예제 #1
int Pickup_Holdable( gentity_t *ent, gentity_t *other ) 
	int		i,original;

	other->client->ps.stats[STAT_ITEMS] |= (1<<ent->item->giTag);

	if ( ent->item->giTag == INV_SECURITY_KEY )
	{//give the key
		//FIXME: temp message
		gi.SendServerCommand( 0, "cp @SP_INGAME_YOU_TOOK_SECURITY_KEY" );
		INV_SecurityKeyGive( other, ent->message );
	else if ( ent->item->giTag == INV_GOODIE_KEY )
	{//give the key
		//FIXME: temp message
		gi.SendServerCommand( 0, "cp @SP_INGAME_YOU_TOOK_SUPPLY_KEY" );
		INV_GoodieKeyGive( other );
	{// Picking up a normal item?
	// Got a security key

	// Set the inventory select, just in case it hasn't
	original = cg.inventorySelect;
	for ( i = 0 ; i < INV_MAX ; i++ ) 
		if ((cg.inventorySelect < INV_ELECTROBINOCULARS) || (cg.inventorySelect >= INV_MAX))
			cg.inventorySelect = (INV_MAX - 1); 
		if ( G_InventorySelectable( cg.inventorySelect,other ) ) 
			return 60;

	cg.inventorySelect = original;

	return 60;
예제 #2
void NPC_Touch(gentity_t *self, gentity_t *other, trace_t *trace)

	SetNPCGlobals( self );

	if ( self->message && self->health <= 0 )
	{//I am dead and carrying a key
		if ( other && player && player->health > 0 && other == player )
		{//player touched me
			char *text;
			qboolean	keyTaken;
			//give him my key
			if ( Q_stricmp( "goodie", self->message ) == 0 )
			{//a goodie key
				if ( (keyTaken = INV_GoodieKeyGive( other )) == qtrue )
					G_AddEvent( other, EV_ITEM_PICKUP, (FindItemForInventory( INV_GOODIE_KEY )-bg_itemlist) );
			{//a named security key
				if ( (keyTaken = INV_SecurityKeyGive( player, self->message )) == qtrue )
					G_AddEvent( other, EV_ITEM_PICKUP, (FindItemForInventory( INV_SECURITY_KEY )-bg_itemlist) );
			if ( keyTaken )
			{//remove my key
				gi.G2API_SetSurfaceOnOff( &self->ghoul2[self->playerModel], "l_arm_key", 0x00000002 );
				self->message = NULL;
				self->client->ps.eFlags &= ~EF_FORCE_VISIBLE;	//remove sight flag
				G_Sound( player, G_SoundIndex( "sound/weapons/key_pkup.wav" ) );
			gi.SendServerCommand( 0, text );

	if ( other->client )
	{//FIXME:  if pushing against another bot, both ucmd.rightmove = 127???
		//Except if not facing one another...
		if ( other->health > 0 )
			NPCInfo->touchedByPlayer = other;

		if ( other == NPCInfo->goalEntity )
			NPCInfo->aiFlags |= NPCAI_TOUCHED_GOAL;

		if( !(self->svFlags&SVF_LOCKEDENEMY) && !(self->svFlags&SVF_IGNORE_ENEMIES) && !(other->flags & FL_NOTARGET) )
			if ( self->client->enemyTeam )
			{//See if we bumped into an enemy
				if ( other->client->playerTeam == self->client->enemyTeam )
				{//bumped into an enemy
					if( NPCInfo->behaviorState != BS_HUNT_AND_KILL && !NPCInfo->tempBehavior )
					{//MCG - Begin: checking specific BS mode here, this is bad, a HACK
						//FIXME: not medics?
						if ( NPC->enemy != other )
						{//not already mad at them
							G_SetEnemy( NPC, other );
		//				NPCInfo->tempBehavior = BS_HUNT_AND_KILL;

		//FIXME: do this if player is moving toward me and with a certain dist?
		if ( other->s.number == 0 && self->client->playerTeam == other->client->playerTeam )
			VectorAdd( self->client->pushVec, other->client->ps.velocity, self->client->pushVec );
	{//FIXME: check for SVF_NONNPC_ENEMY flag here?
		if ( other->health > 0 )
			if ( NPC->enemy == other && (other->svFlags&SVF_NONNPC_ENEMY) )
				NPCInfo->touchedByPlayer = other;

		if ( other == NPCInfo->goalEntity )
			NPCInfo->aiFlags |= NPCAI_TOUCHED_GOAL;

	if ( NPC->client->NPC_class == CLASS_RANCOR )
		if ( NPCInfo->blockedEntity != other && TIMER_Done(NPC, "blockedEntityIgnore"))
			//if ( G_EntIsBreakable( other->s.number, NPC ) )
			{//bumped into another breakable, so take that one instead?
				NPCInfo->blockedEntity = other;//???

