예제 #1
 * NOTE: this implementation follows Standard SVG 1.1 implementation guidelines
 * for elliptical arc curves. See Appendix F.6.
void EllipticalArc::_updateCenterAndAngles(bool svg)
    Point d = initialPoint() - finalPoint();

    // TODO move this to SVGElipticalArc?
    if (svg)
        if ( initialPoint() == finalPoint() )
            _rot_angle = _start_angle = _end_angle = 0;
            _center = initialPoint();
            _rays = Geom::Point(0,0);
            _large_arc = _sweep = false;

        _rays[X] = std::fabs(_rays[X]);
        _rays[Y] = std::fabs(_rays[Y]);

        if ( are_near(ray(X), 0) || are_near(ray(Y), 0) )
            _rays[X] = L2(d) / 2;
            _rays[Y] = 0;
            _rot_angle = std::atan2(d[Y], d[X]);
            _start_angle = 0;
            _end_angle = M_PI;
            _center = middle_point(initialPoint(), finalPoint());
            _large_arc = false;
            _sweep = false;
        if ( are_near(initialPoint(), finalPoint()) )
            if ( are_near(ray(X), 0) && are_near(ray(Y), 0) )
                _start_angle = _end_angle = 0;
                _center = initialPoint();
                THROW_RANGEERROR("initial and final point are the same");
        if ( are_near(ray(X), 0) && are_near(ray(Y), 0) )
        { // but initialPoint != finalPoint
                "there is no ellipse that satisfies the given constraints: "
                "ray(X) == 0 && ray(Y) == 0 but initialPoint != finalPoint"
        if ( are_near(ray(Y), 0) )
            Point v = initialPoint() - finalPoint();
            if ( are_near(L2sq(v), 4*ray(X)*ray(X)) )
                Angle angle(v);
                if ( are_near( angle, _rot_angle ) )
                    _start_angle = 0;
                    _end_angle = M_PI;
                    _center = v/2 + finalPoint();
                angle -= M_PI;
                if ( are_near( angle, _rot_angle ) )
                    _start_angle = M_PI;
                    _end_angle = 0;
                    _center = v/2 + finalPoint();
                    "there is no ellipse that satisfies the given constraints: "
                    "ray(Y) == 0 "
                    "and slope(initialPoint - finalPoint) != rotation_angle "
                    "and != rotation_angle + PI"
            if ( L2sq(v) > 4*ray(X)*ray(X) )
                    "there is no ellipse that satisfies the given constraints: "
                    "ray(Y) == 0 and distance(initialPoint, finalPoint) > 2*ray(X)"
                    "there is infinite ellipses that satisfy the given constraints: "
                    "ray(Y) == 0  and distance(initialPoint, finalPoint) < 2*ray(X)"


        if ( are_near(ray(X), 0) )
            Point v = initialPoint() - finalPoint();
            if ( are_near(L2sq(v), 4*ray(Y)*ray(Y)) )
                double angle = std::atan2(v[Y], v[X]);
                if (angle < 0) angle += 2*M_PI;
                double rot_angle = _rot_angle.radians() + M_PI/2;
                if ( !(rot_angle < 2*M_PI) ) rot_angle -= 2*M_PI;
                if ( are_near( angle, rot_angle ) )
                    _start_angle = M_PI/2;
                    _end_angle = 3*M_PI/2;
                    _center = v/2 + finalPoint();
                angle -= M_PI;
                if ( angle < 0 ) angle += 2*M_PI;
                if ( are_near( angle, rot_angle ) )
                    _start_angle = 3*M_PI/2;
                    _end_angle = M_PI/2;
                    _center = v/2 + finalPoint();
                    "there is no ellipse that satisfies the given constraints: "
                    "ray(X) == 0 "
                    "and slope(initialPoint - finalPoint) != rotation_angle + PI/2 "
                    "and != rotation_angle + (3/2)*PI"
            if ( L2sq(v) > 4*ray(Y)*ray(Y) )
                    "there is no ellipse that satisfies the given constraints: "
                    "ray(X) == 0 and distance(initialPoint, finalPoint) > 2*ray(Y)"
                    "there is infinite ellipses that satisfy the given constraints: "
                    "ray(X) == 0  and distance(initialPoint, finalPoint) < 2*ray(Y)"



    Rotate rm(_rot_angle);
    Affine m(rm);
    m[1] = -m[1];
    m[2] = -m[2];

    Point p = (d / 2) * m;
    double rx2 = _rays[X] * _rays[X];
    double ry2 = _rays[Y] * _rays[Y];
    double rxpy = _rays[X] * p[Y];
    double rypx = _rays[Y] * p[X];
    double rx2py2 = rxpy * rxpy;
    double ry2px2 = rypx * rypx;
    double num = rx2 * ry2;
    double den = rx2py2 + ry2px2;
    assert(den != 0);
    double rad = num / den;
    Point c(0,0);
    if (rad > 1)
        rad -= 1;
        rad = std::sqrt(rad);

        if (_large_arc == _sweep) rad = -rad;
        c = rad * Point(rxpy / ray(Y), -rypx / ray(X));

