static void remote_monitoring_run(void) { if (platform_init() != 0) { printf("Failed to initialize the platform.\r\n"); } else { if (serializer_init(NULL) != SERIALIZER_OK) { printf("Failed on serializer_init\r\n"); } else { IOTHUB_CLIENT_CONFIG config; IOTHUB_CLIENT_HANDLE iotHubClientHandle; config.deviceSasToken = NULL; config.deviceId = deviceId; config.deviceKey = deviceKey; config.iotHubName = hubName; config.iotHubSuffix = hubSuffix; #ifndef WINCE config.protocol = AMQP_Protocol; #else config.protocol = HTTP_Protocol; #endif iotHubClientHandle = IoTHubClient_Create(&config); if (iotHubClientHandle == NULL) { (void)printf("Failed on IoTHubClient_CreateFromConnectionString\r\n"); } else { #ifdef MBED_BUILD_TIMESTAMP // For mbed add the certificate information if (IoTHubClient_SetOption(iotHubClientHandle, "TrustedCerts", certificates) != IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK) { printf("failure to set option \"TrustedCerts\"\r\n"); } #endif // MBED_BUILD_TIMESTAMP Thermostat* thermostat = CREATE_MODEL_INSTANCE(Contoso, Thermostat); if (thermostat == NULL) { (void)printf("Failed on CREATE_MODEL_INSTANCE\r\n"); } else { STRING_HANDLE commandsMetadata; if (IoTHubClient_SetMessageCallback(iotHubClientHandle, IoTHubMessage, thermostat) != IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK) { printf("unable to IoTHubClient_SetMessageCallback\r\n"); } else { /* send the device info upon startup so that the cloud app knows what commands are available and the fact that the device is up */ thermostat->ObjectType = "DeviceInfo"; thermostat->IsSimulatedDevice = false; thermostat->Version = "1.0"; thermostat->DeviceProperties.HubEnabledState = true; thermostat->DeviceProperties.DeviceID = (char*)deviceId; commandsMetadata = STRING_new(); if (commandsMetadata == NULL) { (void)printf("Failed on creating string for commands metadata\r\n"); } else { /* Serialize the commands metadata as a JSON string before sending */ if (SchemaSerializer_SerializeCommandMetadata(GET_MODEL_HANDLE(Contoso, Thermostat), commandsMetadata) != SCHEMA_SERIALIZER_OK) { (void)printf("Failed serializing commands metadata\r\n"); } else { unsigned char* buffer; size_t bufferSize; thermostat->Commands = (char*)STRING_c_str(commandsMetadata); /* Here is the actual send of the Device Info */ if (SERIALIZE(&buffer, &bufferSize, thermostat->ObjectType, thermostat->Version, thermostat->IsSimulatedDevice, thermostat->DeviceProperties, thermostat->Commands) != IOT_AGENT_OK) { (void)printf("Failed serializing\r\n"); } else { sendMessage(iotHubClientHandle, buffer, bufferSize); } } STRING_delete(commandsMetadata); } thermostat->Temperature = 50; thermostat->ExternalTemperature = 55; thermostat->Humidity = 50; thermostat->DeviceId = (char*)deviceId; while (1) { unsigned char*buffer; size_t bufferSize; float tempC = -300.0; float pressurePa = -300; float humidityPct = -300; int sensorResult = bme280_read_sensors(&tempC, &pressurePa, &humidityPct); if (sensorResult == 1) { thermostat->Temperature = tempC; thermostat->Humidity = humidityPct; printf("Humidity = %.1f%% Temperature = %.1f*C \n", humidityPct, tempC); pinMode(Grn_led_pin, OUTPUT); } else { thermostat->Temperature = 404.0; thermostat->Humidity = 404.0; printf("Unable to read BME280 on pin %i\n", Spi_channel); pinMode(Red_led_pin, OUTPUT); } (void)printf("Sending sensor value Temperature = %.1f*C, Humidity = %.1f%%\r\n", thermostat->Temperature, thermostat->Humidity); if (SERIALIZE(&buffer, &bufferSize, thermostat->DeviceId, thermostat->Temperature, thermostat->Humidity, thermostat->ExternalTemperature) != IOT_AGENT_OK) { (void)printf("Failed sending sensor value\r\n"); } else { sendMessage(iotHubClientHandle, buffer, bufferSize); } ThreadAPI_Sleep(1000); } } close_lockfile(Lock_fd); DESTROY_MODEL_INSTANCE(thermostat); } IoTHubClient_Destroy(iotHubClientHandle); } serializer_deinit(); } platform_deinit(); } }
