int main() { int i; int id1, id2; struct _pulse pulse; // Request I/O privileges ThreadCtl( _NTO_TCTL_IO, 0 ); chid = ChannelCreate( 0 ); coid = ConnectAttach( 0, 0, chid, _NTO_SIDE_CHANNEL, 0 ); SIGEV_PULSE_INIT( &event1, coid, getprio(0), MY_PULSE_CODE1, 0 ); id1=InterruptAttach( SYSPAGE_ENTRY(qtime)->intr, &handler1, NULL, 0, 0 ); SIGEV_PULSE_INIT( &event2, coid, getprio(0), MY_PULSE_CODE2, 0 ); id2=InterruptAttach( SYSPAGE_ENTRY(qtime)->intr, &handler2, NULL, 0, 0 ); for( i = 0; i < 10; ++i ) { // Wait for ISR to wake us up MsgReceivePulse( chid, &pulse, sizeof( pulse ), NULL ); if(pulse.code == MY_PULSE_CODE1) { printf( "1000 events\n" ); } else if(pulse.code == MY_PULSE_CODE2) { printf( "2500 events\n" ); } } // Disconnect the ISR handler InterruptDetach(id1); InterruptDetach(id2); return 0; }
void omap3_dinit(void *hdl) { omap3_spi_t *dev = hdl; /* * unmap the register, detach the interrupt */ InterruptDetach(dev->iid_spi); munmap_device_io(dev->vbase, OMAP3_SPI_REGLEN); /* * Disable EDMA */ if (dev->edma) { omap3_edma_disablespi(dev); InterruptDetach(dev->iid_edma); omap3_edma_detach (dev); munmap_device_memory((void *)dev->edmavbase, DM6446_EDMA_SIZE); munmap(dev->dmabuf, OMAP3_SPI_MAXDMALEN); ConnectDetach(dev->edma_coid); } ConnectDetach(dev->coid); ChannelDestroy(dev->chid); free(hdl); }
inline void isr_cleanup(omapl1xx_context_t *omapl1xx) { ConnectDetach(omapl1xx->lcd_coid); ChannelDestroy(omapl1xx->lcd_chid); InterruptDetach(omapl1xx->lcd_iid); }
static err_t gpio_destory(Drive_Gpio *t) { Drive_Gpio *cthis = ( Drive_Gpio *)t ; cthis->disableIrq( cthis); GPIOModuleDisable( cthis->gpio_vbase); InterruptDetach( cthis->irq_id); munmap_device_io( cthis->gpio_vbase, AM335X_GPIO_SIZE); lw_oopc_delete( cthis); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
void omap_fini(void *hdl) { omap_dev_t *dev = hdl; out16(dev->regbase + OMAP_I2C_CON, 0); out16(dev->regbase + OMAP_I2C_IE, 0); InterruptDetach(dev->iid); ConnectDetach(dev->coid); ChannelDestroy(dev->chid); munmap_device_io (dev->regbase, dev->reglen); free (hdl); }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { int chid; int coid; my_msg_type msg; chid = ChannelCreate(); coid = Connect(SELF_PID, chid); void * zeroPtr = MapPhysical(0, 4096 * 4); zeroPtr = zeroPtr; int handler_id = InterruptAttach(coid, 4, NULL); for (;;) { int msgid; int num = MessageReceive(chid, &msgid, &msg, sizeof(msg)); if (msgid != 0) { MessageReply(msgid, ERROR_NO_SYS, NULL, 0); } else { // Pulse received switch (msg.async.type) { case PULSE_TYPE_INTERRUPT: { InterruptComplete(handler_id); break; } default: { *((char *)NULL) = '\0'; break; } } } num = num; } InterruptDetach(handler_id); return 0; }
void SensorHAL::stopInterrupt() { if (-1 == ThreadCtl(_NTO_TCTL_IO, 0)) { printf("ThreadCtl access failed\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (InterruptDetach(interruptId) == -1) { printf("SensorHAL: Error InterruptDetach\n"); } if (ConnectDetach(coid) == -1) { printf("SensorHAL: Error in ConnectDetach\n"); } if (ChannelDestroy(chid) == -1) { printf("SensorHAL: Error in ChannelDestroy\n"); } }
/**************************************************************************** REMARKS: Function to execute a service at ring 0. This is done using the clock interrupt handler since the code we attach to it will always run at ring 0. ****************************************************************************/ static void CallRing0(void) { #ifdef __QNXNTO__ uint clock_intno = SYSPAGE_ENTRY(qtime)->intr; #else uint clock_intno = 0; /* clock irq */ #endif int intrid; #ifdef __QNXNTO__ mlock((void*)&_PM_R0, sizeof(_PM_R0)); ThreadCtl(_NTO_TCTL_IO, 0); #endif #ifdef __QNXNTO__ if ((intrid = InterruptAttach(_NTO_INTR_CLASS_EXTERNAL | clock_intno, _PM_ring0_isr, (void*)&_PM_R0, sizeof(_PM_R0), _NTO_INTR_FLAGS_END)) == -1) { #else if ((intrid = qnx_hint_attach(clock_intno, _PM_ring0_isr, FP_SEG(&_PM_R0))) == -1) { #endif perror("Attach"); exit(-1); } while (_PM_R0.service != -1) ; #ifdef __QNXNTO__ InterruptDetach(intrid); #else qnx_hint_detach(intrid); #endif } /**************************************************************************** REMARKS: Flush the translation lookaside buffer. ****************************************************************************/ void PMAPI PM_flushTLB(void) { _PM_R0.service = R0_FLUSH_TLB; CallRing0(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { uint32_t l; int id, id2; my_data_t msg; int rcvid; name_attach_t *name; printf("Welcome Onda\n"); if (ThreadCtl(_NTO_TCTL_IO, 0) < 0) { perror(NULL); return -1; } name = name_attach(NULL, "onda", NAME_FLAG_ATTACH_GLOBAL); if (name == NULL) { perror("Error0\n"); return -1; } /* attach GPIO interrupt */ id = InterruptAttach (33, gpio_isr_handler, NULL, 0, _NTO_INTR_FLAGS_PROCESS); /* attach timer interrupt */ id2 = InterruptAttach (45, timer_isr_handler, NULL, 0, _NTO_INTR_FLAGS_PROCESS); gpio5 = mmap_device_io(OMAP3530_GPIO_SIZE, OMAP3530_GPIO5_BASE); if (gpio5 == MAP_DEVICE_FAILED) { perror(NULL); return -1; } //gpt3 = mmap_device_io(OMAP3530_GPT_SIZE, OMAP3530_GPT3_BASE); gpt9 = mmap_device_io(OMAP3530_GPT_SIZE, OMAP3530_GPT9_BASE); if (gpt9 == MAP_DEVICE_FAILED) { perror(NULL); return -1; } sys = mmap_device_io(OMAP3530_SYSCTL_SIZE, OMAP3530_SYSCTL_BASE); if (sys == MAP_DEVICE_FAILED) { perror(NULL); return -1; } /* selecting mode 4 function - GPIO 139 * selecting pullup and mode 4 function - GPIO 138 */ #define SYS_CONF ((4 << 16) | ((1 << 8) | (1<<3) | 4)) #define SYS_MASK ~(0x10F010F) l = (in32(sys + 0x168) & SYS_MASK) | SYS_CONF; //l = (in32(sys + 0x168) & ~(7<<16) ) | (4 << 16); //out32(sys + 0x168, ((1<<3 | 4) << 16) | (1<<3) | 4); out32(sys + 0x168, l); /* setting mode 2 - PWM */ l = (in32(sys + 0x174) & ~7 ) | 2; out32(sys + 0x174, l); /* setting the PIN 138 to input * setting the PIN 139 to output */ l = (in32(gpio5 + OMAP2420_GPIO_OE) & ~(1 << 11)) | 1 << 10; out32(gpio5 + OMAP2420_GPIO_OE, l); /* enabling interrupt on both levels on GPIO 139 */ out32(gpio5 + OMAP2420_GPIO_RISINGDETECT, l << 10); out32(gpio5 + OMAP2420_GPIO_FALLINGDETECT, l << 10); out32(gpio5 + OMAP2420_GPIO_SETIRQENABLE1, l << 10); /* make sure timer has stop */ out32(gpt9 + OMAP3530_GPT_TCLR, 0); /* enabling the interrupt */ out32(gpt9 + OMAP3530_GPT_TIER, 2); //comentar se PWM /* configuring PWM */ out32(gpt9 + OMAP3530_GPT_TCLR, (1<<12) | (1<<10) | (1<<7)); //-- PWM out32(gpio5 + OMAP2420_GPIO_SETDATAOUT, (1 << 11)); printf("Esperando requisições\n"); while (1) { rcvid = MsgReceive(name->chid, &msg, sizeof(msg), NULL); if (rcvid == -1) {/* Error condition, exit */ break; } /* name_open() sends a connect message, must EOK this */ if (msg.hdr.type == _IO_CONNECT) { MsgReply(rcvid, EOK, NULL, 0); continue; } /* Some other QNX IO message was received; reject it */ if (msg.hdr.type > _IO_BASE && msg.hdr.type <= _IO_MAX) { MsgError(rcvid, ENOSYS); continue; } switch (msg.hdr.subtype) { case 0x55: MsgReply(rcvid, EOK, &pincount, sizeof(pincount)); break; case 0x65: MsgReply(rcvid, EOK, &interval, sizeof(interval)); break; case 0x66: interval =; MsgReply(rcvid, EOK, &interval, sizeof(interval)); break; default: MsgReply(rcvid, EOK, NULL, 0); } } out32(gpt9 + OMAP3530_GPT_TCLR, 0); out32(gpt9 + OMAP3530_GPT_TIER, 0); InterruptDetach (id); InterruptDetach (id2); printf("Fim\n"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }