예제 #1
 * Use core variables to lookup and calculate the derived variables. This
 * function uses the core variables to lookup and calculate further second
 * order variables such as load, VE, Lamdda, Transient fuel correction, engine
 * temperature enrichment, Injector dead time, etc.
void generateDerivedVars(){
	extern unsigned long RPMWeighted;
	extern KeyUserDebug KeyUserDebugs;
	extern const volatile fixedConfig1 fixedConfigs1;                                                                                                
	extern const volatile fixedConfig2 fixedConfigs2;
	/* Determine load based on options */
	if(!(fixedConfigs2.algorithmSettings.loadType)){ /* Use MAP as load */
		DerivedVars->LoadMain = CoreVars->MAP;
	}else if(fixedConfigs2.algorithmSettings.loadType == LOAD_TPS){ /* Use TPS as load */
		DerivedVars->LoadMain = CoreVars->TPS;
	}else if(fixedConfigs2.algorithmSettings.loadType == LOAD_AAP){ /* Use AAP corrected MAP as load */
		DerivedVars->LoadMain = ((unsigned long)CoreVars->MAP * CoreVars->AAP) / KPA(100);
		// TODO add maf calc load option here
	}else if(fixedConfigs2.algorithmSettings.algorithmType == ALGO_MAF){
		//For now keep Load based on MAP for other uses, during the fuel calc algorithmType
		//will catch the MAF mode and use its reading
		DerivedVars->LoadMain = CoreVars->MAP;
	}else{ /* Default to MAP, but throw error */
		DerivedVars->LoadMain = CoreVars->MAP;

	// Back calculate KPA using a MAF sensor. Air Flow is in CC/min, looked up from a 2d table based on the signal from the MAF sensor.
	if(fixedConfigs2.algorithmSettings.algorithmType == ALGO_MAF){
		unsigned long collectiveFlow = lookupTwoDTableUSV((twoDTableUSMAF*)&TablesC.SmallTablesC.MAFVersusVoltageTable, CoreVars->MAF, TWODTABLEUS_MAF_LENGTH);
		collectiveFlow <<= 16;
		unsigned long cylFill = ((collectiveFlow / fixedConfigs1.engineSettings.cylinderCount) / ((RPMWeighted / RPM_FACTOR)
							/ (fixedConfigs1.engineSettings.strokesPerCycle / 2)));
		KeyUserDebugs.zsp9 = (cylFill * CYLINDER_FLOW_FACTOR) / fixedConfigs1.engineSettings.perCylinderVolume; //Calculated KPA
		//KeyUserDebugs.zsp8 = lookupTwoDTableUSV((twoDTableUSMAF*)&TablesC.SmallTablesC.MAFVersusVoltageTable, CoreVars->MAF, TWODTABLEUS_MAF_LENGTH);

	/* Look up target Lambda with RPM and Load */
//#if CONFIG == SEANKR1_ID //FIXME temp hack until a real lambda table is built
//	DerivedVars->Lambda = LR(0.80); //From what I read E85 makes best power in the low .8s
	DerivedVars->Lambda = lookupMainTable(CoreVars->RPM, DerivedVars->LoadMain, LAMBDA_TABLE_LOCATION_ID);

	/* Look up injector dead time with battery voltage */
	DerivedVars->IDT = lookupTwoDTableUS((twoDTableUS*)&TablesA.SmallTablesA.injectorDeadTimeTable, CoreVars->BRV);

		DerivedVars->Dwell = lookupTwoDTableUS((twoDTableUS*)&TablesA.SmallTablesA.dwellDesiredVersusVoltageTable, CoreVars->BRV);
	}else if(fixedConfigs2.algorithmSettings.dwellType == DWELL_RPM){
		DerivedVars->Dwell = lookupTwoDTableUS((twoDTableUS*)&TablesA.SmallTablesA.dwellVersusRPMTable, CoreVars->RPM);
	}else if(fixedConfigs2.algorithmSettings.dwellType == DWELL_FIXED){
		DerivedVars->Dwell = fixedConfigs2.algorithmSettings.dwellFixedPeriod;
		DerivedVars->Dwell = 0;

	unsigned long tempAdvance = ANGLE_FACTOR * (unsigned long)lookupMainTable(CoreVars->RPM, DerivedVars->LoadMain, IGNITION_ADVANCE_TABLE_MAIN_LOCATION_ID);
	DerivedVars->Advance = (unsigned short)(tempAdvance / 1024); // This calculation will change when the timing tables get shrunk to a more reasonable 8 bit size with appropriate scaling
	// Move this magic number to an appropriate place and/or refactor timing calcs/values/etc

