예제 #1
파일: mmu.c 프로젝트: qioixiy/harvey
static void
checkpte(uintmem ppn, void *a)
	Proc *up = externup();
	int l;
	PTE *pte, *pml4;
	uint64_t addr;
	char buf[240], *s;

	addr = PTR2UINT(a);
	pml4 = UINT2PTR(machp()->pml4->va);
	pte = 0;
	s = buf;
	*s = 0;
	if((l = mmuwalk(pml4, addr, 3, &pte, nil)) < 0 || (*pte&PteP) == 0)
		goto Panic;
	s = seprint(buf, buf+sizeof buf,
		"check3: l%d pte %#p = %llux\n",
		l, pte, pte?*pte:~0);
	if((l = mmuwalk(pml4, addr, 2, &pte, nil)) < 0 || (*pte&PteP) == 0)
		goto Panic;
	s = seprint(s, buf+sizeof buf,
		"check2: l%d  pte %#p = %llux\n",
		l, pte, pte?*pte:~0);
	if((l = mmuwalk(pml4, addr, 1, &pte, nil)) < 0 || (*pte&PteP) == 0)
		goto Panic;
	seprint(s, buf+sizeof buf,
		"check1: l%d  pte %#p = %llux\n",
		l, pte, pte?*pte:~0);

	seprint(s, buf+sizeof buf,
		"checkpte: l%d addr %#p ppn %#ullx kaddr %#p pte %#p = %llux",
		l, a, ppn, KADDR(ppn), pte, pte?*pte:~0);
	print("%s\n", buf);
	seprint(buf, buf+sizeof buf, "start %#ullx unused %#ullx"
		" unmap %#ullx end %#ullx\n",
		sys->vmstart, sys->vmunused, sys->vmunmapped, sys->vmend);
	panic("%s", buf);
예제 #2
static void
	uintptr cr3;

	cr3 = (uintptr)KADDR(getcr3());
	if (cr3 == 0)
		panic("zero cr3");
	if ((uintptr)m->pdb != cr3 || (uintptr)mach0pdb != cr3)
		panic("not all same: cr3 %#p m->pdb %#p mach0pdb %#p",
			cr3, m->pdb, mach0pdb);
	if (m != mach0m)
		panic("m %#p != mach0m %#p", m, mach0m);
	if (m->gdt != mach0gdt)
		panic("m->gdt %#p != mach0gdt %#p", m->gdt, mach0gdt);
	if (0)
		iprint("m->pdb %#p m %#p sp %#p m->gdt %#p\n",
			m->pdb, m, &cr3, m->gdt);
예제 #3
파일: env.c 프로젝트: ren85/jos2006
// Frees env e and all memory it uses.
env_free(struct Env *e)
	pte_t *pt;
	uint32_t pdeno, pteno;
	physaddr_t pa;

	// Note the environment's demise.
	cprintf("[%08x] free env %08x\n", curenv ? curenv->env_id : 0, e->env_id);

	// Flush all mapped pages in the user portion of the address space
	static_assert(UTOP % PTSIZE == 0);
	for (pdeno = 0; pdeno < PDX(UTOP); pdeno++) {

		// only look at mapped page tables
		if (!(e->env_pgdir[pdeno] & PTE_P))

		// find the pa and va of the page table
		pa = PTE_ADDR(e->env_pgdir[pdeno]);
		pt = (pte_t*) KADDR(pa);

		// unmap all PTEs in this page table
		for (pteno = 0; pteno <= PTX(~0); pteno++) {
			if (pt[pteno] & PTE_P)
				page_remove(e->env_pgdir, PGADDR(pdeno, pteno, 0));

		// free the page table itself
		e->env_pgdir[pdeno] = 0;

	// free the page directory
	pa = e->env_cr3;
	e->env_pgdir = 0;
	e->env_cr3 = 0;

