FShaderResource::FShaderResource(const FShaderCompilerOutput& Output, FShaderType* InSpecificType) 
	: SpecificType(InSpecificType)
	, NumInstructions(Output.NumInstructions)
	, NumTextureSamplers(Output.NumTextureSamplers)
	, NumRefs(0)
	, Canary(FShader::ShaderMagic_Initialized)
	Target = Output.Target;
	// todo: can we avoid the memcpy?
	Code = Output.ShaderCode.GetReadAccess();

	check(Code.Num() > 0);

	OutputHash = Output.OutputHash;
	checkSlow(OutputHash != FSHAHash());

		FScopeLock ShaderResourceIdMapLock(&ShaderResourceIdMapCritical);
		ShaderResourceIdMap.Add(GetId(), this);
	INC_DWORD_STAT_BY_FName(GetMemoryStatType((EShaderFrequency)Target.Frequency).GetName(), Code.Num());
	INC_DWORD_STAT_BY(STAT_Shaders_ShaderResourceMemory, GetSizeBytes());
	INC_DWORD_STAT_BY(STAT_Shaders_NumShaderResourcesLoaded, 1);
예제 #2
FSlateShaderResourceProxy* FSlateRHIResourceManager::GenerateTextureResource( const FNewTextureInfo& Info )
	FSlateShaderResourceProxy* NewProxy = NULL;
	const uint32 Width = Info.TextureData->GetWidth();
	const uint32 Height = Info.TextureData->GetHeight();

	if( Info.bShouldAtlas )
		const FAtlasedTextureSlot* NewSlot = NULL;
		FSlateTextureAtlasRHI* Atlas = NULL;

		// See if any atlases can hold the texture
		for( int32 AtlasIndex = 0; AtlasIndex < TextureAtlases.Num() && !NewSlot; ++AtlasIndex )
			Atlas = TextureAtlases[AtlasIndex];
			NewSlot = Atlas->AddTexture( Width, Height, Info.TextureData->GetRawBytes() );

		if( !NewSlot )
			INC_DWORD_STAT_BY(STAT_SlateNumTextureAtlases, 1);

			Atlas = new FSlateTextureAtlasRHI( AtlasSize, AtlasSize, ESlateTextureAtlasPaddingStyle::DilateBorder );
			TextureAtlases.Add( Atlas );
			NewSlot = TextureAtlases.Last()->AddTexture( Width, Height, Info.TextureData->GetRawBytes() );
		check( Atlas && NewSlot );

		// Create a proxy to the atlased texture. The texture being used is the atlas itself with sub uvs to access the correct texture
		NewProxy = new FSlateShaderResourceProxy;
		NewProxy->Resource = Atlas->GetAtlasTexture();
		const uint32 Padding = NewSlot->Padding;
		NewProxy->StartUV = FVector2D((float)(NewSlot->X + Padding) / Atlas->GetWidth(), (float)(NewSlot->Y + Padding) / Atlas->GetHeight());
		NewProxy->SizeUV = FVector2D( (float)(NewSlot->Width-Padding*2) / Atlas->GetWidth(), (float)(NewSlot->Height-Padding*2) / Atlas->GetHeight() );
		NewProxy->ActualSize = FIntPoint( Width, Height );
		NewProxy = new FSlateShaderResourceProxy;

		// Create a new standalone texture because we can't atlas this one
		FSlateTexture2DRHIRef* Texture = new FSlateTexture2DRHIRef( Width, Height, PF_B8G8R8A8, Info.TextureData, Info.bSrgb ? TexCreate_SRGB : TexCreate_None );
		// Add it to the list of non atlased textures that we must clean up later
		NonAtlasedTextures.Add( Texture );

		INC_DWORD_STAT_BY( STAT_SlateNumNonAtlasedTextures, 1 );

		BeginInitResource( Texture );

		// The texture proxy only contains a single texture
		NewProxy->Resource = Texture;
		NewProxy->StartUV = FVector2D(0.0f, 0.0f);
		NewProxy->SizeUV = FVector2D(1.0f, 1.0f);
		NewProxy->ActualSize = FIntPoint( Width, Height );

	return NewProxy;
예제 #3
void FShader::AddRef()
	if (NumRefs == 1)
		INC_DWORD_STAT_BY(STAT_Shaders_ShaderMemory, GetSizeBytes());
FLoadedAudioChunk* FStreamingWaveData::AddNewLoadedChunk(int32 ChunkSize)
	int32 NewIndex = LoadedChunks.Num();
	LoadedChunks[NewIndex].Data = static_cast<uint8*>(FMemory::Malloc(ChunkSize));
	LoadedChunks[NewIndex].DataSize = LoadedChunks[NewIndex].MemorySize = ChunkSize;

	INC_DWORD_STAT_BY(STAT_AudioMemorySize, ChunkSize);
	INC_DWORD_STAT_BY(STAT_AudioMemory, ChunkSize);

	return &LoadedChunks[NewIndex];
예제 #5
void FShader::AddRef()
	check(Canary != ShaderMagic_CleaningUp);
	// Lock shader Id maps
	if (NumRefs == 1)
		INC_DWORD_STAT_BY(STAT_Shaders_ShaderMemory, GetSizeBytes());
예제 #6
int32 FAsyncIOSystemBase::CancelRequests( uint64* RequestIndices, int32 NumIndices )
	FScopeLock ScopeLock( CriticalSection );

