예제 #1
파일: level.cpp 프로젝트: indigogem/fairy
GameObjectPtr CLevel::CreateObject( const char * type, const char * templ )
	GameObjectPtr obj;

	if ( type != NULL && type[0] != 0 )
		if ( strcasecmp(type, "cgameobject") == 0 )
			obj = new CGameObject( this );
		else if ( strcasecmp(type, "cparticlesystem") == 0 )
			obj = new CParticleSystem( this );
			IwAssertMsg(GAME, false, ("Cant load unknown type '%s'", type));
		IwAssertMsg(GAME, false, ("CLevel::CreateObject invalid type"));

	if ( templ != NULL )
		TiXmlElement * elem_tmpl = GetTemplate( templ );
		obj->Load( elem_tmpl );

	return obj;
// Static helper method to allow other GUI classes to easily parse a colour
void GUIColour::ParseColour( CIwTextParserITX* apParser, GUIColour* apColour )
	char lBuf[64];
	apParser->PeekString( lBuf, 64 );

	if( lBuf[0] == '{' )
		// We've got an RGBA quartet
		uint32 lColour[4] = { 255, 255, 255, 255 };

		apParser->ReadUInt32Array( lColour, 4 );

		IwAssertMsg( GUI, lColour[0] < 256, ( "GUIColour %s has invalid red value", apColour->DebugGetName() ) );
		IwAssertMsg( GUI, lColour[1] < 256, ( "GUIColour %s has invalid green value", apColour->DebugGetName() ) );
		IwAssertMsg( GUI, lColour[2] < 256, ( "GUIColour %s has invalid blue value", apColour->DebugGetName() ) );
		IwAssertMsg( GUI, lColour[3] < 256, ( "GUIColour %s has invalid alpha value", apColour->DebugGetName() ) );

		apColour->SetColour( ( lColour[0] << 0) | ( lColour[1] << 8) | ( lColour[2] << 16) | ( lColour[3] << 24 ) );
		// We've been given a named reference to an existing GUIColour
		CIwStringS lColourName;
		apParser->ReadString( lColourName );
		GUIColour* lpColour = ResourceFindByName<GUIColour>( lColourName.c_str(), RESTYPE_GUICOLOUR );

		IwAssertMsg( GUI, lpColour, ( "Unable to locate specified GUIColour: %s", lColourName.c_str() ) );
		apColour->SetColour( lpColour->GetColour() );
// Finished parsing the object
void GUIElement::ParseClose( CIwTextParserITX* apParser )
	IW_CALLSTACK( "GUIElement::ParseClose" );

	// Nesting level needs decreasing first

	// Get parent object from parser stack if we're still nested
	if( s_FrameDepth )
		GUIElement* lpParent = reinterpret_cast<GUIElement*>( apParser->GetObject( -1 ) );
		IwAssertMsg( GUI, lpParent, ( "GUIElement %s declared without a parent", DebugGetName() ) );

		if( lpParent )
			// Check parent really is a frame!
			IwAssertMsg( GUI, lpParent->TestFlags( GF_FRAME ), ( "GUIElement %s not declared within a GUIFrame", DebugGetName() ) );

			m_pParent = reinterpret_cast<GUIFrame*>( lpParent );
			m_pParent->AddChild( this );
		// Top level object, add to resource manager
		if( !strcmp( GetClassName(), "GUITemplate" ) )
			IwGetResManager()->AddRes( RESTYPE_GUITEMPLATE, this );
			IwGetResManager()->AddRes( RESTYPE_GUIELEMENT, this );
예제 #4
bool CIwSoundWAV::ReadChunkFormat(const CIwStringL& pathname, const IwRIFFChunkHeader& header, CIwSoundData*& pData, s3eFile& file)
    IwWAVEFormatChunkADPCM format;

    // Read data from file
    if ((header.length < sizeof(IwWAVEFormatChunk))
        || (s3eFileRead(&format, sizeof(IwWAVEFormatChunkADPCM), 1, &file) != 1))
        IwAssertMsg(SOUND, false, ("Invalid format chunk in WAV file"));
        return false;

    IwAssertMsg(SOUND, format.channels == 1, ("%s has more than 1 channel. IwSound is mono only", pathname.c_str()));

