예제 #1
void EDA_DRAW_PANEL::OnMouseEvent( wxMouseEvent& event )
    int          localrealbutt = 0, localbutt = 0;
    BASE_SCREEN* screen = GetScreen();

    if( !screen )

    /* Adjust value to filter mouse displacement before consider the drag
     * mouse is really a drag command, not just a movement while click

    if( event.Leaving() )
        m_canStartBlock = -1;

    if( !IsMouseCaptured() )          // No mouse capture in progress.
        m_requestAutoPan = false;

    if( GetParent()->IsActive() )

    if( !event.IsButton() && !event.Moving() && !event.Dragging() )

    if( event.RightDown() )
        OnRightClick( event );

    if( m_ignoreMouseEvents )

    if( event.LeftIsDown() )
        localrealbutt |= GR_M_LEFT_DOWN;

    if( event.MiddleIsDown() )
        localrealbutt |= GR_M_MIDDLE_DOWN;

    if( event.LeftDown() )
        localbutt = GR_M_LEFT_DOWN;

    if( event.ButtonDClick( 1 ) )
        localbutt = GR_M_LEFT_DOWN | GR_M_DCLICK;

    if( event.MiddleDown() )
        localbutt = GR_M_MIDDLE_DOWN;

    localrealbutt |= localbutt;     // compensation default wxGTK

    DC.SetBackground( *wxBLACK_BRUSH );

    // Compute the cursor position in drawing (logical) units.
    GetParent()->SetMousePosition( event.GetLogicalPosition( DC ) );

    int kbstat = 0;

    if( event.ShiftDown() )
        kbstat |= GR_KB_SHIFT;

    if( event.ControlDown() )
        kbstat |= GR_KB_CTRL;

    if( event.AltDown() )
        kbstat |= GR_KB_ALT;

    // Calling Double Click and Click functions :
    if( localbutt == (int) ( GR_M_LEFT_DOWN | GR_M_DCLICK ) )
        GetParent()->OnLeftDClick( &DC, GetParent()->RefPos( true ) );

        // inhibit a response to the mouse left button release,
        // because we have a double click, and we do not want a new
        // OnLeftClick command at end of this Double Click
        m_ignoreNextLeftButtonRelease = true;
    else if( event.LeftUp() )
        // A block command is in progress: a left up is the end of block
        // or this is the end of a double click, already seen
        // Note also m_ignoreNextLeftButtonRelease can be set by
        // the call to OnLeftClick(), so do not change it after calling OnLeftClick
        bool ignoreEvt = m_ignoreNextLeftButtonRelease;
        m_ignoreNextLeftButtonRelease = false;

        if( screen->m_BlockLocate.GetState() == STATE_NO_BLOCK && !ignoreEvt )
            GetParent()->OnLeftClick( &DC, GetParent()->RefPos( true ) );

    else if( !event.LeftIsDown() )
        /* be sure there is a response to a left button release command
         * even when a LeftUp event is not seen.  This happens when a
         * double click opens a dialog box, and the release mouse button
         * is made when the dialog box is opened.
        m_ignoreNextLeftButtonRelease = false;

    if( event.ButtonDown( wxMOUSE_BTN_MIDDLE ) && m_enableMiddleButtonPan )
        if( m_panScrollbarLimits )
            int ppux, ppuy;
            GetScrollPixelsPerUnit( &ppux, &ppuy );
            GetViewStart( &m_PanStartCenter.x, &m_PanStartCenter.y );
            m_PanStartCenter.x *= ppux;
            m_PanStartCenter.y *= ppuy;
            m_PanStartCenter = GetParent()->GetScrollCenterPosition();

        m_PanStartEventPosition = event.GetPosition();

        INSTALL_UNBUFFERED_DC( dc, this );
        CrossHairOff( &dc );

    if( event.ButtonUp( wxMOUSE_BTN_MIDDLE ) && m_enableMiddleButtonPan )
        INSTALL_UNBUFFERED_DC( dc, this );
        CrossHairOn( &dc );

    if( event.MiddleIsDown() && m_enableMiddleButtonPan )
        wxPoint currentPosition = event.GetPosition();

        if( m_panScrollbarLimits )
            int x, y;
            int tmpX, tmpY;
            int ppux, ppuy;
            int maxX, maxY;
            int vsizeX, vsizeY;
            int csizeX, csizeY;

            GetViewStart( &tmpX, &tmpY );
            GetScrollPixelsPerUnit( &ppux, &ppuy );
            GetVirtualSize( &vsizeX, &vsizeY );
            GetClientSize( &csizeX, &csizeY );

            maxX = vsizeX - csizeX;
            maxY = vsizeY - csizeY;

            x = m_PanStartCenter.x + m_PanStartEventPosition.x - currentPosition.x;
            y = m_PanStartCenter.y + m_PanStartEventPosition.y - currentPosition.y;

            bool shouldMoveCursor = false;

            if( x < 0 )
                currentPosition.x += x;
                x = 0;
                shouldMoveCursor = true;

            if( y < 0 )
                currentPosition.y += y;
                y = 0;
                shouldMoveCursor = true;

            if( x > maxX )
                currentPosition.x += ( x - maxX );
                x = maxX;
                shouldMoveCursor = true;

            if( y > maxY )
                currentPosition.y += ( y - maxY );
                y = maxY;
                shouldMoveCursor = true;

            if( shouldMoveCursor )
                WarpPointer( currentPosition.x, currentPosition.y );

            Scroll( x/ppux, y/ppuy );

            double scale = GetParent()->GetScreen()->GetScalingFactor();

            wxPoint center = GetParent()->GetScrollCenterPosition();
            center.x += KiROUND( (double) ( x - tmpX ) / scale ) / ppux;
            center.y += KiROUND( (double) ( y - tmpY ) / scale ) / ppuy;
            GetParent()->SetScrollCenterPosition( center );

            double scale = GetParent()->GetScreen()->GetScalingFactor();
            int x = m_PanStartCenter.x +
                    KiROUND( (double) ( m_PanStartEventPosition.x - currentPosition.x ) / scale );
            int y = m_PanStartCenter.y +
                    KiROUND( (double) ( m_PanStartEventPosition.y - currentPosition.y ) / scale );

            GetParent()->RedrawScreen( wxPoint( x, y ), false );

    if( event.ButtonUp( wxMOUSE_BTN_MIDDLE ) && !m_enableMiddleButtonPan &&
        (screen->m_BlockLocate.GetState() == STATE_NO_BLOCK) )
        // The middle button has been released, with no block command:
        // We use it for a zoom center at cursor position command
        cmd.SetEventObject( this );
        GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent( cmd );

    // Calling the general function on mouse changes (and pseudo key commands)
    GetParent()->GeneralControl( &DC, event.GetLogicalPosition( DC ), 0 );

    /* Control of block commands : */

    // Command block can't start if mouse is dragging a new panel
    static EDA_DRAW_PANEL* lastPanel;
    if( lastPanel != this )
        m_minDragEventCount = 0;
        m_canStartBlock   = -1;

    /* A new command block can start after a release buttons
     * and if the drag is enough
     * This is to avoid a false start block when a dialog box is dismissed,
     * or when changing panels in hierarchy navigation
     * or when clicking while and moving mouse
    if( !event.LeftIsDown() && !event.MiddleIsDown() )
        m_minDragEventCount = 0;
        m_canStartBlock   = 0;

        /* Remember the last cursor position when a drag mouse starts
         * this is the last position ** before ** clicking a button
         * this is useful to start a block command from the point where the
         * mouse was clicked first
         * (a filter creates a delay for the real block command start, and
         * we must remember this point)
        m_CursorStartPos = GetParent()->GetCrossHairPosition();

    if( m_enableBlockCommands && !(localbutt & GR_M_DCLICK) )
        if( !screen->IsBlockActive() )
            screen->m_BlockLocate.SetOrigin( m_CursorStartPos );

        if( event.LeftDown() || ( !m_enableMiddleButtonPan && event.MiddleDown() ) )
            if( screen->m_BlockLocate.GetState() == STATE_BLOCK_MOVE )
                m_requestAutoPan = false;
                GetParent()->HandleBlockPlace( &DC );
                m_ignoreNextLeftButtonRelease = true;
        else if( ( m_canStartBlock >= 0 )
                && ( event.LeftIsDown() || ( !m_enableMiddleButtonPan && event.MiddleIsDown() ) )
                && !IsMouseCaptured() )
            // Mouse is dragging: if no block in progress,  start a block command.
            if( screen->m_BlockLocate.GetState() == STATE_NO_BLOCK )
                //  Start a block command
                int cmd_type = kbstat;

                if( !m_enableMiddleButtonPan && event.MiddleIsDown() )
                    cmd_type |= MOUSE_MIDDLE;

                // A block command is started if the drag is enough.  A small
                // drag is ignored (it is certainly a little mouse move when
                // clicking) not really a drag mouse
                if( m_minDragEventCount < MIN_DRAG_COUNT_FOR_START_BLOCK_COMMAND )
                    if( !GetParent()->HandleBlockBegin( &DC, cmd_type, m_CursorStartPos ) )
                        // should not occur: error
                            wxT( "EDA_DRAW_PANEL::OnMouseEvent() Block Error" ) );
                        m_requestAutoPan = true;
                        SetCursor( wxCURSOR_SIZING );

        if( event.ButtonUp( wxMOUSE_BTN_LEFT ) ||
            ( !m_enableMiddleButtonPan && event.ButtonUp( wxMOUSE_BTN_MIDDLE ) ) )
            /* Release the mouse button: end of block.
             * The command can finish (DELETE) or have a next command (MOVE,
             * COPY).  However the block command is canceled if the block
             * size is small because a block command filtering is already
             * made, this case happens, but only when the on grid cursor has
             * not moved.
            #define BLOCK_MINSIZE_LIMIT 1
            bool BlockIsSmall =
                ( std::abs( screen->m_BlockLocate.GetWidth() ) < BLOCK_MINSIZE_LIMIT )
                && ( std::abs( screen->m_BlockLocate.GetHeight() ) < BLOCK_MINSIZE_LIMIT );

            if( (screen->m_BlockLocate.GetState() != STATE_NO_BLOCK) && BlockIsSmall )
                if( m_endMouseCaptureCallback )
                    m_endMouseCaptureCallback( this, &DC );
                    m_requestAutoPan = false;

                SetCursor( (wxStockCursor) m_currentCursor );
            else if( screen->m_BlockLocate.GetState() == STATE_BLOCK_END )
                m_requestAutoPan = false;
                GetParent()->HandleBlockEnd( &DC );
                SetCursor( (wxStockCursor) m_currentCursor );
                if( screen->m_BlockLocate.GetState() == STATE_BLOCK_MOVE )
                    m_requestAutoPan = true;
                    SetCursor( wxCURSOR_HAND );

    // End of block command on a double click
    // To avoid an unwanted block move command if the mouse is moved while double clicking
    if( localbutt == (int) ( GR_M_LEFT_DOWN | GR_M_DCLICK ) )
        if( !screen->IsBlockActive() && IsMouseCaptured() )
            m_endMouseCaptureCallback( this, &DC );

#if 0
    wxString msg_debug;
    msg_debug.Printf( " block state %d, cmd %d",
                      screen->m_BlockLocate.GetCommand() );
    GetParent()->PrintMsg( msg_debug );

    lastPanel = this;
void D_PAD::TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon(
        SHAPE_POLY_SET& aCornerBuffer, int aClearanceValue, int aError, bool ignoreLineWidth ) const
    wxASSERT_MSG( !ignoreLineWidth, "IgnoreLineWidth has no meaning for pads." );

    double  angle = m_Orient;
    int     dx = (m_Size.x / 2) + aClearanceValue;
    int     dy = (m_Size.y / 2) + aClearanceValue;

    wxPoint padShapePos = ShapePos();               /* Note: for pad having a shape offset,
                                                     * the pad position is NOT the shape position */

    switch( GetShape() )
        TransformCircleToPolygon( aCornerBuffer, padShapePos, dx, aError );

    case PAD_SHAPE_OVAL:
        // An oval pad has the same shape as a segment with rounded ends
        int width;
        wxPoint shape_offset;
        if( dy > dx )   // Oval pad X/Y ratio for choosing translation axis
            shape_offset.y = dy - dx;
            width = dx * 2;
        else    //if( dy <= dx )
            shape_offset.x = dy - dx;
            width = dy * 2;

        RotatePoint( &shape_offset, angle );
        wxPoint start = padShapePos - shape_offset;
        wxPoint end = padShapePos + shape_offset;
        TransformOvalClearanceToPolygon( aCornerBuffer, start, end, width, aError );

    case PAD_SHAPE_RECT:
        wxPoint corners[4];
        BuildPadPolygon( corners, wxSize( 0, 0 ), angle );

        SHAPE_POLY_SET outline;

        for( int ii = 0; ii < 4; ii++ )
            corners[ii] += padShapePos;
            outline.Append( corners[ii].x, corners[ii].y );

        int    numSegs = std::max( GetArcToSegmentCount( aClearanceValue, aError, 360.0 ), 6 );
        double correction = GetCircletoPolyCorrectionFactor( numSegs );

        int rounding_radius = KiROUND( aClearanceValue * correction );
        outline.Inflate( rounding_radius, numSegs );

        aCornerBuffer.Append( outline );

        SHAPE_POLY_SET outline;
        int            radius = GetRoundRectCornerRadius() + aClearanceValue;
        int            numSegs = std::max( GetArcToSegmentCount( radius, aError, 360.0 ), 6 );
        double         correction = GetCircletoPolyCorrectionFactor( numSegs );
        int            clearance = KiROUND( aClearanceValue * correction );
        int            rounding_radius = GetRoundRectCornerRadius() + clearance;
        wxSize         shapesize( m_Size );

        shapesize.x += clearance * 2;
        shapesize.y += clearance * 2;
        bool doChamfer = GetShape() == PAD_SHAPE_CHAMFERED_RECT;

        TransformRoundChamferedRectToPolygon( outline, padShapePos, shapesize, angle,
                rounding_radius, doChamfer ? GetChamferRectRatio() : 0.0,
                doChamfer ? GetChamferPositions() : 0, aError );

        aCornerBuffer.Append( outline );

        int    numSegs = std::max( GetArcToSegmentCount( aClearanceValue, aError, 360.0 ), 6 );
        double correction = GetCircletoPolyCorrectionFactor( numSegs );
        int    clearance = KiROUND( aClearanceValue * correction );
        SHAPE_POLY_SET outline;     // Will contain the corners in board coordinates
        outline.Append( m_customShapeAsPolygon );
        CustomShapeAsPolygonToBoardPosition( &outline, GetPosition(), GetOrientation() );
        outline.Simplify( SHAPE_POLY_SET::PM_FAST );
        outline.Inflate( clearance, numSegs );
        outline.Fracture( SHAPE_POLY_SET::PM_FAST );
        aCornerBuffer.Append( outline );
/* test DRC between 2 pads.
 * this function can be also used to test DRC between a pad and a hole,
 * because a hole is like a round or oval pad.
bool DRC::checkClearancePadToPad( D_PAD* aRefPad, D_PAD* aPad )
    int     dist;
    double pad_angle;

    // Get the clearance between the 2 pads. this is the min distance between aRefPad and aPad
    int     dist_min = aRefPad->GetClearance( aPad );

    // relativePadPos is the aPad shape position relative to the aRefPad shape position
    wxPoint relativePadPos = aPad->ShapePos() - aRefPad->ShapePos();

    dist = KiROUND( EuclideanNorm( relativePadPos ) );

    // Quick test: Clearance is OK if the bounding circles are further away than "dist_min"
    if( (dist - aRefPad->GetBoundingRadius() - aPad->GetBoundingRadius()) >= dist_min )
        return true;

    /* Here, pads are near and DRC depend on the pad shapes
     * We must compare distance using a fine shape analysis
     * Because a circle or oval shape is the easier shape to test, try to have
     * aRefPad shape type = PAD_SHAPE_CIRCLE or PAD_SHAPE_OVAL.
     * if aRefPad = TRAP. and aPad = RECT, also swap pads
     * Swap aRefPad and aPad if needed
    bool swap_pads;
    swap_pads = false;

    // swap pads to make comparisons easier
    // Note also a ROUNDRECT pad with a corner radius = r can be considered as
    // a smaller RECT (size - 2*r) with a clearance increased by r
    // priority is aRefPad = ROUND then OVAL then RECT/ROUNDRECT then other
    if( aRefPad->GetShape() != aPad->GetShape() && aRefPad->GetShape() != PAD_SHAPE_CIRCLE )
        // pad ref shape is here oval, rect, roundrect, trapezoid or custom
        switch( aPad->GetShape() )
            case PAD_SHAPE_CIRCLE:
                swap_pads = true;

            case PAD_SHAPE_OVAL:
                swap_pads = true;

            case PAD_SHAPE_RECT:
            case PAD_SHAPE_ROUNDRECT:
                if( aRefPad->GetShape() != PAD_SHAPE_OVAL )
                    swap_pads = true;


    if( swap_pads )
        std::swap( aRefPad, aPad );
        relativePadPos = -relativePadPos;

    // corners of aRefPad (used only for rect/roundrect/trap pad)
    wxPoint polyref[4];
    // corners of aRefPad (used only for custom pad)
    SHAPE_POLY_SET polysetref;

    // corners of aPad (used only for rect/roundrect/trap pad)
    wxPoint polycompare[4];
    // corners of aPad (used only custom pad)
    SHAPE_POLY_SET polysetcompare;

    /* Because pad exchange, aRefPad shape is PAD_SHAPE_CIRCLE or PAD_SHAPE_OVAL,
     * if one of the 2 pads was a PAD_SHAPE_CIRCLE or PAD_SHAPE_OVAL.
    bool diag = true;

    switch( aRefPad->GetShape() )

        /* One can use checkClearanceSegmToPad to test clearance
         * aRefPad is like a track segment with a null length and a witdth = GetSize().x
        m_segmLength = 0;
        m_segmAngle  = 0;

        m_segmEnd.x = m_segmEnd.y = 0;

        m_padToTestPos = relativePadPos;
        diag = checkClearanceSegmToPad( aPad, aRefPad->GetSize().x, dist_min );

    case PAD_SHAPE_RECT:
        // pad_angle = pad orient relative to the aRefPad orient
        pad_angle = aRefPad->GetOrientation() + aPad->GetOrientation();
        NORMALIZE_ANGLE_POS( pad_angle );

        if( aRefPad->GetShape() == PAD_SHAPE_ROUNDRECT )
            int padRadius = aRefPad->GetRoundRectCornerRadius();
            dist_min += padRadius;
            GetRoundRectCornerCenters( polyref, padRadius, wxPoint( 0, 0 ),
                                aRefPad->GetSize(), aRefPad->GetOrientation() );
            aRefPad->BuildPadPolygon( polyref, wxSize( 0, 0 ), aRefPad->GetOrientation() );

        switch( aPad->GetShape() )
        case PAD_SHAPE_RECT:
            if( aPad->GetShape() == PAD_SHAPE_ROUNDRECT )
                int padRadius = aPad->GetRoundRectCornerRadius();
                dist_min += padRadius;
                GetRoundRectCornerCenters( polycompare, padRadius, relativePadPos,
                                    aPad->GetSize(), aPad->GetOrientation() );
                aPad->BuildPadPolygon( polycompare, wxSize( 0, 0 ), aPad->GetOrientation() );

                // Move aPad shape to relativePadPos
                for( int ii = 0; ii < 4; ii++ )
                    polycompare[ii] += relativePadPos;

            // And now test polygons:
            if( polysetref.OutlineCount() )
                const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN& refpoly = polysetref.COutline( 0 );
                // And now test polygons:
                if( !poly2polyDRC( (wxPoint*) &refpoly.CPoint( 0 ), refpoly.PointCount(),
                            polycompare, 4, dist_min ) )
                    diag = false;
            else if( !poly2polyDRC( polyref, 4, polycompare, 4, dist_min ) )
                diag = false;

            wxLogDebug( wxT( "DRC::checkClearancePadToPad: unexpected pad shape %d" ), aPad->GetShape() );

    case PAD_SHAPE_OVAL:     /* an oval pad is like a track segment */
        /* Create a track segment with same dimensions as the oval aRefPad
         * and use checkClearanceSegmToPad function to test aPad to aRefPad clearance
        int segm_width;
        m_segmAngle = aRefPad->GetOrientation();                // Segment orient.

        if( aRefPad->GetSize().y < aRefPad->GetSize().x )     // Build an horizontal equiv segment
            segm_width   = aRefPad->GetSize().y;
            m_segmLength = aRefPad->GetSize().x - aRefPad->GetSize().y;
        else        // Vertical oval: build an horizontal equiv segment and rotate 90.0 deg
            segm_width   = aRefPad->GetSize().x;
            m_segmLength = aRefPad->GetSize().y - aRefPad->GetSize().x;
            m_segmAngle += 900;

        /* the start point must be 0,0 and currently relativePadPos
         * is relative the center of pad coordinate */
        wxPoint segstart;
        segstart.x = -m_segmLength / 2;                 // Start point coordinate of the horizontal equivalent segment

        RotatePoint( &segstart, m_segmAngle );          // actual start point coordinate of the equivalent segment
        // Calculate segment end position relative to the segment origin
        m_segmEnd.x = -2 * segstart.x;
        m_segmEnd.y = -2 * segstart.y;

        // Recalculate the equivalent segment angle in 0,1 degrees
        // to prepare a call to checkClearanceSegmToPad()
        m_segmAngle = ArcTangente( m_segmEnd.y, m_segmEnd.x );

        // move pad position relative to the segment origin
        m_padToTestPos = relativePadPos - segstart;

        // Use segment to pad check to test the second pad:
        diag = checkClearanceSegmToPad( aPad, segm_width, dist_min );

        wxLogDebug( wxT( "DRC::checkClearancePadToPad: unknown pad shape" ) );

    return diag;
void HPGL_PLOTTER::FlashPadTrapez( const wxPoint& aPadPos, const wxPoint* aCorners,
                                   double aPadOrient, EDA_DRAW_MODE_T aTrace_Mode )
    wxASSERT( outputFile );
    wxPoint polygone[4];        // coordinates of corners relatives to the pad
    wxPoint coord[4];           // absolute coordinates of corners (coordinates in plotter space)
    int     move;

    move = KiROUND( penDiameter );

    for( int ii = 0; ii < 4; ii++ )
        polygone[ii] = aCorners[ii];

    // polygone[0] is assumed the lower left
    // polygone[1] is assumed the upper left
    // polygone[2] is assumed the upper right
    // polygone[3] is assumed the lower right

    // Plot the outline:
    for( int ii = 0; ii < 4; ii++ )
        coord[ii] = polygone[ii];
        RotatePoint( &coord[ii], aPadOrient );
        coord[ii] += aPadPos;

    MoveTo( coord[0] );
    LineTo( coord[1] );
    LineTo( coord[2] );
    LineTo( coord[3] );
    FinishTo( coord[0] );

    // Fill shape:
    if( aTrace_Mode == FILLED )
        // TODO: replace this par the HPGL plot polygon.
        int jj;
        // Fill the shape
        move = KiROUND( penDiameter - penOverlap );
        // Calculate fill height.

        if( polygone[0].y == polygone[3].y )    // Horizontal
            jj = polygone[3].y - (int) ( penDiameter + ( 2 * penOverlap ) );
        else    // vertical
            jj = polygone[3].x - (int) ( penDiameter + ( 2 * penOverlap ) );

        // Calculation of dd = number of segments was traced to fill.
        jj = jj / (int) ( penDiameter - penOverlap );

        // Trace the outline.
        for( ; jj > 0; jj-- )
            polygone[0].x   += move;
            polygone[0].y   -= move;
            polygone[1].x   += move;
            polygone[1].y   += move;
            polygone[2].x   -= move;
            polygone[2].y   += move;
            polygone[3].x   -= move;
            polygone[3].y   -= move;

            // Test for crossed vertexes.
            if( polygone[0].x > polygone[3].x )    /* X axis intersection on
                                                    * vertexes 0 and 3 */
                polygone[0].x = polygone[3].x = 0;

            if( polygone[1].x > polygone[2].x )    /*  X axis intersection on
                                                    * vertexes 1 and 2 */
                polygone[1].x = polygone[2].x = 0;

            if( polygone[1].y > polygone[0].y )    /* Y axis intersection on
                                                    * vertexes 0 and 1 */
                polygone[0].y = polygone[1].y = 0;

            if( polygone[2].y > polygone[3].y )    /* Y axis intersection on
                                                    * vertexes 2 and 3 */
                polygone[2].y = polygone[3].y = 0;

            for( int ii = 0; ii < 4; ii++ )
                coord[ii] = polygone[ii];
                RotatePoint( &coord[ii], aPadOrient );
                coord[ii] += aPadPos;

            MoveTo( coord[0] );
            LineTo( coord[1] );
            LineTo( coord[2] );
            LineTo( coord[3] );
            FinishTo( coord[0] );
예제 #5
void EDA_DRAW_FRAME::AdjustScrollBars( const wxPoint& aCenterPositionIU )
    BASE_SCREEN* screen = GetScreen();

    if( !screen || !m_canvas )

    double scale = screen->GetScalingFactor();

    wxLogTrace( traceScrollSettings, wxT( "Center Position = ( %d, %d ), scale = %.10g" ),
                aCenterPositionIU.x, aCenterPositionIU.y, scale );

    // Calculate the portion of the drawing that can be displayed in the
    // client area at the current zoom level.

    // visible viewport in device units ~ pixels
    wxSize  clientSizeDU = m_canvas->GetClientSize();

    // Size of the client window in IU
    DSIZE   clientSizeIU( clientSizeDU.x / scale, clientSizeDU.y / scale );

    // Full drawing or "page" rectangle in internal units
    DBOX    pageRectIU( wxPoint( 0, 0 ), wxSize( GetPageSizeIU().x, GetPageSizeIU().y ) );

    // The upper left corner of the client rectangle in internal units.
    double xIU = aCenterPositionIU.x - clientSizeIU.x / 2.0;
    double yIU = aCenterPositionIU.y - clientSizeIU.y / 2.0;

    // If drawn around the center, adjust the client rectangle accordingly.
    if( screen->m_Center )
        // half page offset.
        xIU += pageRectIU.GetWidth()  / 2.0;
        yIU += pageRectIU.GetHeight() / 2.0;

    DBOX    clientRectIU( wxPoint( xIU, yIU ), wxSize( clientSizeIU.x, clientSizeIU.y ) );
    wxPoint centerPositionIU;

    // put "int" limits on the clientRect
    if( clientRectIU.GetLeft() < VIRT_MIN )
        clientRectIU.MoveLeftTo( VIRT_MIN );
    if( clientRectIU.GetTop() < VIRT_MIN )
        clientRectIU.MoveTopTo( VIRT_MIN );
    if( clientRectIU.GetRight() > VIRT_MAX )
        clientRectIU.MoveRightTo( VIRT_MAX );
    if( clientRectIU.GetBottom() > VIRT_MAX )
        clientRectIU.MoveBottomTo( VIRT_MAX );

    centerPositionIU.x = KiROUND( clientRectIU.GetX() + clientRectIU.GetWidth() / 2 );
    centerPositionIU.y = KiROUND( clientRectIU.GetY() + clientRectIU.GetHeight() / 2 );

    if( screen->m_Center )
        centerPositionIU.x -= KiROUND( pageRectIU.GetWidth() / 2.0 );
        centerPositionIU.y -= KiROUND( pageRectIU.GetHeight() / 2.0 );

    DSIZE   virtualSizeIU;

    if( pageRectIU.GetLeft() < clientRectIU.GetLeft() && pageRectIU.GetRight() > clientRectIU.GetRight() )
        virtualSizeIU.x = pageRectIU.GetSize().x;
        double pageCenterX    = pageRectIU.GetX()   + ( pageRectIU.GetWidth() / 2 );
        double clientCenterX  = clientRectIU.GetX() + ( clientRectIU.GetWidth() / 2 );

        if( clientRectIU.GetWidth() > pageRectIU.GetWidth() )
            if( pageCenterX > clientCenterX )
                virtualSizeIU.x = ( pageCenterX - clientRectIU.GetLeft() ) * 2;
            else if( pageCenterX < clientCenterX )
                virtualSizeIU.x = ( clientRectIU.GetRight() - pageCenterX ) * 2;
                virtualSizeIU.x = clientRectIU.GetWidth();
            if( pageCenterX > clientCenterX )
                virtualSizeIU.x = pageRectIU.GetWidth() + ( (pageRectIU.GetLeft() - clientRectIU.GetLeft() ) * 2 );
            else if( pageCenterX < clientCenterX )
                virtualSizeIU.x = pageRectIU.GetWidth() + ( (clientRectIU.GetRight() - pageRectIU.GetRight() ) * 2 );
                virtualSizeIU.x = pageRectIU.GetWidth();

    if( pageRectIU.GetTop() < clientRectIU.GetTop() && pageRectIU.GetBottom() > clientRectIU.GetBottom() )
        virtualSizeIU.y = pageRectIU.GetSize().y;
        double pageCenterY   = pageRectIU.GetY()   + ( pageRectIU.GetHeight() / 2 );
        double clientCenterY = clientRectIU.GetY() + ( clientRectIU.GetHeight() / 2 );

        if( clientRectIU.GetHeight() > pageRectIU.GetHeight() )
            if( pageCenterY > clientCenterY )
                virtualSizeIU.y = ( pageCenterY - clientRectIU.GetTop() ) * 2;
            else if( pageCenterY < clientCenterY )
                virtualSizeIU.y = ( clientRectIU.GetBottom() - pageCenterY ) * 2;
                virtualSizeIU.y = clientRectIU.GetHeight();
            if( pageCenterY > clientCenterY )
                virtualSizeIU.y = pageRectIU.GetHeight() +
                                ( ( pageRectIU.GetTop() - clientRectIU.GetTop() ) * 2 );
            else if( pageCenterY < clientCenterY )
                virtualSizeIU.y = pageRectIU.GetHeight() +
                                ( ( clientRectIU.GetBottom() - pageRectIU.GetBottom() ) * 2 );
                virtualSizeIU.y = pageRectIU.GetHeight();

    // put "int" limits on the virtualSizeIU
    virtualSizeIU.x = std::min( virtualSizeIU.x, MAX_AXIS );
    virtualSizeIU.y = std::min( virtualSizeIU.y, MAX_AXIS );

    if( screen->m_Center )
        screen->m_DrawOrg.x = -KiROUND( virtualSizeIU.x / 2.0 );
        screen->m_DrawOrg.y = -KiROUND( virtualSizeIU.y / 2.0 );
        screen->m_DrawOrg.x = -KiROUND( ( virtualSizeIU.x - pageRectIU.GetWidth() )  / 2.0 );
        screen->m_DrawOrg.y = -KiROUND( ( virtualSizeIU.y - pageRectIU.GetHeight() ) / 2.0 );

    /* Always set scrollbar pixels per unit to 1 unless you want the zoom
     * around cursor to jump around.  This reported problem occurs when the
     * zoom point is not on a pixel per unit increment.  If you set the
     * pixels per unit to 10, you have potential for the zoom point to
     * jump around +/-5 pixels from the nearest grid point.
    screen->m_ScrollPixelsPerUnitX = screen->m_ScrollPixelsPerUnitY = 1;

    // Number of scroll bar units for the given zoom level in device units.
    double unitsX = virtualSizeIU.x * scale;
    double unitsY = virtualSizeIU.y * scale;

    // Calculate the scroll bar position in internal units to place the
    // center position at the center of client rectangle.
    SetScrollCenterPosition( centerPositionIU );

    double posX = centerPositionIU.x - clientRectIU.GetWidth()  / 2.0 - screen->m_DrawOrg.x;
    double posY = centerPositionIU.y - clientRectIU.GetHeight() / 2.0 - screen->m_DrawOrg.y;

    // Convert scroll bar position to device units.
    posX = KiROUND( posX * scale );
    posY = KiROUND( posY * scale );

    if( posX < 0 )
        wxLogTrace( traceScrollSettings, wxT( "Required scroll bar X position %.10g" ), posX );
        posX = 0;

    if( posX > unitsX )
        wxLogTrace( traceScrollSettings, wxT( "Required scroll bar X position %.10g" ), posX );
        posX = unitsX;

    if( posY < 0 )
        wxLogTrace( traceScrollSettings, wxT( "Required scroll bar Y position %.10g" ), posY );
        posY = 0;

    if( posY > unitsY )
        wxLogTrace( traceScrollSettings, wxT( "Required scroll bar Y position %.10g" ), posY );
        posY = unitsY;

    screen->m_ScrollbarPos    = wxPoint( KiROUND( posX ),  KiROUND( posY ) );
    screen->m_ScrollbarNumber = wxSize( KiROUND( unitsX ), KiROUND( unitsY ) );

    wxLogTrace( traceScrollSettings,
                wxT( "Drawing = (%.10g, %.10g), Client = (%.10g, %.10g), Offset = (%d, %d), SetScrollbars(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d)" ),
                virtualSizeIU.x, virtualSizeIU.y, clientSizeIU.x, clientSizeIU.y,
                screen->m_DrawOrg.x, screen->m_DrawOrg.y,
                screen->m_ScrollPixelsPerUnitX, screen->m_ScrollPixelsPerUnitY,
                screen->m_ScrollbarNumber.x, screen->m_ScrollbarNumber.y,
                screen->m_ScrollbarPos.x, screen->m_ScrollbarPos.y );

    bool            noRefresh = true;

    m_canvas->SetScrollbars( screen->m_ScrollPixelsPerUnitX,
                             screen->m_ScrollbarPos.y, noRefresh );
예제 #6
void ZONE_FILLER::buildZoneFeatureHoleList( const ZONE_CONTAINER* aZone,
        SHAPE_POLY_SET& aFeatures ) const
    int segsPerCircle;
    double correctionFactor;

    // Set the number of segments in arc approximations
    if( aZone->GetArcSegmentCount() == ARC_APPROX_SEGMENTS_COUNT_HIGHT_DEF  )

    /* calculates the coeff to compensate radius reduction of holes clearance
     * due to the segment approx.
     * For a circle the min radius is radius * cos( 2PI / s_CircleToSegmentsCount / 2)
     * s_Correction is 1 /cos( PI/s_CircleToSegmentsCount  )
    correctionFactor = 1.0 / cos( M_PI / (double) segsPerCircle );


    int outline_half_thickness = aZone->GetMinThickness() / 2;

    // When removing holes, the holes must be expanded by outline_half_thickness
    // to take in account the thickness of the zone outlines
    int zone_clearance = aZone->GetClearance() + outline_half_thickness;

    // When holes are created by non copper items (edge cut items), use only
    // the m_ZoneClearance parameter (zone clearance with no netclass clearance)
    int zone_to_edgecut_clearance = aZone->GetZoneClearance() + outline_half_thickness;

    /* store holes (i.e. tracks and pads areas as polygons outlines)
     * in a polygon list

    /* items ouside the zone bounding box are skipped
     * the bounding box is the zone bounding box + the biggest clearance found in Netclass list
    EDA_RECT    item_boundingbox;
    EDA_RECT    zone_boundingbox = aZone->GetBoundingBox();
    int biggest_clearance = m_board->GetDesignSettings().GetBiggestClearanceValue();
    biggest_clearance = std::max( biggest_clearance, zone_clearance );
    zone_boundingbox.Inflate( biggest_clearance );

     * First : Add pads. Note: pads having the same net as zone are left in zone.
     * Thermal shapes will be created later if necessary

    /* Use a dummy pad to calculate hole clearance when a pad is not on all copper layers
     * and this pad has a hole
     * This dummy pad has the size and shape of the hole
     * Therefore, this dummy pad is a circle or an oval.
     * A pad must have a parent because some functions expect a non null parent
     * to find the parent board, and some other data
    MODULE  dummymodule( m_board );   // Creates a dummy parent
    D_PAD   dummypad( &dummymodule );

    for( MODULE* module = m_board->m_Modules; module; module = module->Next() )
        D_PAD* nextpad;

        for( D_PAD* pad = module->PadsList(); pad != NULL; pad = nextpad )
            nextpad = pad->Next();      // pad pointer can be modified by next code, so
                                        // calculate the next pad here

            if( !pad->IsOnLayer( aZone->GetLayer() ) )
                /* Test for pads that are on top or bottom only and have a hole.
                 * There are curious pads but they can be used for some components that are
                 * inside the board (in fact inside the hole. Some photo diodes and Leds are
                 * like this)
                if( pad->GetDrillSize().x == 0 && pad->GetDrillSize().y == 0 )

                // Use a dummy pad to calculate a hole shape that have the same dimension as
                // the pad hole
                dummypad.SetSize( pad->GetDrillSize() );
                dummypad.SetOrientation( pad->GetOrientation() );
                dummypad.SetShape( pad->GetDrillShape() == PAD_DRILL_SHAPE_OBLONG ?
                        PAD_SHAPE_OVAL : PAD_SHAPE_CIRCLE );
                dummypad.SetPosition( pad->GetPosition() );

                pad = &dummypad;

            // Note: netcode <=0 means not connected item
            if( ( pad->GetNetCode() != aZone->GetNetCode() ) || ( pad->GetNetCode() <= 0 ) )
                int item_clearance = pad->GetClearance() + outline_half_thickness;
                item_boundingbox = pad->GetBoundingBox();
                item_boundingbox.Inflate( item_clearance );

                if( item_boundingbox.Intersects( zone_boundingbox ) )
                    int clearance = std::max( zone_clearance, item_clearance );

                    // PAD_SHAPE_CUSTOM can have a specific keepout, to avoid to break the shape
                    if( pad->GetShape() == PAD_SHAPE_CUSTOM
                        && pad->GetCustomShapeInZoneOpt() == CUST_PAD_SHAPE_IN_ZONE_CONVEXHULL )
                        // the pad shape in zone can be its convex hull or
                        // the shape itself
                        SHAPE_POLY_SET outline( pad->GetCustomShapeAsPolygon() );
                        outline.Inflate( KiROUND( clearance * correctionFactor ), segsPerCircle );
                        pad->CustomShapeAsPolygonToBoardPosition( &outline,
                                pad->GetPosition(), pad->GetOrientation() );

                        if( pad->GetCustomShapeInZoneOpt() == CUST_PAD_SHAPE_IN_ZONE_CONVEXHULL )
                            std::vector<wxPoint> convex_hull;
                            BuildConvexHull( convex_hull, outline );


                            for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < convex_hull.size(); ++ii )
                                aFeatures.Append( convex_hull[ii] );
                            aFeatures.Append( outline );
                        pad->TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon( aFeatures,
                                correctionFactor );


            // Pads are removed from zone if the setup is PAD_ZONE_CONN_NONE
            // or if they have a custom shape, because a thermal relief will break
            // the shape
            if( aZone->GetPadConnection( pad ) == PAD_ZONE_CONN_NONE
                || pad->GetShape() == PAD_SHAPE_CUSTOM )
                int gap = zone_clearance;
                int thermalGap = aZone->GetThermalReliefGap( pad );
                gap = std::max( gap, thermalGap );
                item_boundingbox = pad->GetBoundingBox();
                item_boundingbox.Inflate( gap );

                if( item_boundingbox.Intersects( zone_boundingbox ) )
                    // PAD_SHAPE_CUSTOM has a specific keepout, to avoid to break the shape
                    // the pad shape in zone can be its convex hull or the shape itself
                    if( pad->GetShape() == PAD_SHAPE_CUSTOM
                        && pad->GetCustomShapeInZoneOpt() == CUST_PAD_SHAPE_IN_ZONE_CONVEXHULL )
                        // the pad shape in zone can be its convex hull or
                        // the shape itself
                        SHAPE_POLY_SET outline( pad->GetCustomShapeAsPolygon() );
                        outline.Inflate( KiROUND( gap * correctionFactor ), segsPerCircle );
                        pad->CustomShapeAsPolygonToBoardPosition( &outline,
                                pad->GetPosition(), pad->GetOrientation() );

                        std::vector<wxPoint> convex_hull;
                        BuildConvexHull( convex_hull, outline );


                        for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < convex_hull.size(); ++ii )
                            aFeatures.Append( convex_hull[ii] );
                        pad->TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon( aFeatures,
                                gap, segsPerCircle, correctionFactor );

    /* Add holes (i.e. tracks and vias areas as polygons outlines)
     * in cornerBufferPolysToSubstract
    for( auto track : m_board->Tracks() )
        if( !track->IsOnLayer( aZone->GetLayer() ) )

        if( track->GetNetCode() == aZone->GetNetCode()  && ( aZone->GetNetCode() != 0) )

        int item_clearance = track->GetClearance() + outline_half_thickness;
        item_boundingbox = track->GetBoundingBox();

        if( item_boundingbox.Intersects( zone_boundingbox ) )
            int clearance = std::max( zone_clearance, item_clearance );
            track->TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon( aFeatures,
                    correctionFactor );

    /* Add module edge items that are on copper layers
     * Pcbnew allows these items to be on copper layers in microwave applictions
     * This is a bad thing, but must be handled here, until a better way is found
    for( auto module : m_board->Modules() )
        for( auto item : module->GraphicalItems() )
            if( !item->IsOnLayer( aZone->GetLayer() ) && !item->IsOnLayer( Edge_Cuts ) )

            if( item->Type() != PCB_MODULE_EDGE_T )

            item_boundingbox = item->GetBoundingBox();

            if( item_boundingbox.Intersects( zone_boundingbox ) )
                int zclearance = zone_clearance;

                if( item->IsOnLayer( Edge_Cuts ) )
                    // use only the m_ZoneClearance, not the clearance using
                    // the netclass value, because we do not have a copper item
                    zclearance = zone_to_edgecut_clearance;