	// return the environment to the free list
	e->env_status = ENV_FREE;
	LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&env_free_list, e, env_link);
예제 #4
파일: pmap.c 프로젝트: yahu/JOS
static physaddr_t
check_va2pa(pde_t *pgdir, uintptr_t va)
    pte_t *p;

    pgdir = &pgdir[PDX(va)];
    if (!(*pgdir & PTE_P)){
        //cprintf("!(*pgdir & PTE_P)\n");
         return ~0;

    p = (pte_t*) KADDR(PTE_ADDR(*pgdir));
    if (!(p[PTX(va)] & PTE_P)){
       // cprintf("!(p[PTX(va)] & PTE_P)\n");
        return ~0;

    return PTE_ADDR(p[PTX(va)]);
예제 #5
파일: pmap.c 프로젝트: ajsbu/cse506
	pte_t *
pml4e_walk(pml4e_t *pml4e, const void *va, int create)
	struct Page *newPage = NULL;

	//if(!create) cprintf("va = %0x, pml4e[PML4(va)] = %0x\n", va, pml4e[PML4(va)]);
	if (!pml4e[PML4(va)]) {
		if (!create)
			return NULL;
		else {
			newPage = page_alloc(0);
			if (newPage == 0) {
				return NULL;
			} else {
				pml4e[PML4(va)] = page2pa(newPage) | PTE_U | PTE_W | PTE_P;
				memset(page2kva(newPage), 0x00, PGSIZE);


	pdpe_t* pdpe = (pdpe_t*)(KADDR((PTE_ADDR(pml4e[PML4(va)]))));
	pte_t *result = pdpe_walk(pdpe, va, create);

	if (!result && newPage) {
		pml4e[PML4(va)] = 0;
		newPage->pp_ref = 0;

	//return result + PTX(va);

	if (result) {
		return result + PTX(va);
	else {
		return result;

예제 #6
void *
vmap(ulong phys, ulong length)
	ulong virt, off, *l2;

	off = phys % BY2PG;
	length = (ROUNDUP(phys + length, BY2PG) - ROUNDDN(phys, BY2PG)) / BY2PG;
	if(length == 0)
		return nil;
	phys = ROUNDDN(phys, BY2PG);
	virt = getiopages(length);
	l2 = KADDR(IOPT);
	l2 += virt;
		*l2++ = phys | L2AP(Krw) | Small | PTEIO;
		phys += BY2PG;
	return (void *) (IZERO + BY2PG * virt + off);
예제 #7
파일: debugger.c 프로젝트: ChenLanbo/OS-Lab
mon_si(int argc, char **argv, struct Trapframe *tf)
    if (tf == NULL) {
        cprintf("Cannot invoke si, no breakpoint exception or debug exception invoked\n");
        return 1;
    if (tf->tf_trapno != T_BRKPT && tf->tf_trapno != T_DEBUG) {
        cprintf("Cannot invoke si, no breakpoint exception or debug exception invoked\n");
        return 1;
    uint32_t opcode;
    pte_t *entry;
    uint32_t address;

    // Get the page table entry of tf_eip,
    // because we in kernel mode
    address = tf->tf_eip;
    entry = pgdir_walk(curenv->env_pgdir, (void *)address, 0);
    // Debug
    if (entry == NULL) {
        panic("Bad address in gdb");

    // Debug info
    address = (uint32_t)KADDR(PTE_ADDR(*entry)) | (address & 0xfff);

    // Debug info
    // print the instruction name
    opcode = *((uint32_t *)address);
    opcode &= 0xff;
    cprintf("Instruction: %s\n", opcnames[(int)opcode]);

    // Debug info
    if (tf->tf_eflags & FL_TF) {
        cprintf("Trap Flag set in EFLAGS\n");
    tf->tf_eflags |= FL_TF | FL_RF;

    return -1;
예제 #8
파일: mmu.c 프로젝트: Nurb432/plan9front
	ulong *pte, npgs, pa;

		int i;
		xenpdpt = (uvlong*)m->pdb;
		m->pdb = xspanalloc(32, 32, 0);
		/* clear "reserved" bits in initial page directory pointers -- Xen bug? */
		for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
			((uvlong*)m->pdb)[i] = xenpdpt[i] & ~0x1E6LL;