	// Iterate over all outstanding requests and cancel matching ones.
	int32 RequestsCanceled = 0;
	for( int32 OutstandingIndex=OutstandingRequests.Num()-1; OutstandingIndex>=0 && RequestsCanceled<NumIndices; OutstandingIndex-- )
		// Iterate over all indices of requests to cancel
		for( int32 TheRequestIndex=0; TheRequestIndex<NumIndices; TheRequestIndex++ )
			// Look for matching request index in queue.
			const FAsyncIORequest IORequest = OutstandingRequests[OutstandingIndex];
			if( IORequest.RequestIndex == RequestIndices[TheRequestIndex] )
				INC_DWORD_STAT( STAT_AsyncIO_CanceledReadCount );
				INC_DWORD_STAT_BY( STAT_AsyncIO_CanceledReadSize, IORequest.Size );
				DEC_DWORD_STAT( STAT_AsyncIO_OutstandingReadCount );
				DEC_DWORD_STAT_BY( STAT_AsyncIO_OutstandingReadSize, IORequest.Size );				
				// Decrement thread-safe counter to indicate that request has been "completed".
				// IORequest variable no longer valid after removal.
				OutstandingRequests.RemoveAt( OutstandingIndex );
				// Break out of loop as we've modified OutstandingRequests AND it no longer is valid.
	return RequestsCanceled;
예제 #7
	: NumInstructions(0)
	, NumTextureSamplers(0)
	, NumRefs(0)
	INC_DWORD_STAT_BY(STAT_Shaders_NumShaderResourcesLoaded, 1);
예제 #8
// FNavigationOctree
FNavigationOctree::FNavigationOctree(const FVector& Origin, float Radius)
	: TOctree<FNavigationOctreeElement, FNavigationOctreeSemantics>(Origin, Radius)
	, bGatherGeometry(false)
	, NodesMemory(0)
	INC_DWORD_STAT_BY( STAT_NavigationMemory, sizeof(*this) );
void FShaderResource::Serialize(FArchive& Ar)
	Ar << SpecificType;
	Ar << Target;
	Ar << Code;
	Ar << OutputHash;
	Ar << NumInstructions;
	Ar << NumTextureSamplers;
	if (Ar.IsLoading())
		INC_DWORD_STAT_BY_FName(GetMemoryStatType((EShaderFrequency)Target.Frequency).GetName(), (int64)Code.Num());
		INC_DWORD_STAT_BY(STAT_Shaders_ShaderResourceMemory, GetSizeBytes());
		FShaderCache::LogShader((EShaderPlatform)Target.Platform, (EShaderFrequency)Target.Frequency, OutputHash, Code);

		// The shader resource has been serialized in, so this shader resource is now initialized.
		check(Canary != FShader::ShaderMagic_CleaningUp);
		Canary = FShader::ShaderMagic_Initialized;
	else if(Ar.IsCooking())
		FShaderCache::CookShader((EShaderPlatform)Target.Platform, (EShaderFrequency)Target.Frequency, OutputHash, Code);
예제 #10
// FNavigationOctree
FNavigationOctree::FNavigationOctree(FVector Origin, float Radius)
	: Super(Origin, Radius)
	, bGatherGeometry(false)
	, NodesMemory(0)
	INC_DWORD_STAT_BY( STAT_NavigationMemory, sizeof(*this) );
 *	Retrieves the dynamic data for the emitter
 *	@param	bSelected					Whether the emitter is selected in the editor
 *	@return	FDynamicEmitterDataBase*	The dynamic data, or NULL if it shouldn't be rendered
FDynamicEmitterDataBase* FParticleBeam2EmitterInstance::GetDynamicData(bool bSelected)

	UParticleLODLevel* LODLevel = SpriteTemplate->GetCurrentLODLevel(this);
	if (IsDynamicDataRequired(LODLevel) == false)
		return NULL;

	//@todo.SAS. Have this call the UpdateDynamicData function to reduce duplicate code!!!
	//@SAS. This removes the need for the assertion in the actual render call...
	if ((ActiveParticles > FDynamicBeam2EmitterData::MaxBeams) ||	// TTP #33330 - Max of 2048 beams from a single emitter
		(ParticleStride >
			((FDynamicBeam2EmitterData::MaxInterpolationPoints + 2) * (sizeof(FVector) + sizeof(float))) + 
			(FDynamicBeam2EmitterData::MaxNoiseFrequency * (sizeof(FVector) + sizeof(FVector) + sizeof(float) + sizeof(float)))
		)	// TTP #33330 - Max of 10k per beam (includes interpolation points, noise, etc.)
		if (Component && Component->GetWorld())
			FString ErrorMessage = 
				FString::Printf(TEXT("BeamEmitter with too much data: %s"),
					Component ? 
						Component->Template ? 
							*(Component->Template->GetName()) :
							TEXT("No template") :
						TEXT("No component"));
			FColor ErrorColor(255,0,0);
			GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage((uint64)((PTRINT)this), 5.0f, ErrorColor,ErrorMessage);
			UE_LOG(LogParticles, Log, TEXT("%s"), *ErrorMessage);
		return NULL;

	// Allocate the dynamic data
	FDynamicBeam2EmitterData* NewEmitterData = ::new FDynamicBeam2EmitterData(LODLevel->RequiredModule);
		INC_DWORD_STAT_BY(STAT_DynamicEmitterMem, sizeof(FDynamicBeam2EmitterData));

	// Now fill in the source data
	if( !FillReplayData( NewEmitterData->Source ) )
		delete NewEmitterData;
		return NULL;

	// Setup dynamic render data.  Only call this AFTER filling in source data for the emitter.
	NewEmitterData->Init( bSelected );

	return NewEmitterData;
예제 #12
	: SpecificType(NULL)
	, NumInstructions(0)
	, NumTextureSamplers(0)
	, NumRefs(0)
	, Canary(FShader::ShaderMagic_Uninitialized)
	INC_DWORD_STAT_BY(STAT_Shaders_NumShaderResourcesLoaded, 1);
예제 #13
FShaderResource::FShaderResource(const FShaderCompilerOutput& Output) 
	: NumInstructions(Output.NumInstructions)
	, NumTextureSamplers(Output.NumTextureSamplers)
	, NumRefs(0)
	Target = Output.Target;
	Code = Output.Code;
	check(Code.Num() > 0);

	OutputHash = Output.OutputHash;
	checkSlow(OutputHash != FSHAHash());