void simplesample_amqp_run(void) { if (platform_init() != 0) { printf("Failed to initialize the platform.\r\n"); } else { if (serializer_init(NULL) != SERIALIZER_OK) { (void)printf("Failed on serializer_init\r\n"); } else { /* Setup IoTHub client configuration */ IOTHUB_CLIENT_HANDLE iotHubClientHandle = IoTHubClient_CreateFromConnectionString(connectionString, AMQP_Protocol); srand((unsigned int)time(NULL)); int avgWindSpeed = 10; // Turn on Log bool trace = true; (void)IoTHubClient_SetOption(iotHubClientHandle, "logtrace", &trace); if (iotHubClientHandle == NULL) { (void)printf("Failed on IoTHubClient_Create\r\n"); } else { #ifdef MBED_BUILD_TIMESTAMP // For mbed add the certificate information if (IoTHubClient_SetOption(iotHubClientHandle, "TrustedCerts", certificates) != IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK) { (void)printf("failure to set option \"TrustedCerts\"\r\n"); } #endif // MBED_BUILD_TIMESTAMP ContosoAnemometer* myWeather = CREATE_MODEL_INSTANCE(WeatherStation, ContosoAnemometer); if (myWeather == NULL) { (void)printf("Failed on CREATE_MODEL_INSTANCE\r\n"); } else { unsigned char* destination; size_t destinationSize; if (IoTHubClient_SetMessageCallback(iotHubClientHandle, IoTHubMessage, myWeather) != IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK) { printf("unable to IoTHubClient_SetMessageCallback\r\n"); } else { myWeather->DeviceId = "myFirstDevice"; myWeather->WindSpeed = avgWindSpeed + (rand() % 4 + 2); if (SERIALIZE(&destination, &destinationSize, myWeather->DeviceId, myWeather->WindSpeed) != CODEFIRST_OK) { (void)printf("Failed to serialize\r\n"); } else { sendMessage(iotHubClientHandle, destination, destinationSize); } /* wait for commands */ (void)getchar(); } DESTROY_MODEL_INSTANCE(myWeather); } IoTHubClient_Destroy(iotHubClientHandle); } serializer_deinit(); } platform_deinit(); } }
void remote_monitoring_run(void) { if (serializer_init(NULL) != SERIALIZER_OK) { printf("Failed on serializer_init\r\n"); } else { IOTHUB_CLIENT_CONFIG config; config.deviceId = deviceId; config.deviceKey = deviceKey; config.iotHubName = hubName; config.iotHubSuffix = hubSuffix; config.protocol = AMQP_Protocol; IOTHUB_CLIENT_HANDLE iotHubClientHandle = IoTHubClient_Create(&config); if (iotHubClientHandle == NULL) { (void)printf("Failed on IoTHubClient_CreateFromConnectionString\r\n"); } else { unsigned int minimumPollingTime = 9; /*because it can poll "after 9 seconds" polls will happen effectively at ~10 seconds*/ if (IoTHubClient_SetOption(iotHubClientHandle, "MinimumPollingTime", &minimumPollingTime) != IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK) { printf("failure to set option \"MinimumPollingTime\"\r\n"); } #ifdef MBED_BUILD_TIMESTAMP // For mbed add the certificate information if (IoTHubClient_SetOption(iotHubClientHandle, "TrustedCerts", certificates) != IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK) { printf("failure to set option \"TrustedCerts\"\r\n"); } #endif // MBED_BUILD_TIMESTAMP Thermostat* thermostat = CREATE_MODEL_INSTANCE(Contoso, Thermostat); if (thermostat == NULL) { (void)printf("Failed on CREATE_MODEL_INSTANCE\r\n"); } else { STRING_HANDLE commandsMetadata; if (IoTHubClient_SetMessageCallback(iotHubClientHandle, IoTHubMessage, thermostat) != IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK) { printf("unable to IoTHubClient_SetMessageCallback\r\n"); } else { /* send the device info upon startup so that the cloud app knows what commands are available and the fact that the device is up */ thermostat->ObjectType = "DeviceInfo"; thermostat->IsSimulatedDevice = false; thermostat->Version = "1.0"; thermostat->DeviceProperties.HubEnabledState = true; thermostat->DeviceProperties.DeviceID = (char*)deviceId; commandsMetadata = STRING_new(); if (commandsMetadata == NULL) { (void)printf("Failed on creating string for commands