예제 #1
파일: g_client.c 프로젝트: asker/OmgHaxQVM

Called from ClientConnect when the player first connects and
directly by the server system when the player updates a userinfo variable.

The game can override any of the settings and call trap_SetUserinfo
if desired.
void ClientUserinfoChanged( int clientNum )
  gentity_t *ent;
  int       teamTask, teamLeader, health;
  char      *s;
  char      model[ MAX_QPATH ];
  char      buffer[ MAX_QPATH ];
  char      filename[ MAX_QPATH ];
  char      oldname[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ];
  char      newname[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ];
  char      err[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ];
  qboolean  revertName = qfalse;
  qboolean  showRenameMsg = qtrue;
  gclient_t *client;
  char      c1[ MAX_INFO_STRING ];
  char      c2[ MAX_INFO_STRING ];
  char      userinfo[ MAX_INFO_STRING ];
  team_t    team;

  ent = g_entities + clientNum;
  client = ent->client;

  trap_GetUserinfo( clientNum, userinfo, sizeof( userinfo ) );

  // check for malformed or illegal info strings
  if( !Info_Validate(userinfo) )
    strcpy( userinfo, "\\name\\badinfo" );

  // check for local client
  s = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "ip" );

  if( !strcmp( s, "localhost" ) )
    client->pers.localClient = qtrue;

  // check the item prediction
  s = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "cg_predictItems" );

  if( !atoi( s ) )
    client->pers.predictItemPickup = qfalse;
    client->pers.predictItemPickup = qtrue;

  // set name
  Q_strncpyz( oldname, client->pers.netname, sizeof( oldname ) );
  s = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "name" );
  ClientCleanName( s, newname, sizeof( newname ) );

  if( strcmp( oldname, newname ) )
    if( !strlen( oldname ) && client->pers.connected != CON_CONNECTED )
      showRenameMsg = qfalse;

    // in case we need to revert and there's no oldname
    ClientCleanName( va( "%s", client->pers.netname ), oldname, sizeof( oldname ) );
    if( g_newbieNumbering.integer )
      if( !strcmp( newname, "UnnamedPlayer" ) )
        Q_strncpyz( newname, G_NextNewbieName( ent ), sizeof( newname ) );
      if( !strcmp( oldname, "UnnamedPlayer" ) )
        Q_strncpyz( oldname, G_NextNewbieName( ent ), sizeof( oldname ) );

    if( client->pers.muted )
      trap_SendServerCommand( ent - g_entities,
        "print \"You cannot change your name while you are muted\n\"" );
      revertName = qtrue;
    else if( client->pers.nameChangeTime &&
      ( level.time - client->pers.nameChangeTime )
      <= ( g_minNameChangePeriod.value * 1000 ) )
      trap_SendServerCommand( ent - g_entities, va(
        "print \"Name change spam protection (g_minNameChangePeriod = %d)\n\"",
         g_minNameChangePeriod.integer ) );
      revertName = qtrue;
    else if( g_maxNameChanges.integer > 0
      && client->pers.nameChanges >= g_maxNameChanges.integer  )
      trap_SendServerCommand( ent - g_entities, va(
        "print \"Maximum name changes reached (g_maxNameChanges = %d)\n\"",
         g_maxNameChanges.integer ) );
      revertName = qtrue;
    else if( !G_admin_name_check( ent, newname, err, sizeof( err ) ) )
      trap_SendServerCommand( ent - g_entities, va( "print \"%s\n\"", err ) );
      revertName = qtrue;
    else if( client->pers.nlocked )
		trap_SendServerCommand( ent - g_entities,
			"print \"Your name is locked, you can no longer rename.\n\"" );
		revertName = qtrue;
    if( revertName )
      Q_strncpyz( client->pers.netname, oldname,
        sizeof( client->pers.netname ) );
      Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "name", oldname );
      trap_SetUserinfo( clientNum, userinfo );
      Q_strncpyz( client->pers.netname, newname,
        sizeof( client->pers.netname ) );
      Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "name", newname );
      trap_SetUserinfo( clientNum, userinfo );
      if( client->pers.connected == CON_CONNECTED )
        client->pers.nameChangeTime = level.time;

  if( client->sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_SPECTATOR )
    if( client->sess.spectatorState == SPECTATOR_SCOREBOARD )
      Q_strncpyz( client->pers.netname, "scoreboard", sizeof( client->pers.netname ) );

  if( client->pers.connected >= CON_CONNECTING && showRenameMsg )
    if( strcmp( oldname, client->pers.netname ) )
      trap_SendServerCommand( -1, va( "print \"%s" S_COLOR_WHITE
        " renamed to %s^7\n\"", oldname, client->pers.netname ) );
      if( g_decolourLogfiles.integer)
        char    decoloured[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ] = "";   
        if( g_decolourLogfiles.integer == 1 )
      Com_sprintf( decoloured, sizeof(decoloured), " (\"%s^7\" -> \"%s^7\")", oldname, client->pers.netname );
      G_DecolorString( decoloured, decoloured );
          G_LogPrintfColoured( "ClientRename: %i [%s] (%s) \"%s^7\" -> \"%s^7\"%s\n", clientNum,
             client->pers.ip, client->pers.guid, oldname, client->pers.netname, decoloured );
          G_LogPrintf( "ClientRename: %i [%s] (%s) \"%s^7\" -> \"%s^7\"%s\n", clientNum,
             client->pers.ip, client->pers.guid, oldname, client->pers.netname, decoloured );

      G_LogPrintf( "ClientRename: %i [%s] (%s) \"%s^7\" -> \"%s^7\"\n", clientNum,
         client->pers.ip, client->pers.guid, oldname, client->pers.netname );
      G_admin_namelog_update( client, qfalse );

  // set max health
  health = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "handicap" ) );
  client->pers.maxHealth = health;

  if( client->pers.maxHealth < 1 || client->pers.maxHealth > 100 )
    client->pers.maxHealth = 100;

  //hack to force a client update if the config string does not change between spawning
  if( client->pers.classSelection == PCL_NONE )
    client->pers.maxHealth = 0;

  // set model
  if( client->ps.stats[ STAT_PCLASS ] == PCL_HUMAN && BG_InventoryContainsUpgrade( UP_BATTLESUIT, client->ps.stats ) )
    Com_sprintf( buffer, MAX_QPATH, "%s/%s",  BG_FindModelNameForClass( PCL_HUMAN_BSUIT ),
                                              BG_FindSkinNameForClass( PCL_HUMAN_BSUIT ) );
  else if( client->pers.classSelection == PCL_NONE )
    //This looks hacky and frankly it is. The clientInfo string needs to hold different
    //model details to that of the spawning class or the info change will not be
    //registered and an axis appears instead of the player model. There is zero chance
    //the player can spawn with the battlesuit, hence this choice.
    Com_sprintf( buffer, MAX_QPATH, "%s/%s",  BG_FindModelNameForClass( PCL_HUMAN_BSUIT ),
                                              BG_FindSkinNameForClass( PCL_HUMAN_BSUIT ) );
    Com_sprintf( buffer, MAX_QPATH, "%s/%s",  BG_FindModelNameForClass( client->pers.classSelection ),
                                              BG_FindSkinNameForClass( client->pers.classSelection ) );
  Q_strncpyz( model, buffer, sizeof( model ) );

  //don't bother setting model type if spectating
  if( client->pers.classSelection != PCL_NONE )
    //model segmentation
    Com_sprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ), "models/players/%s/animation.cfg",
                 BG_FindModelNameForClass( client->pers.classSelection ) );

    if( G_NonSegModel( filename ) )
      client->ps.persistant[ PERS_STATE ] |= PS_NONSEGMODEL;
      client->ps.persistant[ PERS_STATE ] &= ~PS_NONSEGMODEL;

  // wallwalk follow
  s = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "cg_wwFollow" );

  if( atoi( s ) )
    client->ps.persistant[ PERS_STATE ] |= PS_WALLCLIMBINGFOLLOW;
    client->ps.persistant[ PERS_STATE ] &= ~PS_WALLCLIMBINGFOLLOW;

  // wallwalk toggle
  s = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "cg_wwToggle" );

  if( atoi( s ) )
    client->ps.persistant[ PERS_STATE ] |= PS_WALLCLIMBINGTOGGLE;
    client->ps.persistant[ PERS_STATE ] &= ~PS_WALLCLIMBINGTOGGLE;

  // teamInfo
  s = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "teamoverlay" );

  if( ! *s || atoi( s ) != 0 )
    client->pers.teamInfo = qtrue;
    client->pers.teamInfo = qfalse;

  s = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "cg_unlagged" );
  if( !s[0] || atoi( s ) != 0 )
    client->pers.useUnlagged = qtrue;
    client->pers.useUnlagged = qfalse;

  // team task (0 = none, 1 = offence, 2 = defence)
  teamTask = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "teamtask" ) );
  // team Leader (1 = leader, 0 is normal player)
  teamLeader = client->sess.teamLeader;

  // colors
  strcpy( c1, Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "color1" ) );
  strcpy( c2, Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "color2" ) );

  team = client->pers.teamSelection;

  // send over a subset of the userinfo keys so other clients can
  // print scoreboards, display models, and play custom sounds

  Com_sprintf( userinfo, sizeof( userinfo ),
    client->pers.netname, team, model, model, c1, c2,
    client->pers.maxHealth, client->sess.wins, client->sess.losses, teamTask,
    teamLeader, BG_ClientListString( &client->sess.ignoreList ) );

  trap_SetConfigstring( CS_PLAYERS + clientNum, userinfo );

  /*G_LogPrintf( "ClientUserinfoChanged: %i %s\n", clientNum, userinfo );*/
예제 #2

Called from ClientConnect when the player first connects and
directly by the server system when the player updates a userinfo variable.

The game can override any of the settings and call trap_SetUserinfo
if desired.
char *ClientUserinfoChanged( int clientNum )
  gentity_t *ent;
  char      *s;
  char      model[ MAX_QPATH ];
  char      buffer[ MAX_QPATH ];
  char      filename[ MAX_QPATH ];
  char      oldname[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ];
  char      newname[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ];
  char      err[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ];
  qboolean  revertName = qfalse;
  gclient_t *client;
  char      userinfo[ MAX_INFO_STRING ];

  ent = g_entities + clientNum;
  client = ent->client;

  trap_GetUserinfo( clientNum, userinfo, sizeof( userinfo ) );

  // check for malformed or illegal info strings
  if( !Info_Validate(userinfo) )
    trap_SendServerCommand( ent - g_entities,
        "disconnect \"illegal or malformed userinfo\n\"" );
    trap_DropClient( ent - g_entities, 
        "dropped: illegal or malformed userinfo");
    return "Illegal or malformed userinfo";

  // stickyspec toggle
  s = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "cg_stickySpec" );  
  client->pers.stickySpec = atoi( s ) != 0;

  // set name
  Q_strncpyz( oldname, client->pers.netname, sizeof( oldname ) );
  s = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "name" );
  G_ClientCleanName( s, newname, sizeof( newname ) );

  if( strcmp( oldname, newname ) )
    if( client->pers.namelog->nameChangeTime &&
      level.time - client->pers.namelog->nameChangeTime <=
      g_minNameChangePeriod.value * 1000 )
      trap_SendServerCommand( ent - g_entities, va(
        "print \"Name change spam protection (g_minNameChangePeriod = %d)\n\"",
         g_minNameChangePeriod.integer ) );
      revertName = qtrue;
    else if( g_maxNameChanges.integer > 0 &&
      client->pers.namelog->nameChanges >= g_maxNameChanges.integer  )
      trap_SendServerCommand( ent - g_entities, va(
        "print \"Maximum name changes reached (g_maxNameChanges = %d)\n\"",
         g_maxNameChanges.integer ) );
      revertName = qtrue;
    else if( client->pers.namelog->muted )
      trap_SendServerCommand( ent - g_entities,
        "print \"You cannot change your name while you are muted\n\"" );
      revertName = qtrue;
    else if( !G_admin_name_check( ent, newname, err, sizeof( err ) ) )
      trap_SendServerCommand( ent - g_entities, va( "print \"%s\n\"", err ) );
      revertName = qtrue;

    if( revertName )
      Q_strncpyz( client->pers.netname, *oldname ? oldname : "UnnamedPlayer",
        sizeof( client->pers.netname ) );
      Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "name", oldname );
      trap_SetUserinfo( clientNum, userinfo );
      Q_strncpyz( client->pers.netname, newname,
        sizeof( client->pers.netname ) );
      if( client->pers.connected == CON_CONNECTED )
        client->pers.namelog->nameChangeTime = level.time;
      if( *oldname )
        G_LogPrintf( "ClientRename: %i [%s] (%s) \"%s^7\" -> \"%s^7\" \"%c%s%c^7\"\n",
                   clientNum, client->pers.ip.str, client->pers.guid,
                   oldname, client->pers.netname,
                   DECOLOR_OFF, client->pers.netname, DECOLOR_ON );
    G_namelog_update_name( client );

  if( client->pers.classSelection == PCL_NONE )
    //This looks hacky and frankly it is. The clientInfo string needs to hold different
    //model details to that of the spawning class or the info change will not be
    //registered and an axis appears instead of the player model. There is zero chance
    //the player can spawn with the battlesuit, hence this choice.
    Com_sprintf( buffer, MAX_QPATH, "%s/%s",  BG_ClassConfig( PCL_HUMAN_BSUIT )->modelName,
                                              BG_ClassConfig( PCL_HUMAN_BSUIT )->skinName );
    Com_sprintf( buffer, MAX_QPATH, "%s/%s",  BG_ClassConfig( client->pers.classSelection )->modelName,
                                              BG_ClassConfig( client->pers.classSelection )->skinName );

    //model segmentation
    Com_sprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ), "models/players/%s/animation.cfg",
                 BG_ClassConfig( client->pers.classSelection )->modelName );

    if( G_NonSegModel( filename ) )
      client->ps.persistant[ PERS_STATE ] |= PS_NONSEGMODEL;
      client->ps.persistant[ PERS_STATE ] &= ~PS_NONSEGMODEL;
  Q_strncpyz( model, buffer, sizeof( model ) );

  // wallwalk follow
  s = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "cg_wwFollow" );

  if( atoi( s ) )
    client->ps.persistant[ PERS_STATE ] |= PS_WALLCLIMBINGFOLLOW;
    client->ps.persistant[ PERS_STATE ] &= ~PS_WALLCLIMBINGFOLLOW;

  // wallwalk toggle
  s = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "cg_wwToggle" );

  if( atoi( s ) )
    client->ps.persistant[ PERS_STATE ] |= PS_WALLCLIMBINGTOGGLE;
    client->ps.persistant[ PERS_STATE ] &= ~PS_WALLCLIMBINGTOGGLE;

  // always sprint
  s = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "cg_sprintToggle" );

  if( atoi( s ) )
    client->ps.persistant[ PERS_STATE ] |= PS_SPRINTTOGGLE;
    client->ps.persistant[ PERS_STATE ] &= ~PS_SPRINTTOGGLE;

  // fly speed
  s = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "cg_flySpeed" );

  if( *s )
    client->pers.flySpeed = atoi( s );
    client->pers.flySpeed = BG_Class( PCL_NONE )->speed;

  // disable blueprint errors
  s = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "cg_disableBlueprintErrors" );

  if( atoi( s ) )
    client->pers.disableBlueprintErrors = qtrue;
    client->pers.disableBlueprintErrors = qfalse;

