예제 #1
void DrawMapBoundsPoly (CMap* theMap, PolyObjectHdl MapPolyHdl, DrawSpecRecPtr drawSettings, Boolean erasePolygon)
	long numPts = (**MapPolyHdl).pointCount;
	PolyHandle poly;

	LongPoint** thisPointsHdl=nil;
	Point pt,startPt;
	LongPoint wPt;
	long i;
	Boolean offQuickDrawPlane = false;
	RGBColor saveColor; // JLM ?? wouldn't compile without this

	GetForeColor (&saveColor);		/* save original forecolor */
	thisPointsHdl = (LongPoint**) (**MapPolyHdl).objectDataHdl;
	poly = OpenPoly();
	wPt = INDEXH(thisPointsHdl,0);
	startPt = GetQuickDrawPt(wPt.h,wPt.v,&gRect,&offQuickDrawPlane);
	for(i = 1; i< numPts;i++)
		wPt = INDEXH(thisPointsHdl,i);
		pt = GetQuickDrawPt(wPt.h,wPt.v,&gRect,&offQuickDrawPlane);
	if (erasePolygon) ErasePoly(poly);

	RGBForeColor (&saveColor);
예제 #2
OSErr InsertSegment(SEGMENTH *segments, long *numSegs, long index, WorldPoint m)
	long i;
	if ((m.pLong == INDEXH(*segments, index).toLong && m.pLat == INDEXH(*segments, index).toLat) ||
		(m.pLong == INDEXH(*segments, index).fromLong && m.pLat == INDEXH(*segments, index).fromLat))
		return 0;
	_SetHandleSize((Handle)*segments, ((*numSegs) + 1) * sizeof(Segment));
	if (_MemError()) { TechError("AddSegment()", "_SetHandleSize()", 0); return -1; }
	// old way: insert at end
	//INDEXH(*segments, *numSegs) = INDEXH(*segments, index);
	//INDEXH(*segments, index).toLong = m.pLong;
	//INDEXH(*segments, index).toLat = m.pLat;
	//INDEXH(*segments, *numSegs).fromLong = m.pLong;
	//INDEXH(*segments, *numSegs).fromLat = m.pLat;
	// new way: insert as next segment
	for (i = (*numSegs) - 1 ; i > index ; i--)
		INDEXH(*segments, i) = INDEXH(*segments, i - 1);
	INDEXH(*segments, index).toLong = m.pLong;
	INDEXH(*segments, index).toLat = m.pLat;
	INDEXH(*segments, index + 1).fromLong = m.pLong;
	INDEXH(*segments, index + 1).fromLat = m.pLat;
	return 0;
예제 #3
SEGMENTH WPointsToSegments(WORLDPOINTH wPoints, long numPoints, long *numSegs)
	long i, j;
	SEGMENTH segments;
	if (EqualWPoints(INDEXH(wPoints, 0), INDEXH(wPoints, numPoints - 1)))
		(*numSegs) = numPoints - 1;
		(*numSegs) = numPoints;
	segments = (SEGMENTH)_NewHandle((*numSegs) * sizeof(Segment));
	if (_MemError()) { TechError("WPointsToSegments()", "_NewHandle()", 0); return 0; }
	for (i = 0 ; i < (*numSegs) ; i++) {
		INDEXH(segments, i).fromLong = INDEXH(wPoints, i).pLong;
		INDEXH(segments, i).fromLat = INDEXH(wPoints, i).pLat;
		if ((*numSegs) == numPoints && i == numPoints - 1)
			j = 0;
			j = i + 1;
		INDEXH(segments, i).toLong = INDEXH(wPoints, j).pLong;
		INDEXH(segments, i).toLat = INDEXH(wPoints, j).pLat;
	return segments;
예제 #4
void LEList_c::RecalculateLEStatistics(long* numDispersed,long* numFloating,long* numRemoved,long* numOffMaps)
	// code goes here, might want to calculate percent dissolved here
	long i;
	if (LEHandle) {
		for (i = 0 ; i < this->numOfLEs ; i++) {	// code goes here, Alan occasionally seeing budget table floating < 0, maybe not released has z>0 or dispersed Le is getting beached?
			if( ((INDEXH(LEHandle, i).dispersionStatus == HAVE_DISPERSED || INDEXH(LEHandle, i).dispersionStatus == HAVE_DISPERSED_NAT) || INDEXH(LEHandle,i).z > 0) && !(INDEXH(LEHandle, i).statusCode==OILSTAT_EVAPORATED) && !(INDEXH(LEHandle, i).statusCode==OILSTAT_OFFMAPS) && !(INDEXH(LEHandle, i).statusCode==OILSTAT_NOTRELEASED) && !(INDEXH(LEHandle, i).statusCode==OILSTAT_ONLAND))
				//if( ((INDEXH(LEHandle, i).dispersionStatus == HAVE_DISPERSED || INDEXH(LEHandle, i).dispersionStatus == HAVE_DISPERSED_NAT) || INDEXH(LEHandle,i).z > 0) && INDEXH(LEHandle, i).statusCode==OILSTAT_INWATER )
				if ((*numFloating) < 0) 
					//printNote("Num floating < 0 in RecalculateLEStatistics");
			if( (INDEXH(LEHandle, i).dispersionStatus == HAVE_REMOVED) && (INDEXH(LEHandle, i).statusCode==OILSTAT_OFFMAPS) )
				if ((*numOffMaps) < 0) 
					printNote("Num off maps < 0 in RecalculateLEStatistics");
예제 #5
void DrawMapBoundsPoly (CMap* theMap, PolyObjectHdl MapPolyHdl, DrawSpecRecPtr drawSettings, Boolean erasePolygon)
	long numPts = (**MapPolyHdl).pointCount;
	POINT **pointsH = (POINT**)_NewHandle(numPts *sizeof(POINT));
	POINT *pointsPtr = (POINT*)_NewPtr(numPts *sizeof(POINT));
	LongPoint** thisPointsHdl=nil;
	Point pt;
	LongPoint wPt;
	long i;
	Boolean offQuickDrawPlane = false;
	RGBColor saveColor; // JLM ?? wouldn't compile without this
	if(!pointsH || !pointsPtr) {SysBeep(5); return;}
	thisPointsHdl = (LongPoint**) (**MapPolyHdl).objectDataHdl;
	for(i = 0; i< numPts;i++)
		wPt = INDEXH(thisPointsHdl,i);
		pt = GetQuickDrawPt(wPt.h,wPt.v,&gRect,&offQuickDrawPlane);
		INDEXH(pointsH,i) = MakePOINT(pt.h,pt.v);
		(pointsPtr)[i] = MakePOINT(pt.h,pt.v);
		// code goes here, make sure this point does not equal previous point JLM
	GetForeColor (&saveColor);		/* save original forecolor */

		if (erasePolygon)
			RgnHandle newClip=0;
			HBRUSH whiteBrush;
			newClip = CreatePolygonRgn((const POINT*)pointsPtr,numPts,ALTERNATE);
			whiteBrush = (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH);
			//err = SelectClipRgn(currentHDC,savedClip);
			FillRgn(currentHDC, newClip, whiteBrush);
			POINT p[2];
			p[0] = INDEXH(pointsH,numPts-1);
			p[1] = INDEXH(pointsH,0);
			if(numPts >= 2) 
				Polyline(currentHDC,p,2);	// close the polygon

	RGBForeColor (&saveColor);
	if(pointsPtr) {_DisposePtr((Ptr)pointsPtr); pointsPtr = 0;}
예제 #6
void ResetMaskValues(LONGH maskH,long landBlockToMerge,long landBlockToJoin,long numRows,long numCols)
{	// merges adjoining land blocks and then renumbers any higher numbered land blocks
	long i,j,val;
	long numRows_ext = numRows+1, numCols_ext = numCols+1;
	for (i=0;i<numRows_ext;i++)
		for (j=0;j<numCols_ext;j++)
			val = INDEXH(maskH,i*numCols_ext+j);
			if (val==landBlockToMerge) INDEXH(maskH,i*numCols_ext+j) = landBlockToJoin;
			if (val>landBlockToMerge) INDEXH(maskH,i*numCols_ext+j) -= 1;
예제 #7
Boolean ThereIsALowerLandNeighbor(LONGH maskH, long *lowerPolyNum, long numRows, long numCols, long row, long col) 
	long iStart, iEnd, jStart, jEnd, lowestLandIndex = 0;
	long i, j, neighbor, landPolyNum;
	long numRows_ext = numRows+1, numCols_ext = numCols+1;
	iStart = (row > 0) ? row - 1 : 0;
	jStart = (col > 0) ? col - 1 : 0;
	iEnd = (row < numRows_ext - 1) ? row + 1 : numRows_ext - 1;
	jEnd = (col < numCols_ext - 1) ? col + 1 : numCols_ext - 1;
	landPolyNum = INDEXH(maskH, row*numCols_ext + col);
	for (i = iStart; i< iEnd+1; i++)
		if (i==row) continue;
		neighbor = INDEXH(maskH, i*numCols_ext + col);
		if (neighbor >= 3 && neighbor < landPolyNum) 
			*lowerPolyNum = neighbor;
			return true;
	for (j = jStart; j< jEnd+1; j++)
		if (j==col) continue;
		neighbor = INDEXH(maskH, row*numCols_ext + j);
		if (neighbor >= 3 && neighbor < landPolyNum) 
			*lowerPolyNum = neighbor;
			return true;
	// don't allow diagonals for now, they could be separate small islands
	/*for (i = iStart; i< iEnd+1; i++)
	 for (j = jStart; j< jEnd+1; j++)
	 if (i==row && j==col) continue;
	 neighbor = INDEXH(maskH, i*fNumCols_ext + j);
	 if (neighbor >= 3 && neighbor < landPolyNum) 
	 *lowerPolyNum = neighbor;
	 return true;
	return false;
예제 #8
VelocityRec RectGridVel_c::GetPatValue(WorldPoint p)
	long rowNum, colNum;
	VelocityRec	velocity;

	LongRect gridLRect, geoRect;
	ScaleRec thisScaleRec;

	SetLRect(&gridLRect, 0, fNumRows, fNumCols, 0);
	SetLRect(&geoRect, fGridBounds.loLong, fGridBounds.loLat, fGridBounds.hiLong, fGridBounds.hiLat);

	GetLScaleAndOffsets(&geoRect, &gridLRect, &thisScaleRec);