                ( (EDGE_MODULE*) item )->TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon(
                        aFeatures, zclearance, segsPerCircle, correctionFactor );

    // Add graphic items (copper texts) and board edges
    // Currently copper texts have no net, so only the zone_clearance
    // is used.
    for( auto item : m_board->Drawings() )
        if( item->GetLayer() != aZone->GetLayer() && item->GetLayer() != Edge_Cuts )

        int zclearance = zone_clearance;

        if( item->GetLayer() == Edge_Cuts )
            // use only the m_ZoneClearance, not the clearance using
            // the netclass value, because we do not have a copper item
            zclearance = zone_to_edgecut_clearance;

        switch( item->Type() )
        case PCB_LINE_T:
            ( (DRAWSEGMENT*) item )->TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon(
                    zclearance, segsPerCircle, correctionFactor );

        case PCB_TEXT_T:
            ( (TEXTE_PCB*) item )->TransformBoundingBoxWithClearanceToPolygon(
                    aFeatures, zclearance );


    // Add zones outlines having an higher priority and keepout
    for( int ii = 0; ii < m_board->GetAreaCount(); ii++ )
        ZONE_CONTAINER* zone = m_board->GetArea( ii );

        // If the zones share no common layers
        if( !aZone->CommonLayerExists( zone->GetLayerSet() ) )

        if( !zone->GetIsKeepout() && zone->GetPriority() <= aZone->GetPriority() )

        if( zone->GetIsKeepout() && !zone->GetDoNotAllowCopperPour() )

        // A highter priority zone or keepout area is found: remove this area
        item_boundingbox = zone->GetBoundingBox();

        if( !item_boundingbox.Intersects( zone_boundingbox ) )

        // Add the zone outline area.
        // However if the zone has the same net as the current zone,
        // do not add any clearance.
        // the zone will be connected to the current zone, but filled areas
        // will use different parameters (clearance, thermal shapes )
        bool    same_net = aZone->GetNetCode() == zone->GetNetCode();
        bool    use_net_clearance = true;
        int     min_clearance = zone_clearance;

        // Do not forget to make room to draw the thick outlines
        // of the hole created by the area of the zone to remove
        int holeclearance = zone->GetClearance() + outline_half_thickness;

        // The final clearance is obviously the max value of each zone clearance
        min_clearance = std::max( min_clearance, holeclearance );

        if( zone->GetIsKeepout() || same_net )
            // Just take in account the fact the outline has a thickness, so
            // the actual area to substract is inflated to take in account this fact
            min_clearance = outline_half_thickness;
            use_net_clearance = false;

                aFeatures, min_clearance, use_net_clearance );

    // Remove thermal symbols
    for( auto module : m_board->Modules() )
        for( auto pad : module->Pads() )
            // Rejects non-standard pads with tht-only thermal reliefs
            if( aZone->GetPadConnection( pad ) == PAD_ZONE_CONN_THT_THERMAL
                && pad->GetAttribute() != PAD_ATTRIB_STANDARD )

            if( aZone->GetPadConnection( pad ) != PAD_ZONE_CONN_THERMAL
                && aZone->GetPadConnection( pad ) != PAD_ZONE_CONN_THT_THERMAL )

            if( !pad->IsOnLayer( aZone->GetLayer() ) )

            if( pad->GetNetCode() != aZone->GetNetCode() )

            item_boundingbox = pad->GetBoundingBox();
            int thermalGap = aZone->GetThermalReliefGap( pad );
            item_boundingbox.Inflate( thermalGap, thermalGap );

            if( item_boundingbox.Intersects( zone_boundingbox ) )
                CreateThermalReliefPadPolygon( aFeatures,
                        *pad, thermalGap,
                        aZone->GetThermalReliefCopperBridge( pad ),
                        correctionFactor, s_thermalRot );
예제 #7
 * Function ConvertShapeToPolygon (virtual)
 * convert a shape to an equivalent polygon.
 * Arcs and circles are approximated by segments
 * Useful when a shape is not a graphic primitive (shape with hole,
 * rotated shape ... ) and cannot be easily drawn.
 * note for some schapes conbining circles and solid lines (rectangles), only rectangles are converted
 * because circles are very easy to draw (no rotation problem) so convert them in polygons,
 * and draw them as polygons is not a good idea.
void AM_PRIMITIVE::ConvertShapeToPolygon( const GERBER_DRAW_ITEM* aParent,
                                          std::vector<wxPoint>& aBuffer )
    D_CODE* tool = aParent->GetDcodeDescr();

    switch( primitive_id )
    case AMP_CIRCLE:
        /* Generated by an aperture macro declaration like:
         * "1,1,0.3,0.5, 1.0*"
         * type (1), exposure, diameter, pos.x, pos.y, <rotation>
         * <rotation> is a optional parameter: rotation from origin.
         * type is not stored in parameters list, so the first parameter is exposure
        wxPoint center = mapPt( params[2].GetValue( tool ), params[3].GetValue( tool ), m_GerbMetric );
        int radius = scaletoIU( params[1].GetValue( tool ), m_GerbMetric ) / 2;
        wxPoint corner;
        const int delta = 3600 / seg_per_circle;    // rot angle in 0.1 degree

        for( int angle = 0; angle < 3600; angle += delta )
            corner.x   = radius;
            corner.y   = 0;
            RotatePoint( &corner, angle );
            corner += center;
            aBuffer.push_back( corner );

    case AMP_LINE2:
    case AMP_LINE20:        // Line with rectangle ends. (Width, start and end pos + rotation)
        int     width = scaletoIU( params[1].GetValue( tool ), m_GerbMetric );
        wxPoint start = mapPt( params[2].GetValue( tool ),
                               params[3].GetValue( tool ), m_GerbMetric );
        wxPoint end = mapPt( params[4].GetValue( tool ),
                             params[5].GetValue( tool ), m_GerbMetric );
        wxPoint delta = end - start;
        int     len   = KiROUND( EuclideanNorm( delta ) );

        // To build the polygon, we must create a horizontal polygon starting to "start"
        // and rotate it to have the end point to "end"
        wxPoint currpt;
        currpt.y += width / 2;          // Upper left
        aBuffer.push_back( currpt );
        currpt.x = len;                 // Upper right
        aBuffer.push_back( currpt );
        currpt.y -= width;              // lower right
        aBuffer.push_back( currpt );
        currpt.x = 0;                   // lower left
        aBuffer.push_back( currpt );

        // Rotate rectangle and move it to the actual start point
        double angle = ArcTangente( delta.y, delta.x );

        for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < 4; ii++ )
            RotatePoint( &aBuffer[ii], -angle );
            aBuffer[ii] += start;

        wxPoint size = mapPt( params[1].GetValue( tool ), params[2].GetValue( tool ), m_GerbMetric );
        wxPoint pos  = mapPt( params[3].GetValue( tool ), params[4].GetValue( tool ), m_GerbMetric );

        // Build poly:
        pos.x -= size.x / 2;
        pos.y -= size.y / 2;        // Lower left
        aBuffer.push_back( pos );
        pos.y += size.y;            // Upper left
        aBuffer.push_back( pos );
        pos.x += size.x;            // Upper right
        aBuffer.push_back( pos );
        pos.y -= size.y;            // lower right
        aBuffer.push_back( pos );

        wxPoint size = mapPt( params[1].GetValue( tool ), params[2].GetValue( tool ), m_GerbMetric );
        wxPoint lowerLeft = mapPt( params[3].GetValue( tool ), params[4].GetValue(
                                       tool ), m_GerbMetric );

        // Build poly:
        aBuffer.push_back( lowerLeft );
        lowerLeft.y += size.y;          // Upper left
        aBuffer.push_back( lowerLeft );
        lowerLeft.x += size.x;          // Upper right
        aBuffer.push_back( lowerLeft );
        lowerLeft.y -= size.y;          // lower right
        aBuffer.push_back( lowerLeft );

    case AMP_THERMAL:
        // Only 1/4 of the full shape is built, because the other 3 shapes will be draw from this first
        // rotated by 90, 180 and 270 deg.
        // params = center.x (unused here), center.y (unused here), outside diam, inside diam, crosshair thickness
        int outerRadius   = scaletoIU( params[2].GetValue( tool ), m_GerbMetric ) / 2;
        int innerRadius   = scaletoIU( params[3].GetValue( tool ), m_GerbMetric ) / 2;
        int halfthickness = scaletoIU( params[4].GetValue( tool ), m_GerbMetric ) / 2;
        double angle_start = RAD2DECIDEG( asin( (double) halfthickness / innerRadius ) );

        // Draw shape in the first cadrant (X and Y > 0)
        wxPoint pos, startpos;

        // Inner arc
        startpos.x = innerRadius;
        double angle_end = 900 - angle_start;
        for( double angle = angle_start; angle < angle_end; angle += 100 )
            pos = startpos;
            RotatePoint( &pos, angle );
            aBuffer.push_back( pos );

        // Last point
        pos = startpos;
        RotatePoint( &pos, angle_end );
        aBuffer.push_back( pos );

        // outer arc
        startpos.x  = outerRadius;
        startpos.y  = 0;
        angle_start = RAD2DECIDEG( asin( (double) halfthickness / outerRadius ) );
        angle_end   = 900 - angle_start;

        // First point, near Y axis, outer arc
        for( double angle = angle_end; angle > angle_start; angle -= 100 )
            pos = startpos;
            RotatePoint( &pos, angle );
            aBuffer.push_back( pos );

        // last point
        pos = startpos;
        RotatePoint( &pos, angle_start );
        aBuffer.push_back( pos );

        aBuffer.push_back( aBuffer[0] );  // Close poly

    case AMP_MOIRE:     // A cross hair with n concentric circles. Only the cros is build as polygon
                        // because circles can be drawn easily
        int crossHairThickness = scaletoIU( params[6].GetValue( tool ), m_GerbMetric );
        int crossHairLength    = scaletoIU( params[7].GetValue( tool ), m_GerbMetric );

        // Create cross. First create 1/4 of the shape.
        // Others point are the same, totated by 90, 180 and 270 deg
        wxPoint pos( crossHairThickness / 2, crossHairLength / 2 );
        aBuffer.push_back( pos );
        pos.y = crossHairThickness / 2;
        aBuffer.push_back( pos );
        pos.x = -crossHairLength / 2;
        aBuffer.push_back( pos );
        pos.y = -crossHairThickness / 2;
        aBuffer.push_back( pos );

        // Copy the 4 shape, rotated by 90, 180 and 270 deg
        for( int jj = 1; jj <= 3; jj ++ )
            for( int ii = 0; ii < 4; ii++ )
                pos = aBuffer[ii];
                RotatePoint( &pos, jj*900 );
                aBuffer.push_back( pos );

    case AMP_OUTLINE:
        // already is a polygon. Do nothing

    case AMP_POLYGON:   // Creates a regular polygon
        int vertexcount = KiROUND( params[1].GetValue( tool ) );
        int radius    = scaletoIU( params[4].GetValue( tool ), m_GerbMetric ) / 2;
        // rs274x said: vertex count = 3 ... 10, and the first corner is on the X axis
        if( vertexcount < 3 )
            vertexcount = 3;
        if( vertexcount > 10 )
            vertexcount = 10;
        for( int ii = 0; ii <= vertexcount; ii++ )
            wxPoint pos( radius, 0);
            RotatePoint( &pos, ii * 3600 / vertexcount );
            aBuffer.push_back( pos );

    case AMP_COMMENT:
    case AMP_UNKNOWN:
    case AMP_EOF:
예제 #8
void D_PAD::BuildPadPolygon( wxPoint aCoord[4], wxSize aInflateValue,
                             double aRotation ) const
    wxSize delta;
    wxSize halfsize;

    halfsize.x = m_Size.x >> 1;
    halfsize.y = m_Size.y >> 1;

    switch( GetShape() )
        case PAD_RECT:
            // For rectangular shapes, inflate is easy
            halfsize += aInflateValue;

            // Verify if do not deflate more than than size
            // Only possible for inflate negative values.
            if( halfsize.x < 0 )
                halfsize.x = 0;

            if( halfsize.y < 0 )
                halfsize.y = 0;

        case PAD_TRAPEZOID:
            // Trapezoidal pad: verify delta values
            delta.x = ( m_DeltaSize.x >> 1 );
            delta.y = ( m_DeltaSize.y >> 1 );

            // be sure delta values are not to large
            if( (delta.x < 0) && (delta.x <= -halfsize.y) )
                delta.x = -halfsize.y + 1;

            if( (delta.x > 0) && (delta.x >= halfsize.y) )
                delta.x = halfsize.y - 1;

            if( (delta.y < 0) && (delta.y <= -halfsize.x) )
                delta.y = -halfsize.x + 1;

            if( (delta.y > 0) && (delta.y >= halfsize.x) )
                delta.y = halfsize.x - 1;

        default:    // is used only for rect and trap. pads

    // Build the basic rectangular or trapezoid shape
    // delta is null for rectangular shapes
    aCoord[0].x = -halfsize.x - delta.y;     // lower left
    aCoord[0].y = +halfsize.y + delta.x;

    aCoord[1].x = -halfsize.x + delta.y;     // upper left
    aCoord[1].y = -halfsize.y - delta.x;

    aCoord[2].x = +halfsize.x - delta.y;     // upper right
    aCoord[2].y = -halfsize.y + delta.x;

    aCoord[3].x = +halfsize.x + delta.y;     // lower right
    aCoord[3].y = +halfsize.y - delta.x;

    // Offsetting the trapezoid shape id needed
    // It is assumed delta.x or/and delta.y == 0
    if( GetShape() == PAD_TRAPEZOID && (aInflateValue.x != 0 || aInflateValue.y != 0) )
        double angle;
        wxSize corr;

        if( delta.y )    // lower and upper segment is horizontal
            // Calculate angle of left (or right) segment with vertical axis
            angle = atan2( m_DeltaSize.y, m_Size.y );

            // left and right sides are moved by aInflateValue.x in their perpendicular direction
            // We must calculate the corresponding displacement on the horizontal axis
            // that is delta.x +- corr.x depending on the corner
            corr.x  = KiROUND( tan( angle ) * aInflateValue.x );
            delta.x = KiROUND( aInflateValue.x / cos( angle ) );

            // Horizontal sides are moved up and down by aInflateValue.y
            delta.y = aInflateValue.y;

            // corr.y = 0 by the constructor
        else if( delta.x )          // left and right segment is vertical
            // Calculate angle of lower (or upper) segment with horizontal axis
            angle = atan2( m_DeltaSize.x, m_Size.x );

            // lower and upper sides are moved by aInflateValue.x in their perpendicular direction
            // We must calculate the corresponding displacement on the vertical axis
            // that is delta.y +- corr.y depending on the corner
            corr.y  = KiROUND( tan( angle ) * aInflateValue.y );
            delta.y = KiROUND( aInflateValue.y / cos( angle ) );

            // Vertical sides are moved left and right by aInflateValue.x
            delta.x = aInflateValue.x;

            // corr.x = 0 by the constructor
        else                                    // the trapezoid is a rectangle
            delta = aInflateValue;              // this pad is rectangular (delta null).

        aCoord[0].x += -delta.x - corr.x;       // lower left
        aCoord[0].y += delta.y + corr.y;

        aCoord[1].x += -delta.x + corr.x;     // upper left
        aCoord[1].y += -delta.y - corr.y;

        aCoord[2].x += delta.x - corr.x;     // upper right
        aCoord[2].y += -delta.y + corr.y;

        aCoord[3].x += delta.x + corr.x;     // lower right
        aCoord[3].y += delta.y - corr.y;

        /* test coordinates and clamp them if the offset correction is too large:
         * Note: if a coordinate is bad, the other "symmetric" coordinate is bad
         * So when a bad coordinate is found, the 2 symmetric coordinates
         * are set to the minimun value (0)

        if( aCoord[0].x > 0 )       // lower left x coordinate must be <= 0
            aCoord[0].x = aCoord[3].x = 0;

        if( aCoord[1].x > 0 )       // upper left x coordinate must be <= 0
            aCoord[1].x = aCoord[2].x = 0;

        if( aCoord[0].y < 0 )       // lower left y coordinate must be >= 0
            aCoord[0].y = aCoord[1].y = 0;

        if( aCoord[3].y < 0 )       // lower right y coordinate must be >= 0
            aCoord[3].y = aCoord[2].y = 0;

    if( aRotation )
        for( int ii = 0; ii < 4; ii++ )
            RotatePoint( &aCoord[ii], aRotation );
void DIMENSION::AdjustDimensionDetails( bool aDoNotChangeText )
    const int   arrowz = DMils2iu( 500 );           // size of arrows
    int         ii;
    int         measure, deltax, deltay;            // value of the measure on X and Y axes
    int         arrow_up_X  = 0, arrow_up_Y = 0;    // coordinates of arrow line /
    int         arrow_dw_X  = 0, arrow_dw_Y = 0;    // coordinates of arrow line '\'
    int         hx, hy;                             // dimension line interval
    double      angle, angle_f;
    wxString    msg;

    // Init layer :
    m_Text.SetLayer( GetLayer() );

    // calculate the size of the dimension (text + line above the text)
    ii = m_Text.GetSize().y + m_Text.GetThickness() + (m_Width * 3);

    deltax  = m_featureLineDO.x - m_featureLineGO.x;
    deltay  = m_featureLineDO.y - m_featureLineGO.y;

    // Calculate dimension value
    measure = KiROUND( hypot( deltax, deltay ) );

    angle = atan2( deltay, deltax );

    // Calculation of parameters X and Y dimensions of the arrows and lines.
    hx = hy = ii;

    // Taking into account the slope of the side lines.
    if( measure )
        hx  = abs( KiROUND( ( (double) deltay * hx ) / measure ) );
        hy  = abs( KiROUND( ( (double) deltax * hy ) / measure ) );

        if( m_featureLineGO.x > m_crossBarO.x )
            hx = -hx;

        if( m_featureLineGO.x == m_crossBarO.x )
            hx = 0;

        if( m_featureLineGO.y > m_crossBarO.y )
            hy = -hy;

        if( m_featureLineGO.y == m_crossBarO.y )
            hy = 0;

        angle_f     = angle + DEG2RAD( 27.5 );
        arrow_up_X  = wxRound( arrowz * cos( angle_f ) );
        arrow_up_Y  = wxRound( arrowz * sin( angle_f ) );
        angle_f     = angle - DEG2RAD( 27.5 );
        arrow_dw_X  = wxRound( arrowz * cos( angle_f ) );
        arrow_dw_Y  = wxRound( arrowz * sin( angle_f ) );

    int dx = KiROUND( m_Height * cos( angle + M_PI / 2 ) );
    int dy = KiROUND( m_Height * sin( angle + M_PI / 2 ) );
    m_crossBarO.x   = m_featureLineGO.x + dx;
    m_crossBarO.y   = m_featureLineGO.y + dy;
    m_crossBarF.x   = m_featureLineDO.x + dx;
    m_crossBarF.y   = m_featureLineDO.y + dy;

    m_arrowG1F.x    = m_crossBarO.x + arrow_up_X;
    m_arrowG1F.y    = m_crossBarO.y + arrow_up_Y;

    m_arrowG2F.x    = m_crossBarO.x + arrow_dw_X;
    m_arrowG2F.y    = m_crossBarO.y + arrow_dw_Y;

    /* The right arrow is symmetrical to the left.
     *  / = -\  and  \ = -/
    m_arrowD1F.x    = m_crossBarF.x - arrow_dw_X;
    m_arrowD1F.y    = m_crossBarF.y - arrow_dw_Y;

    m_arrowD2F.x    = m_crossBarF.x - arrow_up_X;
    m_arrowD2F.y    = m_crossBarF.y - arrow_up_Y;

    m_featureLineGF.x   = m_crossBarO.x + hx;
    m_featureLineGF.y   = m_crossBarO.y + hy;

    m_featureLineDF.x   = m_crossBarF.x + hx;
    m_featureLineDF.y   = m_crossBarF.y + hy;

    // Calculate the better text position and orientation:
    wxPoint textPos;
    textPos.x  = (m_crossBarF.x + m_featureLineGF.x) / 2;
    textPos.y  = (m_crossBarF.y + m_featureLineGF.y) / 2;
    m_Text.SetTextPosition( textPos );

    double newAngle = -RAD2DECIDEG( angle );

    NORMALIZE_ANGLE_POS( newAngle );

    if( newAngle > 900  &&  newAngle < 2700 )
        newAngle -= 1800;

    m_Text.SetOrientation( newAngle );

    if( !aDoNotChangeText )
        m_Value = measure;
        msg     = ::CoordinateToString( m_Value );
        SetText( msg );
예제 #10
// draw a 3D grid: an horizontal grid (XY plane and Z = 0,
// and a vertical grid (XZ plane and Y = 0)
void EDA_3D_CANVAS::Draw3DGrid( double aGriSizeMM )
    double      zpos = 0.0;
    EDA_COLOR_T gridcolor = DARKGRAY;           // Color of grid lines
    EDA_COLOR_T gridcolor_marker = LIGHTGRAY;   // Color of grid lines every 5 lines
    const double scale = GetPrm3DVisu().m_BiuTo3Dunits;
    const double transparency = 0.3;

    glNormal3f( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );

    wxSize  brd_size = getBoardSize();
    wxPoint brd_center_pos = getBoardCenter();
    NEGATE( brd_center_pos.y );

    int     xsize   = std::max( brd_size.x, Millimeter2iu( 100 ) );
    int     ysize   = std::max( brd_size.y, Millimeter2iu( 100 ) );