	 * So far only memory up to xentop is mapped, map the rest.
	 * We cant use large pages because our contiguous PA space
	 * is not necessarily contiguous in MA.
	npgs = conf.mem[0].npage;
	for(pa=conf.mem[0].base; npgs; npgs--, pa+=BY2PG) {
		pte = mmuwalk(m->pdb, (ulong)KADDR(pa), 2, 1);
		xenupdate(pte, pa|PTEVALID|PTEWRITE);


#ifdef we_may_eventually_want_this
	/* make kernel text unwritable */
	for(x = KTZERO; x < (ulong)etext; x += BY2PG){
		p = mmuwalk(m->pdb, x, 2, 0);
		if(p == nil)
		*p &= ~PTEWRITE;

	taskswitch(0,  (ulong)m + BY2PG);
예제 #9
파일: pmm.c 프로젝트: haozhun/ucore_plus
 * Check whether page directory for boot lives well.
 *     NOTE: we don't have mm_struct at present.
 *           as write to a clean page also raises SIGSEGV, we're not able to deal with it now.
 *           so just mark all page inserted to be accessed and dirty.
check_boot_pgdir(void) {
    pte_t *ptep;
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < npage; i += PGSIZE) {
        assert((ptep = get_pte(boot_pgdir, (uintptr_t)KADDR(i), 0)) != NULL);
        assert(PTE_ADDR(*ptep) == i);

    //assert(PDE_ADDR(boot_pgdir[PDX(VPT)]) == PADDR(boot_pgdir));

    assert(boot_pgdir[PDX(TEST_PAGE)] == 0);

    struct Page *p;
    p = alloc_page();
    assert(page_insert(boot_pgdir, p, TEST_PAGE, PTE_W | PTE_D | PTE_A) == 0);
    assert(page_ref(p) == 1);
    assert(page_insert(boot_pgdir, p, TEST_PAGE + PGSIZE, PTE_W | PTE_D | PTE_A) == 0);
    assert(page_ref(p) == 2);

    const char *str = "ucore: Hello world!!";
    strcpy((void *)TEST_PAGE, str);
    assert(strcmp((void *)TEST_PAGE, (void *)(TEST_PAGE + PGSIZE)) == 0);

    *(char *)(page2kva(p)) = '\0';
    assert(strlen((const char *)TEST_PAGE) == 0);

     * in um architecture clear page table doesn't mean
     *     the linear address is invalid
     * so remove them by hand
    tlb_invalidate (boot_pgdir, TEST_PAGE);
    tlb_invalidate (boot_pgdir, TEST_PAGE + PGSIZE);

    boot_pgdir[PDX(TEST_PAGE)] = 0;

    kprintf("check_boot_pgdir() succeeded.\n");
예제 #10
파일: mp.c 프로젝트: 8l/inferno
	 * To be done...
		 * If this processor received the CTRL-ALT-DEL from
		 * the keyboard, acknowledge it. Send an INIT to self.
#ifdef FIXTHIS
#endif /* FIX THIS */

	print("apshutdown: active = 0x%2.2uX\n", active.machs);

	 * INIT all excluding self.
	lapicicrw(0, 0x000C0000|ApicINIT);

