherPixel);
                    int b = COLOR_RGB565_TO_B5(dataPixel) + COLOR_RGB565_TO_B5(otherPixel);
                    r = IM_MIN(r, COLOR_R5_MAX);
                    g = IM_MIN(g, COLOR_G6_MAX);
                    b = IM_MIN(b, COLOR_B5_MAX);
                    IMAGE_PUT_RGB565_PIXEL_FAST(data, i, COLOR_R5_G6_B5_TO_RGB565(r, g, b));
        default: {
예제 #3
파일: ov9650.c 프로젝트: openmv/openmv
static int set_auto_gain(sensor_t *sensor, int enable, float gain_db, float gain_db_ceiling)
    uint8_t reg;
    int ret = cambus_readb(sensor->slv_addr, REG_COM8, &reg);
    ret |= cambus_writeb(sensor->slv_addr, REG_COM8, (reg & (~REG_COM8_AGC)) | ((enable != 0) ? REG_COM8_AGC : 0));

    if ((enable == 0) && (!isnanf(gain_db)) && (!isinf(gain_db))) {
        float gain = IM_MAX(IM_MIN(fast_expf((gain_db / 20.0) * fast_log(10.0)), 128.0), 1.0);

        int gain_temp = fast_roundf(fast_log2(IM_MAX(gain / 2.0, 1.0)));
        int gain_hi = 0x3F >> (6 - gain_temp);
        int gain_lo = IM_MIN(fast_roundf(((gain / (1 << gain_temp)) - 1.0) * 16.0), 15);

        ret |= cambus_writeb(sensor->slv_addr, REG_GAIN, ((gain_hi & 0x0F) << 4) | (gain_lo << 0));
        ret |= cambus_readb(sensor->slv_addr, REG_VREF, &reg);
        ret |= cambus_writeb(sensor->slv_addr, REG_VREF, ((gain_hi & 0x30) << 2) | (reg & 0x3F));
    } else if ((enable != 0) && (!isnanf(gain_db_ceiling)) && (!isinf(gain_db_ceiling))) {
예제 #4
파일: ov2640.c 프로젝트: simonliu009/MaixPy
static int set_auto_gain(sensor_t *sensor, int enable, float gain_db, float gain_db_ceiling)
   uint8_t reg;
   int ret = cambus_readb(sensor->slv_addr, BANK_SEL, &reg);
   ret |= cambus_writeb(sensor->slv_addr, BANK_SEL, reg | BANK_SEL_SENSOR);
   ret |= cambus_readb(sensor->slv_addr, COM8, &reg);
   ret |= cambus_writeb(sensor->slv_addr, COM8, (reg & (~COM8_AGC_EN)) | ((enable != 0) ? COM8_AGC_EN : 0));

   if ((enable == 0) && (!isnanf(gain_db)) && (!isinff(gain_db))) {
       float gain = IM_MAX(IM_MIN(fast_expf((gain_db / 20.0) * fast_log(10.0)), 32.0), 1.0);

       int gain_temp = fast_roundf(fast_log2(IM_MAX(gain / 2.0, 1.0)));
       int gain_hi = 0xF >> (4 - gain_temp);
       int gain_lo = IM_MIN(fast_roundf(((gain / (1 << gain_temp)) - 1.0) * 16.0), 15);

       ret |= cambus_writeb(sensor->slv_addr, GAIN, (gain_hi << 4) | (gain_lo << 0));
   } else if ((enable != 0) && (!isnanf(gain_db_ceiling)) && (!isinff(gain_db_ceiling))) {
예제 #5
void imlib_chrominvar(image_t *img)
    switch(img->bpp) {
        case IMAGE_BPP_BINARY: {
        case IMAGE_BPP_GRAYSCALE: {
        case IMAGE_BPP_RGB565: {
            for (int y = 0, yy = img->h; y < yy; y++) {
                uint16_t *row_ptr = IMAGE_COMPUTE_RGB565_PIXEL_ROW_PTR(img, y);
                for (int x = 0, xx = img->w; x < xx; x++) {
                    int pixel = IMAGE_GET_RGB565_PIXEL_FAST(row_ptr, x);
                    float r_lin = xyz_table[COLOR_RGB565_TO_R8(pixel)];
                    float g_lin = xyz_table[COLOR_RGB565_TO_G8(pixel)];
                    float b_lin = xyz_table[COLOR_RGB565_TO_B8(pixel)];

                    float lin_sum = r_lin + g_lin + b_lin;

                    float r_lin_div = 0.0f;
                    float g_lin_div = 0.0f;
                    float b_lin_div = 0.0f;

                    if (lin_sum > 0.0f) {
                        lin_sum = 1.0f / lin_sum;
                        r_lin_div = r_lin * lin_sum;
                        g_lin_div = g_lin * lin_sum;
                        b_lin_div = b_lin * lin_sum;

                    int r_lin_div_int = IM_MAX(IM_MIN(r_lin_div * 255.0f, COLOR_R8_MAX), COLOR_R8_MIN);
                    int g_lin_div_int = IM_MAX(IM_MIN(g_lin_div * 255.0f, COLOR_G8_MAX), COLOR_G8_MIN);
                    int b_lin_div_int = IM_MAX(IM_MIN(b_lin_div * 255.0f, COLOR_B8_MAX), COLOR_B8_MIN);

                    IMAGE_PUT_RGB565_PIXEL_FAST(row_ptr, x, COLOR_R8_G8_B8_TO_RGB565(r_lin_div_int, g_lin_div_int, b_lin_div_int));

        default: {
예제 #6
/* Set output area of trn so that it just holds all of our input pels.
im__transform_set_area( Transformation *trn )
	double xA, xB, xC, xD;
	double yA, yB, yC, yD;	
	int xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax;

	im__transform_forward( trn, 
		trn->iarea.left, trn->iarea.top, 
		&xA, &yA );
	im__transform_forward( trn, 
		IM_RECT_RIGHT( &trn->iarea ) - 1, trn->iarea.top, 
		&xB, &yB );
	im__transform_forward( trn, 
		trn->iarea.left, IM_RECT_BOTTOM( &trn->iarea ) - 1, 
		&xC, &yC );
	im__transform_forward( trn, 
		IM_RECT_RIGHT( &trn->iarea ) - 1, 
			IM_RECT_BOTTOM( &trn->iarea ) - 1, 
		&xD, &yD );

	xmin = IM_MIN( xA, IM_MIN( xB, IM_MIN( xC, xD ) ) );
	ymin = IM_MIN( yA, IM_MIN( yB, IM_MIN( yC, yD ) ) );
	xmax = IM_MAX( xA, IM_MAX( xB, IM_MAX( xC, xD ) ) );
	ymax = IM_MAX( yA, IM_MAX( yB, IM_MAX( yC, yD ) ) );

	trn->oarea.left = xmin;
	trn->oarea.top = ymin;
	trn->oarea.width = xmax - xmin + 1;
	trn->oarea.height = ymax - ymin + 1;
예제 #7
/* Transform a rect using a point transformer.
static void
transform_rect( const Transformation *trn, transform_fn transform,
                const Rect *in,		/* In input space */
                Rect *out )		/* In output space */
    double x1, y1;		/* Map corners */
    double x2, y2;
    double x3, y3;
    double x4, y4;
    double left, right, top, bottom;

    /* Map input Rect.
    transform( trn, in->left, in->top, &x1, &y1 );
    transform( trn, in->left, IM_RECT_BOTTOM( in ), &x3, &y3 );
    transform( trn, IM_RECT_RIGHT( in ), in->top, &x2, &y2 );
    transform( trn, IM_RECT_RIGHT( in ), IM_RECT_BOTTOM( in ), &x4, &y4 );

