  * @brief  Sets the Smooth calibration parameters.
  * @param  hrtc: RTC handle  
  * @param  SmoothCalibPeriod: Not used (only present for compatibility with another families)
  * @param  SmoothCalibPlusPulses: Not used (only present for compatibility with another families)
  * @param  SmouthCalibMinusPulsesValue: specifies the RTC Clock Calibration value.
  *          This parameter must be a number between 0 and 0x7F.
  * @retval HAL status
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_RTCEx_SetSmoothCalib(RTC_HandleTypeDef* hrtc, uint32_t SmoothCalibPeriod, uint32_t SmoothCalibPlusPulses, uint32_t SmouthCalibMinusPulsesValue)
  /* Check input parameters */
  if(hrtc == NULL)
     return HAL_ERROR;
  /* Check the parameters */
  /* Process Locked */

  hrtc->State = HAL_RTC_STATE_BUSY;

  /* Sets RTC Clock Calibration value.*/
  MODIFY_REG(BKP->RTCCR, BKP_RTCCR_CAL, SmouthCalibMinusPulsesValue);

  /* Change RTC state */
  hrtc->State = HAL_RTC_STATE_READY;

  /* Process Unlocked */

  return HAL_OK;
  * @brief  Sets the Smooth calibration parameters.
  * @param  hrtc: RTC handle  
  * @param  SmoothCalibPeriod: Select the Smooth Calibration Period.
  *          This parameter can be can be one of the following values :
  *             @arg RTC_SMOOTHCALIB_PERIOD_32SEC: The smooth calibration periode is 32s.
  *             @arg RTC_SMOOTHCALIB_PERIOD_16SEC: The smooth calibration periode is 16s.
  *             @arg RTC_SMOOTHCALIB_PERIOD_8SEC: The smooth calibartion periode is 8s.
  * @param  SmoothCalibPlusPulses: Select to Set or reset the CALP bit.
  *          This parameter can be one of the following values:
  *             @arg RTC_SMOOTHCALIB_PLUSPULSES_SET: Add one RTCCLK puls every 2*11 pulses.
  *             @arg RTC_SMOOTHCALIB_PLUSPULSES_RESET: No RTCCLK pulses are added.
  * @param  SmouthCalibMinusPulsesValue: Select the value of CALM[8:0] bits.
  *          This parameter can be one any value from 0 to 0x000001FF.
  * @note   To deactivate the smooth calibration, the field SmoothCalibPlusPulses 
  *         must be equal to SMOOTHCALIB_PLUSPULSES_RESET and the field 
  *         SmouthCalibMinusPulsesValue mut be equal to 0.  
  * @retval HAL status
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_RTCEx_SetSmoothCalib(RTC_HandleTypeDef* hrtc, uint32_t SmoothCalibPeriod, uint32_t SmoothCalibPlusPulses, uint32_t SmouthCalibMinusPulsesValue)
  uint32_t tickstart = 0;

  /* Check the parameters */

  /* Process Locked */

  hrtc->State = HAL_RTC_STATE_BUSY;

  /* Disable the write protection for RTC registers */

  /* check if a calibration is pending*/
  if((hrtc->Instance->ISR & RTC_ISR_RECALPF) != RESET)
    tickstart = HAL_GetTick();

    /* check if a calibration is pending*/
    while((hrtc->Instance->ISR & RTC_ISR_RECALPF) != RESET)
      if((HAL_GetTick()-tickstart) > RTC_TIMEOUT_VALUE)
        /* Enable the write protection for RTC registers */

        /* Change RTC state */
        hrtc->State = HAL_RTC_STATE_TIMEOUT;

        /* Process Unlocked */

        return HAL_TIMEOUT;

  /* Configure the Smooth calibration settings */
  hrtc->Instance->CALR = (uint32_t)((uint32_t)SmoothCalibPeriod | (uint32_t)SmoothCalibPlusPulses | (uint32_t)SmouthCalibMinusPulsesValue);

  /* Enable the write protection for RTC registers */

  /* Change RTC state */
  hrtc->State = HAL_RTC_STATE_READY;

  /* Process Unlocked */

  return HAL_OK;