  // teamInfo
  s = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "teamoverlay" );

  if( atoi( s ) != 0 )
    client->pers.teamInfo = qtrue;
    client->pers.teamInfo = qfalse;

  s = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "cg_unlagged" );
  if( !s[0] || atoi( s ) != 0 )
    client->pers.useUnlagged = qtrue;
    client->pers.useUnlagged = qfalse;

  Q_strncpyz( client->pers.voice, Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "voice" ),
    sizeof( client->pers.voice ) );

  // send over a subset of the userinfo keys so other clients can
  // print scoreboards, display models, and play custom sounds

  Com_sprintf( userinfo, sizeof( userinfo ),
    client->pers.netname, client->pers.teamSelection, model,
    Com_ClientListString( &client->sess.ignoreList ),
    client->pers.voice );

  trap_SetConfigstring( CS_PLAYERS + clientNum, userinfo );

  /*G_LogPrintf( "ClientUserinfoChanged: %i %s\n", clientNum, userinfo );*/

  return NULL;
예제 #3
파일: gx_model.c 프로젝트: Izhido/qrevpak
void Mod_LoadAliasModel (model_t *mod, void *buffer)
	int					i, j;
	mdl_t				*pinmodel;
	stvert_t			*pinstverts;
	dtriangle_t			*pintriangles;
	int					version, numframes;
	int					size;
	daliasframetype_t	*pframetype;
	daliasskintype_t	*pskintype;
	int					start, end, total;

	if (!strcmp(loadmodel->name, "progs/player.mdl") ||
		!strcmp(loadmodel->name, "progs/eyes.mdl")) {
		unsigned short crc;
		byte *p;
		int len;
		char st[40];

		for (len = com_filesize, p = buffer; len; len--, p++)
			CRC_ProcessByte(&crc, *p);
		sprintf(st, "%d", (int) crc);
		Info_SetValueForKey (cls.userinfo, 
			!strcmp(loadmodel->name, "progs/player.mdl") ? pmodel_name : emodel_name,

		if (cls.state >= ca_connected) {
			MSG_WriteByte (&cls.netchan.message, clc_stringcmd);
			sprintf(st, "setinfo %s %d", 
				!strcmp(loadmodel->name, "progs/player.mdl") ? pmodel_name : emodel_name,
			SZ_Print (&cls.netchan.message, st);
	start = Hunk_LowMark ();

	pinmodel = (mdl_t *)buffer;

	version = LittleLong (pinmodel->version);
	if (version != ALIAS_VERSION)
		Sys_Error ("%s has wrong version number (%i should be %i)",
				 mod->name, version, ALIAS_VERSION);

// allocate space for a working header, plus all the data except the frames,
// skin and group info
	size = 	sizeof (aliashdr_t) 
			+ (LittleLong (pinmodel->numframes) - 1) *
			sizeof (pheader->frames[0]);
	pheader = Hunk_AllocName (size, loadname);
	mod->flags = LittleLong (pinmodel->flags);

// endian-adjust and copy the data, starting with the alias model header
	pheader->boundingradius = LittleFloat (pinmodel->boundingradius);
	pheader->numskins = LittleLong (pinmodel->numskins);
	pheader->skinwidth = LittleLong (pinmodel->skinwidth);
	pheader->skinheight = LittleLong (pinmodel->skinheight);

	if (pheader->skinheight > MAX_LBM_HEIGHT)
		Sys_Error ("model %s has a skin taller than %d", mod->name,

	pheader->numverts = LittleLong (pinmodel->numverts);

	if (pheader->numverts <= 0)
		Sys_Error ("model %s has no vertices", mod->name);

	if (pheader->numverts > MAXALIASVERTS)
		Sys_Error ("model %s has too many vertices", mod->name);

	pheader->numtris = LittleLong (pinmodel->numtris);

	if (pheader->numtris <= 0)
		Sys_Error ("model %s has no triangles", mod->name);

	pheader->numframes = LittleLong (pinmodel->numframes);
	numframes = pheader->numframes;
	if (numframes < 1)
		Sys_Error ("Mod_LoadAliasModel: Invalid # of frames: %d\n", numframes);

	pheader->size = LittleFloat (pinmodel->size) * ALIAS_BASE_SIZE_RATIO;
	mod->synctype = LittleLong (pinmodel->synctype);
	mod->numframes = pheader->numframes;

	for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
		pheader->scale[i] = LittleFloat (pinmodel->scale[i]);
		pheader->scale_origin[i] = LittleFloat (pinmodel->scale_origin[i]);
		pheader->eyeposition[i] = LittleFloat (pinmodel->eyeposition[i]);

// load the skins
	pskintype = (daliasskintype_t *)&pinmodel[1];
	pskintype = Mod_LoadAllSkins (pheader->numskins, pskintype);

// load base s and t vertices
	pinstverts = (stvert_t *)pskintype;

	for (i=0 ; i<pheader->numverts ; i++)
		stverts[i].onseam = LittleLong (pinstverts[i].onseam);
		stverts[i].s = LittleLong (pinstverts[i].s);
		stverts[i].t = LittleLong (pinstverts[i].t);

// load triangle lists
	pintriangles = (dtriangle_t *)&pinstverts[pheader->numverts];

	for (i=0 ; i<pheader->numtris ; i++)
		triangles[i].facesfront = LittleLong (pintriangles[i].facesfront);

		for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++)
			triangles[i].vertindex[j] =
					LittleLong (pintriangles[i].vertindex[j]);

// load the frames
	posenum = 0;
	pframetype = (daliasframetype_t *)&pintriangles[pheader->numtris];

	for (i=0 ; i<numframes ; i++)
		aliasframetype_t	frametype;

		frametype = LittleLong (pframetype->type);

		if (frametype == ALIAS_SINGLE)
			pframetype = (daliasframetype_t *)
					Mod_LoadAliasFrame (pframetype + 1, &pheader->frames[i]);
			pframetype = (daliasframetype_t *)
					Mod_LoadAliasGroup (pframetype + 1, &pheader->frames[i]);

	pheader->numposes = posenum;

	mod->type = mod_alias;

// FIXME: do this right
	mod->mins[0] = mod->mins[1] = mod->mins[2] = -16;
	mod->maxs[0] = mod->maxs[1] = mod->maxs[2] = 16;

	// build the draw lists
	GX_MakeAliasModelDisplayLists (mod, pheader);

// move the complete, relocatable alias model to the cache
	end = Hunk_LowMark ();
	total = end - start;
	Cache_Alloc (&mod->cache, total, loadname);
	if (!mod->cache.data)
	memcpy (mod->cache.data, pheader, total);

	Hunk_FreeToLowMark (start);
예제 #4
static void LAN_GetServerInfo( int source, int n, char *buf, int buflen ) {
	char info[MAX_STRING_CHARS];
	serverInfo_t *server = NULL;
	info[0] = '\0';
	switch (source) {
		case AS_LOCAL :
			if (n >= 0 && n < MAX_OTHER_SERVERS) {
				server = &cls.localServers[n];
		case AS_MPLAYER:
		case AS_GLOBAL :
			if (n >= 0 && n < MAX_GLOBAL_SERVERS) {
				server = &cls.globalServers[n];
			if (n >= 0 && n < MAX_OTHER_SERVERS) {
				server = &cls.favoriteServers[n];
	if (server && buf) {
		buf[0] = '\0';
		Info_SetValueForKey( info, "hostname", server->hostName);
		Info_SetValueForKey( info, "mapname", server->mapName);
		Info_SetValueForKey( info, "clients", va("%i",server->clients));
		Info_SetValueForKey( info, "sv_maxclients", va("%i",server->maxClients));
		Info_SetValueForKey( info, "ping", va("%i",server->ping));
		Info_SetValueForKey( info, "minping", va("%i",server->minPing));
		Info_SetValueForKey( info, "maxping", va("%i",server->maxPing));
		Info_SetValueForKey( info, "game", server->game);
		Info_SetValueForKey( info, "gametype", va("%i",server->gameType));
		Info_SetValueForKey( info, "nettype", va("%i",server->netType));
		Info_SetValueForKey( info, "addr", NET_AdrToStringwPort(server->adr));
		Info_SetValueForKey( info, "punkbuster", va("%i", server->punkbuster));
		Info_SetValueForKey( info, "g_needpass", va("%i", server->g_needpass));
		Info_SetValueForKey( info, "g_humanplayers", va("%i", server->g_humanplayers));
		Q_strncpyz(buf, info, buflen);
	} else {
		if (buf) {
			buf[0] = '\0';
예제 #5
void SV_DirectConnect( netadr_t from ) {
	char		userinfo[MAX_INFO_STRING];
	int			i;
	client_t	*cl, *newcl;
	client_t	temp;
	sharedEntity_t *ent;
	int			clientNum;
	int			version;
	int			qport;
	int			challenge;
	char		*password;
	int			startIndex;
	intptr_t		denied;
	int			count;
	char		*ip;
	const char	*stringEd;
	qboolean	compat = qfalse;

	Com_DPrintf ("SVC_DirectConnect ()\n");
	// Check whether this client is banned.
	if(SV_IsBanned(&from, qfalse))
		NET_OutOfBandPrint(NS_SERVER, from, "print\nYou are banned from this server.\n");

	Q_strncpyz( userinfo, Cmd_Argv(1), sizeof(userinfo) );

	version = atoi(Info_ValueForKey(userinfo, "protocol"));
	if(version > 0 && com_legacyprotocol->integer == version)
		compat = qtrue;
		if(version != com_protocol->integer)
			NET_OutOfBandPrint(NS_SERVER, from, "print\nServer uses protocol version %i "
					   "(yours is %i).\n", com_protocol->integer, version);
			Com_DPrintf("    rejected connect from version %i\n", version);

	challenge = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "challenge" ) );
	qport = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "qport" ) );

	// quick reject
	for (i=0,cl=svs.clients ; i < sv_maxclients->integer ; i++,cl++) {
		if ( cl->state == CS_FREE ) {
		if ( NET_CompareBaseAdr( from, cl->netchan.remoteAddress )
			&& ( cl->netchan.qport == qport 
			|| from.port == cl->netchan.remoteAddress.port ) ) {
			if (( svs.time - cl->lastConnectTime) 
				< (sv_reconnectlimit->integer * 1000)) {
				Com_DPrintf ("%s:reconnect rejected : too soon\n", NET_AdrToString (from));
	// don't let "ip" overflow userinfo string
	if ( NET_IsLocalAddress (from) )
		ip = "localhost";
		ip = (char *)NET_AdrToString( from );
	if( ( strlen( ip ) + strlen( userinfo ) + 4 ) >= MAX_INFO_STRING ) {
		NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from,
			"print\nUserinfo string length exceeded.  "
			"Try removing setu cvars from your config.\n" );
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "ip", ip );

	// see if the challenge is valid (LAN clients don't need to challenge)
	if (!NET_IsLocalAddress(from))
		int ping;
		challenge_t *challengeptr;

		for (i=0; i<MAX_CHALLENGES; i++)
			if (NET_CompareAdr(from, svs.challenges[i].adr))
				if(challenge == svs.challenges[i].challenge)

		if (i == MAX_CHALLENGES)
			NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "print\nNo or bad challenge for your address.\n" );
		challengeptr = &svs.challenges[i];
			// Return silently, so that error messages written by the server keep being displayed.

		ping = svs.time - challengeptr->pingTime;

		// never reject a LAN client based on ping
		if ( !Sys_IsLANAddress( from ) ) {
			if ( sv_minPing->value && ping < sv_minPing->value ) {
				NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "print\n%s", SV_StringEdString("SERVER_FOR_HIGH_PING") );
				stringEd = SV_GetString("CLIENT_REJECTED_LOW_PING");
				Com_DPrintf (stringEd, i);
				challengeptr->wasrefused = qtrue;
			if ( sv_maxPing->value && ping > sv_maxPing->value ) {
				NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "print\n%s", SV_StringEdString("SERVER_FOR_LOW_PING") );
				stringEd = SV_GetString("CLIENT_REJECTED_LOW_PING");
				Com_DPrintf (stringEd, i);
				challengeptr->wasrefused = qtrue;

		stringEd = SV_GetString("CLIENT_CONN_WITH_PING");
		Com_Printf(stringEd, i, ping);
		challengeptr->connected = qtrue;

	newcl = &temp;
	Com_Memset (newcl, 0, sizeof(client_t));

	// if there is already a slot for this ip, reuse it
	for (i=0,cl=svs.clients ; i < sv_maxclients->integer ; i++,cl++) {
		if ( cl->state == CS_FREE ) {
		if ( NET_CompareBaseAdr( from, cl->netchan.remoteAddress )
			&& ( cl->netchan.qport == qport 
			|| from.port == cl->netchan.remoteAddress.port ) ) {
			Com_Printf ("%s:reconnect\n", NET_AdrToString (from));
			newcl = cl;

			// this doesn't work because it nukes the players userinfo

//			// disconnect the client from the game first so any flags the
//			// player might have are dropped
//			VM_Call( gvm, GAME_CLIENT_DISCONNECT, newcl - svs.clients );
			goto gotnewcl;

	// find a client slot
	// if "sv_privateClients" is set > 0, then that number
	// of client slots will be reserved for connections that
	// have "password" set to the value of "sv_privatePassword"
	// Info requests will report the maxclients as if the private
	// slots didn't exist, to prevent people from trying to connect
	// to a full server.
	// This is to allow us to reserve a couple slots here on our
	// servers so we can play without having to kick people.