        _center = c * rm + middle_point(initialPoint(), finalPoint());
    else if (rad == 1 || svg)
        double lamda = std::sqrt(1 / rad);
        _rays[X] *= lamda;
        _rays[Y] *= lamda;
        _center = middle_point(initialPoint(), finalPoint());
            "there is no ellipse that satisfies the given constraints"

    Point sp((p[X] - c[X]) / ray(X), (p[Y] - c[Y]) / ray(Y));
    Point ep((-p[X] - c[X]) / ray(X), (-p[Y] - c[Y]) / ray(Y));
    Point v(1, 0);
    _start_angle = angle_between(v, sp);
    double sweep_angle = angle_between(sp, ep);
    if (!_sweep && sweep_angle > 0) sweep_angle -= 2*M_PI;
    if (_sweep && sweep_angle < 0) sweep_angle += 2*M_PI;

    _end_angle = _start_angle;
    _end_angle += sweep_angle;
예제 #2
        [8]  = { {  810000, HFPLL, 1, 0x1E }, 1100000, 1100000, 4 },
        [9]  = { {  864000, HFPLL, 1, 0x20 }, 1100000, 1100000, 4 },
        [10] = { {  918000, HFPLL, 1, 0x22 }, 1100000, 1100000, 5 },
        [11] = { {  972000, HFPLL, 1, 0x24 }, 1100000, 1100000, 5 },
        [12] = { { 1026000, HFPLL, 1, 0x26 }, 1100000, 1100000, 5 },
        [13] = { { 1080000, HFPLL, 1, 0x28 }, 1100000, 1100000, 5 },
        [14] = { { 1134000, HFPLL, 1, 0x2A }, 1100000, 1100000, 5 },
        [15] = { { 1188000, HFPLL, 1, 0x2C }, 1100000, 1100000, 5 },
        [16] = { { 1242000, HFPLL, 1, 0x2E }, 1100000, 1100000, 5 },
        [17] = { { 1296000, HFPLL, 1, 0x30 }, 1100000, 1100000, 5 },
        [18] = { { 1350000, HFPLL, 1, 0x32 }, 1100000, 1100000, 5 },
        { }

static struct acpu_level tbl_slow[] __initdata = {
        { 1, {   384000, PLL_8, 0, 0x00 }, L2(0),   950000 },
        { 1, {   486000, HFPLL, 2, 0x24 }, L2(5),   975000 },
        { 1, {   594000, HFPLL, 1, 0x16 }, L2(5),  1000000 },
        { 1, {   702000, HFPLL, 1, 0x1A }, L2(5),  1025000 },
        { 1, {   810000, HFPLL, 1, 0x1E }, L2(5),  1075000 },
        { 1, {   918000, HFPLL, 1, 0x22 }, L2(5),  1100000 },
        { 1, {  1026000, HFPLL, 1, 0x26 }, L2(5),  1125000 },
        { 1, {  1134000, HFPLL, 1, 0x2A }, L2(16), 1175000 },
        { 1, {  1242000, HFPLL, 1, 0x2E }, L2(16), 1200000 },
        { 1, {  1350000, HFPLL, 1, 0x32 }, L2(16), 1225000 },
        { 1, {  1458000, HFPLL, 1, 0x36 }, L2(16), 1237500 },
        { 1, {  1512000, HFPLL, 1, 0x38 }, L2(16), 1250000 },
        { 1, {  1620000, HFPLL, 1, 0x3C }, L2(16), 1275000 },
        { 1, {  1728000, HFPLL, 1, 0x40 }, L2(16), 1300000 },
//        { 1, {  1836000, HFPLL, 1, 0x44 }, L2(16), 1312500 },
//      { 1, {  1944000, HFPLL, 1, 0x48 }, L2(14), 1325000 },
예제 #3
extern "C" magma_int_t
magma_ctstrf_gpu( char storev, magma_int_t m, magma_int_t n, magma_int_t ib, magma_int_t nb,
                  magmaFloatComplex *hU, magma_int_t ldhu, magmaFloatComplex *dU, magma_int_t lddu,
                  magmaFloatComplex *hA, magma_int_t ldha, magmaFloatComplex *dA, magma_int_t ldda,
                  magmaFloatComplex *hL, magma_int_t ldhl, magmaFloatComplex *dL, magma_int_t lddl,
                  magma_int_t *ipiv,
                  magmaFloatComplex *hwork, magma_int_t ldhwork, magmaFloatComplex *dwork, magma_int_t lddwork,
                  magma_int_t *info)
/*  -- MAGMA (version 1.4.0) --
       Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville
       Univ. of California, Berkeley
       Univ. of Colorado, Denver
       August 2013

    CSSSSM applies the LU factorization update from a complex
    matrix formed by a lower triangular IB-by-K tile L1 on top of a
    M2-by-K tile L2 to a second complex matrix formed by a M1-by-N1
    tile A1 on top of a M2-by-N2 tile A2 (N1 == N2).

    This is the right-looking Level 2.5 BLAS version of the algorithm.

    M       (input) INTEGER
            The number of rows of the matrix A.  M >= 0.

    N       (input) INTEGER
            The number of columns of the matrix A.  N >= 0.

    IB      (input) INTEGER
            The inner-blocking size.  IB >= 0.