    // Grid limits, in 3D units
    double  xmin    = (brd_center_pos.x - xsize / 2) * scale;
    double  xmax    = (brd_center_pos.x + xsize / 2) * scale;
    double  ymin    = (brd_center_pos.y - ysize / 2) * scale;
    double  ymax    = (brd_center_pos.y + ysize / 2) * scale;
    double  zmin    = Millimeter2iu( -50 ) * scale;
    double  zmax    = Millimeter2iu( 100 ) * scale;

    // Draw horizontal grid centered on 3D origin (center of the board)
    for( int ii = 0; ; ii++ )
        if( (ii % 5) )
            SetGLColor( gridcolor, transparency );
            SetGLColor( gridcolor_marker, transparency );

        int delta = KiROUND( ii * aGriSizeMM * IU_PER_MM );

        if( delta <= xsize / 2 )    // Draw grid lines parallel to X axis
            glBegin( GL_LINES );
            glVertex3f( (brd_center_pos.x + delta) * scale, -ymin, zpos );
            glVertex3f( (brd_center_pos.x + delta) * scale, -ymax, zpos );

            if( ii != 0 )
                glBegin( GL_LINES );
                glVertex3f( (brd_center_pos.x - delta) * scale, -ymin, zpos );
                glVertex3f( (brd_center_pos.x - delta) * scale, -ymax, zpos );

        if( delta <= ysize / 2 )    // Draw grid lines parallel to Y axis
            glBegin( GL_LINES );
            glVertex3f( xmin, -(brd_center_pos.y + delta) * scale, zpos );
            glVertex3f( xmax, -(brd_center_pos.y + delta) * scale, zpos );

            if( ii != 0 )
                glBegin( GL_LINES );
                glVertex3f( xmin, -(brd_center_pos.y - delta) * scale, zpos );
                glVertex3f( xmax, -(brd_center_pos.y - delta) * scale, zpos );

        if( ( delta > ysize / 2 ) && ( delta > xsize / 2 ) )

    // Draw vertical grid n Z axis
    glNormal3f( 0.0, -1.0, 0.0 );

    // Draw vertical grid lines (parallel to Z axis)
    for( int ii = 0; ; ii++ )
        if( (ii % 5) )
            SetGLColor( gridcolor, transparency );
            SetGLColor( gridcolor_marker, transparency );

        double delta = ii * aGriSizeMM * IU_PER_MM;

        glBegin( GL_LINES );
        glVertex3f( (brd_center_pos.x + delta) * scale, -brd_center_pos.y * scale, zmin );
        glVertex3f( (brd_center_pos.x + delta) * scale, -brd_center_pos.y * scale, zmax );

        if( ii != 0 )
            glBegin( GL_LINES );
            glVertex3f( (brd_center_pos.x - delta) * scale, -brd_center_pos.y * scale, zmin );
            glVertex3f( (brd_center_pos.x - delta) * scale, -brd_center_pos.y * scale, zmax );

        if( delta > xsize / 2.0f )

    // Draw horizontal grid lines on Z axis
    for( int ii = 0; ; ii++ )
        if( (ii % 5) )
            SetGLColor( gridcolor, transparency);
            SetGLColor( gridcolor_marker, transparency );

        double delta = ii * aGriSizeMM * IU_PER_MM * scale;

        if( delta <= zmax )
            // Draw grid lines on Z axis (positive Z axis coordinates)
            glBegin( GL_LINES );
            glVertex3f( xmin, -brd_center_pos.y * scale, delta );
            glVertex3f( xmax, -brd_center_pos.y * scale, delta );

        if( delta <= -zmin && ( ii != 0 ) )
            // Draw grid lines on Z axis (negative Z axis coordinates)
            glBegin( GL_LINES );
            glVertex3f( xmin, -brd_center_pos.y * scale, -delta );
            glVertex3f( xmax, -brd_center_pos.y * scale, -delta );

        if( ( delta > zmax ) && ( delta > -zmin ) )
예제 #11
void PDF_PLOTTER::Text( const wxPoint&              aPos,
                        enum EDA_COLOR_T            aColor,
                        const wxString&             aText,
                        double                      aOrient,
                        const wxSize&               aSize,
                        enum EDA_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_T    aH_justify,
                        enum EDA_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_T    aV_justify,
                        int                         aWidth,
                        bool                        aItalic,
                        bool                        aBold,
                        bool                        aMultilineAllowed )
    // PDF files do not like 0 sized texts which create broken files.
    if( aSize.x == 0 || aSize.y == 0 )

    // Fix me: see how to use PDF text mode for multiline texts
    if( aMultilineAllowed && !aText.Contains( wxT( "\n" ) ) )
        aMultilineAllowed = false;  // the text has only one line.

    // Emit native PDF text (if requested)
    if( m_textMode != PLOTTEXTMODE_STROKE && !aMultilineAllowed )
        const char *fontname = aItalic ? (aBold ? "/KicadFontBI" : "/KicadFontI")
            : (aBold ? "/KicadFontB" : "/KicadFont");

        // Compute the copious tranformation parameters
        double ctm_a, ctm_b, ctm_c, ctm_d, ctm_e, ctm_f;
        double wideningFactor, heightFactor;
        computeTextParameters( aPos, aText, aOrient, aSize, aH_justify,
                aV_justify, aWidth, aItalic, aBold,
                &wideningFactor, &ctm_a, &ctm_b, &ctm_c,
                &ctm_d, &ctm_e, &ctm_f, &heightFactor );

        SetColor( aColor );
        SetCurrentLineWidth( aWidth );

        /* We use the full CTM instead of the text matrix because the same
           coordinate system will be used for the overlining. Also the %f
           for the trig part of the matrix to avoid %g going in exponential
           format (which is not supported)
           Rendermode 0 shows the text, rendermode 3 is invisible */
        fprintf( workFile, "q %f %f %f %f %g %g cm BT %s %g Tf %d Tr %g Tz ",
                ctm_a, ctm_b, ctm_c, ctm_d, ctm_e, ctm_f,
                fontname, heightFactor,
                (m_textMode == PLOTTEXTMODE_NATIVE) ? 0 : 3,
                wideningFactor * 100 );

        // The text must be escaped correctly
        fputsPostscriptString( workFile, aText );
        fputs( " Tj ET\n", workFile );

        /* We are still in text coordinates, plot the overbars (if we're
         * not doing phantom text) */
        if( m_textMode == PLOTTEXTMODE_NATIVE )
            std::vector<int> pos_pairs;
            postscriptOverlinePositions( aText, aSize.x, aItalic, aBold, &pos_pairs );
            int overbar_y = KiROUND( aSize.y * 1.1 );
            for( unsigned i = 0; i < pos_pairs.size(); i += 2)
                /* This is a nontrivial situation: we are *not* in the user
                   coordinate system, so the userToDeviceCoordinates function
                   can't be used! Strange as it may seem, the userToDeviceSize
                   is the right function to use here... */
                DPOINT dev_from = userToDeviceSize( wxSize( pos_pairs[i], overbar_y ) );
                DPOINT dev_to = userToDeviceSize( wxSize( pos_pairs[i + 1], overbar_y ) );
                fprintf( workFile, "%g %g m %g %g l ",
                        dev_from.x, dev_from.y, dev_to.x, dev_to.y );

        // Stroke and restore the CTM
        fputs( "S Q\n", workFile );

    // Plot the stroked text (if requested)
    if( m_textMode != PLOTTEXTMODE_NATIVE || aMultilineAllowed )
        PLOTTER::Text( aPos, aColor, aText, aOrient, aSize, aH_justify, aV_justify,
                aWidth, aItalic, aBold, aMultilineAllowed );
예제 #12
void EDA_DRAW_PANEL::DrawGrid( wxDC* aDC )
    #define MIN_GRID_SIZE 10        // min grid size in pixels to allow drawing
    BASE_SCREEN* screen = GetScreen();
    wxRealPoint  gridSize;
    wxSize       screenSize;
    wxPoint      org;
    wxRealPoint  screenGridSize;

    /* The grid must be visible. this is possible only is grid value
     * and zoom value are sufficient
    gridSize = screen->GetGridSize();
    screen->m_StartVisu = CalcUnscrolledPosition( wxPoint( 0, 0 ) );
    screenSize = GetClientSize();

    screenGridSize.x = aDC->LogicalToDeviceXRel( KiROUND( gridSize.x ) );
    screenGridSize.y = aDC->LogicalToDeviceYRel( KiROUND( gridSize.y ) );

    org = m_ClipBox.GetPosition();

    if( screenGridSize.x < MIN_GRID_SIZE || screenGridSize.y < MIN_GRID_SIZE )
        screenGridSize.x *= 2.0;
        screenGridSize.y *= 2.0;
        gridSize.x *= 2.0;
        gridSize.y *= 2.0;

    if( screenGridSize.x < MIN_GRID_SIZE || screenGridSize.y < MIN_GRID_SIZE )

    org = GetParent()->GetNearestGridPosition( org, &gridSize );

    // Setting the nearest grid position can select grid points outside the clip box.
    // Incrementing the start point by one grid step should prevent drawing grid points
    // outside the clip box.
    if( org.x < m_ClipBox.GetX() )
        org.x += KiROUND( gridSize.x );

    if( org.y < m_ClipBox.GetY() )
        org.y += KiROUND( gridSize.y );

#if ( defined( __WXMAC__ ) || 1 )
    // Use a pixel based draw to display grid.  There are a lot of calls, so the cost is
    // high and grid is slowly drawn on some platforms.  Please note that this should
    // always be enabled until the bitmap based solution below is fixed.
#ifndef __WXMAC__
    GRSetColorPen( aDC, GetParent()->GetGridColor() );
    // On mac (Cocoa), a point isn't a pixel and being of size 1 don't survive to antialiasing
    GRSetColorPen( aDC, GetParent()->GetGridColor(), aDC->DeviceToLogicalXRel(2) );

    int xpos;
    double right = ( double ) m_ClipBox.GetRight();
    double bottom = ( double ) m_ClipBox.GetBottom();

    for( double x = (double) org.x; x <= right; x += gridSize.x )
        xpos = KiROUND( x );

        for( double y = (double) org.y; y <= bottom; y += gridSize.y )
            aDC->DrawPoint( xpos, KiROUND( y )  );
    /* This is fast only if the Blit function is fast.  Not true on all platforms.
     * A first grid column is drawn in a temporary bitmap, and after is duplicated using
     * the Blit function (copy from a screen area to an other screen area).
    wxMemoryDC tmpDC;
    wxBitmap tmpBM( 1, aDC->LogicalToDeviceYRel( m_ClipBox.GetHeight() ) );
    tmpDC.SelectObject( tmpBM );
    tmpDC.SetLogicalFunction( wxCOPY );
    tmpDC.SetBackground( wxBrush( GetBackgroundColour() ) );
    tmpDC.SetPen( MakeColour( GetParent()->GetGridColor() ) );

    double usx, usy;
    int lox, loy, dox, doy;

    aDC->GetUserScale( &usx, &usy );
    aDC->GetLogicalOrigin( &lox, &loy );
    aDC->GetDeviceOrigin( &dox, &doy );

    // Create a dummy DC for coordinate translation because the actual DC scale and origin
    // must be reset in order to work correctly.
    wxBitmap tmpBitmap( 1, 1 );
    wxMemoryDC scaleDC( tmpBitmap );
    scaleDC.SetUserScale( usx, usy );
    scaleDC.SetLogicalOrigin( lox, loy );
    scaleDC.SetDeviceOrigin( dox, doy );

    double bottom = ( double ) m_ClipBox.GetBottom();

    // Draw a column of grid points.
    for( double y = (double) org.y; y <= bottom; y += gridSize.y )
        tmpDC.DrawPoint( 0, scaleDC.LogicalToDeviceY( KiROUND( y ) ) );

    // Reset the device context scale and origin and restore on exit.
    EDA_BLIT_NORMALIZER blitNorm( aDC );

    // Mask of everything but the grid points.
    tmpDC.SelectObject( wxNullBitmap );
    tmpBM.SetMask( new wxMask( tmpBM, GetBackgroundColour() ) );
    tmpDC.SelectObject( tmpBM );

    double right = m_ClipBox.GetRight();

    // Blit the column for each row of the damaged region.
    for( double x = (double) org.x; x <= right; x += gridSize.x )
        aDC->Blit( scaleDC.LogicalToDeviceX( KiROUND( x ) ),
                   scaleDC.LogicalToDeviceY( m_ClipBox.GetY() ),
                   1, tmpBM.GetHeight(), &tmpDC, 0, 0, wxCOPY, true );
예제 #13
void EDA_DRAW_PANEL::OnScroll( wxScrollWinEvent& event )
    int id = event.GetEventType();
    int x, y;
    int ppux, ppuy;
    int csizeX, csizeY;
    int unitsX, unitsY;

    GetViewStart( &x, &y );
    GetScrollPixelsPerUnit( &ppux, &ppuy );
    GetClientSize( &csizeX, &csizeY );
    GetVirtualSize( &unitsX, &unitsY );

    int tmpX = x;
    int tmpY = y;

    csizeX /= ppux;
    csizeY /= ppuy;

    unitsX /= ppux;
    unitsY /= ppuy;

    int dir = event.GetOrientation();   // wxHORIZONTAL or wxVERTICAL

    // On windows and on wxWidgets >= 2.9.5 and < 3.1,
    // there is a bug in mousewheel event which always generates 2 scroll events
    // (should be the case only for the default mousewheel event)
    // so we skip these events.
    // Note they are here just in case, because they are not actually used
    // in Kicad
#if wxCHECK_VERSION( 3, 1, 0 ) || !wxCHECK_VERSION( 2, 9, 5 ) || !defined (__WINDOWS__)
    int maxX = unitsX - csizeX;
    int maxY = unitsY - csizeY;

    if( id == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEUP )
        if( dir == wxHORIZONTAL )
            x -= m_scrollIncrementX;

            if( x < 0 )
                x = 0;
            y -= m_scrollIncrementY;

            if( y < 0 )
                y = 0;
    else if( id == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEDOWN )
        if( dir == wxHORIZONTAL )
            x += m_scrollIncrementX;
            if( x > maxX )
                x = maxX;
            y += m_scrollIncrementY;

            if( y > maxY )
                y = maxY;
        if( dir == wxHORIZONTAL )
            x = event.GetPosition();
            y = event.GetPosition();

                wxT( "Setting scroll bars ppuX=%d, ppuY=%d, unitsX=%d, unitsY=%d, posX=%d, posY=%d" ),
                ppux, ppuy, unitsX, unitsY, x, y );

    double scale = GetParent()->GetScreen()->GetScalingFactor();

    wxPoint center = GetParent()->GetScrollCenterPosition();
    center.x += KiROUND( (double) ( x - tmpX ) / scale );
    center.y += KiROUND( (double) ( y - tmpY ) / scale );
    GetParent()->SetScrollCenterPosition( center );

    Scroll( x, y );
예제 #14
void EDA_DRAW_PANEL::OnPan( wxCommandEvent& event )
    int x, y;
    int ppux, ppuy;
    int unitsX, unitsY;
    int maxX, maxY;
    int tmpX, tmpY;

    GetViewStart( &x, &y );
    GetScrollPixelsPerUnit( &ppux, &ppuy );
    GetVirtualSize( &unitsX, &unitsY );
    tmpX = x;
    tmpY = y;
    maxX = unitsX;
    maxY = unitsY;
    unitsX /= ppux;
    unitsY /= ppuy;

                wxT( "Scroll center position before pan: (%d, %d)" ), tmpX, tmpY );

    switch( event.GetId() )
    case ID_PAN_UP:
        y -= m_scrollIncrementY;

    case ID_PAN_DOWN:
        y += m_scrollIncrementY;

    case ID_PAN_LEFT:
        x -= m_scrollIncrementX;

    case ID_PAN_RIGHT:
        x += m_scrollIncrementX;

        wxLogDebug( wxT( "Unknown ID %d in EDA_DRAW_PANEL::OnPan()." ), event.GetId() );

    bool updateCenterScrollPos = true;

    if( x < 0 )
        x = 0;
        updateCenterScrollPos = false;

    if( y < 0 )
        y = 0;
        updateCenterScrollPos = false;

    if( x > maxX )
        x = maxX;
        updateCenterScrollPos = false;

    if( y > maxY )
        y = maxY;
        updateCenterScrollPos = false;

    // Don't update the scroll position beyond the scroll limits.
    if( updateCenterScrollPos )
        double scale = GetParent()->GetScreen()->GetScalingFactor();

        wxPoint center = GetParent()->GetScrollCenterPosition();
        center.x += KiROUND( (double) ( x - tmpX ) / scale );
        center.y += KiROUND( (double) ( y - tmpY ) / scale );
        GetParent()->SetScrollCenterPosition( center );

        wxLogTrace( KICAD_TRACE_COORDS,
                    wxT( "Scroll center position after pan: (%d, %d)" ), center.x, center.y );

    Scroll( x/ppux, y/ppuy );
 * Function DrawBasicShape
 * Draw the primitive shape for flashed items.
void AM_PRIMITIVE::DrawBasicShape( GERBER_DRAW_ITEM* aParent,
                                   EDA_RECT* aClipBox,
                                   wxDC* aDC,
                                   EDA_COLOR_T aColor, EDA_COLOR_T aAltColor,
                                   wxPoint aShapePos,
                                   bool aFilledShape )
    static std::vector<wxPoint> polybuffer;     // create a static buffer to avoid a lot of memory reallocation

    wxPoint curPos = aShapePos;
    D_CODE* tool   = aParent->GetDcodeDescr();
    double rotation;
    if( mapExposure( aParent ) == false )
        EXCHG(aColor, aAltColor);

    switch( primitive_id )
    case AMP_CIRCLE:        // Circle, given diameter and position
        /* Generated by an aperture macro declaration like:
         * "1,1,0.3,0.5, 1.0*"
         * type (1), exposure, diameter, pos.x, pos.y
         * type is not stored in parameters list, so the first parameter is exposure
        curPos += mapPt( params[2].GetValue( tool ), params[3].GetValue( tool ), m_GerbMetric );
        curPos = aParent->GetABPosition( curPos );
        int radius = scaletoIU( params[1].GetValue( tool ), m_GerbMetric ) / 2;
        if( !aFilledShape )
            GRCircle( aClipBox, aDC, curPos, radius, 0, aColor );
            GRFilledCircle( aClipBox, aDC, curPos, radius, aColor );

    case AMP_LINE2:
    case AMP_LINE20:        // Line with rectangle ends. (Width, start and end pos + rotation)
        /* Generated by an aperture macro declaration like:
         * "2,1,0.3,0,0, 0.5, 1.0,-135*"
         * type (2), exposure, width, start.x, start.y, end.x, end.y, rotation
         * type is not stored in parameters list, so the first parameter is exposure
        ConvertShapeToPolygon( aParent, polybuffer );

        // shape rotation:
        rotation = params[6].GetValue( tool ) * 10.0;
        if( rotation != 0)
            for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < polybuffer.size(); ii++ )
                RotatePoint( &polybuffer[ii], -rotation );

        // Move to current position:
        for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < polybuffer.size(); ii++ )
            polybuffer[ii] += curPos;
            polybuffer[ii] = aParent->GetABPosition( polybuffer[ii] );

        GRClosedPoly( aClipBox, aDC,
                      polybuffer.size(), &polybuffer[0], aFilledShape, aColor, aColor );

        /* Generated by an aperture macro declaration like:
         * "21,1,0.3,0.03,0,0,-135*"
         * type (21), exposure, ,width, height, center pos.x, center pos.y, rotation
         * type is not stored in parameters list, so the first parameter is exposure
        ConvertShapeToPolygon( aParent, polybuffer );

        // shape rotation:
        rotation = params[5].GetValue( tool ) * 10.0;
        if( rotation != 0 )
            for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < polybuffer.size(); ii++ )
                RotatePoint( &polybuffer[ii], -rotation );

        // Move to current position:
        for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < polybuffer.size(); ii++ )
            polybuffer[ii] += curPos;
            polybuffer[ii] = aParent->GetABPosition( polybuffer[ii] );

        GRClosedPoly( aClipBox, aDC,
                      polybuffer.size(), &polybuffer[0], aFilledShape, aColor, aColor );

        /* Generated by an aperture macro declaration like:
         * "22,1,0.3,0.03,0,0,-135*"
         * type (22), exposure, ,width, height, corner pos.x, corner pos.y, rotation
         * type is not stored in parameters list, so the first parameter is exposure
        ConvertShapeToPolygon( aParent, polybuffer );

        // shape rotation:
        rotation = params[5].GetValue( tool ) * 10.0;
        if( rotation != 0)
            for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < polybuffer.size(); ii++ )
                RotatePoint( &polybuffer[ii], -rotation );

        // Move to current position:
        for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < polybuffer.size(); ii++ )
            polybuffer[ii] += curPos;
            polybuffer[ii] = aParent->GetABPosition( polybuffer[ii] );

        GRClosedPoly( aClipBox, aDC,
                      polybuffer.size(), &polybuffer[0], aFilledShape, aColor, aColor );

    case AMP_THERMAL:
        /* Generated by an aperture macro declaration like:
         * "7, 0,0,1.0,0.3,0.01,-13*"
         * type (7), center.x , center.y, outside diam, inside diam, crosshair thickness, rotation
         * type is not stored in parameters list, so the first parameter is center.x
        curPos += mapPt( params[0].GetValue( tool ), params[1].GetValue( tool ), m_GerbMetric );
        ConvertShapeToPolygon( aParent, polybuffer );

        // shape rotation:
        rotation = params[5].GetValue( tool ) * 10.0;

        // Because a thermal shape has 4 identical sub-shapes, only one is created in polybuffer.
        // We must draw 4 sub-shapes rotated by 90 deg
        std::vector<wxPoint> subshape_poly;
        for( int ii = 0; ii < 4; ii++ )
            subshape_poly = polybuffer;
            double sub_rotation = rotation + 900 * ii;
            for( unsigned jj = 0; jj < subshape_poly.size(); jj++ )
                RotatePoint( &subshape_poly[jj], -sub_rotation );

            // Move to current position:
            for( unsigned jj = 0; jj < subshape_poly.size(); jj++ )
                subshape_poly[jj] += curPos;
                subshape_poly[jj] = aParent->GetABPosition( subshape_poly[jj] );

            GRClosedPoly( aClipBox, aDC,
                          subshape_poly.size(), &subshape_poly[0], true, aAltColor,
                          aAltColor );

    case AMP_MOIRE:     // A cross hair with n concentric circles
        curPos += mapPt( params[0].GetValue( tool ), params[1].GetValue( tool ),
                         m_GerbMetric );

        /* Generated by an aperture macro declaration like:
         * "6,0,0,0.125,.01,0.01,3,0.003,0.150,0"
         * type(6), pos.x, pos.y, diam, penwidth, gap, circlecount, crosshair thickness, crosshaire len, rotation
         * type is not stored in parameters list, so the first parameter is pos.x
        int outerDiam    = scaletoIU( params[2].GetValue( tool ), m_GerbMetric );
        int penThickness = scaletoIU( params[3].GetValue( tool ), m_GerbMetric );
        int gap = scaletoIU( params[4].GetValue( tool ), m_GerbMetric );
        int numCircles = KiROUND( params[5].GetValue( tool ) );

        // Draw circles:
        wxPoint center = aParent->GetABPosition( curPos );
        // adjust outerDiam by this on each nested circle
        int diamAdjust = (gap + penThickness); //*2;     //Should we use * 2 ?
        for( int i = 0; i < numCircles; ++i, outerDiam -= diamAdjust )
            if( outerDiam <= 0 )
            if( !aFilledShape )
                // draw the border of the pen's path using two circles, each as narrow as possible
                GRCircle( aClipBox, aDC, center, outerDiam / 2, 0, aColor );
                GRCircle( aClipBox, aDC, center, outerDiam / 2 - penThickness, 0, aColor );
            else    // Filled mode
                GRCircle( aClipBox, aDC, center,
                          (outerDiam - penThickness) / 2, penThickness, aColor );

        // Draw the cross:
        ConvertShapeToPolygon( aParent, polybuffer );

        rotation = params[8].GetValue( tool ) * 10.0;
        for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < polybuffer.size(); ii++ )
            // shape rotation:
            RotatePoint( &polybuffer[ii], -rotation );
            // Move to current position:
            polybuffer[ii] += curPos;
            polybuffer[ii] = aParent->GetABPosition( polybuffer[ii] );

        GRClosedPoly( aClipBox, aDC,
                      polybuffer.size(), &polybuffer[0], aFilledShape, aColor, aColor );

    case AMP_OUTLINE:
        /* Generated by an aperture macro declaration like:
         * "4,1,3,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.0,-25"
         * type(4), exposure, corners count, corner1.x, corner.1y, ..., rotation
         * type is not stored in parameters list, so the first parameter is exposure
        int numPoints = (int) params[1].GetValue( tool );
        rotation  = params[numPoints * 2 + 4].GetValue( tool ) * 10.0;
        wxPoint pos;
        // Read points. numPoints does not include the starting point, so add 1.
        for( int i = 0; i<numPoints + 1; ++i )
            int jj = i * 2 + 2;
            pos.x = scaletoIU( params[jj].GetValue( tool ), m_GerbMetric );
            pos.y = scaletoIU( params[jj + 1].GetValue( tool ), m_GerbMetric );
        // rotate polygon and move it to the actual position
        // shape rotation:
        for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < polybuffer.size(); ii++ )
            RotatePoint( &polybuffer[ii], -rotation );

        // Move to current position:
        for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < polybuffer.size(); ii++ )
            polybuffer[ii] += curPos;
            polybuffer[ii] = aParent->GetABPosition( polybuffer[ii] );

        GRClosedPoly( aClipBox, aDC,
                      polybuffer.size(), &polybuffer[0], aFilledShape, aColor, aColor );

    case AMP_POLYGON:   // Is a regular polygon
        /* Generated by an aperture macro declaration like:
         * "5,1,0.6,0,0,0.5,25"
         * type(5), exposure, vertices count, pox.x, pos.y, diameter, rotation
         * type is not stored in parameters list, so the first parameter is exposure
        curPos += mapPt( params[2].GetValue( tool ), params[3].GetValue( tool ), m_GerbMetric );
        // Creates the shape:
        ConvertShapeToPolygon( aParent, polybuffer );

        // rotate polygon and move it to the actual position
        rotation  = params[5].GetValue( tool ) * 10.0;
        for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < polybuffer.size(); ii++ )
            RotatePoint( &polybuffer[ii], -rotation );
            polybuffer[ii] += curPos;
            polybuffer[ii] = aParent->GetABPosition( polybuffer[ii] );
        GRClosedPoly( aClipBox, aDC,
                      polybuffer.size(), &polybuffer[0], aFilledShape, aColor, aColor );

    case AMP_EOF:
        // not yet supported, waiting for you.

    case AMP_UNKNOWN:
        DBG( printf( "AM_PRIMITIVE::DrawBasicShape() err: unknown prim id %d\n",primitive_id) );
bool DIALOG_MODULE_BOARD_EDITOR::TransferDataFromWindow()
    wxPoint  modpos;
    wxString msg;

    if( !Validate() || !DIALOG_MODULE_BOARD_EDITOR_BASE::TransferDataFromWindow() )
        return false;

    if( !m_PanelProperties->TransferDataFromWindow() )
        return false;
    if( !m_Panel3D->TransferDataFromWindow() )
        return false;

    if( m_CurrentModule->GetFlags() == 0 )    // this is a simple edition, we
                                              // must create an undo entry
        m_Parent->SaveCopyInUndoList( m_CurrentModule, UR_CHANGED );

    if( m_DC )
        m_Parent->GetCanvas()->CrossHairOff( m_DC );
        m_CurrentModule->Draw( m_Parent->GetCanvas(), m_DC, GR_XOR );

    // Init Fields (should be first, because they can be moved or/and flipped later):
    m_CurrentModule->Reference().Copy( m_ReferenceCopy );
    m_CurrentModule->Value().Copy( m_ValueCopy );

    // Initialize masks clearances
    m_CurrentModule->SetLocalClearance( ValueFromTextCtrl( *m_NetClearanceValueCtrl ) );
    m_CurrentModule->SetLocalSolderMaskMargin( ValueFromTextCtrl( *m_SolderMaskMarginCtrl ) );
    m_CurrentModule->SetLocalSolderPasteMargin( ValueFromTextCtrl( *m_SolderPasteMarginCtrl ) );

    double dtmp = 0.0;
    msg = m_SolderPasteMarginRatioCtrl->GetValue();
    msg.ToDouble( &dtmp );

    // A -50% margin ratio means no paste on a pad, the ratio must be >= -50%
    if( dtmp < -50.0 )
        dtmp = -50.0;
    // A margin ratio is always <= 0
    // 0 means use full pad copper area
    if( dtmp > 0.0 )
        dtmp = 0.0;

    m_CurrentModule->SetLocalSolderPasteMarginRatio( dtmp / 100 );

    switch( m_ZoneConnectionChoice->GetSelection() )
    case 0:
        m_CurrentModule->SetZoneConnection( PAD_ZONE_CONN_INHERITED );

    case 1:
        m_CurrentModule->SetZoneConnection( PAD_ZONE_CONN_FULL );

    case 2:
        m_CurrentModule->SetZoneConnection( PAD_ZONE_CONN_THERMAL );

    case 3:
        m_CurrentModule->SetZoneConnection( PAD_ZONE_CONN_NONE );

    // Set Module Position
    modpos.x = ValueFromTextCtrl( *m_ModPositionX );
    modpos.y = ValueFromTextCtrl( *m_ModPositionY );
    m_CurrentModule->SetPosition( modpos );
    m_CurrentModule->SetLocked( m_AutoPlaceCtrl->GetSelection() == 2 );
    m_CurrentModule->SetPadsLocked( m_AutoPlaceCtrl->GetSelection() == 1 );

    switch( m_AttributsCtrl->GetSelection() )
    case 0:
        m_CurrentModule->SetAttributes( 0 );

    case 1:
        m_CurrentModule->SetAttributes( MOD_CMS );

    case 2:
        m_CurrentModule->SetAttributes( MOD_VIRTUAL );

    m_CurrentModule->SetPlacementCost90( m_CostRot90Ctrl->GetValue() );
    m_CurrentModule->SetPlacementCost180( m_CostRot180Ctrl->GetValue() );

    /* Now, set orientation. must be made after others changes,
     * because rotation changes fields positions on board according to the new orientation
     * (relative positions are not modified)
    int orient = KiROUND( m_OrientValue * 10.0 );

    if( m_CurrentModule->GetOrientation() != orient )
        m_CurrentModule->Rotate( m_CurrentModule->GetPosition(),
                                 orient - m_CurrentModule->GetOrientation() );

    // Set component side, that also have effect on the fields positions on board
    bool change_layer = false;
    if( m_LayerCtrl->GetSelection() == 0 )     // layer req = COMPONENT
        if( m_CurrentModule->GetLayer() == B_Cu )
            change_layer = true;
    else if( m_CurrentModule->GetLayer() == F_Cu )
        change_layer = true;

    if( change_layer )
        m_CurrentModule->Flip( m_CurrentModule->GetPosition() );

    // Update 3D shape list
    int idx = m_3D_ShapeNameListBox->GetSelection();

    if( idx >= 0 )
        TransfertDisplayTo3DValues( idx );

    S3D_MASTER* draw3D = m_CurrentModule->Models();

    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < m_Shapes3D_list.size(); ii++ )
        S3D_MASTER* draw3DCopy = m_Shapes3D_list[ii];

        if( draw3DCopy->GetShape3DName().IsEmpty() )

        if( draw3D == NULL )
            draw3D = new S3D_MASTER( draw3D );
            m_CurrentModule->Models().Append( draw3D );

        draw3D->SetShape3DName( draw3DCopy->GetShape3DName() );
        draw3D->m_MatScale    = draw3DCopy->m_MatScale;
        draw3D->m_MatRotation = draw3DCopy->m_MatRotation;
        draw3D->m_MatPosition = draw3DCopy->m_MatPosition;

        draw3D = draw3D->Next();

    // Remove old extra 3D shapes
    S3D_MASTER* nextdraw3D;

    for( ; draw3D != NULL; draw3D = nextdraw3D )
        nextdraw3D = (S3D_MASTER*) draw3D->Next();
        delete m_CurrentModule->Models().Remove( draw3D );

    // Fill shape list with one void entry, if no entry
    if( m_CurrentModule->Models() == NULL )
        m_CurrentModule->Models().PushBack( new S3D_MASTER( m_CurrentModule ) );



    SetReturnCode( PRM_EDITOR_EDIT_OK );

    if( m_DC )
        m_CurrentModule->Draw( m_Parent->GetCanvas(), m_DC, GR_OR );
        m_Parent->GetCanvas()->CrossHairOn( m_DC );

    return true;
예제 #17
void FOOTPRINT_WIZARD_FRAME::GeneralControl( wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition, int aHotKey )
    wxRealPoint     gridSize;
    wxPoint         oldpos;
    PCB_SCREEN*     screen  = GetScreen();
    wxPoint         pos     = aPosition;

    wxCommandEvent  cmd( wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED );

    cmd.SetEventObject( this );

    pos         = GetNearestGridPosition( pos );
    oldpos      = GetCrossHairPosition();
    gridSize    = screen->GetGridSize();

    switch( aHotKey )
    case WXK_F1:
        cmd.SetId( ID_POPUP_ZOOM_IN );
        GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent( cmd );

    case WXK_F2:
        cmd.SetId( ID_POPUP_ZOOM_OUT );
        GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent( cmd );

    case WXK_F3:
        cmd.SetId( ID_ZOOM_REDRAW );
        GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent( cmd );

    case WXK_F4:
        cmd.SetId( ID_POPUP_ZOOM_CENTER );
        GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent( cmd );

    case WXK_HOME:
        cmd.SetId( ID_ZOOM_PAGE );
        GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent( cmd );

    case ' ':
        screen->m_O_Curseur = GetCrossHairPosition();

    case WXK_NUMPAD8:       // cursor moved up
    case WXK_UP:
        pos.y -= KiROUND( gridSize.y );
        m_canvas->MoveCursor( pos );

    case WXK_NUMPAD2:       // cursor moved down
    case WXK_DOWN:
        pos.y += KiROUND( gridSize.y );
        m_canvas->MoveCursor( pos );

    case WXK_NUMPAD4:       // cursor moved left
    case WXK_LEFT:
        pos.x -= KiROUND( gridSize.x );
        m_canvas->MoveCursor( pos );

    case WXK_NUMPAD6:       // cursor moved right
    case WXK_RIGHT:
        pos.x += KiROUND( gridSize.x );
        m_canvas->MoveCursor( pos );

    SetCrossHairPosition( pos );

    if( oldpos != GetCrossHairPosition() )
        pos = GetCrossHairPosition();
        SetCrossHairPosition( oldpos );
        m_canvas->CrossHairOff( aDC );
        SetCrossHairPosition( pos );
        m_canvas->CrossHairOn( aDC );

        if( m_canvas->IsMouseCaptured() )
            m_canvas->CallMouseCapture( aDC, aPosition, 0 );

    UpdateStatusBar();    // Display new cursor coordinates
예제 #18
void EDGE_MODULE::Draw( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* panel, wxDC* DC, GR_DRAWMODE draw_mode,
                        const wxPoint& offset )
    int         ux0, uy0, dx, dy, radius, StAngle, EndAngle;
    LAYER_ID    curr_layer = ( (PCB_SCREEN*) panel->GetScreen() )->m_Active_Layer;

    MODULE* module = (MODULE*) m_Parent;

    if( !module )

    BOARD* brd = GetBoard( );

    if( brd->IsLayerVisible( m_Layer ) == false )

    EDA_COLOR_T color = brd->GetLayerColor( m_Layer );
    DISPLAY_OPTIONS* displ_opts = (DISPLAY_OPTIONS*)panel->GetDisplayOptions();

    if(( draw_mode & GR_ALLOW_HIGHCONTRAST ) && displ_opts && displ_opts->m_ContrastModeDisplay )
        if( !IsOnLayer( curr_layer ) )
            ColorTurnToDarkDarkGray( &color );

    ux0 = m_Start.x - offset.x;
    uy0 = m_Start.y - offset.y;

    dx = m_End.x - offset.x;
    dy = m_End.y - offset.y;

    GRSetDrawMode( DC, draw_mode );
    bool filled = displ_opts ? displ_opts->m_DisplayModEdgeFill : FILLED;

    if( IsCopperLayer( m_Layer ) )
        filled = displ_opts ? displ_opts->m_DisplayPcbTrackFill : FILLED;

    switch( m_Shape )
    case S_SEGMENT:
        if( filled )
            GRLine( panel->GetClipBox(), DC, ux0, uy0, dx, dy, m_Width, color );
            // SKETCH Mode
            GRCSegm( panel->GetClipBox(), DC, ux0, uy0, dx, dy, m_Width, color );


    case S_CIRCLE:
        radius = KiROUND( Distance( ux0, uy0, dx, dy ) );

        if( filled )
            GRCircle( panel->GetClipBox(), DC, ux0, uy0, radius, m_Width, color );
        else        // SKETCH Mode
            GRCircle( panel->GetClipBox(), DC, ux0, uy0, radius + (m_Width / 2), color );
            GRCircle( panel->GetClipBox(), DC, ux0, uy0, radius - (m_Width / 2), color );


    case S_ARC:
        radius   = KiROUND( Distance( ux0, uy0, dx, dy ) );
        StAngle  = ArcTangente( dy - uy0, dx - ux0 );
        EndAngle = StAngle + m_Angle;

        if( !panel->GetPrintMirrored() )
            if( StAngle > EndAngle )
                std::swap( StAngle, EndAngle );
        else    // Mirrored mode: arc orientation is reversed
            if( StAngle < EndAngle )
                std::swap( StAngle, EndAngle );

        if( filled )
            GRArc( panel->GetClipBox(), DC, ux0, uy0, StAngle, EndAngle, radius, m_Width, color );
        else        // SKETCH Mode
            GRArc( panel->GetClipBox(), DC, ux0, uy0, StAngle, EndAngle,
                   radius + (m_Width / 2), color );
            GRArc( panel->GetClipBox(), DC, ux0, uy0, StAngle, EndAngle,
                   radius - (m_Width / 2), color );

    case S_POLYGON:
        // We must compute absolute coordinates from m_PolyPoints
        // which are relative to module position, orientation 0
        std::vector<wxPoint> points = m_PolyPoints;

        for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < points.size(); ii++ )
            wxPoint& pt = points[ii];

            RotatePoint( &pt.x, &pt.y, module->GetOrientation() );
            pt += module->GetPosition() - offset;

        GRPoly( panel->GetClipBox(), DC, points.size(), &points[0], true, m_Width, color, color );

예제 #19
void ZONE_FILLER::buildUnconnectedThermalStubsPolygonList( SHAPE_POLY_SET& aCornerBuffer,
                                              const ZONE_CONTAINER*       aZone,
                                              const SHAPE_POLY_SET&       aRawFilledArea,
                                              double                aArcCorrection,
                                              double                aRoundPadThermalRotation ) const
    SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN spokes;
    BOX2I itemBB;
    VECTOR2I ptTest[4];
    auto zoneBB = aRawFilledArea.BBox();

    int      zone_clearance = aZone->GetZoneClearance();

    int      biggest_clearance = m_board->GetDesignSettings().GetBiggestClearanceValue();
    biggest_clearance = std::max( biggest_clearance, zone_clearance );
    zoneBB.Inflate( biggest_clearance );

    // half size of the pen used to draw/plot zones outlines
    int pen_radius = aZone->GetMinThickness() / 2;

    for( auto module : m_board->Modules() )
        for( auto pad : module->Pads() )
            // Rejects non-standard pads with tht-only thermal reliefs
            if( aZone->GetPadConnection( pad ) == PAD_ZONE_CONN_THT_THERMAL
             && pad->GetAttribute() != PAD_ATTRIB_STANDARD )

            if( aZone->GetPadConnection( pad ) != PAD_ZONE_CONN_THERMAL
             && aZone->GetPadConnection( pad ) != PAD_ZONE_CONN_THT_THERMAL )

            if( !pad->IsOnLayer( aZone->GetLayer() ) )

            if( pad->GetNetCode() != aZone->GetNetCode() )

            // Calculate thermal bridge half width
            int thermalBridgeWidth = aZone->GetThermalReliefCopperBridge( pad )
                                     - aZone->GetMinThickness();
            if( thermalBridgeWidth <= 0 )

            // we need the thermal bridge half width
            // with a small extra size to be sure we create a stub
            // slightly larger than the actual stub
            thermalBridgeWidth = ( thermalBridgeWidth + 4 ) / 2;

            int thermalReliefGap = aZone->GetThermalReliefGap( pad );

            itemBB = pad->GetBoundingBox();
            itemBB.Inflate( thermalReliefGap );
            if( !( itemBB.Intersects( zoneBB ) ) )

            // Thermal bridges are like a segment from a starting point inside the pad
            // to an ending point outside the pad