	// check for privateClient password
	password = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "password" );
	if ( !strcmp( password, sv_privatePassword->string ) ) {
		startIndex = 0;
	} else {
		// skip past the reserved slots
		startIndex = sv_privateClients->integer;

	newcl = NULL;
	for ( i = startIndex; i < sv_maxclients->integer ; i++ ) {
		cl = &svs.clients[i];
		if (cl->state == CS_FREE) {
			newcl = cl;

	if ( !newcl ) {
		if ( NET_IsLocalAddress( from ) ) {
			count = 0;
			for ( i = startIndex; i < sv_maxclients->integer ; i++ ) {
				cl = &svs.clients[i];
				if (cl->netchan.remoteAddress.type == NA_BOT) {
			// if they're all bots
			if (count >= sv_maxclients->integer - startIndex) {
				SV_DropClient(&svs.clients[sv_maxclients->integer - 1], "only bots on server");
				newcl = &svs.clients[sv_maxclients->integer - 1];
			else {
				Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "server is full on local connect" );
		else {
			NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "print\n%s\n", SV_StringEdString("SERVER_IS_FULL") );
			Com_DPrintf ("Rejected a connection.\n");

	// we got a newcl, so reset the reliableSequence and reliableAcknowledge
	cl->reliableAcknowledge = 0;
	cl->reliableSequence = 0;

	// build a new connection
	// accept the new client
	// this is the only place a client_t is ever initialized
	*newcl = temp;
	clientNum = newcl - svs.clients;
	ent = SV_GentityNum( clientNum );
	newcl->gentity = ent;

	// save the challenge
	newcl->challenge = challenge;

	// save the address
	newcl->compat = compat;
	Netchan_Setup(NS_SERVER, &newcl->netchan, from, qport, challenge, compat);
	Netchan_Setup(NS_SERVER, &newcl->netchan, from, qport, challenge, qfalse);
	// init the netchan queue
	newcl->netchan_end_queue = &newcl->netchan_start_queue;

	// save the userinfo
	Q_strncpyz( newcl->userinfo, userinfo, sizeof(newcl->userinfo) );

	// get the game a chance to reject this connection or modify the userinfo
	denied = VM_Call( gvm, GAME_CLIENT_CONNECT, clientNum, qtrue, qfalse ); // firstTime = qtrue
	if ( denied ) {
		// we can't just use VM_ArgPtr, because that is only valid inside a VM_Call
		char *str = VM_ExplicitArgPtr( gvm, denied );

		NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "print\n%s\n", str );
		Com_DPrintf ("Game rejected a connection: %s.\n", str);

	SV_UserinfoChanged( newcl );

	// send the connect packet to the client
	NET_OutOfBandPrint(NS_SERVER, from, "connectResponse %d", challenge);

	Com_DPrintf( "Going from CS_FREE to CS_CONNECTED for %s\n", newcl->name );

	newcl->state = CS_CONNECTED;
	newcl->lastSnapshotTime = 0;
	newcl->lastPacketTime = svs.time;
	newcl->lastConnectTime = svs.time;
	// when we receive the first packet from the client, we will
	// notice that it is from a different serverid and that the
	// gamestate message was not just sent, forcing a retransmit
	newcl->gamestateMessageNum = -1;

	// if this was the first client on the server, or the last client
	// the server can hold, send a heartbeat to the master.
	count = 0;
	for (i=0,cl=svs.clients ; i < sv_maxclients->integer ; i++,cl++) {
		if ( svs.clients[i].state >= CS_CONNECTED ) {
	if ( count == 1 || count == sv_maxclients->integer ) {
예제 #6
파일: client.c 프로젝트: ZFect/yquake2
 * Called when a player begins connecting to the server.
 * The game can refuse entrance to a client by returning false.
 * If the client is allowed, the connection process will continue
 * and eventually get to ClientBegin(). Changing levels will NOT
 * cause this to be called again, but loadgames will.
ClientConnect(edict_t *ent, char *userinfo)
	char *value;

	if (!ent || !userinfo)
		return false;

	/* check to see if they are on the banned IP list */
	value = Info_ValueForKey(userinfo, "ip");

	if (SV_FilterPacket(value))
		Info_SetValueForKey(userinfo, "rejmsg", "Banned.");
		return false;

	/* check for a spectator */
	value = Info_ValueForKey(userinfo, "spectator");

	if (deathmatch->value && *value && strcmp(value, "0"))
		int i, numspec;

		if (*spectator_password->string &&
			strcmp(spectator_password->string, "none") &&
			strcmp(spectator_password->string, value))
			Info_SetValueForKey(userinfo, "rejmsg",
					"Spectator password required or incorrect.");
			return false;

		/* count spectators */
		for (i = numspec = 0; i < maxclients->value; i++)
			if (g_edicts[i + 1].inuse && g_edicts[i + 1].client->pers.spectator)

		if (numspec >= maxspectators->value)
			Info_SetValueForKey(userinfo, "rejmsg",
					"Server spectator limit is full.");
			return false;
		/* check for a password */
		value = Info_ValueForKey(userinfo, "password");

		if (*password->string && strcmp(password->string, "none") &&
			strcmp(password->string, value))
			Info_SetValueForKey(userinfo, "rejmsg",
					"Password required or incorrect.");
			return false;

	/* they can connect */
	ent->client = game.clients + (ent - g_edicts - 1);

	/* if there is already a body waiting for us (a loadgame),
	   just take it, otherwise spawn one from scratch */
	if (ent->inuse == false)
		/* clear the respawning variables */

		if (!game.autosaved || !ent->client->pers.weapon)

	ClientUserinfoChanged(ent, userinfo);

	if (game.maxclients > 1)
		gi.dprintf("%s connected\n", ent->client->pers.netname);

	ent->svflags = 0; /* make sure we start with known default */
	ent->client->pers.connected = true;
	return true;
예제 #7
파일: cl_ui.cpp 프로젝트: Pande/OpenJK
static void LAN_GetServerInfo( int source, int n, char *buf, int buflen ) {
	char info[MAX_STRING_CHARS];
	serverInfo_t *server = NULL;
	info[0] = '\0';
	switch (source) {
		case AS_LOCAL :
			if (n >= 0 && n < MAX_OTHER_SERVERS) {
				server = &cls.localServers[n];
		case AS_MPLAYER:
		case AS_GLOBAL :
			if (n >= 0 && n < MAX_GLOBAL_SERVERS) {
				server = &cls.globalServers[n];
			if (n >= 0 && n < MAX_OTHER_SERVERS) {
				server = &cls.favoriteServers[n];
	if (server && buf) {
		buf[0] = '\0';
		Info_SetValueForKey( info, "hostname", server->hostName);
		Info_SetValueForKey( info, "mapname", server->mapName);
		Info_SetValueForKey( info, "clients", va("%i",server->clients));
		Info_SetValueForKey( info, "sv_maxclients", va("%i",server->maxClients));
		Info_SetValueForKey( info, "ping", va("%i",server->ping));
		Info_SetValueForKey( info, "minping", va("%i",server->minPing));
		Info_SetValueForKey( info, "maxping", va("%i",server->maxPing));
		Info_SetValueForKey( info, "nettype", va("%i",server->netType));
		Info_SetValueForKey( info, "needpass", va("%i", server->needPassword ) );
		Info_SetValueForKey( info, "truejedi", va("%i", server->trueJedi ) );
		Info_SetValueForKey( info, "wdisable", va("%i", server->weaponDisable ) );
		Info_SetValueForKey( info, "fdisable", va("%i", server->forceDisable ) );
		Info_SetValueForKey( info, "game", server->game);
		Info_SetValueForKey( info, "gametype", va("%i",server->gameType));
		Info_SetValueForKey( info, "addr", NET_AdrToString(server->adr));
//		Info_SetValueForKey( info, "sv_allowAnonymous", va("%i", server->allowAnonymous));
//		Info_SetValueForKey( info, "pure", va("%i", server->pure ) );
		Q_strncpyz(buf, info, buflen);
	} else {
		if (buf) {
			buf[0] = '\0';
예제 #8
static void G_AddBot(const char *name, int skill, const char *team, const char *spawnPoint, int playerClass, int playerWeapon, int characerIndex, const char *respawn, const char *scriptName, int rank, int skills[], qboolean pow)
#define MAX_BOTNAMES 1024
	int       clientNum;
	char      *botinfo;
	gentity_t *bot;
	char      *key;
	char      *s;
	char      *botname;
//	char			*model;
	char userinfo[MAX_INFO_STRING];

	// get the botinfo from bots.txt
	botinfo = G_GetBotInfoByName("wolfbot");
	if (!botinfo)
		G_Printf(S_COLOR_RED "Error: Bot '%s' not defined\n", name);

	// create the bot's userinfo
	userinfo[0] = '\0';

	botname = Info_ValueForKey(botinfo, "funname");
	if (!botname[0])
		botname = Info_ValueForKey(botinfo, "name");
	Info_SetValueForKey(userinfo, "name", botname);
	Info_SetValueForKey(userinfo, "rate", "25000");
	Info_SetValueForKey(userinfo, "snaps", "20");
	Info_SetValueForKey(userinfo, "skill", va("%i", skill));

	s = Info_ValueForKey(botinfo, "aifile");
	if (!*s)
		trap_Printf(S_COLOR_RED "Error: bot has no aifile specified\n");

	// have the server allocate a client slot
	clientNum = trap_BotAllocateClient(0);      // Arnout: 0 means no prefered clientslot
	if (clientNum == -1)
		G_Printf(S_COLOR_RED "Unable to add bot.  All player slots are in use.\n");
		G_Printf(S_COLOR_RED "Start server with more 'open' slots (or check setting of sv_maxclients cvar).\n");

	// initialize the bot settings
	if (!team || !*team)
		if (PickTeam(clientNum) == TEAM_AXIS)
			team = "red";
			team = "blue";
	Info_SetValueForKey(userinfo, "characterfile", Info_ValueForKey(botinfo, "aifile"));
	//Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "skill", va( "%i", skill ) );
	Info_SetValueForKey(userinfo, "team", team);

	if (spawnPoint && spawnPoint[0])
		Info_SetValueForKey(userinfo, "spawnPoint", spawnPoint);

	if (scriptName && scriptName[0])
		Info_SetValueForKey(userinfo, "scriptName", scriptName);

/*	if (playerClass > 0) {
        Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "pClass", va("%i", playerClass) );

    if (playerWeapon) {
        Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "pWeapon", va("%i", playerWeapon) );
	// END Mad Doc - TDF

	key = "wolfbot";
	if (!Q_stricmp((char *)name, key))
		// read the botnames file, and pick a name that doesnt exist
		fileHandle_t f;
		int          len, i, j, k;
		qboolean     setname = qfalse;
		char         botnames[8192], *pbotnames, *listbotnames[MAX_BOTNAMES], *token, *oldpbotnames;
		int          lengthbotnames[MAX_BOTNAMES];

		len = trap_FS_FOpenFile("botfiles/botnames.txt", &f, FS_READ);

		if (len >= 0)
			if (len > sizeof(botnames))
				G_Error("botfiles/botnames.txt is too big (max = %i)", (int)sizeof(botnames));
			memset(botnames, 0, sizeof(botnames));
			trap_FS_Read(botnames, len, f);
			pbotnames = botnames;
			// read them in
			i            = 0;
			oldpbotnames = pbotnames;
			while ((token = COM_Parse(&pbotnames)))
				if (!token[0])
				listbotnames[i]                    = strstr(oldpbotnames, token);
				lengthbotnames[i]                  = strlen(token);
				listbotnames[i][lengthbotnames[i]] = 0;
				oldpbotnames                       = pbotnames;
				if (++i == MAX_BOTNAMES)
			if (i > 2)
				j = rand() % (i - 1);   // start at a random spot inthe list
				for (k = j + 1; k != j; k++)
					if (k == i)
						k = -1; // gets increased on next loop
					if (ClientFromName(listbotnames[k]) == -1)
						// found an unused name
						Info_SetValueForKey(userinfo, "name", listbotnames[k]);
						setname = qtrue;

		if (!setname)
			Info_SetValueForKey(userinfo, "name", va("wolfbot_%i", clientNum + 1));
		Info_SetValueForKey(userinfo, "name", name);

	// if a character was specified, put the index of that character filename in the CS_CHARACTERS table in the userinfo
	if (characerIndex != -1)
		Info_SetValueForKey(userinfo, "ch", va("%i", characerIndex));

	// if a rank was specified, use that
/*	if (rank != -1) {
        Info_SetValueForKey(userinfo, "rank", va("%i", rank));

	// END Mad Doc - TDF

	bot             = &g_entities[clientNum];
	bot->r.svFlags |= SVF_BOT;
	if (pow)
		bot->r.svFlags |= SVF_POW;
	bot->inuse  = qtrue;
	bot->aiName = bot->client->pers.netname;

	// register the userinfo
	trap_SetUserinfo(clientNum, userinfo);

	// have it connect to the game as a normal client
	if ((s = ClientConnect(clientNum, qtrue, qtrue)))
		G_Printf(S_COLOR_RED "Unable to add bot: %s\n", s);

	SetTeam(bot, (char *)team, qtrue, -1, -1, qfalse);

/*	if( skills ) {
        int i;

        for( i = 0; i < SK_NUM_SKILLS; i++ ) {
            bot->client->sess.skill[i] = skills[i];
예제 #9
파일: acebot_spawn.c 프로젝트: ZwS/qudos
// Set the name of the bot and update the userinfo
void ACESP_SetName(edict_t *bot, char *name, char *skin, char *team)
	float rnd;
	char userinfo[MAX_INFO_STRING];
	char bot_skin[MAX_INFO_STRING];
	char bot_name[MAX_INFO_STRING];

	// Set the name for the bot.
	// name
	if(strlen(name) == 0)

	// skin
	if(strlen(skin) == 0)
		// randomly choose skin 
		rnd = random();
		if(rnd  < 0.05)
		else if(rnd < 0.1)
		else if(rnd < 0.15)
		else if(rnd < 0.2)
		else if(rnd < 0.25)
		else if(rnd < 0.3)
		else if(rnd < 0.35)
		else if(rnd < 0.4)
		else if(rnd < 0.45)
		else if(rnd < 0.5)
		else if(rnd < 0.55)
		else if(rnd < 0.6)
		else if(rnd < 0.65)
		else if(rnd < 0.7)
		else if(rnd < 0.75)
		else if(rnd < 0.8)
		else if(rnd < 0.85)
		else if(rnd < 0.9)
		else if(rnd < 0.95)

	// initialise userinfo
	memset (userinfo, 0, sizeof(userinfo));

	// add bot's name/skin/hand to userinfo
	Info_SetValueForKey (userinfo, "name", bot_name);
	Info_SetValueForKey (userinfo, "skin", bot_skin);
	Info_SetValueForKey (userinfo, "hand", "2"); // bot is center handed for now!

	ClientConnect (bot, userinfo);

	if (botauto_respawn->value) {
		ACESP_SaveBots(); // make sure to save the bots

예제 #10

called when a client has finished connecting, and is ready
to be placed into the level.  This will happen every level load,
and on transition between teams, but doesn't happen on respawns
void ClientBegin( int clientNum, qboolean allowTeamReset ) {
	gentity_t	*ent;
	gclient_t	*client;
	gentity_t	*tent;
	int			flags, i;
	char		userinfo[MAX_INFO_VALUE], *modelname;

	ent = g_entities + clientNum;

	if ((ent->r.svFlags & SVF_BOT) && g_gametype.integer >= GT_TEAM)
		if (allowTeamReset)
			const char *team = "Red";
			int preSess;

			//SetTeam(ent, "");
			ent->client->sess.sessionTeam = PickTeam(-1);
			trap_GetUserinfo(clientNum, userinfo, MAX_INFO_STRING);

			if (ent->client->sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_SPECTATOR)
				ent->client->sess.sessionTeam = TEAM_RED;

			if (ent->client->sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_RED)
				team = "Red";
				team = "Blue";

			Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "team", team );

			trap_SetUserinfo( clientNum, userinfo );

			ent->client->ps.persistant[ PERS_TEAM ] = ent->client->sess.sessionTeam;

			preSess = ent->client->sess.sessionTeam;
			G_ReadSessionData( ent->client );
			ent->client->sess.sessionTeam = preSess;
			ClientUserinfoChanged( clientNum );
			ClientBegin(clientNum, qfalse);

	client = level.clients + clientNum;

	if ( ent->r.linked ) {
		trap_UnlinkEntity( ent );
	G_InitGentity( ent );
	ent->touch = 0;
	ent->pain = 0;
	ent->client = client;

	client->pers.connected = CON_CONNECTED;
	client->pers.enterTime = level.time;
	client->pers.teamState.state = TEAM_BEGIN;

	// save eflags around this, because changing teams will
	// cause this to happen with a valid entity, and we
	// want to make sure the teleport bit is set right
	// so the viewpoint doesn't interpolate through the
	// world to the new position
	flags = client->ps.eFlags;

	i = 0;

	while (i < NUM_FORCE_POWERS)
		if (ent->client->ps.fd.forcePowersActive & (1 << i))
			WP_ForcePowerStop(ent, i);


		if (ent->client->ps.fd.killSoundEntIndex[i-50] && ent->client->ps.fd.killSoundEntIndex[i-50] < MAX_GENTITIES && ent->client->ps.fd.killSoundEntIndex[i-50] > 0)
			G_MuteSound(ent->client->ps.fd.killSoundEntIndex[i-50], CHAN_VOICE);
	i = 0;

	memset( &client->ps, 0, sizeof( client->ps ) );
	client->ps.eFlags = flags;

	client->ps.hasDetPackPlanted = qfalse;