	ShaderResourceIdMap.Add(GetId(), this);
	INC_DWORD_STAT_BY_FName(GetMemoryStatType((EShaderFrequency)Target.Frequency).GetName(), Code.Num());
	INC_DWORD_STAT_BY(STAT_Shaders_ShaderResourceMemory, GetSizeBytes());
	INC_DWORD_STAT_BY(STAT_Shaders_NumShaderResourcesLoaded, 1);
예제 #14
uint64 FAsyncIOSystemBase::QueueIORequest( 
	const FString& FileName, 
	int64 Offset, 
	int64 Size, 
	int64 UncompressedSize, 
	void* Dest, 
	ECompressionFlags CompressionFlags, 
	FThreadSafeCounter* Counter,
	EAsyncIOPriority Priority )
	check(Offset != INDEX_NONE);
	check(Dest != nullptr || Size == 0);

	FScopeLock ScopeLock(CriticalSection);

	// Create an IO request containing passed in information.
	FAsyncIORequest IORequest;
	IORequest.RequestIndex				= RequestIndex++;
	IORequest.FileSortKey				= INDEX_NONE;
	IORequest.FileName					= FileName;
	IORequest.FileNameHash				= FCrc::StrCrc32<TCHAR>(FileName.ToLower().GetCharArray().GetData());
	IORequest.Offset					= Offset;
	IORequest.Size						= Size;
	IORequest.UncompressedSize			= UncompressedSize;
	IORequest.Dest						= Dest;
	IORequest.CompressionFlags			= CompressionFlags;
	IORequest.Counter					= Counter;
	IORequest.Priority					= Priority;

	static bool HasCheckedCommandline = false;
	if (!HasCheckedCommandline)
		HasCheckedCommandline = true;
		if ( FParse::Param(FCommandLine::Get(), TEXT("logasync")))
			GbLogAsyncLoading = true;
			UE_LOG(LogStreaming, Warning, TEXT("*** ASYNC LOGGING IS ENABLED"));
	if (GbLogAsyncLoading == true)
		LogIORequest(TEXT("QueueIORequest"), IORequest);

	INC_DWORD_STAT( STAT_AsyncIO_OutstandingReadCount );
	INC_DWORD_STAT_BY( STAT_AsyncIO_OutstandingReadSize, IORequest.Size );

	// Add to end of queue.
	OutstandingRequests.Add( IORequest );

	// Trigger event telling IO thread to wake up to perform work.

	// Return unique ID associated with request which can be used to cancel it.
	return IORequest.RequestIndex;
void FNiagaraSimulation::Tick(float DeltaSeconds)
	SimpleTimer TickTime;

	UNiagaraEmitterProperties* PinnedProps = Props.Get();
	if (!PinnedProps || !bIsEnabled || TickState == NTS_Suspended || TickState == NTS_Dead)

	Age += DeltaSeconds;

	check(Data.GetNumVariables() > 0);

	// Figure out how many we will spawn.
	int32 OrigNumParticles = Data.GetNumInstances();
	int32 NumToSpawn = CalcNumToSpawn(DeltaSeconds);
	int32 MaxNewParticles = OrigNumParticles + NumToSpawn;

	ExternalConstants.SetOrAdd(BUILTIN_CONST_EMITTERAGE, FVector4(Age, Age, Age, Age));
	ExternalConstants.SetOrAdd(BUILTIN_CONST_DELTATIME, FVector4(DeltaSeconds, DeltaSeconds, DeltaSeconds, DeltaSeconds));

	// Simulate particles forward by DeltaSeconds.
	if (TickState==NTS_Running || TickState==NTS_Dieing)
		RunVMScript(PinnedProps->UpdateScriptProps, EUnusedAttributeBehaviour::PassThrough);

	//Init new particles with the spawn script.
	if (TickState==NTS_Running)
		//For now, zero any unused attributes here. But as this is really uninitialized data we should maybe make this a more serious error.
		RunVMScript(PinnedProps->SpawnScriptProps, EUnusedAttributeBehaviour::Zero, OrigNumParticles, NumToSpawn);

		if (bGenerateSpawnEvents)
			SpawnEventGenerator.OnSpawned(OrigNumParticles, NumToSpawn);

	CPUTimeMS = TickTime.GetElapsedMilliseconds();

	INC_DWORD_STAT_BY(STAT_NiagaraNumParticles, Data.GetNumInstances());
예제 #16
void UFontBulkData::Initialize(const void* const InFontData, const int32 InFontDataSizeBytes)
	// The bulk data cannot be removed if we are loading a memory location since we 
	// have no knowledge of this memory later
	BulkData.ClearBulkDataFlags( BULKDATA_SingleUse );

	void* const LockedFontData = BulkData.Realloc(InFontDataSizeBytes);
	FMemory::Memcpy(LockedFontData, InFontData, InFontDataSizeBytes);
	INC_DWORD_STAT_BY( STAT_SlateBulkFontDataMemory, BulkData.GetBulkDataSize() );
예제 #17
void FShaderResource::Serialize(FArchive& Ar)
	Ar << Target;
	Ar << Code;
	Ar << OutputHash;
	Ar << NumInstructions;
	Ar << NumTextureSamplers;
	if (Ar.IsLoading())
		INC_DWORD_STAT_BY_FName(GetMemoryStatType((EShaderFrequency)Target.Frequency).GetName(), (int64)Code.Num());
		INC_DWORD_STAT_BY(STAT_Shaders_ShaderResourceMemory, GetSizeBytes());
예제 #18
void FShaderResource::InitRHI()
	checkf(Code.Num() > 0, TEXT("FShaderResource::InitRHI was called with empty bytecode, which can happen if the resource is initialized multiple times on platforms with no editor data."));

	// we can't have this called on the wrong platform's shaders
	if (!ArePlatformsCompatible(GMaxRHIShaderPlatform, (EShaderPlatform)Target.Platform))
 		if (FPlatformProperties::RequiresCookedData())
 			UE_LOG(LogShaders, Fatal, TEXT("FShaderResource::InitRHI got platform %s but it is not compatible with %s"), 
				*LegacyShaderPlatformToShaderFormat((EShaderPlatform)Target.Platform).ToString(), *LegacyShaderPlatformToShaderFormat(GMaxRHIShaderPlatform).ToString());