            // calculate the ending point of the thermal pad, outside the pad
            VECTOR2I endpoint;
            endpoint.x = ( pad->GetSize().x / 2 ) + thermalReliefGap;
            endpoint.y = ( pad->GetSize().y / 2 ) + thermalReliefGap;

            // Calculate the starting point of the thermal stub
            // inside the pad
            VECTOR2I startpoint;
            int copperThickness = aZone->GetThermalReliefCopperBridge( pad )
                                  - aZone->GetMinThickness();

            if( copperThickness < 0 )
                copperThickness = 0;

            // Leave a small extra size to the copper area inside to pad
            copperThickness += KiROUND( IU_PER_MM * 0.04 );

            startpoint.x = std::min( pad->GetSize().x, copperThickness );
            startpoint.y = std::min( pad->GetSize().y, copperThickness );

            startpoint.x /= 2;
            startpoint.y /= 2;

            // This is a CIRCLE pad tweak
            // for circle pads, the thermal stubs orientation is 45 deg
            double fAngle = pad->GetOrientation();
            if( pad->GetShape() == PAD_SHAPE_CIRCLE )
                endpoint.x     = KiROUND( endpoint.x * aArcCorrection );
                endpoint.y     = endpoint.x;
                fAngle = aRoundPadThermalRotation;

            // contour line width has to be taken into calculation to avoid "thermal stub bleed"
            endpoint.x += pen_radius;
            endpoint.y += pen_radius;
            // compute north, south, west and east points for zone connection.
            ptTest[0] = VECTOR2I( 0, endpoint.y );       // lower point
            ptTest[1] = VECTOR2I( 0, -endpoint.y );      // upper point
            ptTest[2] = VECTOR2I( endpoint.x, 0 );       // right point
            ptTest[3] = VECTOR2I( -endpoint.x, 0 );      // left point

            // Test all sides
            for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
                // rotate point
                RotatePoint( ptTest[i], fAngle );

                // translate point
                ptTest[i] += pad->ShapePos();

                if( aRawFilledArea.Contains( ptTest[i] ) )


                // polygons are rectangles with width of copper bridge value
                switch( i )
                case 0:       // lower stub
                    spokes.Append( -thermalBridgeWidth, endpoint.y );
                    spokes.Append( +thermalBridgeWidth, endpoint.y );
                    spokes.Append( +thermalBridgeWidth, startpoint.y );
                    spokes.Append( -thermalBridgeWidth, startpoint.y );

                case 1:       // upper stub
                    spokes.Append( -thermalBridgeWidth, -endpoint.y );
                    spokes.Append( +thermalBridgeWidth, -endpoint.y );
                    spokes.Append( +thermalBridgeWidth, -startpoint.y );
                    spokes.Append( -thermalBridgeWidth, -startpoint.y );

                case 2:       // right stub
                    spokes.Append( endpoint.x, -thermalBridgeWidth );
                    spokes.Append( endpoint.x, thermalBridgeWidth );
                    spokes.Append( +startpoint.x, thermalBridgeWidth );
                    spokes.Append( +startpoint.x, -thermalBridgeWidth );

                case 3:       // left stub
                    spokes.Append( -endpoint.x, -thermalBridgeWidth );
                    spokes.Append( -endpoint.x, thermalBridgeWidth );
                    spokes.Append( -startpoint.x, thermalBridgeWidth );
                    spokes.Append( -startpoint.x, -thermalBridgeWidth );


                // add computed polygon to list
                for( int ic = 0; ic < spokes.PointCount(); ic++ )
                    auto cpos = spokes.CPoint( ic );
                    RotatePoint( cpos, fAngle );                               // Rotate according to module orientation
                    cpos += pad->ShapePos();                              // Shift origin to position
                    aCornerBuffer.Append( cpos );
예제 #20
const VECTOR2I GetArcCenter( const VECTOR2I& aStart, const VECTOR2I& aMid, const VECTOR2I& aEnd )
    VECTOR2I center;
    double yDelta_21 = aMid.y - aStart.y;
    double xDelta_21 = aMid.x - aStart.x;
    double yDelta_32 = aEnd.y - aMid.y;
    double xDelta_32 = aEnd.x - aMid.x;

    // This is a special case for aMid as the half-way point when aSlope = 0 and bSlope = inf
    // or the other way around.  In that case, the center lies in a straight line between
    // aStart and aEnd
    if( ( ( xDelta_21 == 0.0 ) && ( yDelta_32 == 0.0 ) ) ||
        ( ( yDelta_21 == 0.0 ) && ( xDelta_32 == 0.0 ) ) )
        center.x = KiROUND( ( aStart.x + aEnd.x ) / 2.0 );
        center.y = KiROUND( ( aStart.y + aEnd.y ) / 2.0 );
        return center;

    // Prevent div=0 errors
    if( xDelta_21 == 0.0 )
        xDelta_21 = std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon();

    if( xDelta_32 == 0.0 )
        xDelta_32 = -std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon();

    double aSlope = yDelta_21 / xDelta_21;
    double bSlope = yDelta_32 / xDelta_32;

    // If the points are colinear, the center is at infinity, so offset
    // the slope by a minimal amount
    // Warning: This will induce a small error in the center location
    if( yDelta_32 * xDelta_21 == yDelta_21 * xDelta_32 )
        aSlope += std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon();
        bSlope -= std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon();

    if( aSlope == 0.0 )
        aSlope = std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon();

    if( bSlope == 0.0 )
        bSlope = -std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon();

    double result = ( aSlope * bSlope * ( aStart.y - aEnd.y ) +
                      bSlope * ( aStart.x + aMid.x ) -
                      aSlope * ( aMid.x + aEnd.x ) ) / ( 2 * ( bSlope - aSlope ) );

    center.x = KiROUND( Clamp<double>( double( std::numeric_limits<int>::min() / 2 ),
                                       double( std::numeric_limits<int>::max() / 2 ) ) );

    result = ( ( ( aStart.x + aMid.x ) / 2.0 - center.x ) / aSlope +
                 ( aStart.y + aMid.y ) / 2.0 );

    center.y = KiROUND( Clamp<double>( double( std::numeric_limits<int>::min() / 2 ),
                                       double( std::numeric_limits<int>::max() / 2 ) ) );

    return center;
예제 #21
void AM_PRIMITIVE::DrawBasicShape( const GERBER_DRAW_ITEM* aParent,
                                   SHAPE_POLY_SET& aShapeBuffer,
                                   wxPoint aShapePos )
    #define TO_POLY_SHAPE { aShapeBuffer.NewOutline(); \
                            for( unsigned jj = 0; jj < polybuffer.size(); jj++ )\
                                aShapeBuffer.Append( polybuffer[jj].x, polybuffer[jj].y );\
                            aShapeBuffer.Append( polybuffer[0].x, polybuffer[0].y );}

    // Draw the primitive shape for flashed items.
    static std::vector<wxPoint> polybuffer;     // create a static buffer to avoid a lot of memory reallocation

    wxPoint curPos = aShapePos;
    D_CODE* tool   = aParent->GetDcodeDescr();
    double rotation;

    switch( primitive_id )
    case AMP_CIRCLE:        // Circle, given diameter and position
        /* Generated by an aperture macro declaration like:
         * "1,1,0.3,0.5, 1.0*"
         * type (1), exposure, diameter, pos.x, pos.y, <rotation>
         * <rotation> is a optional parameter: rotation from origin.
         * type is not stored in parameters list, so the first parameter is exposure
        ConvertShapeToPolygon( aParent, polybuffer );

        // shape rotation (if any):
        if( params.size() >= 5 )
            rotation = params[4].GetValue( tool ) * 10.0;

            if( rotation != 0)
                for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < polybuffer.size(); ii++ )
                    RotatePoint( &polybuffer[ii], -rotation );

        // Move to current position:
        for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < polybuffer.size(); ii++ )
            polybuffer[ii] += curPos;
            polybuffer[ii] = aParent->GetABPosition( polybuffer[ii] );


    case AMP_LINE2:
    case AMP_LINE20:        // Line with rectangle ends. (Width, start and end pos + rotation)
        /* Vector Line, Primitive Code 20.
         * A vector line is a rectangle defined by its line width, start and end points.
         * The line ends are rectangular.
        /* Generated by an aperture macro declaration like:
         * "2,1,0.3,0,0, 0.5, 1.0,-135*"
         * type (2), exposure, width, start.x, start.y, end.x, end.y, rotation
         * type is not stored in parameters list, so the first parameter is exposure
        ConvertShapeToPolygon( aParent, polybuffer );

        // shape rotation:
        rotation = params[6].GetValue( tool ) * 10.0;

        if( rotation != 0)
            for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < polybuffer.size(); ii++ )
                RotatePoint( &polybuffer[ii], -rotation );

        // Move to current position:
        for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < polybuffer.size(); ii++ )
            polybuffer[ii] += curPos;
            polybuffer[ii] = aParent->GetABPosition( polybuffer[ii] );


        /* Center Line, Primitive Code 21
         * A center line primitive is a rectangle defined by its width, height, and center point
        /* Generated by an aperture macro declaration like:
         * "21,1,0.3,0.03,0,0,-135*"
         * type (21), exposure, ,width, height, center pos.x, center pos.y, rotation
         * type is not stored in parameters list, so the first parameter is exposure
        ConvertShapeToPolygon( aParent, polybuffer );

        // shape rotation:
        rotation = params[5].GetValue( tool ) * 10.0;

        if( rotation != 0 )
            for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < polybuffer.size(); ii++ )
                RotatePoint( &polybuffer[ii], -rotation );

        // Move to current position:
        for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < polybuffer.size(); ii++ )
            polybuffer[ii] += curPos;
            polybuffer[ii] = aParent->GetABPosition( polybuffer[ii] );


        /* Generated by an aperture macro declaration like:
         * "22,1,0.3,0.03,0,0,-135*"
         * type (22), exposure, ,width, height, corner pos.x, corner pos.y, rotation
         * type is not stored in parameters list, so the first parameter is exposure
        ConvertShapeToPolygon( aParent, polybuffer );

        // shape rotation:
        rotation = params[5].GetValue( tool ) * 10.0;
        if( rotation != 0)
            for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < polybuffer.size(); ii++ )
                RotatePoint( &polybuffer[ii], -rotation );

        // Move to current position:
        for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < polybuffer.size(); ii++ )
            polybuffer[ii] += curPos;
            polybuffer[ii] = aParent->GetABPosition( polybuffer[ii] );


    case AMP_THERMAL:
        /* Generated by an aperture macro declaration like:
         * "7, 0,0,1.0,0.3,0.01,-13*"
         * type (7), center.x , center.y, outside diam, inside diam, crosshair thickness, rotation
         * type is not stored in parameters list, so the first parameter is center.x
         * The thermal primitive is a ring (annulus) interrupted by four gaps. Exposure is always on.
        std::vector<wxPoint> subshape_poly;
        curPos += mapPt( params[0].GetValue( tool ), params[1].GetValue( tool ), m_GerbMetric );
        ConvertShapeToPolygon( aParent, subshape_poly );

        // shape rotation:
        rotation = params[5].GetValue( tool ) * 10.0;

        // Because a thermal shape has 4 identical sub-shapes, only one is created in subshape_poly.
        // We must draw 4 sub-shapes rotated by 90 deg
        for( int ii = 0; ii < 4; ii++ )
            polybuffer = subshape_poly;
            double sub_rotation = rotation + 900 * ii;

            for( unsigned jj = 0; jj < polybuffer.size(); jj++ )
                RotatePoint( &polybuffer[jj], -sub_rotation );

            // Move to current position:
            for( unsigned jj = 0; jj < polybuffer.size(); jj++ )
                polybuffer[jj] += curPos;
                polybuffer[jj] = aParent->GetABPosition( polybuffer[jj] );


    case AMP_MOIRE:
        /* Moir�, Primitive Code 6
         * The moir� primitive is a cross hair centered on concentric rings (annuli).
         * Exposure is always on.
        curPos += mapPt( params[0].GetValue( tool ), params[1].GetValue( tool ),
                         m_GerbMetric );

        /* Generated by an aperture macro declaration like:
         * "6,0,0,0.125,.01,0.01,3,0.003,0.150,0"
         * type(6), pos.x, pos.y, diam, penwidth, gap, circlecount, crosshair thickness, crosshaire len, rotation
         * type is not stored in parameters list, so the first parameter is pos.x
        int outerDiam    = scaletoIU( params[2].GetValue( tool ), m_GerbMetric );
        int penThickness = scaletoIU( params[3].GetValue( tool ), m_GerbMetric );
        int gap = scaletoIU( params[4].GetValue( tool ), m_GerbMetric );
        int numCircles = KiROUND( params[5].GetValue( tool ) );

        // Draw circles:
        wxPoint center = aParent->GetABPosition( curPos );
        // adjust outerDiam by this on each nested circle
        int diamAdjust = (gap + penThickness) * 2;

        for( int i = 0; i < numCircles; ++i, outerDiam -= diamAdjust )
            if( outerDiam <= 0 )

            // Note: outerDiam is the outer diameter of the ring.
            // the ring graphic diameter is (outerDiam - penThickness)
            if( outerDiam <= penThickness )
            {   // No room to draw a ring (no room for the hole):
                // draw a circle instead (with no hole), with the right diameter
                TransformCircleToPolygon( aShapeBuffer, center,
                                          outerDiam / 2, seg_per_circle );
                TransformRingToPolygon( aShapeBuffer, center,
                                        (outerDiam - penThickness) / 2,
                                        seg_per_circle, penThickness );

        // Draw the cross:
        ConvertShapeToPolygon( aParent, polybuffer );

        rotation = params[8].GetValue( tool ) * 10.0;
        for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < polybuffer.size(); ii++ )
            // shape rotation:
            RotatePoint( &polybuffer[ii], -rotation );
            // Move to current position:
            polybuffer[ii] += curPos;
            polybuffer[ii] = aParent->GetABPosition( polybuffer[ii] );


    case AMP_OUTLINE:
        /* Outline, Primitive Code 4
         * An outline primitive is an area enclosed by an n-point polygon defined by its start point and n
         * subsequent points. The outline must be closed, i.e. the last point must be equal to the start
         * point. There must be at least one subsequent point (to close the outline).
         * The outline of the primitive is actually the contour (see 2.6) that consists of linear segments
         * only, so it must conform to all the requirements described for contours.
         * Warning: Make no mistake: n is the number of subsequent points, being the number of
         * vertices of the outline or one less than the number of coordinate pairs.
        /* Generated by an aperture macro declaration like:
         * "4,1,3,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.0,-25"
         * type(4), exposure, corners count, corner1.x, corner.1y, ..., corner1.x, corner.1y, rotation
         * type is not stored in parameters list, so the first parameter is exposure
        // params[0] is the exposure and params[1] is the corners count after the first corner
        int numCorners = (int) params[1].GetValue( tool );
        // the shape rotation is the last param of list, after corners
        int last_prm = params.size() - 1;
        rotation  = params[last_prm].GetValue( tool ) * 10.0;
        wxPoint pos;

        // Read points.
        // Note: numCorners is the polygon corner count, following the first corner
        // * the polygon is always closed,
        // * therefore the last XY coordinate is the same as the first
        int prm_idx = 2;    //  params[2] is the first X coordinate
        for( int i = 0; i <= numCorners; ++i )
            pos.x = scaletoIU( params[prm_idx].GetValue( tool ), m_GerbMetric );
            pos.y = scaletoIU( params[prm_idx].GetValue( tool ), m_GerbMetric );

            // Guard: ensure prm_idx < last_prm
            // I saw malformed gerber files with numCorners = number
            // of coordinates instead of number of coordinates following the first point
            if( prm_idx >= last_prm )
        // rotate polygon and move it to the actual position
        // shape rotation:
        for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < polybuffer.size(); ii++ )
            RotatePoint( &polybuffer[ii], -rotation );

        // Move to current position:
        for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < polybuffer.size(); ii++ )
            polybuffer[ii] += curPos;
            polybuffer[ii] = aParent->GetABPosition( polybuffer[ii] );


    case AMP_POLYGON:
        /* Polygon, Primitive Code 5
         * A polygon primitive is a regular polygon defined by the number of vertices n, the center point
         * and the diameter of the circumscribed circle
        /* Generated by an aperture macro declaration like:
         * "5,1,0.6,0,0,0.5,25"
         * type(5), exposure, vertices count, pox.x, pos.y, diameter, rotation
         * type is not stored in parameters list, so the first parameter is exposure
        curPos += mapPt( params[2].GetValue( tool ), params[3].GetValue( tool ), m_GerbMetric );
        // Creates the shape:
        ConvertShapeToPolygon( aParent, polybuffer );

        // rotate polygon and move it to the actual position
        rotation  = params[5].GetValue( tool ) * 10.0;
        for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < polybuffer.size(); ii++ )
            RotatePoint( &polybuffer[ii], -rotation );
            polybuffer[ii] += curPos;
            polybuffer[ii] = aParent->GetABPosition( polybuffer[ii] );



    case AMP_EOF:
        // not yet supported, waiting for you.

    case AMP_UNKNOWN:
        DBG( printf( "AM_PRIMITIVE::DrawBasicShape() err: unknown prim id %d\n",primitive_id) );
예제 #22
// Returns true if the segment 1 intersectd the segment 2.
bool SegmentIntersectsSegment( const wxPoint &a_p1_l1, const wxPoint &a_p2_l1,
                               const wxPoint &a_p1_l2, const wxPoint &a_p2_l2,
                               wxPoint* aIntersectionPoint )

    //We are forced to use 64bit ints because the internal units can oveflow 32bit ints when
    // multiplied with each other, the alternative would be to scale the units down (i.e. divide
    // by a fixed number).
    long long dX_a, dY_a, dX_b, dY_b, dX_ab, dY_ab;
    long long num_a, num_b, den;

    //Test for intersection within the bounds of both line segments using line equations of the
    // form:
    // x_k(u_k) = u_k * dX_k + x_k(0)
    // y_k(u_k) = u_k * dY_k + y_k(0)
    // with  0 <= u_k <= 1 and k = [ a, b ]

    dX_a  = a_p2_l1.x - a_p1_l1.x;
    dY_a  = a_p2_l1.y - a_p1_l1.y;
    dX_b  = a_p2_l2.x - a_p1_l2.x;
    dY_b  = a_p2_l2.y - a_p1_l2.y;
    dX_ab = a_p1_l2.x - a_p1_l1.x;
    dY_ab = a_p1_l2.y - a_p1_l1.y;

    den   = dY_a  * dX_b - dY_b * dX_a ;

    //Check if lines are parallel
    if( den == 0 )
        return false;

    num_a = dY_ab * dX_b - dY_b * dX_ab;
    num_b = dY_ab * dX_a - dY_a * dX_ab;

    // Only compute the intersection point if requested
    if( aIntersectionPoint )
        *aIntersectionPoint = a_p1_l1;
        aIntersectionPoint->x += KiROUND( dX_a * ( double )num_a / ( double )den );
        aIntersectionPoint->y += KiROUND( dY_a * ( double )num_b / ( double )den );

    if( den < 0 )
        den   = -den;
        num_a = -num_a;
        num_b = -num_b;

    //Test sign( u_a ) and return false if negative
    if( num_a < 0 )
        return false;

    //Test sign( u_b ) and return false if negative
    if( num_b < 0 )
        return false;

    //Test to ensure (u_a <= 1)
    if( num_a > den )
        return false;

    //Test to ensure (u_b <= 1)
    if( num_b > den )
        return false;

    return true;
예제 #23
void EDA_DRAW_FRAME::GeneralControlKeyMovement( int aHotKey, wxPoint *aPos,
                                                bool aSnapToGrid )

    // If requested snap the current position to the grid
    if( aSnapToGrid )
        *aPos = GetNearestGridPosition( *aPos );

    switch( aHotKey )
        // All these keys have almost the same treatment
    case GR_KB_CTRL | WXK_NUMPAD8: case GR_KB_CTRL | WXK_UP:
    case WXK_NUMPAD8: case WXK_UP: case WXK_NUMPAD2: case WXK_DOWN:
    case WXK_NUMPAD4: case WXK_LEFT: case WXK_NUMPAD6: case WXK_RIGHT:
            /* Here's a tricky part: when doing cursor key movement, the
             * 'previous' point should be taken from memory, *not* from the
             * freshly computed position in the event. Otherwise you can't do
             * sub-pixel movement. The m_movingCursorWithKeyboard oneshot 'eats'
             * the automatic motion event generated by cursor warping */
            wxRealPoint gridSize = GetScreen()->GetGridSize();
            *aPos = GetCrossHairPosition();

