static void adminPeerStats(Dict* args, void* vcontext, String* txid) { struct Context* context = vcontext; struct Allocator* alloc = Allocator_child(context->alloc); struct InterfaceController_peerStats* stats = NULL; int64_t* page = Dict_getInt(args, String_CONST("page")); int i = (page) ? *page * ENTRIES_PER_PAGE : 0; int count = context->ic->getPeerStats(context->ic, alloc, &stats); String* bytesIn = String_CONST("bytesIn"); String* bytesOut = String_CONST("bytesOut"); String* pubKey = String_CONST("publicKey"); String* state = String_CONST("state"); String* last = String_CONST("last"); String* switchLabel = String_CONST("switchLabel"); String* isIncoming = String_CONST("isIncoming"); List* list = NULL; for (int counter=0; i < count && counter++ < ENTRIES_PER_PAGE; i++) { Dict* d = Dict_new(alloc); Dict_putInt(d, bytesIn, stats[i].bytesIn, alloc); Dict_putInt(d, bytesOut, stats[i].bytesOut, alloc); Dict_putString(d, pubKey, Key_stringify(stats[i].pubKey, alloc), alloc); String* stateString = String_new(InterfaceController_stateString(stats[i].state), alloc); Dict_putString(d, state, stateString, alloc); Dict_putInt(d, last, stats[i].timeOfLastMessage, alloc); uint8_t labelStack[20]; AddrTools_printPath(labelStack, stats[i].switchLabel); Dict_putString(d, switchLabel, String_new((char*)labelStack, alloc), alloc); Dict_putInt(d, isIncoming, stats[i].isIncomingConnection, alloc); list = List_addDict(list, d, alloc); } Dict response = Dict_CONST( String_CONST("peers"), List_OBJ(list), Dict_CONST( String_CONST("total"), Int_OBJ(count), NULL )); if (i < count) { response = Dict_CONST( String_CONST("more"), Int_OBJ(1), response ); } Admin_sendMessage(&response, txid, context->admin); Allocator_free(alloc); }
static void dumpTable_send(struct Context* ctx, struct List_Item* last, bool isMore, String* txid) { Dict table = Dict_CONST(String_CONST("routingTable"), List_OBJ(&last), NULL); if (isMore) { table = Dict_CONST(String_CONST("more"), Int_OBJ(1), table); } else { // the self route is synthetic so add 1 to the count. table = Dict_CONST(String_CONST("count"), Int_OBJ(ctx->store->size + 1), table); } Admin_sendMessage(&table, txid, ctx->admin); }
static void ethInterfaceSetBeacon(int ifNum, Dict* eth, struct Context* ctx) { int64_t* beaconP = Dict_getInt(eth, String_CONST("beacon")); if (beaconP) { int64_t beacon = *beaconP; if (beacon > 3 || beacon < 0) { Log_error(ctx->logger, "interfaces.ETHInterface.beacon may only be 0, 1,or 2"); } else { // We can cast beacon to an int here because we know it's small enough Log_info(ctx->logger, "Setting beacon mode on ETHInterface to [%d].", (int) beacon); Dict d = Dict_CONST(String_CONST("interfaceNumber"), Int_OBJ(ifNum), Dict_CONST(String_CONST("state"), Int_OBJ(beacon), NULL)); rpcCall(String_CONST("ETHInterface_beacon"), &d, ctx, ctx->alloc); } } }
static void authorizedPasswords(List* list, struct Context* ctx) { uint32_t count = List_size(list); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { Dict* d = List_getDict(list, i); Log_info(ctx->logger, "Checking authorized password %d.", i); if (!d) { Log_critical(ctx->logger, "Not a dictionary type %d.", i); exit(-1); } String* passwd = Dict_getString(d, String_CONST("password")); if (!passwd) { Log_critical(ctx->logger, "Must specify a password %d.", i); exit(-1); } } Log_info(ctx->logger, "Flushing existing authorized passwords"); rpcCall(String_CONST("AuthorizedPasswords_flush"), NULL, ctx, ctx->alloc); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { Dict* d = List_getDict(list, i); String* passwd = Dict_getString(d, String_CONST("password")); Log_info(ctx->logger, "Adding authorized password #[%d].", i); Dict args = Dict_CONST( String_CONST("authType"), Int_OBJ(1), Dict_CONST( String_CONST("password"), String_OBJ(passwd), NULL )); struct Allocator* child = ctx->alloc->child(ctx->alloc); rpcCall(String_CONST("AuthorizedPasswords_add"), &args, ctx, child); child->free(child); } }
