예제 #1
파일: KLTklt.cpp 프로젝트: paulfitz/poker
void KLTChangeTCPyramid(
  KLT_TrackingContext tc,
  int search_range)
  float window_halfwidth;
  float subsampling;

  /* Check window size (and correct if necessary) */
  if (tc->window_width % 2 != 1) {
    tc->window_width = tc->window_width+1;
    KLTWarning("(KLTChangeTCPyramid) Window width must be odd.  "
               "Changing to %d.\n", tc->window_width);
  if (tc->window_height % 2 != 1) {
    tc->window_height = tc->window_height+1;
    KLTWarning("(KLTChangeTCPyramid) Window height must be odd.  "
               "Changing to %d.\n", tc->window_height);
  if (tc->window_width < 3) {
    tc->window_width = 3;
    KLTWarning("(KLTChangeTCPyramid) Window width must be at least three.  \n"
               "Changing to %d.\n", tc->window_width);
  if (tc->window_height < 3) {
    tc->window_height = 3;
    KLTWarning("(KLTChangeTCPyramid) Window height must be at least three.  \n"
               "Changing to %d.\n", tc->window_height);
  window_halfwidth = min(tc->window_width,tc->window_height)/2;

  subsampling = ((float) search_range) / window_halfwidth;

  if (subsampling < 1.0)  {		/* 1.0 = 0+1 */
    tc->nPyramidLevels = 1;
  } else if (subsampling <= 3.0)  {	/* 3.0 = 2+1 */
    tc->nPyramidLevels = 2;
    tc->subsampling = 2;
  } else if (subsampling <= 5.0)  {	/* 5.0 = 4+1 */
    tc->nPyramidLevels = 2;
    tc->subsampling = 4;
  } else if (subsampling <= 9.0)  {	/* 9.0 = 8+1 */
    tc->nPyramidLevels = 2;
    tc->subsampling = 8;
  } else {
    /* The following lines are derived from the formula:
       search_range = 
       window_halfwidth * \sum_{i=0}^{nPyramidLevels-1} 8^i,
       which is the same as:
       search_range = 
       window_halfwidth * (8^nPyramidLevels - 1)/(8 - 1).
       Then, the value is rounded up to the nearest integer. */
    float val = logf(7.0*subsampling+1.0)/logf(8.0);
    tc->nPyramidLevels = (int) (val + 0.99);
    tc->subsampling = 8;
예제 #2
void pnmReadHeader(
  FILE *fp, 
  int *magic, 
  int *ncols, int *nrows, 
  int *maxval)
  char line[LENGTH];
  /* Read magic number */
  _getNextString(fp, line);
  if (line[0] != 'P')
    KLTError("(pnmReadHeader) Magic number does not begin with 'P', "
             "but with a '%c'", line[0]);
  sscanf(line, "P%d", magic);
  /* Read size, skipping comments */
  _getNextString(fp, line);
  *ncols = atoi(line);
  _getNextString(fp, line);
  *nrows = atoi(line);
  if (*ncols < 0 || *nrows < 0 || *ncols > 10000 || *nrows > 10000)
    KLTError("(pnmReadHeader) The dimensions %d x %d are unacceptable",
             *ncols, *nrows);
  /* Read maxval, skipping comments */
  _getNextString(fp, line);
  *maxval = atoi(line);
  fread(line, 1, 1, fp); /* Read newline which follows maxval */
  if (*maxval != 255)
    KLTWarning("(pnmReadHeader) Maxval is not 255, but %d", *maxval);
예제 #3
void point_gradients(register int *ptr, KLT_TrackingContext tc, int *npoints, int nrows, int ncols, _KLT_FloatImage gradx, _KLT_FloatImage grady)
    register float gx, gy;
    register float gxx, gxy, gyy;
    register int xx, yy;
    int x, y, i;
    float val;
	int window_hw, window_hh;
    int borderx = tc->borderx;	/* Must not touch cols */
    int bordery = tc->bordery;	/* lost by convolution */
    unsigned int limit = 1;
    window_hw = tc->window_width/2; 
    window_hh = tc->window_height/2;
	if (borderx < window_hw)  borderx = window_hw;
    if (bordery < window_hh)  bordery = window_hh;

    // Find largest value of an int 
    for (i = 0 ; i < sizeof(int) ; i++)  limit *= 256;
    limit = limit/2 - 1;

  /* For most of the pixels in the image, do ... */
    for (y = bordery ; y < nrows - bordery ; y += tc->nSkippedPixels + 1)
      for (x = borderx ; x < ncols - borderx ; x += tc->nSkippedPixels + 1)  {

        /* Sum the gradients in the surrounding window */
        gxx = 0;  gxy = 0;  gyy = 0;
        for (yy = y-window_hh ; yy <= y+window_hh ; yy++){
          for (xx = x-window_hw ; xx <= x+window_hw ; xx++)  {
            gx = *(gradx->data + ncols*yy+xx);
            gy = *(grady->data + ncols*yy+xx);
            gxx += gx * gx;
            gxy += gx * gy;
            gyy += gy * gy;

        /* Store the trackability of the pixel as the minimum
           of the two eigenvalues */
        *ptr++ = x;
        *ptr++ = y;
        val = _minEigenvalue(gxx, gxy, gyy);
        if (val > limit)  {
          KLTWarning("(_KLTSelectGoodFeatures) minimum eigenvalue %f is "
                     "greater than the capacity of an int; setting "
                     "to maximum value", val);
          val = (float) limit;
        *ptr++ = (int) val;
        *npoints = *npoints + 1;
예제 #4
void KLTWriteFeatureListToPPM(
  KLT_FeatureList featurelist,
  KLT_PixelType *greyimg,
  int ncols,
  int nrows,
  char *filename)
  int nbytes = ncols * nrows * sizeof(char);
  uchar *redimg, *grnimg, *bluimg;
  int offset;
  int x, y, xx, yy;
  int i;
  if (KLT_verbose >= 1) 
    fprintf(stderr, "(KLT) Writing %d features to PPM file: '%s'\n", 
            KLTCountRemainingFeatures(featurelist), filename);

  /* Allocate memory for component images */
  redimg = (uchar *)  malloc(nbytes);
  grnimg = (uchar *)  malloc(nbytes);
  bluimg = (uchar *)  malloc(nbytes);
  if (redimg == NULL || grnimg == NULL || bluimg == NULL)
    KLTError("(KLTWriteFeaturesToPPM)  Out of memory\n");

  /* Copy grey image to component images */
  if (sizeof(KLT_PixelType) != 1)
    KLTWarning("(KLTWriteFeaturesToPPM)  KLT_PixelType is not uchar");
  memcpy(redimg, greyimg, nbytes);
  memcpy(grnimg, greyimg, nbytes);
  memcpy(bluimg, greyimg, nbytes);
  /* Overlay features in red */
  for (i = 0 ; i < featurelist->nFeatures ; i++)
    if (featurelist->feature[i]->val >= 0)  {
      x = (int) (featurelist->feature[i]->x + 0.5);
      y = (int) (featurelist->feature[i]->y + 0.5);
      for (yy = y - 1 ; yy <= y + 1 ; yy++)
        for (xx = x - 1 ; xx <= x + 1 ; xx++)  
          if (xx >= 0 && yy >= 0 && xx < ncols && yy < nrows)  {
            offset = yy * ncols + xx;
            *(redimg + offset) = 255;
            *(grnimg + offset) = 0;
            *(bluimg + offset) = 0;
  /* Write to PPM file */
  ppmWriteFileRGB(filename, redimg, grnimg, bluimg, ncols, nrows);

  /* Free memory */
예제 #5
void _KLTSelectGoodFeatures(
  KLT_TrackingContext tc,
  KLT_PixelType *img, 
  int ncols, 
  int nrows,
  KLT_FeatureList featurelist,
  selectionMode mode)
	// added timer for this function
	//Timer selectTimer;
  _KLT_FloatImage floatimg, gradx, grady;
  int window_hw, window_hh;
  int *pointlist;
  int npoints = 0;
  KLT_BOOL overwriteAllFeatures = (mode == SELECTING_ALL) ?
  KLT_BOOL floatimages_created = FALSE;
  // Initialize times
  //initTimer(&selectTimer, "select Feature Time");
  // Start timer

  /* Check window size (and correct if necessary) */
  if (tc->window_width % 2 != 1) {
    tc->window_width = tc->window_width+1;
    KLTWarning("Tracking context's window width must be odd.  "
               "Changing to %d.\n", tc->window_width);
  if (tc->window_height % 2 != 1) {
    tc->window_height = tc->window_height+1;
    KLTWarning("Tracking context's window height must be odd.  "
               "Changing to %d.\n", tc->window_height);
  if (tc->window_width < 3) {
    tc->window_width = 3;
    KLTWarning("Tracking context's window width must be at least three.  \n"
               "Changing to %d.\n", tc->window_width);
  if (tc->window_height < 3) {
    tc->window_height = 3;
    KLTWarning("Tracking context's window height must be at least three.  \n"
               "Changing to %d.\n", tc->window_height);
  window_hw = tc->window_width/2; 
  window_hh = tc->window_height/2;
  // After windows
  //printf("Time for checking the window size = %f\n", getTime(selectTimer));
  // Restart for point list
  /* Create pointlist, which is a simplified version of a featurelist, */
  /* for speed.  Contains only integer locations and values. */
  pointlist = (int *) malloc(ncols * nrows * 3 * sizeof(int));
  // stop and print
  //printf("Time for initializing pointlist = %f\n", getTime(selectTimer));
    // Restart for point list

  /* Create temporary images, etc. */
  if (mode == REPLACING_SOME && 
      tc->sequentialMode && tc->pyramid_last != NULL)  {
    floatimg = ((_KLT_Pyramid) tc->pyramid_last)->img[0];
    gradx = ((_KLT_Pyramid) tc->pyramid_last_gradx)->img[0];
    grady = ((_KLT_Pyramid) tc->pyramid_last_grady)->img[0];
    assert(gradx != NULL);
    assert(grady != NULL);
  } else  {
    floatimages_created = TRUE;
    floatimg = _KLTCreateFloatImage(ncols, nrows);
    gradx    = _KLTCreateFloatImage(ncols, nrows);
    grady    = _KLTCreateFloatImage(ncols, nrows);
    if (tc->smoothBeforeSelecting)  {
      _KLT_FloatImage tmpimg;
      tmpimg = _KLTCreateFloatImage(ncols, nrows);
      _KLTToFloatImage(img, ncols, nrows, tmpimg);
      _KLTComputeSmoothedImage(tmpimg, _KLTComputeSmoothSigma(tc), floatimg);
    } else _KLTToFloatImage(img, ncols, nrows, floatimg);
    /* Compute gradient of image in x and y direction */
    _KLTComputeGradients(floatimg, tc->grad_sigma, gradx, grady);
    // stop and print
  //printf("Time for creating temporary mages = %f\n", getTime(selectTimer));

  // Restart for point list
  /* Write internal images */
  if (tc->writeInternalImages)  {
    _KLTWriteFloatImageToPGM(floatimg, "kltimg_sgfrlf.pgm");
    _KLTWriteFloatImageToPGM(gradx, "kltimg_sgfrlf_gx.pgm");
    _KLTWriteFloatImageToPGM(grady, "kltimg_sgfrlf_gy.pgm");