            // Bonus: ^key moves faster (x10)
            switch( aHotKey )
            case GR_KB_CTRL|WXK_NUMPAD8:
            case GR_KB_CTRL|WXK_UP:
                aPos->y -= KiROUND( 10 * gridSize.y );

            case GR_KB_CTRL|WXK_NUMPAD2:
            case GR_KB_CTRL|WXK_DOWN:
                aPos->y += KiROUND( 10 * gridSize.y );

            case GR_KB_CTRL|WXK_NUMPAD4:
            case GR_KB_CTRL|WXK_LEFT:
                aPos->x -= KiROUND( 10 * gridSize.x );

            case GR_KB_CTRL|WXK_NUMPAD6:
            case GR_KB_CTRL|WXK_RIGHT:
                aPos->x += KiROUND( 10 * gridSize.x );

            case WXK_NUMPAD8:
            case WXK_UP:
                aPos->y -= KiROUND( gridSize.y );

            case WXK_NUMPAD2:
            case WXK_DOWN:
                aPos->y += KiROUND( gridSize.y );

            case WXK_NUMPAD4:
            case WXK_LEFT:
                aPos->x -= KiROUND( gridSize.x );

            case WXK_NUMPAD6:
            case WXK_RIGHT:
                aPos->x += KiROUND( gridSize.x );

            default: /* Can't happen since we entered the statement */
            m_canvas->MoveCursor( *aPos );
            m_movingCursorWithKeyboard = true;

예제 #24
void TRACK::DrawShortNetname( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* panel,
        wxDC* aDC, GR_DRAWMODE aDrawMode, EDA_COLOR_T aBgColor )
    /* we must filter tracks, to avoid a lot of texts.
     *  - only tracks with a length > 10 * thickness are eligible
     * and, of course, if we are not printing the board
    if( DisplayOpt.DisplayNetNamesMode == 0 || DisplayOpt.DisplayNetNamesMode == 1 )

    #define THRESHOLD 10

    int len = KiROUND( GetLineLength( m_Start, m_End ) );

    if( len < THRESHOLD * m_Width )

    // no room to display a text inside track
    if( aDC->LogicalToDeviceXRel( m_Width ) < MIN_TEXT_SIZE )

    if( GetNetCode() == NETINFO_LIST::UNCONNECTED )

    NETINFO_ITEM* net = GetNet();

    if( net == NULL )

    int textlen = net->GetShortNetname().Len();

    if( textlen > 0 )
        // calculate a good size for the text
        int     tsize = std::min( m_Width, len / textlen );
        int     dx = m_End.x - m_Start.x ;
        int     dy = m_End.y - m_Start.y ;
        wxPoint tpos  = m_Start + m_End;
        tpos.x /= 2;
        tpos.y /= 2;

        // Calculate angle: if the track segment is vertical, angle = 90 degrees
        // If horizontal 0 degrees, otherwise compute it
        double angle;        // angle is in 0.1 degree

        if( dy == 0 )        // Horizontal segment
            angle = 0;
            if( dx == 0 )    // Vertical segment
                angle = 900;
                /* atan2 is *not* the solution here, since it can give upside
                   down text. We want to work only in the first and fourth quadrant */
                angle = RAD2DECIDEG( -atan( double( dy ) / double( dx ) ) );

        LAYER_NUM curr_layer = ( (PCB_SCREEN*) panel->GetScreen() )->m_Active_Layer;
        if( ( aDC->LogicalToDeviceXRel( tsize ) >= MIN_TEXT_SIZE )
         && ( !(!IsOnLayer( curr_layer )&& DisplayOpt.ContrastModeDisplay) ) )
            if( (aDrawMode & GR_XOR) == 0 )
                GRSetDrawMode( aDC, GR_COPY );

            tsize = (tsize * 7) / 10;       // small reduction to give a better look
            EDA_RECT* clipbox = panel? panel->GetClipBox() : NULL;
            DrawGraphicHaloText( clipbox, aDC, tpos,
                                 aBgColor, BLACK, WHITE, net->GetShortNetname(), angle,
                                 wxSize( tsize, tsize ),
                                 GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER,
                                 tsize / 7,
                                 false, false );
                             const wxPoint& aOffset )
    // used when a D_CODE is not found. default D_CODE to draw a flashed item
    static D_CODE dummyD_CODE( 0 );
    EDA_COLOR_T   color, alt_color;
    bool          isFilled;
    int           radius;
    int           halfPenWidth;
    static bool   show_err;
    D_CODE*       d_codeDescr = GetDcodeDescr();
    GERBVIEW_FRAME* gerbFrame = (GERBVIEW_FRAME*) aPanel->GetParent();

    if( d_codeDescr == NULL )
        d_codeDescr = &dummyD_CODE;

    if( gerbFrame->IsLayerVisible( GetLayer() ) == false )

    color = gerbFrame->GetLayerColor( GetLayer() );

    if( aDrawMode & GR_HIGHLIGHT )
        ColorChangeHighlightFlag( &color, !(aDrawMode & GR_AND) );

    ColorApplyHighlightFlag( &color );

    alt_color = gerbFrame->GetNegativeItemsColor();

    /* isDark is true if flash is positive and should use a drawing
     *   color other than the background color, else use the background color
     *   when drawing so that an erasure happens.
    bool isDark = !(m_LayerNegative ^ m_imageParams->m_ImageNegative);

    if( !isDark )
        // draw in background color ("negative" color)
        EXCHG( color, alt_color );

    GRSetDrawMode( aDC, aDrawMode );

    isFilled = gerbFrame->DisplayLinesSolidMode();

    switch( m_Shape )
    case GBR_POLYGON:
        isFilled = gerbFrame->DisplayPolygonsSolidMode();

        if( !isDark )
            isFilled = true;

        DrawGbrPoly( aPanel->GetClipBox(), aDC, color, aOffset, isFilled );

    case GBR_CIRCLE:
        radius = KiROUND( GetLineLength( m_Start, m_End ) );

        halfPenWidth = m_Size.x >> 1;

        if( !isFilled )
            // draw the border of the pen's path using two circles, each as narrow as possible
            GRCircle( aPanel->GetClipBox(), aDC, GetABPosition( m_Start ),
                      radius - halfPenWidth, 0, color );
            GRCircle( aPanel->GetClipBox(), aDC, GetABPosition( m_Start ),
                      radius + halfPenWidth, 0, color );
        else    // Filled mode
            GRCircle( aPanel->GetClipBox(), aDC, GetABPosition( m_Start ),
                      radius, m_Size.x, color );

    case GBR_ARC:
        // Currently, arcs plotted with a rectangular aperture are not supported.
        // a round pen only is expected.

#if 0   // for arc debug only
        GRLine( aPanel->GetClipBox(), aDC, GetABPosition( m_Start ),
                GetABPosition( m_ArcCentre ), 0, color );
        GRLine( aPanel->GetClipBox(), aDC, GetABPosition( m_End ),
                GetABPosition( m_ArcCentre ), 0, color );

        if( !isFilled )
            GRArc1( aPanel->GetClipBox(), aDC, GetABPosition( m_Start ),
                    GetABPosition( m_End ), GetABPosition( m_ArcCentre ),
                    0, color );
            GRArc1( aPanel->GetClipBox(), aDC, GetABPosition( m_Start ),
                    GetABPosition( m_End ), GetABPosition( m_ArcCentre ),
                    m_Size.x, color );


    case GBR_SPOT_RECT:
    case GBR_SPOT_OVAL:
    case GBR_SPOT_POLY:
    case GBR_SPOT_MACRO:
        isFilled = gerbFrame->DisplayFlashedItemsSolidMode();
        d_codeDescr->DrawFlashedShape( this, aPanel->GetClipBox(), aDC, color, alt_color,
                                       m_Start, isFilled );

    case GBR_SEGMENT:
        /* Plot a line from m_Start to m_End.
         * Usually, a round pen is used, but some gerber files use a rectangular pen
         * In fact, any aperture can be used to plot a line.
         * currently: only a square pen is handled (I believe using a polygon gives a strange plot).
        if( d_codeDescr->m_Shape == APT_RECT )
            if( m_PolyCorners.size() == 0 )
                ConvertSegmentToPolygon( );

            DrawGbrPoly( aPanel->GetClipBox(), aDC, color, aOffset, isFilled );
            if( !isFilled )
                    GRCSegm( aPanel->GetClipBox(), aDC, GetABPosition( m_Start ),
                             GetABPosition( m_End ), m_Size.x, color );
                GRFilledSegment( aPanel->GetClipBox(), aDC, GetABPosition( m_Start ),
                                 GetABPosition( m_End ), m_Size.x, color );


        if( !show_err )
            wxMessageBox( wxT( "Trace_Segment() type error" ) );
            show_err = true;

예제 #26
void SCH_GLOBALLABEL::CreateGraphicShape( std::vector <wxPoint>& aPoints, const wxPoint& Pos )
    int halfSize  = GetTextHeight() / 2;
    int linewidth = GetThickness() == 0 ? GetDefaultLineThickness() : GetThickness();

    linewidth = Clamp_Text_PenSize( linewidth, GetTextSize(), IsBold() );


    int symb_len = LenSize( GetShownText(), linewidth ) + ( TXT_MARGIN * 2 );

    // Create outline shape : 6 points
    int x = symb_len + linewidth + 3;

    // Use negation bar Y position to calculate full vertical size
    // Search for overbar symbol
    bool hasOverBar = false;

    for( unsigned ii = 1; ii < m_Text.size(); ii++ )
        if( m_Text[ii-1] == '~' && m_Text[ii] != '~' )
            hasOverBar = true;

    #define Y_CORRECTION 1.40
    // Note: this factor is due to the fact the Y size of a few letters like [
    // are bigger than the y size value, and we need a margin for the graphic symbol.
    int y = KiROUND( halfSize * Y_CORRECTION );

    // Note: this factor is due to the fact we need a margin for the graphic symbol.
    #define Y_OVERBAR_CORRECTION 1.2
    if( hasOverBar )
        y = KiROUND( KIGFX::STROKE_FONT::GetInterline( halfSize, linewidth )
                     * Y_OVERBAR_CORRECTION );

    // Gives room for line thickess and margin
    y += linewidth          // for line thickess
         + linewidth/2;     // for margin

    // Starting point(anchor)
    aPoints.push_back( wxPoint( 0, 0 ) );
    aPoints.push_back( wxPoint( 0, -y ) );     // Up
    aPoints.push_back( wxPoint( -x, -y ) );    // left
    aPoints.push_back( wxPoint( -x, 0 ) );     // Up left
    aPoints.push_back( wxPoint( -x, y ) );     // left down
    aPoints.push_back( wxPoint( 0, y ) );      // down

    int x_offset = 0;

    switch( m_shape )
    case NET_INPUT:
        x_offset = -halfSize;
        aPoints[0].x += halfSize;

    case NET_OUTPUT:
        aPoints[3].x -= halfSize;

    case NET_BIDI:
    case NET_TRISTATE:
        x_offset = -halfSize;
        aPoints[0].x += halfSize;
        aPoints[3].x -= halfSize;


    int angle = 0;

    switch( GetLabelSpinStyle() )
    case 0:               break;   // Orientation horiz normal
    case 1: angle = -900; break;   // Orientation vert UP
    case 2: angle = 1800; break;   // Orientation horiz inverse
    case 3: angle = 900;  break;   // Orientation vert BOTTOM

    // Rotate outlines and move corners in real position
    for( wxPoint& aPoint : aPoints )
        aPoint.x += x_offset;

        if( angle )
            RotatePoint( &aPoint, angle );

        aPoint += Pos;

    aPoints.push_back( aPoints[0] ); // closing
 * Note 1: polygons are drawm using outlines witk a thickness = aMinThicknessValue
 * so shapes must take in account this outline thickness
 * Note 2:
 *      Trapezoidal pads are not considered here because they are very special case
 *      and are used in microwave applications and they *DO NOT* have a thermal relief that
 *      change the shape by creating stubs and destroy their properties.
void CreateThermalReliefPadPolygon( SHAPE_POLY_SET& aCornerBuffer,
                                    const D_PAD&    aPad,
                                    int             aThermalGap,
                                    int             aCopperThickness,
                                    int             aMinThicknessValue,
                                    int             aError,
                                    double          aThermalRot )
    wxPoint corner, corner_end;
    wxSize  copper_thickness;
    wxPoint padShapePos = aPad.ShapePos();      // Note: for pad having a shape offset,
                                                // the pad position is NOT the shape position

    /* Keep in account the polygon outline thickness
     * aThermalGap must be increased by aMinThicknessValue/2 because drawing external outline
     * with a thickness of aMinThicknessValue will reduce gap by aMinThicknessValue/2
    aThermalGap += aMinThicknessValue / 2;

    /* Keep in account the polygon outline thickness
     * copper_thickness must be decreased by aMinThicknessValue because drawing outlines
     * with a thickness of aMinThicknessValue will increase real thickness by aMinThicknessValue
    int     dx = aPad.GetSize().x / 2;
    int     dy = aPad.GetSize().y / 2;

    copper_thickness.x = std::min( aPad.GetSize().x, aCopperThickness ) - aMinThicknessValue;
    copper_thickness.y = std::min( aPad.GetSize().y, aCopperThickness ) - aMinThicknessValue;

    if( copper_thickness.x < 0 )
        copper_thickness.x = 0;

    if( copper_thickness.y < 0 )
        copper_thickness.y = 0;

    switch( aPad.GetShape() )
    case PAD_SHAPE_CIRCLE:    // Add 4 similar holes
            /* we create 4 copper holes and put them in position 1, 2, 3 and 4
             * here is the area of the rectangular pad + its thermal gap
             * the 4 copper holes remove the copper in order to create the thermal gap
             * 4 ------ 1
             * |        |
             * |        |
             * |        |
             * |        |
             * 3 ------ 2
             * holes 2, 3, 4 are the same as hole 1, rotated 90, 180, 270 deg

            // Build the hole pattern, for the hole in the X >0, Y > 0 plane:
            // The pattern roughtly is a 90 deg arc pie
            std::vector <wxPoint> corners_buffer;

            int    numSegs = std::max( GetArcToSegmentCount( dx + aThermalGap, aError, 360.0 ), 6 );
            double correction = GetCircletoPolyCorrectionFactor( numSegs );
            double delta = 3600.0 / numSegs;

            // Radius of outer arcs of the shape corrected for arc approximation by lines
            int outer_radius = KiROUND( ( dx + aThermalGap ) * correction );

            // Crosspoint of thermal spoke sides, the first point of polygon buffer
            corners_buffer.push_back( wxPoint( copper_thickness.x / 2, copper_thickness.y / 2 ) );

            // Add an intermediate point on spoke sides, to allow a > 90 deg angle between side
            // and first seg of arc approx
            corner.x = copper_thickness.x / 2;
            int y = outer_radius - (aThermalGap / 4);
            corner.y = KiROUND( sqrt( ( (double) y * y  - (double) corner.x * corner.x ) ) );

            if( aThermalRot != 0 )
                corners_buffer.push_back( corner );

            // calculate the starting point of the outter arc
            corner.x = copper_thickness.x / 2;

            corner.y = KiROUND( sqrt( ( (double) outer_radius * outer_radius ) -
                                      ( (double) corner.x * corner.x ) ) );
            RotatePoint( &corner, 90 ); // 9 degrees is the spoke fillet size

            // calculate the ending point of the outer arc
            corner_end.x = corner.y;
            corner_end.y = corner.x;

            // calculate intermediate points (y coordinate from corner.y to corner_end.y
            while( (corner.y > corner_end.y)  && (corner.x < corner_end.x) )
                corners_buffer.push_back( corner );
                RotatePoint( &corner, delta );

            corners_buffer.push_back( corner_end );

            /* add an intermediate point, to avoid angles < 90 deg between last arc approx line
             * and radius line
            corner.x = corners_buffer[1].y;
            corner.y = corners_buffer[1].x;
            corners_buffer.push_back( corner );

            // Now, add the 4 holes ( each is the pattern, rotated by 0, 90, 180 and 270  deg
            // aThermalRot = 450 (45.0 degrees orientation) work fine.
            double angle_pad = aPad.GetOrientation();              // Pad orientation
            double th_angle  = aThermalRot;

            for( unsigned ihole = 0; ihole < 4; ihole++ )

                for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < corners_buffer.size(); ii++ )
                    corner = corners_buffer[ii];
                    RotatePoint( &corner, th_angle + angle_pad );          // Rotate by segment angle and pad orientation
                    corner += padShapePos;
                    aCornerBuffer.Append( corner.x, corner.y );

                th_angle += 900;       // Note: th_angle in in 0.1 deg.

    case PAD_SHAPE_OVAL:
            // Oval pad support along the lines of round and rectangular pads
            std::vector <wxPoint> corners_buffer;               // Polygon buffer as vector

            dx = (aPad.GetSize().x / 2) + aThermalGap;     // Cutout radius x
            dy = (aPad.GetSize().y / 2) + aThermalGap;     // Cutout radius y

            wxPoint shape_offset;

            // We want to calculate an oval shape with dx > dy.
            // if this is not the case, exchange dx and dy, and rotate the shape 90 deg.
            int supp_angle = 0;

            if( dx < dy )
                std::swap( dx, dy );
                supp_angle = 900;
                std::swap( copper_thickness.x, copper_thickness.y );

            int deltasize = dx - dy;        // = distance between shape position and the 2 demi-circle ends centre
            // here we have dx > dy
            // Radius of outer arcs of the shape:
            int outer_radius = dy;     // The radius of the outer arc is radius end + aThermalGap

            int    numSegs = std::max( GetArcToSegmentCount( outer_radius, aError, 360.0 ), 6 );
            double delta = 3600.0 / numSegs;

            // Some coordinate fiddling, depending on the shape offset direction
            shape_offset = wxPoint( deltasize, 0 );

            // Crosspoint of thermal spoke sides, the first point of polygon buffer
            corner.x = copper_thickness.x / 2;
            corner.y = copper_thickness.y / 2;
            corners_buffer.push_back( corner );

            // Arc start point calculation, the intersecting point of cutout arc and thermal spoke edge
            // If copper thickness is more than shape offset, we need to calculate arc intercept point.
            if( copper_thickness.x > deltasize )
                corner.x = copper_thickness.x / 2;
                corner.y = KiROUND( sqrt( ( (double) outer_radius * outer_radius ) -
                                        ( (double) ( corner.x - delta ) * ( corner.x - deltasize ) ) ) );
                corner.x -= deltasize;

                /* creates an intermediate point, to have a > 90 deg angle
                 * between the side and the first segment of arc approximation
                wxPoint intpoint = corner;
                intpoint.y -= aThermalGap / 4;
                corners_buffer.push_back( intpoint + shape_offset );
                RotatePoint( &corner, 90 ); // 9 degrees of thermal fillet
                corner.x = copper_thickness.x / 2;
                corner.y = outer_radius;
                corners_buffer.push_back( corner );

            // Add an intermediate point on spoke sides, to allow a > 90 deg angle between side
            // and first seg of arc approx
            wxPoint last_corner;
            last_corner.y = copper_thickness.y / 2;
            int     px = outer_radius - (aThermalGap / 4);
            last_corner.x =
                KiROUND( sqrt( ( ( (double) px * px ) - (double) last_corner.y * last_corner.y ) ) );

            // Arc stop point calculation, the intersecting point of cutout arc and thermal spoke edge
            corner_end.y = copper_thickness.y / 2;
            corner_end.x =
                KiROUND( sqrt( ( (double) outer_radius *
                             outer_radius ) - ( (double) corner_end.y * corner_end.y ) ) );
            RotatePoint( &corner_end, -90 ); // 9 degrees of thermal fillet

            // calculate intermediate arc points till limit is reached
            while( (corner.y > corner_end.y)  && (corner.x < corner_end.x) )
                corners_buffer.push_back( corner + shape_offset );
                RotatePoint( &corner, delta );

            //corners_buffer.push_back(corner + shape_offset);      // TODO: about one mil geometry error forms somewhere.
            corners_buffer.push_back( corner_end + shape_offset );
            corners_buffer.push_back( last_corner + shape_offset );         // Enabling the line above shows intersection point.

