예제 #1
파일: pviewdat.c 프로젝트: mingpen/OpenNT
//      SetProcessListText
//  Format the process list text.
void SetProcessListText (PPERF_INSTANCE pInst,
                         PPERF_COUNTER  pCPU,
                         PPERF_COUNTER  pPRIV,
                         PPERF_COUNTER  pProcID,
                         double         fTime,
                         LPTSTR         str)
DWORD           *pdwProcID;
double          fCPU = 0;
double          fPRIV = 0;
INT             PcntPRIV = 0;
INT             PcntUSER = 0;
TIME_FIELD      TimeFld;
TCHAR           szTemp[100];

    if (pCPU)
        liCPU = (LARGE_INTEGER *) CounterData (pInst, pCPU);
        fCPU  = Li2Double (*liCPU);

    if (pPRIV)
        liPRIV = (LARGE_INTEGER *) CounterData (pInst, pPRIV);
        fPRIV  = Li2Double (*liPRIV);

    if (fCPU > 0)
        PcntPRIV = (INT)(fPRIV / fCPU * 100 + 0.5);
        PcntUSER = 100 - PcntPRIV;

    if (pProcID)
        pdwProcID = (DWORD *) CounterData (pInst, pProcID);
        wsprintf (szTemp, TEXT("%ls (%#x)"), InstanceName(pInst), *pdwProcID);
        wsprintf (szTemp, TEXT("%ls"), InstanceName(pInst));

    FormatTimeFields (fCPU/1.0e7, &TimeFld);

    wsprintf (str,
예제 #2
파일: pviewdat.c 프로젝트: mingpen/OpenNT
//      RefreshPviewDlgThreadPC
//  Update the thread PC value.  This should be done after the ghCostlyData
//  is collected and is no refreshing.
void RefreshPviewDlgThreadPC   (HWND            hPviewDlg,
                                LPTSTR          szProcessName,
                                LPTSTR          szThreadName,
                                PPERF_OBJECT    pThreadDetailsObject,
                                PPERF_DATA      pCostlyData)
LPTSTR          szInstanceName;
LPTSTR          szParentName;
TCHAR           str[20];
DWORD           *pdwData;
INT             i = 0;

    if (pCounter = FindCounter (pThreadDetailsObject, PX_THREAD_PC))
        pInstance = FirstInstance (pThreadDetailsObject);

        while (pInstance && i < pThreadDetailsObject->NumInstances)
            if (!(szInstanceName = InstanceName (pInstance)))
                // can't find name
            else if (lstrcmp (szThreadName, szInstanceName))
                // the thread name is different
            else if (!(pParent = FindInstanceParent (pInstance, pCostlyData)))
                // can't find parent
            else if (!(szParentName = InstanceName (pParent)))
                // can't find parent's name
            else if (!lstrcmp (szProcessName, szParentName))
                // Parent's name matches, this is the right one.

                pdwData = CounterData (pInstance, pCounter);
                wsprintf (str, TEXT("0x%08x"), *pdwData);
                SetDlgItemText (hPviewDlg, PVIEW_THREAD_PC, str);


            pInstance = NextInstance (pInstance);

    // We are here only because we can't find the data to display.

    SetDlgItemText (hPviewDlg, PVIEW_THREAD_PC, NODATA);

예제 #3
QueueRestorer::QueueRestorer(Persistency::IO::ConnectionPtrNN conn, Core::Types::SignedNodesFifo &queue)
  const Logger::Node log("core.queuerestorer");
    LOGMSG_INFO(log, "restoring data base's content");

    // preapre environment
    assert( conn.get()!=NULL );
    Transaction           t( conn->createNewTransaction("meta_alerts_queue_restore") );
    RestorerAutoPtr       rest=conn->restorer(t);
    // read data base content
    Restorer::NodesVector tmp;
    LOGMSG_DEBUG(log, "reading meta-alerts");
    // add all elements to queue
    LOGMSG_DEBUG_S(log)<<tmp.size()<<" meta-alerts read from persistency; appending to queue";
    for(Restorer::NodesVector::const_iterator it=tmp.begin(); it!=tmp.end(); ++it)
      queue.push( Types::SignedNode(*it, TypeName(CC::defaultInputTypeName), InstanceName(CC::defaultInputInstanceName) ) );