예제 #3
void NPC_Touch(gentity_t *self, gentity_t *other, trace_t *trace) 

	SetNPCGlobals( self );

	if ( self->message && self->health <= 0 )
	{//I am dead and carrying a key
		//if ( other && player && player->health > 0 && other == player )
		if (other && other->client && other->s.number < MAX_CLIENTS)
		{//player touched me
			char *text;
			qboolean	keyTaken;
			int sendnum = -1; // ensiform - added this
			//give him my key
			if ( Q_stricmp( "goodie", self->message ) == 0 )
			{//a goodie key
				if ( (keyTaken = INV_GoodieKeyGive( other )) == qtrue )
					// ensiform TODO - Add name of 'other' (who picked up key) text = va("cp \"%s^7 %s\n\"", other->client->pers.netname, G_GetStringEdString("SP_INGAME", "TOOK_IMPERIAL_GOODIE_KEY2"));
					text = va("cp \"%s\n\"", G_GetStringEdString("SP_INGAME", "TOOK_IMPERIAL_GOODIE_KEY"));
					//G_AddEvent( other, EV_ITEM_PICKUP, (FindItemForInventory( INV_GOODIE_KEY )-bg_itemlist) );
					sendnum = other->s.number;
					text = va("cp \"%s\n\"", G_GetStringEdString("SP_INGAME", "CANT_CARRY_GOODIE_KEY"));
					//text = "cp @SP_INGAME_CANT_CARRY_GOODIE_KEY";
			{//a named security key
				if ( (keyTaken = INV_SecurityKeyGive( other, self->message )) == qtrue )
					// ensiform TODO - Add name of 'other' (who picked up key) text = va("cp \"%s^7 %s\n\"", other->client->pers.netname, G_GetStringEdString("SP_INGAME", "TOOK_IMPERIAL_SECURITY_KEY2"));
					text = va("cp \"%s\n\"", G_GetStringEdString("SP_INGAME", "TOOK_IMPERIAL_SECURITY_KEY"));
					//G_AddEvent( other, EV_ITEM_PICKUP, (FindItemForInventory( INV_SECURITY_KEY )-bg_itemlist) );
					sendnum = other->s.number;
					text = va("cp \"%s\n\"", G_GetStringEdString("SP_INGAME", "CANT_CARRY_SECURITY_KEY"));
			if ( keyTaken )
			{//remove my key
				NPC_SetSurfaceOnOff( self, "l_arm_key", TURN_OFF );
				//NPC_SetSurfaceOnOff( self, "l_arm_key", 0x00000002 );
				self->message = NULL;
				//FIXME: temp pickup sound
				G_Sound( other, CHAN_AUTO, G_SoundIndex( "sound/weapons/key_pkup.wav" ) );
				//FIXME: need some event to pass to cgame for sound/graphic/message?
			//FIXME: temp message
			trap_SendServerCommand( sendnum, text );
			//trap_SendServerCommand( -1, text );

	if ( other->client ) 
	{//FIXME:  if pushing against another bot, both ucmd.rightmove = 127???
		//Except if not facing one another...
		if ( other->health > 0 ) 
			NPCInfo->touchedByPlayer = other;

		if ( other == NPCInfo->goalEntity ) 
			NPCInfo->aiFlags |= NPCAI_TOUCHED_GOAL;

		//reenabling the IGNORE_ENEMIES flag
		if( /*!(self->svFlags&SVF_LOCKEDENEMY) && */!(self->NPC->scriptFlags&SCF_IGNORE_ENEMIES) && !(other->flags & FL_NOTARGET) )
		//if( /*!(self->svFlags&SVF_LOCKEDENEMY) && !(self->svFlags&SVF_IGNORE_ENEMIES) &&*/ !(other->flags & FL_NOTARGET) )
			if ( self->client->enemyTeam )
			{//See if we bumped into an enemy
				if ( other->client->playerTeam == self->client->enemyTeam )
				{//bumped into an enemy
					if( NPCInfo->behaviorState != BS_HUNT_AND_KILL && !NPCInfo->tempBehavior )
					{//MCG - Begin: checking specific BS mode here, this is bad, a HACK
						//FIXME: not medics?
						if ( NPC->enemy != other )
						{//not already mad at them
							G_SetEnemy( NPC, other );
		//				NPCInfo->tempBehavior = BS_HUNT_AND_KILL;

		//FIXME: do this if player is moving toward me and with a certain dist?
		if ( other->s.number == 0 && self->client->playerTeam == other->client->playerTeam )
			VectorAdd( self->client->pushVec, other->client->ps.velocity, self->client->pushVec );
	{//FIXME: check for SVF_NONNPC_ENEMY flag here?
		if ( other->health > 0 ) 
			//if ( NPC->enemy == other && (other->svFlags&SVF_NONNPC_ENEMY) )
			if (0) //rwwFIXMEFIXME: Can probably just check if num < MAX_CLIENTS for non-npc enemy stuff
				NPCInfo->touchedByPlayer = other;

		if ( other == NPCInfo->goalEntity ) 
			NPCInfo->aiFlags |= NPCAI_TOUCHED_GOAL;
