void CGCodeInterpreter::ConvertAbsoluteToMachine(double x,double y,double z,double a,double b,double c, double *gx,double *gy,double *gz,double *ga,double *gb,double *gc) { *gx = InchesToUserUnitsX(x); *gy = InchesToUserUnits(y); *gz = InchesToUserUnits(z); *ga = InchesOrDegToUserUnitsA(a); *gb = InchesOrDegToUserUnitsB(b); *gc = InchesOrDegToUserUnitsC(c); }
void CGCodeInterpreter::ConvertAbsoluteToInterpreterCoord(double x,double y,double z,double a,double b,double c, double *gx,double *gy,double *gz,double *ga,double *gb,double *gc) { *gx = InchesToUserUnits(x) - _setup.axis_offset_x - _setup.origin_offset_x; *gy = InchesToUserUnits(y) - _setup.axis_offset_y - _setup.origin_offset_y; *gz = InchesToUserUnits(z) - _setup.axis_offset_z - _setup.origin_offset_z - _setup.tool_length_offset; *ga = InchesOrDegToUserUnitsA(a) - _setup.AA_axis_offset - _setup.AA_origin_offset; *gb = InchesOrDegToUserUnitsB(b) - _setup.BB_axis_offset - _setup.BB_origin_offset; *gc = InchesOrDegToUserUnitsC(c) - _setup.CC_axis_offset - _setup.CC_origin_offset; }
void CGCodeInterpreter::ConvertAbsoluteToInterpreterCoord(double x,double y,double z,double a,double b,double c, double *gx,double *gy,double *gz,double *ga,double *gb,double *gc,setup_pointer psetup) { if (!psetup) psetup = p_setup; *gx = InchesToUserUnitsX(x) - psetup->axis_offset_x - psetup->origin_offset_x - psetup->tool_xoffset; *gy = InchesToUserUnits(y) - psetup->axis_offset_y - psetup->origin_offset_y - psetup->tool_yoffset; *gz = InchesToUserUnits(z) - psetup->axis_offset_z - psetup->origin_offset_z - psetup->tool_length_offset; *ga = InchesOrDegToUserUnitsA(a) - psetup->AA_axis_offset - psetup->AA_origin_offset; *gb = InchesOrDegToUserUnitsB(b) - psetup->BB_axis_offset - psetup->BB_origin_offset; *gc = InchesOrDegToUserUnitsC(c) - psetup->CC_axis_offset - psetup->CC_origin_offset; }
double CGCodeInterpreter::ConvertAbsToUserUnitsC(double c) { return InchesOrDegToUserUnitsC(c - p_setup->CC_axis_offset - p_setup->CC_origin_offset); }
int CGCodeInterpreter::DoReverseSearch(const char * InFile, int CurrentLine) { int GCodeReads,status; char trash[INTERP_TEXT_SIZE]; char * read_ok; char s[MAX_LINE]; if (CurrentLine==0) return 0; // should always be ok to set the first line CoordMotion->m_Stopping = STOPPED_NONE; // always read the tool file now (some users set it externally) // if (m_restart || m_ReadToolFile) { if (ToolFile[0]!=0) { status = read_tool_file(ToolFile, &_setup); if (status != RS274NGC_OK) return rs274ErrorExit(status); } m_ReadToolFile = false; } if (!CoordMotion->m_Simulate) { int result; // find out which axis is which // force refresh and save results CoordMotion->m_DefineCS_valid = false; if (CoordMotion->m_PreviouslyStopped) result = CoordMotion->ReadCurAbsPosition(&CoordMotion->current_x,&CoordMotion->current_y,&CoordMotion->current_z, &CoordMotion->current_a,&CoordMotion->current_b,&CoordMotion->current_c,true); else result = ReadAndSyncCurPositions(&_setup.current_x,&_setup.current_y,&_setup.current_z,&_setup.AA_current,&_setup.BB_current,&_setup.CC_current); if (result == 1) { if (CoordMotion->m_AxisDisabled) strcpy(ErrorOutput,"Unable to read defined coordinate system axis positions - Axis Disabled "); else strcpy(ErrorOutput,"Unable to read defined coordinate system axis positions "); } if (result != 0) return 1005; } status = rs274ngc_open(InFile); if (status != RS274NGC_OK) return rs274ErrorExit(status); if (_setup.percent_flag == ON) GCodeReads = 1; else GCodeReads = 0; // read the entire file into this array of lines // up until the line we wish to start #ifdef _KMOTIONX //char *LineArray = new char[CurrentLine+1][INTERP_TEXT_SIZE+1]; //this works on linux due to a C++ extension char LineArray[CurrentLine+1][INTERP_TEXT_SIZE+1]; #define CLEAN_ARRAY do{ } while( false ) #else CString *LineArray = new CString[CurrentLine+1]; if (!LineArray) return 1; #define CLEAN_ARRAY do{ delete [] LineArray; } while( false ) #endif for( ; GCodeReads<=CurrentLine ; GCodeReads++) { read_ok = fgets(trash, INTERP_TEXT_SIZE,_setup.file_pointer); if (!read_ok) { rs274ngc_close(); CLEAN_ARRAY; AfxMessageBox("Error while reading GCode file "); return 1; } #ifdef _KMOTIONX strcpy(LineArray[GCodeReads],trash); #else LineArray[GCodeReads] = trash; #endif } rs274ngc_close(); bool Done=false; bool FoundG=false; bool FoundF=false; bool FoundUnits=false; bool FoundX=CoordMotion->x_axis < 0; bool FoundY=CoordMotion->y_axis < 0; bool FoundZ=CoordMotion->z_axis < 0; bool FoundA=CoordMotion->a_axis < 0; bool FoundB=CoordMotion->b_axis < 0; bool FoundC=CoordMotion->c_axis < 0; bool FoundX0,FoundY0,FoundZ0,FoundA0,FoundB0,FoundC0,FoundG0,FoundF0,FoundUnits0; int G=-1; int Units=-1; double x=0,y=0,z=0,a=0,b=0,c=0,f=0; block *BL=&p_setup->block1; block block0; bool FirstLoop=true; if (--GCodeReads<0) {CLEAN_ARRAY; return 1;} status = rs274ngc_read(LineArray[GCodeReads]); if (status == RS274NGC_ENDFILE) { rs274ngc_close(); CLEAN_ARRAY; return RS274NGC_ENDFILE; } // save what is on the line the User wants to switch to block0=p_setup->block1; // we need to determine what everthing would be // after the previous line was executed while (!FoundG || (!FoundF && (G==-1 || G==G_1 || G==G_2 || G==G_3)) || !FoundX || !FoundY || !FoundZ || !FoundA || !FoundB || !FoundC || !FoundUnits) { if (--GCodeReads<0) break; status = rs274ngc_read(LineArray[GCodeReads]); if (status == RS274NGC_ENDFILE) { rs274ngc_close(); CLEAN_ARRAY; return RS274NGC_ENDFILE; } if (!FoundG) { if (BL->motion_to_be == G_0 || BL->motion_to_be == G_1 || BL->motion_to_be == G_2 || BL->motion_to_be == G_3 || BL->motion_to_be == G_4) FoundG=true; if (FoundG) G=BL->motion_to_be; } if (!FoundUnits) { if (BL->g_modes[6] == G_20 || BL->g_modes[6] == G_21) FoundUnits=true; if (FoundUnits) Units=BL->g_modes[6]; } if (!FoundF && BL->f_number >= 0.0) {FoundF=true; f=BL->f_number;} if (!FoundX && BL->x_flag) {FoundX=true; x=BL->x_number;} if (!FoundY && BL->y_flag) {FoundY=true; y=BL->y_number;} if (!FoundZ && BL->z_flag) {FoundZ=true; z=BL->z_number;} if (!FoundA && BL->a_flag) {FoundA=true; a=BL->a_number;} if (!FoundB && BL->b_flag) {FoundB=true; b=BL->b_number;} if (!FoundC && BL->c_flag) {FoundC=true; c=BL->c_number;} if (FirstLoop) { FirstLoop=false; FoundX0=FoundX; FoundY0=FoundY; FoundZ0=FoundZ; FoundA0=FoundA; FoundB0=FoundB; FoundC0=FoundC; FoundG0=FoundG; FoundF0=FoundF; FoundUnits0=FoundUnits; } } CLEAN_ARRAY; if ((block0.g_modes[6]!=G_20 || block0.g_modes[6]!=G_21) && FoundUnits) // if units not specified on current line and different { if (Units==G_20 && p_setup->length_units!=CANON_UNITS_INCHES) { if (AfxMessageBox("Backward scan found G20 Inches Mode. Switch to Inches?" ,MB_YESNO)==IDYES) { p_setup->length_units=CANON_UNITS_INCHES; } } if (Units==G_21 && p_setup->length_units!