    // Create object based on header info
    switch (format.formatTag)
    default:    // Unsupported format - Exit without creating data
        IwAssertMsg(SOUND, false, ("Unsupported WAVE file format (%d)", format.formatTag));
        return false;

    case WAVE_FORMAT_PCM:   // Raw PCM data. Bits per sample can be 8 or 16
        // Bits per sample will have been read into pad bytes of format info
        switch (format.bitsPerSample)
        case 8:     // 8 bps
            pData = new CIwSoundData(PCM_8BIT_MONO, format.samplesPerSec);

        case 16:    // 16 bps
            pData = new CIwSoundData(PCM_16BIT_MONO, format.samplesPerSec);

        default:    // Unhandled
            IwAssertMsg(SOUND, false, ("Unsupported bits-per-sample (%d)", format.bitsPerSample));
            return false;

    case 17:
            // ADPCM compressed data
            pData = new CIwSoundDataADPCM(ADPCM_MONO, format.samplesPerSec,
                ((IwWAVEFormatChunkADPCM*) &format)->samplesPerBlock,
                    ((IwWAVEFormatChunkADPCM*) &format)->blockAlign);

    return true;
// Parse an attribute from an ITX file
bool GUIBorder::ParseAttribute( CIwTextParserITX* apParser, const char* apAttrName )
	IW_CALLSTACK( "GUIBorder::ParseAttribute" );

	if( !strcmp( apAttrName, "bounds" ) )
		IwAssertMsg( GUI, false, ("GUIBorder does not use 'bounds' parameter.  Use 'bounds_tl', 'bounds_mid' and 'bounds_br' instead" ) );
	else if( !strcmp( apAttrName, "bounds_br" ) )
		m_BRBounds.Parse( apParser );
	else if( !strcmp( apAttrName, "bounds_tl" ) )
		m_TLBounds.Parse( apParser );
	else if( !strcmp( apAttrName, "material" ) )
		CIwStringS lMaterialName;

		apParser->ReadString( lMaterialName );
		CIwMaterial* lpMaterial = ResourceFindByName<CIwMaterial>( lMaterialName.c_str(), "CIwMaterial" );
		IwAssertMsg( GUI, lpMaterial, ( "Material named %s not found", lMaterialName.c_str() ) );

		// Make a copy of the material so we can tweak colours etc later
		m_Material.Copy( *lpMaterial );
	else if( !strcmp( apAttrName, "colour" ) )
		GUIColour::ParseColour( apParser, &m_Colour );
		m_Material.SetColAmbient( m_Colour.GetColour() );
		m_Material.SetColDiffuse( m_Colour.GetColour() );
	else if( !strcmp( apAttrName, "uv" ) )
		// Read in pixel UV data
		int16 lUVData[8];
		apParser->ReadInt16Array( lUVData, 8 );
		float u[4], v[4];
		// Convert pixel UV positions into fractions of width/height
		for( uint32 i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
			if( i & 1 )
				v[i >> 1] = MakeUVValue( lUVData[i], m_Material.GetTexture()->GetHeight() );
예제 #6
void Presage::launchEula(EulaHandler i_onEulaNotFound /*= NULL*/, EulaHandler i_onEulaFound /*= NULL*/, EulaHandler i_onEulaClosed /*= NULL*/, void* i_userData /*= NULL*/)
    IwAssertMsg(PRESAGE, bInitialised, ("Presage has not be successfully intialised"));
    IwAssertMsg(PRESAGE, bAdInFlight == false, ("Calling launchEula before the last Ad or Eula has completed"));

    if (bAdInFlight) return;

    fnOnEulaNotFound = i_onEulaNotFound;
    fnOnEulaFound = i_onEulaFound;
    fnOnEulaClosed = i_onEulaClosed;
    pUserData = i_userData;

    bAdInFlight = true;

예제 #7
void RegisterCustomClasses()
    // Read file list custom class mappings to known base classes
    s3eFile* cm = s3eFileOpen("_viewertemp/classmap.txt", "rb");
    if (cm)
        // Read lines
        char buffer[0x200];
        int index = 0;
        while (s3eFileReadString(buffer, sizeof(buffer), cm))
            IwTrace(UI, ("Registering custom class factory"));

            int num = sizeof(s_CustomClassRegister) / sizeof(s_CustomClassRegister[0]);
            if (index >= num)
                IwAssertMsg(UI, false, ("No more custom class factories available"));