    LOGMSG_INFO_S(log)<<"restoring "<<tmp.size()<<" elements successful";
  catch(const std::exception &ex)
    LOGMSG_ERROR_S(log)<<"unable to restore data base's content; error was: "
                       <<ex.what()<<"; continuing any way...";
예제 #4
void testObj::test<7>(void)
  InterfaceImpl<TestStrategyNoParm> tmp( TypeName("sometype") , InstanceName("somename") );
  ensure_equals("pre-condition failed", testStrategyNoParmHeartbeats, 0);
  ensure_equals("process() is not virtual", testStrategyNoParmHeartbeats, 1);
예제 #5
파일: pviewdat.c 프로젝트: mingpen/OpenNT
//      RefreshMemoryDlgImageList
//  Refresh the image list for memory dialog.
void    RefreshMemoryDlgImageList  (HWND            hImageList,
                                    DWORD           ParentIndex,
                                    PPERF_OBJECT    pImageObj)
INT             ListIndex;
INT             InstIndex = 0;

    ListIndex = SendMessage (hImageList, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (DWORD)TEXT(" Total Commit"));
    SendMessage (hImageList, CB_SETITEMDATA, ListIndex, 0xFFFFFFFF);

    if (pImageObj)
        pImageInst = FirstInstance (pImageObj);

        while (pImageInst && InstIndex < pImageObj->NumInstances)
            if (ParentIndex == pImageInst->ParentObjectInstance)
                ListIndex = SendMessage (hImageList,
                SendMessage (hImageList, CB_SETITEMDATA, ListIndex, InstIndex);

            pImageInst = NextInstance (pImageInst);
예제 #6
void testObj::test<5>(void)
  InterfaceImpl<TestStrategyNoParm> tmp( TypeName("sometype") , InstanceName("somename") );
  ensure_equals("pre-condition failed", testStrategyNoParmCalls, 0);
  Interface::ChangedNodes changed;
  tmp.process( makeNewLeaf(), changed );
  ensure_equals("process() not forwarded", testStrategyNoParmCalls, 1);
예제 #7
void testObj::test<2>(void)
  Strategy               s(InstanceName("myfiletrigger"), cfg_);
  Strategy::ChangedNodes nc;
  const time_t           start=time(NULL);
  s.process( makeNewNode(), nc );
  const time_t           stop =time(NULL);
  testFileInRange(".", start, stop);
예제 #8
void testObj::test<5>(void)
  GraphNodePtrNN         node=makeNewLeaf();
  Strategy               s(InstanceName("apprunner"), Config(cfg_.getPath(), Trigger::Simple::ThresholdConfig("99", "9") ) );
  Strategy::ChangedNodes nc;
  remove("ext.log");          // ensure file is not present from previous runs
  s.process(node, nc);
  ensure("trigger called", exists("ext.log")==false );
예제 #9
void testObj::test<6>(void)
  Data::Names skip;
  Strategy    s( InstanceName("myname"), Strategy::Parameters(123, skip) );
  GraphNodePtrNN leaf1=makeNewLeaf( mkAlert("cat", "doom") );
  s.process(leaf1, changed_);
  ensure_equals("something has been changed", changed_.size(), 0u);

  GraphNodePtrNN leaf2=makeNewLeaf( mkAlert("cat", "doom") );
  s.process(leaf2, changed_);
  ensure_equals("correlation failed after first skip-match", changed_.size(), 1u);
예제 #10
void testObj::test<3>(void)
  const char *out="TEST_OUT_DIR";
  if( mkdir(out, 0755)!=0 )
    ensure("unable to create output dir", errno==EEXIST);
  const Config           cfg(out, cfg_.getThresholdConfig() );
  Strategy               s(InstanceName("myfiletrigger"), cfg);
  Strategy::ChangedNodes nc;
  const time_t           start=time(NULL);
  s.process( makeNewNode(), nc );
  const time_t           stop =time(NULL);
  testFileInRange(out, start, stop);
예제 #11
파일: pviewdat.c 프로젝트: mingpen/OpenNT
//      RefreshMemoryDlg
//  Refresh the memory detail dialog.
BOOL    RefreshMemoryDlg   (HWND            hMemDlg,
                            PPERF_INSTANCE  pProcessInstance,
                            PPERF_OBJECT    pProcessObject,
                            PPERF_OBJECT    pAddressObject,
                            PPERF_OBJECT    pImageObject)
DWORD           *pProcessID1;
DWORD           *pProcessID2;
PPERF_COUNTER   pCounter1;
PPERF_COUNTER   pCounter2;
PPERF_INSTANCE  pAddressInstance;
HWND            hImageList;
TCHAR           szTemp[40];
BOOL            bStat = FALSE;
INT             InstIndex = 0;

