float32 IfxScuCcu_getSourceFrequency(void) { float32 sourcefreq; switch (SCU_CCUCON0.B.CLKSEL) { case IfxScu_CCUCON0_CLKSEL_fBack: sourcefreq = IfxScuCcu_getEvrFrequency(); break; case IfxScu_CCUCON0_CLKSEL_fPll: sourcefreq = IfxScuCcu_getPllFrequency(); break; default: sourcefreq = 0; break; } return sourcefreq; }
int core0_main(void) { udp_pcb_t * udp; ip_addr_t addr; pbuf_t *p = (void*)0;//(pbuf_t *)pbuf_alloc_special(MEMP_PBUF); uint16 idx; uint16 total; /* * !!WATCHDOG0 AND SAFETY WATCHDOG ARE DISABLED HERE!! * Enable the watchdog in the demo if it is required and also service the watchdog periodically * */ IfxScuWdt_disableCpuWatchdog(IfxScuWdt_getCpuWatchdogPassword()); IfxScuWdt_disableSafetyWatchdog(IfxScuWdt_getSafetyWatchdogPassword()); /* Initialise the application state */ g_AppCpu0.info.pllFreq = IfxScuCcu_getPllFrequency(); g_AppCpu0.info.cpuFreq = IfxScuCcu_getCpuFrequency(IfxCpu_getCoreId()); g_AppCpu0.info.sysFreq = IfxScuCcu_getSpbFrequency(); g_AppCpu0.info.stmFreq = IfxStm_getFrequency(&MODULE_STM0); report.position = 0; IfxPort_Io_initModule(&conf); for (idx = 0; idx < conf.size; idx++) { IfxPort_Io_ConfigPin *tbl = &conf.pinTable[idx]; IfxPort_setPinHigh(tbl->pin->port, tbl->pin->pinIndex); // P33.0 = 0 } initStm0(); /* Enable the global interrupts of this CPU */ IfxCpu_enableInterrupts(); /* Demo init */ wMultican_init(); Ifx_Lwip_Config config; IP4_ADDR(&config.ipAddr, 192, 168, 7, 123); IP4_ADDR(&config.netMask, 255, 255, 255, 0); IP4_ADDR(&config.gateway, 192, 168, 7, 6); MAC_ADDR(&config.ethAddr, 0x00, 0x20, 0x30, 0x40, 0x50, 0x60); Ifx_Lwip_init(&config); addr.addr8[3] = 6; addr.addr8[2] = 7; addr.addr8[1] = 168; addr.addr8[0] = 192; /* background endless loop */ IfxPort_setPinHigh(&MODULE_P33, 6); // P33.0 = 0 total = Ifx_g_Eth.config.phyLink(); if (total == 1) { report.phy_link = 1; } else { report.phy_link = 0; } ethRam = NULL_PTR; udp = udp_new(); while (TRUE) { Ifx_Lwip_pollTimerFlags(); Ifx_Lwip_pollReceiveFlags(); if (total != Ifx_g_Eth.config.phyLink()) { total = Ifx_g_Eth.config.phyLink(); if (total == 1) { IfxPort_setPinLow(&MODULE_P33, 6); netif_set_up(&Ifx_g_Lwip.netif); IfxEth_startTransmitter(Ifx_g_Lwip.netif.state); } else { netif_set_down(&Ifx_g_Lwip.netif); IfxPort_setPinHigh(&MODULE_P33, 6); } } report.phy_link = total; report.mdio_stat = IfxEth_Phy_Pef7071_MIIState(); report.ethRam = ethRam!=NULL?1:0; wMultiCanNode0Demo_run(report, 0); if ((stat & 0x0003) != 0x01) { IfxPort_setPinLow(&MODULE_P33, 7); } else { IfxPort_setPinHigh(&MODULE_P33, 7); } if (Ifx_g_Eth.config.phyLink() && (ethRam = IfxEth_getTransmitBuffer(&Ifx_g_Eth))) { p = (pbuf_t *)memp_malloc(MEMP_PBUF); if (p != NULL) { p->payload = LWIP_MEM_ALIGN((void *)((u8_t *)ethRam)); p->len = 100; p->tot_len = p->len; p->next = NULL; p->ref = 1; p->type = PBUF_REF; udp_sendto_if(udp, p, &addr, 5001, &Ifx_g_Lwip.netif); pbuf_free(p); IfxPort_setPinLow(&MODULE_P33, 8); // P33.0 = 0 } } else { IfxPort_setPinHigh(&MODULE_P33, 8); // P33.0 = 0 } REGRESSION_RUN_STOP_PASS; } udp_remove(udp); return 0; }