    /* Find bounding box for these four corners. Round-to-nearest to try
     * to stop rounding errors growing images.
    left = IM_MIN( x1, IM_MIN( x2, IM_MIN( x3, x4 ) ) );
    right = IM_MAX( x1, IM_MAX( x2, IM_MAX( x3, x4 ) ) );
    top = IM_MIN( y1, IM_MIN( y2, IM_MIN( y3, y4 ) ) );
    bottom = IM_MAX( y1, IM_MAX( y2, IM_MAX( y3, y4 ) ) );

    out->left = IM_RINT( left );
    out->top = IM_RINT( top );
    out->width = IM_RINT( right - left );
    out->height = IM_RINT( bottom - top );
예제 #8
파일: imlib.c 프로젝트: openmv/openmv
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lab_color_space -> CIELAB-CIEXYZ conversions
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SRGB -> Specification of the transformation
uint16_t imlib_lab_to_rgb(uint8_t l, int8_t a, int8_t b)
    float x = ((l + 16) * 0.008621f) + (a * 0.002f);
    float y = ((l + 16) * 0.008621f);
    float z = ((l + 16) * 0.008621f) - (b * 0.005f);

    x = ((x > 0.206897f) ? (x*x*x) : ((0.128419f * x) - 0.017713f)) * 095.047f;
    y = ((y > 0.206897f) ? (y*y*y) : ((0.128419f * y) - 0.017713f)) * 100.000f;
    z = ((z > 0.206897f) ? (z*z*z) : ((0.128419f * z) - 0.017713f)) * 108.883f;

    float r_lin = ((x * +3.2406f) + (y * -1.5372f) + (z * -0.4986f)) / 100.0f;
    float g_lin = ((x * -0.9689f) + (y * +1.8758f) + (z * +0.0415f)) / 100.0f;
    float b_lin = ((x * +0.0557f) + (y * -0.2040f) + (z * +1.0570f)) / 100.0f;

    r_lin = (r_lin>0.0031308f) ? ((1.055f*powf(r_lin, 0.416666f))-0.055f) : (r_lin*12.92f);
    g_lin = (g_lin>0.0031308f) ? ((1.055f*powf(g_lin, 0.416666f))-0.055f) : (g_lin*12.92f);
    b_lin = (b_lin>0.0031308f) ? ((1.055f*powf(b_lin, 0.416666f))-0.055f) : (b_lin*12.92f);

    uint32_t red   = IM_MAX(IM_MIN(fast_floorf(r_lin * COLOR_R8_MAX), COLOR_R8_MAX), COLOR_R8_MIN);
    uint32_t green = IM_MAX(IM_MIN(fast_floorf(g_lin * COLOR_G8_MAX), COLOR_G8_MAX), COLOR_G8_MIN);
    uint32_t blue  = IM_MAX(IM_MIN(fast_floorf(b_lin * COLOR_B8_MAX), COLOR_B8_MAX), COLOR_B8_MIN);

    return COLOR_R8_G8_B8_TO_RGB565(red, green, blue);
예제 #9
 * im_tbjoin:
 * @top: image to go on top
 * @bottom: image to go on bottom
 * @out: output image
 * Join @top and @bottom together, up-down. If one is wider than the
 * other, @out will be has wide as the smaller.
 * If the number of bands differs, one of the images 
 * must have one band. In this case, an n-band image is formed from the 
 * one-band image by joining n copies of the one-band image together, and then
 * the two n-band images are operated upon.
 * The two input images are cast up to the smallest common type (see table 
 * Smallest common format in 
 * <link linkend="VIPS-arithmetic">arithmetic</link>).
 * See also: im_insert(), im_tbjoin().
 * Returns: 0 on success, -1 on error
im_tbjoin( IMAGE *top, IMAGE *bottom, IMAGE *out )
	IMAGE *t1;

	/* Paste top and bottom together, cut off any leftovers.
	if( !(t1 = im_open_local( out, "im_tbjoin:1", "p" )) ||
		im_insert( top, bottom, t1, 0, top->Ysize ) ||
		im_extract_area( t1, out, 
			0, 0, IM_MIN( top->Xsize, bottom->Xsize ), t1->Ysize ) )
		return( -1 );

	out->Xoffset = 0;
	out->Yoffset = top->Ysize;

	return( 0 );
예제 #10
/* Merge the sequence value back into the per-call state.
static int
stop_fn( void *vseq, void *a, void *b )
	Seq *seq = (Seq *) vseq;
	MinInfo *inf = (MinInfo *) a;

	if( seq->valid ) {
		if( !inf->valid )
			/* Just copy.
			inf->value = seq->value;
			/* Merge.
			inf->value = IM_MIN( inf->value, seq->value );

		inf->valid = 1;

	im_free( seq );

	return( 0 );
예제 #11
static void imlib_remove_shadows_sub_line_op(image_t *img, int line, void *data, bool vflipped)
    imlib_remove_shadows_line_op_state_t *state = (imlib_remove_shadows_line_op_state_t *) data;

    if (state->lines_processed >= imlib_remove_shadows_kernel_rank) {
        int y = vflipped ? (line + imlib_remove_shadows_kernel_rank) : (line - imlib_remove_shadows_kernel_rank);
        int index = y % imlib_remove_shadows_kernel_size;

        for (int x = 0, xx = img->w; x < xx; x++) {
            int img_pixel = IMAGE_GET_RGB565_PIXEL_FAST(state->img_lines[index], x);
            int img_r = COLOR_RGB565_TO_R8(img_pixel);
            int img_g = COLOR_RGB565_TO_G8(img_pixel);
            int img_b = COLOR_RGB565_TO_B8(img_pixel);
            float img_v = IM_MAX(IM_MAX(img_r, img_g), img_b);
            int other_pixel = IMAGE_GET_RGB565_PIXEL_FAST(state->other_lines[index], x);
            int other_r = COLOR_RGB565_TO_R8(other_pixel);
            int other_g = COLOR_RGB565_TO_G8(other_pixel);
            int other_b = COLOR_RGB565_TO_B8(other_pixel);
            float other_v = IM_MAX(IM_MAX(other_r, other_g), other_b);
            float ratio = img_v / other_v;

            if ((0.3f < ratio) && (ratio < 1.0f)) {
                int minY = IM_MAX(y - imlib_remove_shadows_kernel_rank, 0);
                int maxY = IM_MIN(y + imlib_remove_shadows_kernel_rank, img->h - 1);
                int minX = IM_MAX(x - imlib_remove_shadows_kernel_rank, 0);
                int maxX = IM_MIN(x + imlib_remove_shadows_kernel_rank, img->w - 1);
                int windowArea = (maxX - minX + 1) * (maxY - minY + 1);
                int hDiffSum = 0;
                int sDiffSum = 0;

                for (int k_y = minY; k_y <= maxY; k_y++) {
                    int k_index = k_y % imlib_remove_shadows_kernel_size;

                    for (int k_x = minX; k_x <= maxX; k_x++) {
                        int k_img_pixel = IMAGE_GET_RGB565_PIXEL_FAST(state->img_lines[k_index], k_x);
                        int k_img_r = COLOR_RGB565_TO_R8(k_img_pixel);
                        int k_img_g = COLOR_RGB565_TO_G8(k_img_pixel);
                        int k_img_b = COLOR_RGB565_TO_B8(k_img_pixel);
                        int k_img_cmax = IM_MAX(IM_MAX(k_img_r, k_img_g), k_img_b);
                        int k_img_cmin = IM_MAX(IM_MAX(k_img_r, k_img_g), k_img_b);
                        float k_img_cdel = k_img_cmax - k_img_cmin;
                        float k_img_h = 0;
                        float k_img_s = k_img_cmax ? (k_img_cdel / k_img_cmax) : 0;
                        int k_other_pixel = IMAGE_GET_RGB565_PIXEL_FAST(state->other_lines[k_index], k_x);
                        int k_other_r = COLOR_RGB565_TO_R8(k_other_pixel);
                        int k_other_g = COLOR_RGB565_TO_G8(k_other_pixel);
                        int k_other_b = COLOR_RGB565_TO_B8(k_other_pixel);
                        int k_other_cmax = IM_MAX(IM_MAX(k_other_r, k_other_g), k_other_b);
                        int k_other_cmin = IM_MAX(IM_MAX(k_other_r, k_other_g), k_other_b);
                        float k_other_cdel = k_other_cmax - k_other_cmin;
                        float k_other_h = 0;
                        float k_other_s = k_other_cmax ? (k_other_cdel / k_other_cmax) : 0;