  // stop and print
  //printf("Time for writing internal images = %f\n", getTime(selectTimer));
  /* Compute trackability of each image pixel as the minimum
     of the two eigenvalues of the Z matrix */
  {register int *ptr;
    register float gx, gy;
    register float gxx, gxy, gyy;
    register int xx, yy;
    float val;
    unsigned int limit = 1;
    int borderx = tc->borderx;	// Must not touch cols 
    int bordery = tc->bordery;	// lost by convolution 
    int x, y;
    int i;

    if (borderx < window_hw)  borderx = window_hw;
    if (bordery < window_hh)  bordery = window_hh;

    // Find largest value of an int 
    for (i = 0 ; i < sizeof(int) ; i++)  limit *= 256;
    limit = limit/2 - 1;
    /* For most of the pixels in the image, do ... */
    ptr = pointlist;
	point_gradients(ptr, tc, &npoints, nrows, ncols, gradx, grady);
    for (y = bordery ; y < nrows - bordery ; y += tc->nSkippedPixels + 1)
      for (x = borderx ; x < ncols - borderx ; x += tc->nSkippedPixels + 1)  {

        // Sum the gradients in the surrounding window 
        gxx = 0;  gxy = 0;  gyy = 0;
        for (yy = y-window_hh ; yy <= y+window_hh ; yy++)
          for (xx = x-window_hw ; xx <= x+window_hw ; xx++)  {
            gx = *(gradx->data + ncols*yy+xx);
            gy = *(grady->data + ncols*yy+xx);
            gxx += gx * gx;
            gxy += gx * gy;
            gyy += gy * gy;

        // Store the trackability of the pixel as the minimum
        // of the two eigenvalues 
        *ptr++ = x;
        *ptr++ = y;
        val = _minEigenvalue(gxx, gxy, gyy);
        if (val > limit)  {
          KLTWarning("(_KLTSelectGoodFeatures) minimum eigenvalue %f is "
                     "greater than the capacity of an int; setting "
                     "to maximum value", val);
          val = (float) limit;
        *ptr++ = (int) val;
  // Restart for point list
  /* Sort the features  */
  _sortPointList(pointlist, npoints);
  // printing this loop
  //printf("Time for sorting the pointlist = %f\n", getTime(selectTimer));

  // Restart for point list
  /* Check tc->mindist */
  if (tc->mindist < 0)  {
    KLTWarning("(_KLTSelectGoodFeatures) Tracking context field tc->mindist "
               "is negative (%d); setting to zero", tc->mindist);
    tc->mindist = 0;
  // printing this loop
  //printf("Time for checking midlist = %f\n", getTime(selectTimer));
  // Restart for point list

  /* Enforce minimum distance between features */
    ncols, nrows,
    // printing this loop
  //printf("Time for enforcing minimum distance = %f\n", getTime(selectTimer));

  // Restart for point list
  /* Free memory */
  if (floatimages_created)  {
  // printing this loop
  //printf("Time for freeing stuff = %f\n", getTime(selectTimer));  
예제 #6
파일: KLTklt.cpp 프로젝트: paulfitz/poker
void KLTUpdateTCBorder(
  KLT_TrackingContext tc)
  float val;
  int pyramid_gauss_hw;
  int smooth_gauss_hw;
  int gauss_width, gaussderiv_width;
  int num_levels = tc->nPyramidLevels;
  int n_invalid_pixels;
  int window_hw;
  int ss = tc->subsampling;
  int ss_power;
  int border;
  int i;

  /* Check window size (and correct if necessary) */
  if (tc->window_width % 2 != 1) {
    tc->window_width = tc->window_width+1;
    KLTWarning("(KLTUpdateTCBorder) Window width must be odd.  "
               "Changing to %d.\n", tc->window_width);
  if (tc->window_height % 2 != 1) {
    tc->window_height = tc->window_height+1;
    KLTWarning("(KLTUpdateTCBorder) Window height must be odd.  "
               "Changing to %d.\n", tc->window_height);
  if (tc->window_width < 3) {
    tc->window_width = 3;
    KLTWarning("(KLTUpdateTCBorder) Window width must be at least three.  \n"
               "Changing to %d.\n", tc->window_width);
  if (tc->window_height < 3) {
    tc->window_height = 3;
    KLTWarning("(KLTUpdateTCBorder) Window height must be at least three.  \n"
               "Changing to %d.\n", tc->window_height);
  window_hw = max(tc->window_width, tc->window_height)/2;