static void adminFunc(Dict* input, void* vcontext, String* txid, struct Allocator* requestAlloc) { struct Context* ctx = vcontext; ctx->called = true; Dict d = Dict_CONST(String_CONST("called!"), Int_OBJ(1), NULL); Admin_sendMessage(&d, txid, ctx->framework->admin); }
static void newInterface2(struct Context* ctx, struct Sockaddr* addr, String* txid) { struct Allocator* const alloc = Allocator_child(ctx->allocator); struct UDPInterface* udpIf = NULL; struct Jmp jmp; Jmp_try(jmp) { udpIf = UDPInterface_new(ctx->eventBase, addr, alloc, &jmp.handler, ctx->logger, ctx->ic); } Jmp_catch { String* errStr = String_CONST(jmp.message); Dict out = Dict_CONST(String_CONST("error"), String_OBJ(errStr), NULL); Admin_sendMessage(&out, txid, ctx->admin); Allocator_free(alloc); } // sizeof(struct UDPInterface*) the size of a pointer. ctx->ifaces = Allocator_realloc(ctx->allocator, ctx->ifaces, sizeof(struct UDPInterface*) * (ctx->ifCount + 1)); ctx->ifaces[ctx->ifCount] = udpIf; Dict out = Dict_CONST( String_CONST("error"), String_OBJ(String_CONST("none")), Dict_CONST( String_CONST("interfaceNumber"), Int_OBJ(ctx->ifCount), NULL )); Admin_sendMessage(&out, txid, ctx->admin); ctx->ifCount++; }
static void adminMemory(Dict* input, void* vcontext, String* txid) { struct MemoryContext* context = vcontext; Dict d = Dict_CONST( String_CONST("bytes"), Int_OBJ(MallocAllocator_bytesAllocated(context->allocator)), NULL ); Admin_sendMessage(&d, txid, context->admin); }
static void sendResponse(int conn, String* txid, struct Admin* admin) { Dict resp = Dict_CONST( String_CONST("error"), String_OBJ(String_CONST("none")), Dict_CONST( String_CONST("connection"), Int_OBJ(conn), NULL )); Admin_sendMessage(&resp, txid, admin); }
static void pingResponse(struct RouterModule_Promise* promise, uint32_t lag, struct Node* node, Dict* responseDict) { struct Ping* ping = Identity_cast((struct Ping*)promise->userData); uint8_t versionStr[40] = "old"; String* version = String_CONST((char*)versionStr); String* versionBin = Dict_getString(responseDict, CJDHTConstants_VERSION); if (versionBin && versionBin->len == 20) { Hex_encode(versionStr, 40, (uint8_t*) versionBin->bytes, 20); version->len = 40; } int64_t* protocolVersion = Dict_getInt(responseDict, CJDHTConstants_PROTOCOL); int64_t pv = (protocolVersion) ? *protocolVersion : -1; Dict response = NULL; Dict verResponse = Dict_CONST(String_CONST("version"), String_OBJ(version), response); if (versionBin) { response = verResponse; } String* result = (responseDict) ? String_CONST("pong") : String_CONST("timeout"); response = Dict_CONST(String_CONST("result"), String_OBJ(result), response); Dict protoResponse = Dict_CONST(String_CONST("protocol"), Int_OBJ(pv), response); if (protocolVersion) { response = protoResponse; } response = Dict_CONST(String_CONST("ms"), Int_OBJ(lag), response); char from[60] = ""; if (node) { Address_print((uint8_t*)from, &node->address); } Dict fromResponse = Dict_CONST(String_CONST("from"), String_OBJ(String_CONST(from)), response); if (node) { response = fromResponse; } Admin_sendMessage(&response, ping->txid, ping->ctx->admin); }
static void list(Dict* args, void* vcontext, String* txid, struct Allocator* requestAlloc) { struct Context* context = (struct Context*) vcontext; struct Allocator* child = Allocator_child(context->allocator); List* users = CryptoAuth_getUsers(context->ca, child); uint32_t count = List_size(users); Dict response = Dict_CONST( String_CONST("total"), Int_OBJ(count), Dict_CONST( String_CONST("users"), List_OBJ(users), NULL )); Admin_sendMessage(&response, txid, context->admin); Allocator_free(child); }