                        if (k_img_cdel) {
                            if (k_img_cmax == k_img_r) {
                                k_img_h = ((k_img_g - k_img_b) / k_img_cdel) + 0;
                            } else if (k_img_cmax == k_img_g) {
                                k_img_h = ((k_img_b - k_img_r) / k_img_cdel) + 2;
                            } else if (k_img_cmax == k_img_b) {
                                k_img_h = ((k_img_r - k_img_g) / k_img_cdel) + 4;
                            k_img_h *= 60;
                            if (k_img_h < 0) k_img_h += 360.0;

                        if (k_other_cdel) {
                            if (k_other_cmax == k_other_r) {
                                k_other_h = ((k_other_g - k_other_b) / k_other_cdel) + 0;
                            } else if (k_other_cmax == k_other_g) {
                                k_other_h = ((k_other_b - k_other_r) / k_other_cdel) + 2;
                            } else if (k_other_cmax == k_other_b) {
                                k_other_h = ((k_other_r - k_other_g) / k_other_cdel) + 4;
                            k_other_h *= 60;
                            if (k_other_h < 0) k_other_h += 360.0;

                        int hDiff = abs(k_img_h - k_other_h);
                        hDiffSum += (hDiff >= 90) ? (180 - hDiff) : hDiff;
                        sDiffSum += k_img_s - k_other_s;

                bool hIsShadow = (hDiffSum / windowArea) < 48;
                bool sIsShadow = (sDiffSum / windowArea) < 40;
                IMAGE_PUT_RGB565_PIXEL_FAST(state->out_lines[index], x, (hIsShadow && sIsShadow) ? other_pixel : img_pixel);
            } else {
                IMAGE_PUT_RGB565_PIXEL_FAST(state->out_lines[index], x, img_pixel);

    imlib_remove_shadows_sub_sub_line_op(img, line, data, vflipped);
예제 #12
파일: mathop.c 프로젝트: openmv/openmv
static void imlib_div_line_op(image_t *img, int line, void *other, void *data, bool vflipped)
    bool invert = ((imlib_div_line_op_state_t *) data)->invert;
    bool mod = ((imlib_div_line_op_state_t *) data)->mod;
    image_t *mask = ((imlib_div_line_op_state_t *) data)->mask;

    switch(img->bpp) {
        case IMAGE_BPP_BINARY: {
            uint32_t *data = IMAGE_COMPUTE_BINARY_PIXEL_ROW_PTR(img, line);
            int pScale = COLOR_BINARY_MAX - COLOR_BINARY_MIN;
            for (int i = 0, j = img->w; i < j; i++) {
                if ((!mask) || image_get_mask_pixel(mask, i, line)) {
                    int dataPixel = IMAGE_GET_BINARY_PIXEL_FAST(data, i);
                    int otherPixel = IMAGE_GET_BINARY_PIXEL_FAST(((uint32_t *) other), i);
                    int p = mod
                        ? IM_MOD((invert?otherPixel:dataPixel) * pScale, (invert?dataPixel:otherPixel))
                        : IM_DIV((invert?otherPixel:dataPixel) * pScale, (invert?dataPixel:otherPixel));
                    p = IM_MIN(p, COLOR_BINARY_MAX);
                    IMAGE_PUT_BINARY_PIXEL_FAST(data, i, p);
        case IMAGE_BPP_GRAYSCALE: {
            uint8_t *data = IMAGE_COMPUTE_GRAYSCALE_PIXEL_ROW_PTR(img, line);
            for (int i = 0, j = img->w; i < j; i++) {
                if ((!mask) || image_get_mask_pixel(mask, i, line)) {
                    int dataPixel = IMAGE_GET_GRAYSCALE_PIXEL_FAST(data, i);
                    int otherPixel = IMAGE_GET_GRAYSCALE_PIXEL_FAST(((uint8_t *) other), i);
                    int p = mod
                        ? IM_MOD((invert?otherPixel:dataPixel) * pScale, (invert?dataPixel:otherPixel))
                        : IM_DIV((invert?otherPixel:dataPixel) * pScale, (invert?dataPixel:otherPixel));
                    p = IM_MIN(p, COLOR_GRAYSCALE_MAX);
                    IMAGE_PUT_GRAYSCALE_PIXEL_FAST(data, i, p);
        case IMAGE_BPP_RGB565: {
            uint16_t *data = IMAGE_COMPUTE_RGB565_PIXEL_ROW_PTR(img, line);
            int rScale = COLOR_R5_MAX - COLOR_R5_MIN;
            int gScale = COLOR_G6_MAX - COLOR_G6_MIN;
            int bScale = COLOR_B5_MAX - COLOR_B5_MIN;
            for (int i = 0, j = img->w; i < j; i++) {
                if ((!mask) || image_get_mask_pixel(mask, i, line)) {
                    int dataPixel = IMAGE_GET_RGB565_PIXEL_FAST(data, i);
                    int otherPixel = IMAGE_GET_RGB565_PIXEL_FAST(((uint16_t *) other), i);
                    int dR = COLOR_RGB565_TO_R5(dataPixel);
                    int dG = COLOR_RGB565_TO_G6(dataPixel);
                    int dB = COLOR_RGB565_TO_B5(dataPixel);
                    int oR = COLOR_RGB565_TO_R5(otherPixel);
                    int oG = COLOR_RGB565_TO_G6(otherPixel);
                    int oB = COLOR_RGB565_TO_B5(otherPixel);
                    int r = mod
                        ? IM_MOD((invert?oR:dR) * rScale, (invert?dR:oR))
                        : IM_DIV((invert?oR:dR) * rScale, (invert?dR:oR));
                    int g = mod
                        ? IM_MOD((invert?oG:dG) * gScale, (invert?dG:oG))
                        : IM_DIV((invert?oG:dG) * gScale, (invert?dG:oG));
                    int b = mod
                        ? IM_MOD((invert?oB:dB) * bScale, (invert?dB:oB))
                        : IM_DIV((invert?oB:dB) * bScale, (invert?dB:oB));
                    r = IM_MIN(r, COLOR_R5_MAX);
                    g = IM_MIN(g, COLOR_G6_MAX);
                    b = IM_MIN(b, COLOR_B5_MAX);
                    IMAGE_PUT_RGB565_PIXEL_FAST(data, i, COLOR_R5_G6_B5_TO_RGB565(r, g, b));
        default: {
예제 #13
파일: mathop.c 프로젝트: openmv/openmv
void imlib_gamma_corr(image_t *img, float gamma, float contrast, float brightness)
    gamma = IM_DIV(1.0, gamma);
    switch(img->bpp) {
        case IMAGE_BPP_BINARY: {
            float pScale = COLOR_BINARY_MAX - COLOR_BINARY_MIN;
            float pDiv = 1 / pScale;
            int *p_lut = fb_alloc((COLOR_BINARY_MAX - COLOR_BINARY_MIN + 1) * sizeof(int));

            for (int i = COLOR_BINARY_MIN; i <= COLOR_BINARY_MAX; i++) {
                int p = ((fast_powf(i * pDiv, gamma) * contrast) + brightness) * pScale;
                p_lut[i] = IM_MIN(IM_MAX(p , COLOR_BINARY_MIN), COLOR_BINARY_MAX);

            for (int y = 0, yy = img->h; y < yy; y++) {
                uint32_t *data = IMAGE_COMPUTE_BINARY_PIXEL_ROW_PTR(img, y);
                for (int x = 0, xx = img->w; x < xx; x++) {
                    int dataPixel = IMAGE_GET_BINARY_PIXEL_FAST(data, x);
                    int p = p_lut[dataPixel];
                    IMAGE_PUT_BINARY_PIXEL_FAST(data, x, p);

