int rsa_test() { byte tmp[1024], tmp2[2048]; size_t bytes, bytes2; RsaKey key; RNG rng; word32 idx = 0; int ret; byte in[] = "Everyone gets Friday off."; word32 inLen = (word32)strlen((char*)in); byte out[64]; byte plain[64]; DecodedCert cert; FILE* file = fopen(clientKey, "rb"), * file2; if (!file) return -40; bytes = fread(tmp, 1, 1024, file); InitRsaKey(&key, 0); ret = RsaPrivateKeyDecode(tmp, &idx, &key, (word32)bytes); if (ret != 0) return -41; ret = InitRng(&rng); if (ret != 0) return -42; ret = RsaPublicEncrypt(in, inLen, out, sizeof(out), &key, &rng); ret = RsaPrivateDecrypt(out, 64, plain, sizeof(plain), &key); if (memcmp(plain, in, inLen)) return -45; ret = RsaSSL_Sign(in, inLen, out, sizeof(out), &key, &rng); memset(plain, 0, sizeof(plain)); ret = RsaSSL_Verify(out, 64, plain, sizeof(plain), &key); if (memcmp(plain, in, ret)) return -46; file2 = fopen(clientCert, "rb"); if (!file2) return -47; bytes2 = fread(tmp2, 1, 2048, file2); InitDecodedCert(&cert, (byte*)&tmp2, 0); ret = ParseCert(&cert, (word32)bytes2, CERT_TYPE, NO_VERIFY, 0); if (ret != 0) return -48; FreeDecodedCert(&cert); FreeRsaKey(&key); fclose(file2); fclose(file); return 0; }
void bench_ecc25519KeyGen(void) { ecc25519_key genKey; double start, total, each, milliEach; int i, ret; ret = InitRng(&rng); if (ret < 0) { printf("InitRNG failed\n"); return; } /* 256 bit */ start = current_time(1); for(i = 0; i < genTimes; i++) { ecc25519_make_key(&rng, 32, &genKey); ecc25519_free(&genKey); } total = current_time(0) - start; each = total / genTimes; /* per second */ milliEach = each * 1000; /* millisconds */ printf("\n"); printf("ECC25519 256 key generation %6.3f milliseconds, avg over %d" " iterations\n", milliEach, genTimes); }
int dh_test() { int ret; word32 bytes; word32 idx = 0, privSz, pubSz, privSz2, pubSz2, agreeSz, agreeSz2; byte tmp[1024]; byte priv[128]; byte pub[128]; byte priv2[128]; byte pub2[128]; byte agree[128]; byte agree2[128]; DhKey key; DhKey key2; RNG rng; FILE* file = fopen(dhKey, "rb"); if (!file) return -50; bytes = (word32) fread(tmp, 1, 1024, file); InitDhKey(&key); InitDhKey(&key2); ret = DhKeyDecode(tmp, &idx, &key, bytes); if (ret != 0) return -51; idx = 0; ret = DhKeyDecode(tmp, &idx, &key2, bytes); if (ret != 0) return -52; ret = InitRng(&rng); if (ret != 0) return -53; ret = DhGenerateKeyPair(&key, &rng, priv, &privSz, pub, &pubSz); ret = DhGenerateKeyPair(&key2, &rng, priv2, &privSz2, pub2, &pubSz2); if (ret != 0) return -54; ret = DhAgree(&key, agree, &agreeSz, priv, privSz, pub2, pubSz2); ret = DhAgree(&key2, agree2, &agreeSz2, priv2, privSz2, pub, pubSz); if (ret != 0) return -55; if (memcmp(agree, agree2, agreeSz)) return -56; FreeDhKey(&key); FreeDhKey(&key2); fclose(file); return 0; }
/* RNG Initialize, < 0 on error */ int CRYPT_RNG_Initialize(CRYPT_RNG_CTX* rng) { typedef char rng_test[sizeof(CRYPT_RNG_CTX) >= sizeof(WC_RNG) ? 1 : -1]; (void)sizeof(rng_test); if (rng == NULL) return BAD_FUNC_ARG; return InitRng((WC_RNG*)rng); }
