FString FDesktopPlatformBase::GetEngineDescription(const FString& Identifier)
	// Official release versions just have a version number
		return Identifier;

	// Otherwise get the path
	FString RootDir;
	if(!GetEngineRootDirFromIdentifier(Identifier, RootDir))
		return FString();

	// Convert it to a platform directory
	FString PlatformRootDir = RootDir;

	// Perforce build
	if (IsSourceDistribution(RootDir))
		return FString::Printf(TEXT("Source build at %s"), *PlatformRootDir);
		return FString::Printf(TEXT("Binary build at %s"), *PlatformRootDir);
예제 #2
bool FDesktopPlatformBase::GenerateProjectFiles(const FString& RootDir, const FString& ProjectFileName, FFeedbackContext* Warn)
	FString Arguments = TEXT(" -xcodeprojectfile");
	FString Arguments = TEXT(" -makefile -kdevelopfile -qmakefile -cmakefile -codelitefile ");
	FString Arguments = TEXT(" -projectfiles");

	// Build the arguments to pass to UBT. If it's a non-foreign project, just build full project files.
	if ( !ProjectFileName.IsEmpty() && GetCachedProjectDictionary(RootDir).IsForeignProject(ProjectFileName) )
		// Figure out whether it's a foreign project
		const FUProjectDictionary &ProjectDictionary = GetCachedProjectDictionary(RootDir);
			Arguments += FString::Printf(TEXT(" -project=\"%s\""), *IFileManager::Get().ConvertToAbsolutePathForExternalAppForRead(*ProjectFileName));

			// Always include game source
			Arguments += TEXT(" -game");

			// Determine whether or not to include engine source
			if(IsSourceDistribution(RootDir) && !FRocketSupport::IsRocket())
				Arguments += TEXT(" -engine");
				Arguments += TEXT(" -rocket");
	Arguments += TEXT(" -progress");

	// Compile UnrealBuildTool if it doesn't exist. This can happen if we're just copying source from somewhere.
	bool bRes = true;
	Warn->BeginSlowTask(LOCTEXT("GeneratingProjectFiles", "Generating project files..."), true, true);
		Warn->StatusUpdate(0, 1, LOCTEXT("BuildingUBT", "Building UnrealBuildTool..."));
		bRes = BuildUnrealBuildTool(RootDir, *Warn);
		Warn->StatusUpdate(0, 1, LOCTEXT("GeneratingProjectFiles", "Generating project files..."));
		bRes = RunUnrealBuildTool(LOCTEXT("GeneratingProjectFiles", "Generating project files..."), RootDir, Arguments, Warn);
	return bRes;
예제 #3
bool FDesktopPlatformBase::CompileGameProject(const FString& RootDir, const FString& ProjectFileName, FFeedbackContext* Warn)
	// Get the project directory
	FString ProjectDir = FPaths::GetPath(ProjectFileName);

	// Get the target name. By default it'll be the same as the project name, but that might not be the case if the project was renamed.
	FString TargetName = FPaths::GetBaseFilename(ProjectFileName);
	if(!FPaths::FileExists(ProjectDir / FString::Printf(TEXT("Source/%sEditor.Target.cs"), *TargetName)))
		// Find all the target files
		TArray<FString> TargetFiles;
		IFileManager::Get().FindFilesRecursive(TargetFiles, *(ProjectDir / TEXT("Source")), TEXT("*.target.cs"), true, false, false);

		// Try to find a target that's clearly meant to be the editor. If there isn't one, let UBT fail with a sensible message without trying to do anything else smart.
		for(const FString TargetFile: TargetFiles)
				TargetName = FPaths::GetBaseFilename(FPaths::GetBaseFilename(TargetFile));

	// Build the argument list
	FString Arguments = FString::Printf(TEXT("%s %s %s"), *TargetName, FModuleManager::Get().GetUBTConfiguration(), FPlatformMisc::GetUBTPlatform());

	// Append the project name if it's a foreign project
	if ( !ProjectFileName.IsEmpty() )
		FUProjectDictionary ProjectDictionary(RootDir);
			Arguments += FString::Printf(TEXT(" -project=\"%s\""), *IFileManager::Get().ConvertToAbsolutePathForExternalAppForRead(*ProjectFileName));

	// Append the Rocket flag
	if(!IsSourceDistribution(RootDir) || FRocketSupport::IsRocket())
		Arguments += TEXT(" -rocket");

	// Append any other options
	Arguments += " -editorrecompile -progress -noubtmakefiles";

	// Run UBT
	return RunUnrealBuildTool(LOCTEXT("CompilingProject", "Compiling project..."), RootDir, Arguments, Warn);