DWORD CLotusNote::Item_GetAllListEntries(char *item_name, char *ptext, WORD max_size, WORD *text_size) { //char text[256]; NOTE_ITEM item; int i; DWORD dwr; char *cptr; WORD slen; dwr = ItemInfo(item_name,NULL,&item.type,NULL,&item.dwsize); if (dwr != ERR_OK) return dwr; cptr = ptext; if (item.type != TYPE_TEXT_LIST) { ItemGetText(item_name,ptext,max_size,text_size); cptr += strlen(ptext); cptr++;*cptr=0; return ERR_OK; } dwr = Item_GetTextListEntries(item_name,&item.count); if (dwr != ERR_OK) return dwr; for (i=0;i<item.count;i++) { Item_GetTextListEntry(item_name,i,cptr,max_size-(cptr-ptext),&slen); if (slen > max_size-(cptr-ptext)) return SetError(true,ERR_FATAL,"CLotusNote::Item_GetAllListEntries ... buffer so short"); cptr += (slen+1); } *cptr = 0; if (text_size != NULL) *text_size = (cptr-ptext); return ERR_OK; }
void Sync(Player::Id pid) { NodeID nid = nodes[pid]; TeamInfo(nid); PlayerInfo(nid); StructInfo(nid); ItemInfo(nid); }
void TBarWindow::MessageReceived(BMessage* message) { switch (message->what) { case kFindButton: { BMessenger tracker(kTrackerSignature); tracker.SendMessage(message); break; } case 'gloc': GetLocation(message); break; case 'sloc': SetLocation(message); break; case 'gexp': IsExpanded(message); break; case 'sexp': Expand(message); break; case 'info': ItemInfo(message); break; case 'exst': ItemExists(message); break; case 'cwnt': CountItems(message); break; case 'adon': case 'icon': AddItem(message); break; case 'remv': RemoveItem(message); break; case 'iloc': GetIconFrame(message); break; default: BWindow::MessageReceived(message); break; } }
void scan(ItemInfoMap& entries) { DirectoryIterator it(owner().directory()); DirectoryIterator end; while (it != end) { entries[it.path().getFileName()] = ItemInfo(*it); ++it; } }
void AutoSearchFrame::addItem(const AutoSearchPtr& as) { if (!as) return; auto ui = itemInfos.find(as->getToken()); if (ui == itemInfos.end()) { auto x = itemInfos.emplace(as->getToken(), ItemInfo(as)).first; ctrlAutoSearch.SetRedraw(FALSE); addListEntry(&x->second); ctrlAutoSearch.resort(); ctrlAutoSearch.SetRedraw(TRUE); } }
//-------------------------------- void LevelPackInfo::init() { score = localScore = 0; level = 1; //time_bonus = speed_bonus = score_bonus = 0; //speed_mag_bonus = 2; //next_tool = 2; activeToolIndex = 0; longest_chain = 3; toolScore = 0; for (int i = 0; i < items.count(); i++) items[i] = ItemInfo(); }
RECEIVE(ENTER, id, msg, reliable) { if (!tokenring->authorized()) return; unsigned char team = (unsigned char) (long) msg[1]; string name = msg[2]; Player::Id pid = game.topId++; ObjectHandle player = Player(pid, team, name); game.root->children.insert(player); game.players[pid] = player; nodes[id] = pid; Welcome(pid); // Send game state TeamInfo(id); PlayerInfo(id); StructInfo(id); ItemInfo(id); Join(findNode(pid), pid, team, name); }
void MenuControl::_wrapItem(MenuItem* _item, size_t _index, const UString& _name, MenuItemType _type, const std::string& _id, Any _data) { _item->setAlign(mVerticalAlignment ? Align::Top | Align::HStretch : Align::Default); _item->eventRootKeyChangeFocus += newDelegate(this, &MenuControl::notifyRootKeyChangeFocus); _item->eventMouseButtonClick += newDelegate(this, &MenuControl::notifyMouseButtonClick); _item->eventMouseSetFocus += newDelegate(this, &MenuControl::notifyMouseSetFocus); _item->setImageName(getIconIndexByType(_type )); MenuControl* submenu = nullptr; ItemInfo info = ItemInfo(_item, _name, _type, submenu, _id, _data); mItemsInfo.insert(mItemsInfo.begin() + _index, info); mChangeChildSkin = true; _item->changeWidgetSkin(getSkinByType(_type)); mChangeChildSkin = false; // его сет капшен, обновит размер _item->setCaption(_name); update(); }