static void newInterface(Dict* args, void* vcontext, String* txid) { struct Context* const ctx = vcontext; String* const bindAddress = Dict_getString(args, String_CONST("bindAddress")); struct Allocator* const alloc = ctx->allocator->child(ctx->allocator); struct UDPInterface* udpIf = NULL; struct Jmp jmp; Jmp_try(jmp) { char* const bindBytes = (bindAddress) ? bindAddress->bytes : NULL; udpIf = UDPInterface_new( ctx->eventBase, bindBytes, alloc, &jmp.handler, ctx->logger, ctx->ic); } Jmp_catch { String* errStr = String_CONST(jmp.message); Dict out = Dict_CONST(String_CONST("error"), String_OBJ(errStr), NULL); if (jmp.code == UDPInterface_new_SOCKET_FAILED || jmp.code == UDPInterface_new_BIND_FAILED) { char* err = strerror(EVUTIL_SOCKET_ERROR()); Dict out2 = Dict_CONST(String_CONST("cause"), String_OBJ(String_CONST(err)), out); Admin_sendMessage(&out2, txid, ctx->admin); } else { Admin_sendMessage(&out, txid, ctx->admin); } alloc->free(alloc); return; } // sizeof(struct UDPInterface*) the size of a pointer. ctx->ifaces = ctx->allocator->realloc(ctx->ifaces, sizeof(struct UDPInterface*) * (ctx->ifCount + 1), ctx->allocator); ctx->ifaces[ctx->ifCount] = udpIf; Dict out = Dict_CONST( String_CONST("error"), String_OBJ(String_CONST("none")), Dict_CONST( String_CONST("interfaceNumber"), Int_OBJ(ctx->ifCount), NULL )); Admin_sendMessage(&out, txid, ctx->admin); ctx->ifCount++; }
static void authorizedPasswords(List* list, struct Context* ctx) { uint32_t count = List_size(list); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { Dict* d = List_getDict(list, i); Log_info(ctx->logger, "Checking authorized password %d.", i); if (!d) { Log_critical(ctx->logger, "Not a dictionary type %d.", i); exit(-1); } String* passwd = Dict_getString(d, String_CONST("password")); if (!passwd) { Log_critical(ctx->logger, "Must specify a password %d.", i); exit(-1); } } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { struct Allocator* child = Allocator_child(ctx->alloc); Dict* d = List_getDict(list, i); String* passwd = Dict_getString(d, String_CONST("password")); String* user = Dict_getString(d, String_CONST("user")); if (!user) { user = String_printf(child, "password [%d]", i); } Log_info(ctx->logger, "Adding authorized password #[%d] for user [%s].", i, user->bytes); Dict args = Dict_CONST( String_CONST("authType"), Int_OBJ(1), Dict_CONST( String_CONST("password"), String_OBJ(passwd), Dict_CONST( String_CONST("user"), String_OBJ(user), NULL ))); rpcCall(String_CONST("AuthorizedPasswords_add"), &args, ctx, child); Allocator_free(child); } }
static void dumpTable_addEntries(struct Context* ctx, int i, int j, struct List_Item* last, String* txid) { uint8_t path[20]; uint8_t ip[40]; String* pathStr = &(String) { .len = 19, .bytes = (char*)path }; String* ipStr = &(String) { .len = 39, .bytes = (char*)ip }; Object* link = Int_OBJ(0xFFFFFFFF); Object* version = Int_OBJ(Version_DEFAULT_ASSUMPTION); Dict entry = Dict_CONST( String_CONST("ip"), String_OBJ(ipStr), Dict_CONST( String_CONST("link"), link, Dict_CONST( String_CONST("path"), String_OBJ(pathStr), Dict_CONST( String_CONST("version"), version, NULL )))); struct List_Item next = { .next = last, .elem = Dict_OBJ(&entry) }; if (i >= ctx->store->size || j >= ENTRIES_PER_PAGE) { if (i > j) { dumpTable_send(ctx, last, (j >= ENTRIES_PER_PAGE), txid); return; } Address_printIp(ip, ctx->store->selfAddress); strcpy((char*)path, "0000.0000.0000.0001"); dumpTable_send(ctx, &next, (j >= ENTRIES_PER_PAGE), txid); return; } struct Node* n = NodeStore_dumpTable(ctx->store, i); link->as.number = n->reach; version->as.number = n->version; Address_printIp(ip, &n->address); AddrTools_printPath(path, n->address.path); dumpTable_addEntries(ctx, i + 1, j + 1, &next, txid); } static void dumpTable(Dict* args, void* vcontext, String* txid) { struct Context* ctx = Identity_cast((struct Context*) vcontext); int64_t* page = Dict_getInt(args, String_CONST("page")); int i = (page) ? *page * ENTRIES_PER_PAGE : 0; dumpTable_addEntries(ctx, i, 0, NULL, txid); } void NodeStore_admin_register(struct NodeStore* nodeStore, struct Admin* admin, struct Allocator* alloc) { struct Context* ctx = Allocator_clone(alloc, (&(struct Context) { .admin = admin, .alloc = alloc, .store = nodeStore })); Identity_set(ctx); Admin_registerFunction("NodeStore_dumpTable", dumpTable, ctx, false, ((struct Admin_FunctionArg[]) { { .name = "page", .required = 1, .type = "Int" }, }), admin); }
/** @return a string representing the address and port to connect to. */ static String* initAngel(int fromAngel, int toAngel, int corePipes[2][2], struct PipeInterface** piOut, struct EventBase* eventBase, struct Log* logger, struct Allocator* alloc, struct Random* rand) { #define TO_CORE (corePipes[0][1]) #define FROM_CORE (corePipes[1][0]) #define TO_ANGEL_AS_CORE (corePipes[1][1]) #define FROM_ANGEL_AS_CORE (corePipes[0][0]) Dict core = Dict_CONST( String_CONST("fromCore"), Int_OBJ(FROM_CORE), Dict_CONST( String_CONST("toCore"), Int_OBJ(TO_CORE), NULL )); Dict admin = Dict_CONST( String_CONST("bind"), String_OBJ(String_CONST("")), Dict_CONST( String_CONST("core"), Dict_OBJ(&core), Dict_CONST( String_CONST("pass"), String_OBJ(String_CONST("abcd")), NULL ))); Dict message = Dict_CONST( String_CONST("admin"), Dict_OBJ(&admin), NULL ); struct Allocator* tempAlloc; BufferAllocator_STACK(tempAlloc, 1024); #define BUFFER_SZ 1023 uint8_t buff[BUFFER_SZ + 1] = {0}; struct Writer* w = ArrayWriter_new(buff, BUFFER_SZ, tempAlloc); StandardBencSerializer_get()->serializeDictionary(w, &message); Log_info(logger, "Writing intial configuration to angel on [%d] config: [%s]", toAngel, buff); write(toAngel, buff, w->bytesWritten(w)); // This is angel->core data, we can throw this away. //Waiter_getData(buff, BUFFER_SZ, fromAngel, eventBase, NULL); //Log_info(logger, "Init message from angel to core: [%s]", buff); Bits_memset(buff, 0, BUFFER_SZ); struct PipeInterface* pi = PipeInterface_new(FROM_ANGEL_AS_CORE, TO_ANGEL_AS_CORE, eventBase, logger, alloc, rand); *piOut = pi; Log_info(logger, "PipeInterface [%p] is now ready.", (void*)pi); // Make sure the angel sends data to the core. InterfaceWaiter_waitForData(&pi->generic, eventBase, alloc, NULL); // Send response on behalf of core. char coreToAngelResponse[128] = " PADDING " "\xff\xff\xff\xff" "d" "5:error" "4:none" "e"; char* start = strchr(coreToAngelResponse, '\xff'); struct Message m = { .bytes = (uint8_t*) start, .length = strlen(start), .padding = start - coreToAngelResponse }; pi->generic.sendMessage(&m, &pi->generic); // This is angel->client data, it will tell us which port was bound. Waiter_getData(buff, BUFFER_SZ, fromAngel, eventBase, NULL); printf("Response from angel to client: [%s]\n", buff); struct Reader* reader = ArrayReader_new(buff, BUFFER_SZ, tempAlloc); Dict configStore; Dict* config = &configStore; Assert_true(!StandardBencSerializer_get()->parseDictionary(reader, tempAlloc, config)); Dict* responseAdmin = Dict_getDict(config, String_CONST("admin")); String* bind = Dict_getString(responseAdmin, String_CONST("bind")); Assert_true(bind); return String_clone(bind, alloc); } /** * This spawns itself as the Angel process which spawns itself again as the core process. * The "core process" pipes all of its inputs back to the originating process */ struct AdminTestFramework* AdminTestFramework_setUp(int argc, char** argv) { if (argc > 1 && !strcmp("angel", argv[1])) { exit(AngelInit_main(argc, argv)); } struct Allocator* alloc = CanaryAllocator_new(MallocAllocator_new(1<<20), NULL); struct Writer* logwriter = FileWriter_new(stdout, alloc); Assert_always(logwriter); struct Log* logger = WriterLog_new(logwriter, alloc); struct EventBase* eventBase = EventBase_new(alloc); struct Random* rand = Random_new(alloc, NULL); int fromAngel; int toAngel; int corePipes[2][2]; if (Pipe_createUniPipe(corePipes[0]) || Pipe_createUniPipe(corePipes[1])) { Except_raise(NULL, -1, "Failed to create pipes [%s]", Errno_getString()); } spawnAngel(&fromAngel, &toAngel); struct PipeInterface* pi; String* addrStr = initAngel(fromAngel, toAngel, corePipes, &pi, eventBase, logger, alloc, rand); Log_info(logger, "Angel initialized."); String* password = String_new("abcd", alloc); struct Admin* admin = Admin_new(&pi->generic, alloc, logger, eventBase, password); // Now setup the client. struct sockaddr_storage addr; int addrLen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage); Bits_memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage)); Assert_true(!evutil_parse_sockaddr_port(addrStr->bytes, (struct sockaddr*) &addr, &addrLen)); struct AdminClient* client = AdminClient_new((uint8_t*) &addr, addrLen, password, eventBase, logger, alloc); Assert_always(client); return alloc->clone(sizeof(struct AdminTestFramework), alloc, &(struct AdminTestFramework) { .admin = admin, .client = client, .alloc = alloc, .eventBase = eventBase, .logger = logger, .addr = alloc->clone(addrLen, alloc, &addr), .addrLen = addrLen, .angelInterface = &pi->generic }); }
static void adminPid(Dict* input, void* vadmin, String* txid, struct Allocator* requestAlloc) { int pid = getpid(); Dict d = Dict_CONST(String_CONST("pid"), Int_OBJ(pid), NULL); Admin_sendMessage(&d, txid, (struct Admin*) vadmin); }
static void ethInterface(Dict* config, struct Context* ctx) { List* ifaces = Dict_getList(config, String_CONST("ETHInterface")); if (!ifaces) { ifaces = List_addDict(ifaces, Dict_getDict(config, String_CONST("ETHInterface")), ctx->alloc); } uint32_t count = List_size(ifaces); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { Dict *eth = List_getDict(ifaces, i); if (!eth) { continue; } // Setup the interface. String* deviceStr = Dict_getString(eth, String_CONST("bind")); Log_info(ctx->logger, "Setting up ETHInterface [%d].", i); Dict* d = Dict_new(ctx->alloc); if (deviceStr) { Log_info(ctx->logger, "Binding to device [%s].", deviceStr->bytes); Dict_putString(d, String_CONST("bindDevice"), deviceStr, ctx->alloc); } if (rpcCall0(String_CONST("ETHInterface_new"), d, ctx, ctx->alloc, false)) { Log_warn(ctx->logger, "Failed to create ETHInterface."); continue; } // Make the connections. Dict* connectTo = Dict_getDict(eth, String_CONST("connectTo")); if (connectTo) { Log_info(ctx->logger, "ETHInterface should connect to a specific node."); struct Dict_Entry* entry = *connectTo; while (entry != NULL) { String* key = (String*) entry->key; if (entry->val->type != Object_DICT) { Log_critical(ctx->logger, "interfaces.ETHInterface.connectTo: entry [%s] " "is not a dictionary type.", key->bytes); exit(-1); } Dict* value = entry->val->as.dictionary; Log_keys(ctx->logger, "Attempting to connect to node [%s].", key->bytes); struct Allocator* perCallAlloc = Allocator_child(ctx->alloc); // Turn the dict from the config into our RPC args dict by filling in all // the arguments, Dict_putString(value, String_CONST("macAddress"), key, perCallAlloc); Dict_putInt(value, String_CONST("interfaceNumber"), i, perCallAlloc); rpcCall(String_CONST("ETHInterface_beginConnection"), value, ctx, perCallAlloc); Allocator_free(perCallAlloc); entry = entry->next; } } int64_t* beaconP = Dict_getInt(eth, String_CONST("beacon")); if (beaconP) { int64_t beacon = *beaconP; if (beacon > 3 || beacon < 0) { Log_error(ctx->logger, "interfaces.ETHInterface.beacon may only be 0, 1,or 2"); } else { // We can cast beacon to an int here because we know it's small enough Log_info(ctx->logger, "Setting beacon mode on ETHInterface to [%d].", (int) beacon); Dict d = Dict_CONST(String_CONST("interfaceNumber"), Int_OBJ(i), Dict_CONST(String_CONST("state"), Int_OBJ(beacon), NULL)); rpcCall(String_CONST("ETHInterface_beacon"), &d, ctx, ctx->alloc); } } } }