metadata\r\n"); } else { /* Serialize the commands metadata as a JSON string before sending */ if (SchemaSerializer_SerializeCommandMetadata(GET_MODEL_HANDLE(Contoso, Thermostat), commandsMetadata) != SCHEMA_SERIALIZER_OK) { (void)printf("Failed serializing commands metadata\r\n"); } else { unsigned char* buffer; size_t bufferSize; thermostat->Commands = (char*)STRING_c_str(commandsMetadata); /* Here is the actual send of the Device Info */ if (SERIALIZE(&buffer, &bufferSize, thermostat->ObjectType, thermostat->Version, thermostat->IsSimulatedDevice, thermostat->DeviceProperties, thermostat->Commands) != IOT_AGENT_OK) { (void)printf("Failed serializing\r\n"); } else { sendMessage(iotHubClientHandle, buffer, bufferSize); } } STRING_delete(commandsMetadata); } thermostat->Temperature = 50.0; thermostat->Humidity = 50.0; thermostat->DeviceId = (char*)deviceId; while (1) { unsigned char*buffer; size_t bufferSize; (void)printf("Sending sensor value Temperature = %02f, Humidity = %02f\r\n", thermostat->Temperature, thermostat->Humidity); if (SERIALIZE(&buffer, &bufferSize, thermostat->Temperature, thermostat->Humidity, thermostat->DeviceId) != IOT_AGENT_OK) { (void)printf("Failed sending sensor value\r\n"); } else { sendMessage(iotHubClientHandle, buffer, bufferSize); } ThreadAPI_Sleep(1000); } } DESTROY_MODEL_INSTANCE(thermostat); } IoTHubClient_Destroy(iotHubClientHandle); } serializer_deinit(); } }
static void RecvMessage(IOTHUB_PROVISIONED_DEVICE* deviceToUse) { // arrange IOTHUB_CLIENT_HANDLE iotHubClientHandle; IOTHUB_SERVICE_CLIENT_AUTH_HANDLE iotHubServiceClientHandle; IOTHUB_MESSAGING_CLIENT_HANDLE iotHubMessagingHandle; IOTHUB_MESSAGING_RESULT iotHubMessagingResult; IOTHUB_MESSAGE_RESULT iotHubMessageResult; EXPECTED_RECEIVE_DATA* receiveUserContext; IOTHUB_MESSAGE_HANDLE messageHandle; // act IoTHub_Init(); // Create Service Client iotHubServiceClientHandle = IoTHubServiceClientAuth_CreateFromConnectionString(IoTHubAccount_GetIoTHubConnString(g_iothubAcctInfo1)); ASSERT_IS_NOT_NULL(iotHubServiceClientHandle, "Could not initialize IoTHubServiceClient to send C2D messages to the device"); iotHubMessagingHandle = IoTHubMessaging_Create(iotHubServiceClientHandle); ASSERT_IS_NOT_NULL(iotHubMessagingHandle, "Could not initialize IoTHubMessaging to send C2D messages to the device"); iotHubMessagingResult = IoTHubMessaging_Open(iotHubMessagingHandle, openCompleteCallback, (void*)"Context string for open"); ASSERT_ARE_EQUAL(int, IOTHUB_MESSAGING_OK, iotHubMessagingResult); // Create user context and message receiveUserContext = ReceiveUserContext_Create(); ASSERT_IS_NOT_NULL(receiveUserContext, "Could not create receive user context"); messageHandle = IoTHubMessage_CreateFromString(MSG_CONTENT1); ASSERT_IS_NOT_NULL(messageHandle, "Could not create IoTHubMessage to send C2D messages to the device"); iotHubMessageResult = IoTHubMessage_SetMessageId(messageHandle, MSG_ID1); ASSERT_ARE_EQUAL(int, IOTHUB_MESSAGING_OK, iotHubMessageResult); iotHubMessageResult = IoTHubMessage_SetCorrelationId(messageHandle, MSG_CORRELATION_ID1); ASSERT_ARE_EQUAL(int, IOTHUB_MESSAGING_OK, iotHubMessageResult); MAP_HANDLE mapHandle = IoTHubMessage_Properties(messageHandle); for (size_t i = 0; i < MSG_PROP_COUNT; i++) { if (Map_AddOrUpdate(mapHandle, MSG_PROP_KEYS[i], MSG_PROP_VALS[i]) != MAP_OK) { (void)printf("ERROR: Map_AddOrUpdate failed for property %zu!