#ifdef notdef
	 * Often the BIOS hangs during restart if a conventional 8042
	 * warm-boot sequence is tried. The following is Intel specific and
	 * seems to perform a cold-boot, but at least it comes back.
	*(ushort*)KADDR(0x472) = 0x1234;	/* BIOS warm-boot flag */
	outb(0xCF9, 0x02);
	outb(0xCF9, 0x06);
#endif /* notdef */
예제 #11
ZVMSTATUS MmInitManager(uint32_t *pgdir,uint32_t *hostcr3)
   void *va;
   uint32_t pa,tmp;

   for(uint32_t i=0; i<1024; i++)
		   va = MmAllocPages(1,&pa);
		   tmp = hostcr3[i];
		   tmp = tmp & 0xfffff000;
		   memcpy(va,KADDR(tmp),PGSIZE); // 从物理地址找虚拟地址
		   hostcr3[i] = hostcr3[i] & 0xfff;
		   hostcr3[i] = hostcr3[i] | pa	;   
   return ZVMSUCCESS;
예제 #12
파일: i2c.c 프로젝트: 8l/inferno
 * called by the reset routine of any driver using the IIC
i2csetup(int polling)
	I2Cregs *i2c;
	Ctlr *ctlr;

	ctlr = i2cctlr;
	ctlr->polling = polling;
	i2c = KADDR(PHYSI2C);
	ctlr->regs = i2c;
		if(ctlr->init == 0){
			initialise(i2c, 1);
			ctlr->init = 1;
			intrenable(IRQ, IRQi2c, interrupt, i2cctlr, "i2c");
				i2cdump("init", i2c);
		initialise(i2c, 0);
예제 #13
vunmap(void *virt, ulong length)
	ulong v, *l2;
	if((ulong)virt < IZERO || (ulong)virt >= IZERO + NIOPAGES * BY2PG)
		panic("vunmap: virt=%p", virt);
	v = (ROUNDDN((ulong) virt, BY2PG) - IZERO) / BY2PG;
	length = (ROUNDUP(((ulong) virt) + length, BY2PG) - ROUNDDN((ulong) virt, BY2PG)) / BY2PG;
	if(length == 0)
	l2 = KADDR(IOPT);
	l2 += v;
		*l2++ = 0;
예제 #14
파일: pmm.c 프로젝트: chyyuu/ucore-arch-arm
static void
unmap_range_pud(pgd_t *pgdir, pud_t *pud, uintptr_t base, uintptr_t start, uintptr_t end) {
	unmap_range_pmd (pgdir, pud, base, start, end);
    assert(start >= 0 && start < end && end <= PUSIZE);
    size_t off, size;
    uintptr_t la = ROUNDDOWN(start, PMSIZE);
    do {
        off = start - la, size = PMSIZE - off;
        if (size > end - start) {
            size = end - start;
        pud_t *pudp = &pud[PUX(la)];
        if (ptep_present(pudp)) {
            unmap_range_pmd(pgdir, KADDR(PUD_ADDR(*pudp)), base + la, off, off + size);
        start += size, la += PMSIZE;
    } while (start != 0 && start < end);
예제 #15
파일: devi82365.c 프로젝트: CoryXie/NxM
static long
pcmwrite(int dev, int attr, void *a, long n, vlong off)
	int i, len;
	PCMmap *m;
	uchar *ac;
	PCMslot *pp;
	ulong offset = off;

	pp = slot + dev;
	if(pp->memlen < offset)
		return 0;
	if(pp->memlen < offset + n)
		n = pp->memlen - offset;

	m = 0;
			pcmunmap(pp->slotno, m);

	ac = a;
	for(len = n; len > 0; len -= i){
		m = pcmmap(pp->slotno, offset, 0, attr);
		if(m == 0)
			error("cannot map PCMCIA card");
		if(offset + len > m->cea)
			i = m->cea - offset;
			i = len;
		memmoveb(KADDR(m->isa + offset - m->ca), ac, i);
		pcmunmap(pp->slotno, m);
		offset += i;
		ac += i;

	return n;
예제 #16
static int
fload(Ctlr *c)
	ulong data, io, r, adr;
	ushort sum;
	Flash f;
	Pcidev *p;

