예제 #1
BOOL CFileControlTool::CloseRemoteFileHandles(LPCTSTR lpFileName)   
	TCHAR szDeviceFileName[MAX_NAME_DRIVER_LEN] = {0};   
	TCHAR fsFilePath[MAX_PATH];   
	TCHAR name[MAX_PATH];   
	TCHAR szProcessName[MAX_PATH +1] = {0};   
	//SystemHandleInformation hi;   
	//SystemProcessInformation pi;   

	//Convert it to device file name   
	if (!GetDeviceFileName(lpFileName,szDeviceFileName,MAX_NAME_DRIVER_LEN))   
		Out(Dbg, _T("GetDeviceFileName() failed.\n") );   
		return FALSE;   

	// 获得系统句柄表

	DWORD size = 0x2000;   
	DWORD needed = 0;   
	DWORD i = 0;   
	BOOL  ret = TRUE;   
	LPWSTR strType;   

	strType = new WCHAR[size];

	// Allocate the memory for the buffer   
		VirtualAlloc( NULL, size, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE );   

	if ( pSysHandleInformation == NULL )   
		return FALSE;   

	// Query the needed buffer size for the objects ( system wide )   
	if (NtQuerySystemInformation( 16, pSysHandleInformation, size, &needed ) != 0 )   
		if ( needed == 0 )   
			ret = FALSE;   
			goto cleanup;   

		// The size was not enough   
		VirtualFree( pSysHandleInformation, 0, MEM_RELEASE );   

		pSysHandleInformation = (SYSTEM_HANDLE_INFORMATION*)   
			VirtualAlloc( NULL, size = needed + 256, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE );   

	if ( pSysHandleInformation == NULL )   
		return FALSE;   

	// Query the objects ( system wide )   
	if (NtQuerySystemInformation( 16, pSysHandleInformation, size, NULL ) != 0 )   
		ret = FALSE;   
		goto cleanup;   

	// Iterating through the objects   
	for ( i = 0; i < pSysHandleInformation->Count; i++ )   
		if ( !IsSupportedHandle( pSysHandleInformation->Handles[i] ) )   

		// ProcessId filtering check   
		if (TRUE/* pSysHandleInformation->Handles[i].ProcessID == m_processId || m_processId == (DWORD)-1 */)   

				// Type filtering   
				GetTypeToken( (HANDLE)pSysHandleInformation->Handles[i].HandleNumber, strType, pSysHandleInformation->Handles[i].ProcessID  );   

				BOOL bAdd = (0 == _tcsicmp(strType,_T("File")));     

			// That's it. We found one.   
			if ( bAdd )   
				pSysHandleInformation->Handles[i].HandleType = (WORD)(pSysHandleInformation->Handles[i].HandleType % 256);   

				// 过滤系统句柄表

				SYSTEM_HANDLE& h = pSysHandleInformation->Handles[i];   

				if (NULL == (pProcessInformation = GetProcessInformation(h.ProcessID)))   

				//Get the process name   
				//SystemInfoUtils::Unicode2CString( &pProcessInformation->usName,szProcessName);   

				//NT4 Stupid thing if I query the name of a file in services.exe   
				//Messengr service brings up a message dialog ??? :(   
				if (dwNTMajorVersion == 4 && _tcsicmp(szProcessName, _T("services.exe") ) == 0 )   

				//what's the file name for this given handle?   
				GetName( (HANDLE)h.HandleNumber, name, h.ProcessID );   

				//This is what we want to delete, so close the handle   
				if (_tcsicmp(name,szDeviceFileName) == 0)   
					//CloseRemoteHandle(pProcessInformation->usName.Buffer, h.ProcessID, (HANDLE)h.HandleNumber );   




	if ( pSysHandleInformation != NULL )   
		VirtualFree( pSysHandleInformation, 0, MEM_RELEASE );   

	return TRUE;
}  //Closes the file handles in the processes which are using this file 
BOOL SystemHandleInformation::Refresh()
	DWORD size = 0x2000;
	DWORD needed = 0;
	DWORD i = 0;
	BOOL  ret = TRUE;
	CString strType;


	if ( !INtDll::NtDllStatus )
		return FALSE;

	// Allocate the memory for the buffer
				VirtualAlloc( NULL, size, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE );

	if ( pSysHandleInformation == NULL )
		return FALSE;

	// Query the needed buffer size for the objects ( system wide )
	if ( INtDll::NtQuerySystemInformation( 16, pSysHandleInformation, size, &needed ) != 0 )
		if ( needed == 0 )
			ret = FALSE;
			goto cleanup;

		// The size was not enough
		VirtualFree( pSysHandleInformation, 0, MEM_RELEASE );

		pSysHandleInformation = (SYSTEM_HANDLE_INFORMATION*)
				VirtualAlloc( NULL, size = needed + 256, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE );
	if ( pSysHandleInformation == NULL )
		return FALSE;

	// Query the objects ( system wide )
	if ( INtDll::NtQuerySystemInformation( 16, pSysHandleInformation, size, NULL ) != 0 )
		ret = FALSE;
		goto cleanup;
	// Iterating through the objects
	for ( i = 0; i < pSysHandleInformation->Count; i++ )
		if ( !IsSupportedHandle( pSysHandleInformation->Handles[i] ) )
		// ProcessId filtering check
		if ( pSysHandleInformation->Handles[i].ProcessID == m_processId || m_processId == (DWORD)-1 )
			BOOL bAdd = FALSE;
			if ( m_strTypeFilter == _T("") )
				bAdd = TRUE;
				// Type filtering
				GetTypeToken( (HANDLE)pSysHandleInformation->Handles[i].HandleNumber, strType, pSysHandleInformation->Handles[i].ProcessID  );

				bAdd = strType == m_strTypeFilter;

			// That's it. We found one.
			if ( bAdd )
				pSysHandleInformation->Handles[i].HandleType = (WORD)(pSysHandleInformation->Handles[i].HandleType % 256);
				m_HandleInfos.AddTail( pSysHandleInformation->Handles[i] );


	if ( pSysHandleInformation != NULL )
		VirtualFree( pSysHandleInformation, 0, MEM_RELEASE );

	return ret;