    NB      (input) INTEGER
            The blocking size.  NB >= 0.

    hU      (input,output) COMPLEX array, dimension(LDHU, N), on cpu.
            On entry, the NB-by-N upper triangular tile hU.
            On exit, the content is incomplete. Shouldn't be used.

    LDHU    (input) INTEGER
            The leading dimension of the array hU.  LDHU >= max(1,NB).

    dU      (input,output) COMPLEX array, dimension(LDDU, N), on gpu.
            On entry, the NB-by-N upper triangular tile dU identical to hU.
            On exit, the new factor U from the factorization.

    LDDU    (input) INTEGER
            The leading dimension of the array dU.  LDDU >= max(1,NB).

    hA      (input,output) COMPLEX array, dimension(LDHA, N), on cpu.
            On entry, only the M-by-IB first panel needs to be identical to dA(1..M, 1..IB).
            On exit, the content is incomplete. Shouldn't be used.

    LDHA    (input) INTEGER
            The leading dimension of the array hA.  LDHA >= max(1,M).

    dA      (input,output) COMPLEX array, dimension(LDDA, N) , on gpu.
            On entry, the M-by-N tile to be factored.
            On exit, the factor L from the factorization

    LDDA    (input) INTEGER
            The leading dimension of the array dA.  LDDA >= max(1,M).

    hL      (output) COMPLEX array, dimension(LDHL, K), on vpu.
            On exit, contains in the upper part the IB-by-K lower triangular tile,
            and in the lower part IB-by-K the inverse of the top part.

    LDHL    (input) INTEGER
            The leading dimension of the array hL.  LDHL >= max(1,2*IB).

    dL      (output) COMPLEX array, dimension(LDDL, K), on gpu.
            On exit, contains in the upper part the IB-by-K lower triangular tile,
            and in the lower part IB-by-K the inverse of the top part.

    LDDL    (input) INTEGER
            The leading dimension of the array dL.  LDDL >= max(1,2*IB).

    hWORK   (output) COMPLEX array, dimension(LDHWORK, 2*IB), on cpu.

            The leading dimension of the array hWORK.  LDHWORK >= max(NB, 1).

    dWORK   (output) COMPLEX array, dimension(LDDWORK, 2*IB), on gpu.

            The leading dimension of the array dWORK.  LDDWORK >= max(NB, 1).

    IPIV    (output) INTEGER array on the cpu.
            The pivot indices array of size K as returned by CTSTRF

    INFO    (output) INTEGER
            - PLASMA_SUCCESS successful exit
            - < 0 if INFO = -k, the k-th argument had an illegal value
            - > 0 if INFO = k, U(k,k) is exactly zero. The factorization
                has been completed, but the factor U is exactly
                singular, and division by zero will occur if it is used
                to solve a system of equations.

    =====================================================================    */

#define UT(i,j) (dUT + (i)*ib*lddu + (j)*ib )
#define AT(i,j) (dAT + (i)*ib*ldda + (j)*ib )
#define L(i)    (dL  + (i)*ib*lddl          )
#define L2(i)   (dL2 + (i)*ib*lddl          )
#define hU(i,j) (hU  + (j)*ib*ldhu + (i)*ib )
#define hA(i,j) (hA  + (j)*ib*ldha + (i)*ib )
#define hL(i)   (hL  + (i)*ib*ldhl          )
#define hL2(i)  (hL2 + (i)*ib*ldhl          )

    magmaFloatComplex c_one     = MAGMA_C_ONE;
    magmaFloatComplex c_neg_one = MAGMA_C_NEG_ONE;

    int iinfo = 0;
    int maxm, mindim;
    int i, j, im, s, ip, ii, sb, p = 1;
    magmaFloatComplex *dAT, *dUT;
    magmaFloatComplex *dAp, *dUp;
    magmaFloatComplex *dL2 = dL + ib;
    magmaFloatComplex *hL2 = hL + ib;
    p = 2;

    /* Check input arguments */
    *info = 0;
    if (m < 0) {
        *info = -1;
    else if (n < 0) {
        *info = -2;
    else if (ib < 0) {
        *info = -3;
    else if ((lddu < max(1,m)) && (m > 0)) {
        *info = -6;
    else if ((ldda < max(1,m)) && (m > 0)) {
        *info = -8;
    else if ((lddl < max(1,ib)) && (ib > 0)) {
        *info = -10;

    if (*info != 0) {
        magma_xerbla( __func__, -(*info) );
        return *info;

    /* quick return */
    if ((m == 0) || (n == 0) || (ib == 0))
        return *info;

    ip = 0;

    /* Function Body */
    mindim = min(m, n);
    s      = mindim / ib;

    if ( ib >= mindim ) {
        /* Use CPU code. */
        CORE_ctstrf(m, n, ib, nb,
                    (PLASMA_Complex32_t*)hU, ldhu,
                    (PLASMA_Complex32_t*)hA, ldha,
                    (PLASMA_Complex32_t*)hL, ldhl,
                    (PLASMA_Complex32_t*)hwork, ldhwork,

        CORE_clacpy( PlasmaUpperLower, mindim, mindim,
                     (PLASMA_Complex32_t*)hL, ldhl,
                     (PLASMA_Complex32_t*)hL2, ldhl );
        CORE_ctrtri( PlasmaLower, PlasmaUnit, mindim,
                     (PLASMA_Complex32_t*)hL2, ldhl, info );
        if (*info != 0 ) {
            fprintf(stderr, "ERROR, trtri returned with info = %d\n", *info);

        if ( (storev == 'R') || (storev == 'r') ) {
            magma_csetmatrix( m, n, hU, ldhu, dwork, lddwork );
            magmablas_ctranspose( dU, lddu, dwork, lddwork, m, n );

            magma_csetmatrix( m, n, hA, ldha, dwork, lddwork );
            magmablas_ctranspose( dA, ldda, dwork, lddwork, m, n );
        } else {
            magma_csetmatrix( m, n, hU, ldhu, dU, lddu );
            magma_csetmatrix( m, n, hA, ldha, dA, ldda );
        magma_csetmatrix( p*ib, n, hL, ldhl, dL, lddl );
    else {
        /* Use hybrid blocked code. */
        maxm = ((m + 31)/32)*32;

        if ( (storev == 'C') || (storev == 'c') ) {
            magmablas_cgetmo_in( dU, dUT, lddu, m,  n );
            magmablas_cgetmo_in( dA, dAT, ldda, m,  n );
        } else {
            dUT = dU; dAT = dA;
        dAp = dwork;
        dUp = dAp + ib*lddwork;

        ip = 0;
        for( i=0; i<s; i++ )
            ii = i * ib;
            sb = min(mindim-ii, ib);
            if ( i>0 ){
                // download i-th panel
                magmablas_ctranspose( dUp, lddu, UT(0, i), lddu, sb, ii );
                magmablas_ctranspose( dAp, ldda, AT(0, i), ldda, sb, m  );
                magma_cgetmatrix( ii, sb, dUp, lddu, hU(0, i), ldhu );
                magma_cgetmatrix( m, sb, dAp, ldda, hA(0, i), ldha );
                // make sure that gpu queue is empty
                magma_ctrmm( MagmaRight, MagmaLower, MagmaTrans, MagmaUnit,
                             n-(ii+sb), ib,
                             c_one, L2(i-1),      lddl,
                                    UT(i-1, i+1), lddu);
                magma_ctrsm( MagmaRight, MagmaLower, MagmaTrans, MagmaUnit,
                             n-(ii+sb), ib,
                             c_one, L(i-1),       lddl,
                                    UT(i-1, i+1), lddu);
                magma_cgemm( MagmaNoTrans, MagmaNoTrans,
                             n-(ii+sb), m, ib,
                             c_neg_one, UT(i-1, i+1), lddu,
                                        AT(0,   i-1), ldda,
                             c_one,     AT(0,   i+1), ldda );

            // do the cpu part
            CORE_ctstrf(m, sb, ib, nb,
                        (PLASMA_Complex32_t*)hU(i, i), ldhu,
                        (PLASMA_Complex32_t*)hA(0, i), ldha,
                        (PLASMA_Complex32_t*)hL(i),    ldhl,
                        (PLASMA_Complex32_t*)hwork, ldhwork,

            if ( (*info == 0) && (iinfo > 0) )
                *info = iinfo + ii;
            // Need to swap betw U and A
            magmablas_cswapblk( 'R', n-(ii+sb),
                                UT(i, i+1), lddu,
                                AT(0, i+1), ldda,
                                1, sb, ipiv+ii, 1, nb );

            for(j=0; j<ib; j++) {
                im = ipiv[ip]-1;
                if ( im == j ) {
                    ipiv[ip] += ii;
            for(j=0; j<ib; j++) {
                im = ipiv[ip]-1;
                if ( im != (j) ) {
                    im = im - nb;
                    assert( (im>=0) && (im<m) );
                    magmablas_cswap( n-(ii+sb), UT(i, i+1)+j*lddu, 1, AT(0, i+1)+im*ldda, 1 );
                } else {
                    ipiv[ip] += ii;