	//	gridP = WorldToScreenPoint(p, bounds, CATSgridRect);
	colNum = (long)(p.pLong * thisScaleRec.XScale + thisScaleRec.XOffset);
	rowNum = (long)(p.pLat  * thisScaleRec.YScale + thisScaleRec.YOffset);

	if (!fGridHdl ||
		colNum < 0 || colNum >= fNumCols ||
		rowNum < 0 || rowNum >= fNumRows)
		velocity.u = 0.0;
		velocity.v = 0.0;
		return velocity;
	return INDEXH(fGridHdl, rowNum * fNumCols + colNum);
예제 #9
void ExchangeSegs(SEGMENTH S, long a, long b)
	long i;
	Segment m;
	// old way
	//m = INDEXH(S, a);
	//INDEXH(S, a) = INDEXH(S, b);
	//INDEXH(S, b) = m;
	// new way
	m = INDEXH(S, b);
	for (i = b ; i > a ; i--)
		INDEXH(S, i) = INDEXH(S, i - 1);
	INDEXH(S, a) = m;
예제 #10
OSErr NetCDFWindMoverCurv::Read(BFPB *bfpb)	
	long i, version, index, numPoints;
	ClassID id;
	WorldPointF vertex;
	OSErr err = 0;
	if (err = NetCDFWindMover::Read(bfpb)) return err;
	if (err = ReadMacValue(bfpb,&id)) return err;
	if (id != GetClassID ()) { TechError("NetCDFWindMoverCurv::Read()", "id != TYPE_NETCDFWINDMOVERCURV", 0); return -1; }
	if (err = ReadMacValue(bfpb,&version)) return err;
	if (version != NetCDFWindMoverCurvREADWRITEVERSION) { printSaveFileVersionError(); return -1; }
	if (err = ReadMacValue(bfpb, &numPoints)) goto done;	
	if (numPoints > 0)
		fVerdatToNetCDFH = (LONGH)_NewHandleClear(sizeof(long)*numPoints);	// for curvilinear
		{TechError("NetCDFWindMoverCurv::Read()", "_NewHandle()", 0); err = memFullErr; goto done;}
		for (i = 0 ; i < numPoints ; i++) {
			if (err = ReadMacValue(bfpb, &index)) goto done;
			INDEXH(fVerdatToNetCDFH, i) = index;
	if (err = ReadMacValue(bfpb, &numPoints)) goto done;	
	fVertexPtsH = (WORLDPOINTFH)_NewHandleClear(sizeof(WorldPointF)*numPoints);	// for curvilinear
	{TechError("NetCDFWindMoverCurv::Read()", "_NewHandle()", 0); err = memFullErr; goto done;}
	for (i = 0 ; i < numPoints ; i++) {
		if (err = ReadMacValue(bfpb, &vertex.pLat)) goto done;
		if (err = ReadMacValue(bfpb, &vertex.pLong)) goto done;
		INDEXH(fVertexPtsH, i) = vertex;
		TechError("NetCDFWindMoverCurv::Read(char* path)", " ", 0); 
		if(fVerdatToNetCDFH) {DisposeHandle((Handle)fVerdatToNetCDFH); fVerdatToNetCDFH=0;}
		if(fVertexPtsH) {DisposeHandle((Handle)fVertexPtsH); fVertexPtsH=0;}
	return err;
예제 #11
OSErr AddSegment(SEGMENTH *segments, long *numSegs, Segment s)
	_SetHandleSize((Handle)*segments, ((*numSegs) + 1) * sizeof(Segment));
	if (_MemError()) { TechError("AddSegment()", "_SetHandleSize()", 0); return -1; }
	INDEXH(*segments, *numSegs) = s;
	return 0;
예제 #12
OSErr ComponentMover_c::GetAveragedWindValue(Seconds time, const Seconds& time_step, VelocityRec *avValue)
	long index, numValuesInHdl;
	VelocityRec avWindValue = {0.,0.};
	Seconds avTime, elapsed_time;
	*avValue = avWindValue;
	elapsed_time = time - fModelStartTime;
	index = (elapsed_time) / time_step;
	//index = (long)((time - fModelStartTime)/time_step);
	numValuesInHdl = _GetHandleSize((Handle)fAveragedWindsHdl)/sizeof(**fAveragedWindsHdl);
	if (index<0 || index >= numValuesInHdl) {return -1;}	// may want to recalculate
	avTime = INDEXH(fAveragedWindsHdl, index).time;
	if (avTime != time) return -1;
	*avValue = INDEXH(fAveragedWindsHdl, index).value;// translate back to u,v

	return noErr;
예제 #13
WorldRect LEList_c::GetLEBounds()
	long i;
	WorldPoint p;
	WorldRect bounds = voidWorldRect;
	for (i = 0 ; i < this->numOfLEs ; i++) {
		p = INDEXH(LEHandle, i).p;
		AddWPointToWRect(p.pLat, p.pLong, &bounds);
	return bounds;
예제 #14
OSErr TimeGridWindCurv::Write (BFPB *bfpb)
	long i, version = TimeGridWindCurvREADWRITEVERSION; //JLM
	ClassID id = GetClassID ();
	long numPoints, index;
	WorldPointF vertex;
	OSErr err = 0;
	if (err = TimeGridWindRect::Write (bfpb)) return err;
	if (err = WriteMacValue(bfpb, id)) return err;
	if (err = WriteMacValue(bfpb, version)) return err;
	numPoints = _GetHandleSize((Handle)fVerdatToNetCDFH)/sizeof(**fVerdatToNetCDFH);
	if (err = WriteMacValue(bfpb, numPoints)) goto done;
	for (i=0;i<numPoints;i++)
		index = INDEXH(fVerdatToNetCDFH,i);
		if (err = WriteMacValue(bfpb, index)) goto done;
	numPoints = _GetHandleSize((Handle)fVertexPtsH)/sizeof(**fVertexPtsH);
	if (err = WriteMacValue(bfpb, numPoints)) goto done;
	for (i=0;i<numPoints;i++)
		vertex = INDEXH(fVertexPtsH,i);
		if (err = WriteMacValue(bfpb, vertex.pLat)) goto done;
		if (err = WriteMacValue(bfpb, vertex.pLong)) goto done;
		TechError("TimeGridWindCurv::Write(char* path)", " ", 0); 
	return err;
예제 #15
//Boolean NetCDFMoverCurv_c::ThereIsAdjacentLand2(LONGH maskH, VelocityFH velocityH, long numRows, long  numCols, long row, long col) 
Boolean ThereIsAdjacentLand2(LONGH maskH, DOUBLEH landmaskH, long numRows, long  numCols, long row, long col) 
	long i, j, iStart, iEnd, jStart, jEnd, lowestLandIndex = 0;
	long neighbor;
	iStart = (row > 0) ? row - 1 : 0;
	jStart = (col > 0) ? col - 1 : 0;
	iEnd = (row < numRows - 1) ? row + 1 : numRows - 1;
	jEnd = (col < numCols - 1) ? col + 1 : numCols - 1;
	/*for (i = iStart; i < iEnd+1; i++)
	 for (j = jStart; j < jEnd+1; j++)
	 if (i==row && j==col) continue;
	 neighbor = INDEXH(maskH, i*fNumCols + j);
	 // eventually should use a land mask or fill value to identify land
	 if (neighbor >= 3 || (INDEXH(velocityH,i*fNumCols+j).u==0. && INDEXH(velocityH,i*fNumCols+j).v==0.)) return true;
	for (i = iStart; i < iEnd+1; i++)
		if (i==row) continue;
		neighbor = INDEXH(maskH, i*numCols + col);
		//if (neighbor >= 3 || (INDEXH(velocityH,i*fNumCols+j).u==fFillValue && INDEXH(velocityH,i*fNumCols+j).v==fFillValue)) return true;
		//if (neighbor >= 3 || (INDEXH(velocityH,i*numCols+col).u==fFillValue && INDEXH(velocityH,i*numCols+col).v==fFillValue)) return true;
		if (neighbor >= 3 || INDEXH(landmaskH,i*numCols+col)==0) return true;
	for (j = jStart; j< jEnd+1; j++)
		if (j==col) continue;
		neighbor = INDEXH(maskH, row*numCols + j);
		//if (neighbor >= 3 || (INDEXH(velocityH,i*fNumCols+j).u==fFillValue && INDEXH(velocityH,i*fNumCols+j).v==fFillValue)) return true;
		//if (neighbor >= 3 || (INDEXH(velocityH,row*numCols+j).u==fFillValue && INDEXH(velocityH,row*numCols+j).v==fFillValue)) return true;
		if (neighbor >= 3 || INDEXH(landmaskH,row*numCols+j)==0) return true;
	return false;
예제 #16
long CheckSurroundingPoints(LONGH maskH, long numRows, long  numCols, long row, long col) 
	long i, j, iStart, iEnd, jStart, jEnd, lowestLandIndex = 0;
	long neighbor;
	iStart = (row > 0) ? row - 1 : 0;
	jStart = (col > 0) ? col - 1 : 0;
	iEnd = (row < numRows - 1) ? row + 1 : numRows - 1;
	jEnd = (col < numCols - 1) ? col + 1 : numCols - 1;
	// don't allow diagonals for now,they could be separate small islands 
	/*for (i = iStart; i< iEnd+1; i++)
	 for (j = jStart; j< jEnd+1; j++)
	 if (i==row && j==col) continue;
	 neighbor = INDEXH(maskH, i*fNumCols + j);
	 if (neighbor >= 3 && neighbor < lowestLandIndex)
	 lowestLandIndex = neighbor;
	for (i = iStart; i< iEnd+1; i++)
		if (i==row) continue;
		neighbor = INDEXH(maskH, i*numCols + col);
		if (neighbor >= 3 && neighbor < lowestLandIndex)
			lowestLandIndex = neighbor;
	for (j = jStart; j< jEnd+1; j++)
		if (j==col) continue;
		neighbor = INDEXH(maskH, row*numCols + j);
		if (neighbor >= 3 && neighbor < lowestLandIndex)
			lowestLandIndex = neighbor;
	return lowestLandIndex;
예제 #17
VelocityRec RectGridVel_c::GetSmoothVelocity(WorldPoint p)
	long rowNum, colNum;
	VelocityRec	velocity, velNew;

	LongRect gridLRect, geoRect;
	ScaleRec thisScaleRec;

	SetLRect(&gridLRect, 0, fNumRows, fNumCols, 0);
	SetLRect(&geoRect, fGridBounds.loLong, fGridBounds.loLat, fGridBounds.hiLong, fGridBounds.hiLat);