  /* Find widths of convolution windows */
                      &gauss_width, &gaussderiv_width);
  smooth_gauss_hw = gauss_width/2;
                      &gauss_width, &gaussderiv_width);
  pyramid_gauss_hw = gauss_width/2;

  /* Compute the # of invalid pixels at each level of the pyramid.
     n_invalid_pixels is computed with respect to the ith level   
     of the pyramid.  So, e.g., if n_invalid_pixels = 5 after   
     the first iteration, then there are 5 invalid pixels in   
     level 1, which translated means 5*subsampling invalid pixels   
     in the original level 0. */
  n_invalid_pixels = smooth_gauss_hw;
  for (i = 1 ; i < num_levels ; i++)  {
    val = ((float) n_invalid_pixels + pyramid_gauss_hw) / ss;
    n_invalid_pixels = (int) (val + 0.99);  /* Round up */

  /* ss_power = ss^(num_levels-1) */
  ss_power = 1;
  for (i = 1 ; i < num_levels ; i++)
    ss_power *= ss;

  /* Compute border by translating invalid pixels back into */
  /* original image */
  border = (n_invalid_pixels + window_hw) * ss_power;

  tc->borderx = border;
  tc->bordery = border;
예제 #7
void KLTTrackFeatures(
					  KLT_TrackingContext tc,
					  KLT_PixelType *img1,
					  KLT_PixelType *img2,
					  int ncols,
					  int nrows,
					  KLT_FeatureList featurelist)
	_KLT_FloatImage tmpimg, floatimg1, floatimg2;
	_KLT_Pyramid pyramid1, pyramid1_gradx, pyramid1_grady,
		pyramid2, pyramid2_gradx, pyramid2_grady;
	float subsampling = (float) tc->subsampling;
	float xloc, yloc, xlocout, ylocout;
	int val;
	int indx, r;
	KLT_BOOL floatimg1_created = FALSE;
	int i;

	if (KLT_verbose >= 1)  {
		fprintf(stderr,  "(KLT) Tracking %d features in a %d by %d image...  ",
			KLTCountRemainingFeatures(featurelist), ncols, nrows);

	/* Check window size (and correct if necessary) */
	if (tc->window_width % 2 != 1) {
		tc->window_width = tc->window_width+1;
		KLTWarning("Tracking context's window width must be odd.  "
			"Changing to %d.\n", tc->window_width);
	if (tc->window_height % 2 != 1) {
		tc->window_height = tc->window_height+1;
		KLTWarning("Tracking context's window height must be odd.  "
			"Changing to %d.\n", tc->window_height);
	if (tc->window_width < 3) {
		tc->window_width = 3;
		KLTWarning("Tracking context's window width must be at least three.  \n"
			"Changing to %d.\n", tc->window_width);
	if (tc->window_height < 3) {
		tc->window_height = 3;
		KLTWarning("Tracking context's window height must be at least three.  \n"
			"Changing to %d.\n", tc->window_height);

	/* Create temporary image */
	tmpimg = _KLTCreateFloatImage(ncols, nrows);