            CORE_clacpy( PlasmaUpperLower, sb, sb,
                         (PLASMA_Complex32_t*)hL(i), ldhl,
                         (PLASMA_Complex32_t*)hL2(i), ldhl );
            CORE_ctrtri( PlasmaLower, PlasmaUnit, sb,
                         (PLASMA_Complex32_t*)hL2(i), ldhl, info );
            if (*info != 0 ) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR, trtri returned with info = %d\n", *info);
            // upload i-th panel
            magma_csetmatrix( sb, sb, hU(i, i), ldhu, dUp, lddu );
            magma_csetmatrix( m, sb, hA(0, i), ldha, dAp, ldda );
            magma_csetmatrix( p*ib, sb, hL(i), ldhl, L(i), lddl );
            magmablas_ctranspose( UT(i, i), lddu, dUp, lddu, sb, sb);
            magmablas_ctranspose( AT(0, i), ldda, dAp, ldda, m,  sb);
            // make sure that gpu queue is empty
            // do the small non-parallel computations
            if ( s > (i+1) ) {
                magma_ctrmm( MagmaRight, MagmaLower, MagmaTrans, MagmaUnit,
                             sb, sb,
                             c_one, L2(i),      lddl,
                                    UT(i, i+1), lddu);
                magma_ctrsm( MagmaRight, MagmaLower, MagmaTrans, MagmaUnit,
                             sb, sb,
                             c_one, L(i),      lddl,
                                    UT(i, i+1), lddu);
                magma_cgemm( MagmaNoTrans, MagmaNoTrans,
                             sb, m, sb,
                             c_neg_one, UT(i, i+1), lddu,
                                        AT(0, i  ), ldda,
                             c_one,     AT(0, i+1), ldda );
            else {
                magma_ctrmm( MagmaRight, MagmaLower, MagmaTrans, MagmaUnit,
                             n-mindim, sb,
                             c_one, L2(i),      lddl,
                                    UT(i, i+1), lddu);
                magma_ctrsm( MagmaRight, MagmaLower, MagmaTrans, MagmaUnit,
                             n-mindim, sb,
                             c_one, L(i),      lddl,
                                    UT(i, i+1), lddu);
                magma_cgemm( MagmaNoTrans, MagmaNoTrans,
                             n-mindim, m, sb,
                             c_neg_one, UT(i, i+1), lddu,
                                        AT(0, i  ), ldda,
                             c_one,     AT(0, i+1), ldda );

        if ( (storev == 'C') || (storev == 'c') ) {
            magmablas_cgetmo_out( dU, dUT, lddu, m,  n );
            magmablas_cgetmo_out( dA, dAT, ldda, m,  n );
    return *info;
예제 #4
	[4]  = { {  594000, HFPLL, 1, 0x16 }, 1050000, 1050000, 2 },
	[5]  = { {  648000, HFPLL, 1, 0x18 }, 1050000, 1050000, 4 },
	[6]  = { {  702000, HFPLL, 1, 0x1A }, 1150000, 1150000, 4 },
	[7]  = { {  756000, HFPLL, 1, 0x1C }, 1150000, 1150000, 4 },
	[8]  = { {  810000, HFPLL, 1, 0x1E }, 1150000, 1150000, 4 },
	[9]  = { {  864000, HFPLL, 1, 0x20 }, 1150000, 1150000, 4 },
	[10] = { {  918000, HFPLL, 1, 0x22 }, 1150000, 1150000, 5 },
	[11] = { {  972000, HFPLL, 1, 0x24 }, 1150000, 1150000, 5 },
	[12] = { { 1026000, HFPLL, 1, 0x26 }, 1150000, 1150000, 5 },
	[13] = { { 1080000, HFPLL, 1, 0x28 }, 1150000, 1150000, 5 },
	[14] = { { 1134000, HFPLL, 1, 0x2A }, 1150000, 1150000, 5 },
	{ }

static struct acpu_level tbl_slow[] __initdata = {
	{ 1, {   384000, PLL_8, 0, 0x00 }, L2(0),   950000 },
	{ 0, {   432000, HFPLL, 2, 0x20 }, L2(5),   975000 },
	{ 1, {   486000, HFPLL, 2, 0x24 }, L2(5),   975000 },
	{ 0, {   540000, HFPLL, 2, 0x28 }, L2(5),  1000000 },
	{ 1, {   594000, HFPLL, 1, 0x16 }, L2(5),  1000000 },
	{ 0, {   648000, HFPLL, 1, 0x18 }, L2(5),  1025000 },
	{ 1, {   702000, HFPLL, 1, 0x1A }, L2(5),  1025000 },
	{ 0, {   756000, HFPLL, 1, 0x1C }, L2(5),  1075000 },
	{ 1, {   810000, HFPLL, 1, 0x1E }, L2(5),  1075000 },
	{ 0, {   864000, HFPLL, 1, 0x20 }, L2(5),  1100000 },
	{ 1, {   918000, HFPLL, 1, 0x22 }, L2(5),  1100000 },
	{ 0, {   972000, HFPLL, 1, 0x24 }, L2(5),  1125000 },
	{ 1, {  1026000, HFPLL, 1, 0x26 }, L2(5),  1125000 },
	{ 0, {  1080000, HFPLL, 1, 0x28 }, L2(14), 1175000 },
	{ 1, {  1134000, HFPLL, 1, 0x2A }, L2(14), 1175000 },
	{ 0, {  1188000, HFPLL, 1, 0x2C }, L2(14), 1200000 },
예제 #5
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  ros::init(argc, argv, "ParseVito");
  ros::NodeHandle node("~");

  // VitoSkelethon vito_skelethon;
   LineCollisions LineCollisionsLocal;
    double spin_rate = 1000;
  ROS_DEBUG( "Spin Rate %lf", spin_rate);
  ros::Rate rate(spin_rate); 

  std::string  base("world");
  double threshold = .15;
  std::vector<std::string> list_brach_names;

  node.param<std::string>("base", base, "world");
  node.param<double>("threshold", threshold, .15);