\r\n", i); } } iotHubMessagingResult = IoTHubMessaging_SendAsync(iotHubMessagingHandle, deviceToUse->deviceId, messageHandle, sendCompleteCallback, receiveUserContext); ASSERT_ARE_EQUAL(int, IOTHUB_MESSAGING_OK, iotHubMessagingResult, "IoTHubMessaging_SendAsync failed, could not send C2D message to the device"); iotHubClientHandle = IoTHubClient_CreateFromConnectionString(deviceToUse->connectionString, HTTP_Protocol); ASSERT_IS_NOT_NULL(iotHubClientHandle, "Failure creating Iothub Client"); if (deviceToUse->howToCreate == IOTHUB_ACCOUNT_AUTH_X509) { IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT result; result = IoTHubClient_SetOption(iotHubClientHandle, OPTION_X509_CERT, deviceToUse->certificate); ASSERT_ARE_EQUAL(IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT, IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK, result, "Could not set the device x509 certificate"); result = IoTHubClient_SetOption(iotHubClientHandle, OPTION_X509_PRIVATE_KEY, deviceToUse->primaryAuthentication); ASSERT_ARE_EQUAL(IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT, IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK, result, "Could not set the device x509 privateKey"); } IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT result = IoTHubClient_SetMessageCallback(iotHubClientHandle, ReceiveMessageCallback, receiveUserContext); ASSERT_ARE_EQUAL(IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT, IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK, result, "Failure setting message callback"); unsigned int minimumPollingTime = 1; /*because it should not wait*/ if (IoTHubClient_SetOption(iotHubClientHandle, OPTION_MIN_POLLING_TIME, &minimumPollingTime) != IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK) { printf("failure to set option \"MinimumPollingTime\"\r\n"); } time_t beginOperation, nowTime; beginOperation = time(NULL); while ( ( (nowTime = time(NULL)), (difftime(nowTime, beginOperation) < MAX_CLOUD_TRAVEL_TIME) //time box ) ) { if (Lock(receiveUserContext->lock) != LOCK_OK) { ASSERT_FAIL("unable ot lock"); } else { if (receiveUserContext->wasFound) { (void)Unlock(receiveUserContext->lock); break; } (void)Unlock(receiveUserContext->lock); } ThreadAPI_Sleep(100); } // assert ASSERT_IS_TRUE(receiveUserContext->wasFound, "Failure retrieving message that was sent to IotHub."); // was found is written by the callback... // cleanup IoTHubMessage_Destroy(messageHandle); IoTHubMessaging_Close(iotHubMessagingHandle); IoTHubMessaging_Destroy(iotHubMessagingHandle); IoTHubServiceClientAuth_Destroy(iotHubServiceClientHandle); IoTHubClient_Destroy(iotHubClientHandle); ReceiveUserContext_Destroy(receiveUserContext); }
void iothub_client_sample_amqp_websockets_run(void) { IOTHUB_CLIENT_HANDLE iotHubClientHandle; EVENT_INSTANCE messages[MESSAGE_COUNT]; srand((unsigned int)time(NULL)); double avgWindSpeed = 10.0; callbackCounter = 0; int receiveContext = 0; (void)printf("Starting the IoTHub client sample AMQP over WebSockets...\r\n"); if (platform_init() != 0) { (void)printf("ERROR: failed initializing the platform.\r\n"); } else if ((iotHubClientHandle = IoTHubClient_CreateFromConnectionString(connectionString, AMQP_Protocol_over_WebSocketsTls)) == NULL) { (void)printf("ERROR: iotHubClientHandle is NULL!\r\n"); platform_deinit(); } else { #ifdef MBED_BUILD_TIMESTAMP // For mbed add the certificate information if (IoTHubClient_LL_SetOption(iotHubClientHandle, "TrustedCerts", certificates) != IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK) { printf("failure to set option \"TrustedCerts\"\r\n"); } #endif // MBED_BUILD_TIMESTAMP /* Setting Message call back, so we can receive Commands. */ if (IoTHubClient_SetMessageCallback(iotHubClientHandle, ReceiveMessageCallback, &receiveContext) != IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK) { (void)printf("ERROR: IoTHubClient_SetMessageCallback..........FAILED!\r\n"); } else { (void)printf("IoTHubClient_SetMessageCallback...successful.\r\n"); /* Now that we are ready to receive commands, let's send some messages */ for (size_t i = 0; i < MESSAGE_COUNT; i++) { sprintf_s(msgText, sizeof(msgText), "{\"deviceId\":\"myFirstDevice\",\"windSpeed\":%.2f}", avgWindSpeed+(rand()%4+2) ); if ((messages[i].messageHandle = IoTHubMessage_CreateFromByteArray((const unsigned char*)msgText, strlen(msgText))) == NULL) { (void)printf("ERROR: iotHubMessageHandle is NULL!\r\n"); } else { messages[i].messageTrackingId = i; MAP_HANDLE propMap = IoTHubMessage_Properties(messages[i].messageHandle); sprintf_s(propText, sizeof(propText), "PropMsg_%d", i); if (Map_AddOrUpdate(propMap, "PropName", propText) != MAP_OK) { (void)printf("ERROR: Map_AddOrUpdate Failed!\r\n"); } if (IoTHubClient_SendEventAsync(iotHubClientHandle, messages[i].messageHandle, SendConfirmationCallback, &messages[i]) != IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK) { (void)printf("ERROR: IoTHubClient_SendEventAsync..........FAILED!\r\n"); } else { (void)printf("IoTHubClient_SendEventAsync accepted data for transmission to IoT Hub.\r\n"); } } } /* Wait for Commands. */ (void)printf("Press any key to exit the application. \r\n"); (void)getchar(); } IoTHubClient_Destroy(iotHubClientHandle); platform_deinit(); } }
static void SendEvent(IOTHUB_PROVISIONED_DEVICE* deviceToUse) { // arrange IOTHUB_CLIENT_HANDLE iotHubClientHandle; IOTHUB_MESSAGE_HANDLE msgHandle; EXPECTED_SEND_DATA* sendData = EventData_Create(); ASSERT_IS_NOT_NULL(sendData, "Failure creating data to be sent"); // Send the Event { IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT result; // Create the IoT Hub Data iotHubClientHandle = IoTHubClient_CreateFromConnectionString(deviceToUse->connectionString, HTTP_Protocol); ASSERT_IS_NOT_NULL(iotHubClientHandle, "Failure creating IothubClient handle"); msgHandle = IoTHubMessage_CreateFromByteArray((const unsigned char*)sendData->expectedString, strlen(sendData->expectedString)); ASSERT_IS_NOT_NULL(msgHandle, "Failure to create message handle"); if (deviceToUse->howToCreate == IOTHUB_ACCOUNT_AUTH_X509) { result = IoTHubClient_SetOption(iotHubClientHandle, OPTION_X509_CERT, deviceToUse->certificate); ASSERT_ARE_EQUAL(IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT, IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK, result, "Could not set the device x509 certificate"); result = IoTHubClient_SetOption(iotHubClientHandle, OPTION_X509_PRIVATE_KEY, deviceToUse->primaryAuthentication); ASSERT_ARE_EQUAL(IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT, IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK, result, "Could not set the device x509 privateKey"); } // act result = IoTHubClient_SendEventAsync(iotHubClientHandle, msgHandle, ReceiveConfirmationCallback, sendData); ASSERT_ARE_EQUAL(IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT, IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK, result, "Failure calling IoTHubClient_SendEventAsync"); } time_t beginOperation, nowTime; beginOperation = time(NULL); while ( (nowTime = time(NULL)), (difftime(nowTime, beginOperation) < MAX_CLOUD_TRAVEL_TIME) // time box ) { if (Lock(sendData->lock) != LOCK_OK) { ASSERT_FAIL("unable to lock"); } else { if (sendData->dataWasRecv) { Unlock(sendData->lock); break; } Unlock(sendData->lock); } ThreadAPI_Sleep(100); } if (Lock(sendData->lock) != LOCK_OK) { ASSERT_FAIL("unable to lock"); } else { ASSERT_IS_TRUE(sendData->dataWasRecv, "Failure sending data to IotHub"); // was found is written by the callback... (void)Unlock(sendData->lock); } { IOTHUB_TEST_HANDLE iotHubTestHandle = IoTHubTest_Initialize(IoTHubAccount_GetEventHubConnectionString(g_iothubAcctInfo1), IoTHubAccount_GetIoTHubConnString(g_iothubAcctInfo1), deviceToUse->deviceId, IoTHubAccount_GetEventhubListenName(g_iothubAcctInfo1), IoTHubAccount_GetEventhubAccessKey(g_iothubAcctInfo1), IoTHubAccount_GetSharedAccessSignature(g_iothubAcctInfo1), IoTHubAccount_GetEventhubConsumerGroup(g_iothubAcctInfo1)); ASSERT_IS_NOT_NULL(iotHubTestHandle); IOTHUB_TEST_CLIENT_RESULT result = IoTHubTest_ListenForEventForMaxDrainTime(iotHubTestHandle, IoTHubCallback, IoTHubAccount_GetIoTHubPartitionCount(g_iothubAcctInfo1), sendData); ASSERT_ARE_EQUAL(IOTHUB_TEST_CLIENT_RESULT, IOTHUB_TEST_CLIENT_OK, result); IoTHubTest_Deinit(iotHubTestHandle); } // assert ASSERT_IS_TRUE(sendData->wasFound, "Failure receiving data from eventhub"); // was found is written by the callback...*/ // cleanup IoTHubMessage_Destroy(msgHandle); IoTHubClient_Destroy(iotHubClientHandle); EventData_Destroy(sendData); }
static int iothub_client_sample_mqtt_dm_run(const char *connectionString, bool traceOn) { LogInfo("Initialize Platform"); int retValue; if (platform_init() != 0) { LogError("Failed to initialize the platform."); retValue = -4; } else { if (serializer_init(NULL) != SERIALIZER_OK) { LogError("Failed in serializer_init."); retValue = -5; } else { LogInfo("Instantiate the device."); thingie_t *iot_device = CREATE_MODEL_INSTANCE(Contoso, thingie_t); if (iot_device == NULL) { LogError("Failed on CREATE_MODEL_INSTANCE."); retValue = -6; } else { LogInfo("Initialize From Connection String."); IOTHUB_CLIENT_HANDLE iotHubClientHandle = IoTHubClient_CreateFromConnectionString(connectionString, MQTT_Protocol); if (iotHubClientHandle == NULL) { LogError("iotHubClientHandle is NULL!"); retValue = -7; } else { LogInfo("Device successfully connected."); if (IoTHubClient_SetOption(iotHubClientHandle, "logtrace", &traceOn) != IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK) { LogError("failed to set logtrace option"); } PHYSICAL_DEVICE *physical_device = physical_device_new(iot_device); if (physical_device == NULL) { LogError("failed to make an iot device callback structure"); retValue = -8; } else { if (IoTHubClient_SetDeviceMethodCallback(iotHubClientHandle, DeviceMethodCallback, physical_device) != IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK) { LogError("failed to associate a callback for device methods"); retValue = -9; } else { bool keepRunning = send_reported(physical_device, iotHubClientHandle); if (!keepRunning) { LogError("Failed to send initia device reported"); retValue = -10; } else { FIRMWARE_UPDATE_STATUS oldStatus = get_physical_device_fwupdate_status(physical_device); while (keepRunning) { FIRMWARE_UPDATE_STATUS newStatus = get_physical_device_fwupdate_status(physical_device); /* send reported only if the status changes */ if (newStatus != oldStatus) { oldStatus = newStatus; keepRunning = send_reported(physical_device, iotHubClientHandle); } ThreadAPI_Sleep(1000); } retValue = 0; } } physical_device_delete(physical_device); } IoTHubClient_Destroy(iotHubClientHandle); } DESTROY_MODEL_INSTANCE(iot_device); } serializer_deinit(); } platform_deinit(); } return retValue; }
void device_twin_simple_sample_run(void) { /*prepare the platform*/ if (platform_init() != 0) { printf("Failed to initialize the platform.\n"); } else { if (SERIALIZER_REGISTER_NAMESPACE(Contoso) == NULL) { LogError("unable to SERIALIZER_REGISTER_NAMESPACE"); } else { /*create an IoTHub client*/ IOTHUB_CLIENT_HANDLE iotHubClientHandle = IoTHubClient_CreateFromConnectionString(connectionString, MQTT_Protocol); // Change to AMQP_Procotol if desired. if (iotHubClientHandle == NULL) { printf("Failure creating IoTHubClient handle"); } else { // Turn on Log bool trace = true; (void)IoTHubClient_SetOption(iotHubClientHandle, "logtrace", &trace); Car* car = IoTHubDeviceTwin_CreateCar(iotHubClientHandle); if (car == NULL) { printf("Failure in IoTHubDeviceTwin_CreateCar"); } else { /*setting values for reported properties*/ car->lastOilChangeDate = "2016"; car->maker.makerName = "Fabrikam"; car-> = "sedan"; car->maker.year = 2014; car->state.reported_maxSpeed = 100; car->state.softwareVersion = 1; car->state.vanityPlate = "1I1"; // IoTHubDeviceTwin_SendReportedStateCar sends the reported status back to IoT Hub // to the associated device twin. // // IoTHubDeviceTwin_SendReportedStateCar is an auto-generated function, created // via the macro DECLARE_DEVICETWIN_MODEL(Car,...). It resolves to the underlying function // IoTHubDeviceTwin_SendReportedState_Impl(). if (IoTHubDeviceTwin_SendReportedStateCar(car, deviceTwinReportStateCallback, NULL) != IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK) { (void)printf("Failed sending serialized reported state\n"); } else { printf("Reported state will be send to IoTHub\n"); // Comment out the following three lines if you want to enable callback(s) for updates of the existing model (example: onDesiredMaxSpeed) if (IoTHubClient_SetDeviceTwinCallback(iotHubClientHandle, deviceTwinGetStateCallback, NULL) != IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK) { (void)printf("Failed subscribing for device twin properties\n"); } } printf("press ENTER to end the sample\n"); (void)getchar(); } IoTHubDeviceTwin_DestroyCar(car); } IoTHubClient_Destroy(iotHubClientHandle); } } platform_deinit(); }
void iothub_client_sample_http_run(void) { TRANSPORT_HANDLE httpTransport; IOTHUB_CLIENT_HANDLE iothubClient1; IOTHUB_CLIENT_HANDLE iothubClient2; EVENT_INSTANCE messages1[MESSAGE_COUNT]; EVENT_INSTANCE messages2[MESSAGE_COUNT]; double avgWindSpeed = 10.0; double minTemperature = 20.0; double minHumidity = 60.0; double temperature = 0; double humidity = 0; int receiveContext1 = 0; int receiveContext2 = 0; srand((unsigned int)time(NULL)); callbackCounter = 0; if (platform_init() != 0) { printf("Failed to initialize the platform.\r\n"); } else { (void)printf("Starting the IoTHub client sample HTTP with Shared connection...\r\n"); if ((httpTransport = IoTHubTransport_Create(HTTP_Protocol, hubName, hubSuffix)) == NULL) { (void)printf("ERROR: httpTransport is NULL\r\n"); } else { IOTHUB_CLIENT_CONFIG config1; config1.deviceId = deviceId1; config1.deviceKey = deviceKey1; config1.protocol = HTTP_Protocol; config1.iotHubName = NULL; config1.iotHubSuffix = NULL; config1.deviceSasToken = NULL; if ((iothubClient1 = IoTHubClient_CreateWithTransport(httpTransport, &config1)) == NULL) { (void)printf("ERROR: 1st device handle is NULL\r\n"); } else { IOTHUB_CLIENT_CONFIG config2; config2.deviceId = deviceId2; config2.deviceKey = deviceKey2; config2.protocol = HTTP_Protocol; config2.iotHubName = NULL; config2.iotHubSuffix = NULL; config2.deviceSasToken = NULL; if ((iothubClient2 = IoTHubClient_CreateWithTransport(httpTransport, &config2)) == NULL) { (void)printf("ERROR: 2nd device handle is NULL\r\n"); } else { unsigned int timeout = 241000; // Because it can poll "after 9 seconds" polls will happen effectively // at ~10 seconds. // Note that for scalabilty, the default value of minimumPollingTime // is 25 minutes. For more information, see: // unsigned int minimumPollingTime = 9; iothub_client_sample_http_setoptions(iothubClient1, timeout, minimumPollingTime); iothub_client_sample_http_setoptions(iothubClient2, timeout, minimumPollingTime); // Setting message callbacks so we can receive commands if (IoTHubClient_SetMessageCallback(iothubClient1, ReceiveMessageCallback, &receiveContext1) != IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK) { (void)printf("ERROR: IoTHubClient_LL_SetMessageCallback 1st device..........FAILED!\r\n"); } else { if (IoTHubClient_SetMessageCallback(iothubClient2, ReceiveMessageCallback, &receiveContext2) != IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK) { (void)printf("ERROR: IoTHubClient_LL_SetMessageCallback 2nd device..........FAILED!\r\n"); } else { // Now that we are ready to receive commands, let's send some messages int i; (void)printf("IoTHubClient_LL_SetMessageCallback...successful.\r\n"); for (i = 0; i < MESSAGE_COUNT; i++) { temperature = minTemperature + (rand() % 10); humidity = minHumidity + (rand() % 20); sprintf_s(msgText, sizeof(msgText), "{\"deviceId\": \"%s\",\"windSpeed\":%.2f,\"temperature\":%.2f,\"humidity\":%.2f}", deviceId1, avgWindSpeed + (rand() % 4 + 2), temperature, humidity); iothub_client_sample_http_send_one_msg(iothubClient1, &messages1[i], i); temperature = minTemperature + (rand() % 10); humidity = minHumidity + (rand() % 20); sprintf_s(msgText, sizeof(msgText), "{\"deviceId\": \"%s\",\"windSpeed\":%.2f,\"temperature\":%.2f,\"humidity\":%.2f}", deviceId2, avgWindSpeed + (rand() % 4 + 2), temperature, humidity); iothub_client_sample_http_send_one_msg(iothubClient2, &messages2[i], i); } // Wait for any incoming messages (void)printf("Press any key to exit the application. \r\n"); (void)getchar(); } } IoTHubClient_Destroy(iothubClient2); } IoTHubClient_Destroy(iothubClient1); } IoTHubTransport_Destroy(httpTransport); } platform_deinit(); } }