	INC_DWORD_STAT_BY(STAT_Shaders_NumShadersUsedForRendering, 1);

	if(Target.Frequency == SF_Vertex)
		VertexShader = RHICreateVertexShader(Code);
	else if(Target.Frequency == SF_Pixel)
		PixelShader = RHICreatePixelShader(Code);
	else if(Target.Frequency == SF_Hull)
		HullShader = RHICreateHullShader(Code);
	else if(Target.Frequency == SF_Domain)
		DomainShader = RHICreateDomainShader(Code);
	else if(Target.Frequency == SF_Geometry)
		GeometryShader = RHICreateGeometryShader(Code);
	else if(Target.Frequency == SF_Compute)
		ComputeShader = RHICreateComputeShader(Code);

	if (!FPlatformProperties::HasEditorOnlyData())
		DEC_DWORD_STAT_BY_FName(GetMemoryStatType((EShaderFrequency)Target.Frequency).GetName(), Code.Num());
		DEC_DWORD_STAT_BY(STAT_Shaders_ShaderResourceMemory, Code.GetAllocatedSize());
예제 #19
FArchive& operator<<(FArchive& Ar, FStaticShadowDepthMap& ShadowMap)
	Ar << ShadowMap.WorldToLight;
	Ar << ShadowMap.ShadowMapSizeX;
	Ar << ShadowMap.ShadowMapSizeY;
	Ar << ShadowMap.DepthSamples;

	if (Ar.IsLoading())
		INC_DWORD_STAT_BY(STAT_PrecomputedShadowDepthMapMemory, ShadowMap.DepthSamples.GetAllocatedSize());

	return Ar;
void FIndirectLightingCache::UpdateBlocks(FScene* Scene, FViewInfo* DebugDrawingView, TMap<FIntVector, FBlockUpdateInfo>& BlocksToUpdate)
	if (BlocksToUpdate.Num() > 0 && !IsInitialized())

	INC_DWORD_STAT_BY(STAT_IndirectLightingCacheUpdates, BlocksToUpdate.Num());

	for (TMap<FIntVector, FBlockUpdateInfo>::TIterator It(BlocksToUpdate); It; ++It)
		UpdateBlock(Scene, DebugDrawingView, It.Value());
예제 #21
void UFontBulkData::Serialize(FArchive& Ar)
	BulkData.Serialize(Ar, this);

	if( !GIsEditor && Ar.IsLoading() )
		BulkData.SetBulkDataFlags( BULKDATA_SingleUse );

	if( Ar.IsLoading() && BulkData.IsBulkDataLoaded() )
		INC_DWORD_STAT_BY( STAT_SlateBulkFontDataMemory, BulkData.GetBulkDataSize() );
예제 #22
	 * Called when the resource is initialized. This is only called by the rendering thread.
	virtual void InitRHI() override
		INC_DWORD_STAT_BY( STAT_TextureMemory, TextureSize );
		INC_DWORD_STAT_FNAME_BY( LODGroupStatName, TextureSize );

		// Create the RHI texture.
		uint32 TexCreateFlags = (Owner->SRGB ? TexCreate_SRGB : 0)  | TexCreate_OfflineProcessed;
		FRHIResourceCreateInfo CreateInfo;
		TextureCubeRHI = RHICreateTextureCube( Owner->GetSizeX(), Owner->GetPixelFormat(), Owner->GetNumMips(), TexCreateFlags, CreateInfo );
		TextureRHI = TextureCubeRHI;
		RHIBindDebugLabelName(TextureRHI, *Owner->GetName());

		// Read the mip-levels into the RHI texture.
		int32 NumMips = Owner->GetNumMips();
		for( int32 FaceIndex=0; FaceIndex<6; FaceIndex++ )
			for(int32 MipIndex=0; MipIndex < NumMips; MipIndex++)
				if( MipData[FaceIndex][MipIndex] != NULL )
					uint32 DestStride;
					void* TheMipData = RHILockTextureCubeFace( TextureCubeRHI, FaceIndex, 0, MipIndex, RLM_WriteOnly, DestStride, false );
					GetData( FaceIndex, MipIndex, TheMipData, DestStride );
					RHIUnlockTextureCubeFace( TextureCubeRHI, FaceIndex, 0, MipIndex, false );

		// Create the sampler state RHI resource.
		FSamplerStateInitializerRHI SamplerStateInitializer
			GSystemSettings.TextureLODSettings.GetSamplerFilter( Owner ),
		SamplerStateRHI = RHICreateSamplerState(SamplerStateInitializer);

		// Set the greyscale format flag appropriately.
		EPixelFormat PixelFormat = Owner->GetPixelFormat();
		bGreyScaleFormat = (PixelFormat == PF_G8) || (PixelFormat == PF_BC4);
예제 #23
void UFontBulkData::Initialize(const FString& InFontFilename)
	// The bulk data cannot be removed if we are loading from source file
	BulkData.ClearBulkDataFlags( BULKDATA_SingleUse );
	TUniquePtr<FArchive> Reader(IFileManager::Get().CreateFileReader(*InFontFilename, 0));
		const int32 FontDataSizeBytes = Reader->TotalSize();

		void* const LockedFontData = BulkData.Realloc(FontDataSizeBytes);
		Reader->Serialize(LockedFontData, FontDataSizeBytes);
		INC_DWORD_STAT_BY( STAT_SlateBulkFontDataMemory, BulkData.GetBulkDataSize() );
		UE_LOG(LogSlate, Warning, TEXT("Failed to load font data from '%s'"), *InFontFilename);
예제 #24
void FOcclusionQueryBatcher::Flush(FRHICommandListImmediate& RHICmdList)
		FMemMark MemStackMark(FMemStack::Get());

		// Create the indices for MaxBatchedPrimitives boxes.
		FIndexBufferRHIParamRef IndexBufferRHI = GOcclusionQueryIndexBuffer.IndexBufferRHI;