	//first-time force power initialization
	WP_InitForcePowers( ent );

	//init saber ent
	WP_SaberInitBladeData( ent );

	// First time model setup for that player.
	trap_GetUserinfo( clientNum, userinfo, sizeof(userinfo) );
	modelname = Info_ValueForKey (userinfo, "model");
	SetupGameGhoul2Model(client, modelname);

	if (ent->client->ghoul2)
		ent->bolt_Head = trap_G2API_AddBolt(ent->client->ghoul2, 0, "cranium");
		ent->bolt_Waist = trap_G2API_AddBolt(ent->client->ghoul2, 0, "thoracic");
		ent->bolt_LArm = trap_G2API_AddBolt(ent->client->ghoul2, 0, "lradius");
		ent->bolt_RArm = trap_G2API_AddBolt(ent->client->ghoul2, 0, "rradius");
		ent->bolt_LLeg = trap_G2API_AddBolt(ent->client->ghoul2, 0, "ltibia");
		ent->bolt_RLeg = trap_G2API_AddBolt(ent->client->ghoul2, 0, "rtibia");
		ent->bolt_Motion = trap_G2API_AddBolt(ent->client->ghoul2, 0, "Motion");

	// locate ent at a spawn point
	ClientSpawn( ent );

	if ( client->sess.sessionTeam != TEAM_SPECTATOR ) {
		// send event
		tent = G_TempEntity( ent->client->ps.origin, EV_PLAYER_TELEPORT_IN );
		tent->s.clientNum = ent->s.clientNum;

		if ( g_gametype.integer != GT_TOURNAMENT  ) {
			trap_SendServerCommand( -1, va("print \"%s" S_COLOR_WHITE " %s\n\"", client->pers.netname, G_GetStripEdString("SVINGAME", "PLENTER")) );
	G_LogPrintf( "ClientBegin: %i\n", clientNum );

	// count current clients and rank for scoreboard

예제 #11

Responds with a short info message that should be enough to determine
if a user is interested in a server to do a full status
void SVC_Info( netadr_t from, const Cmd::Args& args )
	int  i, count, botCount;
	char infostring[ MAX_INFO_STRING ];

	if ( args.Argc() < 2 )

	const char *challenge = args.Argv(1).c_str();

	 * Check whether Cmd_Argv(1) has a sane length. This was not done in the original Quake3 version which led
	 * to the Infostring bug discovered by Luigi Auriemma. See http://aluigi.altervista.org/ for the advisory.
	// A maximum challenge length of 128 should be more than plenty.
	if ( strlen( challenge ) > MAX_CHALLENGE_LEN  )

	//bani - bugtraq 12534
	if ( !SV_VerifyChallenge( challenge ) )


	// don't count privateclients
	botCount = count = 0;

	for ( i = sv_privateClients->integer; i < sv_maxclients->integer; i++ )
		if ( svs.clients[ i ].state >= CS_CONNECTED )
			if ( SV_IsBot(&svs.clients[ i ]) )

	infostring[ 0 ] = 0;

	// echo back the parameter to status. so servers can use it as a challenge
	// to prevent timed spoofed reply packets that add ghost servers
	Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "challenge", challenge, false );

	// If the master server listens on IPv4 and IPv6, we want to send the
	// most recent challenge received from it over the OTHER protocol
	for ( i = 0; i < MAX_MASTER_SERVERS; i++ )
		// First, see if the challenge was sent by this master server
		if ( !NET_CompareBaseAdr( from, masterServerAddr[ i ].ipv4 ) && !NET_CompareBaseAdr( from, masterServerAddr[ i ].ipv6 ) )

		// It was - if the saved challenge is for the other protocol, send it and record the current one
		if ( challenges[ i ].type == NA_IP || challenges[ i ].type == NA_IP6 )
			if ( challenges[ i ].type != from.type )
				Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "challenge2", challenges[ i ].text, false );
				challenges[ i ].type = from.type;
				strcpy( challenges[ i ].text, challenge );

		// Otherwise record the current one regardless and check the next server
		challenges[ i ].type = from.type;
		strcpy( challenges[ i ].text, challenge );

	Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "protocol", va( "%i", PROTOCOL_VERSION ), false );
	Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "hostname", sv_hostname->string, false );
	Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "serverload", va( "%i", svs.serverLoad ), false );
	Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "mapname", sv_mapname->string, false );
	Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "clients", va( "%i", count ), false );
	Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "bots", va( "%i", botCount ), false );
	Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "sv_maxclients", va( "%i", sv_maxclients->integer - sv_privateClients->integer ), false );
	Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "pure", va( "%i", sv_pure->integer ), false );

	if ( sv_statsURL->string[0] )
		Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "stats", sv_statsURL->string, false );

#ifdef USE_VOIP

	if ( sv_voip->integer )
		Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "voip", va( "%i", sv_voip->integer ), false );


	if ( sv_minPing->integer )
		Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "minPing", va( "%i", sv_minPing->integer ), false );

	if ( sv_maxPing->integer )
		Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "maxPing", va( "%i", sv_maxPing->integer ), false );

	Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "gamename", GAMENAME_STRING, false );  // Arnout: to be able to filter out Quake servers

	NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "infoResponse\n%s", infostring );
예제 #12

Responds with a short info message that should be enough to determine
if a user is interested in a server to do a full status
void SVC_Info( netadr_t from ) {
	int		i, count, wDisable;
	char	*gamedir;
	char	infostring[MAX_INFO_STRING];

	// ignore if we are in single player
	if ( Cvar_VariableValue( "g_gametype" ) == GT_SINGLE_PLAYER || Cvar_VariableValue("ui_singlePlayerActive")) {

#ifdef _XBOX
	// don't send system link info if in Xbox Live
	if (logged_on)

	if (Cvar_VariableValue("ui_singlePlayerActive"))

	// don't count privateclients
	count = 0;
	for ( i = sv_privateClients->integer ; i < sv_maxclients->integer ; i++ ) {
		if ( svs.clients[i].state >= CS_CONNECTED ) {

	infostring[0] = 0;

	// echo back the parameter to status. so servers can use it as a challenge
	// to prevent timed spoofed reply packets that add ghost servers
	Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "challenge", Cmd_Argv(1) );

	Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "protocol", va("%i", PROTOCOL_VERSION) );
	Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "hostname", sv_hostname->string );
	Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "mapname", sv_mapname->string );
	Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "clients", va("%i", count) );
	Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "sv_maxclients", 
		va("%i", sv_maxclients->integer - sv_privateClients->integer ) );
	Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "gametype", va("%i", sv_gametype->integer ) );
	Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "needpass", va("%i", sv_needpass->integer ) );
	Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "truejedi", va("%i", Cvar_VariableIntegerValue( "g_jediVmerc" ) ) );
	if ( sv_gametype->integer == GT_DUEL || sv_gametype->integer == GT_POWERDUEL )
		wDisable = Cvar_VariableIntegerValue( "g_duelWeaponDisable" );
		wDisable = Cvar_VariableIntegerValue( "g_weaponDisable" );
	Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "wdisable", va("%i", wDisable ) );
	Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "fdisable", va("%i", Cvar_VariableIntegerValue( "g_forcePowerDisable" ) ) );
	//Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "pure", va("%i", sv_pure->integer ) );

	if( sv_minPing->integer ) {
		Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "minPing", va("%i", sv_minPing->integer) );
	if( sv_maxPing->integer ) {
		Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "maxPing", va("%i", sv_maxPing->integer) );
	gamedir = Cvar_VariableString( "fs_game" );
	if( *gamedir ) {
		Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "game", gamedir );
#ifdef USE_CD_KEY
	Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "sv_allowAnonymous", va("%i", sv_allowAnonymous->integer) );

#ifdef _XBOX
	// Include Xbox specific networking info
	char sxnkid[XNKID_STRING_LEN];
	XNKIDToString(SysLink_GetXNKID(), sxnkid);
	Info_SetValueForKey(infostring, "xnkid", sxnkid);

	char sxnkey[XNKEY_STRING_LEN];
	XNKEYToString(SysLink_GetXNKEY(), sxnkey);
	Info_SetValueForKey(infostring, "xnkey", sxnkey);

	char sxnaddr[XNADDR_STRING_LEN];
	XnAddrToString(Net_GetXNADDR(), sxnaddr);
	Info_SetValueForKey(infostring, "xnaddr", sxnaddr);

	NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "infoResponse\n%s", infostring );
예제 #13
int UI_ParseInfos( char *buf, int max, char *infos[] )
	char *token;
	int  count;
	char key[ MAX_TOKEN_CHARS ];
	char info[ MAX_INFO_STRING ];

	count = 0;

	while ( 1 )
		token = COM_Parse( &buf );

		if ( !token[ 0 ] )

		if ( strcmp( token, "{" ) )
			Com_Printf( "Missing { in info file\n" );

		if ( count == max )
			Com_Printf( "Max infos exceeded\n" );

		info[ 0 ] = '\0';

		while ( 1 )
			token = COM_ParseExt( &buf, qtrue );

			if ( !token[ 0 ] )
				Com_Printf( "Unexpected end of info file\n" );

			if ( !strcmp( token, "}" ) )

			Q_strncpyz( key, token, sizeof( key ) );

			token = COM_ParseExt( &buf, qfalse );

			if ( !token[ 0 ] )
				strcpy( token, "<NULL>" );

			Info_SetValueForKey( info, key, token );

		//NOTE: extra space for arena number
		infos[ count ] = UI_Alloc( strlen( info ) + strlen( "\\num\\" ) + strlen( va( "%d", MAX_ARENAS ) ) + 1 );

		if ( infos[ count ] )
			strcpy( infos[ count ], info );

	return count;
예제 #14
파일: sv_main.c 프로젝트: hettoo/racesow
* SV_UserinfoChanged
* Pull specific info from a newly changed userinfo string
* into a more C friendly form.
void SV_UserinfoChanged( client_t *client )
	char *val;
	int ival;

	assert( client );
	assert( Info_Validate( client->userinfo ) );

	if( !client->edict || !( client->edict->r.svflags & SVF_FAKECLIENT ) )
		// force the IP key/value pair so the game can filter based on ip
		if( !Info_SetValueForKey( client->userinfo, "socket", NET_SocketTypeToString( client->netchan.socket->type ) ) )
			SV_DropClient( client, DROP_TYPE_GENERAL, "Error: Couldn't set userinfo (socket)\n" );
		if( !Info_SetValueForKey( client->userinfo, "ip", NET_AddressToString( &client->netchan.remoteAddress ) ) )
			SV_DropClient( client, DROP_TYPE_GENERAL, "Error: Couldn't set userinfo (ip)\n" );

	// mm session
	ival = 0;
	val = Info_ValueForKey( client->userinfo, "cl_mm_session" );
	if( val )
		ival = atoi( val );
	if( !val || ival != client->mm_session )
		Info_SetValueForKey( client->userinfo, "cl_mm_session", va("%d", client->mm_session ) );

	// mm login
	if( client->mm_login[0] != '\0' ) {
		Info_SetValueForKey( client->userinfo, "cl_mm_login", client->mm_login );
	else {
		Info_RemoveKey( client->userinfo, "cl_mm_login" );

	// call prog code to allow overrides
	ge->ClientUserinfoChanged( client->edict, client->userinfo );

	if( !Info_Validate( client->userinfo ) )
		SV_DropClient( client, DROP_TYPE_GENERAL, "Error: Invalid userinfo (after game)" );

	// we assume that game module deals with setting a correct name
	val = Info_ValueForKey( client->userinfo, "name" );
	if( !val || !val[0] )
		SV_DropClient( client, DROP_TYPE_GENERAL, "Error: No name set" );
	Q_strncpyz( client->name, val, sizeof( client->name ) );

	// rate command
	if( NET_IsLANAddress( &client->netchan.remoteAddress ) )
		client->rate = 99999; // lans should not rate limit
		val = Info_ValueForKey( client->userinfo, "rate" );
		if( val && val[0] )
			int newrate;

			newrate = atoi( val );
			if( sv_maxrate->integer && newrate > sv_maxrate->integer )
				newrate = sv_maxrate->integer;
			else if( newrate > 90000 )
				newrate = 90000;
			if( newrate < 1000 )
				newrate = 1000;
			if( client->rate != newrate )
				client->rate = newrate;
				Com_Printf( "%s%s has rate %i\n", client->name, S_COLOR_WHITE, client->rate );
			client->rate = 5000;
예제 #15

A "connect" OOB command has been received
void SV_DirectConnect( netadr_t from ) {
	char		userinfo[MAX_INFO_STRING];
	int			i;
	client_t	*cl, *newcl;
	MAC_STATIC client_t	temp;
	sharedEntity_t *ent;
	int			clientNum;
	int			version;
	int			qport;
	int			challenge;
	char		*password;
	int			startIndex;
	char		*denied;
	int			count;

	Com_DPrintf ("SVC_DirectConnect ()\n");

	Q_strncpyz( userinfo, Cmd_Argv(1), sizeof(userinfo) );

	version = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "protocol" ) );
	if ( version != PROTOCOL_VERSION ) {
		NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "print\nServer uses protocol version %i.\n", PROTOCOL_VERSION );
		Com_DPrintf ("    rejected connect from version %i\n", version);

	challenge = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "challenge" ) );
	qport = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "qport" ) );

	// quick reject
	for (i=0,cl=svs.clients ; i < sv_maxclients->integer ; i++,cl++) {
		if ( cl->state == CS_FREE ) {
		if ( NET_CompareBaseAdr( from, cl->netchan.remoteAddress )
			&& ( cl->netchan.qport == qport 
			|| from.port == cl->netchan.remoteAddress.port ) ) {
			if (( svs.time - cl->lastConnectTime) 
				< (sv_reconnectlimit->integer * 1000)) {
				Com_DPrintf ("%s:reconnect rejected : too soon\n", NET_AdrToString (from));

	// see if the challenge is valid (LAN clients don't need to challenge)
	if ( !NET_IsLocalAddress (from) ) {
		int		ping;

		for (i=0 ; i<MAX_CHALLENGES ; i++) {
			if (NET_CompareAdr(from, svs.challenges[i].adr)) {
				if ( challenge == svs.challenges[i].challenge ) {
					break;		// good
		if (i == MAX_CHALLENGES) {
			NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "print\nNo or bad challenge for address.\n" );
		// force the IP key/value pair so the game can filter based on ip
		Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "ip", NET_AdrToString( from ) );

		ping = svs.time - svs.challenges[i].pingTime;
		Com_Printf( "Client %i connecting with %i challenge ping\n", i, ping );
		svs.challenges[i].connected = qtrue;

		// never reject a LAN client based on ping
		if ( !Sys_IsLANAddress( from ) ) {
			if ( sv_minPing->value && ping < sv_minPing->value ) {
				// don't let them keep trying until they get a big delay
				NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "print\nServer is for high pings only\n" );
				Com_DPrintf ("Client %i rejected on a too low ping\n", i);
				// reset the address otherwise their ping will keep increasing
				// with each connect message and they'd eventually be able to connect
				svs.challenges[i].adr.port = 0;
			if ( sv_maxPing->value && ping > sv_maxPing->value ) {
				NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "print\nServer is for low pings only\n" );
				Com_DPrintf ("Client %i rejected on a too high ping\n", i);
	} else {
		// force the "ip" info key to "localhost"
		Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "ip", "localhost" );

	newcl = &temp;
	Com_Memset (newcl, 0, sizeof(client_t));

	// if there is already a slot for this ip, reuse it
	for (i=0,cl=svs.clients ; i < sv_maxclients->integer ; i++,cl++) {
		if ( cl->state == CS_FREE ) {
		if ( NET_CompareBaseAdr( from, cl->netchan.remoteAddress )
			&& ( cl->netchan.qport == qport 
			|| from.port == cl->netchan.remoteAddress.port ) ) {
			Com_Printf ("%s:reconnect\n", NET_AdrToString (from));
			newcl = cl;
			// disconnect the client from the game first so any flags the
			// player might have are dropped
			VM_Call( gvm, GAME_CLIENT_DISCONNECT, newcl - svs.clients );
			goto gotnewcl;

	// find a client slot
	// if "sv_privateClients" is set > 0, then that number
	// of client slots will be reserved for connections that
	// have "password" set to the value of "sv_privatePassword"
	// Info requests will report the maxclients as if the private
	// slots didn't exist, to prevent people from trying to connect
	// to a full server.
	// This is to allow us to reserve a couple slots here on our
	// servers so we can play without having to kick people.