=CANON_UNITS_MM) { if (AfxMessageBox("Backward scan found G21 MM Mode. Switch to MM?" ,MB_YESNO)==IDYES) { p_setup->length_units=CANON_UNITS_MM; } } } // if jumping to a G0 assume User knows what is intended and it is ok to rapid to that location if (block0.motion_to_be==G_0) return 1; if (GCodeReads<0) { strcpy(s,"Unable to determine starting conditions for this line.\r\r"); if (!FoundX) strcat(s,"X? "); if (!FoundY) strcat(s,"Y? "); if (!FoundZ) strcat(s,"Z? "); if (!FoundA) strcat(s,"A? "); if (!FoundB) strcat(s,"B? "); if (!FoundC) strcat(s,"C? "); if (!FoundF && (G==-1 || G==G_1 || G==G_2 || G==G_3))strcat(s,"F? "); if (!FoundUnits) strcat(s,"G20/21? "); AfxMessageBox(s); return 1; } if (block0.motion_to_be==-1) { sprintf(s, "New Line does not contain a G mode. Backward scan found:\r\rG%d\r\rUse this mode?",G/10); if (AfxMessageBox(s,MB_YESNO)==IDNO) { return 1; } } if (block0.f_number==-1) { if (FoundF) { sprintf(s, "New Line does not contain a Feedrate F command. Backward scan found:\r\rF%g\r\rUse this feedrate?",f); if (AfxMessageBox(s,MB_YESNO)==IDYES) { p_setup->feed_rate=m_StoppedInterpState.feed_rate=f; } else { m_StoppedInterpState.feed_rate=p_setup->feed_rate; } } else { AfxMessageBox("New Line does not contain a Feedrate F command. Unable to determine previous feedrate"); } } else { p_setup->feed_rate=m_StoppedInterpState.feed_rate=block0.f_number; } if (!FoundX0 || !FoundY0 ||!FoundZ0 ||!FoundA0 ||!FoundB0 ||!FoundC0) { char v[32]; strcpy(s,"Backward scan found previous position as:\r\r"); if (CoordMotion->x_axis >= 0){ sprintf(v," X%g",x); strcat(s,v);} if (CoordMotion->y_axis >= 0){ sprintf(v," Y%g",y); strcat(s,v);} if (CoordMotion->z_axis >= 0){ sprintf(v," Z%g",z); strcat(s,v);} if (CoordMotion->a_axis >= 0){ sprintf(v," A%g",a); strcat(s,v);} if (CoordMotion->b_axis >= 0){ sprintf(v," B%g",b); strcat(s,v);} if (CoordMotion->c_axis >= 0){ sprintf(v," C%g",c); strcat(s,v);} strcat(s,"\rShould a Safe Z move be made using these coordinates?"); if (AfxMessageBox(s,MB_YESNO)==IDNO) { return 1; } } if (!FoundG0) { int group = _gees[G*10]; if (group==0) // G4 = group0 p_setup->active_g_codes[1]=-1; else // G0,G1,G2,G3 p_setup->active_g_codes[0]=-1; p_setup->motion_mode=G; } if (FoundX) {CoordMotion->m_Stoppedx=x; p_setup->current_x=x;} if (FoundY) {CoordMotion->m_Stoppedy=y; p_setup->current_y=y;} if (FoundZ) {CoordMotion->m_Stoppedz=z; p_setup->current_z=z;} if (FoundA) {CoordMotion->m_Stoppeda=a; p_setup->AA_current=a;} if (FoundB) {CoordMotion->m_Stoppedb=b; p_setup->BB_current=b;} if (FoundC) {CoordMotion->m_Stoppedc=c; p_setup->CC_current=c;} CoordMotion->m_StoppedMachinex = UserUnitsToInchesX(CoordMotion->m_Stoppedx+_setup.axis_offset_x+_setup.origin_offset_x+_setup.tool_xoffset); CoordMotion->m_StoppedMachiney = UserUnitsToInches(CoordMotion->m_Stoppedy+_setup.axis_offset_y+_setup.origin_offset_y+_setup.tool_yoffset); CoordMotion->m_StoppedMachinez = UserUnitsToInches(CoordMotion->m_Stoppedz+_setup.axis_offset_z+_setup.origin_offset_z+_setup.tool_length_offset); CoordMotion->m_StoppedMachinea = InchesOrDegToUserUnitsA(CoordMotion->m_Stoppeda) - _setup.AA_axis_offset - _setup.AA_origin_offset; CoordMotion->m_StoppedMachineb = InchesOrDegToUserUnitsB(CoordMotion->m_Stoppedb) - _setup.BB_axis_offset - _setup.BB_origin_offset; CoordMotion->m_StoppedMachinec = InchesOrDegToUserUnitsC(CoordMotion->m_Stoppedc) - _setup.CC_axis_offset - _setup.CC_origin_offset; CoordMotion->m_PreviouslyStopped = CoordMotion->m_Stopping = STOPPED_INDEP; return 0; }