예제 #1
 * parse a buffer.
 * NOTE: parse() should not be called recusively by any other functions!
int parse(aClient *cptr, char *pbuffer, char *bufend)
  aClient *from = cptr;
  char  *ch;
  char  *s;
  size_t i;
  char* numeric = 0;
  unsigned int paramcount;
  struct Message *mptr;

  Debug((DEBUG_DEBUG, "Parsing %s: %s",
         get_client_name(cptr, TRUE), pbuffer));

  if (IsDead(cptr))
    return -1;

  s = sender;
  *s = '\0';

  for (ch = pbuffer; *ch == ' '; ch++)   /* skip spaces */
    /* null statement */ ;

  para[0] = from->name;
  if (*ch == ':')

      ** Copy the prefix to 'sender' assuming it terminates
      ** with SPACE (or NULL, which is an error, though).
      for (i = 0; *ch && *ch != ' '; i++ )
	  if (i < (sizeof(sender)-1))
	    *s++ = *ch; /* leave room for NULL */
      *s = '\0';
      i = 0;

      ** Actually, only messages coming from servers can have
      ** the prefix--prefix silently ignored, if coming from
      ** a user client...
      ** ...sigh, the current release "v2.2PL1" generates also
      ** null prefixes, at least to NOTIFY messages (e.g. it
      ** puts "sptr->nickname" as prefix from server structures
      ** where it's null--the following will handle this case
      ** as "no prefix" at all --msa  (": NOTICE nick ...")
      if (*sender && IsServer(cptr))
          from = find_client(sender, (aClient *) NULL);
          if (!from || !match(from->name, sender))
            from = find_server(sender);

          para[0] = sender;
          /* Hmm! If the client corresponding to the
           * prefix is not found--what is the correct
           * action??? Now, I will ignore the message
           * (old IRC just let it through as if the
           * prefix just wasn't there...) --msa
          if (!from)
	      sendto_ops_flag_butone(cptr, UMODE_DEBUG, "Unknown prefix (%s) from (%s)",
				     sender, cptr->name);
              Debug((DEBUG_ERROR, "Unknown prefix (%s)(%s) from (%s)",
                     sender, pbuffer, cptr->name));

              remove_unknown(cptr, sender, pbuffer);

              return -1;
          if (from->from != cptr)
              Debug((DEBUG_ERROR, "Message (%s) coming from (%s)",
                     buffer, cptr->name));
	      sendto_ops_flag_butone(cptr, UMODE_DEBUG, "Message coming from (%s), but %s is at %s",
				     cptr->name, from->name, from->from->name);

              return cancel_clients(cptr, from, pbuffer);
      while (*ch == ' ')

  if (*ch == '\0')
      Debug((DEBUG_NOTICE, "Empty message from host %s:%s",
             cptr->name, from->name));
      if (IsServer(cptr))
	sendto_ops_flag_butone(cptr, UMODE_DEBUG, "Empty message from %s:%s",
			       cptr->name, from->name);

  ** Extract the command code from the packet.  Point s to the end
  ** of the command code and calculate the length using pointer
  ** arithmetic.  Note: only need length for numerics and *all*
  ** numerics must have parameters and thus a space after the command
  ** code. -avalon
  * ummm???? - Dianora

  if( *(ch + 3) == ' ' && /* ok, lets see if its a possible numeric.. */
      IsDigit(*ch) && IsDigit(*(ch + 1)) && IsDigit(*(ch + 2)) )
      mptr = (struct Message *)NULL;
      numeric = ch;
      paramcount = MAXPARA;
      s = ch + 3;       /* I know this is ' ' from above if */
      *s++ = '\0';      /* blow away the ' ', and point s to next part */
      s = strchr(ch, ' ');      /* moved from above,now need it here */
      if (s)
        *s++ = '\0';

      mptr = tree_parse(ch);