            // Mapping of form "class base"
            char className[0x200];
            char baseName[0x200];
            if (sscanf(buffer, "%s %s", className, baseName) == 2)
                // Register class factory
                s_CustomClassRegister[index](className, baseName);


unsigned char* CCFileUtils::getFileData(const char* pszFileName, const char* pszMode, unsigned long * pSize)

	s3eFile* pFile = s3eFileOpen(pszFileName, pszMode);
    if (! pFile && getIsPopupNotify())
        IwAssertMsg(GAME, pFile, ("Open file %s Failed. s3eFileError Code : %i", pszFileName, s3eFileGetError()));
    if (! pFile) 
        *pSize = 0;
        return 0;
	int32 fileSize = s3eFileGetSize(pFile);

	static int32* pDataToBeReadBinary;

	pDataToBeReadBinary = (int32*)s3eMallocBase(fileSize);
	memset(pDataToBeReadBinary, 0, fileSize);
	s3eFileRead(pDataToBeReadBinary, fileSize, 1, pFile);
	return (unsigned char*)pDataToBeReadBinary;
예제 #9
void Scythe::calculateMaxRotation()

   // calculate max rotation to the left
   float deltaY =  this->i2Position.y;  //this->uAttatchedToList[0]->i2Position.y - this->i2Position.y;
   float deltaX =  (float)abs(this->uAttatchedToList[0]->i2Position.x - this->i2Position.x);
   float rads = atan(deltaX/deltaY);
   this->fMaxLeft = rads;

   // caculate max rotation to the right
   /*deltaY =  this->i2Position.y;  //abs(this->uAttatchedToList[1]->i2Position.y - this->i2Position.y);
   deltaX =  (float)abs(this->uAttatchedToList[1]->i2Position.x - this->i2Position.x);
   rads = atan(deltaX/deltaY);
   this->fMaxRight = rads;*/

   // swinging scythe
   this->rotAxis.x = this->i2RegionSize.x/2 + this->i2Position.x; //(this->uAttatchedToList[0]->i2Position.x + this->uAttatchedToList[1]->i2Position.x)/2;
   this->rotAxis.y = this->uAttatchedToList[0]->i2Position.y /*+ this->uAttatchedToList[1]->i2Position.y)/2*/ + Screen::getBOXSIZE().y;

   this->fAngle =  this->fMaxLeft; //(this->fMaxLeft + this->fMaxRight)* 0.5f;
   this->iLength = (int)((this->i2Position.y - this->rotAxis.y) * 0.5f); // plus 2 to avoid divide by zero.

   if ( this->iLength == 0)
      IwAssertMsg(MYAPP, false, ("scythe With length of zero, move more than one box lower than rotation point"));

   this->fGDividedByLength = GRAVC/(float)this->iLength;
   //this->fperoid = 6.28 * sqrt((float)this->iLength/GRAV);
   this->mRot.SetRot(IW_ANGLE_FROM_RADIANS(this->fAngle), this->rotAxis);
예제 #10
파일: level.cpp 프로젝트: indigogem/fairy
bool CLevel::OpenXmlFile( const char * path, TiXmlDocument * doc )
	if ( doc == NULL )
		return false;
	s3eFile * file = s3eFileOpen(path, "r");
	if ( file != NULL )
		s3eFileSeek(file, 0, S3E_FILESEEK_END);
		long len = s3eFileTell( file );
		s3eFileSeek(file, 0, S3E_FILESEEK_SET);

		char * buff = new char[len];
		s3eFileRead(buff, sizeof(char), len, file);


