예제 #1
uint4	mur_forward_play_cur_jrec(reg_ctl_list *rctl)
	boolean_t		process_losttn;
	boolean_t		is_set_kill_zkill_ztworm_lgtrig_ztrig, is_set_kill_zkill_ztrig;
	trans_num		curr_tn;
	enum jnl_record_type	rectype;
	enum rec_fence_type	rec_fence;
	enum broken_type	recstat;
	jnl_tm_t		rec_time;
	uint4			status;
	mval			mv;
	seq_num 		rec_token_seq, rec_strm_seqno, resync_strm_seqno;
	jnl_record		*rec;
	jnl_string		*keystr;
	multi_struct 		*multi;
	jnl_ctl_list		*jctl;
	ht_ent_mname		*tabent;
	mname_entry	 	gvent;
	gvnh_reg_t		*gvnh_reg;
	pini_list_struct	*plst;
	int4			gtmcrypt_errno;
	boolean_t		use_new_key;
	forw_multi_struct	*forw_multi;
#	if (defined(DEBUG) && defined(UNIX))
	int4			strm_idx;
#	endif

	if (multi_proc_in_use)
	{	/* Set key to print this rctl's region-name as prefix in case this forked off process prints any output.
		 * e.g. If this function ends up calling t_end/op_tcommit which in turn needs to do a jnl autoswitch
		 * inside jnl_file_extend and prints a GTM-I-FILERENAME message.
		MUR_SET_MULTI_PROC_KEY(rctl, multi_proc_key);
	jctl = rctl->jctl;
	/* Ensure we never DOUBLE process the same journal record in the forward phase */
	assert((jctl != rctl->last_processed_jctl) || (jctl->rec_offset != rctl->last_processed_rec_offset));
#	ifdef DEBUG
	rctl->last_processed_jctl = jctl;
	rctl->last_processed_rec_offset = jctl->rec_offset;
#	endif
	rec = rctl->mur_desc->jnlrec;
	rectype = (enum jnl_record_type)rec->prefix.jrec_type;
	rec_time = rec->prefix.time;
	assert(rec_time <= mur_options.before_time);
	assert(rec_time >= mur_options.after_time);
	assert((0 == mur_options.after_time) || (mur_options.forward && !rctl->db_updated));
	is_set_kill_zkill_ztworm_lgtrig_ztrig = (boolean_t)(IS_SET_KILL_ZKILL_ZTWORM_LGTRIG_ZTRIG(rectype));
	if (is_set_kill_zkill_ztworm_lgtrig_ztrig)
		keystr = (jnl_string *)&rec->jrec_set_kill.mumps_node;
		if (USES_ANY_KEY(jctl->jfh))
			use_new_key = USES_NEW_KEY(jctl->jfh);
			assert(NEEDS_NEW_KEY(jctl->jfh, rec->prefix.tn) == use_new_key);
					(use_new_key ? TRUE : jctl->jfh->non_null_iv),
					(use_new_key ? jctl->encr_key_handle2 : jctl->encr_key_handle),
			if (0 != gtmcrypt_errno)
				GTMCRYPT_REPORT_ERROR(gtmcrypt_errno, gtm_putmsg, jctl->jnl_fn_len, jctl->jnl_fn);
				return gtmcrypt_errno;
	if (mur_options.selection && !mur_select_rec(jctl))
		return SS_NORMAL;
	rec_token_seq = (REC_HAS_TOKEN_SEQ(rectype)) ? GET_JNL_SEQNO(rec) : 0;
	process_losttn = rctl->process_losttn;
	if (!process_losttn && mur_options.rollback)
		if (IS_REPLICATED(rectype) && (rec_token_seq >= murgbl.losttn_seqno))
			process_losttn = rctl->process_losttn = TRUE;
#		if (defined(UNIX) && defined(DEBUG))
		if ((rec_token_seq < murgbl.losttn_seqno) && murgbl.resync_strm_seqno_nonzero && IS_REPLICATED(rectype))
			assert(IS_SET_KILL_ZKILL_ZTWORM_LGTRIG_ZTRIG(rectype) || IS_COM(rectype) || (JRT_NULL == (rectype)));
			assert(&rec->jrec_set_kill.strm_seqno == &rec->jrec_null.strm_seqno);
			assert(&rec->jrec_set_kill.strm_seqno == &rec->jrec_tcom.strm_seqno);
			rec_strm_seqno = GET_STRM_SEQNO(rec);
			if (rec_strm_seqno)
				strm_idx = GET_STRM_INDEX(rec_strm_seqno);
				rec_strm_seqno = GET_STRM_SEQ60(rec_strm_seqno);
				resync_strm_seqno = murgbl.resync_strm_seqno[strm_idx];
				assert(!resync_strm_seqno || (rec_strm_seqno < resync_strm_seqno));
#		endif
	/* Note: Broken transaction determination is done below only based on the records that got selected as
	 * part of the mur_options.selection criteria. Therefore depending on whether a broken transaction gets
	 * selected or not, future complete transactions might either go to the lost transaction or extract file.