/// @todo TODO make generic!!!!
// to go generic we need:
// angle between ignition events (if have tpd) (or total angle and number of events)
// max % dwell
// minimum spark time
// a setting to choose which behaviour (don't limit/% dwell limit/min spark time/other?)
	/// @bug hack for hyundai! 135 = 3/4 of 180 = one cycle...
	unsigned long threeQuartersOfAvailableTime = ((unsigned long)CoreVars->DRPM * 135 * ANGLE_FACTOR) / TICKS_PER_DEGREE_MULTIPLIER;
	if(DerivedVars->Dwell > threeQuartersOfAvailableTime){
		DerivedVars->Dwell = threeQuartersOfAvailableTime;

	/* Look up the engine temperature enrichment percentage with temperature */
	DerivedVars->ETE = lookupTwoDTableUS((twoDTableUS*)&TablesA.SmallTablesA.engineTempEnrichmentTablePercent, CoreVars->CHT);
	/* TODO The above needs some careful thought put into it around different loads and correction effects. */

	/* Calculate the Transient Fuel Correction */
	if(TRUE /*WWTFC*/){ /* Do ONLY WW correction if enabled */
		// Do ww stuff, maybe pre done via RTC/RTI for consistent period?
		DerivedVars->TFCTotal = 0; /* TODO replace with real code */
	}else if(FALSE /*STDTFC*/){ /* Do any combination of standard approximate methods */
		/* Initialse the variable as a base */
		DerivedVars->TFCTotal = 0;
		/* Based on the rate of change of MAP and some history/taper time */
		if(FALSE /*MAPTFC*/){
			// Do MAP based
			DerivedVars->TFCTotal += 0;

		/* Based on the rate of change of TPS and some history/taper time */
		if(FALSE /*TPSTFC*/){
			// Do TPS based
			DerivedVars->TFCTotal += 0;

		/* Based on the rate of change of RPM and some history/taper time */
		if(FALSE /*RPMTFC*/){
			// Do RPM based
			DerivedVars->TFCTotal += 0;
	}else{ /* Default to no correction */
		DerivedVars->TFCTotal = 0;
		/* Don't throw error as correction may not be required */
예제 #2
/** @brief Generate the core variables and average them.
 * Each raw ADC value is converted to a usable measurement via a variety of
 * methods chosen at runtime by configured settings. Once in their native units
 * and therefore closer to maximal use of the available data range they are
 * all averaged.
 * @todo TODO incorporate averaging code, right now its a straight copy.
 * @todo TODO change the way configuration is done and make sure the most common options are after the first if().
 * @todo TODO add actual configuration options to the fixed config blocks for these items.
 * @author Fred Cooke
void generateCoreVars(){
	/*&&&&&&&& Calculate and obtain the basic variables with which we will perform the calculations &&&&&&&&*/

	/* Pre calculate things used in multiple places */

	/* Bound the TPS ADC reading and shift it to start at zero */
	unsigned short unboundedTPSADC = ADCBuffers->TPS;
	if(unboundedTPSADC > fixedConfigs2.sensorRanges.TPSMaximumADC){
		boundedTPSADC = TPSADCRange;
	}else if(unboundedTPSADC > fixedConfigs2.sensorRanges.TPSMinimumADC){ // force secondary config to be used... TODO remove this
		boundedTPSADC = unboundedTPSADC - fixedConfigs2.sensorRanges.TPSMinimumADC;
		boundedTPSADC = 0;

