예제 #1
void xf86OpenConsole()
    /* try to catch problems before they become obvious */

    if (serverGeneration == 1) {
	HKBD fd;
	ULONG drive;
	ULONG dummy;
	KBDHWID hwid;
	int VioTid;
        ULONG actual_handles;
        LONG new_handles;

	/* hv 250197 workaround for xkb-Problem: switch to X11ROOT drive */
	char *x11r = getenv("X11ROOT");
        /* Make sure X11ROOT is set before we go further sm280297 */
        if (x11r == NULL){ 
           ErrorF("The environment variable X11ROOT is not set! The xserver is aborting.\n");	
        if (_chdir2(x11r) < 0) {
		ErrorF("xf86-OS/2: Cannot change to X11ROOT directory!\n");

	ErrorF("xf86-OS/2: Console opened\n");
	if(rc!=0) ErrorF("xf86-OS/2: Could not get original video mode. RC=%d\n",rc);
	xf86Info.consoleFd = -1;
        /* Set the number of handles to higher than the default 20. Set to 80 which should be plenty */
        new_handles = 0;
        rc = DosSetRelMaxFH(&new_handles,&actual_handles);
        if (actual_handles < 80) {
		new_handles = 80 - actual_handles;
		rc = DosSetRelMaxFH(&new_handles,&actual_handles);
		ErrorF("xf86-OS/2: Increased number of available handles to %d\n",actual_handles);

	/* grab the keyboard */
	rc = KbdGetFocus(0,0);
	if (rc != 0)
		FatalError("xf86OpenConsole: cannot grab kbd focus, rc=%d\n",rc);

	/* open the keyboard */
	rc = KbdOpen(&fd);
	if (rc != 0)
		FatalError("xf86OpenConsole: cannot open keyboard, rc=%d\n",rc);
	xf86Info.consoleFd = fd;

	ErrorF("xf86-OS/2: Keyboard opened\n");

	/* assign logical keyboard */
	rc = KbdGetFocus(0,fd);
	if (rc != 0)
		FatalError("xf86OpenConsole: cannot set local kbd focus, rc=%d\n",rc);

/* Create kbd queue semaphore */
         rc = DosCreateEventSem(NULL,&hKbdSem,DC_SEM_SHARED,TRUE);
         if (rc != 0)
                  FatalError("xf86OpenConsole: cannot create keyboard queue semaphore, rc=%d\n",rc);
/* Create popup semaphore */

	if(rc) ErrorF("xf86-OS/2: Could not create popup semaphore! RC=%d\n",rc);
	/* rc=VioRegister("xf86vio","XF86POPUP_SUBCLASS",0x20002004L,0L);
	if(rc) {
		FatalError("xf86-OS2: Could not register XF86VIO.DLL module. Please install in LIBPATH! RC=%d\n",rc);
	}  */

/* Start up the VIO monitor thread */
	VioTid=_beginthread(os2VideoNotify,NULL,0x4000,(void *)NULL);
	ErrorF("xf86-OS/2: Started Vio thread, Tid=%d\n",VioTid);

/* Start up the hard-error VIO monitor thread */
	VioTid=_beginthread(os2HardErrorNotify,NULL,0x4000,(void *)NULL);
	ErrorF("xf86-OS/2: Started hard error Vio mode monitor thread, Tid=%d\n",VioTid);

/* Start up the kbd monitor thread */
	VioTid=_beginthread(os2KbdMonitorThread,NULL,0x4000,(void *)NULL);
	ErrorF("xf86-OS/2: Started Kbd monitor thread, Tid=%d\n",VioTid);

/* Disable hard-errors through DosError */
	rc = DosQuerySysInfo(5,5,&drive,sizeof(drive));
	rc = DosSuppressPopUps(0x0001L,drive+96);     /* Disable popups */
	rc = KbdSetCp(0,0,fd);
	if(rc != 0)
		FatalError("xf86-OS/2: xf86OpenConsole: cannot set keyboard codepage, rc=%d\n",rc);

	hwid.cb = sizeof(hwid);	/* fix crash on P9000 */
	rc = KbdGetHWID(&hwid, fd);
	if (rc == 0) {
		switch (hwid.idKbd) {
		case 0xab54: /* 88/89 key */
		case 0:	/*unknown*/
		case 1: /*real AT 84 key*/
			xf86Info.kbdType = KB_84; break;
		case 0xab85: /* 122 key */
			FatalError("xf86-OS/2: OS/2 has detected an extended 122key keyboard: unsupported!\n");
		case 0xab41: /* 101/102 key */
			xf86Info.kbdType = KB_101; break;
	} else
		xf86Info.kbdType = KB_84; /*defensive*/

/* Start up the Kbd bit-bucket thread. We don't want to leave the kbd events in the driver queue */
	VioTid=_beginthread(os2KbdBitBucketThread,NULL,0x2000,(void *)NULL);
	ErrorF("xf86-OS/2: Started Kbd bit-bucket thread, Tid=%d\n",VioTid);

	xf86Config(FALSE); /* Read XF86Config */
예제 #2
파일: wrap.c 프로젝트: ErisBlastar/osfree
  return KbdOpen(hkbd);