예제 #1
/* Whack
rc_t VCursorWhack ( VCursor *self )
    if ( self -> flush_thread != NULL )
        rc_t rc = KLockAcquire ( self -> flush_lock );
        if ( rc == 0 )
            while ( self -> flush_state == vfBusy )
                MTCURSOR_DBG (( "VCursorWhack: waiting for thread to process\n" ));
                KConditionWait ( self -> flush_cond, self -> flush_lock );
            self -> flush_state = vfExit;
            KConditionSignal ( self -> flush_cond );
            KLockUnlock ( self -> flush_lock );

        MTCURSOR_DBG (( "VCursorWhack: waiting on thread to exit\n" ));
        KThreadWait ( self -> flush_thread, NULL );

    MTCURSOR_DBG (( "VCursorWhack: finishing\n" ));
    KThreadRelease ( self -> flush_thread );
    KConditionRelease ( self -> flush_cond );
    KLockRelease ( self -> flush_lock );
    return VCursorDestroy ( self );
예제 #2
/* Whack
rc_t KQueueFileWhackRead ( KQueueFile *self )
    void *b;

    /* no more reading */
    QFMSG ( "%s: sealing queue\n", __func__ );
    KQueueSeal ( self -> q );

    /* flush the queue */
    QFMSG ( "%s: popping queue\n", __func__ );
    while ( KQueuePop ( self -> q, & b, NULL ) == 0 )
        QFMSG ( "%s: dousing a buffer\n", __func__ );
        free ( b );

    /* wait for thread to exit */
    QFMSG ( "%s: waiting for bg thread to exit\n", __func__ );
    KThreadWait ( self -> t, NULL );

    /* tear it down */
    QFMSG ( "%s: freeing object\n", __func__ );
    free ( self -> b );
    KThreadRelease ( self -> t );
    KQueueRelease ( self -> q );
    KFileRelease ( self -> f );
    free ( self );

    return 0;
예제 #3
LIB_EXPORT rc_t CC VCursorFlushPage ( VCursor *self )
    rc_t rc = VCursorFlushPageInt ( self );
    if ( rc == 0 )
        MTCURSOR_DBG (( "VCursorFlushPage: going to acquire lock\n" ));
        /* get lock */
        rc = KLockAcquire ( self -> flush_lock );
        if ( rc != 0 )
            return rc;

        MTCURSOR_DBG (( "VCursorFlushPage: have lock\n" ));

        /* wait until background thread has finished */
        while ( self -> flush_state == vfBusy )
            MTCURSOR_DBG (( "VCursorFlushPage: waiting for background thread\n" ));
            rc = KConditionWait ( self -> flush_cond, self -> flush_lock );
            if ( rc != 0 )
                LOGERR ( klogSys, rc, "VCursorFlushPage: wait failed - exiting" );
                KLockUnlock ( self -> flush_lock );
                return rc;

        /* what was the proper rc */
        if ( self -> flush_state != vfReady )
            if ( self -> flush_state != vfBgErr )
                rc = RC ( rcVDB, rcCursor, rcFlushing, rcCursor, rcInconsistent );
                rc_t rc2;
                MTCURSOR_DBG (( "VCursorFlushPage: waiting on thread to exit\n" ));
                rc = KThreadWait ( self -> flush_thread, & rc2 );
                if ( rc == 0 )
                    rc = rc2;
                    MTCURSOR_DBG (( "VCursorFlushPage: releasing thread\n" ));
                    KThreadRelease ( self -> flush_thread );
                    self -> flush_thread = NULL;

            PLOGERR ( klogInt, (klogInt, rc, "VCursorFlushPage: not in ready state[$(state)] - exiting",
                                "state=%hu", self -> flush_state ));