void bench_rsa(void) { int i; byte tmp[3072]; size_t bytes; word32 idx = 0; byte message[] = "Everyone gets Friday off."; byte enc[512]; /* for up to 4096 bit */ byte* output; const int len = (int)strlen((char*)message); double start, total, each, milliEach; RsaKey rsaKey; FILE* file = fopen("./certs/rsa2048.der", "rb"); if (!file) { printf("can't find ./certs/rsa2048.der, " "Please run from CyaSSL home dir\n"); return; } InitRng(&rng); bytes = fread(tmp, 1, sizeof(tmp), file); InitRsaKey(&rsaKey, 0); bytes = RsaPrivateKeyDecode(tmp, &idx, &rsaKey, (word32)bytes); start = current_time(); for (i = 0; i < times; i++) bytes = RsaPublicEncrypt(message,len,enc,sizeof(enc), &rsaKey, &rng); total = current_time() - start; each = total / times; /* per second */ milliEach = each * 1000; /* milliseconds */ printf("RSA 2048 encryption took %6.2f milliseconds, avg over %d" " iterations\n", milliEach, times); start = current_time(); for (i = 0; i < times; i++) RsaPrivateDecryptInline(enc, (word32)bytes, &output, &rsaKey); total = current_time() - start; each = total / times; /* per second */ milliEach = each * 1000; /* milliseconds */ printf("RSA 2048 decryption took %6.2f milliseconds, avg over %d" " iterations\n", milliEach, times); fclose(file); FreeRsaKey(&rsaKey); }
int random_test() { RNG rng; byte block[32]; int ret = InitRng(&rng); if (ret != 0) return -39; RNG_GenerateBlock(&rng, block, sizeof(block)); return 0; }
int Curl_cyassl_random(struct SessionHandle *data, unsigned char *entropy, size_t length) { RNG rng; (void)data; if(InitRng(&rng)) return 1; if(RNG_GenerateBlock(&rng, entropy, length)) return 1; return 0; }
static CURLcode Curl_cyassl_random(struct Curl_easy *data, unsigned char *entropy, size_t length) { RNG rng; (void)data; if(InitRng(&rng)) return CURLE_FAILED_INIT; if(length > UINT_MAX) return CURLE_FAILED_INIT; if(RNG_GenerateBlock(&rng, entropy, (unsigned)length)) return CURLE_FAILED_INIT; return CURLE_OK; }
void bench_ecc25519KeyAgree(void) { ecc25519_key genKey, genKey2; double start, total, each, milliEach; int i, ret; byte shared[1024]; word32 x = 0; ecc25519_init(&genKey); ecc25519_init(&genKey2); ret = InitRng(&rng); if (ret < 0) { printf("InitRNG failed\n"); return; } ret = ecc25519_make_key(&rng, 32, &genKey); if (ret != 0) { printf("ecc25519_make_key failed\n"); return; } ret = ecc25519_make_key(&rng, 32, &genKey2); if (ret != 0) { printf("ecc25519_make_key failed\n"); return; } /* 256 bit */ start = current_time(1); for(i = 0; i < agreeTimes; i++) { x = sizeof(shared); ret = ecc25519_shared_secret(&genKey, &genKey2, shared, &x); if (ret != 0) { printf("ecc25519_shared_secret failed\n"); return; } } total = current_time(0) - start; each = total / agreeTimes; /* per second */ milliEach = each * 1000; /* millisconds */ printf("ECC25519-DHE key agreement %6.3f milliseconds, avg over %d" " iterations\n", milliEach, agreeTimes); ecc25519_free(&genKey2); ecc25519_free(&genKey); }
static RNG * get_rng (void) { static RNG rng; static bool rng_initialized = false; if (!rng_initialized) { if (!check_result (InitRng (&rng))) return NULL; rng_initialized = true; } return &rng; }
/* check mcapi rng */ static int check_rng(void) { int ret; int i; byte in[RANDOM_BYTE_SZ]; byte out[RANDOM_BYTE_SZ]; for (i = 0; i < RANDOM_BYTE_SZ; i++) in[i] = (byte)i; for (i = 0; i < RANDOM_BYTE_SZ; i++) out[i] = (byte)i; ret = InitRng(&defRng); if (ret != 0) { printf("default rng init failed\n"); return -1; } ret = CRYPT_RNG_Initialize(&mcRng); if (ret != 0) { printf("mcapi rng init failed\n"); return -1; } ret = CRYPT_RNG_Get(&mcRng, &out[0]); if (ret != 0) { printf("mcapi rng get failed\n"); return -1; } ret = CRYPT_RNG_BlockGenerate(&mcRng, out, RANDOM_BYTE_SZ); if (ret != 0) { printf("mcapi rng block gen failed\n"); return -1; } if (memcmp(in, out, RANDOM_BYTE_SZ) == 0) { printf("mcapi rng block gen output failed\n"); return -1; } printf("rng mcapi test passed\n"); return 0; }