		// Draw the batches.
		for(int32 BatchIndex = 0, NumBatches = BatchOcclusionQueries.Num();BatchIndex < NumBatches;BatchIndex++)
			FOcclusionBatch& Batch = BatchOcclusionQueries[BatchIndex];
			FRenderQueryRHIParamRef BatchOcclusionQuery = Batch.Query;
			FVertexBufferRHIParamRef VertexBufferRHI = Batch.VertexAllocation.VertexBuffer->VertexBufferRHI;
			uint32 VertexBufferOffset = Batch.VertexAllocation.VertexOffset;
			const int32 NumPrimitivesThisBatch = (BatchIndex != (NumBatches-1)) ? MaxBatchedPrimitives : NumBatchedPrimitives;
			RHICmdList.SetStreamSource(0, VertexBufferRHI, sizeof(FVector), VertexBufferOffset);
				/*BaseVertexIndex=*/ 0,
				/*MinIndex=*/ 0,
				/*NumVertices=*/ 8 * NumPrimitivesThisBatch,
				/*StartIndex=*/ 0,
				/*NumPrimitives=*/ 12 * NumPrimitivesThisBatch,
				/*NumInstances=*/ 1

		// Reset the batch state.
		CurrentBatchOcclusionQuery = NULL;
예제 #25
const void* UFontBulkData::Lock(int32& OutFontDataSizeBytes) const

	bool bWasLoaded = BulkData.IsBulkDataLoaded();

	OutFontDataSizeBytes = BulkData.GetBulkDataSize();

	const void* Data = BulkData.LockReadOnly();

	if( !bWasLoaded && BulkData.IsBulkDataLoaded() )
		INC_DWORD_STAT_BY( STAT_SlateBulkFontDataMemory, BulkData.GetBulkDataSize() );

	return Data;

예제 #26
void UFontBulkData::ForceLoadBulkData()
	FScopeLock Lock(&CriticalSection);

	// Keep the bulk data resident once it's been loaded

	const bool bWasLoaded = BulkData.IsBulkDataLoaded();

	// Trigger the load (if needed)

	if (!bWasLoaded && BulkData.IsBulkDataLoaded())
		INC_DWORD_STAT_BY(STAT_SlateBulkFontDataMemory, BulkData.GetBulkDataSize());
 *	Spawn particles for this instance
 *	@param	OldLeftover		The leftover time from the last spawn
 *	@param	Rate			The rate at which particles should be spawned
 *	@param	DeltaTime		The time slice to spawn over
 *	@param	Burst			The number of burst particle
 *	@param	BurstTime		The burst time addition (faked time slice)
 *	@return	float			The leftover fraction of spawning
float FParticleBeam2EmitterInstance::SpawnBeamParticles(float OldLeftover, float Rate, float DeltaTime, int32 Burst, float BurstTime)

	float SafetyLeftover = OldLeftover;
	float	NewLeftover = OldLeftover + DeltaTime * Rate;

	// Ensure continous spawning... lots of fiddling.
	int32		Number		= FMath::FloorToInt(NewLeftover);
	float	Increment	= 1.f / Rate;
	float	StartTime	= DeltaTime + OldLeftover * Increment - Increment;
	NewLeftover			= NewLeftover - Number;

	// Always match the burst at a minimum
	if (Number < Burst)
		Number = Burst;

	// Account for burst time simulation
	if (BurstTime > KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER)
		NewLeftover -= BurstTime / Burst;
		NewLeftover	= FMath::Clamp<float>(NewLeftover, 0, NewLeftover);

	// Force a beam
	bool bNoLivingParticles = false;
	if (ActiveParticles == 0)
		bNoLivingParticles = true;
		if (Number == 0)
			Number = 1;

	// Don't allow more than BeamCount beams...
	if (Number + ActiveParticles > BeamCount)
		Number	= BeamCount - ActiveParticles;

	// Handle growing arrays.
	bool bProcessSpawn = true;
	int32 NewCount = ActiveParticles + Number;
	if (NewCount >= MaxActiveParticles)
		if (DeltaTime < 0.25f)
			bProcessSpawn = Resize(NewCount + FMath::TruncToInt(FMath::Sqrt((float)NewCount)) + 1);
			bProcessSpawn = Resize((NewCount + FMath::TruncToInt(FMath::Sqrt((float)NewCount)) + 1), false);

	if (bProcessSpawn == true)
		UParticleLODLevel* LODLevel = SpriteTemplate->GetCurrentLODLevel(this);

		// Spawn particles.
		SpawnParticles( Number, StartTime, Increment, Location, FVector::ZeroVector, NULL );

		if (ForceSpawnCount > 0)
			ForceSpawnCount = 0;

		INC_DWORD_STAT_BY(STAT_BeamParticles, ActiveParticles);

		return NewLeftover;

	INC_DWORD_STAT_BY(STAT_BeamParticles, ActiveParticles);

	return SafetyLeftover;
예제 #28
void FShaderResource::InitRHI()
	checkf(Code.Num() > 0, TEXT("FShaderResource::InitRHI was called with empty bytecode, which can happen if the resource is initialized multiple times on platforms with no editor data."));

	// we can't have this called on the wrong platform's shaders
	if (!ArePlatformsCompatible(GMaxRHIShaderPlatform, (EShaderPlatform)Target.Platform))
 		if (FPlatformProperties::RequiresCookedData())
 			UE_LOG(LogShaders, Fatal, TEXT("FShaderResource::InitRHI got platform %s but it is not compatible with %s"), 
				*LegacyShaderPlatformToShaderFormat((EShaderPlatform)Target.Platform).ToString(), *LegacyShaderPlatformToShaderFormat(GMaxRHIShaderPlatform).ToString());

	INC_DWORD_STAT_BY(STAT_Shaders_NumShadersUsedForRendering, 1);

	FShaderCache* ShaderCache = FShaderCache::GetShaderCache();

	if(Target.Frequency == SF_Vertex)
		VertexShader = ShaderCache ? ShaderCache->GetVertexShader((EShaderPlatform)Target.Platform, OutputHash, Code) : RHICreateVertexShader(Code);
	else if(Target.Frequency == SF_Pixel)
		PixelShader = ShaderCache ? ShaderCache->GetPixelShader((EShaderPlatform)Target.Platform, OutputHash, Code) : RHICreatePixelShader(Code);
	else if(Target.Frequency == SF_Hull)
		HullShader = ShaderCache ? ShaderCache->GetHullShader((EShaderPlatform)Target.Platform, OutputHash, Code) : RHICreateHullShader(Code);
	else if(Target.Frequency == SF_Domain)
		DomainShader = ShaderCache ? ShaderCache->GetDomainShader((EShaderPlatform)Target.Platform, OutputHash, Code) : RHICreateDomainShader(Code);
	else if(Target.Frequency == SF_Geometry)
		if (SpecificType)
			FStreamOutElementList ElementList;
			TArray<uint32> StreamStrides;
			int32 RasterizedStream = -1;
			SpecificType->GetStreamOutElements(ElementList, StreamStrides, RasterizedStream);
			checkf(ElementList.Num(), *FString::Printf(TEXT("Shader type %s was given GetStreamOutElements implementation that had no elements!"), SpecificType->GetName()));