	/* Process first image by converting to float, smoothing, computing */
	/* pyramid, and computing gradient pyramids */
	if (tc->sequentialMode && tc->pyramid_last != NULL)  {
		pyramid1 = (_KLT_Pyramid) tc->pyramid_last;
		pyramid1_gradx = (_KLT_Pyramid) tc->pyramid_last_gradx;
		pyramid1_grady = (_KLT_Pyramid) tc->pyramid_last_grady;
		if (pyramid1->ncols[0] != ncols || pyramid1->nrows[0] != nrows)
			KLTError("(KLTTrackFeatures) Size of incoming image (%d by %d) "
			"is different from size of previous image (%d by %d)\n",
			ncols, nrows, pyramid1->ncols[0], pyramid1->nrows[0]);
		assert(pyramid1_gradx != NULL);
		assert(pyramid1_grady != NULL);
	} else  {
		floatimg1_created = TRUE;
		floatimg1 = _KLTCreateFloatImage(ncols, nrows);
		_KLTToFloatImage(img1, ncols, nrows, tmpimg);
		_KLTComputeSmoothedImage(tmpimg, _KLTComputeSmoothSigma(tc), floatimg1);
		pyramid1 = _KLTCreatePyramid(ncols, nrows, (int) subsampling, tc->nPyramidLevels);
		_KLTComputePyramid(floatimg1, pyramid1, tc->pyramid_sigma_fact);
		pyramid1_gradx = _KLTCreatePyramid(ncols, nrows, (int) subsampling, tc->nPyramidLevels);
		pyramid1_grady = _KLTCreatePyramid(ncols, nrows, (int) subsampling, tc->nPyramidLevels);
		for (i = 0 ; i < tc->nPyramidLevels ; i++)
			_KLTComputeGradients(pyramid1->img[i], tc->grad_sigma, 

	/* Do the same thing with second image */
	floatimg2 = _KLTCreateFloatImage(ncols, nrows);
	_KLTToFloatImage(img2, ncols, nrows, tmpimg);
	_KLTComputeSmoothedImage(tmpimg, _KLTComputeSmoothSigma(tc), floatimg2);
	pyramid2 = _KLTCreatePyramid(ncols, nrows, (int) subsampling, tc->nPyramidLevels);
	_KLTComputePyramid(floatimg2, pyramid2, tc->pyramid_sigma_fact);
	pyramid2_gradx = _KLTCreatePyramid(ncols, nrows, (int) subsampling, tc->nPyramidLevels);
	pyramid2_grady = _KLTCreatePyramid(ncols, nrows, (int) subsampling, tc->nPyramidLevels);
	for (i = 0 ; i < tc->nPyramidLevels ; i++)
		_KLTComputeGradients(pyramid2->img[i], tc->grad_sigma, 

	/* Write internal images */
	if (tc->writeInternalImages)  {
		char fname[80];
		for (i = 0 ; i < tc->nPyramidLevels ; i++)  {
			sprintf(fname, "kltimg_tf_i%d.pgm", i);
			_KLTWriteFloatImageToPGM(pyramid1->img[i], fname);
			sprintf(fname, "kltimg_tf_i%d_gx.pgm", i);
			_KLTWriteFloatImageToPGM(pyramid1_gradx->img[i], fname);
			sprintf(fname, "kltimg_tf_i%d_gy.pgm", i);
			_KLTWriteFloatImageToPGM(pyramid1_grady->img[i], fname);
			sprintf(fname, "kltimg_tf_j%d.pgm", i);
			_KLTWriteFloatImageToPGM(pyramid2->img[i], fname);
			sprintf(fname, "kltimg_tf_j%d_gx.pgm", i);
			_KLTWriteFloatImageToPGM(pyramid2_gradx->img[i], fname);
			sprintf(fname, "kltimg_tf_j%d_gy.pgm", i);
			_KLTWriteFloatImageToPGM(pyramid2_grady->img[i], fname);

	/* For each feature, do ... */
	for (indx = 0 ; indx < featurelist->nFeatures ; indx++)  {

		/* Only track features that are not lost */
		if (featurelist->feature[indx]->val >= 0)  {

			xloc = featurelist->feature[indx]->x;
			yloc = featurelist->feature[indx]->y;

			/* Transform location to coarsest resolution */
			for (r = tc->nPyramidLevels - 1 ; r >= 0 ; r--)  {
				xloc /= subsampling;  yloc /= subsampling;
			xlocout = xloc;  ylocout = yloc;

