Forces::Forces(int argc,char **argv,char *ConfF,char *Snapshot){ Shout("constructor with intial configuration"); InitConst(); if(ReadConfDinamica(ConfF)){ Dx = 1./(double)(NEdge-1); } Open(Snapshot,BF_PART); if(VAR_IF_TYPE(SysShape,SYS_LEAVES)) IfNano = 2; if(VAR_IF_TYPE(SysShape,SYS_PORE)) IfNano = 2; AllocMethod(); PrepareParallel(argc,argv); PrepareSys(); //Interp(); }
void VerticalAnimationObj::Init(VerticalAnimationStruct *aVerticalAnimationStruct){ //read basic info theReader->VerticalAnimationObjInfo(Index, width, height, maxFrame, animationColumns, maxAnimationOrientation, collidable, boundX, boundY, usingTexture, textureID, stationary, entranceEffectID); maxFrame = 100; stationary = false; //store pointer theVerticalAnimationStruct = aVerticalAnimationStruct; //first update the center X,Y values in terms of percentage of the centerBottomX = aVerticalAnimationStruct->CenterBottomX; centerBottomY = aVerticalAnimationStruct->CenterBottomY; centerTopX = aVerticalAnimationStruct->CenterTopX; centerTopY = aVerticalAnimationStruct->CenterTopY; //forbid pre-drawing into the visible canvas if(centerTopX <= 1 ) preDrawn = false; x = (centerTopX + centerBottomX)/2.0; y = (centerTopY + centerBottomY)/2.0; startTimeInMS = aVerticalAnimationStruct->StartingTimeInMS; xVel = aVerticalAnimationStruct->XVel; yVel = aVerticalAnimationStruct->YVel; animationOrientation = aVerticalAnimationStruct->AnimationOrientation; stationary = stationary && preDrawn; ////Normalize speed //xVel = xVel * TimeStepInSecond; //yVel = yVel * TimeStepInSecond; //call to set the scale and rotation InitConst(); frameDelay = aVerticalAnimationStruct->FrameDelay; depth = aVerticalAnimationStruct->Depth; VerticalAnimationObj::ComputeCoordinate(); }
/* hmm.... shouldn`t main be moved to the interface routines */ int main (int argc, char **argv) { char *xwin = 0; char *Lang = NULL; gsrand (starttime = ((unsigned int) time ((long *) 0))); /* init urand */ #ifdef ttblsz ttblsize = ttblsz; rehash = -1; #endif /* ttblsz */ if (argc > 2) { if (argv[1][0] == '-' && argv[1][1] == 'L') { Lang = argv[2]; argv += 2; argc -= 2; } } InitConst (Lang); ColorStr[0] = CP[118]; ColorStr[1] = CP[119]; while (argc > 1 && ((argv[1][0] == '-') || (argv[1][0] == '+'))) { switch (argv[1][1]) { case 'a': ahead = ((argv[1][0] == '-') ? false : true); break; case 'b': argv++; argc--; if (argc > 1) { bookfile = argv[1]; #ifdef BINBOOK binbookfile = NULL; #endif } break; #ifdef BINBOOK case 'B': argv++; argc--; if (argc > 1) binbookfile = argv[1]; break; #endif case 'h': hash = ((argv[1][0] == '-') ? false : true); break; case 's': argc--; argv++; if (argc > 1) strcpy (savefile, argv[1]); break; case 'l': argc--; argv++; if (argc > 1) strcpy (listfile, argv[1]); break; #ifndef GDBM case 'S': argc--; argv++; if(argc > 1)booksize = atoi(argv[1]); break; #endif case 'P': argc--; argv++; if(argc > 1)bookmaxply = atoi(argv[1]); break; #if ttblsz case 'r': if (argc > 2) rehash = atoi (argv[2]); argc--; argv++; if (rehash > MAXrehash) rehash = MAXrehash; break; case 'T': if (argc > 2) ttblsize = atoi (argv[2]); argc--; argv++; if (ttblsize > 0 && ttblsize < 24) ttblsize = (1 << ttblsize); else ttblsize = ttblsz; break; #ifdef HASHFILE case 't': /* create or test persistent transposition * table */ hashfile = fopen (HASHFILE, RWA_ACC); if (hashfile) { fseek (hashfile, 0L, SEEK_END); filesz = (ftell (hashfile) / sizeof (struct fileentry)) - 1; } if (hashfile != NULL) { long i, j; int nr[MAXDEPTH]; struct fileentry n; printf (CP[49]); for (i = 0; i < MAXDEPTH; i++) nr[i] = 0; fseek (hashfile, 0L, SEEK_END); i = ftell (hashfile) / sizeof (struct fileentry); fseek (hashfile, 0L, SEEK_SET); for (j = 0; j < i + 1; j++) { fread (&n, sizeof (struct fileentry), 1, hashfile); if(n.depth >MAXDEPTH) {printf("ERROR\n");exit(1);} if (n.depth) { nr[n.depth]++; nr[0]++; } } printf (CP[109], nr[0], i); for (j = 1; j < MAXDEPTH; j++) printf ("%d ", nr[j]); printf ("\n"); } return 0; case 'c': /* create or test persistent transposition * table */ if (argc > 2) filesz = atoi (argv[2]); if (filesz > 0 && filesz < 24) filesz = (1 << filesz) - 1 + MAXrehash; else filesz = Deffilesz + MAXrehash; if ((hashfile = fopen (HASHFILE, RWA_ACC)) == NULL) hashfile = fopen (HASHFILE, WA_ACC); if (hashfile != NULL) { long j; struct fileentry n; printf (CP[66]); n.f = n.t = 0; n.flags = 0; n.depth = 0; = = 0; for (j = 0; j < filesz + 1; j++) fwrite (&n, sizeof (struct fileentry), 1, hashfile); fclose (hashfile); } else printf (CP[50], HASHFILE); return (0); #endif /* HASHFILE */ #endif /* ttblsz */ case 'x': xwin = &argv[1][2]; break; case 'v': fprintf (stderr, CP[102], version, patchlevel); exit (1); default: fprintf (stderr, CP[113]); exit (1); } argv++; argc--; } XC = 0; MaxResponseTime = 0; #if defined CHESSTOOL || defined XBOARD signal (SIGTERM, TerminateChess); TCflag = true; TCmoves = 40; TCminutes = 5; TCseconds = 0; TCadd = 0; OperatorTime = 0; #else TCflag = false; OperatorTime = 0; #endif if (argc == 2) { char *p; MaxResponseTime = 100L * strtol (argv[1], &p, 10); if (*p == ':') MaxResponseTime = 60L * MaxResponseTime + 100L * strtol (++p, (char **) NULL, 10); TCflag = false; TCmoves = 0; TCminutes = 0; TCseconds = 0; } if (argc >= 3) { char *p; if (argc > 9) { printf ("%s\n", CP[220]); exit (1); } TCmoves = atoi (argv[1]); TCminutes = (short)strtol (argv[2], &p, 10); if (*p == ':') TCseconds = (short)strtol (p + 1, (char **) NULL, 10); else TCseconds = 0; TCflag = true; argc -= 3; argv += 3; while (argc > 1) { XCmoves[XC] = atoi (argv[0]); XCminutes[XC] = (short)strtol (argv[1], &p, 10); if (*p == ':') XCseconds[XC] = (short)strtol (p + 1, (char **) NULL, 10); else XCseconds[XC] = 0; if (XCmoves[XC] && (XCminutes[XC] || XCseconds[XC])) XC++; else { printf (CP[220]); exit (1); } argc -= 2; argv += 2; } if (argc) { printf ("%s\n", CP[220]); exit (1); } } Initialize (); Initialize_dist (); Initialize_moves (); NewGame (); flag.easy = ahead; flag.hash = hash; if (xwin) xwndw = atoi (xwin); hashfile = NULL; #if ttblsz #ifdef HASHFILE hashfile = fopen (HASHFILE, RWA_ACC); if (hashfile) { fseek (hashfile, 0L, SEEK_END); filesz = ftell (hashfile) / sizeof (struct fileentry) - 1 - MAXrehash; hashmask = filesz>>1; hashbase = hashmask+1; } #if !defined CHESSTOOL && !defined XBOARD else
Forces::Forces(int argc,char **argv,int NInEdge,char *ConfFileExt){ Shout("Constructor/no starting configuration"); InitConst(); sprintf(ConfFile,"%s",ConfFileExt); char ConfF[40]; sprintf(ConfF,ConfFile); if(ReadConfDinamica(ConfF)){ Dx = 1./(double)(NEdge-1); } if(VAR_IF_TYPE(SysShape,SYS_2D)){ nEdge[0] = NEdge; double Ratio = pEdge(1)*pInvEdge(0); nEdge[1] = (int)(nEdge[0]*Ratio + 0.0001); for(int i=0;;i++){ if((int)(nEdge[1]/Ratio) == nEdge[0]) break; nEdge[0]++; nEdge[1] = (int)(nEdge[0]*Ratio + 0.0001); printf("using: nEdge[0] %d nEdge[1] %d\n",nEdge[0],nEdge[1]); if(i>=10){ printf("Could not find the appropriate border partition %d %d\n",nEdge[0],nEdge[1]); exit(0); } } SetNLink(4); ReSetNPart(nEdge[0]*nEdge[1]); ReSetNChain(nEdge[1]); SetNPCh(nEdge[0]); } else if(VAR_IF_TYPE(SysShape,SYS_3D)){ SetNLink(6); ReSetNChain(NEdge*NEdge); ReSetNPart(NEdge*NEdge*NEdge); } else if(VAR_IF_TYPE(SysShape,SYS_ROD)){ SetNLink(1); ReSetNChain(1); ReSetNPart(NEdge); } else if(VAR_IF_TYPE(SysShape,SYS_STALK)){ SetNLink(3); ReSetNPart(4*NEdge); ReSetNChain(4); // Kf.El[0] *= Gen->NPart; } else if(VAR_IF_TYPE(SysShape,SYS_LEAVES)){ SetNLink(3); ReSetNPart(NEdge); ReSetNChain(1); // Kf.El[0] *= Gen->NPart; } else if(VAR_IF_TYPE(SysShape,SYS_PORE)){ SetNLink(3); ReSetNPart(NEdge); ReSetNChain(1); } else if(VAR_IF_TYPE(SysShape,SYS_1D)){ SetNLink(2); ReSetNPart(NEdge); ReSetNChain(1); } else if(VAR_IF_TYPE(SysShape,SYS_RIGID)){ ReSetNPart(0); SetNLink(0); } else if(VAR_IF_TYPE(SysShape,SYS_TRIAL)){ ReSetNPart(3*3*3); SetNLink(0); ReSetNChain(1); } else if(VAR_IF_TYPE(SysShape,SYS_MD)){ SetNLink(0); ReSetNPart(NEdge); ReSetNChain(1); } else if(VAR_IF_TYPE(SysShape,SYS_MC)){ SetNLink(0); ReSetNPart(NEdge); ReSetNChain(1); } else if(VAR_IF_TYPE(SysShape,SYS_ELECTRO)){ SetNLink(4); ReSetNPart(NEdge+NSpline); ReSetNChain(1); } ReSetNPCh(pNPart()/pNChain()); //SetNPCh(NEdge); SetDeltat(Deltat); SetStep(0); SetNType(2); CreateInitial(); { MInt = new MatInt(3,3); MInt->SetCoeff(-24.33,0,0); MInt->SetCoeff(-7.22,0,1); MInt->SetCoeff(-24.33,0,2); MInt->SetCoeff(-0.1,1,1); MInt->SetCoeff(-7.22,1,2); MInt->SetCoeff(0.,2,2); MInt->SetCoeff(3.,0,0,0); MInt->SetCoeff(3.,0,0,1); MInt->SetCoeff(3.,0,0,2); MInt->SetCoeff(3.,0,1,1); MInt->SetCoeff(3.,0,1,2); MInt->SetCoeff(3.,0,2,2); MInt->SetCoeff(0.,1,1,1); MInt->SetCoeff(3.,1,1,2); MInt->SetCoeff(3.,1,2,2); MInt->SetCoeff(0.,2,2,2); } AllocMethod(); PrepareSys(); PrepareParallel(argc,argv); if(VAR_IF_TYPE(SysShape,SYS_LEAVES)) IfNano = 2; if(VAR_IF_TYPE(SysShape,SYS_PORE)) IfNano = 2; if(VAR_IF_TYPE(SysShape,SYS_ELECTRO)){ Pm[NEdge].Typ = 2; Pm[NEdge+1].Typ = 2; } //Pc->PrintCells(); //for(int p=0;p<pNPart();p++) CheckDomDec(p); //Interp(); }
//Improved Initialization with struct implementation void AnimationObj::Init(AnimationObjStruct *AniStruct){ //---------------------------------------- theReader->AnimationObjFrameInfo(Index, width, height, maxFrame, animationColumns, maxAnimationOrientation, collidable, boundX, boundY, usingTexture, textureID, entranceEffectID, stationary, animationTypeID); //initialize entrance effect parameters if(entranceEffectID != NoEffect) useEntranceEffextSprite = true; switch(entranceEffectID){ case Diagonal: useEntranceEffextSprite = theReader->GetUseDiagonalSprite(Index, maxEntranceEffextSpriteFrame, animationTypeID); if(!useEntranceEffextSprite) entranceEffectID = NoEffect; break; default: break; } InitConst(); //timeStep = TimeStep; //time increwment, used in update() usingOrientation = true; stationary = false; //---------------------------------- //position coordinate x = AniStruct->X; y = AniStruct->Y; x1 = AniStruct->X1; y1 = AniStruct->Y1; x2 = AniStruct->X2; y2 = AniStruct->Y2; //error checking at initialization if(x == 0 && y==0){ x = (x1 + x2)/2.0; y = (y1 + y2)/2.0; } //velocity xVel = AniStruct->XVel; yVel = AniStruct->YVel; SetRotate(AniStruct->Rotation); boundX = AniStruct->BoundX; boundY = AniStruct->BoundY; startTimeInMS = AniStruct->StartingTimeInMS; animationOrientation = AniStruct->AnimationOrientation; frameDelay = AniStruct->FrameDelay; ////Normalize speed //xVel = xVel * TimeStepInSecond; //yVel = yVel * TimeStepInSecond; if(AniStruct->Radius > 0){ SetCollisionRadius(AniStruct->Radius); } //call to set the scale and rotation ComputeCoordinate(); }