void simplesample_amqp_run(void) { if (platform_init() != 0) { printf("Failed to initialize the platform.\r\n"); exit(1); } if (serializer_init(NULL) != SERIALIZER_OK) { (void)printf("Failed on serializer_init\r\n"); } else { /* Setup IoTHub client configuration */ IOTHUB_CLIENT_HANDLE iotHubClientHandle = IoTHubClient_CreateFromConnectionString(connectionString, AMQP_Protocol); srand((unsigned int)time(NULL)); int avgMTemperature = 10; if (iotHubClientHandle == NULL) { (void)printf("Failed on IoTHubClient_Create\r\n"); } else { #ifdef MBED_BUILD_TIMESTAMP // For mbed add the certificate information if (IoTHubClient_SetOption(iotHubClientHandle, "TrustedCerts", certificates) != IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK) { (void)printf("failure to set option \"TrustedCerts\"\r\n"); } #endif // MBED_BUILD_TIMESTAMP ContosoAnemometer* myWeather = CREATE_MODEL_INSTANCE(WeatherStation, ContosoAnemometer); if (myWeather == NULL) { (void)printf("Failed on CREATE_MODEL_INSTANCE\r\n"); } else { unsigned char* destination; size_t destinationSize; if (IoTHubClient_SetMessageCallback(iotHubClientHandle, IoTHubMessage, myWeather) != IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK) { printf("unable to IoTHubClient_SetMessageCallback\r\n"); } else { int Lock_fd__i = open_lockfile(LOCKFILE); if (setuid(getuid()) < 0) { perror("Dropping privileges failed. (did you use sudo?)\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } int Result__i = wiringPiSetup(); if (Result__i != 0) exit(Result__i); int Spi_fd__i = wiringPiSPISetup(Spi_channel__i, Spi_clock__i); if (Spi_fd__i < 0) { printf("Can't setup SPI, error %i calling wiringPiSPISetup(%i, %i) %s\n", Spi_fd__i, Spi_channel__i, Spi_clock__i, strerror(Spi_fd__i)); exit(Spi_fd__i); } int Init_result__i = bme280_init(Spi_channel__i); if (Init_result__i != 1) { printf("It appears that no BMP280 module on Chip Enable %i is attached. Aborting.\n", Spi_channel__i); exit(1); } pinMode(Red_led_pin__i, OUTPUT); pinMode(Grn_led_pin__i, OUTPUT); //////////////// // Read the Temp & Pressure module. float Temp_C__f = -300.0; float Pressure_Pa__f = -300; float Humidity_pct__f = -300; Result__i = bme280_read_sensors(&Temp_C__f, &Pressure_Pa__f, &Humidity_pct__f); if (Result__i == 1) { printf("Temperature = %.1f *C Pressure = %.1f Pa Humidity = %1f %%\n", Temp_C__f, Pressure_Pa__f, Humidity_pct__f); } else { printf("Unable to read BME280 on pin %i\n", Spi_channel__i); } char buff[11]; int timeNow = 0; int c; while (1) { timeNow = (int)time(NULL); sprintf(buff, "%d", timeNow); myWeather->DeviceId = "raspy"; myWeather->EventTime = buff; if (Result__i == 1) { myWeather->MTemperature = Temp_C__f; printf("Humidity = %.1f%% Temperature = %.1f*C \n", Humidity_pct__f, Temp_C__f); } else { myWeather->MTemperature = 404.0; printf("Unable to read BME280 on pin %i\n", Spi_channel__i); pinMode(Red_led_pin__i, OUTPUT); } if (SERIALIZE(&destination, &destinationSize, myWeather->DeviceId, myWeather->EventTime, myWeather->MTemperature) != IOT_AGENT_OK) { (void)printf("Failed to serialize\r\n"); } else { sendMessage(iotHubClientHandle, destination, destinationSize); } delay(5000); } /* wait for commands */ // (void)getchar(); close_lockfile(Lock_fd__i); } DESTROY_MODEL_INSTANCE(myWeather); } IoTHubClient_Destroy(iotHubClientHandle); } serializer_deinit(); } }