예제 #1
static void testLoadPublicationsFileWithNoCerts(CuTest *tc) {
	int res;
	KSI_PublicationsFile *pubFile = NULL;
	KSI_LIST(KSI_CertificateRecord) *certList = NULL;
	KSI_PKICertificate *cert = NULL;

	unsigned char dummy[] = {0xca, 0xfe, 0xba, 0xbe};
	KSI_OctetString *certId = NULL;


	res = KSI_PublicationsFile_fromFile(ctx, getFullResourcePath("resource/publications/publications-nocerts.bin"), &pubFile);
	CuAssert(tc, "Unable to read publications file", res == KSI_OK && pubFile != NULL);

	res = KSI_PublicationsFile_getCertificates(pubFile, &certList);
	CuAssert(tc, "Unable to get certificate list", res == KSI_OK);
	CuAssert(tc, "Unexpected certificate list length.", KSI_CertificateRecordList_length(certList) == 0);

	res = KSI_OctetString_new(ctx, dummy, sizeof(dummy), &certId);
	CuAssert(tc, "Creating an octetstring failed", res == KSI_OK && certId != NULL);

	res = KSI_PublicationsFile_getPKICertificateById(pubFile, certId, &cert);
	CuAssert(tc, "Searching for a non existend certificate failed", res == KSI_OK && cert == NULL);

예제 #2
static int parseStructure(KSI_TLV *tlv, int indent) {
	int res;
	KSI_TLV *nested = NULL;
	size_t i;
	KSI_Utf8String *utf = NULL;
	KSI_Integer *integer = NULL;
	KSI_OctetString *octet = NULL;

	switch (KSI_TLV_getTag(tlv)) {
		case 0x01:
			/* Cast as numeric TLV */
			/* Parse number */
			res = KSI_Integer_fromTlv(tlv, &integer);
			if (res != KSI_OK) goto cleanup;
		case 0x02:
			/* Cast as string TLV */
			res = KSI_Utf8String_fromTlv(tlv, &utf);
			if (res != KSI_OK) goto cleanup;
		case 0x03:
		case 0x1003:
			res = KSI_TLV_getNestedList(tlv, &list);
			if (res != KSI_OK) goto cleanup;

			/* Parse nested */
			for (i = 0; i < KSI_TLVList_length(list); i++) {
				res = KSI_TLVList_elementAt(list, i, &nested);
				if (res != KSI_OK) goto cleanup;

				if (nested == NULL) break;

				res = parseStructure(nested, indent);
				if (res != KSI_OK) goto cleanup;
		case 0x04:
			/* Cast as octet string*/
			res = KSI_OctetString_fromTlv(tlv, &octet);
			if (res != KSI_OK) goto cleanup;
			goto cleanup;


	return res;
예제 #3
static void testFindPublicationRef(CuTest *tc) {
	int res;
	KSI_PublicationsFile *pubFile = NULL;
	KSI_PublicationRecord *pubRec = NULL;
	KSI_Integer *pubTime = NULL;
	KSI_LIST(KSI_Utf8String) *pubRefList = NULL;
	size_t i;
	int isPubRefFound = 0;
	KSI_CTX *ctx = NULL;

	res = KSITest_CTX_clone(&ctx);
	CuAssert(tc, "Unable to create KSI context.", res == KSI_OK && ctx != NULL);

	res = KSITest_setDefaultPubfileAndVerInfo(ctx);
	CuAssert(tc, "Unable to set default values to context.", res == KSI_OK);


	res = KSI_CTX_setPublicationUrl(ctx, getFullResourcePathUri(TEST_PUBLICATIONS_FILE));
	CuAssert(tc, "Unable to set pubfile URI.", res == KSI_OK);

	res = KSI_receivePublicationsFile(ctx, &pubFile);
	CuAssert(tc, "Unable to get publications file.", res == KSI_OK && pubFile != NULL);

	res = KSI_verifyPublicationsFile(ctx, pubFile);
	CuAssert(tc, "Unable to verify publications file.", res == KSI_OK);

	res = KSI_Integer_new(ctx, 1397520000, &pubTime);
	CuAssert(tc, "Unable to create ksi integer object.", res == KSI_OK && pubTime != NULL);

	res = KSI_PublicationsFile_getPublicationDataByTime(pubFile, pubTime, &pubRec);
	CuAssert(tc, "Unable to get publication record by publication date.", res == KSI_OK && pubRec != NULL);

	pubTime = NULL;

	res = KSI_PublicationRecord_getPublicationRefList(pubRec, &pubRefList);
	CuAssert(tc, "Unable to get publications ref list", res == KSI_OK && pubRefList != NULL);

	for (i = 0; i < KSI_Utf8StringList_length(pubRefList); i++) {
		KSI_Utf8String *pubRef = NULL;
		res = KSI_Utf8StringList_elementAt(pubRefList, i, &pubRef);
		CuAssert(tc, "Unable to get element from list", res == KSI_OK && pubRef != NULL);
		if (!strcmp("Financial Times, ISSN: 0307-1766, 2014-04-17", KSI_Utf8String_cstr(pubRef))) {
			isPubRefFound = 1;

