예제 #1
struct ISAPNP_Device* ASMCALL
ISAPNP_FindDevice( REG( a0, struct ISAPNP_Device* last_device ), 
                   REG( d0, LONG                  manufacturer ),
                   REG( d1, WORD                  product ),
                   REG( d2, BYTE                  revision ),
                   REG( a6, struct ISAPNPBase*    res ) )
  struct ISAPNP_Card*   card;
  struct ISAPNP_Device* dev;

  if( last_device == NULL )
    card = (struct ISAPNP_Card*) res->m_Cards.lh_Head;
    dev  = (struct ISAPNP_Device*) card->isapnpc_Devices.lh_Head;
    card = (struct ISAPNP_Card*) last_device->isapnpd_Card;
    dev  = (struct ISAPNP_Device*) last_device->isapnpd_Node.ln_Succ;

  while( card->isapnpc_Node.ln_Succ != NULL )
    while( dev->isapnpd_Node.ln_Succ != NULL )
      struct ISAPNP_Identifier* id;

      for( id = (struct ISAPNP_Identifier*) dev->isapnpd_IDs.mlh_Head;
           id->isapnpid_MinNode.mln_Succ != NULL;
           id = (struct ISAPNP_Identifier*) id->isapnpid_MinNode.mln_Succ )
        if( manufacturer == -1 || 
            ISAPNP_MAKE_ID( id->isapnpid_Vendor[ 0 ],
                            id->isapnpid_Vendor[ 1 ],
                            id->isapnpid_Vendor[ 2 ] ) == manufacturer )
          if( product == -1 || id->isapnpid_ProductID == product )
            if( revision == -1 || id->isapnpid_Revision == revision )
              return dev;

      dev = (struct ISAPNP_Device*) dev->isapnpd_Node.ln_Succ;

    card = (struct ISAPNP_Card*) card->isapnpc_Node.ln_Succ;
    dev  = (struct ISAPNP_Device*) card->isapnpc_Devices.lh_Head;

  return NULL;
예제 #2
ISAPNP_FindCard( REG( a0, struct ISAPNP_Card* last_card ), 
                 REG( d0, LONG                manufacturer ),
                 REG( d1, WORD                product ),
                 REG( d2, BYTE                revision ),
                 REG( d3, LONG                serial ),
                 REG( a6, struct ISAPNPBase*  res ) )
  struct ISAPNP_Card* card;

  if( last_card == NULL )
    card = (struct ISAPNP_Card*) res->m_Cards.lh_Head;
    card = (struct ISAPNP_Card*) last_card->isapnpc_Node.ln_Succ;

  while( card->isapnpc_Node.ln_Succ != NULL )
    if( manufacturer == -1 || 
        ISAPNP_MAKE_ID( card->isapnpc_ID.isapnpid_Vendor[ 0 ],
                        card->isapnpc_ID.isapnpid_Vendor[ 1 ],
                        card->isapnpc_ID.isapnpid_Vendor[ 2 ] ) == manufacturer )
      if( product == -1 || card->isapnpc_ID.isapnpid_ProductID == product )
        if( revision == -1 || card->isapnpc_ID.isapnpid_Revision == revision )
          if( serial == -1 || (LONG) card->isapnpc_SerialNumber == serial )
            return card;

    card = (struct ISAPNP_Card*) card->isapnpc_Node.ln_Succ;

  return NULL;
예제 #3
static BOOL
PatchBrokenCards( struct ISAPNPBase* res )
  struct ISAPNP_Device* dev = NULL;

  // Patch the wavetable device on SB AWE32 and AWE64

  while( ( dev = ISAPNP_FindDevice( dev,
                                    res ) ) != NULL )
    struct ISAPNP_ResourceGroup* rg;
    struct ISAPNP_IOResource*    r1;
    struct ISAPNP_IOResource*    r2;
    struct ISAPNP_IOResource*    r3;

    // Nuke all dependent options

    while( ( rg = (struct ISAPNP_ResourceGroup*) 
                  RemHead( (struct List*) &dev->isapnpd_Options->isapnprg_ResourceGroups ) )
           != NULL )
      ISAPNP_FreeResourceGroup( rg, res );

    rg = ISAPNP_AllocResourceGroup( ISAPNP_RG_PRI_ACCEPTABLE, res );

    r1 = (struct ISAPNP_IOResource*) ISAPNP_AllocResource( ISAPNP_NT_IO_RESOURCE, res );
    r2 = (struct ISAPNP_IOResource*) ISAPNP_AllocResource( ISAPNP_NT_IO_RESOURCE, res );
    r3 = (struct ISAPNP_IOResource*) ISAPNP_AllocResource( ISAPNP_NT_IO_RESOURCE, res );

    if( rg == NULL || r1 == NULL || r2 == NULL || r3 == NULL )
      ISAPNP_FreeResourceGroup( rg, res );
      ISAPNP_FreeResource( (struct ISAPNP_Resource*) r1, res );
      ISAPNP_FreeResource( (struct ISAPNP_Resource*) r2, res );
      ISAPNP_FreeResource( (struct ISAPNP_Resource*) r3, res );

      return FALSE;

    r1->isapnpior_Flags = ISAPNP_IORESOURCE_FF_FULL_DECODE;    
    r2->isapnpior_Flags = ISAPNP_IORESOURCE_FF_FULL_DECODE;    
    r3->isapnpior_Flags = ISAPNP_IORESOURCE_FF_FULL_DECODE;    

    r1->isapnpior_Alignment = 1;
    r2->isapnpior_Alignment = 1;
    r3->isapnpior_Alignment = 1;

    r1->isapnpior_Length = 4;
    r2->isapnpior_Length = 4;
    r3->isapnpior_Length = 4;

    r1->isapnpior_MinBase = 0x620;
    r2->isapnpior_MinBase = 0xa20;
    r3->isapnpior_MinBase = 0xe20;

    r1->isapnpior_MaxBase = 0x620;
    r2->isapnpior_MaxBase = 0xa20;
    r3->isapnpior_MaxBase = 0xe20;

    AddTail( (struct List*) &rg->isapnprg_Resources, (struct Node*) r1 );
    AddTail( (struct List*) &rg->isapnprg_Resources, (struct Node*) r2 );
    AddTail( (struct List*) &rg->isapnprg_Resources, (struct Node*) r3 );
    AddTail( (struct List*) &dev->isapnpd_Options->isapnprg_ResourceGroups, 
             (struct Node*) rg );
  return TRUE;
예제 #4
static int
ParseID( UBYTE* string,
         LONG*  manufacturer,
         WORD*  product,
         BYTE*  revision,
         LONG*  serial )
  int chars = 0;

  *manufacturer = ISAPNP_MAKE_ID( ToUpper( string[ 0 ] ),
                                  ToUpper( string[ 1 ] ),
                                  ToUpper( string[ 2 ] ) );

  *product      = ( HexToInt( string[ 3 ] ) << 8 ) |
                  ( HexToInt( string[ 4 ] ) << 4 ) |
                  ( HexToInt( string[ 5 ] ) );

  if( *product == -1 )
    return 0;

  *revision = HexToInt( string[ 6 ] );

  if( *revision == -1 )
    return 0;

  chars = 7;
  if( serial != NULL )
    if( string[ 7 ] == '/' )
      int conv = StrToLong( string + 8, serial );
      if( conv == -1 )
        return 0;
        chars += conv;
    else if( string[ 7 ] == 0 || string[ 7 ] != ' ' )
      *serial = -1;
      return 0;
    if( string[ 7 ] != 0 && string[ 7 ] != ' ' )
      return 0;

  return chars;