      if (!mptr || !mptr->cmd)
           * Note: Give error message *only* to recognized
           * persons. It's a nightmare situation to have
           * two programs sending "Unknown command"'s or
           * equivalent to each other at full blast....
           * If it has got to person state, it at least
           * seems to be well behaving. Perhaps this message
           * should never be generated, though...  --msa
           * Hm, when is the buffer empty -- if a command
           * code has been found ?? -Armin
	   * Same thing goes for remote commands. If their local
	   * server accepted it, then we should not be sending
	   * a warning message.
          if (pbuffer[0] != '\0')
              if (IsPerson(from) && MyClient(from))
                           ":%s %d %s %s :Unknown command",
                           me.name, ERR_UNKNOWNCOMMAND,
                           from->name, ch);
              Debug((DEBUG_ERROR,"Unknown (%s) from %s",
                     ch, get_client_name(cptr, TRUE)));

      paramcount = mptr->parameters;
      i = bufend - ((s) ? s : ch);
      mptr->bytes += i;

      /* Allow only 1 msg per 2 seconds
       * (on average) to prevent dumping.
       * to keep the response rate up,
       * bursts of up to 5 msgs are allowed
       * -SRB
       * Opers can send 1 msg per second, burst of ~20
       * -Taner
      if ((mptr->flags & 1) && !(IsServer(cptr)))
	  /* note: both have to be defined for the real no-flood */
          if (NoFloodProtection(cptr))
            /* "randomly" (weighted) increase the since */
            cptr->since += (cptr->receiveM % 5) ? 1 : 0;
          if (!NoFloodProtection(cptr))
            cptr->since += (2 + i / 120);
  ** Must the following loop really be so devious? On
  ** surface it splits the message to parameters from
  ** blank spaces. But, if paramcount has been reached,
  ** the rest of the message goes into this last parameter
  ** (about same effect as ":" has...) --msa

  /* Note initially true: s==NULL || *(s-1) == '\0' !! */

  /* ZZZ hmmmmmmmm whats this then? */
#if 0
  if (me.user)
    para[0] = sender;

  i = 1;

  if (s)
      if (paramcount > MAXPARA)
        paramcount = MAXPARA;

      for (;;)
	  while(*s == ' ')	/* tabs are not considered space */
	    *s++ = '\0';


          if (*s == ':')
              ** The rest is single parameter--can
              ** include blanks also.
              para[i++] = s + 1;
	      para[i++] = s;
              if (i > paramcount)
              /* scan for end of string, either ' ' or '\0' */
              while (IsNonEOS(*s))

  para[i] = NULL;
  if (mptr == (struct Message *)NULL)
    return (do_numeric(numeric, cptr, from, i, para));


  /* patch to avoid server flooding from unregistered connects */
  /* check allow_unregistered_use flag I've set up instead of function
     comparing *yech* - Dianora */

  if (!IsRegistered(cptr) && !mptr->allow_unregistered_use )
      /* if its from a possible server connection
       * ignore it.. more than likely its a header thats sneaked through

      if(IsHandshake(cptr) || IsConnecting(cptr) || IsServer(cptr))
        return -1;

                 ":%s %d %s %s :Register first.",
                 me.name, ERR_NOTREGISTERED,
                 BadPtr(from->name) ? "*" : from->name, ch);
      return -1;

  /* Silently drop the messages that can't be used in the honeypot */
  if (IsHoneypot(cptr) && !mptr->allow_honeypot)
    return -1;

  /* Again, instead of function address comparing, see if
   * this function resets idle time as given from mptr
   * if IDLE_FROM_MSG is undefined, the sense of the flag is reversed.
   * i.e. if the flag is 0, then reset idle time, otherwise don't reset it.
   * - Dianora

  if (IsRegisteredUser(from) && mptr->reset_idle)
      /* If a local registered user, propagate anti-idle updates as needed */
      if (MyClient(from) && from->user && ((from->user->last_sent + MAX_IDLE_DESYNC) < CurrentTime))
#if 0
	  /* Note the misnamed message, this indicates that they are NOT idle */
	  sendto_serv_butone(NULL, ":%s IDLE %s %.1lld", cptr->name, from->name, (long long)CurrentTime);
	  sendto_serv_butone(NULL, ":%s IDLE %s %.1ld", cptr->name, from->name, (long)CurrentTime);
	  from->user->last_sent = CurrentTime;
      from->user->last = CurrentTime;