        case IMAGE_BPP_GRAYSCALE: {
            float pDiv = 1 / pScale;
            int *p_lut = fb_alloc((COLOR_GRAYSCALE_MAX - COLOR_GRAYSCALE_MIN + 1) * sizeof(int));

            for (int i = COLOR_GRAYSCALE_MIN; i <= COLOR_GRAYSCALE_MAX; i++) {
                int p = ((fast_powf(i * pDiv, gamma) * contrast) + brightness) * pScale;
                p_lut[i] = IM_MIN(IM_MAX(p , COLOR_GRAYSCALE_MIN), COLOR_GRAYSCALE_MAX);

            for (int y = 0, yy = img->h; y < yy; y++) {
                uint8_t *data = IMAGE_COMPUTE_GRAYSCALE_PIXEL_ROW_PTR(img, y);
                for (int x = 0, xx = img->w; x < xx; x++) {
                    int dataPixel = IMAGE_GET_GRAYSCALE_PIXEL_FAST(data, x);
                    int p = p_lut[dataPixel];
                    IMAGE_PUT_GRAYSCALE_PIXEL_FAST(data, x, p);

        case IMAGE_BPP_RGB565: {
            float rScale = COLOR_R5_MAX - COLOR_R5_MIN;
            float gScale = COLOR_G6_MAX - COLOR_G6_MIN;
            float bScale = COLOR_B5_MAX - COLOR_B5_MIN;
            float rDiv = 1 / rScale;
            float gDiv = 1 / gScale;
            float bDiv = 1 / bScale;
            int *r_lut = fb_alloc((COLOR_R5_MAX - COLOR_R5_MIN + 1) * sizeof(int));
            int *g_lut = fb_alloc((COLOR_G6_MAX - COLOR_G6_MIN + 1) * sizeof(int));
            int *b_lut = fb_alloc((COLOR_B5_MAX - COLOR_B5_MIN + 1) * sizeof(int));

            for (int i = COLOR_R5_MIN; i <= COLOR_R5_MAX; i++) {
                int r = ((fast_powf(i * rDiv, gamma) * contrast) + brightness) * rScale;
                r_lut[i] = IM_MIN(IM_MAX(r , COLOR_R5_MIN), COLOR_R5_MAX);

            for (int i = COLOR_G6_MIN; i <= COLOR_G6_MAX; i++) {
                int g = ((fast_powf(i * gDiv, gamma) * contrast) + brightness) * gScale;
                g_lut[i] = IM_MIN(IM_MAX(g , COLOR_G6_MIN), COLOR_G6_MAX);

            for (int i = COLOR_B5_MIN; i <= COLOR_B5_MAX; i++) {
                int b = ((fast_powf(i * bDiv, gamma) * contrast) + brightness) * bScale;
                b_lut[i] = IM_MIN(IM_MAX(b , COLOR_B5_MIN), COLOR_B5_MAX);

            for (int y = 0, yy = img->h; y < yy; y++) {
                uint16_t *data = IMAGE_COMPUTE_RGB565_PIXEL_ROW_PTR(img, y);
                for (int x = 0, xx = img->w; x < xx; x++) {
                    int dataPixel = IMAGE_GET_RGB565_PIXEL_FAST(data, x);
                    int r = r_lut[COLOR_RGB565_TO_R5(dataPixel)];
                    int g = g_lut[COLOR_RGB565_TO_G6(dataPixel)];
                    int b = b_lut[COLOR_RGB565_TO_B5(dataPixel)];
                    IMAGE_PUT_RGB565_PIXEL_FAST(data, x, COLOR_R5_G6_B5_TO_RGB565(r, g, b));

        default: {
예제 #14
static void imlib_erode_dilate(image_t *img, int ksize, int threshold, int e_or_d, image_t *mask)
    int brows = ksize + 1;
    image_t buf;
    buf.w = img->w;
    buf.h = brows;
    buf.bpp = img->bpp;

    switch(img->bpp) {
        case IMAGE_BPP_BINARY: {
            buf.data = fb_alloc(IMAGE_BINARY_LINE_LEN_BYTES(img) * brows);

            for (int y = 0, yy = img->h; y < yy; y++) {
                uint32_t *row_ptr = IMAGE_COMPUTE_BINARY_PIXEL_ROW_PTR(img, y);
                uint32_t *buf_row_ptr = IMAGE_COMPUTE_BINARY_PIXEL_ROW_PTR(&buf, (y % brows));

                for (int x = 0, xx = img->w; x < xx; x++) {
                    int pixel = IMAGE_GET_BINARY_PIXEL_FAST(row_ptr, x);
                    IMAGE_PUT_BINARY_PIXEL_FAST(buf_row_ptr, x, pixel);

                    if ((mask && (!image_get_mask_pixel(mask, x, y)))
                    || (pixel == e_or_d)) {
                        continue; // Short circuit.

                    int acc = e_or_d ? 0 : -1; // Don't count center pixel...

                    for (int j = -ksize; j <= ksize; j++) {
                        uint32_t *k_row_ptr = IMAGE_COMPUTE_BINARY_PIXEL_ROW_PTR(img,
                            IM_MIN(IM_MAX(y + j, 0), (img->h - 1)));

                        for (int k = -ksize; k <= ksize; k++) {
                            acc += IMAGE_GET_BINARY_PIXEL_FAST(k_row_ptr,
                                IM_MIN(IM_MAX(x + k, 0), (img->w - 1)));

                    if (!e_or_d) {
                        // Preserve original pixel value... or clear it.
                        if (acc < threshold) IMAGE_CLEAR_BINARY_PIXEL_FAST(buf_row_ptr, x);
                    } else {
                        // Preserve original pixel value... or set it.
                        if (acc > threshold) IMAGE_SET_BINARY_PIXEL_FAST(buf_row_ptr, x);

                if (y >= ksize) { // Transfer buffer lines...
                    memcpy(IMAGE_COMPUTE_BINARY_PIXEL_ROW_PTR(img, (y - ksize)),
                           IMAGE_COMPUTE_BINARY_PIXEL_ROW_PTR(&buf, ((y - ksize) % brows)),

            // Copy any remaining lines from the buffer image...
            for (int y = img->h - ksize, yy = img->h; y < yy; y++) {
                memcpy(IMAGE_COMPUTE_BINARY_PIXEL_ROW_PTR(img, y),
                       IMAGE_COMPUTE_BINARY_PIXEL_ROW_PTR(&buf, (y % brows)),

        case IMAGE_BPP_GRAYSCALE: {
            buf.data = fb_alloc(IMAGE_GRAYSCALE_LINE_LEN_BYTES(img) * brows);

            for (int y = 0, yy = img->h; y < yy; y++) {
                uint8_t *row_ptr = IMAGE_COMPUTE_GRAYSCALE_PIXEL_ROW_PTR(img, y);
                uint8_t *buf_row_ptr = IMAGE_COMPUTE_GRAYSCALE_PIXEL_ROW_PTR(&buf, (y % brows));

                for (int x = 0, xx = img->w; x < xx; x++) {
                    int pixel = IMAGE_GET_GRAYSCALE_PIXEL_FAST(row_ptr, x);
                    IMAGE_PUT_GRAYSCALE_PIXEL_FAST(buf_row_ptr, x, pixel);

                    if ((mask && (!image_get_mask_pixel(mask, x, y)))
                    || (COLOR_GRAYSCALE_TO_BINARY(pixel) == e_or_d)) {
                        continue; // Short circuit.

                    int acc = e_or_d ? 0 : -1; // Don't count center pixel...

                    for (int j = -ksize; j <= ksize; j++) {
                        uint8_t *k_row_ptr = IMAGE_COMPUTE_GRAYSCALE_PIXEL_ROW_PTR(img,
                            IM_MIN(IM_MAX(y + j, 0), (img->h - 1)));