			//@todo - not using the cache
			GeometryShader = RHICreateGeometryShaderWithStreamOutput(Code, ElementList, StreamStrides.Num(), StreamStrides.GetData(), RasterizedStream);
			GeometryShader = ShaderCache ? ShaderCache->GetGeometryShader((EShaderPlatform)Target.Platform, OutputHash, Code) : RHICreateGeometryShader(Code);
	else if(Target.Frequency == SF_Compute)
		ComputeShader = ShaderCache ? ShaderCache->GetComputeShader((EShaderPlatform)Target.Platform, Code) : RHICreateComputeShader(Code);

	if (Target.Frequency != SF_Geometry)
		checkf(!SpecificType, *FString::Printf(TEXT("Only geometry shaders can use GetStreamOutElements, shader type %s"), SpecificType->GetName()));

	if (!FPlatformProperties::HasEditorOnlyData())
		DEC_DWORD_STAT_BY_FName(GetMemoryStatType((EShaderFrequency)Target.Frequency).GetName(), Code.Num());
		DEC_DWORD_STAT_BY(STAT_Shaders_ShaderResourceMemory, Code.GetAllocatedSize());
예제 #29
void FAsyncIOSystemBase::Tick()
	// Create file handles.
		TArray<FString> FileNamesToCacheHandles; 
		// Only enter critical section for copying existing array over. We don't operate on the 
		// real array as creating file handles might take a while and we don't want to have other
		// threads stalling on submission of requests.
			FScopeLock ScopeLock( CriticalSection );

			for( int32 RequestIdx=0; RequestIdx<OutstandingRequests.Num(); RequestIdx++ )
				// Early outs avoid unnecessary work and string copies with implicit allocator churn.
				FAsyncIORequest& OutstandingRequest = OutstandingRequests[RequestIdx];
				if( OutstandingRequest.bHasAlreadyRequestedHandleToBeCached == false
				&&	OutstandingRequest.bIsDestroyHandleRequest == false 
				&&	FindCachedFileHandle( OutstandingRequest.FileNameHash ) == NULL )
					OutstandingRequest.bHasAlreadyRequestedHandleToBeCached = true;
		// Create file handles for requests down the pipe. This is done here so we can later on
		// use the handles to figure out the sort keys.
		for( int32 FileNameIndex=0; FileNameIndex<FileNamesToCacheHandles.Num(); FileNameIndex++ )
			GetCachedFileHandle( FileNamesToCacheHandles[FileNameIndex] );

	// Copy of request.
	FAsyncIORequest IORequest;
	bool			bIsRequestPending	= false;
		FScopeLock ScopeLock( CriticalSection );
		if( OutstandingRequests.Num() )
			// Gets next request index based on platform specific criteria like layout on disc.
			int32 TheRequestIndex = PlatformGetNextRequestIndex();
			if( TheRequestIndex != INDEX_NONE )
				// We need to copy as we're going to remove it...
				IORequest = OutstandingRequests[ TheRequestIndex ];
				// ...right here.
				// NOTE: this needs to be a Remove, not a RemoveSwap because the base implementation
				// of PlatformGetNextRequestIndex is a FIFO taking priority into account
				OutstandingRequests.RemoveAt( TheRequestIndex );		
				// We're busy. Updated inside scoped lock to ensure BlockTillAllRequestsFinished works correctly.
				bIsRequestPending = true;

	// We only have work to do if there's a request pending.
	if( bIsRequestPending )
		// handle a destroy handle request from the queue
		if( IORequest.bIsDestroyHandleRequest )
			IFileHandle*	FileHandle = FindCachedFileHandle( IORequest.FileNameHash );
			if( FileHandle )
				// destroy and remove the handle
				delete FileHandle;
			// Retrieve cached handle or create it if it wasn't cached. We purposefully don't look at currently
			// set value as it might be stale by now.
			IFileHandle* FileHandle = GetCachedFileHandle( IORequest.FileName );
			if( FileHandle )
				if( IORequest.UncompressedSize )
					// Data is compressed on disc so we need to also decompress.
					FulfillCompressedRead( IORequest, FileHandle );
					// Read data after seeking.
					InternalRead( FileHandle, IORequest.Offset, IORequest.Size, IORequest.Dest );
				INC_DWORD_STAT( STAT_AsyncIO_FulfilledReadCount );
				INC_DWORD_STAT_BY( STAT_AsyncIO_FulfilledReadSize, IORequest.Size );
				//@todo streaming: add warning once we have thread safe logging.

			DEC_DWORD_STAT( STAT_AsyncIO_OutstandingReadCount );
			DEC_DWORD_STAT_BY( STAT_AsyncIO_OutstandingReadSize, IORequest.Size );

		// Request fulfilled.
		if( IORequest.Counter )
		// We're done reading for now.
		if( !OutstandingRequests.Num() && FPlatformProcess::SupportsMultithreading() )
			// We're really out of requests now, wait till the calling thread signals further work
void FRCPassPostProcessDeferredDecals::Process(FRenderingCompositePassContext& Context)
	FRHICommandListImmediate& RHICmdList = Context.RHICmdList;
	FSceneRenderTargets& SceneContext = FSceneRenderTargets::Get(RHICmdList);

	const bool bShaderComplexity = Context.View.Family->EngineShowFlags.ShaderComplexity;
	const bool bDBuffer = IsDBufferEnabled();
	const bool bStencilSizeThreshold = CVarStencilSizeThreshold.GetValueOnRenderThread() >= 0;