byte GetEntropy(ENTROPY_CMD cmd, byte* out) { if (cmd == INIT) return (InitRng(&rng) == 0) ? 1 : 0; if (out == NULL) return 0; if (cmd == GET_BYTE_OF_ENTROPY) return (RNG_GenerateBlock(&rng, out, 1) == 0) ? 1 : 0; if (cmd == GET_NUM_BYTES_PER_BYTE_OF_ENTROPY) { *out = 1; return 1; } return 0; }
int dsa_test() { int ret, answer; word32 bytes; word32 idx = 0; byte tmp[1024]; DsaKey key; RNG rng; FILE* file = fopen(dsaKey, "rb"); Sha sha; byte hash[SHA_DIGEST_SIZE]; byte signature[40]; if (!file) return -60; bytes = (word32) fread(tmp, 1, sizeof(tmp), file); InitSha(&sha); ShaUpdate(&sha, tmp, bytes); ShaFinal(&sha, hash); InitDsaKey(&key); ret = DsaPrivateKeyDecode(tmp, &idx, &key, bytes); if (ret != 0) return -61; ret = InitRng(&rng); if (ret != 0) return -62; ret = DsaSign(hash, signature, &key, &rng); if (ret != 0) return -63; ret = DsaVerify(hash, signature, &key, &answer); if (ret != 0) return -64; if (answer != 1) return -65; FreeDsaKey(&key); fclose(file); return 0; }
/* * Decrypts a file using Camellia */ int CamelliaDecrypt(Camellia* cam, byte* key, int size, FILE* inFile, FILE* outFile) { RNG rng; byte iv[CAMELLIA_BLOCK_SIZE]; byte* input; byte* output; byte salt[SALT_SIZE] = {0}; int i = 0; int ret = 0; int length; int aSize; fseek(inFile, 0, SEEK_END); length = ftell(inFile); fseek(inFile, 0, SEEK_SET); aSize = length; input = malloc(aSize); output = malloc(aSize); InitRng(&rng); /* reads from inFile and wrties whatever is there to the input array */ ret = fread(input, 1, length, inFile); if (ret == 0) { printf("Input file does not exist.\n"); return -1010; } for (i = 0; i < SALT_SIZE; i++) { /* finds salt from input message */ salt[i] = input[i]; } for (i = SALT_SIZE; i < CAMELLIA_BLOCK_SIZE + SALT_SIZE; i++) { /* finds iv from input message */ iv[i - SALT_SIZE] = input[i]; } /* replicates old key if keys match */ ret = PBKDF2(key, key, strlen((const char*)key), salt, SALT_SIZE, 4096, size, SHA256); if (ret != 0) return -1050; /* sets key */ ret = CamelliaSetKey(cam, key, CAMELLIA_BLOCK_SIZE, iv); if (ret != 0) return -1002; /* change length to remove salt/iv block from being decrypted */ length -= (CAMELLIA_BLOCK_SIZE + SALT_SIZE); for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { /* shifts message: ignores salt/iv on message*/ input[i] = input[i + (CAMELLIA_BLOCK_SIZE + SALT_SIZE)]; } /* decrypts the message to output based on input length + padding */ CamelliaCbcDecrypt(cam, output, input, length); if (salt[0] != 0) { /* reduces length based on number of padded elements */ length -= output[length-1]; } /* writes output to the outFile based on shortened length */ fwrite(output, 1, length, outFile); /* closes the opened files and frees the memory*/ memset(input, 0, aSize); memset(output, 0, aSize); memset(key, 0, size); free(input); free(output); free(key); fclose(inFile); fclose(outFile); return 0; }