		IwAssertMsg(GAME, false, ("can't open file '%s'", path));
		return false;

	return true;
// Parse an attribute from an ITX file
bool GUIElement::ParseAttribute( CIwTextParserITX* apParser, const char* apAttrName )
	IW_CALLSTACK( "GUIElement::ParseAttribute" );

	if( !strcmp( apAttrName, "bounds" ) )
		m_Bounds.Parse( apParser );
	else if( !strcmp( apAttrName, "addTemplate" ) )
		CIwStringS lTemplateName;
		apParser->ReadString( lTemplateName );
		GUITemplate* lpTemplate = reinterpret_cast<GUITemplate*>( IwGetResManager()->GetResNamed( lTemplateName.c_str(), RESTYPE_GUITEMPLATE ) );
		IwAssertMsg( GUI, lpTemplate, ( "Unable to locate GUITemplate called %s", lTemplateName.c_str() ) );
		lpTemplate->CloneTemplateChildren( this );
	else if( !strcmp( apAttrName, "useTemplate" ) )
		CIwStringS lTemplateName;
		apParser->ReadString( lTemplateName );
		GUITemplate* lpTemplate = reinterpret_cast<GUITemplate*>( IwGetResManager()->GetResNamed(lTemplateName.c_str(), RESTYPE_GUITEMPLATE ) );
		IwAssertMsg( GUI, lpTemplate, ( "Unable to locate GUITemplate called %s", lTemplateName.c_str() ) );
		lpTemplate->CloneTemplate( this );
	else if( !strcmp( apAttrName, "debug" ) )
		SetFlags( GF_DEBUG );
	else if( !strcmp( apAttrName, "enable" ) )
		apParser->ReadBool( &m_Enabled );
	else if( !strcmp( apAttrName, "offset" ) )
		m_Offset.Parse( apParser );
	else if( !strcmp( apAttrName, "touchable" ) )
		SetFlags( GF_TOUCHABLE );
		return CIwResource::ParseAttribute( apParser, apAttrName );
	return true;
예제 #12
void Presage::showAd(AdHandler i_onAdNotFound /*= NULL*/, AdHandler i_onAdFound /*= NULL*/, AdHandler i_onAdClosed /*= NULL*/, AdHandler i_onAdError /*= NULL*/, AdHandler i_onAdDisplayed /*= NULL*/, void* i_userData /*= NULL*/)
    IwAssertMsg(PRESAGE, bInitialised, ("Presage has not be successfully intialised"));
    IwAssertMsg(PRESAGE, bAdInFlight == false, ("Calling showAd before the last Ad or Eula has completed"));

    if (bAdInFlight) return;

    fnOnAdNotFound = i_onAdNotFound;
    fnOnAdFound = i_onAdFound;
    fnOnAdClosed = i_onAdClosed;
    fnOnAdError = i_onAdError;
    fnOnAdDisplayed = i_onAdDisplayed;
    pUserData = i_userData;

    bAdInFlight = true;

예제 #13
파일: level.cpp 프로젝트: indigogem/fairy
TiXmlElement * CLevel::GetTemplate( const char * name )
	ObjectTemplates::const_iterator it = mTemplates.find( name );
	if ( it != mTemplates.end() )
		return it->second.elem;

	IwAssertMsg(GAME, false, ("InstanceTemplate can't find template='%s'", name));
	return NULL;
예제 #14
bool WavReader::readChunkFact(const RIFFChunkHeader& header, SoundData*& data, s3eFile& file)
    uint32 sampleCount;
    if (s3eFileRead(&sampleCount, sizeof(uint32), 1, &file) != 1)
        IwAssertMsg(SOUND, false, ("Error reading WAVE file info from %s", filename));
        return false;

	data->sample_count = sampleCount;
    return true;
예제 #15
    void SimpleAudioEngine::preloadBackgroundMusic(const char* pszFilePath)
		s3eFile *fileHandle = s3eFileOpen(pszFilePath, "rb");
		IwAssertMsg(GAME, fileHandle, ("Open file %s Failed. s3eFileError Code : %i", pszFilePath, s3eFileGetError()));
		g_AudioFileSize = s3eFileGetSize(fileHandle);
		g_AudioBuffer = (int16*)malloc(g_AudioFileSize);
		memset(g_AudioBuffer, 0, g_AudioFileSize);
		s3eFileRead(g_AudioBuffer, g_AudioFileSize, 1, fileHandle);
예제 #16
bool CIwSoundWAV::ReadChunkFact(const CIwStringL& pathname, const IwRIFFChunkHeader& header, CIwSoundData*& pData, s3eFile& file)
    uint32 sampleCount;
    if (s3eFileRead(&sampleCount, sizeof(uint32), 1, &file) != 1)
        IwAssertMsg(SOUND, false, ("Error reading WAVE file info from %s", pathname.c_str()));
        return false;