bool SvRepositories::readRepositories() { QSqlQuery* q = new QSqlQuery(SQLITE->db); try { // rootItem создается при создании объекта модели // кол-во столбцов задается TREE_HEADERS и должно соответствовать кол-ву полей в таблице sensors TreeItem *root = _model->rootItem(); int child_count = root->childCount(); int column_count = root->columnCount(); for(int i = 0; i < column_count; i++) root->setInfo(i, ItemInfo()); QSqlError serr = SQLITE->execSQL(SQL_SELECT_REPOSITORIES_LIST, q); if(serr.type() != QSqlError::NoError) _exception.raise(serr.text()); // заполняем модель выбранными данными while(q->next()) { child_count = root->childCount(); root->insertChildren(child_count, 1, column_count); root->child(child_count)->id = q->value("repository_id").toInt(); root->child(child_count)->parent_id = root->id; root->child(child_count)->is_main_row = false; // root->child(child_count)->item_state = q->value("last_state").toInt(); root->child(child_count)->item_type = itRepository; root->child(child_count)->setData(0, q->value("repository_name")); root->child(child_count)->setInfo(0, ItemInfo(itRepositoryName, "repository_name")); root->child(child_count)->setData(1, q->value("repository_host")); root->child(child_count)->setInfo(1, ItemInfo(itRepositoryHost, "repository_host")); root->child(child_count)->setData(2, q->value("repository_port")); root->child(child_count)->setInfo(2, ItemInfo(itRepositoryPort, "repository_port"));\ root->child(child_count)->setData(3, q->value("repository_login")); root->child(child_count)->setInfo(3, ItemInfo(itRepositoryLogin, "repository_login")); root->child(child_count)->setData(4, q->value("repository_dbname")); root->child(child_count)->setInfo(4, ItemInfo(itRepositoryDBName, "repository_dbname")); root->child(child_count)->setData(5, q->value("repository_table_name")); root->child(child_count)->setInfo(5, ItemInfo(itRepositoryTableName, "repository_table_name")); } q->finish(); return true; } catch(SvException& e) { delete q; _log << svlog::Time << svlog::Critical << e.error << svlog::endl; return false; } }
void TBarWindow::MessageReceived(BMessage* message) { switch (message->what) { case kFindButton: { BMessenger tracker(kTrackerSignature); tracker.SendMessage(message); break; } case kMsgLocation: GetLocation(message); break; case kMsgSetLocation: SetLocation(message); break; case kMsgIsExpanded: IsExpanded(message); break; case kMsgExpand: Expand(message); break; case kMsgGetItemInfo: ItemInfo(message); break; case kMsgHasItem: ItemExists(message); break; case kMsgCountItems: CountItems(message); break; case kMsgMaxItemSize: MaxItemSize(message); break; case kMsgAddAddOn: case kMsgAddView: AddItem(message); break; case kMsgRemoveItem: RemoveItem(message); break; case 'iloc': GetIconFrame(message); break; default: BWindow::MessageReceived(message); break; } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CAppMngr2ListContainer::PopulateItemArrayL() // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void CAppMngr2ListContainer::PopulateItemArrayL() { FLOG( "CAppMngr2ListContainer::PopulateItemArrayL()" ); CArrayPtr<CGulIcon>* iconArray = iListBox->ItemDrawer()->ColumnData()->IconArray(); DeleteItemSpecificIcons( *iconArray ); TInt count = ItemCount(); for( TInt index = 0; index < count; index++ ) { const CAppMngr2InfoBase& appInfo = ItemInfo( index ); // Get name and details TPtrC name = appInfo.Name(); TPtrC size = appInfo.Details(); // Get icon indexes that plugin loaded in LoadIconsL() TInt iconIndexBase; TInt iconIndexMax; Model().GetIconIndexesL( appInfo.Runtime().RuntimeUid(), iconIndexBase, iconIndexMax ); // Get list icon index from plugin TInt iconIndex = appInfo.IconIndex(); // Convert index into the range of 0 .. (icons - 1) if( iconIndex == EAppMngr2UseSpecificIcon ) { CGulIcon* icon = NULL; TRAP_IGNORE( icon = appInfo.SpecificIconL() ); if( icon ) { CleanupStack::PushL( icon ); iconIndex = iconArray->Count(); iconArray->AppendL( icon ); CleanupStack::Pop( icon ); iItemSpecificIcons++; } else { iconIndex = EAppMngr2IconIndex_QgnPropUnknown; } } else { // There are no default list icons that plugins could use, so // this must be list icon that plugin has loaded in LoadIconsL(). // Icons (of this plugin) are indexed from iconIndexBase. iconIndex += iconIndexBase; // Plugin should use only those icons it has provided. Use // default unknown icon if plugin tries to use icons that // another plugin has loaded. if( iconIndex < iconIndexBase || iconIndex >= iconIndexMax ) { iconIndex = EAppMngr2IconIndex_QgnPropUnknown; } } // Sanity check - index must be in range, otherwise list panics if( iconIndex < 0 || iconIndex >= iconArray->Count() ) { iconIndex = EAppMngr2IconIndex_QgnPropUnknown; } // Get indicator icon index from plugin TInt indIconIndex = appInfo.IndicatorIconIndex(); // Convert indicator icon index into the range of 0 .. (icons-1) or // leave special value EAppMngr2NoIndicatorIcon in it if( indIconIndex == EAppMngr2UseSpecificIcon ) { CGulIcon* icon = NULL; TRAP_IGNORE( icon = appInfo.SpecificIndicatorIconL() ); if( icon ) { CleanupStack::PushL( icon ); indIconIndex = iconArray->Count(); iconArray->AppendL( icon ); CleanupStack::Pop( icon ); iItemSpecificIcons++; } else { indIconIndex = EAppMngr2NoIndicatorIcon; } } else { // EAppMngr2NoIndicatorIcon is special value that is handled later if( indIconIndex != EAppMngr2NoIndicatorIcon ) { // Default icon indexes (starting from EAppMngr2NoIndicatorIcon) are // all above the icon index range reserved for plugins if( indIconIndex > EAppMngr2NoIndicatorIcon ) { // Use default icons, indexes start from zero indIconIndex -= ( EAppMngr2NoIndicatorIcon + 1 ); } else { // Use item specific icons, indexes start from iconIndexBase indIconIndex += iconIndexBase; } } } // Sanity check - icon index must be in range, otherwise list panics if( ( indIconIndex != EAppMngr2NoIndicatorIcon ) && ( indIconIndex < 0 || indIconIndex >= iconArray->Count() ) ) { indIconIndex = EAppMngr2NoIndicatorIcon; } // Construct line to be displayed HBufC* temp = HBufC::NewLC( name.Length() + size.Length() + KSpaceForTabsAndIconIndexes ); TPtr line = temp->Des(); if( indIconIndex == EAppMngr2NoIndicatorIcon ) { line.AppendFormat( KItemFormatNoInd, iconIndex, &name, &size ); } else { line.AppendFormat( KItemFormatFull, iconIndex, &name, &size, indIconIndex ); } iItemArray->AppendL( line ); FLOG( "CAppMngr2ListContainer::PopulateItemArrayL(): %S", temp ); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( temp ); } }