	// check for privateClient password
	password = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "password" );
	if ( !strcmp( password, sv_privatePassword->string ) ) {
		startIndex = 0;
	} else {
		// skip past the reserved slots
		startIndex = sv_privateClients->integer;

	newcl = NULL;
	for ( i = startIndex; i < sv_maxclients->integer ; i++ ) {
		cl = &svs.clients[i];
		if (cl->state == CS_FREE) {
			newcl = cl;

	if ( !newcl ) {
		if ( NET_IsLocalAddress( from ) ) {
			count = 0;
			for ( i = startIndex; i < sv_maxclients->integer ; i++ ) {
				cl = &svs.clients[i];
				if (cl->netchan.remoteAddress.type == NA_BOT) {
			// if they're all bots
			if (count >= sv_maxclients->integer - startIndex) {
				SV_DropClient(&svs.clients[sv_maxclients->integer - 1], "only bots on server");
				newcl = &svs.clients[sv_maxclients->integer - 1];
			else {
				Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "server is full on local connect\n" );
		else {
			const char *SV_GetStripEdString(char *refSection, char *refName);
			NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, va("print\n%s\n", SV_GetStripEdString("SVINGAME","SERVER_IS_FULL")));
			Com_DPrintf ("Rejected a connection.\n");

	// we got a newcl, so reset the reliableSequence and reliableAcknowledge
	cl->reliableAcknowledge = 0;
	cl->reliableSequence = 0;

	// build a new connection
	// accept the new client
	// this is the only place a client_t is ever initialized
	*newcl = temp;
	clientNum = newcl - svs.clients;
	ent = SV_GentityNum( clientNum );
	newcl->gentity = ent;

	// save the challenge
	newcl->challenge = challenge;

	// save the address
	Netchan_Setup (NS_SERVER, &newcl->netchan , from, qport);

	// save the userinfo
	Q_strncpyz( newcl->userinfo, userinfo, sizeof(newcl->userinfo) );

	// get the game a chance to reject this connection or modify the userinfo
	denied = (char *)VM_Call( gvm, GAME_CLIENT_CONNECT, clientNum, qtrue, qfalse ); // firstTime = qtrue
	if ( denied ) {
		// we can't just use VM_ArgPtr, because that is only valid inside a VM_Call
		denied = (char *)VM_ExplicitArgPtr( gvm, (int)denied );

		NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "print\n%s\n", denied );
		Com_DPrintf ("Game rejected a connection: %s.\n", denied);

	SV_UserinfoChanged( newcl );

	// send the connect packet to the client
	NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "connectResponse" );

	Com_DPrintf( "Going from CS_FREE to CS_CONNECTED for %s\n", newcl->name );

	newcl->state = CS_CONNECTED;
	newcl->nextSnapshotTime = svs.time;
	newcl->lastPacketTime = svs.time;
	newcl->lastConnectTime = svs.time;
	// when we receive the first packet from the client, we will
	// notice that it is from a different serverid and that the
	// gamestate message was not just sent, forcing a retransmit
	newcl->gamestateMessageNum = -1;

	// if this was the first client on the server, or the last client
	// the server can hold, send a heartbeat to the master.
	count = 0;
	for (i=0,cl=svs.clients ; i < sv_maxclients->integer ; i++,cl++) {
		if ( svs.clients[i].state >= CS_CONNECTED ) {
	if ( count == 1 || count == sv_maxclients->integer ) {
예제 #16
파일: sv_client.cpp 프로젝트: BSzili/OpenJK

A "connect" OOB command has been received
void SV_DirectConnect( netadr_t from ) {
	char		userinfo[MAX_INFO_STRING];
	int			i;
	client_t	*cl, *newcl;
	client_t	temp;
	gentity_t		*ent;
	int			clientNum;
	int			version;
	int			qport;
	//int			challenge;
	char		*denied;

	Com_DPrintf ("SVC_DirectConnect ()\n");

	Q_strncpyz( userinfo, Cmd_Argv(1), sizeof(userinfo) );

	version = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "protocol" ) );
	if ( version != PROTOCOL_VERSION ) {
		NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "print\nServer uses protocol version %i.\n", PROTOCOL_VERSION );
		Com_DPrintf ("    rejected connect from version %i\n", version);

	qport = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "qport" ) );

	//challenge = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "challenge" ) );

	// see if the challenge is valid (local clients don't need to challenge)
	if ( !NET_IsLocalAddress (from) ) {
		NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "print\nNo challenge for address.\n" );
	} else {
		// force the "ip" info key to "localhost"
		Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "ip", "localhost" );

	newcl = &temp;
	memset (newcl, 0, sizeof(client_t));

	// if there is already a slot for this ip, reuse it
	for (i=0,cl=svs.clients ; i < 1 ; i++,cl++)
		if ( cl->state == CS_FREE ) {
		if ( NET_CompareBaseAdr( from, cl->netchan.remoteAddress )
			&& ( cl->netchan.qport == qport 
			|| from.port == cl->netchan.remoteAddress.port ) )
			if (( sv.time - cl->lastConnectTime) 
				< (sv_reconnectlimit->integer * 1000))
				Com_DPrintf ("%s:reconnect rejected : too soon\n", NET_AdrToString (from));
			Com_Printf ("%s:reconnect\n", NET_AdrToString (from));
			newcl = cl;
			goto gotnewcl;

	newcl = NULL;
	for ( i = 0; i < 1 ; i++ ) {
		cl = &svs.clients[i];
		if (cl->state == CS_FREE) {
			newcl = cl;

	if ( !newcl ) {
		NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "print\nServer is full.\n" );
		Com_DPrintf ("Rejected a connection.\n");

	// build a new connection
	// accept the new client
	// this is the only place a client_t is ever initialized
	*newcl = temp;
	clientNum = newcl - svs.clients;
	ent = SV_GentityNum( clientNum );
	newcl->gentity = ent;

	// save the address
	Netchan_Setup (NS_SERVER, &newcl->netchan , from, qport);

	// save the userinfo
	Q_strncpyz( newcl->userinfo, userinfo, sizeof(newcl->userinfo) );

	// get the game a chance to reject this connection or modify the userinfo
	denied = ge->ClientConnect( clientNum, qtrue, eSavedGameJustLoaded ); // firstTime = qtrue
	if ( denied ) {
		NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "print\n%s\n", denied );
		Com_DPrintf ("Game rejected a connection: %s.\n", denied);

	SV_UserinfoChanged( newcl );

	// send the connect packet to the client
	NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "connectResponse" );

	newcl->state = CS_CONNECTED;
	newcl->lastPacketTime = sv.time;
	newcl->lastConnectTime = sv.time;

	// when we receive the first packet from the client, we will
	// notice that it is from a different serverid and that the
	// gamestate message was not just sent, forcing a retransmit
	newcl->gamestateMessageNum = -1;
예제 #17
Scripted brush entity. A simplified means of moving brushes around based on events.

"modelscale" - Scale multiplier (defaults to 1, and scales uniformly)
"modelscale_vec" - Set scale per-axis.  Overrides "modelscale", so if you have both the "modelscale" is ignored
"model2" optional md3 to draw over the solid clip brush
"scriptname" name used for scripting purposes (like aiName in AI scripting)
"health" optionally make this entity damagable
"description" used with health, if the entity is damagable, it draws a healthbar with this description above it.
void SP_script_mover(gentity_t *ent)

	float  scale[3] = { 1, 1, 1 };
	vec3_t scalevec;
	char   tagname[MAX_QPATH];
	char   *modelname;
	char   *tagent;
	char   cs[MAX_INFO_STRING];
	char   *s;

	if (!ent->model)
		G_Error("script_mover must have a \"model\"\n");
	if (!ent->scriptName)
		G_Error("script_mover must have a \"scriptname\"\n");

	ent->blocked = script_mover_blocked;

	// first position at start
	VectorCopy(ent->s.origin, ent->pos1);

//	VectorCopy( ent->r.currentOrigin, ent->pos1 );
	VectorCopy(ent->pos1, ent->pos2);   // don't go anywhere just yet

	trap_SetBrushModel(ent, ent->model);

	ent->reached        = NULL;
	ent->s.animMovetype = 0;

	ent->s.density = 0;

	if (ent->spawnflags & 256)
		ent->s.density |= 2;

	if (ent->spawnflags & 8)
		ent->use = script_mover_use;

	if (ent->spawnflags & 16)
		ent->s.time2 = 1;
		ent->s.time2 = 0;

	if (ent->spawnflags & 32)
		ent->s.teamNum = TEAM_ALLIES;
	else if (ent->spawnflags & 64)
		ent->s.teamNum = TEAM_AXIS;
		ent->s.teamNum = TEAM_FREE;

	if (ent->spawnflags & 1)
		ent->use = script_mover_use;
		trap_UnlinkEntity(ent);   // make sure it's not visible

	G_SetAngle(ent, ent->s.angles);

	G_SpawnInt("health", "0", &ent->health);
	if (ent->health)
		ent->takedamage = qtrue;
		ent->count      = ent->health;

		// client needs to know about it as well
		ent->s.effect1Time  = ent->count;
		ent->s.dl_intensity = 255;

		if (G_SpawnString("description", "", &s))
			trap_GetConfigstring(CS_SCRIPT_MOVER_NAMES, cs, sizeof(cs));
			Info_SetValueForKey(cs, va("%i", ent - g_entities), s);
			trap_SetConfigstring(CS_SCRIPT_MOVER_NAMES, cs);
		ent->count = 0;

	ent->die = script_mover_die;

	// look for general scaling
	if (G_SpawnFloat("modelscale", "1", &scale[0]))
		scale[2] = scale[1] = scale[0];

	if (G_SpawnString("model2", "", &modelname))
		COM_StripExtension(modelname, tagname);
		Q_strcat(tagname, MAX_QPATH, ".tag");

		ent->tagNumber = trap_LoadTag(tagname);

/*		if( !(ent->tagNumber = trap_LoadTag( tagname )) ) {
            Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "Failed to load Tag File (%s)\n", tagname );

	// look for axis specific scaling
	if (G_SpawnVector("modelscale_vec", "1 1 1", &scalevec[0]))
		VectorCopy(scalevec, scale);

	if (scale[0] != 1 || scale[1] != 1 || scale[2] != 1)
		ent->s.density |= 1;
		// scale is stored in 'angles2'
		VectorCopy(scale, ent->s.angles2);

	if (ent->spawnflags & 128)
		ent->s.density |= 4;
		ent->waterlevel = 0;

		if (G_SpawnString("gun", "", &modelname))
			if (!Q_stricmp(modelname, "browning"))
				ent->s.density |= 8;

		G_SpawnString("tagent", "", &tagent);
		Q_strncpyz(ent->tagBuffer, tagent, 16);
		ent->s.powerups = -1;

	ent->think     = script_mover_spawn;
	ent->nextthink = level.time + FRAMETIME;
예제 #18

  sets the entstate of an entity.
void G_SetEntState(gentity_t *ent, entState_t state)
	if (ent->entstate == state)
		G_DPrintf("G_SetEntState: entity %i already in desired state [%i]\n", ent->s.number, state);

	switch (state)
		if (ent->entstate == STATE_UNDERCONSTRUCTION)
			ent->clipmask   = ent->realClipmask;
			ent->r.contents = ent->realContents;
			if (!ent->realNonSolidBModel)
				ent->s.eFlags &= ~EF_NONSOLID_BMODEL;

		ent->entstate   = STATE_DEFAULT;
		ent->s.powerups = STATE_DEFAULT;

		if (ent->s.eType == ET_WOLF_OBJECTIVE)
			char cs[MAX_STRING_CHARS];

			trap_GetConfigstring(ent->count, cs, sizeof(cs));
			ent->count2 &= ~256;
			Info_SetValueForKey(cs, "t", va("%i", ent->count2));
			trap_SetConfigstring(ent->count, cs);

		if (ent->s.eType != ET_COMMANDMAP_MARKER)

		// deal with any entities in the solid
			int       listedEntities, e;
			int       entityList[MAX_GENTITIES];
			gentity_t *check, *block;

			listedEntities = trap_EntitiesInBox(ent->r.absmin, ent->r.absmax, entityList, MAX_GENTITIES);

			for (e = 0; e < listedEntities; e++)
				check = &g_entities[entityList[e]];

				// ignore everything but items, players and missiles (grenades too)
				if (check->s.eType != ET_MISSILE && check->s.eType != ET_ITEM && check->s.eType != ET_PLAYER && !check->physicsObject)

				if ((block = G_TestEntityPosition(check)) == NULL)

				if (block != ent)
					// the entity is blocked by another entity - that block this should take care of this itself

				if (check->client || check->s.eType == ET_CORPSE)
					// gibs anything player like
				else if (check->s.eType == ET_ITEM && check->item->giType == IT_TEAM)
					// see if it's a critical entity, one that we can't just simply kill (basically flags)
					// remove the landmine from both teamlists
					if (check->s.eType == ET_MISSILE && check->methodOfDeath == MOD_LANDMINE)
						mapEntityData_t *mEnt;

						if ((mEnt = G_FindMapEntityData(&mapEntityData[0], check - g_entities)) != NULL)
							G_FreeMapEntityData(&mapEntityData[0], mEnt);

						if ((mEnt = G_FindMapEntityData(&mapEntityData[1], check - g_entities)) != NULL)
							G_FreeMapEntityData(&mapEntityData[1], mEnt);