            KLockUnlock ( self -> flush_lock );
            return rc;
        KLockUnlock ( self -> flush_lock );
        assert ( self -> row_id == self -> start_id );
        self -> end_id = self -> row_id;

    return rc;
예제 #4
static void BAMReaderWhack(BAMReader *const self)
    KThreadWait(self->th, NULL);
예제 #5
void bg_update_release( bg_update * self )
    if ( self != NULL )
        atomic_set( &self -> done, 1 );
        KThreadWait( self -> thread, NULL );
        KThreadRelease( self -> thread );
        free( ( void * ) self );
예제 #6
rc_t KQueueFileWhackWrite ( KQueueFile *self )
    void *b;
    rc_t rc = 0;

    /* flush last buffer */
    if ( self -> b != NULL )
        QFMSG ( "%s: have non-null buffer\n", __func__ );
        if ( self -> b -> bytes != 0 )
            QFMSG ( "%s: buffer has %zu bytes\n", __func__, self -> b -> bytes );
            rc = KQueueFileFlush ( self, self -> b );

        free ( self -> b );
        self -> b = NULL;

    /* no more writing */
    QFMSG ( "%s: sealing queue\n", __func__ );
    KQueueSeal ( self -> q );

    /* wait for thread to exit */
    QFMSG ( "%s: waiting for bg thread to exit\n", __func__ );
    KThreadWait ( self -> t, NULL );

    /* the file should be written
       but flush the queue if bg thread didn't */
    QFMSG ( "%s: popping queue\n", __func__ );
    while ( KQueuePop ( self -> q, & b, NULL ) == 0 )
        QFMSG ( "%s: dousing a buffer\n", __func__ );
        free ( b );

    /* tear it down */
    QFMSG ( "%s: freeing object\n", __func__ );
    KThreadRelease ( self -> t );
    KQueueRelease ( self -> q );
    KFileRelease ( self -> f );
    free ( self );

    return rc;
예제 #7
파일: utils.c 프로젝트: Jingyu9/sra-tools
rc_t CC
_TaskStop ( const struct XTask * self )
    rc_t RCt;
    struct XTask * Task;

    RCt = 0;
    Task = ( struct XTask * ) self;

    if ( self == NULL ) {
        return RC ( rcExe, rcNoTarg, rcProcessing, rcParam, rcNull );

    KThreadCancel ( Task -> thread );
    KThreadWait ( Task -> thread, NULL );
    KThreadRelease ( Task -> thread );

    Task -> thread = NULL;

    return RCt;
}   /* TaskStop () */
예제 #8
파일: tbl_join.c 프로젝트: ncbi/sra-tools
rc_t execute_tbl_join( KDirectory * dir,
                    const char * accession_path,
                    const char * accession_short,
                    join_stats * stats,
                    const char * tbl_name,
                    const struct temp_dir * temp_dir,
                    struct temp_registry * registry,
                    size_t cur_cache,
                    size_t buf_size,
                    uint32_t num_threads,
                    bool show_progress,
                    format_t fmt,
                    const join_options * join_options )
    rc_t rc = 0;
    if ( show_progress )
        rc = KOutMsg( "join   :" );

    if ( rc == 0 )
        uint64_t row_count = 0;
        rc = extract_sra_row_count( dir, accession_path, tbl_name, cur_cache, &row_count ); /* above */
        if ( rc == 0 && row_count > 0 )
            bool name_column_present;

            if ( tbl_name == NULL )
                rc = cmn_check_tbl_column( dir, accession_path, "NAME", &name_column_present );
                rc = cmn_check_db_column( dir, accession_path, tbl_name, "NAME", &name_column_present );
            if ( rc == 0 )
                Vector threads;
                int64_t row = 1;
                uint32_t thread_id;
                uint64_t rows_per_thread;
                struct bg_progress * progress = NULL;
                struct join_options corrected_join_options; /* helper.h */
                VectorInit( &threads, 0, num_threads );
                corrected_join_options . rowid_as_name = name_column_present ? join_options -> rowid_as_name : true;
                corrected_join_options . skip_tech = join_options -> skip_tech;
                corrected_join_options . print_read_nr = join_options -> print_read_nr;
                corrected_join_options . print_name = name_column_present;
                corrected_join_options . min_read_len = join_options -> min_read_len;
                corrected_join_options . filter_bases = join_options -> filter_bases;
                corrected_join_options . terminate_on_invalid = join_options -> terminate_on_invalid;
                if ( row_count < ( num_threads * 100 ) )
                    num_threads = 1;
                    rows_per_thread = row_count;
                    rows_per_thread = ( row_count / num_threads ) + 1;
                if ( show_progress )
                    rc = bg_progress_make( &progress, row_count, 0, 0 ); /* progress_thread.c */
                for ( thread_id = 0; rc == 0 && thread_id < num_threads; ++thread_id )
                    join_thread_data * jtd = calloc( 1, sizeof * jtd );
                    if ( jtd != NULL )
                        jtd -> dir              = dir;
                        jtd -> accession_path   = accession_path;
                        jtd -> accession_short  = accession_short;
                        jtd -> tbl_name         = tbl_name;
                        jtd -> first_row        = row;
                        jtd -> row_count        = rows_per_thread;
                        jtd -> cur_cache        = cur_cache;
                        jtd -> buf_size         = buf_size;
                        jtd -> progress         = progress;
                        jtd -> registry         = registry;
                        jtd -> fmt              = fmt;
                        jtd -> join_options     = &corrected_join_options;

                        rc = make_joined_filename( temp_dir, jtd -> part_file, sizeof jtd -> part_file,
                                    accession_short, thread_id ); /* temp_dir.c */

                        if ( rc == 0 )
                            rc = KThreadMake( &jtd -> thread, cmn_thread_func, jtd );
                            if ( rc != 0 )
                                ErrMsg( "KThreadMake( fastq/special #%d ) -> %R", thread_id, rc );
                                rc = VectorAppend( &threads, NULL, jtd );
                                if ( rc != 0 )
                                    ErrMsg( "VectorAppend( sort-thread #%d ) -> %R", thread_id, rc );
                            row += rows_per_thread;
                    /* collect the threads, and add the join_stats */
                    uint32_t i, n = VectorLength( &threads );
                    for ( i = VectorStart( &threads ); i < n; ++i )
                        join_thread_data * jtd = VectorGet( &threads, i );
                        if ( jtd != NULL )
                            rc_t rc_thread;
                            KThreadWait( jtd -> thread, &rc_thread );
                            if ( rc_thread != 0 )
                                rc = rc_thread;

                            KThreadRelease( jtd -> thread );
                            add_join_stats( stats, &jtd -> stats );
                            free( jtd );
                    VectorWhack ( &threads, NULL, NULL );

                bg_progress_release( progress ); /* progress_thread.c ( ignores NULL )*/
    return rc;
예제 #9
WorkerThreadFn ( const KThread *self, void *data )  
    KStream* stream = (KStream*)data;
    char buf[256];
    size_t num;
    rc_t rc = KStreamReadAll(stream, buf, 1, &num);
    if (rc == 0)
        if (num == 1) 
            size_t toRead = (unsigned char)buf[0];
            pLogMsg(klogInfo, "KeyringServer: worker received length=$(l)\n", "l=%d", toRead);
            rc = KStreamReadAll(stream, buf, toRead, &num);
            if (rc == 0)
                /*pLogMsg(klogInfo, "KeyringServer: worker received msg='$(buf)'\n", "buf=%.*s", num, buf);*/
                switch (buf[0])
                case 'I':
                    if (buf[0] == 'I') /* init */
                        LogMsg ( klogInfo, "KeyringServer: received Init");

                        if (keyring == 0)
                            const KFile* std_in;
                            rc = KFileMakeStdIn ( &std_in );
                            if (rc == 0)
                                KFile* std_out;
                                rc = KFileMakeStdOut ( &std_out );
                                if (rc == 0)
                                    rc = KeyRingOpen(&keyring, keyRingFileName, std_in, std_out);
                                    if (rc == 0)
                                        LogMsg ( klogInfo, "KeyringServer: Init successful");
                                        pLogMsg(klogInfo, "KeyringServer: sending '$(buf)'\n", "buf=%.*s", string_size(initMsgSuccess), initMsgSuccess);
                                        rc = KStreamWrite(stream, initMsgSuccess, string_size(initMsgSuccess), NULL);
                                        rc_t rc2;
                                        LogErr(klogErr, rc, "KeyringServer: Init failed");
                                        rc2 = KStreamWrite(stream, initMsgFailure, string_size(initMsgFailure), NULL);
                                        if (rc == 0)
                                            rc = rc2;
                        {   /* already running */
                            LogMsg ( klogInfo, "KeyringServer: Init successful");
                            rc = KStreamWrite(stream, initMsgSuccess, string_size(initMsgSuccess), NULL);
                case 'X':
                    if (buf[0] == 'X') /* shutDown */
                        LogMsg ( klogInfo, "KeyringServer: received Shutdown");
                        shutDown = true;
                case 'P': /* project */
                    if (toRead > 1 && buf[1] == 'A') /* Add */
                        String pkey;
                        String dlkey;
                        String enckey;

                        size_t idx = 2;
                        /*TODO: make sure idx is in range*/
                        StringInit(&pkey, buf + idx + 1, buf[idx], buf[idx]);
                        pkey.len = string_len(pkey.addr, pkey.size);

                        idx += pkey.size + 1;
                        /*TODO: make sure idx is in range*/
                        StringInit(&dlkey, buf + idx + 1, buf[idx], buf[idx]);
                        dlkey.len = string_len(dlkey.addr, dlkey.size);
                        idx += dlkey.size + 1;
                        /*TODO: make sure idx is in range*/
                        StringInit(&enckey, buf + idx + 1, buf[idx], buf[idx]);
                        enckey.len = string_len(enckey.addr, enckey.size);
                                "KeyringServer: received Project Add(pkey='$(pkey)',dlkey='$(dlkey)',enckey='$(.....)')'\n",
                                pkey.len, pkey.addr, dlkey.len, dlkey.addr, enckey.len, enckey.addr);
                        rc = KeyRingAddProject(keyring, &pkey, &dlkey, &enckey);
                        if (rc != 0)
                            LogErr(klogErr, rc, "KeyringServer: KeyRingAddProject() failed");
                    LogMsg ( klogInfo, "KeyringServer: unrecognised message received");
                LogErr(klogErr, rc, "KeyringServer: KStreamRead(body) failed");
        else /* end of stream = the client closed the connection */
            LogMsg(klogInfo, "KeyringServer: worker received EOF\n");
        LogErr(klogErr, rc, "KeyringServer: KStreamRead(length) failed");
    LogMsg ( klogInfo, "KeyringServer: worker done");
    return KThreadRelease(self);
예제 #10
rc_t VCursorFlushPageInt ( VCursor *self )
    rc_t rc;

    if ( self == NULL )
        rc = RC ( rcVDB, rcCursor, rcFlushing, rcSelf, rcNull );
    else if ( self -> read_only )
        rc = RC ( rcVDB, rcCursor, rcFlushing, rcCursor, rcReadonly );
        int64_t end_id;
        run_trigger_prod_data pb;
        switch ( self -> state )
        case vcConstruct:
            rc = RC ( rcVDB, rcCursor, rcFlushing, rcCursor, rcNotOpen );
        case vcFailed:
            rc = RC ( rcVDB, rcCursor, rcFlushing, rcCursor, rcInvalid );
        case vcRowOpen:
            rc = RC ( rcVDB, rcCursor, rcFlushing, rcCursor, rcBusy );