	SCOPED_DRAW_EVENTF(RHICmdList, DeferredDecals, TEXT("DeferredDecals %s"), GetStageName(CurrentStage));

	if (CurrentStage == DRS_BeforeBasePass)
		// before BasePass, only if DBuffer is enabled


		FPooledRenderTargetDesc GBufferADesc;

		// DBuffer: Decal buffer
		FPooledRenderTargetDesc Desc(FPooledRenderTargetDesc::Create2DDesc(GBufferADesc.Extent,
			TexCreate_ShaderResource | TexCreate_RenderTargetable,

		if (!SceneContext.DBufferA)
			Desc.ClearValue = FClearValueBinding::Black;
			GRenderTargetPool.FindFreeElement(RHICmdList, Desc, SceneContext.DBufferA, TEXT("DBufferA"));

		if (!SceneContext.DBufferB)
			Desc.ClearValue = FClearValueBinding(FLinearColor(128.0f / 255.0f, 128.0f / 255.0f, 128.0f / 255.0f, 1));
			GRenderTargetPool.FindFreeElement(RHICmdList, Desc, SceneContext.DBufferB, TEXT("DBufferB"));

		Desc.Format = PF_R8G8;

		if (!SceneContext.DBufferC)
			Desc.ClearValue = FClearValueBinding(FLinearColor(0, 1, 0, 1));
			GRenderTargetPool.FindFreeElement(RHICmdList, Desc, SceneContext.DBufferC, TEXT("DBufferC"));

		// we assume views are non overlapping, then we need to clear only once in the beginning, otherwise we would need to set scissor rects
		// and don't get FastClear any more.
		bool bFirstView = Context.View.Family->Views[0] == &Context.View;

		if (bFirstView)
			SCOPED_DRAW_EVENT(RHICmdList, DBufferClear);

			FRHIRenderTargetView RenderTargets[3];
			RenderTargets[0] = FRHIRenderTargetView(SceneContext.DBufferA->GetRenderTargetItem().TargetableTexture, 0, -1, ERenderTargetLoadAction::EClear, ERenderTargetStoreAction::EStore);
			RenderTargets[1] = FRHIRenderTargetView(SceneContext.DBufferB->GetRenderTargetItem().TargetableTexture, 0, -1, ERenderTargetLoadAction::EClear, ERenderTargetStoreAction::EStore);
			RenderTargets[2] = FRHIRenderTargetView(SceneContext.DBufferC->GetRenderTargetItem().TargetableTexture, 0, -1, ERenderTargetLoadAction::EClear, ERenderTargetStoreAction::EStore);

			FRHIDepthRenderTargetView DepthView(SceneContext.GetSceneDepthTexture(), ERenderTargetLoadAction::ELoad, ERenderTargetStoreAction::ENoAction, ERenderTargetLoadAction::ELoad, ERenderTargetStoreAction::ENoAction, FExclusiveDepthStencil(FExclusiveDepthStencil::DepthRead_StencilWrite));

			FRHISetRenderTargetsInfo Info(3, RenderTargets, DepthView);

	// this cast is safe as only the dedicated server implements this differently and this pass should not be executed on the dedicated server
	const FViewInfo& View = Context.View;
	const FSceneViewFamily& ViewFamily = *(View.Family);

	bool bHasValidDBufferMask = false;

		if(CurrentStage == DRS_BeforeBasePass || CurrentStage == DRS_BeforeLighting)
			RenderMeshDecals(Context, CurrentStage);

		FScene& Scene = *(FScene*)ViewFamily.Scene;

		//don't early return.  Resolves must be run for fast clears to work.
		if (Scene.Decals.Num())
			FDecalRenderTargetManager RenderTargetManager(RHICmdList, Context.GetShaderPlatform(), CurrentStage);

			// Build a list of decals that need to be rendered for this view
			FTransientDecalRenderDataList SortedDecals;
			FDecalRendering::BuildVisibleDecalList(Scene, View, CurrentStage, SortedDecals);

			if (SortedDecals.Num() > 0)
				SCOPED_DRAW_EVENTF(RHICmdList, DeferredDecalsInner, TEXT("DeferredDecalsInner %d/%d"), SortedDecals.Num(), Scene.Decals.Num());

				// optimization to have less state changes
				EDecalRasterizerState LastDecalRasterizerState = DRS_Undefined;
				FDecalDepthState LastDecalDepthState;
				int32 LastDecalBlendMode = -1;
				int32 LastDecalHasNormal = -1; // Decal state can change based on its normal property.(SM5)
				FDecalRenderingCommon::ERenderTargetMode LastRenderTargetMode = FDecalRenderingCommon::RTM_Unknown;
				const ERHIFeatureLevel::Type SMFeatureLevel = Context.GetFeatureLevel();

				SCOPED_DRAW_EVENT(RHICmdList, Decals);
				INC_DWORD_STAT_BY(STAT_Decals, SortedDecals.Num());

				for (int32 DecalIndex = 0, DecalCount = SortedDecals.Num(); DecalIndex < DecalCount; DecalIndex++)
					const FTransientDecalRenderData& DecalData = SortedDecals[DecalIndex];
					const FDeferredDecalProxy& DecalProxy = *DecalData.DecalProxy;
					const FMatrix ComponentToWorldMatrix = DecalProxy.ComponentTrans.ToMatrixWithScale();
					const FMatrix FrustumComponentToClip = FDecalRendering::ComputeComponentToClipMatrix(View, ComponentToWorldMatrix);

					EDecalBlendMode DecalBlendMode = DecalData.DecalBlendMode;
					EDecalRenderStage LocalDecalStage = FDecalRenderingCommon::ComputeRenderStage(View.GetShaderPlatform(), DecalBlendMode);
					bool bStencilThisDecal = IsStencilOptimizationAvailable(LocalDecalStage);

					FDecalRenderingCommon::ERenderTargetMode CurrentRenderTargetMode = FDecalRenderingCommon::ComputeRenderTargetMode(View.GetShaderPlatform(), DecalBlendMode, DecalData.bHasNormal);

					if (bShaderComplexity)
						CurrentRenderTargetMode = FDecalRenderingCommon::RTM_SceneColor;
						// we want additive blending for the ShaderComplexity mode
						DecalBlendMode = DBM_Emissive;