void bench_rsa(void) { int i; int ret; byte tmp[3072]; size_t bytes; word32 idx = 0; byte message[] = "Everyone gets Friday off."; byte enc[512]; /* for up to 4096 bit */ const int len = (int)strlen((char*)message); double start, total, each, milliEach; RsaKey rsaKey; int rsaKeySz = 2048; /* used in printf */ #ifdef USE_CERT_BUFFERS_1024 XMEMCPY(tmp, rsa_key_der_1024, sizeof_rsa_key_der_1024); bytes = sizeof_rsa_key_der_1024; rsaKeySz = 1024; #elif defined(USE_CERT_BUFFERS_2048) XMEMCPY(tmp, rsa_key_der_2048, sizeof_rsa_key_der_2048); bytes = sizeof_rsa_key_der_2048; #else FILE* file = fopen(certRSAname, "rb"); if (!file) { printf("can't find %s, Please run from CyaSSL home dir\n", certRSAname); return; } bytes = fread(tmp, 1, sizeof(tmp), file); fclose(file); #endif /* USE_CERT_BUFFERS */ #ifdef HAVE_CAVIUM if (RsaInitCavium(&rsaKey, CAVIUM_DEV_ID) != 0) printf("RSA init cavium failed\n"); #endif ret = InitRng(&rng); if (ret < 0) { printf("InitRNG failed\n"); return; } ret = InitRsaKey(&rsaKey, 0); if (ret < 0) { printf("InitRsaKey failed\n"); return; } ret = RsaPrivateKeyDecode(tmp, &idx, &rsaKey, (word32)bytes); start = current_time(1); for (i = 0; i < ntimes; i++) ret = RsaPublicEncrypt(message,len,enc,sizeof(enc), &rsaKey, &rng); total = current_time(0) - start; each = total / ntimes; /* per second */ milliEach = each * 1000; /* milliseconds */ printf("RSA %d encryption took %6.3f milliseconds, avg over %d" " iterations\n", rsaKeySz, milliEach, ntimes); if (ret < 0) { printf("Rsa Public Encrypt failed\n"); return; } start = current_time(1); for (i = 0; i < ntimes; i++) { byte out[512]; /* for up to 4096 bit */ RsaPrivateDecrypt(enc, (word32)ret, out, sizeof(out), &rsaKey); } total = current_time(0) - start; each = total / ntimes; /* per second */ milliEach = each * 1000; /* milliseconds */ printf("RSA %d decryption took %6.3f milliseconds, avg over %d" " iterations\n", rsaKeySz, milliEach, ntimes); FreeRsaKey(&rsaKey); #ifdef HAVE_CAVIUM RsaFreeCavium(&rsaKey); #endif }
/* build PKCS#7 envelopedData content type, return enveloped size */ int PKCS7_EncodeEnvelopedData(PKCS7* pkcs7, byte* output, word32 outputSz) { int i, ret = 0, idx = 0; int totalSz = 0, padSz = 0, desOutSz = 0; int contentInfoSeqSz, outerContentTypeSz, outerContentSz; byte contentInfoSeq[MAX_SEQ_SZ]; byte outerContentType[MAX_ALGO_SZ]; byte outerContent[MAX_SEQ_SZ]; int envDataSeqSz, verSz; byte envDataSeq[MAX_SEQ_SZ]; byte ver[MAX_VERSION_SZ]; RNG rng; int contentKeyEncSz, blockKeySz; int dynamicFlag = 0; byte contentKeyPlain[MAX_CONTENT_KEY_LEN]; byte contentKeyEnc[MAX_ENCRYPTED_KEY_SZ]; byte* plain; byte* encryptedContent; int recipSz, recipSetSz; byte recip[MAX_RECIP_SZ]; byte recipSet[MAX_SET_SZ]; int encContentOctetSz, encContentSeqSz, contentTypeSz; int contentEncAlgoSz, ivOctetStringSz; byte encContentSeq[MAX_SEQ_SZ]; byte contentType[MAX_ALGO_SZ]; byte contentEncAlgo[MAX_ALGO_SZ]; byte tmpIv[DES_BLOCK_SIZE]; byte ivOctetString[MAX_OCTET_STR_SZ]; byte encContentOctet[MAX_OCTET_STR_SZ]; if (pkcs7 == NULL || pkcs7->content == NULL || pkcs7->contentSz == 0 || pkcs7->encryptOID == 0 || pkcs7->singleCert == NULL) return BAD_FUNC_ARG; if (output == NULL || outputSz == 0) return BAD_FUNC_ARG; /* PKCS#7 only supports DES, 3DES for now */ switch (pkcs7->encryptOID) { case DESb: blockKeySz = DES_KEYLEN; break; case DES3b: blockKeySz = DES3_KEYLEN; break; default: CYASSL_MSG("Unsupported content cipher type"); return ALGO_ID_E; }; /* outer content type */ outerContentTypeSz = SetContentType(ENVELOPED_DATA, outerContentType); /* version, defined as 0 in RFC 2315 */ verSz = SetMyVersion(0, ver, 0); /* generate random content encryption key */ ret = InitRng(&rng); if (ret != 0) return ret; ret = RNG_GenerateBlock(&rng, contentKeyPlain, blockKeySz); if (ret != 0) return ret; /* build RecipientInfo, only handle 1 for now */ recipSz = CreateRecipientInfo(pkcs7->singleCert, pkcs7->singleCertSz, RSAk, blockKeySz, &rng, contentKeyPlain, contentKeyEnc, &contentKeyEncSz, recip, MAX_RECIP_SZ); if (recipSz < 0) { CYASSL_MSG("Failed to create RecipientInfo"); return recipSz; } recipSetSz = SetSet(recipSz, recipSet); /* generate IV for block cipher */ ret = RNG_GenerateBlock(&rng, tmpIv, DES_BLOCK_SIZE); if (ret != 0) return ret; /* EncryptedContentInfo */ contentTypeSz = SetContentType(pkcs7->contentOID, contentType); if (contentTypeSz == 0) return BAD_FUNC_ARG; /* allocate encrypted content buffer, pad if necessary, PKCS#7 padding */ padSz = DES_BLOCK_SIZE - (pkcs7->contentSz % DES_BLOCK_SIZE); desOutSz = pkcs7->contentSz + padSz; if (padSz != 0) { plain = XMALLOC(desOutSz, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER); if (plain == NULL) { return MEMORY_E; } XMEMCPY(plain, pkcs7->content, pkcs7->contentSz); dynamicFlag = 1; for (i = 0; i < padSz; i++) { plain[pkcs7->contentSz + i] = padSz; } } else { plain = pkcs7->content; desOutSz = pkcs7->contentSz; } encryptedContent = XMALLOC(desOutSz, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER); if (encryptedContent == NULL) { if (dynamicFlag) XFREE(plain, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER); return MEMORY_E; } /* put together IV OCTET STRING */ ivOctetStringSz = SetOctetString(DES_BLOCK_SIZE, ivOctetString); /* build up our ContentEncryptionAlgorithmIdentifier sequence, * adding (ivOctetStringSz + DES_BLOCK_SIZE) for IV OCTET STRING */ contentEncAlgoSz = SetAlgoID(pkcs7->encryptOID, contentEncAlgo, blkType, ivOctetStringSz + DES_BLOCK_SIZE); if (contentEncAlgoSz == 0) return BAD_FUNC_ARG; /* encrypt content */ if (pkcs7->encryptOID == DESb) { Des des; ret = Des_SetKey(&des, contentKeyPlain, tmpIv, DES_ENCRYPTION); if (ret == 0) Des_CbcEncrypt(&des, encryptedContent, plain, desOutSz); if (ret != 0) { XFREE(encryptedContent, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER); if (dynamicFlag) XFREE(plain, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER); return ret; } } else if (pkcs7->encryptOID == DES3b) { Des3 des3; ret = Des3_SetKey(&des3, contentKeyPlain, tmpIv, DES_ENCRYPTION); if (ret == 0) ret = Des3_CbcEncrypt(&des3, encryptedContent, plain, desOutSz); if (ret != 0) { XFREE(encryptedContent, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER); if (dynamicFlag) XFREE(plain, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER); return ret; } } encContentOctetSz = SetImplicit(ASN_OCTET_STRING, 0, desOutSz, encContentOctet); encContentSeqSz = SetSequence(contentTypeSz + contentEncAlgoSz + ivOctetStringSz + DES_BLOCK_SIZE + encContentOctetSz + desOutSz, encContentSeq); /* keep track of sizes for outer wrapper layering */ totalSz = verSz + recipSetSz + recipSz + encContentSeqSz + contentTypeSz + contentEncAlgoSz + ivOctetStringSz + DES_BLOCK_SIZE + encContentOctetSz + desOutSz; /* EnvelopedData */ envDataSeqSz = SetSequence(totalSz, envDataSeq); totalSz += envDataSeqSz; /* outer content */ outerContentSz = SetExplicit(0, totalSz, outerContent); totalSz += outerContentTypeSz; totalSz += outerContentSz; /* ContentInfo */ contentInfoSeqSz = SetSequence(totalSz, contentInfoSeq); totalSz += contentInfoSeqSz; if (totalSz > (int)outputSz) { CYASSL_MSG("Pkcs7_encrypt output buffer too small"); XFREE(encryptedContent, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER); if (dynamicFlag) XFREE(plain, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER); return BUFFER_E; } XMEMCPY(output + idx, contentInfoSeq, contentInfoSeqSz); idx += contentInfoSeqSz; XMEMCPY(output + idx, outerContentType, outerContentTypeSz); idx += outerContentTypeSz; XMEMCPY(output + idx, outerContent, outerContentSz); idx += outerContentSz; XMEMCPY(output + idx, envDataSeq, envDataSeqSz); idx += envDataSeqSz; XMEMCPY(output + idx, ver, verSz); idx += verSz; XMEMCPY(output + idx, recipSet, recipSetSz); idx += recipSetSz; XMEMCPY(output + idx, recip, recipSz); idx += recipSz; XMEMCPY(output + idx, encContentSeq, encContentSeqSz); idx += encContentSeqSz; XMEMCPY(output + idx, contentType, contentTypeSz); idx += contentTypeSz; XMEMCPY(output + idx, contentEncAlgo, contentEncAlgoSz); idx += contentEncAlgoSz; XMEMCPY(output + idx, ivOctetString, ivOctetStringSz); idx += ivOctetStringSz; XMEMCPY(output + idx, tmpIv, DES_BLOCK_SIZE); idx += DES_BLOCK_SIZE; XMEMCPY(output + idx, encContentOctet, encContentOctetSz); idx += encContentOctetSz; XMEMCPY(output + idx, encryptedContent, desOutSz); idx += desOutSz; #ifdef NO_RC4 FreeRng(&rng); #endif XMEMSET(contentKeyPlain, 0, MAX_CONTENT_KEY_LEN); XMEMSET(contentKeyEnc, 0, MAX_ENCRYPTED_KEY_SZ); if (dynamicFlag) XFREE(plain, NULL, DYNAMMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER); XFREE(encryptedContent, NULL, DYNAMIC_TYPE_TMP_BUFFER); return idx; }
void bench_eccKeyAgree(void) { ecc_key genKey, genKey2; double start, total, each, milliEach; int i, ret; byte shared[1024]; byte sig[1024]; byte digest[32]; word32 x = 0; ecc_init(&genKey); ecc_init(&genKey2); ret = InitRng(&rng); if (ret < 0) { printf("InitRNG failed\n"); return; } ret = ecc_make_key(&rng, 32, &genKey); if (ret != 0) { printf("ecc_make_key failed\n"); return; } ret = ecc_make_key(&rng, 32, &genKey2); if (ret != 0) { printf("ecc_make_key failed\n"); return; } /* 256 bit */ start = current_time(1); for(i = 0; i < agreeTimes; i++) { x = sizeof(shared); ret = ecc_shared_secret(&genKey, &genKey2, shared, &x); if (ret != 0) { printf("ecc_shared_secret failed\n"); return; } } total = current_time(0) - start; each = total / agreeTimes; /* per second */ milliEach = each * 1000; /* millisconds */ printf("EC-DHE key agreement %6.3f milliseconds, avg over %d" " iterations\n", milliEach, agreeTimes); /* make dummy digest */ for (i = 0; i < (int)sizeof(digest); i++) digest[i] = (byte)i; start = current_time(1); for(i = 0; i < agreeTimes; i++) { x = sizeof(sig); ret = ecc_sign_hash(digest, sizeof(digest), sig, &x, &rng, &genKey); if (ret != 0) { printf("ecc_sign_hash failed\n"); return; } } total = current_time(0) - start; each = total / agreeTimes; /* per second */ milliEach = each * 1000; /* millisconds */ printf("EC-DSA sign time %6.3f milliseconds, avg over %d" " iterations\n", milliEach, agreeTimes); start = current_time(1); for(i = 0; i < agreeTimes; i++) { int verify = 0; ret = ecc_verify_hash(sig, x, digest, sizeof(digest), &verify, &genKey); if (ret != 0) { printf("ecc_verify_hash failed\n"); return; } } total = current_time(0) - start; each = total / agreeTimes; /* per second */ milliEach = each * 1000; /* millisconds */ printf("EC-DSA verify time %6.3f milliseconds, avg over %d" " iterations\n", milliEach, agreeTimes); ecc_free(&genKey2); ecc_free(&genKey); }
