예제 #1
QString InsertTmpFile(const QString &fileurl) {
    QString filename = TmpFilePath(fileurl);
    QFile file(fileurl);
    QString tmpPath = InsertFileData(filename, file.readAll());
    return tmpPath;
예제 #2
QString InsertTmpFileList(const QString &subdir, const QStringList &fileurlList) {
    QString tmpDir = TmpFilePath(subdir);
    QDir dir(tmpDir);

    foreach (QString fileurl, fileurlList) {
        QString filename = tmpDir + "/" + fileurl.split("/").last();
        QFile file(fileurl);
        InsertFileData(filename, file.readAll());
bool FBuildPatchFileConstructor::ConstructFileFromChunks( const FString& Filename, bool bResumeExisting )
	const bool bIsFileData = BuildManifest->IsFileDataManifest();
	bResumeExisting = bResumeExisting && !bIsFileData;
	bool bSuccess = true;
	FString ErrorString;
	FString NewFilename = StagingDirectory / Filename;

	// Calculate the hash as we write the data
	FSHA1 HashState;
	FSHAHashData HashValue;

	// First make sure we can get the file manifest
	const FFileManifestData* FileManifest = BuildManifest->GetFileManifest(Filename);
	bSuccess = FileManifest != nullptr;
	if( bSuccess )
		if( !FileManifest->SymlinkTarget.IsEmpty() )
			bSuccess = symlink(TCHAR_TO_UTF8(*FileManifest->SymlinkTarget), TCHAR_TO_UTF8(*NewFilename)) == 0;
			const bool bSymlinkNotImplemented = false;
			bSuccess = false;
			return bSuccess;

		// Check for resuming of existing file
		int64 StartPosition = 0;
		int32 StartChunkPart = 0;
		if( bResumeExisting )
			// We have to read in the existing file so that the hash check can still be done.
			FArchive* NewFileReader = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileReader( *NewFilename );
			if( NewFileReader != NULL )
				// Read buffer
				uint8* ReadBuffer = new uint8[ FBuildPatchData::ChunkDataSize ];
				// Reuse a certain amount of the file
				StartPosition = FMath::Max<int64>( 0, NewFileReader->TotalSize() - NUM_BYTES_RESUME_IGNORE );
				// We'll also find the correct chunkpart to start writing from
				int64 ByteCounter = 0;
				for( int32 ChunkPartIdx = StartChunkPart; ChunkPartIdx < FileManifest->FileChunkParts.Num() && !FBuildPatchInstallError::HasFatalError(); ++ChunkPartIdx )
					const FChunkPartData& ChunkPart = FileManifest->FileChunkParts[ ChunkPartIdx ];
					const int64 NextBytePosition = ByteCounter + ChunkPart.Size;
					if( NextBytePosition <= StartPosition )
						// Read data for hash check
						NewFileReader->Serialize( ReadBuffer, ChunkPart.Size );
						HashState.Update( ReadBuffer, ChunkPart.Size );
						// Count bytes read from file
						ByteCounter = NextBytePosition;
						// Set to resume from next chunk part
						StartChunkPart = ChunkPartIdx + 1;
						// Inform the chunk cache of the chunk part skip
						FBuildPatchChunkCache::Get().SkipChunkPart( ChunkPart );
						// Wait if paused
						// No more parts on disk
				// Set start position to the byte we got up to
				StartPosition = ByteCounter;
				// Clean read buffer
				delete[] ReadBuffer;
				// Close file
				delete NewFileReader;

		// Now we can make sure the chunk cache knows to start downloading chunks
		if( !bIsFileData && !bIsDownloadStarted && !FBuildPatchInstallError::HasFatalError() )
			bIsDownloadStarted = true;

		// Attempt to create the file
		FArchive* NewFile = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileWriter( *NewFilename, bResumeExisting ? EFileWrite::FILEWRITE_Append : 0 );
		bSuccess = NewFile != NULL;
		if( bSuccess )
			// Whenever we start writing again, there's no more resuming to be done
			BuildProgress->SetStateProgress( EBuildPatchProgress::Resuming, 1.0f );

			// Seek to file write position
			NewFile->Seek( StartPosition );

			// For each chunk, load it, and place it's data into the file
			for( int32 ChunkPartIdx = StartChunkPart; ChunkPartIdx < FileManifest->FileChunkParts.Num() && bSuccess && !FBuildPatchInstallError::HasFatalError(); ++ChunkPartIdx )
				const FChunkPartData& ChunkPart = FileManifest->FileChunkParts[ChunkPartIdx];
				if( bIsFileData )
					bSuccess = InsertFileData( ChunkPart, *NewFile, HashState );
					bSuccess = InsertChunkData( ChunkPart, *NewFile, HashState );
				if( bSuccess )
					CountBytesProcessed( ChunkPart.Size );
					// Wait if paused
					ErrorString = TEXT( "Failed to construct file " );
					ErrorString += Filename;
					ErrorString += TEXT( " because of chunk " );
					ErrorString += ChunkPart.Guid.ToString();
					GWarn->Logf( TEXT( "BuildPatchFileConstructor: ERROR: %s" ), *ErrorString );
					FBuildPatchInstallError::SetFatalError( EBuildPatchInstallError::FileConstructionFail, ErrorString );

			// Close the file writer
			delete NewFile;
			FBuildPatchAnalytics::RecordConstructionError( Filename, FPlatformMisc::GetLastError(), TEXT( "Could Not Create File" ) );
			ErrorString = TEXT( "Could not create new file " );
			ErrorString += Filename;
			GWarn->Logf( TEXT( "BuildPatchFileConstructor: ERROR: %s" ), *ErrorString );
			FBuildPatchInstallError::SetFatalError( EBuildPatchInstallError::FileConstructionFail, ErrorString );
		FBuildPatchAnalytics::RecordConstructionError( Filename, INDEX_NONE, TEXT( "Missing File Manifest" ) );
		ErrorString = TEXT( "Build manifest does not contain a file manifest for " );
		ErrorString += Filename;
		FBuildPatchInstallError::SetFatalError( EBuildPatchInstallError::FileConstructionFail, ErrorString );

	// Verify the hash for the file that we created
	if( bSuccess )
		HashState.GetHash( HashValue.Hash );
		bSuccess = HashValue == FileManifest->FileHash;
		if( !bSuccess )
			FBuildPatchAnalytics::RecordConstructionError( Filename, INDEX_NONE, TEXT( "Serialised Verify Fail" ) );
			ErrorString = TEXT( "Verify failed after constructing file " );
			ErrorString += Filename;
			GWarn->Logf( TEXT( "BuildDataGenerator: ERROR: %s" ), *ErrorString );
			FBuildPatchInstallError::SetFatalError( EBuildPatchInstallError::FileConstructionFail, ErrorString );

	if( bSuccess && FileManifest->bIsUnixExecutable )
		// Enable executable permission bit
		struct stat FileInfo;
		if (stat(TCHAR_TO_UTF8(*NewFilename), &FileInfo) == 0)
			bSuccess = chmod(TCHAR_TO_UTF8(*NewFilename), FileInfo.st_mode | S_IXUSR | S_IXGRP | S_IXOTH) == 0;
	// Delete the staging file if unsuccessful by means of construction fail (i.e. keep if canceled or download issue)
	if( !bSuccess && FBuildPatchInstallError::GetErrorState() == EBuildPatchInstallError::FileConstructionFail )
		IFileManager::Get().Delete( *NewFilename, false, true );

	return bSuccess;