BOOL CappIjaCtrl::InitInstance() { BOOL bInit = COleControlModule::InitInstance(); m_bHelpFileAvailable = TRUE; m_strHelpFile = _T("ija.chm"); m_strNewHelpPath = _T(""); _tsetlocale(LC_TIME, _T("")); _tsetlocale(LC_NUMERIC,_T("")); _tsetlocale(LC_COLLATE,_T("")); _tsetlocale(LC_CTYPE,_T("")); m_sessionManager.SetDescription (_T("Ingres Journal Analyzer")); m_dateFormat = II_DATE_US; if (bInit) { // // Allow to use the owner prefixed of table in the argument of the auditdb command: m_bTableWithOwnerAllowed = TRUE; m_strAllUser = _T("<all>"); LPCTSTR pEnv = _tgetenv(_T("II_SYSTEM")); if (!pEnv) { CString strMsg = _T("II_SYSTEM is not defined"); strMsg.LoadString (IDS_MSG_II_SYSTEM_NOT_DEFINED); AfxMessageBox (strMsg); m_strLocalIISystem = _T(""); } else m_strLocalIISystem = (LPCTSTR)pEnv; CString strValue; BOOL bOK = INGRESII_CheckVariable (_T("II_DATE_FORMAT"), strValue); if (bOK) { if (strValue.IsEmpty()) { // // US (default format) m_dateFormat = II_DATE_US; } else if (strValue.CompareNoCase (_T("US")) == 0) { m_dateFormat = II_DATE_US; } else if (strValue.CompareNoCase (_T("MULTINATIONAL")) == 0) { m_dateFormat = II_DATE_MULTINATIONAL; } else if (strValue.CompareNoCase (_T("II_DATE_MULTINATIONAL4")) == 0) { m_dateFormat = II_DATE_MULTINATIONAL4; } if (strValue.CompareNoCase (_T("ISO")) == 0) { m_dateFormat = II_DATE_ISO; } else if (strValue.CompareNoCase (_T("SWEDEN")) == 0 || strValue.CompareNoCase (_T("FINLAND")) == 0) { m_dateFormat = II_DATE_SWEDEN; // Use the Sweden II_DATE_FORMAT } else if (strValue.CompareNoCase (_T("GERMAN")) == 0) { m_dateFormat = II_DATE_GERMAN; } else if (strValue.CompareNoCase (_T("YMD")) == 0) { m_dateFormat = II_DATE_YMD; } else if (strValue.CompareNoCase (_T("DMY")) == 0) { m_dateFormat = II_DATE_DMY; } else if (strValue.CompareNoCase (_T("MDY")) == 0) { m_dateFormat = II_DATE_MDY; } } m_dateCenturyBoundary = 0; strValue = _T(""); bOK = INGRESII_CheckVariable (_T("II_DATE_CENTURY_BOUNDARY"), strValue); if (bOK && !strValue.IsEmpty()) m_dateCenturyBoundary = _ttoi (strValue); #ifdef MAINWIN m_strLocalIITemporary = _T("/tmp"); #else m_strLocalIITemporary = m_strLocalIISystem + _T("\\ingres\\temp"); #endif strValue = _T(""); bOK = INGRESII_CheckVariable (_T("II_TEMPORARY"), strValue); if (bOK && !strValue.IsEmpty()) m_strLocalIITemporary = strValue; } return bInit; }
BOOL CuPropertyPageRestoreOption::OnInitDialog() { CPropertyPage::OnInitDialog(); CxPSheetRestore* pParent = (CxPSheetRestore*)GetParent(); CaRestoreParam& Restore = pParent->GetData(); HICON hIcon = theApp.LoadStandardIcon(IDI_EXCLAMATION); m_cIconWarning.SetIcon(hIcon); m_cIconWarning.Invalidate(); DestroyIcon(hIcon); #if !defined (_VIRTUAL_NODE_AVAILABLE) m_cCheckVNode.ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); #endif CTypedPtrList<CObList, CaNameValue*> listEnvirenment; CaNameValue* pEnv = new CaNameValue(_T("II_TEMPORARY"), _T("")); listEnvirenment.AddTail(pEnv); INGRESII_CheckVariable (listEnvirenment); CString strBackupFile = pEnv->GetValue(); if (!strBackupFile.IsEmpty()) { strBackupFile += consttchszPathSep; } int i = 0; CString strFile = strBackupFile + _T("backup.ii_vcda"); for (i=0; i<1024; i++) { if (i==0) { if (_taccess(strFile, 0) == -1) break; } else { strFile.Format (_T("backup%04d.ii_vcda"), i); strFile = strBackupFile + strFile; if (_taccess(strFile, 0) == -1) break; } } if (i == 1024) { CString strMsg; AfxFormatString1(strMsg, IDS_MSG_TOOMANAY_BACKUPFILE, (LPCTSTR)pEnv->GetValue()); AfxMessageBox (strMsg); } else { m_cEditBackup.SetWindowText(strFile); } while (!listEnvirenment.IsEmpty()) delete listEnvirenment.RemoveHead(); // // Initialize the list of READONLY variables: BOOL bVariableDiff = FALSE; CString strII = INGRESII_QueryInstallationID(FALSE); CTypedPtrList< CObList, CaCdaDifference* >* pLd = Restore.m_plistDifference; if (pLd) { POSITION pos = pLd->GetHeadPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { CaCdaDifference* pDiff = pLd->GetNext(pos); if (pDiff->GetType() == CDA_ENVSYSTEM || pDiff->GetType() == CDA_ENVUSER) { if (CaIngresVariable::IsReadOnly(pDiff->GetOriginalName(), strII)) { m_cListROVariable.AddString(pDiff->GetName()); bVariableDiff = TRUE; } } } } if (!bVariableDiff) { HICON hIcon = theApp.LoadStandardIcon(IDI_ASTERISK); m_cIconWarning.SetIcon(hIcon); m_cIconWarning.Invalidate(); DestroyIcon(hIcon); m_cListROVariable.ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); CString strMsgInfo; strMsgInfo.LoadString(IDS_MSG_VARIABLE_RO); m_cStaticNonEditVariableInfo.SetWindowText(strMsgInfo); } return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE }