예제 #1
KeStartAllProcessors (


Routine Description:

    This function is called during phase 1 initialization on the master boot
    processor to start all of the other registered processors.



Return Value:




#if !defined(NT_UP)

    ULONG AllocationSize;
    PUCHAR Base;
    PKPCR CurrentPcr = KeGetPcr();
    PVOID DataBlock;
    PVOID DpcStack;
    PKGDTENTRY64 GdtBase;
    ULONG GdtOffset;
    ULONG IdtOffset;
    UCHAR Index;
    PVOID KernelStack;
    ULONG LogicalProcessors;
    ULONG MaximumProcessors;
    PKNODE Node;
    UCHAR NodeNumber = 0;
    UCHAR Number;
    KIRQL OldIrql;
    PKNODE OldNode;
    PKNODE ParentNode;
    PKPCR PcrBase;
    PKPRCB Prcb;
    USHORT ProcessorId;
    KPROCESSOR_STATE ProcessorState;
    PKTSS64 SysTssBase;
    PKGDTENTRY64 TebBase;
    PETHREAD Thread;

    // Ensure that prefetch instructions in the IPI path are patched out
    // if necessary before starting other processors.

    OldIrql = KeRaiseIrqlToSynchLevel();
    KiIpiSendRequest(1, 0, 0, IPI_FLUSH_SINGLE);

    // Do not start additional processors if the relocate physical loader
    // switch has been specified.

    if (KeLoaderBlock->LoadOptions != NULL) {
        if (strstr(KeLoaderBlock->LoadOptions, "RELOCATEPHYSICAL") != NULL) {

    // If this a multinode system and processor zero is not on node zero,
    // then move it to the appropriate node.

    if (KeNumberNodes > 1) {
        if (NT_SUCCESS(KiQueryProcessorNode(0, &ProcessorId, &NodeNumber))) {
            if (NodeNumber != 0) {
                KiNode0.ProcessorMask = 0;
                KiNodeInit[0] = KiNode0;
                KeNodeBlock[0] = &KiNodeInit[0];
                KiNode0 = *KeNodeBlock[NodeNumber];
                KeNodeBlock[NodeNumber] = &KiNode0;
                KiNode0.ProcessorMask = 1;

        } else {
            goto StartFailure;

    // Calculate the size of the per processor data structures.
    // This includes:
    //   PCR (including the PRCB)
    //   System TSS
    //   Idle Thread Object
    //   Double Fault Stack
    //   Machine Check Stack
    //   NMI Stack
    //   Multinode structure
    //   GDT
    //   IDT
    // A DPC and Idle stack are also allocated, but they are done separately.

    AllocationSize = ROUNDUP64(sizeof(KPCR)) +
                     ROUNDUP64(sizeof(KTSS64)) +
                     ROUNDUP64(sizeof(ETHREAD)) +
                     ROUNDUP64(DOUBLE_FAULT_STACK_SIZE) +
                     ROUNDUP64(NMI_STACK_SIZE) +

    // Save the offset of the GDT in the allocation structure and add in
    // the size of the GDT.

    GdtOffset = AllocationSize;
    AllocationSize +=
            CurrentPcr->Prcb.ProcessorState.SpecialRegisters.Gdtr.Limit + 1;

    // Save the offset of the IDT in the allocation structure and add in
    // the size of the IDT.

    IdtOffset = AllocationSize;
    AllocationSize +=
            CurrentPcr->Prcb.ProcessorState.SpecialRegisters.Idtr.Limit + 1;

    // If the registered number of processors is greater than the maximum
    // number of processors supported, then only allow the maximum number
    // of supported processors.

    if (KeRegisteredProcessors > MAXIMUM_PROCESSORS) {
        KeRegisteredProcessors = MAXIMUM_PROCESSORS;

    // Set barrier that will prevent any other processor from entering the
    // idle loop until all processors have been started.

    KiBarrierWait = 1;

    // Initialize the fixed part of the processor state that will be used to
    // start processors. Each processor starts in the system initialization
    // code with address of the loader parameter block as an argument.

    RtlZeroMemory(&ProcessorState, sizeof(KPROCESSOR_STATE));
    ProcessorState.ContextFrame.Rcx = (ULONG64)KeLoaderBlock;
    ProcessorState.ContextFrame.Rip = (ULONG64)KiSystemStartup;
    ProcessorState.ContextFrame.SegCs = KGDT64_R0_CODE;
    ProcessorState.ContextFrame.SegDs = KGDT64_R3_DATA | RPL_MASK;
    ProcessorState.ContextFrame.SegEs = KGDT64_R3_DATA | RPL_MASK;
    ProcessorState.ContextFrame.SegFs = KGDT64_R3_CMTEB | RPL_MASK;
    ProcessorState.ContextFrame.SegGs = KGDT64_R3_DATA | RPL_MASK;
    ProcessorState.ContextFrame.SegSs = KGDT64_R0_DATA;

    // Check to determine if hyper-threading is really enabled. Intel chips
    // claim to be hyper-threaded with the number of logical processors
    // greater than one even when hyper-threading is disabled in the BIOS.

    LogicalProcessors = KiLogicalProcessors;
    if (HalIsHyperThreadingEnabled() == FALSE) {
        LogicalProcessors = 1;

    // If the total number of logical processors has not been set with
    // the /NUMPROC loader option, then set the maximum number of logical
    // processors to the number of registered processors times the number
    // of logical processors per registered processor.
    // N.B. The number of logical processors is never allowed to exceed
    //      the number of registered processors times the number of logical
    //      processors per physical processor.

    MaximumProcessors = KeNumprocSpecified;
    if (MaximumProcessors == 0) {
        MaximumProcessors = KeRegisteredProcessors * LogicalProcessors;

    // Loop trying to start a new processors until a new processor can't be
    // started or an allocation failure occurs.
    // N.B. The below processor start code relies on the fact a physical
    //      processor is started followed by all its logical processors.
    //      The HAL guarantees this by sorting the ACPI processor table
    //      by APIC id.

    Index = 0;
    Number = 0;
    while ((Index < (MAXIMUM_PROCESSORS - 1)) &&
           ((ULONG)KeNumberProcessors < MaximumProcessors) &&
           ((ULONG)KeNumberProcessors / LogicalProcessors) < KeRegisteredProcessors) {

        // If this is a multinode system and current processor does not
        // exist on any node, then skip it.

        Index += 1;
        if (KeNumberNodes > 1) {
            if (!NT_SUCCESS(KiQueryProcessorNode(Index, &ProcessorId, &NodeNumber))) {

        // Increment the processor number.

        Number += 1;

        // Allocate memory for the new processor specific data. If the
        // allocation fails, then stop starting processors.

        DataBlock = MmAllocateIndependentPages(AllocationSize, NodeNumber);
        if (DataBlock == NULL) {
            goto StartFailure;

        // Allocate a pool tag table for the new processor.

        if (ExCreatePoolTagTable(Number, NodeNumber) == NULL) {
            goto StartFailure;

        // Zero the allocated memory.

        Base = (PUCHAR)DataBlock;
        RtlZeroMemory(DataBlock, AllocationSize);

        // Copy and initialize the GDT for the next processor.

                               Base + GdtOffset);

        GdtBase = (PKGDTENTRY64)ProcessorState.SpecialRegisters.Gdtr.Base;

        // Encode the processor number in the upper 6 bits of the compatibility
        // mode TEB descriptor.

        TebBase = (PKGDTENTRY64)((PCHAR)GdtBase + KGDT64_R3_CMTEB);
        TebBase->Bits.LimitHigh = Number >> 2;
        TebBase->LimitLow = ((Number & 0x3) << 14) | (TebBase->LimitLow & 0x3fff);

        // Copy and initialize the IDT for the next processor.

                               Base + IdtOffset);

        // Set the PCR base address for the next processor, set the processor
        // number, and set the processor speed.
        // N.B. The PCR address is passed to the next processor by computing
        //      the containing address with respect to the PRCB.

        PcrBase = (PKPCR)Base;
        PcrBase->ObsoleteNumber = Number;
        PcrBase->Prcb.Number = Number;
        PcrBase->Prcb.MHz = KeGetCurrentPrcb()->MHz;
        Base += ROUNDUP64(sizeof(KPCR));

        // Set the system TSS descriptor base for the next processor.

        SysTssBase = (PKTSS64)Base;
        KiSetDescriptorBase(KGDT64_SYS_TSS / 16, GdtBase, SysTssBase);
        Base += ROUNDUP64(sizeof(KTSS64));

        // Initialize the panic stack address for double fault and NMI.

        SysTssBase->Ist[TSS_IST_PANIC] = (ULONG64)Base;

        // Initialize the machine check stack address.

        SysTssBase->Ist[TSS_IST_MCA] = (ULONG64)Base;

        // Initialize the NMI stack address.

        Base += NMI_STACK_SIZE;
        SysTssBase->Ist[TSS_IST_NMI] = (ULONG64)Base;

        // Idle Thread thread object.

        Thread = (PETHREAD)Base;
        Base += ROUNDUP64(sizeof(ETHREAD));

        // Set other special registers in the processor state.

        ProcessorState.SpecialRegisters.Cr0 = ReadCR0();
        ProcessorState.SpecialRegisters.Cr3 = ReadCR3();
        ProcessorState.ContextFrame.EFlags = 0;
        ProcessorState.SpecialRegisters.Tr  = KGDT64_SYS_TSS;
        GdtBase[KGDT64_SYS_TSS / 16].Bytes.Flags1 = 0x89;
        ProcessorState.SpecialRegisters.Cr4 = ReadCR4();

        // Allocate a kernel stack and a DPC stack for the next processor.

        KernelStack = MmCreateKernelStack(FALSE, NodeNumber);
        if (KernelStack == NULL) {
            goto StartFailure;

        DpcStack = MmCreateKernelStack(FALSE, NodeNumber);
        if (DpcStack == NULL) {
            goto StartFailure;

        // Initialize the kernel stack for the system TSS.
        // N.B. System startup must be called with a stack pointer that is
        //      8 mod 16.

        SysTssBase->Rsp0 = (ULONG64)KernelStack - sizeof(PVOID) * 4;
        ProcessorState.ContextFrame.Rsp = (ULONG64)KernelStack - 8;

        // If this is the first processor on this node, then use the space
        // already allocated for the node. Otherwise, the space allocated
        // is not used.

        Node = KeNodeBlock[NodeNumber];
        OldNode = Node;
        if (Node == &KiNodeInit[NodeNumber]) {
            Node = (PKNODE)Base;
            *Node = KiNodeInit[NodeNumber];
            KeNodeBlock[NodeNumber] = Node;

        Base += ROUNDUP64(sizeof(KNODE));

        // Set the parent node address.

        PcrBase->Prcb.ParentNode = Node;

        // Adjust the loader block so it has the next processor state. Ensure
        // that the kernel stack has space for home registers for up to four
        // parameters.

        KeLoaderBlock->KernelStack = (ULONG64)DpcStack - (sizeof(PVOID) * 4);
        KeLoaderBlock->Thread = (ULONG64)Thread;
        KeLoaderBlock->Prcb = (ULONG64)(&PcrBase->Prcb);

        // Attempt to start the next processor. If a processor cannot be
        // started, then deallocate memory and stop starting processors.

        if (HalStartNextProcessor(KeLoaderBlock, &ProcessorState) == 0) {

            // Restore the old node address in the node address array before
            // freeing the allocated data block (the node structure lies
            // within the data block).

            *OldNode = *Node;
            KeNodeBlock[NodeNumber] = OldNode;
            MmFreeIndependentPages(DataBlock, AllocationSize);
            MmDeleteKernelStack(KernelStack, FALSE);
            MmDeleteKernelStack(DpcStack, FALSE);

        Node->ProcessorMask |= AFFINITY_MASK(Number);

        // Wait for processor to initialize.

        while (*((volatile ULONG64 *)&KeLoaderBlock->Prcb) != 0) {

    // All processors have been started. If this is a multinode system, then
    // allocate any missing node structures.

    if (KeNumberNodes > 1) {
        for (Index = 0; Index < KeNumberNodes; Index += 1) {
            if (KeNodeBlock[Index] == &KiNodeInit[Index]) {
                Node = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, sizeof(KNODE), '  eK');
                if (Node != NULL) {
                    *Node = KiNodeInit[Index];
                    KeNodeBlock[Index] = Node;

                } else {
                    goto StartFailure;

    } else if (KiNode0.ProcessorMask != KeActiveProcessors) {
        goto StartFailure;

    // Clear node structure address for nonexistent nodes.

    for (Index = KeNumberNodes; Index < MAXIMUM_CCNUMA_NODES; Index += 1) {
        KeNodeBlock[Index] = NULL;

    // Copy the node color and shifted color to the PRCB of each processor.

    for (Index = 0; Index < (ULONG)KeNumberProcessors; Index += 1) {
        Prcb = KiProcessorBlock[Index];
        ParentNode = Prcb->ParentNode;
        Prcb->NodeColor = ParentNode->Color;
        Prcb->NodeShiftedColor = ParentNode->MmShiftedColor;
        Prcb->SecondaryColorMask = MmSecondaryColorMask;

    // Reset the initialization bit in prefetch retry.

    KiPrefetchRetry &= ~0x80;

    // Reset and synchronize the performance counters of all processors, by
    // applying a null adjustment to the interrupt time.


    // Allow all processors that were started to enter the idle loop and
    // begin execution.

    KiBarrierWait = 0;

#endif //


    // The failure to allocate memory or a unsuccessful status was returned
    // during the attempt to start processors. This is considered fatal since
    // something is very wrong.

#if !defined(NT_UP)

    KeBugCheckEx(PHASE1_INITIALIZATION_FAILED, 0, 0, 20, 0);


예제 #2
파일: miscc.c 프로젝트: BaoYu0721/WRK-1.2
KeSetSystemTime (
    IN BOOLEAN AdjustInterruptTime,


Routine Description:

    This function sets the system time to the specified value and updates
    timer queue entries to reflect the difference between the old system
    time and the new system time.


    NewTime - Supplies a pointer to a variable that specifies the new system

    OldTime - Supplies a pointer to a variable that will receive the previous
        system time.

    AdjustInterruptTime - If TRUE the amount of time being adjusted is
        also applied to InterruptTime and TickCount.

    HalTimeToSet - Supplies an optional time that if specified is to be used
        to set the time in the realtime clock.

Return Value:




    LIST_ENTRY AbsoluteListHead;
    LIST_ENTRY ExpiredListHead;
    ULONG Hand;
    ULONG Index;
    PLIST_ENTRY ListHead;
    PLIST_ENTRY NextEntry;
    KIRQL OldIrql1;
    KIRQL OldIrql2;
    LARGE_INTEGER TimeDelta;
    TIME_FIELDS TimeFields;
    PKTIMER Timer;

    ASSERT((NewTime->HighPart & 0xf0000000) == 0);

    ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() < DISPATCH_LEVEL);

    // If a realtime clock value is specified, then convert the time value
    // to time fields.

    if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(HalTimeToSet)) {
        RtlTimeToTimeFields(HalTimeToSet, &TimeFields);

    // Set affinity to the processor that keeps the system time, raise IRQL
    // to dispatcher level and lock the dispatcher database, then raise IRQL
    // to HIGH_LEVEL to synchronize with the clock interrupt routine.

    KeRaiseIrql(HIGH_LEVEL, &OldIrql2);

    // Save the previous system time, set the new system time, and set
    // the realtime clock, if a time value is specified.


#if defined(_AMD64_)

    SharedUserData->SystemTime.High2Time = NewTime->HighPart;
    *((volatile ULONG64 *)&SharedUserData->SystemTime) = NewTime->QuadPart;


    SharedUserData->SystemTime.High2Time = NewTime->HighPart;
    SharedUserData->SystemTime.LowPart   = NewTime->LowPart;
    SharedUserData->SystemTime.High1Time = NewTime->HighPart;


    if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(HalTimeToSet)) {
        ExCmosClockIsSane = HalSetRealTimeClock(&TimeFields);

    // Compute the difference between the previous system time and the new
    // system time.

    TimeDelta.QuadPart = NewTime->QuadPart - OldTime->QuadPart;

    // Update the boot time to reflect the delta. This keeps time based
    // on boot time constant

    KeBootTime.QuadPart = KeBootTime.QuadPart + TimeDelta.QuadPart;

    // Track the overall bias applied to the boot time.

    KeBootTimeBias = KeBootTimeBias + TimeDelta.QuadPart;

    // Lower IRQL to dispatch level and if needed adjust the physical
    // system interrupt time.

    if (AdjustInterruptTime != FALSE) {
        AdjustInterruptTime = KeAdjustInterruptTime(TimeDelta.QuadPart);

    // If the physical interrupt time of the system was not adjusted, then
    // recompute any absolute timers in the system for the new system time.

    if (AdjustInterruptTime == FALSE) {

        // Acquire the timer table lock, remove all absolute timers from the
        // timer queue so their due time can be recomputed, and release the
        // timer table lock.

        for (Index = 0; Index < TIMER_TABLE_SIZE; Index += 1) {
            ListHead = &KiTimerTableListHead[Index].Entry;
            LockQueue = KiAcquireTimerTableLock(Index);
            NextEntry = ListHead->Flink;
            while (NextEntry != ListHead) {
                Timer = CONTAINING_RECORD(NextEntry, KTIMER, TimerListEntry);
                NextEntry = NextEntry->Flink;
                if (Timer->Header.Absolute != FALSE) {
                    InsertTailList(&AbsoluteListHead, &Timer->TimerListEntry);


        // Recompute the due time and reinsert all absolute timers in the timer
        // tree. If a timer has already expired, then insert the timer in the
        // expired timer list.

        while (AbsoluteListHead.Flink != &AbsoluteListHead) {
            Timer = CONTAINING_RECORD(AbsoluteListHead.Flink, KTIMER, TimerListEntry);
            Timer->DueTime.QuadPart -= TimeDelta.QuadPart;
            Hand = KiComputeTimerTableIndex(Timer->DueTime.QuadPart);
            Timer->Header.Hand = (UCHAR)Hand;
            LockQueue = KiAcquireTimerTableLock(Hand);
            if (KiInsertTimerTable(Timer, Hand) == TRUE) {
                InsertTailList(&ExpiredListHead, &Timer->TimerListEntry);


        // If any of the attempts to reinsert a timer failed, then timers have
        // already expired and must be processed.
        // N.B. The following function returns with the dispatcher database
        //      unlocked.

        KiTimerListExpire(&ExpiredListHead, OldIrql1);

    } else {

    // Set affinity back to its original value.