			/* Beginning with coarsest resolution, do ... */
			for (r = tc->nPyramidLevels - 1 ; r >= 0 ; r--)  {

				/* Track feature at current resolution */
				xloc *= subsampling;  yloc *= subsampling;
				xlocout *= subsampling;  ylocout *= subsampling;

				val = _trackFeature(xloc, yloc, 
					&xlocout, &ylocout,
					pyramid1_gradx->img[r], pyramid1_grady->img[r], 
					pyramid2_gradx->img[r], pyramid2_grady->img[r],
					tc->window_width, tc->window_height,

				if (val==KLT_SMALL_DET || val==KLT_OOB)

			/* Record feature */
			if (val == KLT_OOB) {
				featurelist->feature[indx]->x   = -1.0;
				featurelist->feature[indx]->y   = -1.0;
				featurelist->feature[indx]->val = KLT_OOB;
				if( featurelist->feature[indx]->aff_img ) _KLTFreeFloatImage(featurelist->feature[indx]->aff_img);
				if( featurelist->feature[indx]->aff_img_gradx ) _KLTFreeFloatImage(featurelist->feature[indx]->aff_img_gradx);
				if( featurelist->feature[indx]->aff_img_grady ) _KLTFreeFloatImage(featurelist->feature[indx]->aff_img_grady);
				featurelist->feature[indx]->aff_img = NULL;
				featurelist->feature[indx]->aff_img_gradx = NULL;
				featurelist->feature[indx]->aff_img_grady = NULL;

			} else if (_outOfBounds(xlocout, ylocout, ncols, nrows, tc->borderx, tc->bordery))  {
				featurelist->feature[indx]->x   = -1.0;
				featurelist->feature[indx]->y   = -1.0;
				featurelist->feature[indx]->val = KLT_OOB;
				if( featurelist->feature[indx]->aff_img ) _KLTFreeFloatImage(featurelist->feature[indx]->aff_img);
				if( featurelist->feature[indx]->aff_img_gradx ) _KLTFreeFloatImage(featurelist->feature[indx]->aff_img_gradx);
				if( featurelist->feature[indx]->aff_img_grady ) _KLTFreeFloatImage(featurelist->feature[indx]->aff_img_grady);
				featurelist->feature[indx]->aff_img = NULL;
				featurelist->feature[indx]->aff_img_gradx = NULL;
				featurelist->feature[indx]->aff_img_grady = NULL;
			} else if (val == KLT_SMALL_DET)  {
				featurelist->feature[indx]->x   = -1.0;
				featurelist->feature[indx]->y   = -1.0;
				featurelist->feature[indx]->val = KLT_SMALL_DET;
				if( featurelist->feature[indx]->aff_img ) _KLTFreeFloatImage(featurelist->feature[indx]->aff_img);
				if( featurelist->feature[indx]->aff_img_gradx ) _KLTFreeFloatImage(featurelist->feature[indx]->aff_img_gradx);
				if( featurelist->feature[indx]->aff_img_grady ) _KLTFreeFloatImage(featurelist->feature[indx]->aff_img_grady);
				featurelist->feature[indx]->aff_img = NULL;
				featurelist->feature[indx]->aff_img_gradx = NULL;
				featurelist->feature[indx]->aff_img_grady = NULL;
			} else if (val == KLT_LARGE_RESIDUE)  {
				featurelist->feature[indx]->x   = -1.0;
				featurelist->feature[indx]->y   = -1.0;
				featurelist->feature[indx]->val = KLT_LARGE_RESIDUE;
				if( featurelist->feature[indx]->aff_img ) _KLTFreeFloatImage(featurelist->feature[indx]->aff_img);
				if( featurelist->feature[indx]->aff_img_gradx ) _KLTFreeFloatImage(featurelist->feature[indx]->aff_img_gradx);
				if( featurelist->feature[indx]->aff_img_grady ) _KLTFreeFloatImage(featurelist->feature[indx]->aff_img_grady);
				featurelist->feature[indx]->aff_img = NULL;
				featurelist->feature[indx]->aff_img_gradx = NULL;
				featurelist->feature[indx]->aff_img_grady = NULL;
			} else if (val == KLT_MAX_ITERATIONS)  {
				featurelist->feature[indx]->x   = -1.0;
				featurelist->feature[indx]->y   = -1.0;
				featurelist->feature[indx]->val = KLT_MAX_ITERATIONS;
				if( featurelist->feature[indx]->aff_img ) _KLTFreeFloatImage(featurelist->feature[indx]->aff_img);
				if( featurelist->feature[indx]->aff_img_gradx ) _KLTFreeFloatImage(featurelist->feature[indx]->aff_img_gradx);
				if( featurelist->feature[indx]->aff_img_grady ) _KLTFreeFloatImage(featurelist->feature[indx]->aff_img_grady);
				featurelist->feature[indx]->aff_img = NULL;
				featurelist->feature[indx]->aff_img_gradx = NULL;
				featurelist->feature[indx]->aff_img_grady = NULL;
			} else  {
				featurelist->feature[indx]->x = xlocout;
				featurelist->feature[indx]->y = ylocout;
				featurelist->feature[indx]->val = KLT_TRACKED;
				if (tc->affineConsistencyCheck >= 0 && val == KLT_TRACKED)  { /*for affine mapping*/
					int border = 2; /* add border for interpolation */