	GetLScaleAndOffsets(&geoRect, &gridLRect, &thisScaleRec);
	colNum = (long)(p.pLong * thisScaleRec.XScale + thisScaleRec.XOffset);
	rowNum = (long)(p.pLat  * thisScaleRec.YScale + thisScaleRec.YOffset);

	velocity = GetPatValue(p);
	if (colNum > 0 && colNum < fNumCols - 1 &&
		rowNum > 0 && rowNum < fNumRows - 1)
		VelocityRec topV, leftV, bottomV, rightV;
		topV    = INDEXH (fGridHdl, rowNum + 1 * fNumCols + colNum);
		bottomV = INDEXH (fGridHdl, rowNum - 1 * fNumCols + colNum);
		leftV   = INDEXH (fGridHdl, rowNum     * fNumCols + colNum - 1);
		rightV  = INDEXH (fGridHdl, rowNum     * fNumCols + colNum + 1);
		velNew.u = .5 * velocity.u + .125 * (topV.u + bottomV.u + leftV.u + rightV.u);
		velNew.v = .5 * velocity.v + .125 * (topV.v + bottomV.v + leftV.v + rightV.v);
		velNew = velocity;
	return velNew;
예제 #18
float TriCurMover_c::GetMaxDepth(void)
	long i,numDepths;
	float depth, maxDepth = -9999.0;
	if (!fDepthDataInfo) return 0; // some error alert, no depth info to check
	numDepths = _GetHandleSize((Handle)fDepthDataInfo)/sizeof(**fDepthDataInfo);
	for (i=0;i<numDepths;i++)
		depth = INDEXH(fDepthDataInfo,i).totalDepth;	// depth at triangle
		if (depth > maxDepth) 
			maxDepth = depth;
	return maxDepth;
예제 #19
void LEList_c::GetLEStatistics(long* numReleased,long* numEvaporated,long* numBeached, long* numOffMap, long* numFloating)
	long i,numNotReleased = 0;
	*numEvaporated = *numBeached = *numOffMap = *numFloating = 0;
	if (LEHandle) {
		for (i = 0 ; i < this->numOfLEs ; i++) {
			switch( INDEXH(LEHandle, i).statusCode)
				case OILSTAT_NOTRELEASED: numNotReleased++; break;
				case OILSTAT_OFFMAPS: (*numOffMap)++; break;
				case OILSTAT_ONLAND: (*numBeached)++; break;
				case OILSTAT_EVAPORATED: (*numEvaporated)++; break;
				case OILSTAT_INWATER:(*numFloating)++; break;
	*numReleased = this->numOfLEs - numNotReleased;
예제 #20
float Map3D_c::GetMaxDepth2(void)
{	// may want to extend for SIGMA_ROMS (all ROMS?) to check the cell depths rather than point depths
	long i,numDepths;
	float depth, maxDepth=0;
	FLOATH depthsHdl = 0;
	TTriGridVel* triGrid = GetGrid();	// don't use refined grid, depths aren't refined
	if (!triGrid) return 0; // some error alert, no depth info to check
	depthsHdl = triGrid->GetBathymetry();
	if (!depthsHdl) return 0;	// some error alert, no depth info to check
	numDepths = _GetHandleSize((Handle)depthsHdl)/sizeof(**depthsHdl);
	for (i=0;i<numDepths;i++)
		depth = INDEXH(depthsHdl,i);
		if (depth > maxDepth) 
			maxDepth = depth;
	return maxDepth;
예제 #21
Boolean InteriorLandPoint(LONGH maskH, long numRows, long numCols, long row, long col) 
	long i, j, iStart, iEnd, jStart, jEnd;
	long neighbor;
	long numRows_ext = numRows+1, numCols_ext = numCols+1;
	iStart = (row > 0) ? row - 1 : 0;
	jStart = (col > 0) ? col - 1 : 0;
	iEnd = (row < numRows_ext - 1) ? row + 1 : numRows_ext - 1;
	jEnd = (col < numCols_ext - 1) ? col + 1 : numCols_ext - 1;
	/*for (i = iStart; i < iEnd+1; i++)
	 if (i==row) continue;
	 neighbor = INDEXH(maskH, i*fNumCols_ext + col);
	 if (neighbor < 3)	// water point
	 return false;
	 for (j = jStart; j< jEnd+1; j++)
	 if (j==col) continue;
	 neighbor = INDEXH(maskH, row*fNumCols_ext + j);
	 if (neighbor < 3)	// water point
	 return false;
	//for (i = iStart; i < iEnd+1; i++)
	// point is in lower left corner of grid box (land), so only check 3 other quadrants of surrounding 'square'
	for (i = row; i < iEnd+1; i++)
		//for (j = jStart; j< jEnd+1; j++)
		for (j = jStart; j< jEnd; j++)
			if (i==row && j==col) continue;
			neighbor = INDEXH(maskH, i*numCols_ext + j);
			if (neighbor < 3 /*&& neighbor != -1*/)	// water point
				return false;
			//if (row==1 && INDEXH(maskH,j)==1) return false;
	return true;
예제 #22
void SortSegments(SEGMENTH S, long numSegs)
	long i, startPiece, nextPos = 0;
	while (nextPos < numSegs) {
		// find a segment whose FROM doesn't match the FROM or TO of any other segment
		for (startPiece = nextPos ; startPiece < numSegs ; startPiece++) {
			// check next and previous first as a special case
			if (startPiece > 0)
				if ( (INDEXH(S, startPiece).fromLat == INDEXH(S, startPiece - 1).fromLat &&
					  INDEXH(S, startPiece).fromLong == INDEXH(S, startPiece - 1).fromLong) ||
					 (INDEXH(S, startPiece).fromLat == INDEXH(S, startPiece - 1).toLat &&
					  INDEXH(S, startPiece).fromLong == INDEXH(S, startPiece - 1).toLong) )
			if (startPiece < (numSegs - 1))
				if ( (INDEXH(S, startPiece).fromLat == INDEXH(S, startPiece + 1).fromLat &&
					  INDEXH(S, startPiece).fromLong == INDEXH(S, startPiece + 1).fromLong) ||
					 (INDEXH(S, startPiece).fromLat == INDEXH(S, startPiece + 1).toLat &&
					  INDEXH(S, startPiece).fromLong == INDEXH(S, startPiece + 1).toLong) )
			// check all segments
			for (i = nextPos ; i < numSegs ; i++) {
				if (i == startPiece) continue;
				if ( (INDEXH(S, startPiece).fromLat == INDEXH(S, i).fromLat &&
					  INDEXH(S, startPiece).fromLong == INDEXH(S, i).fromLong) ||
					 (INDEXH(S, startPiece).fromLat == INDEXH(S, i).toLat &&
					  INDEXH(S, startPiece).fromLong == INDEXH(S, i).toLong) )
			if (i == numSegs) break;
		if (startPiece == numSegs) {
			// couldn't find one,
			// so try to find a segment whose TO doesn't match the FROM or TO of any other segment 
			for (startPiece = nextPos ; startPiece < numSegs ; startPiece++) {
				// check next and previous first as a special case
				if (startPiece > 0)
					if ( (INDEXH(S, startPiece).toLat == INDEXH(S, startPiece - 1).fromLat &&
						  INDEXH(S, startPiece).toLong == INDEXH(S, startPiece - 1).fromLong) ||
						 (INDEXH(S, startPiece).toLat == INDEXH(S, startPiece - 1).toLat &&
						  INDEXH(S, startPiece).fromLong == INDEXH(S, startPiece - 1).toLong) )
				if (startPiece < (numSegs - 1))
					if ( (INDEXH(S, startPiece).toLat == INDEXH(S, startPiece + 1).fromLat &&
						  INDEXH(S, startPiece).toLong == INDEXH(S, startPiece + 1).fromLong) ||
						 (INDEXH(S, startPiece).toLat == INDEXH(S, startPiece + 1).toLat &&
						  INDEXH(S, startPiece).toLong == INDEXH(S, startPiece + 1).toLong) )
				for (i = nextPos ; i < numSegs ; i++) {
					if (i == startPiece) continue;
					if ( (INDEXH(S, startPiece).toLat == INDEXH(S, i).fromLat &&
						  INDEXH(S, startPiece).toLong == INDEXH(S, i).fromLong) ||
						 (INDEXH(S, startPiece).toLat == INDEXH(S, i).toLat &&
						  INDEXH(S, startPiece).toLong == INDEXH(S, i).toLong) )
				if (i == numSegs) {
					// reverse the segment, since we want to follow its TO chain
					SwitchLongs(&INDEXH(S, startPiece).toLat, &INDEXH(S, startPiece).fromLat);
					SwitchLongs(&INDEXH(S, startPiece).toLong, &INDEXH(S, startPiece).fromLong);
			if (startPiece == numSegs)
				// at this point we've checked all the remaining segments and all of their
				// FROM and TO points are inter-connected,
				// so we have a ring and can choose the first segment arbitrarily as the start
				startPiece = nextPos;
		// string the TO chain starting from it until a segment without a TO is reached
		if (startPiece != nextPos) ExchangeSegs(S, nextPos, startPiece);
		while (nextPos < numSegs) {
			for (i = nextPos ; i < numSegs ; i++) {
				if ( (INDEXH(S, i).fromLat == INDEXH(S, nextPos - 1).toLat &&
					  INDEXH(S, i).fromLong == INDEXH(S, nextPos - 1).toLong) ||
					 (INDEXH(S, i).toLat == INDEXH(S, nextPos - 1).toLat &&
					  INDEXH(S, i).toLong == INDEXH(S, nextPos - 1).toLong) )
			if (i == numSegs) break;
			if (i != nextPos) ExchangeSegs(S, nextPos, i);
			if (INDEXH(S, nextPos).toLat == INDEXH(S, nextPos - 1).toLat &&
				INDEXH(S, nextPos).toLong == INDEXH(S, nextPos - 1).toLong) {
				// reverse
				SwitchLongs(&INDEXH(S, nextPos).toLat, &INDEXH(S, nextPos).fromLat);
				SwitchLongs(&INDEXH(S, nextPos).toLong, &INDEXH(S, nextPos).fromLong);
예제 #23
void TimeGridWindCurv::Draw(Rect r, WorldRect view, double refScale, double arrowScale,double arrowDepth, Boolean bDrawArrows, Boolean bDrawGrid, RGBColor arrowColor) 
{	// use for curvilinear
	WorldPoint wayOffMapPt = {-200*1000000,-200*1000000};
	double timeAlpha;
	Point p;
	Rect c;
	Seconds startTime,endTime;
	Seconds time = model->GetModelTime();
	OSErr err = 0;
	char errmsg[256];
	if(bDrawArrows || bDrawGrid)
		if (bDrawGrid) 	// make sure to draw grid even if don't draw arrows
		if (bDrawArrows)
		{ // we have to draw the arrows
			long numVertices,i;
			LongPointHdl ptsHdl = 0;
			long timeDataInterval;
			Boolean loaded;
			TTriGridVel* triGrid = (TTriGridVel*)fGrid;
			err = this -> SetInterval(errmsg, model->GetModelTime());	// AH 07/17/2012