            /* ignore request if there is no page to commit */
            if ( self -> start_id == self -> end_id )
                /* the cursor should be in unwritten state,
                   where the row_id can be reset but drags
                   along the other markers. */
                assert ( self -> end_id == self -> row_id );
                return 0;

            MTCURSOR_DBG (( "VCursorFlushPageInt: going to acquire lock\n" ));
            /* get lock */
            rc = KLockAcquire ( self -> flush_lock );
            if ( rc != 0 )
                return rc;

            MTCURSOR_DBG (( "VCursorFlushPageInt: have lock\n" ));

            /* make sure that background thread is ready */
            while ( self -> flush_state == vfBusy )
                MTCURSOR_DBG (( "VCursorFlushPageInt: waiting for background thread\n" ));
                rc = KConditionWait ( self -> flush_cond, self -> flush_lock );
                if ( rc != 0 )
                    LOGERR ( klogSys, rc, "VCursorFlushPageInt: wait failed - exiting" );
                    KLockUnlock ( self -> flush_lock );
                    return rc;

            if ( self -> flush_state != vfReady )
                if ( self -> flush_state != vfBgErr )
                    rc = RC ( rcVDB, rcCursor, rcFlushing, rcCursor, rcInconsistent );
                    rc_t rc2;
                    MTCURSOR_DBG (( "VCursorFlushPageInt: waiting on thread to exit\n" ));
                    rc = KThreadWait ( self -> flush_thread, & rc2 );
                    if ( rc == 0 )
                        rc = rc2;
                        MTCURSOR_DBG (( "VCursorFlushPageInt: releasing thread\n" ));
                        KThreadRelease ( self -> flush_thread );
                        self -> flush_thread = NULL;

                PLOGERR ( klogInt, (klogInt, rc, "VCursorFlushPageInt: not in ready state[$(state)] - exiting","state=%hu",self -> flush_state ));
                KLockUnlock ( self -> flush_lock );
                return rc;

            MTCURSOR_DBG (( "VCursorFlushPageInt: running buffer page\n" ));

            /* first, tell all columns to bundle up their pages into buffers */
            end_id = self -> end_id;
            rc = RC ( rcVDB, rcCursor, rcFlushing, rcMemory, rcExhausted );
            if ( VectorDoUntil ( & self -> row, false, WColumnBufferPage, & end_id ) )
                VectorForEach ( & self -> row, false, WColumnDropPage, NULL );
                self -> flush_state = vfFgErr;
                /* supposed to be constant */
                assert ( end_id == self -> end_id );
                MTCURSOR_DBG (( "VCursorFlushPageInt: pages buffered - capturing id and count\n" ));
                self -> flush_id = self -> start_id;
                self -> flush_cnt = self -> end_id - self -> start_id;

                self -> start_id = self -> end_id;
                self -> end_id = self -> row_id + 1;
                self -> state = vcReady;

                MTCURSOR_DBG (( "VCursorFlushPageInt: state set to busy - signaling bg thread\n" ));
                self -> flush_state = vfBusy;
                rc = KConditionSignal ( self -> flush_cond );
                if ( rc != 0 )
                    LOGERR ( klogSys, rc, "VCursorFlushPageInt: condition returned error on signal" );
                /* run all validation and trigger productions */
                pb . id = self -> start_id;
                pb . cnt = self -> end_id - self -> start_id;
                pb . rc = 0;
                if ( ! VectorDoUntil ( & self -> trig, false, run_trigger_prods, & pb ) )
                    self -> start_id = self -> end_id;
                    self -> end_id = self -> row_id + 1;
                    self -> state = vcReady;

                rc = pb . rc;

                /* drop page buffers */
                VectorForEach ( & self -> row, false, WColumnDropPage, NULL );

            MTCURSOR_DBG (( "VCursorFlushPageInt: unlocking\n" ));
            KLockUnlock ( self -> flush_lock );

    return rc;