    if ((pCounter1 = FindCounter (pProcessObject, PX_PROCESS_ID)) &&
        (pCounter2 = FindCounter (pAddressObject, PX_PROCESS_ID)))
        pProcessID1 = (DWORD *) CounterData (pProcessInstance, pCounter1);

        wsprintf (szTemp, TEXT("%s (%#x)"), InstanceName (pProcessInstance), *pProcessID1);
        SetDlgItemText (hMemDlg, MEMORY_PROCESS_ID, szTemp);

        pAddressInstance = FirstInstance (pAddressObject);

        while (pAddressInstance && InstIndex < pAddressObject->NumInstances)
            pProcessID2 = (DWORD *) CounterData (pAddressInstance, pCounter2);

            if (*pProcessID1 == *pProcessID2)
                PaintMemDlgAddrData (hMemDlg, pAddressInstance, pAddressObject);
                PaintMemDlgVMData (hMemDlg, pProcessInstance, pProcessObject);

                hImageList = GetDlgItem (hMemDlg, MEMORY_IMAGE);
                RefreshMemoryDlgImageList (hImageList, InstIndex, pImageObject);

                bStat = TRUE;

            pAddressInstance = NextInstance (pAddressInstance);

    return bStat;

예제 #12
// Function      : InstanceBlock::clear
// Purpose       : empties out the block.
// Special Notes :
// Scope         : public
// Creator       : Eric Keiter, SNL, Parallel Computational Sciences
// Creation Date : 5/01/00
void InstanceBlock::clear ()
  name_ = InstanceName();
  modelName_  = "";
  iNumNodes  = 0;
  numIntVars = 0;
  numExtVars = 0;
  numStateVars = 0;
  modelFlag  = 0;
  sourceFlag = 0;
  bsourceFlag = 0;
  offFlag    = 0;
  off        = 0;
  netlistLocation_ = NetlistLocation();

예제 #13
void testObj::test<3>(void)
  // note that there is race condition in next two lines - it may happen that between
  // download of blacklisted IPs by strategy and download by donwloader it may change
  // thus there is some (small) probablilty that this test will randomly fail.
  const Downloader    dwnl(1);                                                  // just one entry to download
  const DShieldParser dsp( dwnl.download() );                                   // parse it
  Strategy            s( InstanceName("x"), Strategy::Parameters(1, 10, 0.5) ); // initiliaze strategy to use
  ensure("no entries parsed", dsp.begin()!=dsp.end() );
  GraphNodePtrNN leaf=makeNewLeaf( (*dsp.begin()).to_string().c_str() );        // make leaf that is blacklisted
  // this host should be blacklisted
  s.process(leaf, changed_);
  ensure_equals("nothing changed", changed_.size(), 1u);
  // now it should NOT be blacklisted, since it has already changed
  s.process(leaf, changed_);
  ensure_equals("the same host has been black-listed twice", changed_.size(), 0u);
예제 #14
void testObj::test<4>(void)
  // this test main part has to fit in <1[s] window - retru 5 times
  // if it does not happen
  for(int i=0; i<5; ++i)
    Strategy               s(InstanceName("myfiletrigger"), cfg_);
    Strategy::ChangedNodes nc;

    // wait until seconds just changed - to make event as probable as possible
    // (yes - this is busy loop...)
      time_t start=time(NULL);
      while( start==time(NULL) )

    // no make double write
    const time_t start=time(NULL);
    s.process( makeNewNode(), nc );
    s.process( makeNewNode(), nc );
    const time_t stop =time(NULL);
    // if second elapsed there is nothing that can be done

    // check for output files
    ensure("first output file does not exist",  testFile(".", start, 0)==0 );
    ensure("second output file does not exist", testFile(".", start, 1)==0 );
    // ok - if we're here, test succeeded.