  ROS_INFO_STREAM("Using Base: " <<  base.c_str());
  ROS_INFO_STREAM("Threshold: " <<  threshold);

  tf::TransformListener tf_listener;

  std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> links_all_branch;

  ros::Publisher list_pub = node.advertise<visualization_msgs::Marker>("skelethon_lines", 10);
  ros::Publisher point_pub = node.advertise<visualization_msgs::Marker>("skelethon_point", 10);
  ros::Publisher collisions_lines_pub = node.advertise<visualization_msgs::Marker>("skelethon_collision_lines", 10);
  ros::Publisher collisions_points_pub = node.advertise<visualization_msgs::Marker>("skelethon_collision_point", 10);

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i< list_brach_names.size(); i++)

    std::vector<std::string> links_in_brach = getSkelethonPoints(node, list_brach_names[i]);

  while (node.ok())
    tf::StampedTransform trans, trans2;
    std::vector<std::vector<LineSkelethon>> List_lines_in_all_chains, lines_and_collisions_multiple;
    std::vector<LineSkelethon> lines_and_collisions;

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < links_all_branch.size(); ++i)
      std::vector<LineSkelethon> list_lines_one_chain;
      for (unsigned int j = 0; j < links_all_branch[i].size() -1 ; ++j)
          tf_listener.waitForTransform(base, links_all_branch[i][j], ros::Time(0), ros::Duration(2.0));
          tf_listener.lookupTransform( base , links_all_branch[i][j], ros::Time(0), trans);
          tf_listener.waitForTransform(base, links_all_branch[i][j+1], ros::Time(0), ros::Duration(2.0));
          tf_listener.lookupTransform( base , links_all_branch[i][j+1], ros::Time(0), trans2);
          tf::Vector3 trasnX = trans.getOrigin();
          tf::Vector3 trasnX2 = trans2.getOrigin();
          PointSkelethon Point1( LineCollisions::Point(trasnX.getX(), trasnX.getY(), trasnX.getZ()), links_all_branch[i][j] );
          PointSkelethon Point2( LineCollisions::Point(trasnX2.getX(), trasnX2.getY(), trasnX2.getZ()), links_all_branch[i][j] );
          list_lines_one_chain.push_back( LineSkelethon( Point1, Point2) );        
        catch(tf::TransformException& ex)
          ROS_ERROR("%s", ex.what()); 

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < List_lines_in_all_chains.size() - 1; ++i)
      for (unsigned int j = i+1; j < List_lines_in_all_chains.size() ; ++j)
        for (unsigned int k = 0; k < List_lines_in_all_chains[i].size() ; ++k)
          for (unsigned int l = 0; l < List_lines_in_all_chains[j].size(); ++l)
            LineCollisions::Line L1(List_lines_in_all_chains[i][k].P1.P, List_lines_in_all_chains[i][k].P2.P);
            LineCollisions::Line L2(List_lines_in_all_chains[j][l].P1.P, List_lines_in_all_chains[j][l].P2.P);
            LineCollisions::Line collision_line = LineCollisionsLocal.getClosestPoints( L1, L2 );
            if (collision_line.norm <= .15)
              lines_and_collisions.push_back( LineSkelethon( PointSkelethon( collision_line.P1, List_lines_in_all_chains[i][k].P1.link_name ),
                                                             PointSkelethon( collision_line.P2, List_lines_in_all_chains[j][l].P1.link_name ) )) ;
              ROS_INFO_STREAM("Collision in Point:" << lines_and_collisions.back().P1.P.transpose() << " of link " << lines_and_collisions.back().P1.link_name);
              ROS_INFO_STREAM("Collision in Point:" << lines_and_collisions.back().P2.P.transpose() << " of link " << lines_and_collisions.back().P2.link_name);

    // list_pub.publish(plot_lines(List_lines_in_all_chains, base, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, visualization_msgs::Marker::LINE_LIST)); 
    point_pub.publish(plot_lines(List_lines_in_all_chains, base, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1, visualization_msgs::Marker::POINTS)); 
    std::vector<std::vector<LineSkelethon>> lis;
    collisions_lines_pub.publish(plot_lines(lis, base, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2, visualization_msgs::Marker::LINE_LIST));
    collisions_points_pub.publish(plot_lines(lis, base, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 3, visualization_msgs::Marker::POINTS));


  return 0;
	[9]  = { {  810000, HFPLL, 1, 0x1E }, 1150000, 1150000, 4 },
	[10] = { {  864000, HFPLL, 1, 0x20 }, 1150000, 1150000, 4 },
	[11] = { {  918000, HFPLL, 1, 0x22 }, 1150000, 1150000, 5 },
	[12] = { {  972000, HFPLL, 1, 0x24 }, 1150000, 1150000, 5 },
	[13] = { { 1026000, HFPLL, 1, 0x26 }, 1150000, 1150000, 5 },
	[14] = { { 1080000, HFPLL, 1, 0x28 }, 1150000, 1150000, 5 },
	[15] = { { 1134000, HFPLL, 1, 0x2A }, 1150000, 1150000, 5 },
	[16] = { { 1188000, HFPLL, 1, 0x2C }, 1150000, 1150000, 5 },
	[17] = { { 1242000, HFPLL, 1, 0x2E }, 1175000, 1175000, 5 },
	[18] = { { 1296000, HFPLL, 1, 0x30 }, 1175000, 1175000, 5 },
	[19] = { { 1350000, HFPLL, 1, 0x32 }, 1175000, 1175000, 5 },
	{ }