	recstat = process_losttn ? LOST_TN : GOOD_TN;
	status = SS_NORMAL;
	if (FENCE_NONE != mur_options.fences)
		if (IS_FENCED(rectype))
#			ifdef DEBUG
			/* assert that all TP records before min_broken_time are not broken */
			if (IS_TP(rectype) && ((!mur_options.rollback && rec_time < murgbl.min_broken_time)
						|| (mur_options.rollback && rec_token_seq < murgbl.min_broken_seqno)))
				rec_fence = GET_REC_FENCE_TYPE(rectype);
				if (NULL != (multi = MUR_TOKEN_LOOKUP(rec_token_seq, rec_time, rec_fence)))
					assert(0 == multi->partner);
					assert(FALSE == multi->this_is_broken);
#			endif
			/* In most cases, the fact whether a TP tn is broken or not would have been determined already in
			 * mur_forward. In this case, rctl->forw_multi would be set appropriately. So use that to get to
			 * "multi" and avoid a hashtable lookup. If forw_multi is NULL (e.g. for ZTP or single-region TP),
			 * the hash-table lookup cannot be avoided.
			multi = NULL;
			forw_multi = rctl->forw_multi;
			if (NULL != forw_multi)
				multi = forw_multi->multi;
				/* Always honor the "recstat" from the forw_multi since that has been determined taking into
				 * consideration the BROKEN_TN status of ALL participating regions.
				assert((GOOD_TN != forw_multi->recstat) || (GOOD_TN == recstat));
				recstat = forw_multi->recstat;
			} else if (IS_REC_POSSIBLY_BROKEN(rec_time, rec_token_seq))
				assert(!mur_options.rollback || process_losttn);
				rec_fence = GET_REC_FENCE_TYPE(rectype);
				assert(rec_token_seq == ((struct_jrec_upd *)rec)->token_seq.token);
				multi = MUR_TOKEN_LOOKUP(rec_token_seq, rec_time, rec_fence);
				if ((NULL != multi) && (0 < multi->partner))
					process_losttn = rctl->process_losttn = TRUE;
					recstat = BROKEN_TN;
			/* Check that if the hashtable reports a tn as GOOD, it better have had the same
			 * # of participants in the TCOM records across all the participating regions.
			assert((NULL == multi) || (BROKEN_TN == recstat) || (FALSE == multi->this_is_broken));
		} else if ((FENCE_ALWAYS == mur_options.fences) && is_set_kill_zkill_ztworm_lgtrig_ztrig)
			process_losttn = rctl->process_losttn = TRUE;
			recstat = BROKEN_TN;
	} else
		forw_multi = NULL;
	if (mur_options.show)
		assert(SS_NORMAL == status);
		if (BROKEN_TN != recstat)
			if (JRT_PFIN == rectype)
				status = mur_pini_state(jctl, rec->prefix.pini_addr, FINISHED_PROC);
			else if ((JRT_EOF != rectype)
					&& ((JRT_ALIGN != rectype) || (JNL_HDR_LEN != rec->prefix.pini_addr)))
			{	/* Note that it is possible that we have a PINI record followed by a PFIN record
				 * and later an ALIGN record with the pini_addr pointing to the original PINI
				 * record (see comment in jnl_write.c where pini_addr gets assigned to JNL_HDR_LEN)
				 * In this case we do not want the ALIGN record to cause the process to become
				 * ACTIVE although it has written a PFIN record. Hence the check above.
				status = mur_pini_state(jctl, rec->prefix.pini_addr, ACTIVE_PROC);
		} else
			status = mur_pini_state(jctl, rec->prefix.pini_addr, BROKEN_PROC);
		if (SS_NORMAL != status)
			return status;	/* "mur_pini_state" failed due to bad pini_addr */
		++jctl->jnlrec_cnt[rectype];	/* for -show=STATISTICS */
	if (!mur_options.update && !jgbl.mur_extract)
		return SS_NORMAL;
	if (murgbl.ok_to_update_db && IS_TUPD(rectype) && (GOOD_TN == recstat))
	{	/* Even for FENCE_NONE we apply fences. Otherwise a TUPD becomes UPD etc.