  // 5 fails means FAIL...
  fail("this test's main part has to fit in <1[s] time window and failed "
       "to do so 5 times. looks like your machine is to slow to perform "
       "this test - aborting");
예제 #15
boolean ScrollerCode::Definition (ostream& out) {
    boolean ok = true;
    if (
	_emitProperty || _emitInstanceDecls || 
        _emitForward || _emitClassHeaders || _emitHeaders
    ) {
        return CodeView::Definition(out);

    } else if (_emitExpHeader) {
	InteractorComp* icomp = GetIntComp();
	MemberNameVar* mnamer = icomp->GetMemberNameVar();
        SubclassNameVar* snamer = icomp->GetClassNameVar();
        if (!snamer->IsSubclass()) {
            if (
                _scope && mnamer->GetExport() && !_namelist->Search("scroller")
            ) {
                out << "#include <InterViews/scroller.h>\n";
        } else {
            ok = ok && CodeView::Definition(out);

    } else if (_emitCorehHeader) {
	InteractorComp* icomp = GetIntComp();
        SubclassNameVar* snamer = icomp->GetClassNameVar();
        const char* subclass = snamer->GetName();
        if (snamer->IsSubclass() && strcmp(subclass, _classname) == 0) {
            if (!_namelist->Search("scroller")) {
                out << "#include <InterViews/scroller.h>\n";
    } else if (_emitInstanceInits) {
        InteractorComp* icomp = GetIntComp();
        InteractorComp* ctarget = nil;
        const char* mname = icomp->GetMemberNameVar()->GetName();
	MemberNameVar* mnamer = (MemberNameVar*) icomp->GetState(
        const char* scrollee = mnamer->GetName();

	if (*scrollee == '\0') {
            if (_err_count < 10) {
                strcat(_errbuf, mname);
                strcat(_errbuf, " has undefined scrolling target.\n");
	    return false;

        } else if (!Search(mnamer, ctarget)) {
            if (_err_count < 10) {
                strcat(_errbuf, mname);
                    _errbuf, "'s scrolling target is not in the same hierarchy.\n"
	    return false;

        } else if (ctarget != nil && !icomp->IsRelatableTo(ctarget)) {
            if (_err_count < 10) {
                strcat(_errbuf, mname);
                    "'s adjusting target is not subclassed nor adjustable.\n"
	    return false;
	if (_instancelist->Find((void*) scrollee)) {
            if (!_instancelist->Find((void*) mname)) {
                _instancelist->Append(new UList((void*)mname));

        	scrollee = (*scrollee == '\0') ? "nil" : scrollee;

        	out << "(";
        	out << scrollee << ")";
		_icomplete = true;
	} else {
	    _icomplete = false;

    } else if (
	_emitBSDecls || _emitBSInits || 
	_emitFunctionDecls || _emitFunctionInits
    ) {
        return true;

    } else if (
        _emitCoreDecls || _emitCoreInits || _emitClassDecls || _emitClassInits
    ) {
	ok = ok && CodeView::Definition(out);
    } else if (_emitMain) {
	ok = ok && CodeView::Definition(out);
    return out.good() && ok;
예제 #16
void testObj::test<1>(void)
  const Strategy s(InstanceName("mytrigger"), cfg_);
  ensure_equals("invalid trigger type", s.getTriggerType().str(), "file");
예제 #17
boolean TextEditCode::Definition (ostream& out) {
    boolean ok = true;
    if (
	_emitProperty || _emitInstanceDecls || 
        _emitClassHeaders || _emitHeaders || _emitForward
    ) {
        return CodeView::Definition(out);