			if(err) return;
			loaded = this -> CheckInterval(timeDataInterval, model->GetModelTime());	// AH 07/17/2012
			if(!loaded) return;
			ptsHdl = triGrid -> GetPointsHdl();
				numVertices = _GetHandleSize((Handle)ptsHdl)/sizeof(**ptsHdl);
				numVertices = 0;
			// Check for time varying wind 
			if( (GetNumTimesInFile()>1 || GetNumFiles()>1 )&& loaded && !err)
				// Calculate the time weight factor
				startTime = (*fTimeHdl)[fStartData.timeIndex] + fTimeShift;
				//endTime = (*fTimeHdl)[fEndData.timeIndex] + fTimeShift;
				//timeAlpha = (endTime - time)/(double)(endTime - startTime);
				if (fEndData.timeIndex == UNASSIGNEDINDEX && (time > startTime || time < startTime) && fAllowExtrapolationInTime)
					timeAlpha = 1;
				{	//return false;
					endTime = (*fTimeHdl)[fEndData.timeIndex] + fTimeShift;
					timeAlpha = (endTime - time)/(double)(endTime - startTime);
			for(i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)
			 	// get the value at each vertex and draw an arrow
				LongPoint pt = INDEXH(ptsHdl,i);
				long ptIndex=-1,iIndex,jIndex;
				WorldPoint wp,wp2;
				Point p,p2;
				VelocityRec velocity = {0.,0.};
				Boolean offQuickDrawPlane = false;				
				wp.pLat = pt.v;
				wp.pLong = pt.h;
				ptIndex = INDEXH(fVerdatToNetCDFH,i);
				iIndex = ptIndex/(fNumCols+1);
				jIndex = ptIndex%(fNumCols+1);
				if (iIndex>0 && jIndex<fNumCols)
					ptIndex = (iIndex-1)*(fNumCols)+jIndex;
					ptIndex = -1;
				// for now draw arrow at midpoint of diagonal of gridbox
				// this will result in drawing some arrows more than once
				if (GetLatLonFromIndex(iIndex-1,jIndex+1,&wp2)!=-1)	// may want to get all four points and interpolate
					wp.pLat = (wp.pLat + wp2.pLat)/2.;
					wp.pLong = (wp.pLong + wp2.pLong)/2.;
				p = GetQuickDrawPt(wp.pLong, wp.pLat, &r, &offQuickDrawPlane);	// should put velocities in center of grid box
				// Should check vs fFillValue
				// Check for constant wind 
				if(   ((  GetNumTimesInFile()==1 &&!(GetNumFiles()>1)  ) || timeAlpha == 1) && ptIndex!=-1)
					velocity.u = INDEXH(fStartData.dataHdl,ptIndex).u;
					velocity.v = INDEXH(fStartData.dataHdl,ptIndex).v;
				else if (ptIndex!=-1)// time varying wind
					// need to rescale velocities for Navy case, store angle
					velocity.u = timeAlpha*INDEXH(fStartData.dataHdl,ptIndex).u + (1-timeAlpha)*INDEXH(fEndData.dataHdl,ptIndex).u;
					velocity.v = timeAlpha*INDEXH(fStartData.dataHdl,ptIndex).v + (1-timeAlpha)*INDEXH(fEndData.dataHdl,ptIndex).v;
				if ((velocity.u != 0 || velocity.v != 0) && (velocity.u != fFillValue && velocity.v != fFillValue))
					float inchesX = (velocity.u * refScale) / arrowScale;
					float inchesY = (velocity.v * refScale) / arrowScale;
					short pixX = inchesX * PixelsPerInchCurrent();
					short pixY = inchesY * PixelsPerInchCurrent();
					p2.h = p.h + pixX;
					p2.v = p.v - pixY;
					MyMoveTo(p.h, p.v);
					MyLineTo(p2.h, p2.v);
	if (bDrawGrid) fGrid->Draw(r,view,wayOffMapPt,refScale,arrowScale,0.,false,true,arrowColor);
예제 #24
Boolean TimeGridWindCurv::VelocityStrAtPoint(WorldPoint3D wp, char *diagnosticStr, double arrowDepth)
	char uStr[32],sStr[32],errmsg[64];
	double lengthU, lengthS;
	VelocityRec velocity = {0.,0.};
	OSErr err = 0;
	Seconds startTime, endTime, time = model->GetModelTime();
	double timeAlpha;
	long index;
	LongPoint indices;
	long ptIndex1,ptIndex2,ptIndex3; 
	InterpolationVal interpolationVal;
	if (fGrid) 
		// for now just use the u,v at left and bottom midpoints of grid box as velocity over entire gridbox
		index = ((TTriGridVel*)fGrid)->GetRectIndexFromTriIndex(wp.p,fVerdatToNetCDFH,fNumCols+1);// curvilinear grid
		if (index < 0) return 0;
		indices = this->GetVelocityIndices(wp.p);
	// Check for constant current 
	if((GetNumTimesInFile()==1 /*&& !(GetNumFiles()>1)*/) || (fEndData.timeIndex == UNASSIGNEDINDEX && time > ((*fTimeHdl)[fStartData.timeIndex] + fTimeShift) && fAllowExtrapolationInTime)  || (fEndData.timeIndex == UNASSIGNEDINDEX && time < ((*fTimeHdl)[fStartData.timeIndex] + fTimeShift) && fAllowExtrapolationInTime))
		// Calculate the interpolated velocity at the point
		if (index >= 0) 
			velocity.u = INDEXH(fStartData.dataHdl,index).u;
			velocity.v = INDEXH(fStartData.dataHdl,index).v;
		else	// set vel to zero
			velocity.u = 0.;
			velocity.v = 0.;
	else // time varying current 
		// Calculate the time weight factor
		// Calculate the time weight factor
		startTime = (*fTimeHdl)[fStartData.timeIndex] + fTimeShift;
		endTime = (*fTimeHdl)[fEndData.timeIndex] + fTimeShift;
		timeAlpha = (endTime - time)/(double)(endTime - startTime);
		// Calculate the interpolated velocity at the point
		if (index >= 0) 
			velocity.u = timeAlpha*INDEXH(fStartData.dataHdl,index).u + (1-timeAlpha)*INDEXH(fEndData.dataHdl,index).u;
			velocity.v = timeAlpha*INDEXH(fStartData.dataHdl,index).v + (1-timeAlpha)*INDEXH(fEndData.dataHdl,index).v;
		else	// set vel to zero
			velocity.u = 0.;
			velocity.v = 0.;
	lengthU = sqrt(velocity.u * velocity.u + velocity.v * velocity.v);
	//lengthS = this->fWindScale * lengthU;	// pass this in if there is a dialog scale factor
	lengthS = lengthU * fVar.fileScaleFactor;	
	if (indices.h >= 0 && fNumRows-indices.v-1 >=0 && indices.h < fNumCols && fNumRows-indices.v-1 < fNumRows)
		sprintf(diagnosticStr, " [grid: %s, unscaled: %s m/s, scaled: %s m/s], file indices : [%ld, %ld]",
				fVar.userName, uStr, sStr, fNumRows-indices.v-1, indices.h);
		//sprintf(diagnosticStr, " [unscaled: %s m/s, scaled: %s m/s], file indices : [%ld, %ld]",
				//uStr, sStr, fNumRows-indices.v-1, indices.h);
		sprintf(diagnosticStr, " [grid: %s, unscaled: %s m/s, scaled: %s m/s]",
				fVar.userName, uStr, sStr);
		//sprintf(diagnosticStr, " [unscaled: %s m/s, scaled: %s m/s]",
				//uStr, sStr);
	return true;
예제 #25
void TimeGridWindRect::Draw(Rect r, WorldRect view, double refScale, double arrowScale,double arrowDepth, Boolean bDrawArrows, Boolean bDrawGrid, RGBColor arrowColor)
{	// Use this for regular grid
	short row, col, pixX, pixY;
	long dLong, dLat, index, timeDataInterval;
	float inchesX, inchesY;
	double timeAlpha;
	Seconds startTime, endTime, time = model->GetModelTime();
	Point p, p2;
	WorldPoint wp;
	WorldRect boundsRect, bounds;
	VelocityRec velocity;
	Rect c, newGridRect = {0, 0, fNumRows - 1, fNumCols - 1}; // fNumRows, fNumCols members of TimeGridVel
	Boolean offQuickDrawPlane = false, loaded;
	char errmsg[256];
	OSErr err = 0;
	TRectGridVel* rectGrid = (TRectGridVel*)fGrid;	
	if (!bDrawArrows && !bDrawGrid) return;
	bounds = rectGrid->GetBounds();
	// need to get the bounds from the grid
	dLong = (WRectWidth(bounds) / fNumCols) / 2;
	dLat = (WRectHeight(bounds) / fNumRows) / 2;
	boundsRect = bounds;
	InsetWRect (&boundsRect, dLong, dLat);
	if (bDrawArrows)
		err = this -> SetInterval(errmsg, model->GetModelTime()); // AH 07/17/2012
		if(err && !bDrawGrid) return;	// want to show grid even if there's no wind data
		loaded = this -> CheckInterval(timeDataInterval, model->GetModelTime());	
		if(!loaded && !bDrawGrid) return;
		if((GetNumTimesInFile()>1 || GetNumFiles()>1) && loaded && !err)
			// Calculate the time weight factor
			if (GetNumFiles()>1 && fOverLap)
				startTime = fOverLapStartTime + fTimeShift;
				startTime = (*fTimeHdl)[fStartData.timeIndex] + fTimeShift;
			if (fEndData.timeIndex == UNASSIGNEDINDEX && (time > startTime || time < startTime) && fAllowExtrapolationInTime)
				timeAlpha = 1;
			{	//return false;
				endTime = (*fTimeHdl)[fEndData.timeIndex] + fTimeShift;
				timeAlpha = (endTime - time)/(double)(endTime - startTime);
	for (row = 0 ; row < fNumRows ; row++)
		for (col = 0 ; col < fNumCols ; col++) {
			SetPt(&p, col, row);
			wp = ScreenToWorldPoint(p, newGridRect, boundsRect);
			velocity.u = velocity.v = 0.;
			if (loaded && !err)
				index = dynamic_cast<TimeGridWindRect *>(this)->GetVelocityIndex(wp);	
				if (bDrawArrows && index >= 0)
					// Check for constant wind pattern 
					if((GetNumTimesInFile()==1 && !(GetNumFiles()>1)) || timeAlpha==1)
						velocity.u = INDEXH(fStartData.dataHdl,index).u;
						velocity.v = INDEXH(fStartData.dataHdl,index).v;
					else // time varying wind
						velocity.u = timeAlpha*INDEXH(fStartData.dataHdl,index).u + (1-timeAlpha)*INDEXH(fEndData.dataHdl,index).u;
						velocity.v = timeAlpha*INDEXH(fStartData.dataHdl,index).v + (1-timeAlpha)*INDEXH(fEndData.dataHdl,index).v;
			p = GetQuickDrawPt(wp.pLong, wp.pLat, &r, &offQuickDrawPlane);
			MySetRect(&c, p.h - 1, p.v - 1, p.h + 1, p.v + 1);
			if (bDrawGrid && bDrawArrows && (velocity.u != 0 || velocity.v != 0)) 