  /* don't allow other commands while a list is blocked. since we treat
     them specially with respect to sendq. */
  if ((IsDoingList(cptr)) && (*mptr->func != m_list))
      return -1;
  return (*mptr->func)(cptr, from, i, para);
예제 #2
 * parse a buffer.
 * NOTE: parse() should not be called recusively by any other functions!
int new_parse(char *buffer, char *bufend)
  char  *ch;
  char  *s;
  int   i;
  char* numeric = 0;
  int   paramcount=MAXPARA;
  int   parc;

  s = sender;
  *s = '\0';

  ch = buffer;

  while(*ch == ' ')

  para[0] = name;
#ifdef NEW_PARSE
  if (*ch == ':')

      ** Copy the prefix to 'sender' assuming it terminates
      ** with SPACE (or NULL, which is an error, though).
      for (i = 0; *ch && *ch != ' '; i++ )
	  if (i < (sizeof(sender)-1))
	    *s++ = *ch++; /* leave room for NULL */
      *s = '\0';

      while (*ch == ' ')
  if (*ch == ':')
      ** Copy the prefix to 'sender' assuming it terminates
      ** with SPACE (or NULL, which is an error, though).
      for (++ch, i = 0; *ch && *ch != ' '; ++ch )
        if (s < (sender + sizeof(sender)-1))
          *s++ = *ch; /* leave room for NULL */
      *s = '\0';

      while (*ch == ' ')

    printf("new parse sender [%s] i = %d\n", sender, i);

  if (*ch == '\0')
      fprintf(stderr,"empty message\n");

  ** Extract the command code from the packet.  Point s to the end
  ** of the command code and calculate the length using pointer
  ** arithmetic.  Note: only need length for numerics and *all*
  ** numerics must have parameters and thus a space after the command
  ** code. -avalon
  * ummm???? - Dianora

  if( *(ch + 3) == ' ' && /* ok, lets see if its a possible numeric.. */
      IsDigit(*ch) && IsDigit(*(ch + 1)) && IsDigit(*(ch + 2)) )
      numeric = ch;
      paramcount = MAXPARA;
      s = ch + 3;       /* I know this is ' ' from above if */
      *s++ = '\0';      /* blow away the ' ', and point s to next part */
      s = strchr(ch, ' ');      /* moved from above,now need it here */
      if (s)
        *s++ = '\0';

      paramcount = 3;
      i = bufend - ((s) ? s : ch);

      if (show)
	  printf("new parse s = %lX ch = %lX\n", s , ch );
	  printf("new parse i = bufend - ((s) ? s : ch) = %d \n", i );
	  printf("new parse: paramcount %d i = %d\n", paramcount, i );

  ** Must the following loop really be so devious?
  *  nope.
  ** On surface it splits the message to parameters from
  ** blank spaces. But, if paramcount has been reached,
  ** the rest of the message goes into this last parameter
  ** (about same effect as ":" has...) --msa

  /* Note initially true: s==NULL || *(s-1) == '\0' !! */

  para[0] = sender;

  i = 1;
  if (s)
      if (paramcount > MAXPARA)
        paramcount = MAXPARA;

#ifdef NEW_PARSE
      for (;;)
	  /* Never BAD CODE again */

	  while(*s == ' ')	/* tabs are not considered space */

          if (*s == ':')
              ** The rest is single parameter--can
              ** include blanks also.
              para[i++] = s + 1;
	      para[i++] = s;
	      if (i > paramcount)
		  /* scan for end of string, either ' ' or '\0' */
		  while (IsNonEOS(*s))

		  if(*s == '\0')
		    *s++ = '\0';

  para[i] = NULL;
  parc = i;
      for (;;)
          ** Never "FRANCE " again!! ;-) Clean
          ** out *all* blanks.. --msa
          while (*s == ' ')
            *s++ = '\0';

          if (*s == '\0')
          if (*s == ':')
              ** The rest is single parameter--can
              ** include blanks also.
              para[++i] = s + 1;
          para[++i] = s;
          if (i >= paramcount)
          for (; *s != ' ' && *s; s++)
            /* null statement */ ;