                        for (int k = -ksize; k <= ksize; k++) {
                            acc += COLOR_GRAYSCALE_TO_BINARY(IMAGE_GET_GRAYSCALE_PIXEL_FAST(k_row_ptr,
                                IM_MIN(IM_MAX(x + k, 0), (img->w - 1))));

                    if (!e_or_d) {
                        // Preserve original pixel value... or clear it.
                        if (acc < threshold) IMAGE_PUT_GRAYSCALE_PIXEL_FAST(buf_row_ptr, x,
                    } else {
                        // Preserve original pixel value... or set it.
                        if (acc > threshold) IMAGE_PUT_GRAYSCALE_PIXEL_FAST(buf_row_ptr, x,

                if (y >= ksize) { // Transfer buffer lines...
                    memcpy(IMAGE_COMPUTE_GRAYSCALE_PIXEL_ROW_PTR(img, (y - ksize)),
                           IMAGE_COMPUTE_GRAYSCALE_PIXEL_ROW_PTR(&buf, ((y - ksize) % brows)),

            // Copy any remaining lines from the buffer image...
            for (int y = img->h - ksize, yy = img->h; y < yy; y++) {
                memcpy(IMAGE_COMPUTE_GRAYSCALE_PIXEL_ROW_PTR(img, y),
                       IMAGE_COMPUTE_GRAYSCALE_PIXEL_ROW_PTR(&buf, (y % brows)),

        case IMAGE_BPP_RGB565: {
            buf.data = fb_alloc(IMAGE_RGB565_LINE_LEN_BYTES(img) * brows);

            for (int y = 0, yy = img->h; y < yy; y++) {
                uint16_t *row_ptr = IMAGE_COMPUTE_RGB565_PIXEL_ROW_PTR(img, y);
                uint16_t *buf_row_ptr = IMAGE_COMPUTE_RGB565_PIXEL_ROW_PTR(&buf, (y % brows));

                for (int x = 0, xx = img->w; x < xx; x++) {
                    int pixel = IMAGE_GET_RGB565_PIXEL_FAST(row_ptr, x);
                    IMAGE_PUT_RGB565_PIXEL_FAST(buf_row_ptr, x, pixel);

                    if ((mask && (!image_get_mask_pixel(mask, x, y)))
                    || (COLOR_RGB565_TO_BINARY(pixel) == e_or_d)) {
                        continue; // Short circuit.

                    int acc = e_or_d ? 0 : -1; // Don't count center pixel...

                    for (int j = -ksize; j <= ksize; j++) {
                        uint16_t *k_row_ptr = IMAGE_COMPUTE_RGB565_PIXEL_ROW_PTR(img,
                            IM_MIN(IM_MAX(y + j, 0), (img->h - 1)));

                        for (int k = -ksize; k <= ksize; k++) {
                            acc += COLOR_RGB565_TO_BINARY(IMAGE_GET_RGB565_PIXEL_FAST(k_row_ptr,
                                IM_MIN(IM_MAX(x + k, 0), (img->w - 1))));

                    if (!e_or_d) {
                        // Preserve original pixel value... or clear it.
                        if (acc < threshold) IMAGE_PUT_RGB565_PIXEL_FAST(buf_row_ptr, x,
                    } else {
                        // Preserve original pixel value... or set it.
                        if (acc > threshold) IMAGE_PUT_RGB565_PIXEL_FAST(buf_row_ptr, x,

                if (y >= ksize) { // Transfer buffer lines...
                    memcpy(IMAGE_COMPUTE_RGB565_PIXEL_ROW_PTR(img, (y - ksize)),
                           IMAGE_COMPUTE_RGB565_PIXEL_ROW_PTR(&buf, ((y - ksize) % brows)),

            // Copy any remaining lines from the buffer image...
            for (int y = img->h - ksize, yy = img->h; y < yy; y++) {
                memcpy(IMAGE_COMPUTE_RGB565_PIXEL_ROW_PTR(img, y),
                       IMAGE_COMPUTE_RGB565_PIXEL_ROW_PTR(&buf, (y % brows)),

        default: {
예제 #15
/* Output to a memory area. Might be im_setbuf(), im_mmapin()/im_makerw() or
 * im_mmapinrw(). 
static int
eval_to_memory( im_threadgroup_t *tg, REGION *or )
	int y, chunk;
	IMAGE *im = or->im;
	int result;

	result = 0;

#ifdef DEBUG_IO
	int ntiles = 0;
        printf( "eval_to_memory: partial image output to memory area\n" );
#endif /*DEBUG_IO*/

	/* Signal start of eval.
	if( im__start_eval( im ) )
		return( -1 );

	/* Choose a chunk size ... 1/100th of the height of the image, about.
	 * This sets the granularity of user feedback on eval progress, but
	 * does not affect mem requirements etc.
	chunk = (im->Ysize / 100) + 1;

	/* Loop down the output image, evaling each chunk. 
	for( y = 0; y < im->Ysize; y += chunk ) {
		Rect pos;

		/* Attach or to this position in image.
		pos.left = 0;
		pos.top = y;
		pos.width = im->Xsize;
		pos.height = IM_MIN( chunk, im->Ysize - y );
		if( (result = im_region_image( or, &pos )) ) 

		/* Ask for evaluation of this area.
		if( (result = eval_to_region( or, tg )) ) 

		/* Trigger any eval callbacks on our source image.
		if( (result = im__handle_eval( im, pos.width, pos.height )) )

#ifdef DEBUG_IO
#endif /*DEBUG_IO*/

	/* Signal end of eval.
	result |= im__end_eval( im );

#ifdef DEBUG_IO
	printf( "eval_to_memory: %d patches written\n", ntiles );
#endif /*DEBUG_IO*/

	return( result );
예제 #16
파일: im_aconv.c 프로젝트: Jondeen/libvips
/* Break the mask into a set of lines.
static int
boxes_break( Boxes *boxes )
	DOUBLEMASK *mask = boxes->mask;
	const int size = mask->xsize * mask->ysize;

	double max;
	double min;
	double depth;
	int layers_above;
	int layers_below;
	int z, n, x, y;

	/* Find mask range. We must always include the zero axis in the mask.
	max = 0;
	min = 0;
	for( n = 0; n < size; n++ ) {
		max = IM_MAX( max, mask->coeff[n] );
		min = IM_MIN( min, mask->coeff[n] );

	VIPS_DEBUG_MSG( "boxes_new: min = %g, max = %g\n", min, max );

	/* The zero axis must fall on a layer boundary. Estimate the
	 * depth, find n-lines-above-zero, get exact depth, then calculate a
	 * fixed n-lines which includes any negative parts.
	depth = (max - min) / boxes->n_layers;
	layers_above = ceil( max / depth );
	depth = max / layers_above;
	layers_below = floor( min / depth );

	boxes->n_layers = layers_above - layers_below;

	VIPS_DEBUG_MSG( "boxes_new: depth = %g, n_layers = %d\n", 
		depth, boxes->n_layers );

	/* For each layer, generate a set of lines which are inside the
	 * perimeter. Work down from the top.
	for( z = 0; z < boxes->n_layers; z++ ) {
		/* How deep we are into the mask, as a double we can test
		 * against. Add half the layer depth so we can easily find >50%
		 * mask elements.
		double z_ph = max - (1 + z) * depth + depth / 2;

		/* Odd, but we must avoid rounding errors that make us miss 0
		 * in the line above.
		int z_positive = z < layers_above;

		for( y = 0; y < mask->ysize; y++ ) {
			int inside;

			/* Start outside the perimeter.
			inside = 0;

			for( x = 0; x < mask->xsize; x++ ) {
				double coeff = MASK( mask, x, y );

				/* The vertical line from mask[x, y] to 0 is 
				 * inside. Is our current square (x, y) part 
				 * of that line?
				if( (z_positive && coeff >= z_ph) ||
					(!z_positive && coeff <= z_ph) ) {
					if( !inside ) {
						boxes_start( boxes, x );
						inside = 1;
				else {
					if( inside ) {
						if( boxes_end( boxes, x, y,
							z_positive ? 1 : -1 ) )
							return( -1 );
						inside = 0;

			if( inside && 
				boxes_end( boxes, mask->xsize, y, 
					z_positive ? 1 : -1 ) )
				return( -1 );

