예제 #1
파일: vecffe.c 프로젝트: BlairArchibald/gap
*F  DiffVecFFEFFE(<vecL>,<elmR>)   difference of a vector and a fin field elm
**  'DiffVecFFEFFE' returns   the  difference of the  vector  <vecL>  and the
**  finite field element <elmR>.  The difference   is a list,   where each
**  element  is the difference of <elmR> and the corresponding element of
**  <vecL>. 
**  'DiffVecFFEFFE' is an improved  version of 'DiffListScl', which  does not
**  call 'DIFF'.
Obj             DiffVecFFEFFE (
    Obj                 vecL,
    Obj                 elmR )
    Obj                 vecD;           /* handle of the difference        */
    Obj *               ptrD;           /* pointer into the difference     */
    FFV                 valD;           /* the value of a difference       */
    Obj *               ptrL;           /* pointer into the left operand   */
    FFV                 valL;           /* the value of an element in vecL */
    UInt                len;            /* length                          */
    UInt                i;              /* loop variable                   */
    FF                  fld;            /* finite field                    */
    FF *                succ;           /* successor table                 */
    FFV                 valR;           /* the value of elmR               */

    /* get the field and check that vecL and elmR have the same field      */
    fld = FLD_FFE(ELM_PLIST(vecL, 1));
    if (FLD_FFE(elmR) != fld) {
        /* check the characteristic                                        */
        if (CHAR_FF(fld) == CHAR_FF(FLD_FFE(elmR)))
            return DiffListScl(vecL, elmR);

        elmR = ErrorReturnObj(
            "<vec>-<elm>: <elm> and <vec> must belong to the same finite field",
            0L, 0L, "you can replace <elm> via 'return <elm>;'");
        return DIFF(vecL, elmR);

    /* make the result list                                                */
    len = LEN_PLIST(vecL);
                T_PLIST_FFE : T_PLIST_FFE + IMMUTABLE, len);
    SET_LEN_PLIST(vecD, len);

    /* to subtract we need the successor table                             */
    succ = SUCC_FF(fld);

    /* loop over the elements and subtract                                 */
    valR = VAL_FFE(elmR);
    valR = NEG_FFV(valR, succ);
    ptrL = ADDR_OBJ(vecL);
    ptrD = ADDR_OBJ(vecD);
    for (i = 1; i <= len; i++) {
        valL = VAL_FFE(ptrL[i]);
        valD = SUM_FFV(valL, valR, succ);
        ptrD[i] = NEW_FFE(fld, valD);

    /* return the result                                                   */
    return vecD;
예제 #2
파일: vecffe.c 프로젝트: BlairArchibald/gap
*F  SumFFEVecFFE(<elmL>,<vecR>) . . . .  sum of an fin field elm and a vector
**  'SumFFEVecFFE' returns the sum of the fin field elm <elmL> and the vector
**  <vecR>.  The sum is a  list, where each element is  the sum of <elmL> and
**  the corresponding element of <vecR>.
**  'SumFFEVecFFE' is an improved version  of  'SumSclList', which  does  not
**  call 'SUM'.
Obj             SumFFEVecFFE (
    Obj                 elmL,
    Obj                 vecR )
    Obj                 vecS;           /* handle of the sum               */
    Obj *               ptrS;           /* pointer into the sum            */
    FFV                 valS;           /* the value of a sum              */
    Obj *               ptrR;           /* pointer into the right operand  */
    FFV                 valR;           /* the value of an element in vecR */
    UInt                len;            /* length                          */
    UInt                i;              /* loop variable                   */
    FF                  fld;            /* finite field                    */
    FF *                succ;           /* successor table                 */
    FFV                 valL;           /* the value of elmL               */

    /* get the field and check that elmL and vecR have the same field      */
    fld = FLD_FFE(ELM_PLIST(vecR, 1));
    if (FLD_FFE(elmL) != fld) {
        /* check the characteristic                                          */
        if (CHAR_FF(fld) == CHAR_FF(FLD_FFE(elmL)))
            return SumSclList(elmL, vecR);

        elmL = ErrorReturnObj(
            "<elm>+<vec>: <elm> and <vec> must belong to the same finite field",
            0L, 0L, "you can replace <elm> via 'return <elm>;'");
        return SUM(elmL, vecR);