static struct acpu_level tbl_slow[] __initdata = {
	{ 0, {   162000, HFPLL, 2, 0x0C }, L2(0),   925000 },
    { 1, {	 175500, HFPLL, 2, 0x0D }, L2(0),   950000 },
    { 0, {	 189000, HFPLL, 2, 0x0E }, L2(1),   950000 },	
	{ 1, {	 216000, HFPLL, 2, 0x10 }, L2(1),   950000 },
	{ 0, { 	 270000, HFPLL, 2, 0x14 }, L2(2),   950000 },
	{ 1, {   324000, HFPLL, 2, 0x18 }, L2(2),   950000 },
	{ 0, {   378000, HFPLL, 2, 0x1C }, L2(4),   950000 },
	{ 1, {   384000, PLL_8, 0, 0x00 }, L2(7),   950000 },
	{ 0, {   432000, HFPLL, 2, 0x10 }, L2(7),   975000 },
	{ 1, {   486000, HFPLL, 2, 0x12 }, L2(7),   975000 },
	{ 0, {   540000, HFPLL, 2, 0x14 }, L2(7),  1000000 },
	{ 1, {   594000, HFPLL, 1, 0x16 }, L2(7),  1000000 },
	{ 0, {   648000, HFPLL, 1, 0x18 }, L2(7),  1025000 },
	{ 1, {   702000, HFPLL, 1, 0x1A }, L2(7),  1025000 },
	{ 0, {   756000, HFPLL, 1, 0x1C }, L2(7),  1075000 },
	{ 1, {   810000, HFPLL, 1, 0x1E }, L2(7),  1075000 },
예제 #7
MatrixXd der_logarithm_map(Matrix4d T)

    MatrixXd dlogT_dT = MatrixXd::Zero(6,12);

    // Approximate derivative of the logarithm_map wrt the transformation matrix
    Matrix3d L1 = Matrix3d::Zero();
    Matrix3d L2 = Matrix3d::Zero();
    Matrix3d L3 = Matrix3d::Zero();
    Matrix3d Vinv = Matrix3d::Identity();
    Vector6d x = logmap_se3(T);

    // estimates the cosine, sine, and theta
    double b;
    double cos_ = 0.5 * (T.block(0,0,3,3).trace() - 1.0 );
    if(cos_ > 1.f)
        cos_ = 1.f;
    else if (cos_ < -1.f)
        cos_ = -1.f;
    double theta  = acos(cos_);
    double theta2 = theta*theta;
    double sin_   = sin(theta);
    double cot_   = 1.0 / tan( 0.5*theta );
    double csc2_  = pow( 1.0/sin(0.5*theta) ,2);

    // if the angle is small...
    if( cos_ > 0.9999 )
        b = 0.5;
        L1(1,2) = -b;
        L1(2,1) =  b;
        L2(0,2) =  b;
        L2(2,0) = -b;
        L3(0,1) = -b;
        L3(1,0) =  b;
        // form the full derivative
        dlogT_dT.block(3,0,3,3) = L1;
        dlogT_dT.block(3,3,3,3) = L2;
        dlogT_dT.block(3,6,3,3) = L3;
        dlogT_dT.block(0,9,3,3) = Vinv;
    // if not...
        // rotation part
        double k;
        Vector3d a;
        a(0) = T(2,1) - T(1,2);
        a(1) = T(0,2) - T(2,0);
        a(2) = T(1,0) - T(0,1);
        k = ( theta * cos_ - sin_ ) / ( 4 * pow(sin_,3) );
        a = k * a;
        L1.block(0,0,3,1) = a;
        L2.block(0,1,3,1) = a;
        L3.block(0,2,3,1) = a;
        // translation part
        Matrix3d w_skew = skew( x.tail(3) );
        Vinv += w_skew * (1.f-cos_) / theta2 + w_skew * w_skew * (theta - sin_) / pow(theta,3);
        Vinv  = Vinv.inverse().eval();
        // dVinv_dR
        Vector3d t;
        Matrix3d B, skew_t;
        MatrixXd dVinv_dR(3,9);
        t = T.block(0,3,3,1);
        skew_t = skew( t );
        // - form a
        a =  (theta*cos_-sin_)/(8.0*pow(sin_,3)) * w_skew * t
            + ( (theta*sin_-theta2*cos_)*(0.5*theta*cot_-1.0) - theta*sin_*(0.25*theta*cot_+0.125*theta2*csc2_-1.0))/(4.0*theta2*pow(sin_,4)) * w_skew * w_skew * t;
        // - form B
        Vector3d w;
        Matrix3d dw_dR;
        w = x.tail(3);
        dw_dR.row(0) << -w(1)*t(1)-w(2)*t(2), 2.0*w(1)*t(0)-w(0)*t(1), 2.0*w(2)*t(0)-w(0)*t(2);
        dw_dR.row(1) << -w(1)*t(0)+2.0*w(0)*t(1), -w(0)*t(0)-w(2)*t(2), 2.0*w(2)*t(1)-w(1)*t(2);
        dw_dR.row(2) << -w(2)*t(0)+2.0*w(0)*t(2), -w(2)*t(1)+2.0*w(1)*t(2), -w(0)*t(0)-w(1)*t(1);
        B = -0.5*theta*skew_t/sin_ - (theta*cot_-2.0)*dw_dR/(8.0*pow(sin_,2));
        // - form dVinv_dR
        dVinv_dR.col(0) = a;
        dVinv_dR.col(1) = -B.col(2);
        dVinv_dR.col(2) = B.col(1);
        dVinv_dR.col(3) = B.col(2);
        dVinv_dR.col(4) = a;
        dVinv_dR.col(5) = -B.col(0);
        dVinv_dR.col(6) = -B.col(1);
        dVinv_dR.col(7) = B.col(0);
        dVinv_dR.col(8) = a;
        // form the full derivative
        dlogT_dT.block(3,0,3,3) = L1;
        dlogT_dT.block(3,3,3,3) = L2;
        dlogT_dT.block(3,6,3,3) = L3;
        dlogT_dT.block(0,9,3,3) = Vinv;
        dlogT_dT.block(0,0,3,9) = dVinv_dR;