LRESULT AutoSearchFrame::onCreate(UINT /*uMsg*/, WPARAM /*wParam*/, LPARAM /*lParam*/, BOOL& bHandled) { CreateSimpleStatusBar(ATL_IDS_IDLEMESSAGE, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | SBARS_SIZEGRIP); ctrlStatus.Attach(m_hWndStatusBar); ctrlAutoSearch.Create(m_hWnd, rcDefault, NULL, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | WS_HSCROLL | WS_VSCROLL | LVS_REPORT | LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS | LVS_SHAREIMAGELISTS, WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, IDC_AUTOSEARCH); ctrlAutoSearch.SetExtendedListViewStyle(LVS_EX_LABELTIP | LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT | LVS_EX_CHECKBOXES | LVS_EX_HEADERDRAGDROP | LVS_EX_DOUBLEBUFFER | LVS_EX_INFOTIP); ctrlAutoSearch.SetBkColor(WinUtil::bgColor); ctrlAutoSearch.SetTextBkColor(WinUtil::bgColor); ctrlAutoSearch.SetTextColor(WinUtil::textColor); // Insert columns WinUtil::splitTokens(columnIndexes, SETTING(AUTOSEARCHFRAME_ORDER), COLUMN_LAST); WinUtil::splitTokens(columnSizes, SETTING(AUTOSEARCHFRAME_WIDTHS), COLUMN_LAST); for(int j=0; j<COLUMN_LAST; j++) { int fmt = LVCFMT_LEFT; ctrlAutoSearch.InsertColumn(j, CTSTRING_I(columnNames[j]), fmt, columnSizes[j], j); } ctrlAutoSearch.SetColumnOrderArray(COLUMN_LAST, columnIndexes); ctrlAutoSearch.SetImageList(ResourceLoader::getAutoSearchStatuses(), LVSIL_SMALL); ctrlAutoSearch.setVisible(SETTING(AUTOSEARCHFRAME_VISIBLE)); ctrlAutoSearch.setSortColumn(COLUMN_VALUE); //create buttons ctrlAdd.Create(m_hWnd, rcDefault, NULL, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | BS_PUSHBUTTON , 0, IDC_ADD); ctrlAdd.SetWindowText(CTSTRING(ADD)); ctrlAdd.SetFont(WinUtil::systemFont); ctrlRemove.Create(m_hWnd, rcDefault, NULL, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_DISABLED | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | BS_PUSHBUTTON , 0, IDC_REMOVE); ctrlRemove.SetWindowText(CTSTRING(REMOVE)); ctrlRemove.SetFont(WinUtil::systemFont); ctrlChange.Create(m_hWnd, rcDefault, NULL, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_DISABLED | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | BS_PUSHBUTTON , 0, IDC_CHANGE); ctrlChange.SetWindowText(CTSTRING(SETTINGS_CHANGE)); ctrlChange.SetFont(WinUtil::systemFont); ctrlDuplicate.Create(m_hWnd, rcDefault, NULL, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_DISABLED | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | BS_PUSHBUTTON , 0, IDC_DUPLICATE); ctrlDuplicate.SetWindowText(CTSTRING(DUPLICATE)); ctrlDuplicate.SetFont(WinUtil::systemFont); ctrlManageGroups.Create(m_hWnd, rcDefault, NULL, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | BS_PUSHBUTTON, 0, IDC_MANAGE_GROUPS); ctrlManageGroups.SetWindowText(CTSTRING(MANAGE_GROUPS)); ctrlManageGroups.SetFont(WinUtil::systemFont); AutoSearchManager::getInstance()->addListener(this); SettingsManager::getInstance()->addListener(this); { //Create itemInfos RLock l(AutoSearchManager::getInstance()->getCS()); auto& lst = AutoSearchManager::getInstance()->getSearchItems(); for (auto as : lst | map_values) { itemInfos.emplace(as->getToken(), ItemInfo(as, false)); } } //fill the list callAsync([=] { updateList(); }); WinUtil::SetIcon(m_hWnd, IDI_AUTOSEARCH); ::SetTimer(m_hWnd, 0, 1000, 0); memzero(statusSizes, sizeof(statusSizes)); statusSizes[0] = 16; ctrlStatus.SetParts(5, statusSizes); loading = false; bHandled = FALSE; return TRUE; }