    /* make the result list                                                */
    len = LEN_PLIST(vecR);
                T_PLIST_FFE : T_PLIST_FFE + IMMUTABLE, len);
    SET_LEN_PLIST(vecS, len);

    /* to add we need the successor table                                  */
    succ = SUCC_FF(fld);

    /* loop over the elements and add                                      */
    valL = VAL_FFE(elmL);
    ptrR = ADDR_OBJ(vecR);
    ptrS = ADDR_OBJ(vecS);
    for (i = 1; i <= len; i++) {
        valR = VAL_FFE(ptrR[i]);
        valS = SUM_FFV(valL, valR, succ);
        ptrS[i] = NEW_FFE(fld, valS);

    /* return the result                                                   */
    return vecS;
예제 #3
파일: vecffe.c 프로젝트: BlairArchibald/gap
*F  DiffVecFFEVecFFE(<vecL>,<vecR>) . . . . . . . . difference of two vectors
**  'DiffVecFFEVecFFE'  returns the difference of the  two vectors <vecL> and
**  <vecR>.   The  difference is   a new   list, where  each  element  is the
**  difference of the corresponding elements of <vecL> and <vecR>.
**  'DiffVecFFEVecFFE' is an improved  version of  'DiffListList', which does
**  not call 'DIFF'.
Obj             DiffVecFFEVecFFE (
    Obj                 vecL,
    Obj                 vecR )
    Obj                 vecD;           /* handle of the difference        */
    Obj *               ptrD;           /* pointer into the difference     */
    FFV                 valD;           /* one element of difference list  */
    Obj *               ptrL;           /* pointer into the left operand   */
    FFV                 valL;           /* one element of left operand     */
    Obj *               ptrR;           /* pointer into the right operand  */
    FFV                 valR;           /* one element of right operand    */
    UInt                len, lenL, lenR; /* length                          */
    UInt                lenmin;
    UInt                i;              /* loop variable                   */
    FF                  fld;            /* finite field                    */
    FF *                succ;           /* successor table                 */

    /* check the lengths                                                   */
    lenL = LEN_PLIST(vecL);
    lenR = LEN_PLIST(vecR);
    if (lenR > lenL) {
        len = lenR;
        lenmin = lenL;
    } else {
        len = lenL;
        lenmin = lenR;

    /* check the fields                                                    */
    fld = FLD_FFE(ELM_PLIST(vecL, 1));
    if (FLD_FFE(ELM_PLIST(vecR, 1)) != fld) {
        /* check the characteristic                                        */
        if (CHAR_FF(fld) == CHAR_FF(FLD_FFE(ELM_PLIST(vecR, 1))))
            return DiffListList(vecL, vecR);

        vecR = ErrorReturnObj(
            "Vector -: vectors have different fields",
            0L, 0L, "you can replace vector <right> via 'return <right>;'");
        return DIFF(vecL, vecR);

    /* make the result list                                                */
                T_PLIST_FFE : T_PLIST_FFE + IMMUTABLE, len);
    SET_LEN_PLIST(vecD, len);

    /* to subtract we need the successor table                             */
    succ = SUCC_FF(fld);

    /* loop over the elements and subtract                                 */
    ptrL = ADDR_OBJ(vecL);
    ptrR = ADDR_OBJ(vecR);
    ptrD = ADDR_OBJ(vecD);
    for (i = 1; i <= lenmin; i++) {
        valL = VAL_FFE(ptrL[i]);
        valR = VAL_FFE(ptrR[i]);
        valR = NEG_FFV(valR, succ);
        valD = SUM_FFV(valL, valR, succ);
        ptrD[i] = NEW_FFE(fld, valD);

    if (lenL < lenR)
        for (; i <= len; i++) {
            valR = VAL_FFE(ptrR[i]);
            valD = NEG_FFV(valR, succ);
            ptrD[i] = NEW_FFE(fld, valD);
        for (; i <= len; i++)
            ptrD[i] = ptrL[i];