					// Here we assume that GBuffer can only be WorldNormal since it is the only GBufferTarget handled correctly.
					if (RenderTargetManager.bGufferADirty && DecalData.MaterialResource->NeedsGBuffer())
						RHICmdList.CopyToResolveTarget(SceneContext.GBufferA->GetRenderTargetItem().TargetableTexture, SceneContext.GBufferA->GetRenderTargetItem().TargetableTexture, true, FResolveParams());
						RenderTargetManager.TargetsToResolve[FDecalRenderTargetManager::GBufferAIndex] =  nullptr;
						RenderTargetManager.bGufferADirty = false;

					// fewer rendertarget switches if possible
					if (CurrentRenderTargetMode != LastRenderTargetMode)
						LastRenderTargetMode = CurrentRenderTargetMode;

						RenderTargetManager.SetRenderTargetMode(CurrentRenderTargetMode, DecalData.bHasNormal);

					bool bThisDecalUsesStencil = false;

					if (bStencilThisDecal && bStencilSizeThreshold)
						// note this is after a SetStreamSource (in if CurrentRenderTargetMode != LastRenderTargetMode) call as it needs to get the VB input
						bThisDecalUsesStencil = RenderPreStencil(Context, ComponentToWorldMatrix, FrustumComponentToClip);

						LastDecalRasterizerState = DRS_Undefined;
						LastDecalDepthState = FDecalDepthState();
						LastDecalBlendMode = -1;

					const bool bBlendStateChange = DecalBlendMode != LastDecalBlendMode;// Has decal mode changed.
					const bool bDecalNormalChanged = GSupportsSeparateRenderTargetBlendState && // has normal changed for SM5 stain/translucent decals?
						(DecalBlendMode == DBM_Translucent || DecalBlendMode == DBM_Stain) &&
						(int32)DecalData.bHasNormal != LastDecalHasNormal;

					// fewer blend state changes if possible
					if (bBlendStateChange || bDecalNormalChanged)
						LastDecalBlendMode = DecalBlendMode;
						LastDecalHasNormal = (int32)DecalData.bHasNormal;

						SetDecalBlendState(RHICmdList, SMFeatureLevel, CurrentStage, (EDecalBlendMode)LastDecalBlendMode, DecalData.bHasNormal);

					// todo
					const float ConservativeRadius = DecalData.ConservativeRadius;
					//			const int32 IsInsideDecal = ((FVector)View.ViewMatrices.ViewOrigin - ComponentToWorldMatrix.GetOrigin()).SizeSquared() < FMath::Square(ConservativeRadius * 1.05f + View.NearClippingDistance * 2.0f) + ( bThisDecalUsesStencil ) ? 2 : 0;
					const bool bInsideDecal = ((FVector)View.ViewMatrices.ViewOrigin - ComponentToWorldMatrix.GetOrigin()).SizeSquared() < FMath::Square(ConservativeRadius * 1.05f + View.NearClippingDistance * 2.0f);
					//			const bool bInsideDecal =  !(IsInsideDecal & 1);

					// update rasterizer state if needed
						bool bReverseHanded = false;
							// Account for the reversal of handedness caused by negative scale on the decal
							const auto& Scale3d = DecalProxy.ComponentTrans.GetScale3D();
							bReverseHanded =  Scale3d[0] * Scale3d[1] * Scale3d[2] < 0.f;
						EDecalRasterizerState DecalRasterizerState = ComputeDecalRasterizerState(bInsideDecal, bReverseHanded, View);

						if (LastDecalRasterizerState != DecalRasterizerState)
							LastDecalRasterizerState = DecalRasterizerState;
							SetDecalRasterizerState(DecalRasterizerState, RHICmdList);

					// update DepthStencil state if needed
						FDecalDepthState DecalDepthState = ComputeDecalDepthState(LocalDecalStage, bInsideDecal, bThisDecalUsesStencil);

						if (LastDecalDepthState != DecalDepthState)
							LastDecalDepthState = DecalDepthState;
							SetDecalDepthState(DecalDepthState, RHICmdList);

					FDecalRendering::SetShader(RHICmdList, View, DecalData, FrustumComponentToClip);

					RHICmdList.DrawIndexedPrimitive(GetUnitCubeIndexBuffer(), PT_TriangleList, 0, 0, 8, 0, ARRAY_COUNT(GCubeIndices) / 3, 1);
					RenderTargetManager.bGufferADirty |= (RenderTargetManager.TargetsToResolve[FDecalRenderTargetManager::GBufferAIndex] != nullptr);

				// we don't modify stencil but if out input was having stencil for us (after base pass - we need to clear)
				// Clear stencil to 0, which is the assumed default by other passes
				RHICmdList.Clear(false, FLinearColor::White, false, (float)ERHIZBuffer::FarPlane, true, 0, FIntRect());

			if (CurrentStage == DRS_BeforeBasePass)
				// combine DBuffer RTWriteMasks; will end up in one texture we can load from in the base pass PS and decide whether to do the actual work or not

				if (GSupportsRenderTargetWriteMask)
					bHasValidDBufferMask = true;


		if (CurrentStage == DRS_BeforeBasePass)
			// before BasePass
			GRenderTargetPool.VisualizeTexture.SetCheckPoint(RHICmdList, SceneContext.DBufferA);
			GRenderTargetPool.VisualizeTexture.SetCheckPoint(RHICmdList, SceneContext.DBufferB);
			GRenderTargetPool.VisualizeTexture.SetCheckPoint(RHICmdList, SceneContext.DBufferC);

	if (CurrentStage == DRS_BeforeBasePass && !bHasValidDBufferMask)
		// Return the DBufferMask to the render target pool.
		// FDeferredPixelShaderParameters will fall back to setting a white dummy mask texture.
		// This allows us to ignore the DBufferMask on frames without decals, without having to explicitly clear the texture.
		SceneContext.DBufferMask = nullptr;