	CuAssert(tc, "Financial times publication not found", isPubRefFound);
예제 #4
static void testFindPublicationByTime(CuTest *tc) {
	int res;
	KSI_PublicationsFile *pubFile = NULL;
	KSI_PublicationRecord *pubRec = NULL;
	KSI_PublicationData *pub = NULL;
	KSI_DataHash *pubHsh = NULL;
	KSI_Integer *pubTime = NULL;
	KSI_DataHash *expHsh = NULL;
	KSI_LIST(KSI_Utf8String) *pubRefList = NULL;
	unsigned char buf[0xff];
	unsigned len;


	res = KSI_receivePublicationsFile(ctx, &pubFile);
	CuAssert(tc, "Unable to get publications file.", res == KSI_OK && pubFile != NULL);

	res = KSI_Integer_new(ctx, 1397520000, &pubTime);
	CuAssert(tc, "Unable to create ksi integer object.", res == KSI_OK && pubTime != NULL);

	res = KSI_PublicationsFile_getPublicationDataByTime(pubFile, pubTime, &pubRec);
	CuAssert(tc, "Unable to get publication record by publication date.", res == KSI_OK && pubRec != NULL);

	res = KSI_PublicationRecord_getPublishedData(pubRec, &pub);
	CuAssert(tc, "Unable to get published data", res == KSI_OK && pub != NULL);

	res = KSI_PublicationData_getImprint(pub, &pubHsh);
	CuAssert(tc, "Unable to get published hash", res == KSI_OK && pubHsh != NULL);

	pubTime = NULL;

	res = KSI_PublicationData_getTime(pub, &pubTime);
	CuAssert(tc, "Unable to get publication time.", res == KSI_OK && pubTime != NULL);

	KSITest_decodeHexStr("01a1b5238ffb05fccfa67546266a0b2d7130f6656026033b6b578c12e4fbbe231a", buf, sizeof(buf), &len);
	res = KSI_DataHash_fromImprint(ctx, buf, len, &expHsh);
	CuAssert(tc, "Unable to get datahash from imprint", res == KSI_OK && expHsh != NULL);

	CuAssert(tc, "Publication hash mismatch.", KSI_DataHash_equals(expHsh, pubHsh));
	CuAssert(tc, "Publication time mismatch", KSI_Integer_equalsUInt(pubTime, 1397520000));

	res = KSI_PublicationRecord_getPublicationRefList(pubRec, &pubRefList);
	CuAssert(tc, "Unable to get publications ref list", res == KSI_OK && pubRefList != NULL);

예제 #5
static void testFindPublicationRef(CuTest *tc) {
	int res;
	KSI_PublicationsFile *pubFile = NULL;
	KSI_PublicationRecord *pubRec = NULL;
	KSI_Integer *pubTime = NULL;
	KSI_LIST(KSI_Utf8String) *pubRefList = NULL;
	size_t i;
	int isPubRefFound = 0;


	res = KSI_receivePublicationsFile(ctx, &pubFile);
	CuAssert(tc, "Unable to get publications file.", res == KSI_OK && pubFile != NULL);

	res = KSI_Integer_new(ctx, 1397520000, &pubTime);
	CuAssert(tc, "Unable to create ksi integer object.", res == KSI_OK && pubTime != NULL);

	res = KSI_PublicationsFile_getPublicationDataByTime(pubFile, pubTime, &pubRec);
	CuAssert(tc, "Unable to get publication record by publication date.", res == KSI_OK && pubRec != NULL);

	pubTime = NULL;

	res = KSI_PublicationRecord_getPublicationRefList(pubRec, &pubRefList);
	CuAssert(tc, "Unable to get publications ref list", res == KSI_OK && pubRefList != NULL);

	for (i = 0; i < KSI_Utf8StringList_length(pubRefList); i++) {
		KSI_Utf8String *pubRef = NULL;
		res = KSI_Utf8StringList_elementAt(pubRefList, i, &pubRef);
		CuAssert(tc, "Unable to get element from list", res == KSI_OK && pubRef != NULL);
		if (!strcmp("Financial Times, ISSN: 0307-1766, 2014-04-17", KSI_Utf8String_cstr(pubRef))) {
			isPubRefFound = 1;