    /* return the result                                                   */
    return vecD;
예제 #4
파일: set.c 프로젝트: YurieCo/gap

*F  FuncADD_SET( <self>, <set>, <obj> ) . . . . . . . add an element to a set
**  'FuncADD_SET' implements the internal function 'AddSet'.
**  'AddSet( <set>, <obj> )'
**  'AddSet' adds <obj>, which may be an object  of an arbitrary type, to the
**  set <set>, which must be a proper set.  If <obj> is already an element of
**  the set <set>, then <set> is not changed.  Otherwise <obj> is inserted at
**  the correct position such that <set> is again a set afterwards.
**  'AddSet' does not return  anything, it is only  called for the side effect
**  of changing <set>.
Obj FuncADD_SET (
		 Obj                 self,
		 Obj                 set,
		 Obj                 obj )
  UInt                len;            /* logical length of the list      */
  UInt                pos;            /* position                        */
  UInt                isCyc;          /* True if the set being added to consists
					 of kernel cyclotomics           */
  UInt                notpos;         /* position of an original element
					 (not the new one)               */
  UInt                wasHom;
  UInt                wasNHom;
  UInt                wasTab;
  /* check the arguments                                                 */
  while ( ! IsSet(set) || ! IS_MUTABLE_OBJ(set) ) {
    set = ErrorReturnObj(
			 "AddSet: <set> must be a mutable proper set (not a %s)",
			 (Int)TNAM_OBJ(set), 0L,
			 "you can replace <set> via 'return <set>;'" );
  len = LEN_LIST(set);

  /* perform the binary search to find the position                      */
  pos = PositionSortedDensePlist( set, obj );

  /* add the element to the set if it is not already there               */
  if ( len < pos || ! EQ( ELM_PLIST(set,pos), obj ) ) {
    GROW_PLIST( set, len+1 );
    SET_LEN_PLIST( set, len+1 );
      Obj *ptr;
      ptr = PTR_BAG(set);
      memmove((void *)(ptr + pos+1),(void*)(ptr+pos),(size_t)(sizeof(Obj)*(len+1-pos)));
#if 0
      for ( i = len+1; pos < i; i-- ) {
	*ptr = *(ptr-1);
	ptr--;   */
	/* SET_ELM_PLIST( set, i, ELM_PLIST(set,i-1) ); */
    SET_ELM_PLIST( set, pos, obj );
    CHANGED_BAG( set );

    /* fix up the type of the result                                   */
    if ( HAS_FILT_LIST( set, FN_IS_SSORT ) ) {
      isCyc = (TNUM_OBJ(set) == T_PLIST_CYC_SSORT);
      wasHom = HAS_FILT_LIST(set, FN_IS_HOMOG);
      wasTab = HAS_FILT_LIST(set, FN_IS_TABLE);
      wasNHom = HAS_FILT_LIST(set, FN_IS_NHOMOG);
      /* the result of addset is always dense */
      SET_FILT_LIST( set, FN_IS_DENSE );

				/* if the object we added was not
                                   mutable then we might be able to
                                   conclude more */
      if ( ! IS_MUTABLE_OBJ(obj) ) {
				/* a one element list is automatically
                                   homogenous  and ssorted */
	if (len == 0 )
	    if (TNUM_OBJ(obj) <= T_CYC)
	      RetypeBag( set, T_PLIST_CYC_SSORT);
		if (IS_HOMOG_LIST(obj))	/* it might be a table */
	    /* Now determine homogeneity */
	    if (isCyc)
	      if (TNUM_OBJ(obj) <= T_CYC)
		RetypeBag( set, T_PLIST_CYC_SSORT);
	    else if (wasHom)
		if (!SyInitializing) {
		  notpos = (pos == 1) ? 2 : 1;
		  if (FAMILY_OBJ(ELM_PLIST(set,notpos)) == FAMILY_OBJ(obj))
		      SET_FILT_LIST(set, FN_IS_HOMOG);
		      if (wasTab) {
			if (IS_HOMOG_LIST( obj ))

	    else if (wasNHom)
      SET_FILT_LIST( set, FN_IS_SSORT );
    else {
      SET_FILT_LIST( set, FN_IS_DENSE );