static void dumpTable_addEntries(struct Context* ctx, int i, int j, struct List_Item* last, String* txid) { uint8_t path[20]; uint8_t ip[40]; String* pathStr = &(String) { .len = 19, .bytes = (char*)path }; String* ipStr = &(String) { .len = 39, .bytes = (char*)ip }; Object* link = Int_OBJ(0xFFFFFFFF); Object* version = Int_OBJ(Version_DEFAULT_ASSUMPTION); Dict entry = Dict_CONST( String_CONST("ip"), String_OBJ(ipStr), Dict_CONST( String_CONST("link"), link, Dict_CONST( String_CONST("path"), String_OBJ(pathStr), Dict_CONST( String_CONST("version"), version, NULL )))); struct List_Item next = { .next = last, .elem = Dict_OBJ(&entry) }; if (i >= ctx->store->size || j >= ENTRIES_PER_PAGE) { if (i > j) { dumpTable_send(ctx, last, (j >= ENTRIES_PER_PAGE), txid); return; } Address_printIp(ip, ctx->store->selfAddress); strcpy((char*)path, "0000.0000.0000.0001"); version->as.number = Version_CURRENT_PROTOCOL; dumpTable_send(ctx, &next, (j >= ENTRIES_PER_PAGE), txid); return; } struct Node* n = NodeStore_dumpTable(ctx->store, i); link->as.number = n->reach; version->as.number = n->version; Address_printIp(ip, &n->address); AddrTools_printPath(path, n->address.path); dumpTable_addEntries(ctx, i + 1, j + 1, &next, txid); } static void dumpTable(Dict* args, void* vcontext, String* txid, struct Allocator* requestAlloc) { struct Context* ctx = Identity_cast((struct Context*) vcontext); int64_t* page = Dict_getInt(args, String_CONST("page")); int i = (page) ? *page * ENTRIES_PER_PAGE : 0; dumpTable_addEntries(ctx, i, 0, NULL, txid); } static bool isOneHop(struct Node_Link* link) { struct EncodingScheme* ps = link->parent->encodingScheme; int num = EncodingScheme_getFormNum(ps, link->cannonicalLabel); Assert_always(num > -1 && num < ps->count); return EncodingScheme_formSize(&ps->forms[num]) == Bits_log2x64(link->cannonicalLabel); } static void getLink(Dict* args, void* vcontext, String* txid, struct Allocator* alloc) { struct Context* ctx = Identity_cast((struct Context*) vcontext); Dict* ret = Dict_new(alloc); Dict* result = Dict_new(alloc); Dict_putDict(ret, String_new("result", alloc), result, alloc); Dict_putString(ret, String_new("error", alloc), String_new("none", alloc), alloc); struct Node_Link* link; String* ipStr = Dict_getString(args, String_new("parent", alloc)); int64_t* linkNum = Dict_getInt(args, String_new("linkNum", alloc)); uint8_t ip[16]; if (ipStr->len != 39 || AddrTools_parseIp(ip, ipStr->bytes)) { Dict_remove(ret, String_CONST("result")); Dict_putString(ret, String_new("error", alloc), String_new("Could not parse ip", alloc), alloc); } else if ((link = NodeStore_getLink(ctx->store, ip, *linkNum))) { Dict_putInt(result, String_new("inverseLinkEncodingFormNumber", alloc), link->inverseLinkEncodingFormNumber, alloc); Dict_putInt(result, String_new("linkState", alloc), link->linkState, alloc); Dict_putInt(result, String_new("isOneHop", alloc), isOneHop(link), alloc); String* cannonicalLabel = String_newBinary(NULL, 19, alloc); AddrTools_printPath(cannonicalLabel->bytes, link->cannonicalLabel); Dict_putString(result, String_new("cannonicalLabel", alloc), cannonicalLabel, alloc); String* parent = String_newBinary(NULL, 39, alloc); AddrTools_printIp(parent->bytes, link->parent->address.ip6.bytes); Dict_putString(result, String_new("parent", alloc), parent, alloc); String* child = String_newBinary(NULL, 39, alloc); AddrTools_printIp(child->bytes, link->child->address.ip6.bytes); Dict_putString(result, String_new("child", alloc), child, alloc); } Admin_sendMessage(ret, txid, ctx->admin); } static void getNode(Dict* args, void* vcontext, String* txid, struct Allocator* alloc) { struct Context* ctx = Identity_cast((struct Context*) vcontext); Dict* ret = Dict_new(alloc); Dict* result = Dict_new(alloc); Dict_putDict(ret, String_new("result", alloc), result, alloc); Dict_putString(ret, String_new("error", alloc), String_new("none", alloc), alloc); // no ipStr specified --> return self-node struct Node_Two* node = ctx->store->selfNode; String* ipStr = Dict_getString(args, String_new("ip", alloc)); uint8_t ip[16]; while (ipStr) { if (ipStr->len != 39 || AddrTools_parseIp(ip, ipStr->bytes)) { Dict_remove(ret, String_CONST("result")); Dict_putString(ret, String_new("error", alloc), String_new("Could not parse ip", alloc), alloc); } else if (!(node = NodeStore_getNode2(ctx->store, ip))) { // not found } else { break; } Admin_sendMessage(ret, txid, ctx->admin); return; } Dict_putInt(result, String_new("protocolVersion", alloc), node->version, alloc); String* key = Key_stringify(node->address.key, alloc); Dict_putString(result, String_new("key", alloc), key, alloc); uint32_t linkCount = NodeStore_linkCount(node); Dict_putInt(result, String_new("linkCount", alloc), linkCount, alloc); List* encScheme = EncodingScheme_asList(node->encodingScheme, alloc); Dict_putList(result, String_new("encodingScheme", alloc), encScheme, alloc); Admin_sendMessage(ret, txid, ctx->admin); } static void getRouteLabel(Dict* args, void* vcontext, String* txid, struct Allocator* requestAlloc) { struct Context* ctx = Identity_cast((struct Context*) vcontext); char* err = NULL; String* pathToParentS = Dict_getString(args, String_CONST("pathToParent")); uint64_t pathToParent; if (pathToParentS->len != 19) { err = "pathToParent incorrect length"; } else if (AddrTools_parsePath(&pathToParent, pathToParentS->bytes)) { err = "Failed to parse pathToParent"; } String* childAddressS = Dict_getString(args, String_CONST("childAddress")); uint8_t childAddress[16]; if (childAddressS->len != 39) { err = "childAddress of incorrect length, must be a 39 character full ipv6 address"; } else if (AddrTools_parseIp(childAddress, childAddressS->bytes)) { err = "Failed to parse childAddress"; } uint64_t label = UINT64_MAX; if (!err) { label = NodeStore_getRouteLabel(ctx->store, pathToParent, childAddress); err = NodeStore_getRouteLabel_strerror(label); } Dict* response = Dict_new(requestAlloc); if (!err) { String* printedPath = String_newBinary(NULL, 19, requestAlloc); AddrTools_printPath(printedPath->bytes, label); Dict_putString(response, String_new("result", requestAlloc), printedPath, requestAlloc); Dict_putString(response, String_new("error", requestAlloc), String_new("none", requestAlloc), requestAlloc); Admin_sendMessage(response, txid, ctx->admin); } else { Dict_putString(response, String_new("error", requestAlloc), String_new(err, requestAlloc), requestAlloc); Admin_sendMessage(response, txid, ctx->admin); } } void NodeStore_admin_register(struct NodeStore* nodeStore, struct Admin* admin, struct Allocator* alloc) { struct Context* ctx = Allocator_clone(alloc, (&(struct Context) { .admin = admin, .alloc = alloc, .store = nodeStore })); Identity_set(ctx); Admin_registerFunction("NodeStore_dumpTable", dumpTable, ctx, false, ((struct Admin_FunctionArg[]) { { .name = "page", .required = 1, .type = "Int" }, }), admin); Admin_registerFunction("NodeStore_getLink", getLink, ctx, true, ((struct Admin_FunctionArg[]) { { .name = "parent", .required = 1, .type = "String" }, { .name = "linkNum", .required = 1, .type = "Int" }, }), admin);