		 * If forw_multi is non-NULL, a multi-region TP transaction is being played as a SINGLE
		 * TP transaction across all the involved regions. Therefore only ONE op_tstart is done
		 * even though more than one TSET might be encountered. In this case, do not issue JNLTPNEST error.
		if (dollar_tlevel && (NULL == forw_multi))
			gtm_putmsg_csa(CSA_ARG(rctl->csa) VARLSTCNT(6) ERR_JNLTPNEST, 4, jctl->jnl_fn_len,
				jctl->jnl_fn, jctl->rec_offset, &rec->prefix.tn);
		if (!dollar_tlevel)
		{	/* Note: op_tstart resets gv_currkey. So set gv_currkey later. */
			/* mv is used to determine transaction id. But it is ignored by recover/rollback */
			mv.mvtype = MV_STR;
			mv.str.len = 0;
			mv.str.addr = NULL;
			op_tstart(IMPLICIT_TSTART, TRUE, &mv, -1);
			DEBUG_ONLY(jgbl.max_tp_ztp_jnl_upd_num = 0;)
		tp_set_sgm();	/* needed to set "sgm_info_ptr" to correspond to "rctl" */
예제 #2
// Attach a list of com objects
// NB1 : only the objects with "communication" attribute are considered by the TPUART
// NB2 : In case of objects with identical address, the object with highest index only is considered
// return KNX_TPUART_ERROR_NOT_INIT_STATE (254) if the TPUART is not in Init state
// The function must be called prior to Init() execution
byte KnxTpUart::AttachComObjectsList(KnxComObject comObjectsList[], byte listSize)
#define IS_COM(index) (comObjectsList[index].GetIndicator() & KNX_COM_OBJ_C_INDICATOR)
#define ADDR(index) (comObjectsList[index].GetAddr())

  if ((_rx.state!=RX_INIT) || (_tx.state!=TX_INIT)) return KNX_TPUART_ERROR_NOT_INIT_STATE;

  if (_orderedIndexTable)
  {  // a list is already attached, we detach it
    _orderedIndexTable = NULL;
    _comObjectsList = NULL;
    _assignedComObjectsNb = 0;
  if ((!comObjectsList) || (!listSize))
    DebugInfo("AttachComObjectsList : warning : empty object list!\n");
    return  KNX_TPUART_OK;
  // Count all the com objects with communication indicator
  for (byte i=0; i < listSize ; i++) if (IS_COM(i)) _assignedComObjectsNb++;
  if (!_assignedComObjectsNb)
    DebugInfo("AttachComObjectsList : warning : no object with com attribute in the list!\n");
    return  KNX_TPUART_OK;    
  // Deduct the duplicate addresses
  for (byte i=0; i < listSize ; i++)
    if (!IS_COM(i)) continue;
    for (byte j=0; j < listSize ; j++)
      if ( (i!=j) && (ADDR(j) == ADDR(i)) && (IS_COM(j)) )
      { // duplicate address found
        if (j<i) break; // duplicate address already treated
          DebugInfo("AttachComObjectsList : warning : duplicate address found!\n");
  _comObjectsList = comObjectsList;
  // Creation of the ordered index table
  _orderedIndexTable = (byte*) malloc(_assignedComObjectsNb);
  word minMin = 0x0000;   // minimum min value searched  
  word foundMin = 0xFFFF; // min value found so far
  for (byte i=0; i < _assignedComObjectsNb; i++)
    for (byte j=0; j < listSize ; j++) 
      if ( (IS_COM(j)) && (ADDR(j)>=minMin) && (ADDR(j)<=foundMin) )
        foundMin = ADDR(j);
        _orderedIndexTable[i] = j;
    minMin = foundMin + 1;
    foundMin = 0xFFFF;
  DebugInfo("AttachComObjectsList successful\n");