				PaintRect(&c);	// should check fill_value
			if (bDrawGrid && !bDrawArrows) 
				PaintRect(&c);	// should check fill_value
			if (bDrawArrows && (velocity.u != 0 || velocity.v != 0))
				inchesX = (velocity.u * refScale) / arrowScale;
				inchesY = (velocity.v * refScale) / arrowScale;
				pixX = inchesX * PixelsPerInchCurrent();
				pixY = inchesY * PixelsPerInchCurrent();
				p2.h = p.h + pixX;
				p2.v = p.v - pixY;
				MyMoveTo(p.h, p.v);
				MyLineTo(p2.h, p2.v);
예제 #26
WorldPoint3D GridWndMover_c::GetMove(const Seconds& model_time, Seconds timeStep,long setIndex,long leIndex,LERec *theLE,LETYPE leType)
	double dLong, dLat;
	WorldPoint3D deltaPoint ={0,0,0.};
	WorldPoint refPoint = (*theLE).p;	
	double timeAlpha;
	long index; 
	Seconds startTime,endTime;
	Seconds time = model->GetModelTime();
	VelocityRec windVelocity;
	OSErr err = noErr;
	char errmsg[256];
	// if ((*theLE).z > 0) return deltaPoint; // wind doesn't act below surface
	// or use some sort of exponential decay below the surface...
		err = dynamic_cast<GridWndMover *>(this) -> SetInterval(errmsg, model_time); // AH 07/17/2012
		if (err) return deltaPoint;
	index = GetVelocityIndex(refPoint);  // regular grid
	// Check for constant wind 
	if(dynamic_cast<GridWndMover *>(this)->GetNumTimesInFile()==1)
		// Calculate the interpolated velocity at the point
		if (index >= 0) 
			windVelocity.u = INDEXH(fStartData.dataHdl,index).u;
			windVelocity.v = INDEXH(fStartData.dataHdl,index).v;
		else	// set vel to zero
			windVelocity.u = 0.;
			windVelocity.v = 0.;
	else // time varying wind 
		// Calculate the time weight factor
		if (dynamic_cast<GridWndMover *>(this)->GetNumFiles()>1 && fOverLap)
			startTime = fOverLapStartTime;
			startTime = (*fTimeDataHdl)[fStartData.timeIndex].time;
		//startTime = (*fTimeDataHdl)[fStartData.timeIndex].time;
		endTime = (*fTimeDataHdl)[fEndData.timeIndex].time;
		timeAlpha = (endTime - time)/(double)(endTime - startTime);
		// Calculate the interpolated velocity at the point
		if (index >= 0) 
			windVelocity.u = timeAlpha*INDEXH(fStartData.dataHdl,index).u + (1-timeAlpha)*INDEXH(fEndData.dataHdl,index).u;
			windVelocity.v = timeAlpha*INDEXH(fStartData.dataHdl,index).v + (1-timeAlpha)*INDEXH(fEndData.dataHdl,index).v;
		else	// set vel to zero
			windVelocity.u = 0.;
			windVelocity.v = 0.;
	windVelocity.u *= fWindScale; 
	windVelocity.v *= fWindScale; 
	if(leType == UNCERTAINTY_LE)
		err = AddUncertainty(setIndex,leIndex,&windVelocity);
	windVelocity.u *=  (*theLE).windage;
	windVelocity.v *=  (*theLE).windage;
	dLong = ((windVelocity.u / METERSPERDEGREELAT) * timeStep) / LongToLatRatio3 (refPoint.pLat);
	dLat =   (windVelocity.v / METERSPERDEGREELAT) * timeStep;
	deltaPoint.p.pLong = dLong * 1000000;
	deltaPoint.p.pLat  = dLat  * 1000000;
	return deltaPoint;
예제 #27
//OSErr NetCDFWindMoverCurv::ReadTopology(char* path, TMap **newMap)
OSErr NetCDFWindMoverCurv::ReadTopology(vector<string> &linesInFile, TMap **newMap)
	// import NetCDF curvilinear info so don't have to regenerate
	char s[1024], errmsg[256]/*, s[256], topPath[256]*/;
	long i, numPoints, numTopoPoints, line = 0, numPts;
	string currentLine;
	//CHARH f = 0;
	OSErr err = 0;
	TopologyHdl topo=0;
	LongPointHdl pts=0;
	FLOATH depths=0;
	VelocityFH velH = 0;
	DAGTreeStruct tree;
	WorldRect bounds = voidWorldRect;
	TTriGridVel *triGrid = nil;
	tree.treeHdl = 0;
	TDagTree *dagTree = 0;
	long numWaterBoundaries, numBoundaryPts, numBoundarySegs;
	LONGH boundarySegs=0, waterBoundaries=0, boundaryPts=0;
	/*if (!path || !path[0]) return 0;
	if (err = ReadFileContents(TERMINATED,0, 0, path, 0, 0, &f)) {
		TechError("NetCDFWindMover::ReadTopology()", "ReadFileContents()", err);
		goto done;
	_HLock((Handle)f); // JLM 8/4/99
	// No header
	// start with transformation array and vertices
	MySpinCursor(); // JLM 8/4/99
	//NthLineInTextOptimized(*f, (line)++, s, 1024); 
	currentLine = linesInFile[line++];
	//if(IsTransposeArrayHeaderLine(s,&numPts)) // 
	if(IsTransposeArrayHeaderLine(currentLine,numPts)) // 
		//if (err = ReadTransposeArray(f,&line,&fVerdatToNetCDFH,numPts,errmsg)) 
		if (err = ReadTransposeArray(linesInFile,&line,&fVerdatToNetCDFH,numPts,errmsg)) 
		{strcpy(errmsg,"Error in ReadTransposeArray"); goto done;}
	else {err=-1; strcpy(errmsg,"Error in Transpose header line"); goto done;}
	//if(err = ReadTVertices(f,&line,&pts,&depths,errmsg)) goto done;
	if(err = ReadTVertices(linesInFile,&line,&pts,&depths,errmsg)) goto done;
		LongPoint	thisLPoint;
		numPts = _GetHandleSize((Handle)pts)/sizeof(LongPoint);
		if(numPts > 0)
			WorldPoint  wp;
				thisLPoint = INDEXH(pts,i);
				wp.pLat = thisLPoint.v;
				wp.pLong = thisLPoint.h;
				AddWPointToWRect(wp.pLat, wp.pLong, &bounds);
	currentLine = linesInFile[line++];
	//NthLineInTextOptimized(*f, (line)++, s, 1024); 
	//code goes here, boundary points
	//if(IsBoundarySegmentHeaderLine(s,&numBoundarySegs)) // Boundary data from CATs
	if(IsBoundarySegmentHeaderLine(currentLine,numBoundarySegs)) // Boundary data from CATs
		if (numBoundarySegs>0)
			//err = ReadBoundarySegs(f,&line,&boundarySegs,numBoundarySegs,errmsg);
			err = ReadBoundarySegs(linesInFile,&line,&boundarySegs,numBoundarySegs,errmsg);
		if(err) goto done;
		//NthLineInTextOptimized(*f, (line)++, s, 1024); 
		currentLine = linesInFile[line++];
		//err = -1;
		//strcpy(errmsg,"Error in Boundary segment header line");
		//goto done;
		// not needed for 2D files, but we require for now
	MySpinCursor(); // JLM 8/4/99
	//if(IsWaterBoundaryHeaderLine(s,&numWaterBoundaries,&numBoundaryPts)) // Boundary types from CATs
	if(IsWaterBoundaryHeaderLine(currentLine,numWaterBoundaries,numBoundaryPts)) // Boundary types from CATs
		if (numBoundaryPts>0)
			//err = ReadWaterBoundaries(f,&line,&waterBoundaries,numWaterBoundaries,numBoundaryPts,errmsg);
			err = ReadWaterBoundaries(linesInFile,&line,&waterBoundaries,numWaterBoundaries,numBoundaryPts,errmsg);
		if(err) goto done;
		//NthLineInTextOptimized(*f, (line)++, s, 1024); 
		currentLine = linesInFile[line++];
		//err = -1;
		//strcpy(errmsg,"Error in Water boundaries header line");
		//goto done;
		// not needed for 2D files, but we require for now
	MySpinCursor(); // JLM 8/4/99
	//NthLineInTextOptimized(*f, (line)++, s, 1024); 
	//if(IsBoundaryPointsHeaderLine(s,&numBoundaryPts)) // Boundary data from CATs
	if(IsBoundaryPointsHeaderLine(currentLine,numBoundaryPts)) // Boundary data from CATs
		if (numBoundaryPts>0)
			//err = ReadBoundaryPts(f,&line,&boundaryPts,numBoundaryPts,errmsg);
			err = ReadBoundaryPts(linesInFile,&line,&boundaryPts,numBoundaryPts,errmsg);
		if(err) goto done;
		//NthLineInTextOptimized(*f, (line)++, s, 1024); 
		currentLine = linesInFile[line++];
		//err = -1;
		//strcpy(errmsg,"Error in Boundary segment header line");
		//goto done;
		// not always needed ? probably always needed for curvilinear
	MySpinCursor(); // JLM 8/4/99
	//if(IsTTopologyHeaderLine(s,&numTopoPoints)) // Topology from CATs
	if(IsTTopologyHeaderLine(currentLine,numTopoPoints)) // Topology from CATs
		//err = ReadTTopologyBody(f,&line,&topo,&velH,errmsg,numTopoPoints,FALSE);
		err = ReadTTopologyBody(linesInFile,&line,&topo,&velH,errmsg,numTopoPoints,FALSE);
		if(err) goto done;
		//NthLineInTextOptimized(*f, (line)++, s, 1024); 
		currentLine = linesInFile[line++];
		err = -1; // for now we require TTopology
		strcpy(errmsg,"Error in topology header line");
		if(err) goto done;
	MySpinCursor(); // JLM 8/4/99
	//NthLineInTextOptimized(*f, (line)++, s, 1024); 
	//if(IsTIndexedDagTreeHeaderLine(s,&numPoints))  // DagTree from CATs
	if(IsTIndexedDagTreeHeaderLine(currentLine,numPoints))  // DagTree from CATs
		//err = ReadTIndexedDagTreeBody(f,&line,&tree,errmsg,numPoints);
		err = ReadTIndexedDagTreeBody(linesInFile,&line,&tree,errmsg,numPoints);
		if(err) goto done;
		err = -1; // for now we require TIndexedDagTree
		strcpy(errmsg,"Error in dag tree header line");
		if(err) goto done;
	MySpinCursor(); // JLM 8/4/99
	// if the boundary information is in the file we'll need to create a bathymetry map (required for 3D)
	/*if (waterBoundaries && (this -> moverMap == model -> uMap))
	 //PtCurMap *map = CreateAndInitPtCurMap(fVar.userName,bounds); // the map bounds are the same as the grid bounds
	 PtCurMap *map = CreateAndInitPtCurMap("Extended Topology",bounds); // the map bounds are the same as the grid bounds
	 if (!map) {strcpy(errmsg,"Error creating ptcur map"); goto done;}
	 // maybe move up and have the map read in the boundary information
	 *newMap = map;