    } else if (_emitExpHeader) {
	InteractorComp* icomp = GetIntComp();
	MemberNameVar* mnamer = icomp->GetMemberNameVar();
        SubclassNameVar* snamer = icomp->GetClassNameVar();
        if (!snamer->IsSubclass()) {
            if (
                _scope && mnamer->GetExport()&&!_namelist->Search("texteditor")
            ) {
                out << "#include <InterViews/texteditor.h>\n";
                out << "#include <InterViews/textbuffer.h>\n";
        } else {
            ok = ok && CodeView::Definition(out);
    } else if (_emitCorehHeader) {
	InteractorComp* icomp = GetIntComp();
        SubclassNameVar* snamer = icomp->GetClassNameVar();
        const char* subclass = snamer->GetName();
        if (snamer->IsSubclass() && strcmp(subclass, _classname) == 0) {
            if (!_namelist->Search("texteditor")) {
                out << "#include <InterViews/texteditor.h>\n";
    } else if (_emitInstanceInits) {
        InteractorComp* icomp = GetIntComp();
        const char* mname = icomp->GetMemberNameVar()->GetName();

        if (!_instancelist->Find((void*) mname)) {
            _instancelist->Append(new UList((void*)mname));

            TextEditComp* tc = GetTextEditComp();
            int rows, cols;
            StrBrowserGraphic* graphic = tc->GetStrBrowserGraphic();
            graphic->GetRowsCols(rows, cols);

            out << "(";
            out << rows << ", " << cols << ", " << 4 << ", Reversed" << ");\n";
	    out << "    " << mname;
	    out << "->Edit(new TextBuffer(new char[256], 0, 256))";

    } else if (
	_emitFunctionDecls || _emitFunctionInits || 
	_emitBSDecls || _emitBSInits 
    ) {
        return true;

    } else if (
        _emitCoreDecls || _emitCoreInits || _emitClassDecls || _emitClassInits
    ) {
	ok = ok && CodeView::Definition(out);
    } else if (_emitMain) {
	ok = ok && CodeView::Definition(out);

    return out.good() && ok;
예제 #18
void testObj::test<4>(void)
  InterfaceImpl<TestStrategyNoParm> tmp( TypeName("sometype") , InstanceName("somename") );
예제 #19
void testObj::test<2>(void)
  Strategy s( InstanceName("somename"), params_ );
  s.process( makeNode(), changed_ );
  ensure_equals("something changed", changed_.size(), 0u);
예제 #20
// Function      : InstanceBlock::unpack
// Purpose       : Unpacks InstanceBlock from char buffer using MPI_UNPACK
// Special Notes :
// Scope         : public
// Creator       : Rob Hoekstra, SNL, Parallel Computational Sciences
// Creation Date : 5/24/00
void InstanceBlock::unpack(char * pB, int bsize, int & pos, N_PDS_Comm * comm)

  int size, length;
  int i;

  //----- unpack name
  comm->unpack( pB, bsize, pos, &length, 1 );
  name_ = InstanceName(std::string( (pB+pos), length));
  pos += length;

  //----- unpack getModelName()
  comm->unpack( pB, bsize, pos, &length, 1 );
  modelName_ = std::string( (pB+pos), length);
  pos += length;

  //----- unpack params
  comm->unpack( pB, bsize, pos, &size, 1 );
  Param dp;
  for( i = 0; i < size; ++i )
    dp.unpack( pB, bsize, pos, comm );
    params.push_back( dp );

  //----- unpack iNumNodes
  comm->unpack( pB, bsize, pos, &iNumNodes, 1 );

  //----- unpack numIntVars
  comm->unpack( pB, bsize, pos, &numIntVars, 1 );

  //----- unpack numExtVars
  comm->unpack( pB, bsize, pos, &numExtVars, 1 );

  //----- unpack numStateVars
  comm->unpack( pB, bsize, pos, &numStateVars, 1 );

  //----- unpack modelFlag
  comm->unpack( pB, bsize, pos, &i, 1 );
  modelFlag = ( i != 0 );

  //----- unpack sourceFlag
  comm->unpack( pB, bsize, pos, &i, 1 );
  sourceFlag = ( i != 0 );