    return true;
예제 #17
파일: OggFile.cpp 프로젝트: go4and/libaudio
 OggVorbis_File * handle()
     if(vf_.datasource == 0)
         int res = ov_open_callbacks(&buffer_, &vf_, 0, 0, ovMemoryCallbacks);
         IwAssertMsg(AUDIO_OGGFILE, res >= 0, ("Failed to open ogg stream: %d", res));
         vorbis_info * info = ov_info(handle(), -1);
         s3eDebugTracePrintf("rate: %d", static_cast<int>(info->rate));
     return &vf_;
예제 #18
    void SimpleAudioEngine::preloadBackgroundMusic(const char* pszFilePath)
		// Changing file path to full path
		std::string fullPath = CCFileUtils::sharedFileUtils()->fullPathForFilename(pszFilePath);
		s3eFile *fileHandle = s3eFileOpen(fullPath.c_str(), "rb");
		IwAssertMsg(GAME, fileHandle, ("Open file %s Failed. s3eFileError Code : %i", fullPath.c_str(), s3eFileGetError()));
		g_AudioFileSize = s3eFileGetSize(fileHandle);
		g_AudioBuffer = (int16*)malloc(g_AudioFileSize);
		memset(g_AudioBuffer, 0, g_AudioFileSize);
		s3eFileRead(g_AudioBuffer, g_AudioFileSize, 1, fileHandle);
예제 #19
bool CIwSoundWAV::ReadChunkData(const CIwStringL& pathname, const IwRIFFChunkHeader& header, CIwSoundData*& pData, s3eFile& file)
    // Check that we have already read a format chunk and the object has been created
    if (!pData)
        IwAssertMsg(SOUND, false, ("Data chunk encountered before format chunk in %s", pathname.c_str()));
        return false;

    // If the number of samples has already been set then check we're not changing it
    uint32 currentBufSiz = pData->GetBufferSize();

    IwAssertMsg(SOUND, (currentBufSiz ==  0) || (header.length == currentBufSiz),
                        ("Unexpected data size in %s", pathname.c_str()));

    // Create the data array

    // Read in the actual data. This can be read straight into the array independent of BPS
    if (s3eFileRead(&pData->m_Samples[0], 1, header.length, &file) != header.length)
        IwAssertMsg(SOUND, false, ("Error reading WAVE file data from %s", pathname.c_str()));
        return false;

    // DJB - Our 8-bit samples seem to be saved as unsigned data. Don't why this is or a way
    // to distinguish signed from unsigned.
    // Transform all 8-bit samples for now
    // DP - wav files are 8-bit unsigned and 16-bit signed, thats just the (random) way they are
    if (pData->m_Format == PCM_8BIT_MONO)

    return true;
예제 #20
파일: Utils.cpp 프로젝트: go4and/libaudio
Buffer loadFile(const char * fname)
    s3eFile * file = s3eFileOpen(fname, "rb");
        size_t size = s3eFileGetSize(file);
        Buffer result(size);
        s3eFileRead(result.data(), 1, size, file);
        return result;
    } else {
        IwAssertMsg(AUDIO_UTILS, false, ("failed to open: %s", fname));
        return Buffer();
	unsigned int SimpleAudioEngine::playEffect(const char* pszFilePath)
		int channel = s3eSoundGetFreeChannel();
		s3eSoundChannelPlay(channel, g_SoundBuffer, g_SoundFileSize/2, 1, 0);
		if (s3eSoundGetError()!= S3E_SOUND_ERR_NONE)
			IwAssertMsg(GAME, this, ("Play sound %s Failed. Error Code : %s", pszFilePath, s3eSoundGetErrorString()));	

		return channel;