					glob_index = indx;

						/* save image and gradient for each feature at finest resolution after first successful track */
						featurelist->feature[indx]->aff_img = _KLTCreateFloatImage((tc->affine_window_width+border), (tc->affine_window_height+border));
						featurelist->feature[indx]->aff_img_gradx = _KLTCreateFloatImage((tc->affine_window_width+border), (tc->affine_window_height+border));
						featurelist->feature[indx]->aff_img_grady = _KLTCreateFloatImage((tc->affine_window_width+border), (tc->affine_window_height+border));
						featurelist->feature[indx]->aff_x = xloc - (int) xloc + (tc->affine_window_width+border)/2;
						featurelist->feature[indx]->aff_y = yloc - (int) yloc + (tc->affine_window_height+border)/2;;
						/* affine tracking */
						val = _am_trackFeatureAffine(featurelist->feature[indx]->aff_x, featurelist->feature[indx]->aff_y,
							&xlocout, &ylocout,
							pyramid2_gradx->img[0], pyramid2_grady->img[0],
							tc->affine_window_width, tc->affine_window_height,
						featurelist->feature[indx]->val = val;
						if(val != KLT_TRACKED){
							featurelist->feature[indx]->x   = -1.0;
							featurelist->feature[indx]->y   = -1.0;
							featurelist->feature[indx]->aff_x = -1.0;
							featurelist->feature[indx]->aff_y = -1.0;
							/* free image and gradient for lost feature */
							featurelist->feature[indx]->aff_img = NULL;
							featurelist->feature[indx]->aff_img_gradx = NULL;
							featurelist->feature[indx]->aff_img_grady = NULL;
							/*featurelist->feature[indx]->x = xlocout;*/
							/*featurelist->feature[indx]->y = ylocout;*/


	if (tc->sequentialMode)  {
		tc->pyramid_last = pyramid2;
		tc->pyramid_last_gradx = pyramid2_gradx;
		tc->pyramid_last_grady = pyramid2_grady;
	} else  {

	/* Free memory */
	if (floatimg1_created)  _KLTFreeFloatImage(floatimg1);

	if (KLT_verbose >= 1)  {
		fprintf(stderr,  "\n\t%d features successfully tracked.\n",
		if (tc->writeInternalImages)
			fprintf(stderr,  "\tWrote images to 'kltimg_tf*.pgm'.\n");