#ifdef DEBUG
	VIPS_DEBUG_MSG( "boxes_new: generated %d boxes\n", boxes->n_hline );
	boxes_hprint( boxes );
#endif /*DEBUG*/

	return( 0 );
예제 #17
/* Process a buffer of data.
imb_XYZ2disp( float *p, PEL *q, int n, struct im_col_display *d )
	struct im_col_tab_disp *table = im_col_display_get_table( d );
	float rstep = (d->d_YCR - d->d_Y0R) / 1500.0;
	float gstep = (d->d_YCG - d->d_Y0G) / 1500.0;
	float bstep = (d->d_YCB - d->d_Y0B) / 1500.0;

	int x;

	for( x = 0; x < n; x++ ) {
		float Yr, Yg, Yb;
		int i;
		int r, g, b;

		float X = p[0];
		float Y = p[1];
		float Z = p[2];

		p += 3;

		/* Multiply through the matrix to get luminosity values. 
		Yr =  table->mat_XYZ2lum[0][0] * X 
		    + table->mat_XYZ2lum[0][1] * Y 
		    + table->mat_XYZ2lum[0][2] * Z;
		Yg =  table->mat_XYZ2lum[1][0] * X 
		    + table->mat_XYZ2lum[1][1] * Y 
		    + table->mat_XYZ2lum[1][2] * Z;
		Yb =  table->mat_XYZ2lum[2][0] * X 
		    + table->mat_XYZ2lum[2][1] * Y 
		    + table->mat_XYZ2lum[2][2] * Z;

		/* Clip -ves.
		Yr = IM_MAX( Yr, d->d_Y0R );
		Yg = IM_MAX( Yg, d->d_Y0G );
		Yb = IM_MAX( Yb, d->d_Y0B );

		/* Turn luminosity to colour value.
		i = IM_MIN( 1500, (Yr - d->d_Y0R) / rstep );
		r = table->t_Yr2r[i];

		i = IM_MIN( 1500, (Yg - d->d_Y0G) / gstep );
		g = table->t_Yg2g[i];

		i = IM_MIN( 1500, (Yb - d->d_Y0B) / bstep );
		b = table->t_Yb2b[i];

		/* Clip output.
		r = IM_MIN( r, d->d_Vrwr );
		g = IM_MIN( g, d->d_Vrwg );
		b = IM_MIN( b, d->d_Vrwb );

		q[0] = r;
		q[1] = g;
		q[2] = b;

		q += 3;
예제 #18
static LGrab *
lgrab_new( const char *device )
	LGrab *lg = IM_NEW( NULL, LGrab );
	int i;

	if( !lg )
		return( NULL );

	lg->device = NULL;
	lg->capture_buffer = NULL;
	lg->capture_size = 0;
	lg->fd = -1;

	lg->c_channel = -1;
	lg->c_width = -1;
	lg->c_height = -1;
	lg->c_ngrabs = 1;

	SETSTR( lg->device, device );
        if( !lg->device || (lg->fd = open( lg->device, O_RDWR )) == -1 ) {
		im_error( "lgrab_new", _( "cannot open video device \"%s\"" ),
			lg->device );
		lgrab_destroy( lg );
		return( NULL );

        if( lgrab_ioctl( lg, VIDIOCGCAP, &lg->capability ) ) {
		im_error( "lgrab_new", 
			"%s", _( "cannot get video capability" ) );
		lgrab_destroy( lg );
		return( NULL );

        /* Check that it can capture to memory.
        if( !(lg->capability.type & VID_TYPE_CAPTURE) ) {
                im_error( "lgrab_new", 
			"%s", _( "card cannot capture to memory" ) );
		lgrab_destroy( lg );
		return( NULL );

        /* Read channel info.
        for( i = 0; i < IM_MIN( lg->capability.channels, IM_MAXCHANNELS ); 
		i++ ) {
                lg->channel[i].channel = i;
                if( lgrab_ioctl( lg, VIDIOCGCHAN, &lg->channel[i] ) ) {
			lgrab_destroy( lg );
			return( NULL );

        /* Get other props.
        if( lgrab_ioctl( lg, VIDIOCGWIN, &lg->window) ||
		lgrab_ioctl( lg, VIDIOCGPICT, &lg->picture) ) {
		lgrab_destroy( lg );
		return( NULL );

	/* Set 24 bit mode.
	lg->picture.depth = 24;
	lg->picture.palette = VIDEO_PALETTE_RGB24;
	if( lgrab_ioctl( lg, VIDIOCSPICT, &lg->picture ) ) {
		lgrab_destroy( lg );
		return( NULL );

	return( lg );
예제 #19
void imlib_illuminvar(image_t *img) // http://ai.stanford.edu/~alireza/publication/cic15.pdf
    switch(img->bpp) {
        case IMAGE_BPP_BINARY: {
        case IMAGE_BPP_GRAYSCALE: {
        case IMAGE_BPP_RGB565: {
            for (int y = 0, yy = img->h; y < yy; y++) {
                uint16_t *row_ptr = IMAGE_COMPUTE_RGB565_PIXEL_ROW_PTR(img, y);
                for (int x = 0, xx = img->w; x < xx; x++) {
                    int pixel = IMAGE_GET_RGB565_PIXEL_FAST(row_ptr, x);
                    int rgb565 = invariant_table[pixel];
                    float r_lin = xyz_table[COLOR_RGB565_TO_R8(pixel)] + 1.0;
                    float g_lin = xyz_table[COLOR_RGB565_TO_G8(pixel)] + 1.0;
                    float b_lin = xyz_table[COLOR_RGB565_TO_B8(pixel)] + 1.0;

                    float r_lin_sharp = (r_lin *  0.9968f) + (g_lin *  0.0228f) + (b_lin * 0.0015f);
                    float g_lin_sharp = (r_lin * -0.0071f) + (g_lin *  0.9933f) + (b_lin * 0.0146f);
                    float b_lin_sharp = (r_lin *  0.0103f) + (g_lin * -0.0161f) + (b_lin * 0.9839f);

                    float lin_sharp_avg = r_lin_sharp * g_lin_sharp * b_lin_sharp;
                    lin_sharp_avg = (lin_sharp_avg > 0.0f) ? fast_cbrtf(lin_sharp_avg) : 0.0f;

                    float r_lin_sharp_div = 0.0f;
                    float g_lin_sharp_div = 0.0f;
                    float b_lin_sharp_div = 0.0f;

                    if (lin_sharp_avg > 0.0f) {
                        lin_sharp_avg = 1.0f / lin_sharp_avg;
                        r_lin_sharp_div = r_lin_sharp * lin_sharp_avg;
                        g_lin_sharp_div = g_lin_sharp * lin_sharp_avg;
                        b_lin_sharp_div = b_lin_sharp * lin_sharp_avg;

                    float r_lin_sharp_div_log = (r_lin_sharp_div > 0.0f) ? fast_log(r_lin_sharp_div) : 0.0f;
                    float g_lin_sharp_div_log = (g_lin_sharp_div > 0.0f) ? fast_log(g_lin_sharp_div) : 0.0f;
                    float b_lin_sharp_div_log = (b_lin_sharp_div > 0.0f) ? fast_log(b_lin_sharp_div) : 0.0f;

                    float chi_x = (r_lin_sharp_div_log * 0.7071f) + (g_lin_sharp_div_log * -0.7071f) + (b_lin_sharp_div_log *  0.0000f);
                    float chi_y = (r_lin_sharp_div_log * 0.4082f) + (g_lin_sharp_div_log *  0.4082f) + (b_lin_sharp_div_log * -0.8164f);

                    float e_t_x =  0.9326f;
                    float e_t_y = -0.3609f;

                    float p_th_00 = e_t_x * e_t_x;
                    float p_th_01 = e_t_x * e_t_y;
                    float p_th_10 = e_t_y * e_t_x;
                    float p_th_11 = e_t_y * e_t_y;