					// just get rid of it

		ent->entstate     = STATE_UNDERCONSTRUCTION;
		ent->s.powerups   = STATE_UNDERCONSTRUCTION;
		ent->realClipmask = ent->clipmask;
		if (ent->s.eType != ET_CONSTRUCTIBLE)                               // don't make nonsolid as we want to make them partially solid for staged construction
			ent->clipmask = 0;
		ent->realContents = ent->r.contents;
		if (ent->s.eType != ET_CONSTRUCTIBLE)
			ent->r.contents = 0;
		if (ent->s.eFlags & EF_NONSOLID_BMODEL)
			ent->realNonSolidBModel = qtrue;
		else if (ent->s.eType != ET_CONSTRUCTIBLE)
			ent->s.eFlags |= EF_NONSOLID_BMODEL;

		if (!Q_stricmp(ent->classname, "misc_mg42"))
			// stop using the mg42

		if (ent->s.eType == ET_COMMANDMAP_MARKER)
			mapEntityData_t *mEnt;

			if ((mEnt = G_FindMapEntityData(&mapEntityData[0], ent - g_entities)) != NULL)
				G_FreeMapEntityData(&mapEntityData[0], mEnt);
			if ((mEnt = G_FindMapEntityData(&mapEntityData[1], ent - g_entities)) != NULL)
				G_FreeMapEntityData(&mapEntityData[1], mEnt);

		if (ent->entstate == STATE_UNDERCONSTRUCTION)
			ent->clipmask   = ent->realClipmask;
			ent->r.contents = ent->realContents;
			if (!ent->realNonSolidBModel)
				ent->s.eFlags &= ~EF_NONSOLID_BMODEL;

		ent->entstate   = STATE_INVISIBLE;
		ent->s.powerups = STATE_INVISIBLE;

		if (!Q_stricmp(ent->classname, "misc_mg42"))
		else if (ent->s.eType == ET_WOLF_OBJECTIVE)
			char cs[MAX_STRING_CHARS];

			trap_GetConfigstring(ent->count, cs, sizeof(cs));
			ent->count2 |= 256;
			Info_SetValueForKey(cs, "t", va("%i", ent->count2));
			trap_SetConfigstring(ent->count, cs);

		if (ent->s.eType == ET_COMMANDMAP_MARKER)
			mapEntityData_t *mEnt;

			if ((mEnt = G_FindMapEntityData(&mapEntityData[0], ent - g_entities)) != NULL)
				G_FreeMapEntityData(&mapEntityData[0], mEnt);
			if ((mEnt = G_FindMapEntityData(&mapEntityData[1], ent - g_entities)) != NULL)
				G_FreeMapEntityData(&mapEntityData[1], mEnt);

예제 #19
static void G_AddBot( const char *name, float skill, const char *team, const char *pclass, int delay, char *altname) {
	int				clientNum;
	char			*botinfo;
	gentity_t		*bot;
	char			*key;
	char			*s;
	char			*botname;
	char			*model;
	char			userinfo[MAX_INFO_STRING];
	int				preTeam = 0;

	// get the botinfo from bots.txt
	botinfo = G_GetBotInfoByName( name );
	if ( !botinfo ) {
		G_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "Error: Bot '%s' not defined\n", name );

	// create the bot's userinfo
	userinfo[0] = '\0';

	botname = Info_ValueForKey( botinfo, "funname" );
	if( !botname[0] ) {
		botname = Info_ValueForKey( botinfo, "name" );
	// check for an alternative name
	if (altname && altname[0]) {
		botname = altname;
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "name", botname );
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "rate", "25000" );
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "snaps", "20" );
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "skill", va("%1.2f", skill) );

/*	if ( skill >= 1 && skill < 2 ) {
		Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "handicap", "50" );
	else if ( skill >= 2 && skill < 3 ) {
		Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "handicap", "70" );
	else if ( skill >= 3 && skill < 4 ) {
		Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "handicap", "90" );
	} */

	key = "model";
	model = Info_ValueForKey( botinfo, key );
	if ( !*model ) {
		model = "munro/main/default"; //RPG-X MODEL SYSTEM
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, key, model );

	key = "gender";
	s = Info_ValueForKey( botinfo, key );
	if ( !*s ) {
		s = "male";
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "sex", s );

	key = "color";
	s = Info_ValueForKey( botinfo, key );
	if ( !*s ) {
		s = "4";
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, key, s );

	s = Info_ValueForKey(botinfo, "aifile");
	if (!*s ) {
		trap_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "Error: bot has no aifile specified\n" );

	// have the server allocate a client slot
	clientNum = trap_BotAllocateClient();
	if ( clientNum == -1 ) {
		G_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "Unable to add bot.  All player slots are in use.\n" );
		G_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "Start server with more 'open' slots (or check setting of sv_maxclients cvar).\n" );

	// initialize the bot settings
	if( !team || !*team ) {
		if( g_gametype.integer >= GT_TEAM ) {
			if( G_Client_PickTeam(clientNum) == TEAM_RED) {
				team = "red";
			else {
				team = "blue";
		else {
			team = "red";
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "characterfile", Info_ValueForKey( botinfo, "aifile" ) );
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "skill", va( "%5.2f", skill ) );
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "team", team );

	bot = &g_entities[ clientNum ];
	bot->r.svFlags |= SVF_BOT;
	bot->inuse = qtrue;

	// register the userinfo
	trap_SetUserinfo( clientNum, userinfo );

	if (g_gametype.integer >= GT_TEAM)
		if (team && Q_stricmp(team, "red") == 0)
			bot->client->sess.sessionTeam = TEAM_RED;
		else if (team && Q_stricmp(team, "blue") == 0)
			bot->client->sess.sessionTeam = TEAM_BLUE;
			bot->client->sess.sessionTeam = G_Client_PickTeam( -1 );

	preTeam = bot->client->sess.sessionTeam;

	// have it connect to the game as a normal client
	if ( G_Client_Connect( clientNum, qtrue, qtrue ) ) {

	if (bot->client->sess.sessionTeam != preTeam)
		trap_GetUserinfo(clientNum, userinfo, MAX_INFO_STRING);

		if (bot->client->sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_SPECTATOR)
			bot->client->sess.sessionTeam = preTeam;

		if (bot->client->sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_RED)
			team = "Red";
			team = "Blue";

		Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "team", team );

		trap_SetUserinfo( clientNum, userinfo );

		bot->client->ps.persistant[ PERS_TEAM ] = bot->client->sess.sessionTeam;

		G_ReadSessionData( bot->client );
		G_Client_UserinfoChanged( clientNum );

	if( delay == 0 ) {
		G_Client_Begin( clientNum, qfalse, qfalse, qfalse );

	AddBotToSpawnQueue( clientNum, delay );
예제 #20

New Xbox version - sends a short broadcast packet about our game,
only done in system link games, every THREE seconds.
void SVC_Info( void )
	int		i, count, wDisable;
	char	infostring[MAX_INFO_STRING];

	// We only send if we're in system link
	if (xb_gameType->integer != 2)

	// Wait three seconds to send another
	int now = Sys_Milliseconds();
	if (now < svs.syslinkAdvertTime)
	svs.syslinkAdvertTime = now + 3000;

	// don't count bots!
	count = 0;
	for ( i = 0 ; i < sv_maxclients->integer ; i++ ) {
		if ( svs.clients[i].state >= CS_CONNECTED && svs.clients[i].netchan.remoteAddress.type != NA_BOT ) {

	infostring[0] = 0;

	Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "hostname", sv_hostname->string );
	Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "mapname", sv_mapname->string );
	Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "clients", va("%i", count) );
	Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "sv_maxclients", va("%i", sv_maxclients->integer) );
	Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "gametype", va("%i", sv_gametype->integer ) );

	if ( sv_gametype->integer == GT_DUEL || sv_gametype->integer == GT_POWERDUEL )
		wDisable = Cvar_VariableIntegerValue( "g_duelWeaponDisable" );
		wDisable = Cvar_VariableIntegerValue( "g_weaponDisable" );

	Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "wdisable", va("%i", wDisable ) );
	Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "fdisable", va("%i", Cvar_VariableIntegerValue( "g_forcePowerDisable" ) ) );

#ifdef _XBOX
	// Include Xbox specific networking info
	char sxnkid[XNKID_STRING_LEN];
	XNKIDToString(SysLink_GetXNKID(), sxnkid);
	Info_SetValueForKey(infostring, "xnkid", sxnkid);

	char sxnkey[XNKEY_STRING_LEN];
	XNKEYToString(SysLink_GetXNKEY(), sxnkey);
	Info_SetValueForKey(infostring, "xnkey", sxnkey);

	char sxnaddr[XNADDR_STRING_LEN];
	XnAddrToString(Net_GetXNADDR(), sxnaddr);
	Info_SetValueForKey(infostring, "xnaddr", sxnaddr);

//	NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "infoResponse\n%s", infostring );
	NET_BroadcastPrint( NS_SERVER, "infoResponse\n%s", infostring );
예제 #21

Responds with a short info message that should be enough to determine
if a user is interested in a server to do a full status
void SVC_Info( netadr_t from ) {
	int		i, count;
	char	*gamedir;
	char	infostring[MAX_INFO_STRING];

	// ignore if we are in single player
	if ( Cvar_VariableValue( "g_gametype" ) == GT_SINGLE_PLAYER || Cvar_VariableValue("ui_singlePlayerActive")) {

	 * Check whether Cmd_Argv(1) has a sane length. This was not done in the original Quake3 version which led
	 * to the Infostring bug discovered by Luigi Auriemma. See http://aluigi.altervista.org/ for the advisory.

	// A maximum challenge length of 128 should be more than plenty.
	if(strlen(Cmd_Argv(1)) > 128)

	// don't count privateclients
	count = 0;
	for ( i = sv_privateClients->integer ; i < sv_maxclients->integer ; i++ ) {
		if ( svs.clients[i].state >= CS_CONNECTED ) {

	infostring[0] = 0;

	// echo back the parameter to status. so servers can use it as a challenge
	// to prevent timed spoofed reply packets that add ghost servers
	Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "challenge", Cmd_Argv(1) );

	Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "protocol", va("%i", PROTOCOL_VERSION) );
	Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "hostname", sv_hostname->string );
	Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "mapname", sv_mapname->string );
	Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "clients", va("%i", count) );
	Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "sv_maxclients", 
		va("%i", sv_maxclients->integer - sv_privateClients->integer ) );
	Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "gametype", va("%i", sv_gametype->integer ) );
	Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "pure", va("%i", sv_pure->integer ) );

	if( sv_minPing->integer ) {
		Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "minPing", va("%i", sv_minPing->integer) );
	if( sv_maxPing->integer ) {
		Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "maxPing", va("%i", sv_maxPing->integer) );
	gamedir = Cvar_VariableString( "fs_game" );
	if( *gamedir ) {
		Info_SetValueForKey( infostring, "game", gamedir );

	NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, from, "infoResponse\n%s", infostring );
예제 #22
파일: cl_ui.c 프로젝트: belstgut/etlegacy
static void LAN_GetServerInfo(int source, int n, char *buf, int buflen)
	char         info[MAX_STRING_CHARS];
	serverInfo_t *server = NULL;
	info[0] = '\0';

	switch (source)
	case AS_LOCAL:
		if (n >= 0 && n < MAX_OTHER_SERVERS)
			server = &cls.localServers[n];
	case AS_GLOBAL:
		if (n >= 0 && n < MAX_GLOBAL_SERVERS)
			server = &cls.globalServers[n];
		if (n >= 0 && n < MAX_OTHER_SERVERS)
			server = &cls.favoriteServers[n];
	if (server && buf)
		buf[0] = '\0';
		Info_SetValueForKey(info, "version", server->version);
		Info_SetValueForKey(info, "hostname", server->hostName);
		Info_SetValueForKey(info, "serverload", va("%i", server->load));
		Info_SetValueForKey(info, "mapname", server->mapName);
		Info_SetValueForKey(info, "clients", va("%i", server->clients));
		Info_SetValueForKey(info, "humans", va("%i", server->humans));
		Info_SetValueForKey(info, "sv_maxclients", va("%i", server->maxClients));
		Info_SetValueForKey(info, "ping", va("%i", server->ping));
		Info_SetValueForKey(info, "minping", va("%i", server->minPing));
		Info_SetValueForKey(info, "maxping", va("%i", server->maxPing));
		Info_SetValueForKey(info, "game", server->game);
		Info_SetValueForKey(info, "gametype", va("%i", server->gameType));
		Info_SetValueForKey(info, "nettype", va("%i", server->netType));
		Info_SetValueForKey(info, "addr", NET_AdrToString(server->adr));
		Info_SetValueForKey(info, "friendlyFire", va("%i", server->friendlyFire));
		Info_SetValueForKey(info, "maxlives", va("%i", server->maxlives));
		Info_SetValueForKey(info, "needpass", va("%i", server->needpass));
		Info_SetValueForKey(info, "punkbuster", va("%i", server->punkbuster));
		Info_SetValueForKey(info, "gamename", server->gameName);
		Info_SetValueForKey(info, "g_antilag", va("%i", server->antilag));
		Info_SetValueForKey(info, "weaprestrict", va("%i", server->weaprestrict));
		Info_SetValueForKey(info, "balancedteams", va("%i", server->balancedteams));
		Q_strncpyz(buf, info, buflen);
		if (buf)
			buf[0] = '\0';
예제 #23

Pull specific info from a newly changed userinfo string
into a more C friendly form.
void SV_UserinfoChanged( client_t *cl ) {
	char	*val;
	char	*ip;
	int		i;
	int	len;

	// name for C code
	Q_strncpyz( cl->name, Info_ValueForKey (cl->userinfo, "name"), sizeof(cl->name) );

	// rate command

	// if the client is on the same subnet as the server and we aren't running an
	// internet public server, assume they don't need a rate choke
	if ( Sys_IsLANAddress( cl->netchan.remoteAddress ) && com_dedicated->integer != 2 && sv_lanForceRate->integer == 1) {
		cl->rate = 99999;	// lans should not rate limit
	} else {
		val = Info_ValueForKey (cl->userinfo, "rate");
		if (strlen(val)) {
			i = atoi(val);
			cl->rate = i;
			if (cl->rate < 1000) {
				cl->rate = 1000;
			} else if (cl->rate > 90000) {
				cl->rate = 90000;
		} else {
			cl->rate = 3000;
	val = Info_ValueForKey (cl->userinfo, "handicap");
	if (strlen(val)) {
		i = atoi(val);
		if (i<=0 || i>100 || strlen(val) > 4) {
			Info_SetValueForKey( cl->userinfo, "handicap", "100" );

	// snaps command
	val = Info_ValueForKey (cl->userinfo, "snaps");
		i = atoi(val);
		if(i < 1)
			i = 1;
		else if(i > sv_fps->integer)
			i = sv_fps->integer;

		i = 1000 / i;
		i = 50;

	if(i != cl->snapshotMsec)
		// Reset last sent snapshot so we avoid desync between server frame time and snapshot send time
		cl->lastSnapshotTime = 0;
		cl->snapshotMsec = i;		
#ifdef USE_VOIP
		cl->hasVoip = qfalse;
		val = Info_ValueForKey(cl->userinfo, "cl_voip");
		cl->hasVoip = atoi(val);

	// TTimo
	// maintain the IP information
	// the banning code relies on this being consistently present
	if( NET_IsLocalAddress(cl->netchan.remoteAddress) )
		ip = "localhost";
		ip = (char*)NET_AdrToString( cl->netchan.remoteAddress );

	val = Info_ValueForKey( cl->userinfo, "ip" );
	if( val[0] )
		len = strlen( ip ) - strlen( val ) + strlen( cl->userinfo );
		len = strlen( ip ) + 4 + strlen( cl->userinfo );

	if( len >= MAX_INFO_STRING )
		SV_DropClient( cl, "userinfo string length exceeded" );
		Info_SetValueForKey( cl->userinfo, "ip", ip );

예제 #24
파일: g_bot.c 프로젝트: CairnTrenor/OpenJK
void G_LoadArenas( void ) {
#if 0
	int			numdirs;
	char		filename[128];
	char		filename[MAX_QPATH];
	char		dirlist[1024];
	char*		dirptr;
	int			i, n;
	int			dirlen;

	g_numArenas = 0;

	// get all arenas from .arena files
	numdirs = trap->FS_GetFileList("scripts", ".arena", dirlist, 1024 );
	dirptr  = dirlist;
	for (i = 0; i < numdirs; i++, dirptr += dirlen+1) {
		dirlen = strlen(dirptr);
		strcpy(filename, "scripts/");
		Q_strncpyz( filename, "scripts/", sizeof( filename ) );
		strcat(filename, dirptr);
//	trap->Print( va( "%i arenas parsed\n", g_numArenas ) );
	for( n = 0; n < g_numArenas; n++ ) {
		Info_SetValueForKey( g_arenaInfos[n], "num", va( "%i", n ) );