	CuAssert(tc, "Financial times publication not found", isPubRefFound);
예제 #6
static void testFindPublicationByTime(CuTest *tc) {
	int res;
	KSI_PublicationsFile *pubFile = NULL;
	KSI_PublicationRecord *pubRec = NULL;
	KSI_PublicationData *pub = NULL;
	KSI_DataHash *pubHsh = NULL;
	KSI_Integer *pubTime = NULL;
	KSI_DataHash *expHsh = NULL;
	KSI_LIST(KSI_Utf8String) *pubRefList = NULL;
	unsigned char buf[0xff];
	size_t len;
	KSI_CTX *ctx = NULL;

	res = KSITest_CTX_clone(&ctx);
	CuAssert(tc, "Unable to create KSI context.", res == KSI_OK && ctx != NULL);

	res = KSITest_setDefaultPubfileAndVerInfo(ctx);
	CuAssert(tc, "Unable to set default values to context.", res == KSI_OK);


	res = KSI_CTX_setPublicationUrl(ctx, getFullResourcePathUri(TEST_PUBLICATIONS_FILE));
	CuAssert(tc, "Unable to set pubfile URI.", res == KSI_OK);

	res = KSI_receivePublicationsFile(ctx, &pubFile);
	CuAssert(tc, "Unable to get publications file.", res == KSI_OK && pubFile != NULL);

	res = KSI_verifyPublicationsFile(ctx, pubFile);
	CuAssert(tc, "Unable to verify publications file.", res == KSI_OK);

	res = KSI_Integer_new(ctx, 1397520000, &pubTime);
	CuAssert(tc, "Unable to create ksi integer object.", res == KSI_OK && pubTime != NULL);

	res = KSI_PublicationsFile_getPublicationDataByTime(pubFile, pubTime, &pubRec);
	CuAssert(tc, "Unable to get publication record by publication date.", res == KSI_OK && pubRec != NULL);

	res = KSI_PublicationRecord_getPublishedData(pubRec, &pub);
	CuAssert(tc, "Unable to get published data", res == KSI_OK && pub != NULL);

	res = KSI_PublicationData_getImprint(pub, &pubHsh);
	CuAssert(tc, "Unable to get published hash", res == KSI_OK && pubHsh != NULL);

	pubTime = NULL;

	res = KSI_PublicationData_getTime(pub, &pubTime);
	CuAssert(tc, "Unable to get publication time.", res == KSI_OK && pubTime != NULL);

	KSITest_decodeHexStr("01a1b5238ffb05fccfa67546266a0b2d7130f6656026033b6b578c12e4fbbe231a", buf, sizeof(buf), &len);
	res = KSI_DataHash_fromImprint(ctx, buf, len, &expHsh);
	CuAssert(tc, "Unable to get datahash from imprint", res == KSI_OK && expHsh != NULL);

	CuAssert(tc, "Publication hash mismatch.", KSI_DataHash_equals(expHsh, pubHsh));
	CuAssert(tc, "Publication time mismatch", KSI_Integer_equalsUInt(pubTime, 1397520000));

	res = KSI_PublicationRecord_getPublicationRefList(pubRec, &pubRefList);
	CuAssert(tc, "Unable to get publications ref list", res == KSI_OK && pubRefList != NULL);

예제 #7

static int replaceCalendarChain(KSI_Signature *sig, KSI_CalendarHashChain *calendarHashChain) {
	int res;
	KSI_DataHash *aggrOutputHash = NULL;
	KSI_TLV *oldCalChainTlv = NULL;
	KSI_TLV *newCalChainTlv = NULL;
	KSI_LIST(KSI_TLV) *nestedList = NULL;
	size_t i;

	if (sig == NULL || calendarHashChain == NULL) {
		goto cleanup;

	res = KSI_TLV_getNestedList(sig->baseTlv, &nestedList);
	if (res != KSI_OK) {
		KSI_pushError(sig->ctx, res, NULL);
		goto cleanup;

	if (sig->calendarChain != NULL) {
		for (i = 0; i < KSI_TLVList_length(nestedList); i++) {
			res = KSI_TLVList_elementAt(nestedList,i, &oldCalChainTlv);
			if (res != KSI_OK) {
				KSI_pushError(sig->ctx, res, NULL);
				goto cleanup;

			if (oldCalChainTlv == NULL) {
				KSI_pushError(sig->ctx, res = KSI_INVALID_SIGNATURE, "Signature TLV element missing.");
				goto cleanup;

			if (KSI_TLV_getTag(oldCalChainTlv) == 0x0802) break;

	res = KSI_TLV_new(sig->ctx, 0x0802, 0, 0, &newCalChainTlv);
	if (res != KSI_OK) {
		KSI_pushError(sig->ctx, res, NULL);
		goto cleanup;

	res = KSI_TlvTemplate_construct(sig->ctx, newCalChainTlv, calendarHashChain, KSI_TLV_TEMPLATE(KSI_CalendarHashChain));
	if (res != KSI_OK) {
		KSI_pushError(sig->ctx, res, NULL);
		goto cleanup;

	res = (sig->calendarChain == NULL) ?
			/* In case there is no calendar hash chain attached, append a new one. */
			KSI_TLV_appendNestedTlv(sig->baseTlv, newCalChainTlv) :
			/* Otherwise replace the calendar hash chain. */
			KSI_TLV_replaceNestedTlv(sig->baseTlv, oldCalChainTlv, newCalChainTlv);
	if (res != KSI_OK) {
		KSI_pushError(sig->ctx, res, NULL);
		goto cleanup;

	newCalChainTlv = NULL;

	/* The memory was freed within KSI_TLV_replaceNestedTlv. */
	oldCalChainTlv = NULL;

	sig->calendarChain = calendarHashChain;

	res = KSI_OK;




	return res;