	/* Get BRV from ADC using transfer variables (all installations need this) */
	unsigned short localBRV;
	if(TRUE){ /* If BRV connected  */
/// @todo TODO WARNING: HACK!!! Remove ASAP!!! IE, As Soon As Preston (get's a new cpu on the TA card!)
#ifdef HOTEL
		localBRV = (((unsigned long)ADCBuffers->MAT * fixedConfigs2.sensorRanges.BRVRange) / ADC_DIVISIONS) + fixedConfigs2.sensorRanges.BRVMinimum;
		localBRV = (((unsigned long)ADCBuffers->BRV * fixedConfigs2.sensorRanges.BRVRange) / ADC_DIVISIONS) + fixedConfigs2.sensorRanges.BRVMinimum;
	}else if(FALSE){ /* Configured to be fixed value */
		/* Get the preferred BRV figure from configuration settings */
		localBRV = fixedConfigs2.sensorPresets.presetBRV;
	}else{ /* Fail safe if config is broken */
		/* Default to normal alternator charging voltage 14.4V */
		localBRV = VOLTS(14.4);
		/* If anyone is listening, let them know something is wrong */

	unsigned short localCHT;
	/* Get CHT from ADC using the transfer table (all installations need this) */
	if(TRUE){ /* If CHT connected  */
		localCHT = CHTTransferTable[ADCBuffers->CHT];
	}else if(FALSE){ /* Configured to be read From ADC as dashpot */
		/* Transfer the ADC reading to an engine temperature in a reasonable way */
		localCHT = (ADCBuffers->CHT * 10) + DEGREES_C(0); /* 0 ADC = 0C = 273.15K = 27315, 1023 ADC = 102.3C = 375.45K = 37545 */
	}else if(FALSE){ /* Configured to be fixed value */
		/* Get the preferred CHT figure from configuration settings */
		localCHT = fixedConfigs2.sensorPresets.presetCHT;
	}else{ /* Fail safe if config is broken */
		/* Default to normal running temperature of 85C/358K */
		localCHT = DEGREES_C(85);
		/* If anyone is listening, let them know something is wrong */

	unsigned short localIAT;
	/* Get IAT from ADC using the transfer table (all installations need this) */
	if(TRUE){ /* If IAT connected  */ /* using false here causes iat to default to room temp, useful with heatsoaked OEM sensors like the Volvo's... */
		localIAT = IATTransferTable[ADCBuffers->IAT];
	}else if(FALSE){ /* Configured to be read From ADC as dashpot */
		/* Transfer the ADC reading to an air temperature in a reasonable way */
		localIAT = (ADCBuffers->IAT * 10) + 27315; /* 0 ADC = 0C = 273.15K = 27315, 1023 ADC = 102.3C = 375.45K = 37545 */
	}else if(FALSE){ /* Configured to be fixed value */
		/* Get the preferred IAT figure from configuration settings */
		localIAT = fixedConfigs2.sensorPresets.presetIAT;
	}else{ /* Fail safe if config is broken */
		/* Default to room temperature (20C/293K) TODO poor choice, fix. */
		localIAT = DEGREES_C(20);
		/* If anyone is listening, let them know something is wrong */

	unsigned short localMAT;
	/* Determine the MAT reading for future calculations */
	if(TRUE){ /* If MAT sensor is connected */
		/* Get MAT from ADC using same transfer table as IAT (too much space to waste on having two) */
		localMAT = IATTransferTable[ADCBuffers->MAT];
	}else if(FALSE){ /* Configured to be fixed value */
		/* Get the preferred MAT figure from configuration settings */
		localMAT = fixedConfigs2.sensorPresets.presetMAT;
	}else{ /* Fail safe if config is broken */
		/* If not, default to same value as IAT */
		localMAT = localIAT;
		/* If anyone is listening, let them know something is wrong */

	unsigned short localMAP;
	unsigned short localIAP;
	/* Determine the MAP pressure to use for future calculations */
	if(TRUE){ /* If MAP sensor is connected */
		/* get MAP from ADC using transfer variables */
		localMAP = (((unsigned long)ADCBuffers->MAP * fixedConfigs2.sensorRanges.MAPRange) / ADC_DIVISIONS) + fixedConfigs2.sensorRanges.MAPMinimum;
		if(TRUE){ /* If Intercooler boost sensor connected */
			/* Get IAP from ADC using the same transfer variables as they both need to read the same range */
			localIAP = (((unsigned long)ADCBuffers->IAP * fixedConfigs2.sensorRanges.MAPRange) / ADC_DIVISIONS) + fixedConfigs2.sensorRanges.MAPMinimum;
	}else if(FALSE){ /* Configured for MAP to imitate TPS signal */
		/* Get MAP from TPS via conversion */
		localMAP = (((unsigned long)boundedTPSADC * TPSMAPRange) / TPSADCRange) + fixedConfigs2.sensorRanges.TPSClosedMAP;
	}else if(FALSE){ /* Configured for dash potentiometer on ADC */
		/* Get MAP from ADC via conversion to internal kPa figure where 1023ADC = 655kPa */
		localMAP = ADCBuffers->MAP << 6;
		if(TRUE){ /* If Intercooler boost sensor enabled */
			/* Get IAP from ADC via conversion to internal kPa figure where 1023ADC = 655kPa */
			localIAP = ADCBuffers->IAP << 6;
	}else if(FALSE){ /* Configured for fixed MAP from config */
		/* Get the preferred MAP figure from configuration settings */
		localMAP = fixedConfigs2.sensorPresets.presetMAP;
	}else{ /* Fail safe if config is broken */
		/* Default to zero to nulify all other calcs and effectively cut fuel */
		localMAP = 0;
		/* If anyone is listening, let them know something is wrong */
		sendErrorIfClear(MAP_NOT_CONFIGURED_CODE); // or maybe queue it?

	/* Determine MAF variable if required */
	unsigned short localMAF = 0; // Default to zero as it is not required for anything except main PW calcs optionally
		localMAF = MAFTransferTable[ADCBuffers->MAF];

	unsigned short localAAP;
	/* Determine the Atmospheric pressure to use for future calculations */
	if(TRUE){ /* Configured for second sensor to read AAP */
		/* get AAP from ADC using separate vars to allow 115kPa sensor etc to be used */
		localAAP = (((unsigned long)ADCBuffers->AAP * fixedConfigs2.sensorRanges.AAPRange) / ADC_DIVISIONS) + fixedConfigs2.sensorRanges.AAPMinimum;
	}else if(FALSE){ /* Configured for dash potentiometer on ADC */
		/* Get AAP from ADC via conversion to internal kPa figure where 1023ADC = 102.3kPa */
		localAAP = ADCBuffers->AAP * 10;
	}else if(FALSE){ /* Configured for fixed AAP from config */
		/* Get the preferred AAP figure from configuration settings */
		localAAP = fixedConfigs2.sensorPresets.presetAAP;
	}else{ /* Fail safe if config is broken */
		/* Default to sea level */
		localAAP = KPA(100);
		/* If anyone is listening, let them know something is wrong */
		sendErrorIfClear(AAP_NOT_CONFIGURED_CODE); // or maybe queue it?

	unsigned short localEGO;
	/* Get main Lambda reading */
	if(TRUE){ /* If WBO2-1 is connected */
		/* Get EGO from ADCs using transfer variables */
		localEGO = (((unsigned long)ADCBuffers->EGO * fixedConfigs2.sensorRanges.EGORange) / ADC_DIVISIONS) + fixedConfigs2.sensorRanges.EGOMinimum;
	}else if(FALSE){ /* Configured for fixed EGO from config */
		/* Get the preferred EGO figure from configuration settings */
		localEGO = fixedConfigs2.sensorPresets.presetEGO;
	}else{ /* Default value if not connected incase other things are misconfigured */
		/* Default to stoichiometric */
		localEGO = LAMBDA(1.0);
		/* If anyone is listening, let them know something is wrong */
		sendErrorIfClear(EGO_NOT_CONFIGURED_CODE); // or maybe queue it?

	unsigned short localEGO2;
	/* Get second Lambda reading */
	if(TRUE){ /* If WBO2-2 is connected */
		/* Get EGO2 from ADCs using same transfer variables as EGO */
		localEGO2 = (((unsigned long)ADCBuffers->EGO2 * fixedConfigs2.sensorRanges.EGORange) / ADC_DIVISIONS) + fixedConfigs2.sensorRanges.EGOMinimum;
	}else if(FALSE){ /* Configured for fixed EGO2 from config */
		/* Get the preferred EGO2 figure from configuration settings */
		localEGO2 = fixedConfigs2.sensorPresets.presetEGO2;
	}else{ /* Default value if not connected incase other things are misconfigured */
		/* Default to stoichiometric */
		localEGO2 = LAMBDA(1.0);
		/* If anyone is listening, let them know something is wrong */
		sendErrorIfClear(EGO2_NOT_CONFIGURED_CODE); // or maybe queue it?