	G_RefreshNextMap(level.gametype, qfalse);

#else // Ensiform's version

	int			numFiles;
	char		filelist[MAPSBUFSIZE];
	char		filename[MAX_QPATH];
	char*		fileptr;
	int			i, n;
	int			len;

	g_numArenas = 0;

	// get all arenas from .arena files
	numFiles = trap->FS_GetFileList("scripts", ".arena", filelist, ARRAY_LEN(filelist) );

	fileptr  = filelist;
	i = 0;

	if (numFiles > MAX_MAPS)
		numFiles = MAX_MAPS;

	for(; i < numFiles; i++) {
		len = strlen(fileptr);
		Com_sprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "scripts/%s", fileptr);
		fileptr += len + 1;
//	trap->Print( va( "%i arenas parsed\n", g_numArenas ) );
	for( n = 0; n < g_numArenas; n++ ) {
		Info_SetValueForKey( g_arenaInfos[n], "num", va( "%i", n ) );

	G_RefreshNextMap(level.gametype, qfalse);

예제 #25
 * @brief A connection request that did not come from the master
 * @sa CL_ConnectionlessPacket
static void SVC_DirectConnect (struct net_stream* stream)
    Com_DPrintf(DEBUG_SERVER, "SVC_DirectConnect()\n");

    if (sv->started || sv->spawned) {
        Com_Printf("rejected connect because match is already running\n");
        NET_OOB_Printf(stream, SV_CMD_PRINT "\n" REJ_GAME_ALREADY_STARTED "\n");

    char buf[256];
    const char* peername = NET_StreamPeerToName(stream, buf, sizeof(buf), false);

    const int version = atoi(Cmd_Argv(1));
    if (version != PROTOCOL_VERSION) {
        Com_Printf("rejected connect from version %i - %s\n", version, peername);
        NET_OOB_Printf(stream, SV_CMD_PRINT "\n" REJ_SERVER_VERSION_MISMATCH "\n");

    char userinfo[MAX_INFO_STRING];
    Q_strncpyz(userinfo, Cmd_Argv(2), sizeof(userinfo));

    if (Q_strnull(userinfo)) {  /* catch empty userinfo */
        Com_Printf("Empty userinfo from %s\n", peername);
        NET_OOB_Printf(stream, SV_CMD_PRINT "\n" REJ_CONNECTION_REFUSED "\n");

    if (strchr(userinfo, '\xFF')) {  /* catch end of message in string exploit */
        Com_Printf("Illegal userinfo contained xFF from %s\n", peername);
        NET_OOB_Printf(stream, SV_CMD_PRINT "\n" REJ_CONNECTION_REFUSED "\n");

    if (strlen(Info_ValueForKey(userinfo, "ip"))) {  /* catch spoofed ips  */
        Com_Printf("Illegal userinfo contained ip from %s\n", peername);
        NET_OOB_Printf(stream, SV_CMD_PRINT "\n" REJ_CONNECTION_REFUSED "\n");

    /* force the IP key/value pair so the game can filter based on ip */
    Info_SetValueForKey(userinfo, sizeof(userinfo), "ip", peername);

    /* find a client slot */
    client_t* cl = nullptr;
    while ((cl = SV_GetNextClient(cl)) != nullptr)
        if (cl->state == cs_free)
    if (cl == nullptr) {
        NET_OOB_Printf(stream, SV_CMD_PRINT "\n" REJ_SERVER_FULL "\n");
        Com_Printf("Rejected a connection - server is full.\n");

    /* build a new connection - accept the new client
     * this is the only place a client_t is ever initialized */
    const int playernum = cl - SV_GetClient(0);
    SrvPlayer* player = PLAYER_NUM(playernum);
    cl->player = player;

    bool connected;
        const ScopedMutex scopedMutex(svs.serverMutex);
        connected = svs.ge->ClientConnect(player, userinfo, sizeof(userinfo));

    /* get the game a chance to reject this connection or modify the userinfo */
    if (!connected) {
        const char* rejmsg = Info_ValueForKey(userinfo, "rejmsg");
        if (rejmsg[0] != '\0') {
            NET_OOB_Printf(stream, SV_CMD_PRINT "\n%s\n" REJ_CONNECTION_REFUSED "\n", rejmsg);
            Com_Printf("Game rejected a connection from %s. Reason: %s\n", peername, rejmsg);
        } else {
            NET_OOB_Printf(stream, SV_CMD_PRINT "\n" REJ_CONNECTION_REFUSED "\n");
            Com_Printf("Game rejected a connection from %s.\n", peername);

    /* new player */
    cl->lastmessage = svs.realtime;

    /* parse some info from the info strings */
    Q_strncpyz(cl->userinfo, userinfo, sizeof(cl->userinfo));

    /* send the connect packet to the client */
    if (sv_http_downloadserver->string[0])
        NET_OOB_Printf(stream, CL_CMD_CLIENT_CONNECT " dlserver=%s", sv_http_downloadserver->string);
        NET_OOB_Printf(stream, CL_CMD_CLIENT_CONNECT);

    SV_SetClientState(cl, cs_connected);

    Q_strncpyz(cl->peername, peername, sizeof(cl->peername));
    cl->stream = stream;
    NET_StreamSetData(stream, cl);
예제 #26
파일: g_bot.c 프로젝트: CairnTrenor/OpenJK
static void G_AddBot( const char *name, float skill, const char *team, int delay, char *altname) {
	gentity_t		*bot = NULL;
	int				clientNum, preTeam = TEAM_FREE;
	char			userinfo[MAX_INFO_STRING] = {0},
					*botinfo = NULL, *key = NULL, *s = NULL, *botname = NULL, *model = NULL;

	// have the server allocate a client slot
	clientNum = trap->BotAllocateClient();
	if ( clientNum == -1 ) {
//		trap->Print( S_COLOR_RED "Unable to add bot.  All player slots are in use.\n" );
//		trap->Print( S_COLOR_RED "Start server with more 'open' slots.\n" );
		trap->SendServerCommand( -1, va("print \"%s\n\"", G_GetStringEdString("MP_SVGAME", "UNABLE_TO_ADD_BOT")));

	// get the botinfo from bots.txt
	botinfo = G_GetBotInfoByName( name );
	if ( !botinfo ) {
		trap->BotFreeClient( clientNum );
		trap->Print( S_COLOR_RED "Error: Bot '%s' not defined\n", name );

	// create the bot's userinfo
	userinfo[0] = '\0';

	botname = Info_ValueForKey( botinfo, "funname" );
	if( !botname[0] )
		botname = Info_ValueForKey( botinfo, "name" );
	// check for an alternative name
	if ( altname && altname[0] )
		botname = altname;

	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "name", botname );
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "rate", "25000" );
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "snaps", "20" );
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "ip", "localhost" );
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "skill", va("%.2f", skill) );

		 if ( skill >= 1 && skill < 2 )		Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "handicap", "50" );
	else if ( skill >= 2 && skill < 3 )		Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "handicap", "70" );
	else if ( skill >= 3 && skill < 4 )		Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "handicap", "90" );
	else									Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "handicap", "100" );

	key = "model";
	model = Info_ValueForKey( botinfo, key );
	if ( !*model )	model = DEFAULT_MODEL"/default";
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, key, model );

	key = "sex";
	s = Info_ValueForKey( botinfo, key );
	if ( !*s )	s = Info_ValueForKey( botinfo, "gender" );
	if ( !*s )	s = "male";
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, key, s );

	key = "color1";
	s = Info_ValueForKey( botinfo, key );
	if ( !*s )	s = "4";
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, key, s );

	key = "color2";
	s = Info_ValueForKey( botinfo, key );
	if ( !*s )	s = "4";
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, key, s );

	key = "saber1";
	s = Info_ValueForKey( botinfo, key );
	if ( !*s )	s = DEFAULT_SABER;
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, key, s );

	key = "saber2";
	s = Info_ValueForKey( botinfo, key );
	if ( !*s )	s = "none";
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, key, s );

	//Raz: Added
	key = "forcepowers";
	s = Info_ValueForKey( botinfo, key );
	if ( !*s )	s = DEFAULT_FORCEPOWERS;
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, key, s );

	key = "cg_predictItems";
	s = Info_ValueForKey( botinfo, key );
	if ( !*s )	s = "1";
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, key, s );

	key = "char_color_red";
	s = Info_ValueForKey( botinfo, key );
	if ( !*s )	s = "255";
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, key, s );

	key = "char_color_green";
	s = Info_ValueForKey( botinfo, key );
	if ( !*s )	s = "255";
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, key, s );

	key = "char_color_blue";
	s = Info_ValueForKey( botinfo, key );
	if ( !*s )	s = "255";
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, key, s );

	key = "teamtask";
	s = Info_ValueForKey( botinfo, key );
	if ( !*s )	s = "0";
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, key, s );

	key = "personality";
	s = Info_ValueForKey( botinfo, key );
	if ( !*s )	s = "botfiles/default.jkb";
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, key, s );

	// initialize the bot settings
	if ( !team || !*team ) {
		if ( level.gametype >= GT_TEAM ) {
			if ( PickTeam( clientNum ) == TEAM_RED)
				team = "red";
				team = "blue";
			team = "red";
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "team", team );

	bot = &g_entities[ clientNum ];
//	bot->r.svFlags |= SVF_BOT;
//	bot->inuse = qtrue;

	// register the userinfo
	trap->SetUserinfo( clientNum, userinfo );

	if ( level.gametype >= GT_TEAM )
		if ( team && !Q_stricmp( team, "red" ) )
			bot->client->sess.sessionTeam = TEAM_RED;
		else if ( team && !Q_stricmp( team, "blue" ) )
			bot->client->sess.sessionTeam = TEAM_BLUE;
			bot->client->sess.sessionTeam = PickTeam( -1 );

	if ( level.gametype == GT_SIEGE )
		bot->client->sess.siegeDesiredTeam = bot->client->sess.sessionTeam;
		bot->client->sess.sessionTeam = TEAM_SPECTATOR;

	preTeam = bot->client->sess.sessionTeam;

	// have it connect to the game as a normal client
	if ( ClientConnect( clientNum, qtrue, qtrue ) )

	if ( bot->client->sess.sessionTeam != preTeam )
		trap->GetUserinfo( clientNum, userinfo, sizeof( userinfo ) );

		if ( bot->client->sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_SPECTATOR )
			bot->client->sess.sessionTeam = preTeam;

		if ( bot->client->sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_RED )
			team = "Red";
			if ( level.gametype == GT_SIEGE )
				team = (bot->client->sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_BLUE) ? "Blue" : "s";
				team = "Blue";

		Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "team", team );

		trap->SetUserinfo( clientNum, userinfo );

		bot->client->ps.persistant[ PERS_TEAM ] = bot->client->sess.sessionTeam;

		G_ReadSessionData( bot->client );
		if ( !ClientUserinfoChanged( clientNum ) )

	if (level.gametype == GT_DUEL ||
		level.gametype == GT_POWERDUEL)
		int loners = 0;
		int doubles = 0;

		bot->client->sess.duelTeam = 0;
		G_PowerDuelCount(&loners, &doubles, qtrue);

		if (!doubles || loners > (doubles/2))
            bot->client->sess.duelTeam = DUELTEAM_DOUBLE;
            bot->client->sess.duelTeam = DUELTEAM_LONE;

		bot->client->sess.sessionTeam = TEAM_SPECTATOR;
		SetTeam(bot, "s");
		if( delay == 0 ) {
			ClientBegin( clientNum, qfalse );

		AddBotToSpawnQueue( clientNum, delay );
예제 #27
파일: g_bot.c 프로젝트: Wookiee-/openbase
static void G_AddBot( const char *name, float skill, const char *team, int delay, char *altname) {
	int				clientNum;
	char			*botinfo;
	gentity_t		*bot;
	char			*key;
	char			*s;
	char			*botname;
	char			*model;
//	char			*headmodel;
	char			userinfo[MAX_INFO_STRING];
	int				preTeam = 0;

	// get the botinfo from bots.txt
	botinfo = G_GetBotInfoByName( name );
	if ( !botinfo ) {
		G_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "Error: Bot '%s' not defined\n", name );

	// create the bot's userinfo
	userinfo[0] = '\0';

	botname = Info_ValueForKey( botinfo, "funname" );
	if( !botname[0] ) {
		botname = Info_ValueForKey( botinfo, "name" );
	// check for an alternative name
	if (altname && altname[0]) {
		botname = altname;
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "name", botname );
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "rate", "25000" );
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "snaps", "20" );
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "skill", va("%1.2f", skill) );

	if ( skill >= 1 && skill < 2 ) {
		Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "handicap", "50" );
	else if ( skill >= 2 && skill < 3 ) {
		Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "handicap", "70" );
	else if ( skill >= 3 && skill < 4 ) {
		Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "handicap", "90" );

	key = "model";
	model = Info_ValueForKey( botinfo, key );
	if ( !*model ) {
		model = "kyle/default";
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, key, model );

/*	key = "headmodel";
	headmodel = Info_ValueForKey( botinfo, key );
	if ( !*headmodel ) {
		headmodel = model;
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, key, headmodel );
	key = "team_headmodel";
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, key, headmodel );
	key = "gender";
	s = Info_ValueForKey( botinfo, key );
	if ( !*s ) {
		s = "male";
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "sex", s );

	key = "color1";
	s = Info_ValueForKey( botinfo, key );
	if ( !*s ) {
		s = "4";
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, key, s );

	key = "color2";
	s = Info_ValueForKey( botinfo, key );
	if ( !*s ) {
		s = "4";
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, key, s );

	key = "saber1";
	s = Info_ValueForKey( botinfo, key );
	if ( !*s ) {
		s = "single_1";
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, key, s );

	key = "saber2";
	s = Info_ValueForKey( botinfo, key );
	if ( !*s ) {
		s = "none";
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, key, s );

	s = Info_ValueForKey(botinfo, "personality");
	if (!*s )
		Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "personality", "botfiles/default.jkb" );
		Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "personality", s );

	// have the server allocate a client slot
	clientNum = trap_BotAllocateClient();
	if ( clientNum == -1 ) {
//		G_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "Unable to add bot.  All player slots are in use.\n" );
//		G_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "Start server with more 'open' slots.\n" );
		trap_SendServerCommand( -1, va("print \"%s\n\"", G_GetStringEdString("MP_SVGAME", "UNABLE_TO_ADD_BOT")));

	// initialize the bot settings
	if( !team || !*team ) {
		if( g_gametype.integer >= GT_TEAM ) {
			if( PickTeam(clientNum) == TEAM_RED) {
				team = "red";
			else {
				team = "blue";
		else {
			team = "red";
//	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "characterfile", Info_ValueForKey( botinfo, "aifile" ) );
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "skill", va( "%5.2f", skill ) );
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "team", team );

	bot = &g_entities[ clientNum ];
	bot->r.svFlags |= SVF_BOT;
	bot->inuse = qtrue;

	// register the userinfo
	trap_SetUserinfo( clientNum, userinfo );

	if (g_gametype.integer >= GT_TEAM)
		if (team && Q_stricmp(team, "red") == 0)
			bot->client->sess.sessionTeam = TEAM_RED;
		else if (team && Q_stricmp(team, "blue") == 0)
			bot->client->sess.sessionTeam = TEAM_BLUE;
			bot->client->sess.sessionTeam = PickTeam( -1 );

	if (g_gametype.integer == GT_SIEGE)
		bot->client->sess.siegeDesiredTeam = bot->client->sess.sessionTeam;
		bot->client->sess.sessionTeam = TEAM_SPECTATOR;

	preTeam = bot->client->sess.sessionTeam;