	{	// wind will always be on another map
		if (waterBoundaries) {DisposeHandle((Handle)waterBoundaries); waterBoundaries=0;}
		if (boundarySegs) {DisposeHandle((Handle)boundarySegs); boundarySegs=0;}
		if (boundaryPts) {DisposeHandle((Handle)boundaryPts); boundaryPts=0;}
	/*if (!(this -> moverMap == model -> uMap))	// maybe assume rectangle grids will have map?
	 if (waterBoundaries) {DisposeHandle((Handle)waterBoundaries); waterBoundaries=0;}
	 if (boundarySegs) {DisposeHandle((Handle)boundarySegs); boundarySegs=0;}
	triGrid = new TTriGridVel;
	if (!triGrid)
		err = true;
		TechError("Error in NetCDFWindMover::ReadTopology()","new TTriGridVel" ,err);
		goto done;
	fGrid = (TTriGridVel*)triGrid;
	triGrid -> SetBounds(bounds); 
	//triGrid -> SetDepths(depths);
	dagTree = new TDagTree(pts,topo,tree.treeHdl,velH,tree.numBranches); 
		err = -1;
		printError("Unable to read Extended Topology file.");
		goto done;
	triGrid -> SetDagTree(dagTree);
	pts = 0;	// because fGrid is now responsible for it
	topo = 0; // because fGrid is now responsible for it
	tree.treeHdl = 0; // because fGrid is now responsible for it
	velH = 0; // because fGrid is now responsible for it
	//depths = 0;
	if(depths) {DisposeHandle((Handle)depths); depths=0;}
		f = 0;
			strcpy(errmsg,"An error occurred in NetCDFWindMoverCurv::ReadTopology");
		if(pts) {DisposeHandle((Handle)pts); pts=0;}
		if(topo) {DisposeHandle((Handle)topo); topo=0;}
		if(velH) {DisposeHandle((Handle)velH); velH=0;}
		if(depths) {DisposeHandle((Handle)depths); depths=0;}
		if(tree.treeHdl) {DisposeHandle((Handle)tree.treeHdl); tree.treeHdl=0;}
			fGrid ->Dispose();
			delete fGrid;
			fGrid = 0;
		if (*newMap) 
			delete *newMap;
		if (waterBoundaries) {DisposeHandle((Handle)waterBoundaries); waterBoundaries=0;}
		if (boundarySegs) {DisposeHandle((Handle)boundarySegs); boundarySegs = 0;}
		if (boundaryPts) {DisposeHandle((Handle)boundaryPts); boundaryPts = 0;}
	return err;
예제 #28
OSErr NetCDFWindMoverCurv::ReadTimeData(long index,VelocityFH *velocityH, char* errmsg) 
	OSErr err = 0;
	long i,j;
	char path[256], outPath[256]; 
	char *velUnits=0;
	int status, ncid, numdims;
	int wind_ucmp_id, wind_vcmp_id, angle_id, uv_ndims;
	static size_t wind_index[] = {0,0,0,0}, angle_index[] = {0,0};
	static size_t wind_count[4], angle_count[2];
	size_t velunit_len;
	float *wind_uvals = 0,*wind_vvals = 0, fill_value=-1e-72, velConversion=1.;
	short *wind_uvals_Navy = 0,*wind_vvals_Navy = 0, fill_value_Navy;
	float *angle_vals = 0;
	long totalNumberOfVels = fNumRows * fNumCols;
	VelocityFH velH = 0;
	long latlength = fNumRows;
	long lonlength = fNumCols;
	float scale_factor = 1.,angle = 0.,u_grid,v_grid;
	Boolean bRotated = true, fIsNavy = false, bIsNWSSpeedDirData = false;
	if (!path || !path[0]) return -1;
	status = nc_open(path, NC_NOWRITE, &ncid);
	//if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;}
	if (status != NC_NOERR)
		err = ConvertTraditionalPathToUnixPath((const char *) path, outPath, kMaxNameLen) ;
		status = nc_open(outPath, NC_NOWRITE, &ncid);
		if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;}
	status = nc_inq_ndims(ncid, &numdims);
	if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;}
	wind_index[0] = index;	// time 
	wind_count[0] = 1;	// take one at a time
	if (numdims>=4)	// should check what the dimensions are, CO-OPS uses sigma
		wind_count[1] = 1;	// depth
		wind_count[2] = latlength;
		wind_count[3] = lonlength;
		wind_count[1] = latlength;	
		wind_count[2] = lonlength;
	angle_count[0] = latlength;
	angle_count[1] = lonlength;
	//wind_count[0] = latlength;		// a fudge for the PWS format which has u(lat,lon) not u(time,lat,lon)
	//wind_count[1] = lonlength;
	if (fIsNavy)
		// need to check if type is float or short, if float no scale factor?
		wind_uvals = new float[latlength*lonlength]; 
		if(!wind_uvals) {TechError("GridVel::ReadNetCDFFile()", "new[]", 0); err = memFullErr; goto done;}
		wind_vvals = new float[latlength*lonlength]; 
		if(!wind_vvals) {TechError("GridVel::ReadNetCDFFile()", "new[]", 0); err = memFullErr; goto done;}
		angle_vals = new float[latlength*lonlength]; 
		if(!angle_vals) {TechError("GridVel::ReadNetCDFFile()", "new[]", 0); err = memFullErr; goto done;}
		status = nc_inq_varid(ncid, "air_gridu", &wind_ucmp_id);
		if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;}
		status = nc_inq_varid(ncid, "air_gridv", &wind_vcmp_id);	
		if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;}
		status = nc_get_vara_float(ncid, wind_ucmp_id, wind_index, wind_count, wind_uvals);
		if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;}
		status = nc_get_vara_float(ncid, wind_vcmp_id, wind_index, wind_count, wind_vvals);
		if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;}
		status = nc_get_att_float(ncid, wind_ucmp_id, "_FillValue", &fill_value);
		//if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;}
		status = nc_get_att_float(ncid, wind_ucmp_id, "scale_factor", &scale_factor);
		//if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;}
		status = nc_inq_varid(ncid, "grid_orient", &angle_id);
		if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;}
		status = nc_get_vara_float(ncid, angle_id, angle_index, angle_count, angle_vals);
		if (status != NC_NOERR) {/*err = -1; goto done;*/bRotated = false;}
		wind_uvals = new float[latlength*lonlength]; 
		if(!wind_uvals) {TechError("NetCDFWindMoverCurv::ReadTimeData()", "new[]", 0); err = memFullErr; goto done;}
		wind_vvals = new float[latlength*lonlength]; 
		if(!wind_vvals) {TechError("NetCDFWindMoverCurv::ReadTimeData()", "new[]", 0); err = memFullErr; goto done;}
		status = nc_inq_varid(ncid, "air_u", &wind_ucmp_id);
		if (status != NC_NOERR)
			status = nc_inq_varid(ncid, "u", &wind_ucmp_id);
			if (status != NC_NOERR)
				status = nc_inq_varid(ncid, "U", &wind_ucmp_id);
				if (status != NC_NOERR)
					status = nc_inq_varid(ncid, "WindSpd_SFC", &wind_ucmp_id);
					if (status != NC_NOERR)
					{err = -1; goto done;}
					bIsNWSSpeedDirData = true;
				//{err = -1; goto done;}
			//{err = -1; goto done;}
		if (bIsNWSSpeedDirData)
			status = nc_inq_varid(ncid, "WindDir_SFC", &wind_vcmp_id);
			if (status != NC_NOERR)
			{err = -2; goto done;}
			status = nc_inq_varid(ncid, "air_v", &wind_vcmp_id);
			if (status != NC_NOERR) 
				status = nc_inq_varid(ncid, "v", &wind_vcmp_id);
				if (status != NC_NOERR) 
					status = nc_inq_varid(ncid, "V", &wind_vcmp_id);
					if (status != NC_NOERR)
					{err = -1; goto done;}
				//{err = -1; goto done;}
		status = nc_inq_varndims(ncid, wind_ucmp_id, &uv_ndims);
		if (status==NC_NOERR){if (uv_ndims < numdims && uv_ndims==3) {wind_count[1] = latlength; wind_count[2] = lonlength;}}	// could have more dimensions than are used in u,v
		status = nc_get_vara_float(ncid, wind_ucmp_id, wind_index, wind_count, wind_uvals);
		if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;}
		status = nc_get_vara_float(ncid, wind_vcmp_id, wind_index, wind_count, wind_vvals);
		if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;}
		status = nc_get_att_float(ncid, wind_ucmp_id, "_FillValue", &fill_value);
		if (status != NC_NOERR) 
			status = nc_get_att_float(ncid, wind_ucmp_id, "Fill_Value", &fill_value);
			if (status != NC_NOERR)
				status = nc_get_att_float(ncid, wind_ucmp_id, "fillValue", &fill_value);// nws 2.5km
				if (status != NC_NOERR)
					status = nc_get_att_float(ncid, wind_ucmp_id, "missing_value", &fill_value);
				/*if (status != NC_NOERR)*//*err = -1; goto done;*/}}	// don't require
		//if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;}	// don't require
	status = nc_inq_attlen(ncid, wind_ucmp_id, "units", &velunit_len);
	if (status == NC_NOERR)
		velUnits = new char[velunit_len+1];
		status = nc_get_att_text(ncid, wind_ucmp_id, "units", velUnits);
		if (status == NC_NOERR)
			velUnits[velunit_len] = '\0'; 
			if (!strcmpnocase(velUnits,"knots"))
				velConversion = KNOTSTOMETERSPERSEC;
			else if (!strcmpnocase(velUnits,"m/s"))
				velConversion = 1.0;
	status = nc_close(ncid);
	if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;}
	velH = (VelocityFH)_NewHandleClear(totalNumberOfVels * sizeof(VelocityFRec));
	if (!velH) {err = memFullErr; goto done;}
	//for (i=0;i<totalNumberOfVels;i++)
	for (i=0;i<latlength;i++)
		for (j=0;j<lonlength;j++)
			if (wind_uvals[(latlength-i-1)*lonlength+j]==fill_value)
			if (wind_vvals[(latlength-i-1)*lonlength+j]==fill_value)
			if (isnan(wind_uvals[(latlength-i-1)*lonlength+j])) 
			if (isnan(wind_vvals[(latlength-i-1)*lonlength+j])) 