예제 #22
	void SimpleAudioEngine::preloadEffect(const char* pszFilePath)
		SoundFxMap::iterator it = g_pSoundFxMap->find(pszFilePath) ;
		if( it==g_pSoundFxMap->end() ) {
			s3eFile *fileHandle = s3eFileOpen(pszFilePath, "rb");
			IwAssertMsg(GAME, fileHandle, ("Open file %s Failed. s3eFileError Code : %i", pszFilePath, s3eFileGetError()));
			int32 fileSize = s3eFileGetSize(fileHandle);
			int16* buff = (int16*)malloc(fileSize);

			(*g_pSoundFxMap)[pszFilePath] = SoundFx(buff,fileSize) ;
			memset(buff, 0, fileSize);
			s3eFileRead(buff, fileSize, 1, fileHandle);
bool CCSAXParser::parse(const char *pszFile)
	bool bRet = false;
	char* buf = NULL;
	s3eFile* file = NULL;
		file = s3eFileOpen(pszFile, "r");
		if (!file)
			IwAssertMsg(GAME, file, ("Open file %s Failed. s3eFileError Code : %i", pszFile, s3eFileGetError()));
		s3eFileSeek(file, 0, S3E_FILESEEK_END);
		int	size = s3eFileTell(file);
		s3eFileSeek(file, 0,  S3E_FILESEEK_SET);
		buf = new char[size];
		int done =0;
		int len = (int)s3eFileRead(buf, 1, size, file);
		if (XML_Parse(s_pParser, buf, len, 1) == XML_STATUS_ERROR)
			CCLog("GAME: cocos2d: plist err: %s at line %d", XML_ErrorString(XML_GetErrorCode(s_pParser)), XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(s_pParser));
		bRet = true;
	} while(0);
	// cleanup
	if (file)
	if (buf)
		delete []buf;
	return bRet;

예제 #24
Vector2 StringToVector2(const char* str, const char* strDelimiter)
	const char* strToken[2];
	strToken[0] = strtok((char*)str, strDelimiter);
	strToken[1] = strtok(NULL, strDelimiter);

	IwAssert(0, strToken[0] && strToken[1]);

	float fx, fy;
	if(EOF == sscanf(strToken[0], "%f", &fx) ||
	   EOF == sscanf(strToken[1], "%f", &fy))
		IwAssertMsg(0, false, ("Bad data in string to float coversion"));

	return Vector2(fx, fy);
예제 #25
	void SimpleAudioEngine::preloadEffect(const char* pszFilePath)
		// Changing file path to full path
		std::string fullPath = CCFileUtils::sharedFileUtils()->fullPathForFilename(pszFilePath);
		SoundFxMap::iterator it = g_pSoundFxMap->find(fullPath) ;
		if( it==g_pSoundFxMap->end() ) {
			s3eFile *fileHandle = s3eFileOpen(fullPath.c_str(), "rb");
			IwAssertMsg(GAME, fileHandle, ("Open file %s Failed. s3eFileError Code : %i", fullPath.c_str(), s3eFileGetError()));
			int32 fileSize = s3eFileGetSize(fileHandle);
			int16* buff = (int16*)malloc(fileSize);

			(*g_pSoundFxMap)[fullPath] = SoundFx(buff,fileSize) ;
			memset(buff, 0, fileSize);
			s3eFileRead(buff, fileSize, 1, fileHandle);
예제 #26
	void SimpleAudioEngine::preloadEffect(const char* pszFilePath)
		SoundFxMap::iterator it = g_pSoundFxMap->find(pszFilePath) ;
		if( it==g_pSoundFxMap->end() ) {
#if 0
			CIwResHandlerWAV * wav_handler = new CIwResHandlerWAV();

			class OpenSoundData: public CIwSoundData

				int16 * GetBuffer()
					return (int16*)m_Samples;
			OpenSoundData * res = (OpenSoundData*)dynamic_cast<CIwSoundData*>(wav_handler->Build(pszFilePath));
			int32 data_size = res->GetBufferSize();
			int16* buff = (int16*)malloc(data_size);
			memcpy(buff, res->GetBuffer(), data_size);
			(*g_pSoundFxMap)[pszFilePath] = SoundFx(buff, data_size);

			delete res;
			delete wav_handler;

			s3eFile *fileHandle = s3eFileOpen(pszFilePath, "rb");
			IwAssertMsg(GAME, fileHandle, ("Open file %s Failed. s3eFileError Code : %i", pszFilePath, s3eFileGetError()));
			int32 fileSize = s3eFileGetSize(fileHandle);
			int16* buff = (int16*)malloc(fileSize);