            /* Create 2 holes, rotated by pad rotation.
            double angle = aPad.GetOrientation() + supp_angle;

            for( int irect = 0; irect < 2; irect++ )
                for( unsigned ic = 0; ic < corners_buffer.size(); ic++ )
                    wxPoint cpos = corners_buffer[ic];
                    RotatePoint( &cpos, angle );
                    cpos += padShapePos;
                    aCornerBuffer.Append( cpos.x, cpos.y );

                angle = AddAngles( angle, 1800 ); // this is calculate hole 3

            // Create holes, that are the mirrored from the previous holes
            for( unsigned ic = 0; ic < corners_buffer.size(); ic++ )
                wxPoint swap = corners_buffer[ic];
                swap.x = -swap.x;
                corners_buffer[ic] = swap;

            // Now add corner 4 and 2 (2 is the corner 4 rotated by 180 deg
            angle = aPad.GetOrientation() + supp_angle;

            for( int irect = 0; irect < 2; irect++ )

                for( unsigned ic = 0; ic < corners_buffer.size(); ic++ )
                    wxPoint cpos = corners_buffer[ic];
                    RotatePoint( &cpos, angle );
                    cpos += padShapePos;
                    aCornerBuffer.Append( cpos.x, cpos.y );

                angle = AddAngles( angle, 1800 );

    case PAD_SHAPE_ROUNDRECT:   // thermal shape is the same for rectangular shapes.
    case PAD_SHAPE_RECT:
            /* we create 4 copper holes and put them in position 1, 2, 3 and 4
             * here is the area of the rectangular pad + its thermal gap
             * the 4 copper holes remove the copper in order to create the thermal gap
             * 1 ------ 4
             * |        |
             * |        |
             * |        |
             * |        |
             * 2 ------ 3
             * hole 3 is the same as hole 1, rotated 180 deg
             * hole 4 is the same as hole 2, rotated 180 deg and is the same as hole 1, mirrored

            // First, create a rectangular hole for position 1 :
            // 2 ------- 3
            //  |        |
            //  |        |
            //  |        |
            // 1  -------4

            // Modified rectangles with one corner rounded. TODO: merging with oval thermals
            // and possibly round too.

            std::vector <wxPoint> corners_buffer;               // Polygon buffer as vector

            dx = (aPad.GetSize().x / 2) + aThermalGap;         // Cutout radius x
            dy = (aPad.GetSize().y / 2) + aThermalGap;         // Cutout radius y

            // calculation is optimized for pad shape with dy >= dx (vertical rectangle).
            // if it is not the case, just rotate this shape 90 degrees:
            double angle = aPad.GetOrientation();
            wxPoint corner_origin_pos( -aPad.GetSize().x / 2, -aPad.GetSize().y / 2 );

            if( dy < dx )
                std::swap( dx, dy );
                std::swap( copper_thickness.x, copper_thickness.y );
                std::swap( corner_origin_pos.x, corner_origin_pos.y );
                angle += 900.0;
            // Now calculate the hole pattern in position 1 ( top left pad corner )

            // The first point of polygon buffer is left lower corner, second the crosspoint of
            // thermal spoke sides, the third is upper right corner and the rest are rounding
            // vertices going anticlockwise. Note the inverted Y-axis in corners_buffer y coordinates.
            wxPoint arc_end_point( -dx, -(aThermalGap / 4 + copper_thickness.y / 2) );
            corners_buffer.push_back( arc_end_point );          // Adds small miters to zone
            corners_buffer.push_back( wxPoint( -(dx - aThermalGap / 4), -copper_thickness.y / 2 ) );    // fill and spoke corner
            corners_buffer.push_back( wxPoint( -copper_thickness.x / 2, -copper_thickness.y / 2 ) );
            corners_buffer.push_back( wxPoint( -copper_thickness.x / 2, -(dy - aThermalGap / 4) ) );
            // The first point to build the rounded corner:
            wxPoint arc_start_point( -(aThermalGap / 4 + copper_thickness.x / 2) , -dy );
            corners_buffer.push_back( arc_start_point );

            int    numSegs = std::max( GetArcToSegmentCount( aThermalGap, aError, 360.0 ), 6 );
            double correction = GetCircletoPolyCorrectionFactor( numSegs );
            int    rounding_radius = KiROUND( aThermalGap * correction ); // Corner rounding radius

            // Calculate arc angle parameters.
            // the start angle id near 900 decidegrees, the final angle is near 1800.0 decidegrees.
            double arc_increment = 3600.0 / numSegs;

            // the arc_angle_start is 900.0 or slighly more, depending on the actual arc starting point
            double arc_angle_start = atan2( -arc_start_point.y -corner_origin_pos.y, arc_start_point.x - corner_origin_pos.x ) * 1800/M_PI;
            if( arc_angle_start < 900.0 )
                arc_angle_start = 900.0;

            bool first_point = true;
            for( double curr_angle = arc_angle_start; ; curr_angle += arc_increment )
                wxPoint corner_position = wxPoint( rounding_radius, 0 );
                RotatePoint( &corner_position, curr_angle );        // Rounding vector rotation
                corner_position += corner_origin_pos;               // Rounding vector + Pad corner offset

                // The arc angle is <= 90 degrees, therefore the arc is finished if the x coordinate
                // decrease or the y coordinate is smaller than the y end point
                if( !first_point &&
                    ( corner_position.x >= corners_buffer.back().x || corner_position.y > arc_end_point.y ) )

                first_point = false;

                // Note: for hole in position 1, arc x coordinate is always < x starting point
                // and arc y coordinate is always <= y ending point
                if( corner_position != corners_buffer.back()    // avoid duplicate corners.
                    && corner_position.x <= arc_start_point.x )   // skip current point at the right of the starting point
                    corners_buffer.push_back( corner_position );

            for( int irect = 0; irect < 2; irect++ )

                for( unsigned ic = 0; ic < corners_buffer.size(); ic++ )
                    wxPoint cpos = corners_buffer[ic];
                    RotatePoint( &cpos, angle );            // Rotate according to module orientation
                    cpos += padShapePos;                    // Shift origin to position
                    aCornerBuffer.Append( cpos.x, cpos.y );

                angle = AddAngles( angle, 1800 );       // this is calculate hole 3

            // Create holes, that are the mirrored from the previous holes
            for( unsigned ic = 0; ic < corners_buffer.size(); ic++ )
                wxPoint swap = corners_buffer[ic];
                swap.x = -swap.x;
                corners_buffer[ic] = swap;

            // Now add corner 4 and 2 (2 is the corner 4 rotated by 180 deg
            for( int irect = 0; irect < 2; irect++ )

                for( unsigned ic = 0; ic < corners_buffer.size(); ic++ )
                    wxPoint cpos = corners_buffer[ic];
                    RotatePoint( &cpos, angle );
                    cpos += padShapePos;
                    aCornerBuffer.Append( cpos.x, cpos.y );

                angle = AddAngles( angle, 1800 );

        SHAPE_POLY_SET antipad;       // The full antipad area

        // We need a length to build the stubs of the thermal reliefs
        // the value is not very important. The pad bounding box gives a reasonable value
        EDA_RECT bbox = aPad.GetBoundingBox();
        int stub_len = std::max( bbox.GetWidth(), bbox.GetHeight() );

        aPad.TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon( antipad, aThermalGap );

        SHAPE_POLY_SET stub;          // A basic stub ( a rectangle)
        SHAPE_POLY_SET stubs;        // the full stubs shape

        // We now substract the stubs (connections to the copper zone)
        //ClipperLib::Clipper clip_engine;
        // Prepare a clipping transform
        //clip_engine.AddPath( antipad, ClipperLib::ptSubject, true );

        // Create stubs and add them to clipper engine
        wxPoint stubBuffer[4];
        stubBuffer[0].x = stub_len;
        stubBuffer[0].y = copper_thickness.y/2;
        stubBuffer[1] = stubBuffer[0];
        stubBuffer[1].y = -copper_thickness.y/2;
        stubBuffer[2] = stubBuffer[1];
        stubBuffer[2].x = -stub_len;
        stubBuffer[3] = stubBuffer[2];
        stubBuffer[3].y = copper_thickness.y/2;


        for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < arrayDim( stubBuffer ); ii++ )
            wxPoint cpos = stubBuffer[ii];
            RotatePoint( &cpos, aPad.GetOrientation() );
            cpos += padShapePos;
            stub.Append( cpos.x, cpos.y );

        stubs.Append( stub );

        stubBuffer[0].y = stub_len;
        stubBuffer[0].x = copper_thickness.x/2;
        stubBuffer[1] = stubBuffer[0];
        stubBuffer[1].x = -copper_thickness.x/2;
        stubBuffer[2] = stubBuffer[1];
        stubBuffer[2].y = -stub_len;
        stubBuffer[3] = stubBuffer[2];
        stubBuffer[3].x = copper_thickness.x/2;


        for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < arrayDim( stubBuffer ); ii++ )
            wxPoint cpos = stubBuffer[ii];
            RotatePoint( &cpos, aPad.GetOrientation() );
            cpos += padShapePos;
            stub.Append( cpos.x, cpos.y );

        stubs.Append( stub );
        stubs.Simplify( SHAPE_POLY_SET::PM_FAST );

        antipad.BooleanSubtract( stubs, SHAPE_POLY_SET::PM_FAST );
        aCornerBuffer.Append( antipad );


예제 #28
int PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Begin_Zone( wxDC* DC )
    ZONE_SETTINGS zoneInfo = GetZoneSettings();

    // verify if s_CurrentZone exists (could be deleted since last selection) :
    int ii;
    for( ii = 0; ii < GetBoard()->GetAreaCount(); ii++ )
        if( s_CurrentZone == GetBoard()->GetArea( ii ) )

    if( ii >= GetBoard()->GetAreaCount() ) // Not found: could be deleted since last selection
        s_AddCutoutToCurrentZone = false;
        s_CurrentZone = NULL;

    // If no zone contour in progress, a new zone is being created:
    if( !GetBoard()->m_CurrentZoneContour )
        if( GetToolId() == ID_PCB_KEEPOUT_AREA_BUTT &&
            getActiveLayer() >= FIRST_NON_COPPER_LAYER )
            DisplayError( this,
                          _( "Error: a keepout area is allowed only on copper layers" ) );
            return 0;
            GetBoard()->m_CurrentZoneContour = new ZONE_CONTAINER( GetBoard() );

    ZONE_CONTAINER* zone = GetBoard()->m_CurrentZoneContour;

    if( zone->GetNumCorners() == 0 )    // Start a new contour: init zone params (net, layer ...)
        if( !s_CurrentZone )            // A new outline is created, from scratch
            ZONE_EDIT_T edited;

            // Init zone params to reasonable values
            zone->SetLayer( getActiveLayer() );

            // Prompt user for parameters:
            m_canvas->SetIgnoreMouseEvents( true );

            if( zone->IsOnCopperLayer() )
                // Put a zone on a copper layer
                if( GetBoard()->GetHighLightNetCode() > 0 )
                    zoneInfo.m_NetcodeSelection = GetBoard()->GetHighLightNetCode();

                    zone->SetNet( zoneInfo.m_NetcodeSelection );
                    zone->SetNetNameFromNetCode( );
                double tmp = ZONE_THERMAL_RELIEF_GAP_MIL;
                wxGetApp().GetSettings()->Read( ZONE_THERMAL_RELIEF_GAP_STRING_KEY, &tmp );
                zoneInfo.m_ThermalReliefGap = KiROUND( tmp * IU_PER_MILS);

                wxGetApp().GetSettings()->Read( ZONE_THERMAL_RELIEF_COPPER_WIDTH_STRING_KEY,
                                                &tmp );
                zoneInfo.m_ThermalReliefCopperBridge = KiROUND( tmp * IU_PER_MILS );

                tmp = ZONE_CLEARANCE_MIL;
                wxGetApp().GetSettings()->Read( ZONE_CLEARANCE_WIDTH_STRING_KEY,
                                                &tmp );
                zoneInfo.m_ZoneClearance = KiROUND( tmp * IU_PER_MILS );

                tmp = ZONE_THICKNESS_MIL;
                wxGetApp().GetSettings()->Read( ZONE_MIN_THICKNESS_WIDTH_STRING_KEY,
                                                &tmp );
                zoneInfo.m_ZoneMinThickness = KiROUND( tmp * IU_PER_MILS );

                zoneInfo.m_CurrentZone_Layer = zone->GetLayer();

                if( GetToolId() == ID_PCB_KEEPOUT_AREA_BUTT )
                    zoneInfo.SetIsKeepout( true );
                    edited = InvokeKeepoutAreaEditor( this, &zoneInfo );
                    zoneInfo.SetIsKeepout( false );
                    edited = InvokeCopperZonesEditor( this, &zoneInfo );
            else   // Put a zone on a non copper layer (technical layer)
                zoneInfo.SetIsKeepout( false );
                zoneInfo.m_NetcodeSelection = 0;     // No net for non copper zones
                edited = InvokeNonCopperZonesEditor( this, zone, &zoneInfo );

            m_canvas->SetIgnoreMouseEvents( false );

            if( edited == ZONE_ABORT )
                return 0;

            // Switch active layer to the selected zone layer
            setActiveLayer( zoneInfo.m_CurrentZone_Layer );

            SetZoneSettings( zoneInfo );
            // Start a new contour: init zone params (net and layer) from an existing
            // zone (add cutout or similar zone)

            zoneInfo.m_CurrentZone_Layer = s_CurrentZone->GetLayer();
            setActiveLayer( s_CurrentZone->GetLayer() );

            zoneInfo << *s_CurrentZone;

            SetZoneSettings( zoneInfo );

        // Show the Net for zones on copper layers
        if( zoneInfo.m_CurrentZone_Layer < FIRST_NO_COPPER_LAYER &&
            ! zoneInfo.GetIsKeepout() )
            if( s_CurrentZone )
                zoneInfo.m_NetcodeSelection = s_CurrentZone->GetNet();
                GetBoard()->SetZoneSettings( zoneInfo );

            if( GetBoard()->IsHighLightNetON() )
                HighLight( DC );    // Remove old highlight selection

            GetBoard()->SetHighLightNet( zoneInfo.m_NetcodeSelection );
            HighLight( DC );

        if( !s_AddCutoutToCurrentZone )
            s_CurrentZone = NULL; // the zone is used only once ("add similar zone" command)

    // if first segment
    if( zone->GetNumCorners() == 0 )
        zone->SetFlags( IS_NEW );
        zone->SetTimeStamp( GetNewTimeStamp() );

        zoneInfo.ExportSetting( *zone );

        zone->m_Poly->Start( zoneInfo.m_CurrentZone_Layer,
                             zone->GetHatchStyle() );

        zone->AppendCorner( GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition() );

        if( Drc_On && (m_drc->Drc( zone, 0 ) == BAD_DRC) && zone->IsOnCopperLayer() )

            // use the form of SetCurItem() which does not write to the msg panel,
            // SCREEN::SetCurItem(), so the DRC error remains on screen.
            // PCB_EDIT_FRAME::SetCurItem() calls DisplayInfo().
            GetScreen()->SetCurItem( NULL );
            DisplayError( this,
                          _( "DRC error: this start point is inside or too close an other area" ) );
            return 0;

        SetCurItem( zone );
        m_canvas->SetMouseCapture( Show_New_Edge_While_Move_Mouse, Abort_Zone_Create_Outline );
    else    // edge in progress:
        ii = zone->GetNumCorners() - 1;

        // edge in progress : the current corner coordinate was set
        // by Show_New_Edge_While_Move_Mouse
        if( zone->GetCornerPosition( ii - 1 ) != zone->GetCornerPosition( ii ) )
            if( !Drc_On || !zone->IsOnCopperLayer() || ( m_drc->Drc( zone, ii - 1 ) == OK_DRC ) )
                // Ok, we can add a new corner
                if( m_canvas->IsMouseCaptured() )
                    m_canvas->CallMouseCapture( DC, wxPoint(0,0), false );
                zone->AppendCorner( GetScreen()->GetCrossHairPosition() );
                SetCurItem( zone );     // calls DisplayInfo().
                if( m_canvas->IsMouseCaptured() )
                    m_canvas->CallMouseCapture( DC, wxPoint(0,0), false );

    return zone->GetNumCorners();
 * Function TestForIntersectionOfStraightLineSegments
 * Test for intersection of line segments
 * If lines are parallel, returns false
 * If true, returns also intersection coords in x, y
 * if false, returns min. distance in dist (may be 0.0 if parallel)
bool TestForIntersectionOfStraightLineSegments( int x1i, int y1i, int x1f, int y1f,
                                                int x2i, int y2i, int x2f, int y2f,
                                                int* x, int* y, double* d )
    double a, b, dist;

    // first, test for intersection
    if( x1i == x1f && x2i == x2f )
        // both segments are vertical, can't intersect
    else if( y1i == y1f && y2i == y2f )
        // both segments are horizontal, can't intersect
    else if( x1i == x1f && y2i == y2f )
        // first seg. vertical, second horizontal, see if they cross
        if( InRange( x1i, x2i, x2f )
            && InRange( y2i, y1i, y1f ) )
            if( x )
                *x = x1i;

            if( y )
                *y = y2i;

            if( d )
                *d = 0.0;

            return true;
    else if( y1i == y1f && x2i == x2f )
        // first seg. horizontal, second vertical, see if they cross
        if( InRange( y1i, y2i, y2f )
            && InRange( x2i, x1i, x1f ) )
            if( x )
                *x = x2i;

            if( y )
                *y = y1i;

            if( d )
                *d = 0.0;

            return true;
    else if( x1i == x1f )
        // first segment vertical, second oblique
        // get a and b for second line segment, so that y = a + bx;
        b   = double( y2f - y2i ) / (x2f - x2i);
        a   = (double) y2i - b * x2i;

        double  x1, y1, x2, y2;
        int     test = FindLineSegmentIntersection( a, b, x1i, y1i, x1f, y1f,
                                                    &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2 );

        if( test )
            if( InRange( y1, y1i, y1f ) && InRange( x1, x2i, x2f ) && InRange( y1, y2i, y2f ) )
                if( x )
                    *x = KiROUND( x1 );

                if( y )
                    *y = KiROUND( y1 );

                if( d )
                    *d = 0.0;

                return true;
    else if( y1i == y1f )
        // first segment horizontal, second oblique
        // get a and b for second line segment, so that y = a + bx;
        b   = double( y2f - y2i ) / (x2f - x2i);
        a   = (double) y2i - b * x2i;

        double  x1, y1, x2, y2;
        int     test = FindLineSegmentIntersection( a, b, x1i, y1i, x1f, y1f,
                                                    &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2 );

        if( test )
            if( InRange( x1, x1i, x1f ) && InRange( x1, x2i, x2f ) && InRange( y1, y2i, y2f ) )
                if( x )
                    *x = KiROUND( x1 );

                if( y )
                    *y = KiROUND( y1 );

                if( d )
                    *d = 0.0;

                return true;
    else if( x2i == x2f )
        // second segment vertical, first oblique
        // get a and b for first line segment, so that y = a + bx;
        b   = double( y1f - y1i ) / (x1f - x1i);
        a   = (double) y1i - b * x1i;

        double  x1, y1, x2, y2;
        int     test = FindLineSegmentIntersection( a, b, x2i, y2i, x2f, y2f,
                                                    &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2 );

        if( test )
            if( InRange( x1, x1i, x1f ) &&  InRange( y1, y1i, y1f ) && InRange( y1, y2i, y2f ) )
                if( x )
                    *x = KiROUND( x1 );

                if( y )
                    *y = KiROUND( y1 );

                if( d )
                    *d = 0.0;

                return true;
    else if( y2i == y2f )
        // second segment horizontal, first oblique
        // get a and b for second line segment, so that y = a + bx;
        b   = double( y1f - y1i ) / (x1f - x1i);
        a   = (double) y1i - b * x1i;

        double  x1, y1, x2, y2;
        int     test = FindLineSegmentIntersection( a, b, x2i, y2i, x2f, y2f,
                                                    &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2 );

        if( test )
            if( InRange( x1, x1i, x1f ) && InRange( y1, y1i, y1f ) )
                if( x )
                    *x = KiROUND( x1 );

                if( y )
                    *y = KiROUND( y1 );

                if( d )
                    *d = 0.0;

                return true;
        // both segments oblique
        if( long( y1f - y1i ) * (x2f - x2i) != long( y2f - y2i ) * (x1f - x1i) )
            // not parallel, get a and b for first line segment, so that y = a + bx;
            b   = double( y1f - y1i ) / (x1f - x1i);
            a   = (double) y1i - b * x1i;

            double  x1, y1, x2, y2;
            int     test = FindLineSegmentIntersection( a, b, x2i, y2i, x2f, y2f,
                                                        &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2 );

            // both segments oblique
            if( test )
                if( InRange( x1, x1i, x1f ) && InRange( y1, y1i, y1f ) )
                    if( x )
                        *x = KiROUND( x1 );

                    if( y )
                        *y = KiROUND( y1 );

                    if( d )
                        *d = 0.0;

                    return true;

    // don't intersect, get shortest distance between each endpoint and the other line segment
    dist = GetPointToLineSegmentDistance( x1i, y1i, x2i, y2i, x2f, y2f );

    double  xx  = x1i;
    double  yy  = y1i;
    double  dd  = GetPointToLineSegmentDistance( x1f, y1f, x2i, y2i, x2f, y2f );

    if( dd < dist )
        dist    = dd;
        xx      = x1f;
        yy      = y1f;

    dd = GetPointToLineSegmentDistance( x2i, y2i, x1i, y1i, x1f, y1f );

    if( dd < dist )
        dist    = dd;
        xx      = x2i;
        yy      = y2i;

    dd = GetPointToLineSegmentDistance( x2f, y2f, x1i, y1i, x1f, y1f );

    if( dd < dist )
        dist    = dd;
        xx      = x2f;
        yy      = y2f;

    if( x )
        *x = KiROUND( xx );

    if( y )
        *y = KiROUND( yy );

    if( d )
        *d = dist;

    return false;
예제 #30
 * Function GetPensizeForBold
 * @return the "best" value for a pen size to draw/plot a bold text
 * @param aTextSize = the char size (height or width)
int GetPenSizeForBold( int aTextSize )
    return KiROUND( aTextSize / 5.0 );