			if (fIsNavy)
				u_grid = (float)wind_uvals[(latlength-i-1)*lonlength+j];
				v_grid = (float)wind_vvals[(latlength-i-1)*lonlength+j];
				if (bRotated) angle = angle_vals[(latlength-i-1)*lonlength+j];
				INDEXH(velH,i*lonlength+j).u = u_grid*cos(angle*PI/180.)-v_grid*sin(angle*PI/180.);
				INDEXH(velH,i*lonlength+j).v = u_grid*sin(angle*PI/180.)+v_grid*cos(angle*PI/180.);
			else if (bIsNWSSpeedDirData)
				//INDEXH(velH,i*lonlength+j).u = KNOTSTOMETERSPERSEC * wind_uvals[(latlength-i-1)*lonlength+j] * sin ((PI/180.) * wind_vvals[(latlength-i-1)*lonlength+j]);	// need units
				//INDEXH(velH,i*lonlength+j).v = KNOTSTOMETERSPERSEC * wind_uvals[(latlength-i-1)*lonlength+j] * cos ((PI/180.) * wind_vvals[(latlength-i-1)*lonlength+j]);
				// since direction is from rather than to need to switch the sign
				//INDEXH(velH,i*lonlength+j).u = -1. * KNOTSTOMETERSPERSEC * wind_uvals[(latlength-i-1)*lonlength+j] * sin ((PI/180.) * wind_vvals[(latlength-i-1)*lonlength+j]);	// need units
				//INDEXH(velH,i*lonlength+j).v = -1. * KNOTSTOMETERSPERSEC * wind_uvals[(latlength-i-1)*lonlength+j] * cos ((PI/180.) * wind_vvals[(latlength-i-1)*lonlength+j]);
				INDEXH(velH,i*lonlength+j).u = -1. * velConversion * wind_uvals[(latlength-i-1)*lonlength+j] * sin ((PI/180.) * wind_vvals[(latlength-i-1)*lonlength+j]);	// need units
				INDEXH(velH,i*lonlength+j).v = -1. * velConversion * wind_uvals[(latlength-i-1)*lonlength+j] * cos ((PI/180.) * wind_vvals[(latlength-i-1)*lonlength+j]);
				// Look for a land mask, but do this if don't find one - float mask(lat,lon) - 1,0 which is which?
				//if (wind_uvals[(latlength-i-1)*lonlength+j]==0. && wind_vvals[(latlength-i-1)*lonlength+j]==0.)
				//wind_uvals[(latlength-i-1)*lonlength+j] = wind_vvals[(latlength-i-1)*lonlength+j] = 1e-06;
				// just leave fillValue as velocity for new algorithm - comment following lines out
				// should eliminate the above problem, assuming fill_value is a land mask
				// leave for now since not using a map...use the entire grid
				INDEXH(velH,i*lonlength+j).u = /*KNOTSTOMETERSPERSEC**/velConversion*wind_uvals[(latlength-i-1)*lonlength+j];	// need units
				INDEXH(velH,i*lonlength+j).v = /*KNOTSTOMETERSPERSEC**/velConversion*wind_vvals[(latlength-i-1)*lonlength+j];
	*velocityH = velH;
	fFillValue = fill_value;
	fWindScale = scale_factor;	// hmm, this forces a reset of scale factor each time, overriding any set by hand
	if (err)
		if (err==-2)
			strcpy(errmsg,"Error reading wind data from NetCDF file");
			strcpy(errmsg,"Error reading wind direction data from NetCDF file");
		// We don't want to put up an error message here because it can lead to an infinite loop of messages.
		//printNote("Error opening NetCDF file");
		if(velH) {DisposeHandle((Handle)velH); velH = 0;}
	if (wind_uvals) {delete [] wind_uvals; wind_uvals = 0;}
	if (wind_vvals) {delete [] wind_vvals; wind_vvals = 0;}
	if (angle_vals) {delete [] angle_vals; angle_vals = 0;}
	return err;
예제 #29
							  Boolean keepAinB, Boolean keepAnotinB,
							  Boolean keepBinA, Boolean keepBnotinA)
	long i, j, err, numSegsA, numSegsB, numSegsC = 0;
	WorldPoint m;
	SEGMENTH C = 0, A2 = 0, B2 = 0, *A = 0, *B = 0;
	err = 0;
	numSegsA = _GetHandleSize((Handle)*A1) / sizeof(Segment);
	numSegsB = _GetHandleSize((Handle)*B1) / sizeof(Segment);
	A2 = (SEGMENTH)_NewHandle(numSegsA * sizeof(Segment));
	if (_MemError()) { TechError("CombinePolygonPieces()", "_NewHandle()", 0); goto done; }
	for (i = 0 ; i < numSegsA ; i++)
		INDEXH(A2, i) = INDEXH(*A1, i);
	A = &A2;
	B2 = (SEGMENTH)_NewHandle(numSegsB * sizeof(Segment));
	if (_MemError()) { TechError("CombinePolygonPieces()", "_NewHandle()", 0); goto done; }
	for (i = 0 ; i < numSegsB ; i++)
		INDEXH(B2, i) = INDEXH(*B1, i);
	B = &B2;
	for (i = 0 ; i < numSegsA ; i++)
		for (j = 0 ; j < numSegsB ; j++)
			if (SegmentTouchesSegment(INDEXH(*A, i), INDEXH(*B, j)) &&
				!SameSegmentEndPoints(INDEXH(*A, i), INDEXH(*B, j))) {
				m = PointOfIntersection(INDEXH(*A, i), INDEXH(*B, j));
				if (err = InsertSegment(A, &numSegsA, i, m)) goto done;
				if (err = InsertSegment(B, &numSegsB, j, m)) goto done;
	C = (SEGMENTH)_NewHandle(0);
	if (_MemError()) { TechError("CombinePolygonPieces()", "_NewHandle()", 0); goto done; }
	for (i = 0 ; i < numSegsA ; i++) {
		m = Midpoint(INDEXH(*A, i));
		if ((keepAinB && PointInPolygon(m, *B, numSegsB, TRUE)) ||
			(keepAnotinB && !PointInPolygon(m, *B, numSegsB, TRUE)))
			if (err = AddSegment(&C, &numSegsC, INDEXH(*A, i))) goto done;
	for (j = 0 ; j < numSegsB ; j++) {
		m = Midpoint(INDEXH(*B, j));
		if ((keepBinA && PointInPolygon(m, *A, numSegsA, TRUE)) ||
			(keepBnotinA && !PointInPolygon(m, *A, numSegsA, TRUE)))
			if (err = AddSegment(&C, &numSegsC, INDEXH(*B, j))) goto done;
	SortSegments(C, numSegsC);
		if (A2) DisposeHandle((Handle)A2);
		if (B2) DisposeHandle((Handle)B2);
		if (err && C) DisposeHandle((Handle)C);
		return err ? 0 : C;
예제 #30
OSErr NetCDFWindMoverCurv::TextRead(char *path, TMap **newMap, char *topFilePath) // don't want a map  
	// this code is for curvilinear grids
	OSErr err = 0;
	long i,j, numScanned, indexOfStart = 0;
	int status, ncid, latIndexid, lonIndexid, latid, lonid, recid, timeid, numdims;
	size_t latLength, lonLength, recs, t_len, t_len2;
	float timeVal;
	char recname[NC_MAX_NAME], *timeUnits=0, month[10];	
	char dimname[NC_MAX_NAME], s[256], topPath[256];
	float *lat_vals=0,*lon_vals=0,yearShift=0.;
	static size_t timeIndex,ptIndex[2]={0,0};
	static size_t pt_count[2];
	Seconds startTime, startTime2;
	double timeConversion = 1.;
	char errmsg[256] = "",className[256]="";
	char fileName[64],*modelTypeStr=0;
	Point where;
	OSType typeList[] = { 'NULL', 'NULL', 'NULL', 'NULL' };
	MySFReply reply;
	Boolean bTopFile = false, fIsNavy = false;	// for now keep code around but probably don't need Navy curvilinear wind
	//VelocityFH velocityH = 0;
	char outPath[256];
	if (!path || !path[0]) return 0;
	SplitPathFile (s, fileName);
	strcpy(fFileName, fileName); // maybe use a name from the file
	status = nc_open(path, NC_NOWRITE, &ncid);
	//if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;}
	if (status != NC_NOERR) 
		err = ConvertTraditionalPathToUnixPath((const char *) path, outPath, kMaxNameLen) ;
		status = nc_open(outPath, NC_NOWRITE, &ncid);
		if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;}
	// check number of dimensions - 2D or 3D
	status = nc_inq_ndims(ncid, &numdims);
	if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;}
	status = nc_inq_attlen(ncid,NC_GLOBAL,"generating_model",&t_len2);
	if (status != NC_NOERR) {fIsNavy = false; /*goto done;*/}	
		fIsNavy = true;
		// may only need to see keyword is there, since already checked grid type
		modelTypeStr = new char[t_len2+1];
		status = nc_get_att_text(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, "generating_model", modelTypeStr);
		if (status != NC_NOERR) {fIsNavy = false; goto done;}	
		modelTypeStr[t_len2] = '\0';
		strcpy(fFileName, modelTypeStr); 
	if (!strcmp("NetCDF Wind",className))
		SetClassName(fFileName); //first check that name is now the default and not set by command file ("NetCDF Wind")
	//if (fIsNavy)
		status = nc_inq_dimid(ncid, "time", &recid); //Navy
		//if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;}
		if (status != NC_NOERR) 
		{	status = nc_inq_unlimdim(ncid, &recid);	// issue of time not being unlimited dimension
			if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;}
	 status = nc_inq_unlimdim(ncid, &recid);	// issue of time not being unlimited dimension
	 if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;}
	//if (fIsNavy)
	status = nc_inq_varid(ncid, "time", &timeid); 
	if (status != NC_NOERR) 
		status = nc_inq_varid(ncid, "ProjectionHr", &timeid); 
		if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;}
	//	if (status != NC_NOERR) {/*err = -1; goto done;*/timeid=recid;} 
	//if (!fIsNavy)
	//status = nc_inq_attlen(ncid, recid, "units", &t_len);	// recid is the dimension id not the variable id
	//else	// LAS has them in order, and time is unlimited, but variable/dimension names keep changing so leave this way for now
	status = nc_inq_attlen(ncid, timeid, "units", &t_len);
	if (status != NC_NOERR) 
		timeUnits = 0;	// files should always have this info
		timeConversion = 3600.;		// default is hours
		startTime2 = model->GetStartTime();	// default to model start time
		//err = -1; goto done;
		DateTimeRec time;
		char unitStr[24], junk[10];
		timeUnits = new char[t_len+1];
		//if (!fIsNavy)
		//status = nc_get_att_text(ncid, recid, "units", timeUnits);	// recid is the dimension id not the variable id
		status = nc_get_att_text(ncid, timeid, "units", timeUnits);
		if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;} 
		timeUnits[t_len] = '\0'; // moved this statement before StringSubstitute, JLM 5/2/10
		StringSubstitute(timeUnits, ':', ' ');
		StringSubstitute(timeUnits, '-', ' ');
		StringSubstitute(timeUnits, 'T', ' ');
		StringSubstitute(timeUnits, 'Z', ' ');
		numScanned=sscanf(timeUnits, "%s %s %hd %hd %hd %hd %hd %hd",
						  unitStr, junk, &time.year, &time.month, &time.day,
						  &time.hour, &time.minute, &time.second) ;
		if (numScanned==5)	