			(*g_pSoundFxMap)[pszFilePath] = SoundFx(buff,fileSize) ;
			memset(buff, 0, fileSize);
			s3eFileRead(buff, fileSize, 1, fileHandle);
예제 #27
	unsigned int SimpleAudioEngine::playEffect(const char* pszFilePath, bool bLoop)
		SoundFxMap::iterator it = g_pSoundFxMap->find(pszFilePath) ;
		int16* buff = 0 ;
		if( it==g_pSoundFxMap->end() ) {
			preloadEffect(pszFilePath) ;
		buff = (*g_pSoundFxMap)[pszFilePath].data ;

		int channel = s3eSoundGetFreeChannel();
		s3eSoundChannelPlay(channel, buff, (*g_pSoundFxMap)[pszFilePath].size/2, (bLoop ? 0 : 1), 0);
		if (s3eSoundGetError()!= S3E_SOUND_ERR_NONE) {
			IwAssertMsg(GAME, false, ("Play sound %s Failed. Error Code : %s", pszFilePath, s3eSoundGetErrorString()));	

		return channel;

CIw2DFont* FontManager::getFont(string sFontName)

   CIw2DFont* iTmpFont = tiFontLibrary.get(sFontName);

   if(iTmpFont == NULL)	//add the indicated Font file to the library if it's not already there
      iTmpFont = Iw2DCreateFont((sFontName + ".gxfont").c_str());   

      if(iTmpFont == NULL)
         IwAssertMsg(MYAPP, false, ("getFont could not find Font file %s", sFontName.c_str()));
         return NULL;
      pair<string, CIw2DFont*>newPair = pair<string, CIw2DFont*>(sFontName, iTmpFont);
      return iTmpFont;
   return iTmpFont;
예제 #29
    static void Register(const char *pClassName, const char* pBaseName)
        strcpy(s_ClassName, pClassName);
        s_BaseHash = IwHashString(pBaseName);

        // Create a base object and find its v-table
        CIwManaged* pObj = (CIwManaged*) IwClassFactoryCreate(s_BaseHash);
        if (!pObj)
            IwAssertMsg(UI, false,
                        ("Custom class %s base %s not recognised by class factory",
                         pClassName, pBaseName));

        intptr_t* vtable = *(intptr_t**)pObj;
        // RTTI information stored in -1 slot

        // Copy base objects v-table
        int i = 0;
        int num = sizeof(s_VTable) / sizeof(s_VTable[0]);
        while (*vtable && i < num)
            s_VTable[i++] = *vtable++;

        // Replace GetClassName function
        CNameChanger temp;
        int index = temp.GetIndexOfGetClassName();
        s_VTable[index+1] = (*(intptr_t**)&temp)[index];

        // Register class factory
        uint32 baseClassSize = IwClassFactoryGetSize(s_BaseHash);
        IwClassFactoryAdd(s_ClassName, Create, baseClassSize);

        delete pObj;
예제 #30
	unsigned int SimpleAudioEngine::playEffect(const char* pszFilePath, bool bLoop)
		// Changing file path to full path
		std::string fullPath = CCFileUtils::sharedFileUtils()->fullPathForFilename(pszFilePath);

		SoundFxMap::iterator it = g_pSoundFxMap->find(fullPath) ;
		int16* buff = 0 ;
		if( it==g_pSoundFxMap->end() ) {
			preloadEffect(fullPath.c_str()) ;
		buff = (*g_pSoundFxMap)[fullPath].data ;

		int channel = s3eSoundGetFreeChannel();
		s3eSoundChannelPlay(channel, buff, (*g_pSoundFxMap)[fullPath].size/2, (bLoop ? 0 : 1), 0);
		if (s3eSoundGetError()!= S3E_SOUND_ERR_NONE) {
			IwAssertMsg(GAME, false, ("Play sound %s Failed. Error Code : %s", fullPath.c_str(), s3eSoundGetErrorString()));	

		return channel;