  //----- unpack bsourceFlag
  comm->unpack( pB, bsize, pos, &i, 1 );
  bsourceFlag = ( i != 0 );

  //----- unpack offFlag
  comm->unpack( pB, bsize, pos, &i, 1 );
  offFlag = ( i != 0 );

  //----- unpack off
  comm->unpack( pB, bsize, pos, &i, 1 );
  off = ( i != 0 );

  //----- unpack netlistFileName_
  comm->unpack( pB, bsize, pos, &length, 1 );
  netlistLocation_.setPath(std::string( (pB+pos), length));
  pos += length;

  //----- unpack lineNumber_
  int line_number = 0;
  comm->unpack( pB, bsize, pos, &line_number, 1 );

  Xyce::dout() << "Unpacked " << pos << " bytes for InstanceBlock: " <<
    getInstanceName() << std::endl;

예제 #21
boolean StrBrowserCode::Definition (ostream& out) {
    boolean ok = true;
    InteractorComp* icomp = GetIntComp();
    MemberNameVar* mnamer = icomp->GetMemberNameVar();
    SubclassNameVar* snamer = icomp->GetClassNameVar();
    ButtonStateVar* bsVar = icomp->GetButtonStateVar();
    if (
	_emitProperty || _emitBSDecls ||
	_emitBSInits || _emitInstanceDecls || _emitHeaders ||
	_emitFunctionDecls || _emitFunctionInits || _emitClassHeaders
    ) {
        return CodeView::Definition(out);

    } else if (_emitForward) {
        ok = ok && ButtonCode::Definition(out);

    } else if (_emitExpHeader) {
        if (!snamer->IsSubclass() || !bsVar->IsSubclass()) {
            if (_scope) {
                if (
                    mnamer->GetExport()&&!_namelist->Search("strbrowser") &&
                ) {
                    out << "#include <InterViews/strbrowser.h>\n";
                if (
                    bsVar->GetExport() && !_namelist->Search("button") &&
                ) {
                    out << "#include <InterViews/button.h>\n";
            ok = ok && CodeView::Definition(out);
        } else {
            ok = ok && ButtonCode::Definition(out);
    } else if (_emitCorehHeader) {
        const char* subclass = snamer->GetName();
        const char* bsclass = bsVar->GetSubclassName();
        const char* fwname = GetFirewall();

        if (snamer->IsSubclass() && strcmp(subclass, _classname) == 0) {
            if (!_namelist->Search("strbrowser")) {
                out << "#include <InterViews/strbrowser.h>\n";
        if (bsVar->IsSubclass() && strcmp(bsclass, _classname) == 0) {
            if (!_namelist->Search("button")) {
                out << "#include <InterViews/button.h>\n";
            if (fwname != nil && !_namelist->Search(fwname)) {
                out << "#include \"" << fwname << "-core.h\"\n";
    } else if (_emitInstanceInits) {
        InteractorComp* icomp = GetIntComp();
        const char* mname = icomp->GetMemberNameVar()->GetName();

        if (!_instancelist->Find((void*) mname)) {
            _instancelist->Append(new UList((void*)mname));

            StrBrowserComp* strbcomp = GetStrBrowserComp();
            int rows, cols;
            int uniqueSel = (int) strbcomp->GetUniqueSel()->GetBooleanState();

            StrBrowserGraphic* graphic = strbcomp->GetStrBrowserGraphic();
            graphic->GetRowsCols(rows, cols);
            ButtonStateVar* bsVar = strbcomp->GetButtonStateVar();

            out << "(";
            out << bsVar->GetName() << ", ";
            out << rows << ", " << cols << ", ";
            if (uniqueSel) {
                out << "true";
            } else {
                out << "false";
            out << ")";

    } else if (
        _emitCoreDecls || _emitCoreInits || _emitClassDecls || _emitClassInits
    ) {
	ok = ok && ButtonCode::Definition(out);
    } else if (_emitMain) {
	ok = ok && CodeView::Definition(out);
    return out.good() && ok;
예제 #22
void testObj::test<1>(void)
  Strategy s(InstanceName("myscriptrunner"), cfg_);
  ensure_equals("invalid type", s.getTriggerType().str(), "extapp");