		{time.hour = 0; time.minute = 0; time.second = 0; }
		else if (numScanned==7) // has two extra time entries ??	
			time.second = 0;
		else if (numScanned<8)	
		//else if (numScanned!=8)	
			//timeUnits = 0;	// files should always have this info
			//timeConversion = 3600.;		// default is hours
			//startTime2 = model->GetStartTime();	// default to model start time
			err = -1; TechError("NetCDFWindMoverCurv::TextRead()", "sscanf() == 8", 0); goto done;
			// code goes here, trouble with the DAYS since 1900 format, since converts to seconds since 1904
			if (time.year ==1900) {time.year += 40; time.day += 1; /*for the 1900 non-leap yr issue*/ yearShift = 40.;}
			DateToSeconds (&time, &startTime2);	// code goes here, which start Time to use ??
			if (!strcmpnocase(unitStr,"HOURS") || !strcmpnocase(unitStr,"HOUR"))
				timeConversion = 3600.;
			else if (!strcmpnocase(unitStr,"MINUTES") || !strcmpnocase(unitStr,"MINUTE"))
				timeConversion = 60.;
			else if (!strcmpnocase(unitStr,"SECONDS") || !strcmpnocase(unitStr,"SECOND"))
				timeConversion = 1.;
			else if (!strcmpnocase(unitStr,"DAYS") || !strcmpnocase(unitStr,"DAY"))
				timeConversion = 24.*3600.;
	if (fIsNavy)
		status = nc_inq_dimid(ncid, "gridy", &latIndexid); //Navy
		if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;}
		status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid, latIndexid, &latLength);
		if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;}
		status = nc_inq_dimid(ncid, "gridx", &lonIndexid);	//Navy
		if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;}
		status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid, lonIndexid, &lonLength);
		if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;}
		// option to use index values?
		status = nc_inq_varid(ncid, "grid_lat", &latid);
		if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;}
		status = nc_inq_varid(ncid, "grid_lon", &lonid);
		if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;}
		for (i=0;i<numdims;i++)
			if (i == recid) continue;
			status = nc_inq_dimname(ncid,i,dimname);
			if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;}
			if (!strncmpnocase(dimname,"X",1) || !strncmpnocase(dimname,"LON",3) || !strncmpnocase(dimname,"nx",2))
				lonIndexid = i;
			if (!strncmpnocase(dimname,"Y",1) || !strncmpnocase(dimname,"LAT",3) || !strncmpnocase(dimname,"ny",2))
				latIndexid = i;
		status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid, latIndexid, &latLength);
		if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;}
		status = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid, lonIndexid, &lonLength);
		if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;}
		status = nc_inq_varid(ncid, "LATITUDE", &latid);
		if (status != NC_NOERR) 
			status = nc_inq_varid(ncid, "lat", &latid);
			if (status != NC_NOERR) 
				status = nc_inq_varid(ncid, "latitude", &latid);
				if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;}
		status = nc_inq_varid(ncid, "LONGITUDE", &lonid);
		if (status != NC_NOERR) 
			status = nc_inq_varid(ncid, "lon", &lonid);
			if (status != NC_NOERR) 
				status = nc_inq_varid(ncid, "longitude", &lonid);
				if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;}
	pt_count[0] = latLength;
	pt_count[1] = lonLength;
	vertexPtsH = (WorldPointF**)_NewHandleClear(latLength*lonLength*sizeof(WorldPointF));
	if (!vertexPtsH) {err = memFullErr; goto done;}
	lat_vals = new float[latLength*lonLength]; 
	lon_vals = new float[latLength*lonLength]; 
	if (!lat_vals || !lon_vals) {err = memFullErr; goto done;}
	status = nc_get_vara_float(ncid, latid, ptIndex, pt_count, lat_vals);
	if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;}
	status = nc_get_vara_float(ncid, lonid, ptIndex, pt_count, lon_vals);
	if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;}
	for (i=0;i<latLength;i++)
		for (j=0;j<lonLength;j++)
			//if (lat_vals[(latLength-i-1)*lonLength+j]==fill_value)	// this would be an error
			//if (lon_vals[(latLength-i-1)*lonLength+j]==fill_value)
			INDEXH(vertexPtsH,i*lonLength+j).pLat = lat_vals[(latLength-i-1)*lonLength+j];	
			INDEXH(vertexPtsH,i*lonLength+j).pLong = lon_vals[(latLength-i-1)*lonLength+j];
	fVertexPtsH	 = vertexPtsH;
	status = nc_inq_dim(ncid, recid, recname, &recs);
	if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;}
	if (recs<=0) {strcpy(errmsg,"No times in file. Error opening NetCDF wind file"); err =  -1; goto done;}
	fTimeHdl = (Seconds**)_NewHandleClear(recs*sizeof(Seconds));
	if (!fTimeHdl) {err = memFullErr; goto done;}
	for (i=0;i<recs;i++)
		Seconds newTime;
		// possible units are, HOURS, MINUTES, SECONDS,...
		timeIndex = i;
		//if (!fIsNavy)
		//status = nc_get_var1_float(ncid, recid, &timeIndex, &timeVal);	// recid is the dimension id not the variable id
		status = nc_get_var1_float(ncid, timeid, &timeIndex, &timeVal);
		if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;}
		newTime = RoundDateSeconds(round(startTime2+timeVal*timeConversion));
		//INDEXH(fTimeHdl,i) = startTime2+(long)(timeVal*timeConversion -yearShift*3600.*24.*365.25);	// which start time where?
		//if (i==0) startTime = startTime2+(long)(timeVal*timeConversion -yearShift*3600.*24.*365.25);
		INDEXH(fTimeHdl,i) = newTime-yearShift*3600.*24.*365.25;	// which start time where?
		if (i==0) startTime = newTime-yearShift*3600.*24.*365.25;
	if (model->GetStartTime() != startTime || model->GetModelTime()!=model->GetStartTime())
		if (true)	// maybe use NOAA.ver here?
			short buttonSelected;
			//buttonSelected  = MULTICHOICEALERT(1688,"Do you want to reset the model start time to the first time in the file?",FALSE);
			if(!gCommandFileRun)	// also may want to skip for location files...
				buttonSelected  = MULTICHOICEALERT(1688,"Do you want to reset the model start time to the first time in the file?",FALSE);
			else buttonSelected = 1;	// TAP user doesn't want to see any dialogs, always reset (or maybe never reset? or send message to errorlog?)
				case 1: // reset model start time
					//bTopFile = true;
					model->NewDirtNotification(DIRTY_RUNBAR); // must reset the runbar
				case 3: // don't reset model start time
					//bTopFile = false;
				case 4: // cancel
					err=-1;// user cancel
					goto done;
		//model->NewDirtNotification(DIRTY_RUNBAR); // must reset the runbar
	fNumRows = latLength;
	fNumCols = lonLength;
	status = nc_close(ncid);
	if (status != NC_NOERR) {err = -1; goto done;}
	//err = this -> SetInterval(errmsg);
	//if(err) goto done;
	// look for topology in the file
	// for now ask for an ascii file, output from Topology save option
	// need dialog to ask for file
	//if (fIsNavy)	// for now don't allow for wind files
	{if (topFilePath[0]) {err = ReadTopology(topFilePath,newMap); goto done;}}
	if (!gCommandFileRun)
		short buttonSelected;
		buttonSelected  = MULTICHOICEALERT(1688,"Do you have an extended topology file to load?",FALSE);
			case 1: // there is an extended top file
				bTopFile = true;
			case 3: // no extended top file
				bTopFile = false;
			case 4: // cancel
				err=-1;// stay at this dialog
				goto done;
		mysfpgetfile(&where, "", -1, typeList,
					 (MyDlgHookUPP)0, &reply, M38c, MakeModalFilterUPP(STDFilter));
		if (!reply.good)/* return USERCANCEL;*/
			/*if (recs>0)
				err = this -> ReadTimeData(indexOfStart,&velocityH,errmsg);
			else {strcpy(errmsg,"No times in file. Error opening NetCDF file"); err =  -1;}
			if(err) goto done;*/
			err = dynamic_cast<NetCDFWindMoverCurv *>(this)->ReorderPoints(newMap,errmsg);	
			//err = ReorderPoints(fStartData.dataHdl,newMap,errmsg);	// if u, v input separately only do this once?
	 		goto done;
			strcpy(topPath, reply.fullPath);
		where = CenteredDialogUpLeft(M38c);
		sfpgetfile(&where, "",
				   -1, typeList,
				   &reply, M38c,
				   (ModalFilterUPP)MakeUPP((ProcPtr)STDFilter, uppModalFilterProcInfo));
		if (!reply.good) 
			/*if (recs>0)
				err = this -> ReadTimeData(indexOfStart,&velocityH,errmsg);
			else {strcpy(errmsg,"No times in file. Error opening NetCDF file"); err =  -1;}
			if(err) goto done;*/
			err = dynamic_cast<NetCDFWindMoverCurv *>(this)->ReorderPoints(newMap,errmsg);	
			//err = ReorderPoints(fStartData.dataHdl,newMap,errmsg);	
	 		/*if (err)*/ goto done;
#ifdef MAC
		GetFullPath(reply.vRefNum, 0, (char *)reply.fName, topPath);
		strcpy(topPath, reply.fName);
		strcpy (s, topPath);
		err = ReadTopology(topPath,newMap);	
		goto done;
	/*if (recs>0)
		err = this -> ReadTimeData(indexOfStart,&velocityH,errmsg);
	else {strcpy(errmsg,"No times in file. Error opening NetCDF wind file"); err =  -1;}
	if(err) goto done;*/
	err = dynamic_cast<NetCDFWindMoverCurv *>(this)->ReorderPoints(newMap,errmsg);	
	//err = ReorderPoints(fStartData.dataHdl,newMap,errmsg);	
	if (err)
		printNote("Error opening NetCDF wind file");
			fGrid ->Dispose();
			delete fGrid;
			fGrid = 0;
		if(vertexPtsH) {DisposeHandle((Handle)vertexPtsH); vertexPtsH = 0;	fVertexPtsH	 = 0;}
	if (timeUnits) delete [] timeUnits;
	if (lat_vals) delete [] lat_vals;
	if (lon_vals) delete [] lon_vals;
	if (modelTypeStr) delete [] modelTypeStr;
	//if (velocityH) {DisposeHandle((Handle)velocityH); velocityH = 0;}
	return err;