	unsigned short localTPS;
	/* Get TPS percentage */
	if(TRUE){ /* If TPS is connected */
		/* Get TPS from ADC no need to add TPS min as we know it is zero by definition */
		localTPS = ((unsigned long)boundedTPSADC * PERCENT(100)) / TPSADCRange;
	}else if(FALSE){ /* Configured for TPS to imitate MAP signal */
		/* Get TPS from MAP via conversion */
		/* Box MAP signal down */
		if(localTPS > fixedConfigs2.sensorRanges.TPSOpenMAP){ /* Greater than ~95kPa */
			localTPS = PERCENT(100);
		}else if(localTPS < fixedConfigs2.sensorRanges.TPSClosedMAP){ /* Less than ~30kPa */
			localTPS = 0;
		}else{ /* Scale MAP range to TPS range */
			localTPS = localMAP - fixedConfigs2.sensorRanges.TPSClosedMAP;
		// get TPS from MAP no need to add TPS min as we know it is zero by definition
		localTPS = ((unsigned long)localTPS * PERCENT(100)) / (fixedConfigs2.sensorRanges.TPSOpenMAP - fixedConfigs2.sensorRanges.TPSClosedMAP);
	}else if(FALSE){ /* Configured for dash potentiometer on ADC */
		/* Get TPS from ADC as shown : 1023 ADC = 100%, 0 ADC = 0% */
		localTPS = ((unsigned long)ADCBuffers->TPS * PERCENT(100)) / ADC_DIVISIONS;
	}else if(FALSE){ /* Configured for fixed TPS from config */
		/* Get the preferred TPS figure from configuration settings */
		localTPS = fixedConfigs2.sensorPresets.presetTPS;
	}else{ /* Fail safe if config is broken */
		/* Default to 50% to not trigger any WOT or CT conditions */
		localTPS = PERCENT(50); // TODO YAGNI?
		/* If anyone is listening, let them know something is wrong */
		sendErrorIfClear(TPS_NOT_CONFIGURED_CODE); // or maybe queue it?

	/* Get RPM by locking out ISRs for a second and grabbing the Tooth logging data */
	//atomic start
	// copy rpm data
	//atomic end

	// Calculate RPM and delta RPM and delta delta RPM from data recorded
	if(*ticksPerDegree != 0){
		CoreVars->RPM = (unsigned short)(degreeTicksPerMinute / *ticksPerDegree);
		CoreVars->RPM = 0;

	CoreVars->DRPM = *ticksPerDegree;
//	unsigned short localDRPM = 0;
//	unsigned short localDDRPM = 0;


	/*&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Average the variables as per the configuration &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&*/
	/* Strictly speaking only the primary variables need to be averaged. After that, the derived ones are	*/
	/* already averaged in a way. However, there may be some advantage to some short term averaging on the	*/
	/* derived ones also, so it is something to look into later.											*/

	/// @todo TODO average the generated values here

//			newVal var word        ' the value from the ADC
//			smoothed var word    ' a nicely smoothed result
//			if newval > smoothed then
//			        smoothed = smoothed + (newval - smoothed)/alpha
//			else
//			        smoothed = smoothed - (smoothed - newval)/alpha
//			endif

	// from : http://www.tigoe.net/pcomp/code/category/code/arduinowiring/41

	// for now just copy them in.
	CoreVars->IAT = localIAT;
	CoreVars->CHT = localCHT;
	CoreVars->TPS = localTPS;
	CoreVars->EGO = localEGO;
	CoreVars->BRV = localBRV;
	CoreVars->MAP = localMAP;
	CoreVars->AAP = localAAP;
	CoreVars->MAT = localMAT;

	CoreVars->EGO2 = localEGO2;
	CoreVars->IAP = localIAP;
	CoreVars->MAF = localMAF;
//	CoreVars->DRPM = localDRPM;
//	CoreVars->DDRPM = localDDRPM;
//	CoreVars->DTPS = localDTPS;

	// later...
	unsigned short i;
	for(i=0;i<sizeof(CoreVar);i++){ // TODO
		/* Perform averaging on all primary variables as per the configuration array */
		// get old value(s)
		// process new and old to produce result based on config array value */
		// assign result to old value holder
	} // TODO