  return KNX_TPUART_OK;
예제 #3
int jnl_v11tov15(uchar_ptr_t jnl_buff, uint4 *jnl_len, uchar_ptr_t conv_buff, uint4 *conv_len, uint4 conv_bufsiz)
	/* Convert a transaction from jnl version 11 (V4.2-002) to 15 (V.4.4-002)  */

	unsigned char		*jb, *cb, *cstart, *jstart, rectype;
	int			status, reclen;
	unsigned short		key_len;
	unsigned int		long_data_len, jlen, total_data, nzeros, conv_reclen, clen_without_sfx, total_key;
	jrec_prefix		prefix;
	jrec_suffix		suffix;
	seq_num			jsno;

	jb = jnl_buff;
	cb = conv_buff;
	status = SS_NORMAL;
	jlen = *jnl_len;
	while (0 < jlen)
		if (0 < (reclen = v11_jnl_record_length((jnl_record *)jb, jlen)))
			if (reclen <= jlen)
				rectype = REF_CHAR(jb + V11_JREC_TYPE_OFFSET);
				total_key = total_data = 0;
				if (IS_ZTP(rectype))
					GTMASSERT;	/* ZTP not supported */
				if (IS_SET_KILL_ZKILL(rectype))
					GET_USHORT(key_len, jb + V11_JREC_PREFIX_SIZE + v11_jnl_fixed_size[rectype]);
					total_key = key_len + sizeof(unsigned short);
					if (IS_SET(rectype))
						GET_MSTR_LEN(long_data_len, jb + V11_JREC_PREFIX_SIZE +
								   v11_jnl_fixed_size[rectype] + total_key);
						total_data = long_data_len + sizeof(mstr_len_t);
					conv_reclen = JREC_PREFIX_SIZE + FIXED_UPD_RECLEN +
						total_key + total_data + JREC_SUFFIX_SIZE;
					conv_reclen = ROUND_UP2(conv_reclen, JNL_REC_START_BNDRY);
				} else if (IS_COM(rectype))
				clen_without_sfx = conv_reclen - JREC_SUFFIX_SIZE;
				if (cb - conv_buff + conv_reclen > conv_bufsiz)
					repl_errno = EREPL_INTLFILTER_NOSPC;
					status = -1;
				cstart = cb;
				jstart = jb;
				prefix.jrec_type = rectype;
				suffix.backptr = prefix.forwptr = conv_reclen;
				prefix.pini_addr = 0;
				prefix.time = 0;
				prefix.tn = 0;
				suffix.suffix_code = JNL_REC_SUFFIX_CODE;
				memcpy(cb, (unsigned char*)&prefix, JREC_PREFIX_SIZE);
				memcpy(cb, jb + V11_JREC_PREFIX_SIZE + V11_JNL_SEQNO_OFFSET, sizeof(seq_num));
				cb += sizeof(seq_num);
				if (IS_SET_KILL_ZKILL(rectype))
					PUT_JNL_STR_LEN(cb, key_len);
					jb += (V11_JREC_PREFIX_SIZE + V11_MUMPS_NODE_OFFSET + sizeof(unsigned short));
					if (IS_FENCED(rectype))
						jb += TP_TOKEN_TID_SIZE;
					cb += sizeof(jnl_str_len_t);
					memcpy(cb, jb, key_len);
					cb += key_len;
					jb += key_len;
					if (IS_SET(rectype))
						PUT_MSTR_LEN(cb, long_data_len);
						cb += sizeof(mstr_len_t);
						jb += sizeof(mstr_len_t);
						memcpy(cb, jb, long_data_len);
						cb += long_data_len;
				} else if (IS_COM(rectype))
					assert(JRT_TCOM == rectype);
					memset(cb, 0, TID_STR_SIZE);
					cb += TID_STR_SIZE;
					memcpy(cb, jb + V11_JREC_PREFIX_SIZE + V11_TCOM_PARTICIPANTS_OFFSET, sizeof(uint4));
					cb += sizeof(uint4);
				} else
				nzeros = (cstart + clen_without_sfx - cb);
				if (nzeros > 0)
					memset(cb, 0, nzeros);
					cb += nzeros;
				jb = jstart + reclen;
				memcpy(cb, (unsigned char*)&suffix, JREC_SUFFIX_SIZE);
				assert(cb == cstart + conv_reclen);
				jlen -= reclen;
			status = -1;
		status = -1;
	assert(0 == jlen || -1 == status);
	*jnl_len = jb - jnl_buff;
	*conv_len = cb - conv_buff;