//	io = c->pcidev->mem[1].bar & ~0x0f;
//	f.reg = vmap(io, c->pcidev->mem[1].size);
//	if(f.reg == nil)
//		return -1;

	p = c->pcidev;
	io = upamalloc(p->mem[1].bar & ~0x0F, p->mem[1].size, 0);
	if(io == 0){
		print("igbepcie: can't map flash @ 0x%8.8lux\n", p->mem[1].bar);
		return -1;
	f.reg = KADDR(io);

	f.reg32 = (ulong*)f.reg;
	f.sz = f.reg32[Bfpr];
	r = f.sz & 0x1fff;
	if(csr32r(c, Eec) & (1<<22))
	r <<= 12;

	sum = 0;
	for (adr = 0; adr < 0x40; adr++) {
		data = fread(c, &f, r + adr*2);
		if(data == -1)
		c->eeprom[adr] = data;
		sum += data;
//	vunmap(f.reg, c->pcidev->mem[1].size);
	return sum;
예제 #17
파일: pmap.c 프로젝트: bluesea147/6.828-lab
// Given 'pgdir', a pointer to a page directory, pgdir_walk returns
// a pointer to the page table entry (PTE) for linear address 'va'.
// This requires walking the two-level page table structure.
// bluesea
// pgdir_walk具体返回的是: 
// 虚拟地址va, 所在的页面对应的page table 表项的地址,所以是二级页表page table
// 的表项的地址,而非page dir的表项
// (理由分析见check_page()中的相关分析)
// 并且是该地址的虚拟地址!
// 下面这个需求可能和这个想法有矛盾:PTE_P置为0,即缺页的时候本应该由缺页中断处理。
// 那是另外故事,在这儿,pgdir_walk基本上只用于初始化内核虚拟内存的映射,
// 所以缺页新alloc page table没什么问题。
// The relevant page table page might not exist yet.
// If this is true, and create == false, then pgdir_walk returns NULL.
// Otherwise, pgdir_walk allocates a new page table page with page_alloc.
//    - If the allocation fails, pgdir_walk returns NULL.
//    - Otherwise, the new page's reference count is incremented,
//	the page is cleared,
//	and pgdir_walk returns a pointer into the new page table page.
//	(注:这种情况下也是返回页表项的地址,而页目录的地址。页表项的各个FLAG不用管
//	只需要把页目录对应的位置PTE_P置位即可。)
// Hint 1: you can turn a PageInfo * into the physical address of the
// page it refers to with page2pa() from kern/pmap.h.
// Hint 2: the x86 MMU checks permission bits in both the page directory
// and the page table, so it's safe to leave permissions in the page
// more permissive than strictly necessary.
// Hint 3: look at inc/mmu.h for useful macros that mainipulate page
// table and page directory entries.
pte_t *
pgdir_walk(pde_t *pgdir, const void *va, int create)
	// Fill this function in
	// bluesea
	uint32_t pdx = PDX(va), ptx = PTX(va);
	pde_t *pt = 0;
	if (pgdir[pdx] & PTE_P){
		pt = KADDR(PTE_ADDR(pgdir[pdx]));
		return &pt[ptx];
	if (!create)
		return NULL;
	struct PageInfo *page = page_alloc(ALLOC_ZERO);
	if (!page)
		return NULL;
	page->pp_ref = 1;
	pgdir[pdx] = page2pa(page) | PTE_P | PTE_U;
	pt = page2kva(page);
	//pt[ptx] = PTE_U;
	return &pt[ptx];
예제 #18
파일: mp.c 프로젝트: 8l/inferno
static Apic*
mkioapic(PCMPioapic* p)
	Apic *apic;

	if(!(p->flags & PcmpEN) || p->apicno > MaxAPICNO)
		return 0;

	 * Map the I/O APIC.
	if(mmukmap(p->addr, 0, 1024) == 0)
		return 0;

	apic = &mpapic[p->apicno];
	apic->type = PcmpIOAPIC;
	apic->apicno = p->apicno;
	apic->addr = KADDR(p->addr);
	apic->flags = p->flags;

	return apic;
예제 #19
파일: mmu.c 프로젝트: Nurb432/plan9front
kmap(Page *page)
	uintptr *pte, pa, va;
	int x;

	pa = page->pa;
	if(cankaddr(pa) != 0)
		return (KMap*)KADDR(pa);

	x = splhi();
	va = KMAP + ((uintptr)up->kmapindex << PGSHIFT);
	pte = mmuwalk(m->pml4, va, 0, 1);
	if(pte == 0 || *pte & PTEVALID)
		panic("kmap: pa=%#p va=%#p", pa, va);
 	up->kmapindex = (up->kmapindex + 1) % (1<<PTSHIFT);
	if(up->kmapindex == 0)
	return (KMap*)va;
예제 #20
파일: mmu.c 프로젝트: Nurb432/plan9front
mmuwalk(uintptr* table, uintptr va, int level, int create)
	uintptr pte;
	int i, x;

	x = PTLX(va, 3);
	for(i = 2; i >= level; i--){
		pte = table[x];
		if(pte & PTEVALID){
			if(pte & PTESIZE)
				return 0;
			table = KADDR(PPN(pte));
		} else {
				return 0;
			table = mmucreate(table, va, i, x);
		x = PTLX(va, i);
	return &table[x];
예제 #21
static void free_ept_level(epte_t* eptrt, int level) {
    epte_t* dir = eptrt;
    int i;

    for(i=0; i<NPTENTRIES; ++i) {
        if(level != 0) {
            if(epte_present(dir[i])) {
                physaddr_t pa = epte_addr(dir[i]);
                free_ept_level((epte_t*) KADDR(pa), level-1);
                // free the table.
        } else {
            // Last level, free the guest physical page.
            if(epte_present(dir[i])) {
                physaddr_t pa = epte_addr(dir[i]);                
예제 #22
파일: pmap.c 프로젝트: SivilTaram/Jos-mips
static Pte *boot_pgdir_walk(Pde *pgdir, u_long va, int create)

	Pde *pgdir_entryp;
	Pte *pgtable, *pgtable_entry;

	pgdir_entryp = (Pde *)(&pgdir[PDX(va)]);
	pgtable = (Pte *)KADDR(PTE_ADDR(*pgdir_entryp));

	if (*pgdir_entryp == 0) {
		if (create == 0) {
			return 0;
		} else {
			pgtable = alloc(BY2PG, BY2PG, 1);
			*pgdir_entryp = PADDR(pgtable) | PTE_V | PTE_R;

	pgtable_entry = (Pte *)(&pgtable[PTX(va)]);
	//printf("pgtable_entry = %x	va = %d		pgdir=%d\n",pgtable,va,pgdir);
	return pgtable_entry;
예제 #23
파일: pmap.c 프로젝트: prasadv90/AdvOS
// Given 'pgdir', a pointer to a page directory, pgdir_walk returns
// a pointer to the page table entry (PTE) for linear address 'va'.
// This requires walking the two-level page table structure.
// The relevant page table page might not exist yet.
// If this is true, and create == false, then pgdir_walk returns NULL.
// Otherwise, pgdir_walk allocates a new page table page with page_alloc.
//    - If the allocation fails, pgdir_walk returns NULL.
//    - Otherwise, the new page's reference count is incremented,
//	the page is cleared,
//	and pgdir_walk returns a pointer into the new page table page.
// Hint 1: you can turn a Page * into the physical address of the
// page it refers to with page2pa() from kern/pmap.h.
// Hint 2: the x86 MMU checks permission bits in both the page directory
// and the page table, so it's safe to leave permissions in the page
// directory more permissive than strictly necessary.
// Hint 3: look at inc/mmu.h for useful macros that mainipulate page
// table and page directory entries.
pte_t *
pgdir_walk(pde_t *pgdir, const void *va, int create)
	pde_t *pde; //va(virtual address) point to pa(physical address)
	  pte_t *pgtable; //same as pde
	  struct PageInfo *pp;

	  pde = &pgdir[PDX(va)]; // va->pgdir
	  if(*pde & PTE_P) { 
	  	pgtable = (KADDR(PTE_ADDR(*pde)));
	  } else {
		//page table page not exist
		if(!create || 
		   !(pp = page_alloc(ALLOC_ZERO)) ||
		   !(pgtable = (pte_t*)page2kva(pp))) 
			return NULL;
		*pde = PADDR(pgtable) | PTE_P | PTE_W | PTE_U;
	return &pgtable[PTX(va)];
예제 #24
파일: pmap.c 프로젝트: SivilTaram/Jos-mips
page_alloc(struct Page **pp)
	// Fill this function in
	struct Page *ppage_temp;

	ppage_temp = LIST_FIRST(&page_free_list);

	if (ppage_temp != NULL) {
		*pp = ppage_temp;
		LIST_REMOVE(ppage_temp, pp_link);

		bzero((void *)KADDR(page2pa(ppage_temp)), BY2PG);

		return 0;

	return -E_NO_MEM;
예제 #25
// Given 'pgdir', a pointer to a page directory, pgdir_walk returns
// a pointer to the page table entry (PTE) for linear address 'va'.
// This requires walking the two-level page table structure.
// The relevant page table page might not exist yet.
// If this is true, and create == false, then pgdir_walk returns NULL.
// Otherwise, pgdir_walk allocates a new page table page with page_alloc.
//    - If the allocation fails, pgdir_walk returns NULL.
//    - Otherwise, the new page's reference count is incremented,
//	the page is cleared,
//	and pgdir_walk returns a pointer into the new page table page.
// Hint 1: you can turn a Page * into the physical address of the
// page it refers to with page2pa() from kern/pmap.h.
// Hint 2: the x86 MMU checks permission bits in both the page directory
// and the page table, so it's safe to leave permissions in the page
// directory more permissive than strictly necessary.
// Hint 3: look at inc/mmu.h for useful macros that mainipulate page
// table and page directory entries.
pte_t *
pgdir_walk(pde_t *pgdir, const void *va, int create)
	// need to handle permission!!!
	uintptr_t pd_index=0, pt_index=0;
	physaddr_t pa_ptba, pa_pte, pde_perm, pte_perm;
	pte_t *va_ptba=NULL, *va_pte=NULL;
	struct PageInfo *req_page;

	pd_index = PDX(va);
	//check address va_ptba+pt_index if it is correct pointer arithmatic or not.	
	// permissions given for directory table entry are PTE_P and PTE_W
	//*(pgdir+pd_index) = *(pgdir+pd_index) | PTE_P | PTE_W ;
	pa_ptba = *(pgdir+pd_index);
	if(!(pa_ptba & PTE_P))
		// setting up page table for requested virtual address.
			req_page = page_alloc(ALLOC_ZERO);
				return NULL;
			pa_ptba = page2pa(req_page) | PTE_P | PTE_U | PTE_W;
			*(pgdir+pd_index) = pa_ptba;
			return NULL;

	pde_perm = PGOFF(pa_ptba);
	pa_ptba = PTE_ADDR(pa_ptba);
	va_ptba = KADDR(pa_ptba);

	pt_index = PTX(va);
	va_pte = va_ptba + pt_index;
	return va_pte;
예제 #26
파일: devarch.c 프로젝트: enockseth/Plan-9
static void

	 * Often the BIOS hangs during restart if a conventional 8042
	 * warm-boot sequence is tried. The following is Intel specific and
	 * seems to perform a cold-boot, but at least it comes back.
	 * And sometimes there is no keyboard...
	 * The reset register (0xcf9) is usually in one of the bridge
	 * chips. The actual location and sequence could be extracted from
	 * ACPI but why bother, this is the end of the line anyway.
	print("Takes a licking and keeps on ticking...\n");
	*(ushort*)KADDR(0x472) = 0x1234;	/* BIOS warm-boot flag */
	outb(0xcf9, 0x02);
	outb(0xcf9, 0x06);

예제 #27
PageStruct* allocate_page(){

	Thus function pulls the first available page from the page free list and returns a 
	virtual addresss corresponding to that free page
	PageStruct* pageToReturn = page_free_list;


//	printf("Allocating page: %p\t", pageToPhysicalAddress(pageToReturn));
		page_free_list = page_free_list->next;

		pageToReturn->next = NULL;
		printf("ERROR!!! No pages to allocate in the free list\n");
	return pageToReturn;
예제 #28
파일: mmu.c 프로젝트: Shamar/harvey
dumpptepg(int lvl, uintptr_t pa)
    PTE *pte;
    int tab, i;

    tab = 4 - lvl;
    pte = UINT2PTR(KADDR(pa));
    for(i = 0; i < PTSZ/sizeof(PTE); i++)
        if(pte[i] & PteP) {
            print("l%d %#p[%#05x]: %#ullx\n", lvl, pa, i, pte[i]);

            /* skip kernel mappings */
            if((pte[i]&PteU) == 0) {
            if(lvl > 2)
                dumpptepg(lvl-1, PPN(pte[i]));
예제 #29
파일: multiboot.c 프로젝트: Earnestly/plan9
	MMap *lmmap;

	/* reuse the bios table memory */
	multibootheader = (Mbi *)KADDR(BIOSTABLES);
	memset(multibootheader, 0, sizeof *multibootheader);

	lmmap = (MMap *)(multibootheader + 1);
	memmove(lmmap, mmap, sizeof mmap);

	multibootheader->cmdline = PADDR(BOOTLINE);
	multibootheader->flags |= Fcmdline;
	if(nmmap != 0){
		multibootheader->mmapaddr = PADDR(lmmap);
		multibootheader->mmaplength = nmmap*sizeof(MMap);
		multibootheader->flags |= Fmmap;
	multibootheader = (Mbi *)PADDR(multibootheader);
		print("PADDR(&multibootheader) %#p\n", multibootheader);
예제 #30
파일: pmap.c 프로젝트: 1060351485/6.828-JOS
// Given 'pgdir', a pointer to a page directory, pgdir_walk returns
// a pointer to the page table entry (PTE) for linear address 'va'.
// This requires walking the two-level page table structure.
// The relevant page table page might not exist yet.
// If this is true, and create == false, then pgdir_walk returns NULL.
// Otherwise, pgdir_walk allocates a new page table page with page_alloc.
//    - If the allocation fails, pgdir_walk returns NULL.
//    - Otherwise, the new page's reference count is incremented,
//	the page is cleared,
//	and pgdir_walk returns a pointer into the new page table page.
// Hint 1: you can turn a Page * into the physical address of the
// page it refers to with page2pa() from kern/pmap.h.
// Hint 2: the x86 MMU checks permission bits in both the page directory
// and the page table, so it's safe to leave permissions in the page
// directory more permissive than strictly necessary.
// Hint 3: look at inc/mmu.h for useful macros that mainipulate page
// table and page directory entries.
	pte_t *
pgdir_walk(pde_t *pgdir, const void *va, int create)
	// Fill this function in
	pde_t* pgdir_entry = &pgdir[PDX(va)];
	pte_t* pgtb_entry = NULL;
	struct PageInfo * pg = NULL;
	if (!(*pgdir_entry & PTE_P)){
			pg = page_alloc(1);
			if (!pg) 
				return NULL;
			memset(page2kva(pg), 0, PGSIZE);
			pg->pp_ref += 1;
			*pgdir_entry = page2pa(pg)|PTE_P|PTE_U|PTE_W; 
			return NULL;
	pgtb_entry = KADDR(PTE_ADDR(*pgdir_entry)); 
	return &pgtb_entry[PTX(va)];