                    float x_th_x = (p_th_00 * chi_x) + (p_th_01 * chi_y);
                    float x_th_y = (p_th_10 * chi_x) + (p_th_11 * chi_y);

                    float r_chi = (x_th_x *  0.7071f) + (x_th_y *  0.4082f);
                    float g_chi = (x_th_x * -0.7071f) + (x_th_y *  0.4082f);
                    float b_chi = (x_th_x *  0.0000f) + (x_th_y * -0.8164f);

                    float r_chi_invariant = fast_expf(r_chi);
                    float g_chi_invariant = fast_expf(g_chi);
                    float b_chi_invariant = fast_expf(b_chi);

                    float chi_invariant_sum = r_chi_invariant + g_chi_invariant + b_chi_invariant;

                    float r_chi_invariant_m = 0.0f;
                    float g_chi_invariant_m = 0.0f;
                    float b_chi_invariant_m = 0.0f;

                    if (chi_invariant_sum > 0.0f) {
                        chi_invariant_sum = 1.0f / chi_invariant_sum;
                        r_chi_invariant_m = r_chi_invariant * chi_invariant_sum;
                        g_chi_invariant_m = g_chi_invariant * chi_invariant_sum;
                        b_chi_invariant_m = b_chi_invariant * chi_invariant_sum;

                    int r_chi_invariant_m_int = IM_MAX(IM_MIN(r_chi_invariant_m * 255.0f, COLOR_R8_MAX), COLOR_R8_MIN);
                    int g_chi_invariant_m_int = IM_MAX(IM_MIN(g_chi_invariant_m * 255.0f, COLOR_G8_MAX), COLOR_G8_MIN);
                    int b_chi_invariant_m_int = IM_MAX(IM_MIN(b_chi_invariant_m * 255.0f, COLOR_B8_MAX), COLOR_B8_MIN);

                    int rgb565 = COLOR_R8_G8_B8_TO_RGB565(r_chi_invariant_m_int, g_chi_invariant_m_int, b_chi_invariant_m_int);
                    IMAGE_PUT_RGB565_PIXEL_FAST(row_ptr, x, rgb565);

        default: {
예제 #20
/* Subsample a REGION. We fetch in IM_MAX_WIDTH pixel-wide strips, left-to-right
 * across the input.
static int
line_shrink_gen( REGION *or, void *seq, void *a, void *b )
	REGION *ir = (REGION *) seq;
	IMAGE *in = (IMAGE *) a;
	SubsampleInfo *st = (SubsampleInfo *) b;
	Rect *r = &or->valid;

	int le = r->left;
	int ri = IM_RECT_RIGHT( r );
	int to = r->top;
	int bo = IM_RECT_BOTTOM(r);

	int ps = IM_IMAGE_SIZEOF_PEL( in );

	int owidth = IM_MAX_WIDTH / st->xshrink;

	Rect s;
	int x, y;
	int z, k;

	/* Loop down the region.
	for( y = to; y < bo; y++ ) {
		char *q = IM_REGION_ADDR( or, le, y );
		char *p;

		/* Loop across the region, in owidth sized pieces.
		for( x = le; x < ri; x += owidth ) {
			/* How many pixels do we make this time?
			int ow = IM_MIN( owidth, ri - x );

			/* Ask for this many from input ... can save a 
			 * little here!
			int iw = ow * st->xshrink - (st->xshrink - 1);

			/* Ask for input.
			s.left = x * st->xshrink;
			s.top = y * st->yshrink;
			s.width = iw;
			s.height = 1;
			if( im_prepare( ir, &s ) )
				return( -1 );

			/* Append new pels to output.
			p = IM_REGION_ADDR( ir, s.left, s.top );
			for( z = 0; z < ow; z++ ) {
				for( k = 0; k < ps; k++ )
					q[k] = p[k];

				q += ps;
				p += ps * st->xshrink;

	return( 0 );
예제 #21
/* Loop over region, adding to seq.
static int
scan_fn( REGION *reg, void *vseq, void *a, void *b )
	Seq *seq = (Seq *) vseq;
	Rect *r = &reg->valid;
	IMAGE *im = reg->im;
	int le = r->left;
	int to = r->top;
	int bo = IM_RECT_BOTTOM(r);
	int nel = IM_REGION_N_ELEMENTS( reg );

	int x, y;

	double m;

#ifdef DEBUG
	printf( "im_min: left = %d, top = %d, width = %d, height = %d\n",
		r->left, r->top, r->width, r->height );
#endif /*DEBUG*/

#define loop(TYPE) { \
	m = *((TYPE *) IM_REGION_ADDR( reg, le, to )); \
	for( y = to; y < bo; y++ ) { \
		TYPE *p = (TYPE *) IM_REGION_ADDR( reg, le, y ); \
		for( x = 0; x < nel; x++ ) { \
			double v = p[x]; \
			if( v < m ) \
				m = v; \
		} \
	} \

#define complex_loop(TYPE) { \
	TYPE *p = (TYPE *) IM_REGION_ADDR( reg, le, to ); \
	double real = p[0]; \
	double imag = p[1]; \
	m = real * real + imag * imag; \
	for( y = to; y < bo; y++ ) { \
		TYPE *p = (TYPE *) IM_REGION_ADDR( reg, le, y ); \
		for( x = 0; x < nel * 2; x += 2 ) { \
			double mod; \
			real = p[x]; \
			imag = p[x + 1]; \
			mod = real * real + imag * imag; \
			if( mod < m ) \
				m = mod; \
		} \
	} \

	switch( im->BandFmt ) {
	case IM_BANDFMT_UCHAR:		loop( unsigned char ); break; 
	case IM_BANDFMT_CHAR:		loop( signed char ); break; 
	case IM_BANDFMT_USHORT:		loop( unsigned short ); break; 
	case IM_BANDFMT_SHORT:		loop( signed short ); break; 
	case IM_BANDFMT_UINT:		loop( unsigned int ); break;
	case IM_BANDFMT_INT:		loop( signed int ); break; 
	case IM_BANDFMT_FLOAT:		loop( float ); break; 
	case IM_BANDFMT_DOUBLE:		loop( double ); break; 
	case IM_BANDFMT_COMPLEX:	complex_loop( float ); break; 
	case IM_BANDFMT_DPCOMPLEX:	complex_loop( double ); break; 

		assert( 0 );

	if( seq->valid ) {
		seq->value = IM_MIN( seq->value, m ); 
	else {
		seq->value = m;
		seq->valid = 1;

	return( 0 );
예제 #22
void imlib_remove_shadows(image_t *img, const char *path, image_t *other, int scalar, bool single)
    if (!single) {
        imlib_remove_shadows_line_op_state_t state;

        for (int i = 0; i < imlib_remove_shadows_kernel_size; i++) {
            state.img_lines[i] = fb_alloc(img->w * sizeof(uint16_t));
            state.other_lines[i] = fb_alloc(img->w * sizeof(uint16_t));
            state.out_lines[i] = fb_alloc(img->w * sizeof(uint16_t));

        state.lines_processed = 0;

        imlib_image_operation(img, path, other, scalar, imlib_remove_shadows_line_op, &state);

        for (int i = 0; i < imlib_remove_shadows_kernel_size; i++) {
    } else {

        // Create Shadow Mask

        image_t temp_image;
        temp_image.w = img->w;
        temp_image.h = img->h;
        temp_image.bpp = img->bpp;
        temp_image.data = fb_alloc(image_size(img));

        memcpy(temp_image.data, img->data, image_size(img));

        rectangle_t r;
        r.x = 0;
        r.y = 0;
        r.w = temp_image.w;
        r.h = temp_image.h;

        histogram_t h;
        h.LBinCount = COLOR_L_MAX - COLOR_L_MIN + 1;
        h.ABinCount = COLOR_A_MAX - COLOR_A_MIN + 1;
        h.BBinCount = COLOR_B_MAX - COLOR_B_MIN + 1;
        h.LBins = fb_alloc(h.LBinCount * sizeof(float));
        h.ABins = fb_alloc(h.ABinCount * sizeof(float));
        h.BBins = fb_alloc(h.BBinCount * sizeof(float));
        imlib_get_histogram(&h, &temp_image, &r, NULL, false);

        statistics_t s;
        imlib_get_statistics(&s, temp_image.bpp, &h);

        int sum = 0;
        int mean = s.LMean * 0.8f;

        for (int y = 0, yy = temp_image.h; y < yy; y++) {
            uint16_t *row_ptr = IMAGE_COMPUTE_RGB565_PIXEL_ROW_PTR(&temp_image, y);

            for (int x = 0, xx = temp_image.w; x < xx; x++) {
                sum += COLOR_RGB565_TO_L(IMAGE_GET_RGB565_PIXEL_FAST(row_ptr, x)) < mean;

        if (sum > ((temp_image.w * temp_image.h) / 20)) { // Don't do anything if the image is mostly flat.