	// have it connect to the game as a normal client
	if ( ClientConnect( clientNum, qtrue, qtrue ) ) {

	if (bot->client->sess.sessionTeam != preTeam)
		trap_GetUserinfo(clientNum, userinfo, MAX_INFO_STRING);

		if (bot->client->sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_SPECTATOR)
			bot->client->sess.sessionTeam = preTeam;

		if (bot->client->sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_RED)
			team = "Red";
			if (g_gametype.integer == GT_SIEGE)
				if (bot->client->sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_BLUE)
					team = "Blue";
					team = "s";
				team = "Blue";

		Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "team", team );

		trap_SetUserinfo( clientNum, userinfo );

		bot->client->ps.persistant[ PERS_TEAM ] = bot->client->sess.sessionTeam;

		G_ReadSessionData( bot->client );
		ClientUserinfoChanged( clientNum );

	if (g_gametype.integer == GT_DUEL ||
		g_gametype.integer == GT_POWERDUEL)
		int loners = 0;
		int doubles = 0;

		bot->client->sess.duelTeam = 0;
		G_PowerDuelCount(&loners, &doubles, qtrue);

		if (!doubles || loners > (doubles/2))
            bot->client->sess.duelTeam = DUELTEAM_DOUBLE;
            bot->client->sess.duelTeam = DUELTEAM_LONE;

		bot->client->sess.sessionTeam = TEAM_SPECTATOR;
		SetTeam(bot, "s");
		if( delay == 0 ) {
			ClientBegin( clientNum, qfalse );

		AddBotToSpawnQueue( clientNum, delay );
예제 #28
static void UI_LoadArenas(void) {
    int numdirs;
    vmCvar_t arenasFile;
    char filename[128];
    char dirlist[2048];
    char* dirptr;
    int i, n;
    int dirlen;
    char *type;
    char *tag;
    int singlePlayerNum, specialNum, otherNum;

    ui_numArenas = 0;

    trap_Cvar_Register(&arenasFile, "g_arenasFile", "", CVAR_INIT | CVAR_ROM);
    if (*arenasFile.string) {
    } else {

    // get all arenas from .arena files
    numdirs = trap_FS_GetFileList("scripts", ".arena", dirlist, 2048);
    dirptr = dirlist;
    for (i = 0; i < numdirs; i++, dirptr += dirlen + 1) {
        dirlen = strlen(dirptr);
        strcpy(filename, "scripts/");
        strcat(filename, dirptr);
    trap_Print(va("%i arenas parsed\n", ui_numArenas));
    if (outOfMemory) trap_Print(S_COLOR_YELLOW"WARNING: not anough memory in pool to load all arenas\n");

    // set initial numbers
    for (n = 0; n < ui_numArenas; n++) {
        Info_SetValueForKey(ui_arenaInfos[n], "num", va("%i", n));

    // go through and count single players levels
    ui_numSinglePlayerArenas = 0;
    ui_numSpecialSinglePlayerArenas = 0;
    for (n = 0; n < ui_numArenas; n++) {
        // determine type
        type = Info_ValueForKey(ui_arenaInfos[n], "type");

        // if no type specified, it will be treated as "ffa"
        if (!*type) {

        if (strstr(type, "single")) {
            // check for special single player arenas (training, final)
            tag = Info_ValueForKey(ui_arenaInfos[n], "special");
            if (*tag) {


    n = ui_numSinglePlayerArenas % ARENAS_PER_TIER;
    if (n != 0) {
        ui_numSinglePlayerArenas -= n;
        trap_Print(va("%i arenas ignored to make count divisible by %i\n", n, ARENAS_PER_TIER));

    // go through once more and assign number to the levels
    singlePlayerNum = 0;
    specialNum = singlePlayerNum + ui_numSinglePlayerArenas;
    otherNum = specialNum + ui_numSpecialSinglePlayerArenas;
    for (n = 0; n < ui_numArenas; n++) {
        // determine type
        type = Info_ValueForKey(ui_arenaInfos[n], "type");

        // if no type specified, it will be treated as "ffa"
        if (*type) {
            if (strstr(type, "single")) {
                // check for special single player arenas (training, final)
                tag = Info_ValueForKey(ui_arenaInfos[n], "special");
                if (*tag) {
                    Info_SetValueForKey(ui_arenaInfos[n], "num", va("%i", specialNum++));

                Info_SetValueForKey(ui_arenaInfos[n], "num", va("%i", singlePlayerNum++));

        Info_SetValueForKey(ui_arenaInfos[n], "num", va("%i", otherNum++));
예제 #29
static void G_AddBot( const char *name, float skill, const char *team, int delay, char *altname) {
	int				clientNum;
	char			*botinfo;
	gentity_t		*bot;
	char			*key;
	char			*s;
	char			*botname;
	char			*model;
	char			*headmodel;
	char			userinfo[MAX_INFO_STRING];

	// get the botinfo from bots.txt
	botinfo = G_GetBotInfoByName( name );
	if ( !botinfo ) {
		G_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "Error: Bot '%s' not defined\n", name );

	// create the bot's userinfo
	userinfo[0] = '\0';

	botname = Info_ValueForKey( botinfo, "funname" );
	if( !botname[0] ) {
		botname = Info_ValueForKey( botinfo, "name" );
	// check for an alternative name
	if (altname && altname[0]) {
		botname = altname;
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "name", botname );
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "rate", "25000" );
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "snaps", "20" );
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "skill", va("%1.2f", skill) );

	if ( skill >= 1 && skill < 2 ) {
		Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "handicap", "50" );
	else if ( skill >= 2 && skill < 3 ) {
		Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "handicap", "70" );
	else if ( skill >= 3 && skill < 4 ) {
		Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "handicap", "90" );

	key = "model";
	model = Info_ValueForKey( botinfo, key );
	if ( !*model ) {
		model = "visor/default";
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, key, model );
	key = "team_model";
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, key, model );

	key = "headmodel";
	headmodel = Info_ValueForKey( botinfo, key );
	if ( !*headmodel ) {
		headmodel = model;
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, key, headmodel );
	key = "team_headmodel";
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, key, headmodel );

	key = "gender";
	s = Info_ValueForKey( botinfo, key );
	if ( !*s ) {
		s = "male";
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "sex", s );

	key = "color1";
	s = Info_ValueForKey( botinfo, key );
	if ( !*s ) {
		s = "4";
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, key, s );

	key = "color2";
	s = Info_ValueForKey( botinfo, key );
	if ( !*s ) {
		s = "5";
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, key, s );

	s = Info_ValueForKey(botinfo, "aifile");
	if (!*s ) {
		trap_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "Error: bot has no aifile specified\n" );

	// have the server allocate a client slot
	clientNum = trap_BotAllocateClient();
	if ( clientNum == -1 ) {
		G_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "Unable to add bot.  All player slots are in use.\n" );
		G_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "Start server with more 'open' slots (or check setting of sv_maxclients cvar).\n" );

	// initialize the bot settings
	if( !team || !*team ) {
		if( g_gametype.integer >= GT_TEAM ) {
			if( PickTeam(clientNum) == TEAM_RED) {
				team = "red";
			else {
				team = "blue";
		else {
			team = "red";
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "characterfile", Info_ValueForKey( botinfo, "aifile" ) );
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "skill", va( "%5.2f", skill ) );
	Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "team", team );

	bot = &g_entities[ clientNum ];
	bot->r.svFlags |= SVF_BOT;
	bot->inuse = qtrue;

	// register the userinfo
	trap_SetUserinfo( clientNum, userinfo );

	// have it connect to the game as a normal client
	if ( ClientConnect( clientNum, qtrue, qtrue ) ) {

	if( delay == 0 ) {
		ClientBegin( clientNum );

	AddBotToSpawnQueue( clientNum, delay );
예제 #30
* SVC_DirectConnect
* A connection request that did not come from the master
static void SVC_DirectConnect( const socket_t *socket, const netadr_t *address )
	int incoming = 0;
	char userinfo[MAX_INFO_STRING];
	client_t *cl, *newcl;
	int i, version, game_port, challenge;
	int previousclients;
	int session_id;
	char *session_id_str;
	unsigned int ticket_id;
	bool tv_client;
	unsigned int time;

	Com_DPrintf( "SVC_DirectConnect (%s)\n", Cmd_Args() );

	version = atoi( Cmd_Argv( 1 ) );
	if( version != APP_PROTOCOL_VERSION )
		if( version <= 6 )
		{            // before reject packet was added
			Netchan_OutOfBandPrint( socket, address, "print\nServer is version %4.2f. Protocol %3i\n",
			Netchan_OutOfBandPrint( socket, address,
				"reject\n%i\n%i\nServer and client don't have the same version\n", DROP_TYPE_GENERAL, 0 );
		Com_DPrintf( "    rejected connect from protocol %i\n", version );

	game_port = atoi( Cmd_Argv( 2 ) );
	challenge = atoi( Cmd_Argv( 3 ) );
	tv_client = ( atoi( Cmd_Argv( 5 ) ) & 1 ? true : false );

	if( !Info_Validate( Cmd_Argv( 4 ) ) )
		Netchan_OutOfBandPrint( socket, address, "reject\n%i\n%i\nInvalid userinfo string\n", DROP_TYPE_GENERAL, 0 );
		Com_DPrintf( "Connection from %s refused: invalid userinfo string\n", NET_AddressToString( address ) );

	Q_strncpyz( userinfo, Cmd_Argv( 4 ), sizeof( userinfo ) );

	// force the IP key/value pair so the game can filter based on ip
	if( !Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "socket", NET_SocketTypeToString( socket->type ) ) )
		Netchan_OutOfBandPrint( socket, address, "reject\n%i\n%i\nError: Couldn't set userinfo (socket)\n",
		Com_DPrintf( "Connection from %s refused: couldn't set userinfo (socket)\n", NET_AddressToString( address ) );
	if( !Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "ip", NET_AddressToString( address ) ) )
		Netchan_OutOfBandPrint( socket, address, "reject\n%i\n%i\nError: Couldn't set userinfo (ip)\n",
		Com_DPrintf( "Connection from %s refused: couldn't set userinfo (ip)\n", NET_AddressToString( address ) );

	if( Cmd_Argc() >= 7 )
		// we have extended information, ticket-id and session-id
		Com_Printf("Extended information %s\n", Cmd_Argv(6) );
		ticket_id = (unsigned int)atoi( Cmd_Argv(6) );
		session_id_str = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "cl_mm_session" );
		if( session_id_str != NULL )
			session_id = atoi( session_id_str );
			session_id = 0;
		ticket_id = 0;
		session_id = 0;

	if( socket->type == SOCKET_TCP )
		// find the connection
		for( i = 0; i < MAX_INCOMING_CONNECTIONS; i++ )
			if( !svs.incoming[i].active )

			if( NET_CompareAddress( &svs.incoming[i].address, address ) && socket == &svs.incoming[i].socket )
			Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "Incoming connection not found.\n" );
		incoming = i;

	// see if the challenge is valid
	for( i = 0; i < MAX_CHALLENGES; i++ )
		if( NET_CompareBaseAddress( address, &svs.challenges[i].adr ) )
			if( challenge == svs.challenges[i].challenge )
				svs.challenges[i].challenge = 0; // wsw : r1q2 : reset challenge
				svs.challenges[i].time = 0;
				NET_InitAddress( &svs.challenges[i].adr, NA_NOTRANSMIT );
				break; // good
			Netchan_OutOfBandPrint( socket, address, "reject\n%i\n%i\nBad challenge\n",
	if( i == MAX_CHALLENGES )
		Netchan_OutOfBandPrint( socket, address, "reject\n%i\n%i\nNo challenge for address\n",

	//r1: limit connections from a single IP
	if( sv_iplimit->integer )
		previousclients = 0;
		for( i = 0, cl = svs.clients; i < sv_maxclients->integer; i++, cl++ )
			if( cl->state == CS_FREE )
			if( NET_CompareBaseAddress( address, &cl->netchan.remoteAddress ) )
				//r1: zombies are less dangerous
				if( cl->state == CS_ZOMBIE )
					previousclients += 2;

		if( previousclients >= sv_iplimit->integer * 2 )
			Netchan_OutOfBandPrint( socket, address, "reject\n%i\n%i\nToo many connections from your host\n", DROP_TYPE_GENERAL,
			Com_DPrintf( "%s:connect rejected : too many connections\n", NET_AddressToString( address ) );

	newcl = NULL;

	// if there is already a slot for this ip, reuse it
	time = Sys_Milliseconds();
	for( i = 0, cl = svs.clients; i < sv_maxclients->integer; i++, cl++ )
		if( cl->state == CS_FREE )
		if( NET_CompareAddress( address, &cl->netchan.remoteAddress ) ||
			( NET_CompareBaseAddress( address, &cl->netchan.remoteAddress ) && cl->netchan.game_port == game_port ) )
			if( !NET_IsLocalAddress( address ) &&
				( time - cl->lastconnect ) < (unsigned)( sv_reconnectlimit->integer * 1000 ) )
				Com_DPrintf( "%s:reconnect rejected : too soon\n", NET_AddressToString( address ) );
			Com_Printf( "%s:reconnect\n", NET_AddressToString( address ) );
			newcl = cl;

	// find a client slot
	if( !newcl )
		for( i = 0, cl = svs.clients; i < sv_maxclients->integer; i++, cl++ )
			if( cl->state == CS_FREE )
				newcl = cl;
			// overwrite fakeclient if no free spots found
			if( cl->state && cl->edict && ( cl->edict->r.svflags & SVF_FAKECLIENT ) )
				newcl = cl;
		if( !newcl )
			Netchan_OutOfBandPrint( socket, address, "reject\n%i\n%i\nServer is full\n", DROP_TYPE_GENERAL,
			Com_DPrintf( "Server is full. Rejected a connection.\n" );
		if( newcl->state && newcl->edict && ( newcl->edict->r.svflags & SVF_FAKECLIENT ) )
			SV_DropClient( newcl, DROP_TYPE_GENERAL, "%s", "Need room for a real player" );

	// get the game a chance to reject this connection or modify the userinfo
	if( !SV_ClientConnect( socket, address, newcl, userinfo, game_port, challenge, false, 
		tv_client, ticket_id, session_id ) )
		char *rejtype, *rejflag, *rejtypeflag, *rejmsg;

		rejtype = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "rejtype" );
		if( !rejtype )
			rejtype = "0";
		rejflag = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "rejflag" );
		if( !rejflag )
			rejflag = "0";
		// hax because Info_ValueForKey can only be called twice in a row
		rejtypeflag = va( "%s\n%s", rejtype, rejflag );

		rejmsg = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "rejmsg" );
		if( !rejmsg )
			rejmsg = "Game module rejected connection";

		Netchan_OutOfBandPrint( socket, address, "reject\n%s\n%s\n", rejtypeflag, rejmsg );

		Com_DPrintf( "Game rejected a connection.\n" );

	// send the connect packet to the client
	Netchan_OutOfBandPrint( socket, address, "client_connect\n%s", newcl->session );

	// free the incoming entry
	if( socket->type == SOCKET_TCP )
		svs.incoming[incoming].active = false;
		svs.incoming[incoming].socket.open = false;