void bench_dh(void) { #if !defined(USE_CERT_BUFFERS_1024) && !defined(USE_CERT_BUFFERS_2048) int ret; #endif int i ; byte tmp[1024]; size_t bytes; word32 idx = 0, pubSz, privSz = 0, pubSz2, privSz2, agreeSz; byte pub[256]; /* for 2048 bit */ byte priv[256]; /* for 2048 bit */ byte pub2[256]; /* for 2048 bit */ byte priv2[256]; /* for 2048 bit */ byte agree[256]; /* for 2048 bit */ double start, total, each, milliEach; DhKey dhKey; int dhKeySz = 2048; /* used in printf */ #ifdef USE_CERT_BUFFERS_1024 XMEMCPY(tmp, dh_key_der_1024, sizeof_dh_key_der_1024); bytes = sizeof_dh_key_der_1024; dhKeySz = 1024; #elif defined(USE_CERT_BUFFERS_2048) XMEMCPY(tmp, dh_key_der_2048, sizeof_dh_key_der_2048); bytes = sizeof_dh_key_der_2048; #else FILE* file = fopen(certDHname, "rb"); if (!file) { printf("can't find %s, Please run from CyaSSL home dir\n", certDHname); return; } ret = InitRng(&rng); if (ret < 0) { printf("InitRNG failed\n"); return; } bytes = fread(tmp, 1, sizeof(tmp), file); #endif /* USE_CERT_BUFFERS */ InitDhKey(&dhKey); bytes = DhKeyDecode(tmp, &idx, &dhKey, (word32)bytes); if (bytes != 0) { printf("dhekydecode failed, can't benchmark\n"); #if !defined(USE_CERT_BUFFERS_1024) && !defined(USE_CERT_BUFFERS_2048) fclose(file); #endif return; } start = current_time(1); for (i = 0; i < ntimes; i++) DhGenerateKeyPair(&dhKey, &rng, priv, &privSz, pub, &pubSz); total = current_time(0) - start; each = total / ntimes; /* per second */ milliEach = each * 1000; /* milliseconds */ printf("DH %d key generation %6.3f milliseconds, avg over %d" " iterations\n", dhKeySz, milliEach, ntimes); DhGenerateKeyPair(&dhKey, &rng, priv2, &privSz2, pub2, &pubSz2); start = current_time(1); for (i = 0; i < ntimes; i++) DhAgree(&dhKey, agree, &agreeSz, priv, privSz, pub2, pubSz2); total = current_time(0) - start; each = total / ntimes; /* per second */ milliEach = each * 1000; /* milliseconds */ printf("DH %d key agreement %6.3f milliseconds, avg over %d" " iterations\n", dhKeySz, milliEach, ntimes); #if !defined(USE_CERT_BUFFERS_1024) && !defined(USE_CERT_BUFFERS_2048) fclose(file); #endif FreeDhKey(&dhKey); }
/* * Encrypts a file using Camellia */ int CamelliaEncrypt(Camellia* cam, byte* key, int size, FILE* inFile, FILE* outFile) { RNG rng; byte iv[CAMELLIA_BLOCK_SIZE]; byte* input; byte* output; byte salt[SALT_SIZE] = {0}; int i = 0; int ret = 0; int inputLength; int length; int padCounter = 0; fseek(inFile, 0, SEEK_END); inputLength = ftell(inFile); fseek(inFile, 0, SEEK_SET); length = inputLength; /* pads the length until it evenly matches a block / increases pad number*/ while (length % CAMELLIA_BLOCK_SIZE != 0) { length++; padCounter++; } input = malloc(length); output = malloc(length); ret = InitRng(&rng); if (ret != 0) { printf("Failed to initialize random number generator\n"); return -1030; } /* reads from inFile and wrties whatever is there to the input array */ ret = fread(input, 1, inputLength, inFile); if (ret == 0) { printf("Input file does not exist.\n"); return -1010; } for (i = inputLength; i < length; i++) { /* padds the added characters with the number of pads */ input[i] = padCounter; } ret = RNG_GenerateBlock(&rng, iv, CAMELLIA_BLOCK_SIZE); if (ret != 0) return -1020; /* stretches key to fit size */ ret = GenerateKey(&rng, key, size, salt, padCounter); if (ret != 0) return -1040; /* sets key */ ret = CamelliaSetKey(cam, key, CAMELLIA_BLOCK_SIZE, iv); if (ret != 0) return -1001; /* encrypts the message to the ouput based on input length + padding */ CamelliaCbcEncrypt(cam, output, input, length); /* writes to outFile */ fwrite(salt, 1, SALT_SIZE, outFile); fwrite(iv, 1, CAMELLIA_BLOCK_SIZE, outFile); fwrite(output, 1, length, outFile); /* closes the opened files and frees the memory*/ memset(input, 0, length); memset(output, 0, length); memset(key, 0, size); free(input); free(output); free(key); fclose(inFile); fclose(outFile); return 0; }