            threshold_t t;
            imlib_get_threshold(&t, temp_image.bpp, &h);

            list_t thresholds;
            list_init(&thresholds, sizeof(color_thresholds_list_lnk_data_t));
            color_thresholds_list_lnk_data_t lnk_data;
            lnk_data.LMin = COLOR_L_MIN;
            lnk_data.AMin = COLOR_A_MIN;
            lnk_data.BMin = COLOR_B_MIN;
            lnk_data.LMax = t.LValue;
            lnk_data.AMax = COLOR_A_MAX;
            lnk_data.BMax = COLOR_B_MAX;
            list_push_back(&thresholds, &lnk_data);
            imlib_binary(&temp_image, &temp_image, &thresholds, false, false, NULL);

            imlib_erode(&temp_image, 3, 30, NULL);
            imlib_dilate(&temp_image, 1, 1, NULL);

            // Get Shadow Average

            image_t temp_image_2;
            temp_image_2.w = temp_image.w;
            temp_image_2.h = temp_image.h;
            temp_image_2.bpp = temp_image.bpp;
            temp_image_2.data = fb_alloc(image_size(&temp_image));

            memcpy(temp_image_2.data, temp_image.data, image_size(&temp_image));
            imlib_erode(&temp_image_2, 3, 48, NULL);

            int shadow_r_sum = 0;
            int shadow_g_sum = 0;
            int shadow_b_sum = 0;
            int shadow_count = 0;

            for (int y = 0, yy = temp_image_2.h; y < yy; y++) {
                uint16_t *row_ptr = IMAGE_COMPUTE_RGB565_PIXEL_ROW_PTR(&temp_image_2, y);
                uint16_t *row_ptr_2 = IMAGE_COMPUTE_RGB565_PIXEL_ROW_PTR(img, y);

                for (int x = 0, xx = temp_image_2.w; x < xx; x++) {
                    if (IMAGE_GET_RGB565_PIXEL_FAST(row_ptr, x)) {
                        int pixel = IMAGE_GET_RGB565_PIXEL_FAST(row_ptr_2, x);
                        int r = COLOR_RGB565_TO_R8(pixel);
                        int g = COLOR_RGB565_TO_G8(pixel);
                        int b = COLOR_RGB565_TO_R8(pixel);
                        shadow_r_sum += r;
                        shadow_g_sum += g;
                        shadow_b_sum += b;
                        shadow_count += 1;

            memcpy(temp_image_2.data, temp_image.data, image_size(&temp_image));
            imlib_erode(&temp_image_2, 5, 120, NULL);
            imlib_b_xor(&temp_image_2, NULL, &temp_image, 0, NULL);
            imlib_erode(&temp_image_2, 2, 24, NULL);

            int not_shadow_r_sum = 0;
            int not_shadow_g_sum = 0;
            int not_shadow_b_sum = 0;
            int not_shadow_count = 0;

            for (int y = 0, yy = temp_image_2.h; y < yy; y++) {
                uint16_t *row_ptr = IMAGE_COMPUTE_RGB565_PIXEL_ROW_PTR(&temp_image_2, y);
                uint16_t *row_ptr_2 = IMAGE_COMPUTE_RGB565_PIXEL_ROW_PTR(img, y);

                for (int x = 0, xx = temp_image_2.w; x < xx; x++) {
                    if (IMAGE_GET_RGB565_PIXEL_FAST(row_ptr, x)) {
                        int pixel = IMAGE_GET_RGB565_PIXEL_FAST(row_ptr_2, x);
                        int r = COLOR_RGB565_TO_R8(pixel);
                        int g = COLOR_RGB565_TO_G8(pixel);
                        int b = COLOR_RGB565_TO_R8(pixel);
                        not_shadow_r_sum += r;
                        not_shadow_g_sum += g;
                        not_shadow_b_sum += b;
                        not_shadow_count += 1;

            // Fill in the umbra... (inner part of the shadow)...

            memcpy(temp_image_2.data, temp_image.data, image_size(&temp_image));

            imlib_mean_filter(&temp_image, 2, false, 0, false, NULL);

            if (shadow_count && not_shadow_count) {

                float shadow_r_average = ((float) shadow_r_sum) / ((float) shadow_count);
                float shadow_g_average = ((float) shadow_g_sum) / ((float) shadow_count);
                float shadow_b_average = ((float) shadow_b_sum) / ((float) shadow_count);

                float not_shadow_r_average = ((float) not_shadow_r_sum) / ((float) not_shadow_count);
                float not_shadow_g_average = ((float) not_shadow_g_sum) / ((float) not_shadow_count);
                float not_shadow_b_average = ((float) not_shadow_b_sum) / ((float) not_shadow_count);

                float diff_r = not_shadow_r_average - shadow_r_average;
                float diff_g = not_shadow_g_average - shadow_g_average;
                float diff_b = not_shadow_b_average - shadow_b_average;

                for (int y = 0; y < img->h; y++) {
                    uint16_t *row_ptr = IMAGE_COMPUTE_RGB565_PIXEL_ROW_PTR(&temp_image, y);
                    uint16_t *row_ptr_2 = IMAGE_COMPUTE_RGB565_PIXEL_ROW_PTR(img, y);

                    for (int x = 0; x < img->w; x++) {
                        float alpha = ((float) (COLOR_RGB565_TO_Y(IMAGE_GET_RGB565_PIXEL_FAST(row_ptr, x)) - COLOR_Y_MIN)) / ((float) (COLOR_Y_MAX - COLOR_Y_MIN));
                        int pixel = IMAGE_GET_RGB565_PIXEL_FAST(row_ptr_2, x);
                        int r = COLOR_RGB565_TO_R8(pixel);
                        int g = COLOR_RGB565_TO_G8(pixel);
                        int b = COLOR_RGB565_TO_B8(pixel);

                        int r_new = IM_MIN(IM_MAX(r + (diff_r * alpha), COLOR_R8_MIN), COLOR_R8_MAX);
                        int g_new = IM_MIN(IM_MAX(g + (diff_g * alpha), COLOR_G8_MIN), COLOR_G8_MAX);
                        int b_new = IM_MIN(IM_MAX(b + (diff_b * alpha), COLOR_B8_MIN), COLOR_B8_MAX);
                        IMAGE_PUT_RGB565_PIXEL_FAST(row_ptr_2, x, COLOR_R8_G8_B8_TO_RGB565(r_new, g_new, b_new));

            // Fill in the penumbra... (outer part of the shadow)...

            memcpy(temp_image.data, temp_image_2.data, image_size(&temp_image_2));

            imlib_erode(&temp_image_2, 1, 8, NULL);
            imlib_b_xor(&temp_image, NULL, &temp_image_2, 0, NULL);
            imlib_dilate(&temp_image, 3, 0, NULL);
            imlib_median_filter(img, 2, 12, false, 0, false, &temp_image);

            fb_free(); // temp_image_2

        fb_free(); // BBins
        fb_free(); // ABins
        fb_free(); // LBins

        fb_free(); // temp_image