int rsa_test() { byte tmp[1024], tmp2[2048]; size_t bytes, bytes2; RsaKey key; RNG rng; word32 idx = 0; int ret; byte in[] = "Everyone gets Friday off."; word32 inLen = (word32)strlen((char*)in); byte out[64]; byte plain[64]; DecodedCert cert; FILE* file = fopen(clientKey, "rb"), * file2; if (!file) return -40; bytes = fread(tmp, 1, 1024, file); InitRsaKey(&key, 0); ret = RsaPrivateKeyDecode(tmp, &idx, &key, (word32)bytes); if (ret != 0) return -41; ret = InitRng(&rng); if (ret != 0) return -42; ret = RsaPublicEncrypt(in, inLen, out, sizeof(out), &key, &rng); ret = RsaPrivateDecrypt(out, 64, plain, sizeof(plain), &key); if (memcmp(plain, in, inLen)) return -45; ret = RsaSSL_Sign(in, inLen, out, sizeof(out), &key, &rng); memset(plain, 0, sizeof(plain)); ret = RsaSSL_Verify(out, 64, plain, sizeof(plain), &key); if (memcmp(plain, in, ret)) return -46; file2 = fopen(clientCert, "rb"); if (!file2) return -47; bytes2 = fread(tmp2, 1, 2048, file2); InitDecodedCert(&cert, (byte*)&tmp2, 0); ret = ParseCert(&cert, (word32)bytes2, CERT_TYPE, NO_VERIFY, 0); if (ret != 0) return -48; FreeDecodedCert(&cert); fclose(file2); fclose(file); #ifdef CYASSL_KEY_GEN { byte der[4096]; byte pem[4096]; word32 derSz = 0; word32 pemSz = 0; RsaKey derIn; RsaKey genKey; FILE* keyFile; FILE* pemFile; InitRsaKey(&genKey, 0); ret = MakeRsaKey(&genKey, 1024, 65537, &rng); if (ret != 0) return -301; derSz = RsaKeyToDer(&genKey, der, sizeof(der)); if (derSz < 0) return -302; keyFile = fopen("./ker.der", "wb"); if (!keyFile) return -303; ret = fwrite(der, derSz, 1, keyFile); fclose(keyFile); pemSz = DerToPem(der, derSz, pem, sizeof(pem), PRIVATEKEY_TYPE); if (pemSz < 0) return -304; pemFile = fopen("./key.pem", "wb"); if (!pemFile) return -305; ret = fwrite(pem, pemSz, 1, pemFile); fclose(pemFile); InitRsaKey(&derIn, 0); idx = 0; ret = RsaPrivateKeyDecode(der, &idx, &derIn, derSz); if (ret != 0) return -306; } #endif /* CYASSL_KEY_GEN */ #ifdef CYASSL_CERT_GEN { Cert myCert; byte derCert[4096]; byte pem[4096]; DecodedCert decode; FILE* derFile; FILE* pemFile; int certSz; int pemSz; InitCert(&myCert); strncpy(, "US", NAME_SIZE); strncpy(myCert.subject.state, "OR", NAME_SIZE); strncpy(myCert.subject.locality, "Portland", NAME_SIZE); strncpy(, "yaSSL", NAME_SIZE); strncpy(myCert.subject.unit, "Development", NAME_SIZE); strncpy(myCert.subject.commonName, "", NAME_SIZE); strncpy(, "*****@*****.**", NAME_SIZE); certSz = MakeCert(&myCert, derCert, sizeof(derCert), &key, &rng); if (certSz < 0) return -401; InitDecodedCert(&decode, derCert, 0); ret = ParseCert(&decode, certSz, CERT_TYPE, NO_VERIFY, 0); if (ret != 0) return -402; derFile = fopen("./cert.der", "wb"); if (!derFile) return -403; ret = fwrite(derCert, certSz, 1, derFile); fclose(derFile); pemSz = DerToPem(derCert, certSz, pem, sizeof(pem), CERT_TYPE); if (pemSz < 0) return -404; pemFile = fopen("./cert.pem", "wb"); if (!pemFile) return -405; ret = fwrite(pem, pemSz, 1, pemFile); fclose(pemFile); FreeDecodedCert(&decode); } #endif /* CYASSL_CERT_GEN */ FreeRsaKey(&key); return 0; }