    return dlogT_dT;

	[8]  = { {  810000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x1E }, 1150000, 1150000, 4 },
	[9]  = { {  864000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x20 }, 1150000, 1150000, 4 },
	[10] = { {  918000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x22 }, 1150000, 1150000, 6 },
	[11] = { {  972000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x24 }, 1150000, 1150000, 6 },
	[12] = { { 1026000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x26 }, 1150000, 1150000, 6 },
	[13] = { { 1080000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x28 }, 1150000, 1150000, 6 },
	[14] = { { 1134000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x2A }, 1150000, 1150000, 6 },
	[15] = { { 1188000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x2C }, 1150000, 1150000, 6 },
	[16] = { { 1242000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x2E }, 1150000, 1150000, 6 },
	[17] = { { 1296000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x30 }, 1150000, 1150000, 6 },
	[18] = { { 1350000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x32 }, 1150000, 1150000, 6 },

static struct acpu_level acpu_freq_tbl_slow[] __initdata = {
	{ 1, {   162000, HFPLL, 2, 0, 0x0C }, L2(0),   900000 },
	{ 1, {   216000, HFPLL, 2, 0, 0x10 }, L2(0),   900000 },
	{ 1, {   270000, HFPLL, 2, 0, 0x12 }, L2(0),   900000 },
	{ 1, {   324000, HFPLL, 2, 0, 0x14 }, L2(0),   925000 },
	{ 1, {   378000, HFPLL, 2, 0, 0x1B }, L2(0),   925000 },
	{ 1, {   384000, PLL_8, 0, 2, 0x00 }, L2(0),   950000 },
	{ 0, {   432000, HFPLL, 2, 0, 0x20 }, L2(6),   975000 },
	{ 1, {   486000, HFPLL, 2, 0, 0x24 }, L2(6),   975000 },
	{ 0, {   540000, HFPLL, 2, 0, 0x28 }, L2(6),  1000000 },
	{ 1, {   594000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x16 }, L2(6),  1000000 },
	{ 0, {   648000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x18 }, L2(6),  1025000 },
	{ 1, {   702000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x1A }, L2(6),  1025000 },
	{ 0, {   756000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x1C }, L2(6),  1075000 },
	{ 1, {   810000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x1E }, L2(6),  1075000 },
	{ 0, {   864000, HFPLL, 1, 0, 0x20 }, L2(6),  1100000 },
예제 #9
int main()
    /**                       DO NOT MODIFY UNDER THIS LINE
     * ***************************************************************************************/
    // create a new list
    LinkedList L;
    // add elements to list
    L.add(3, 20);
    // Expected output: 1  6   15  20  15  6   1
    // Expected output: 7
    std::cout << L.size() << std::endl;
    // Expected output: true
    std::cout << L.contains(20) << std::endl;
    //Expected output: 3
    std::cout << L.indexOf(20) << std::endl;
    // mess up the list
    // Expected output: 20  15  6
    myType* array = L.toArray();
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < L.size(); i++)
        std::cout << static_cast<int>(array[i]) << "\t";
    std::cout << "\n";
    // Expected output: 20
    std::cout << L.getFirst() << std::endl;
    // Expected output: 6
    std::cout << L.getLast() << std::endl;
    // Expected output: 15
    std::cout << L.get(1) << std::endl;
    myType collection[3] = {1, 6, 15};
    LinkedList L2(collection, 3);
    std::cout << "L2\n";
    // Expected output: 1  6  15
    std::cout << "L\n";
    L.addAll(0, collection, 3);
    // Expected output: 1  6   15  20  15  6
    // Expected output: 1 6 15 20 6
    // Expected output: 1
    std::cout << L.set(0, 0) << std::endl;
    // Expected output: 0
    std::cout << L.getFirst() << std::endl;
    // Expected output: 5
    std::cout << L.size() << std::endl;
    // empty the list
    // Expected output: "List is Empty!" <-- or something like that
    // Hopefully you had a great spring break. This assignment is easy
    // to let you recover from any hangover
    return 0;
예제 #10
    ZSSSSM applies the LU factorization update from a complex
    matrix formed by a lower triangular IB-by-K tile L1 on top of a
    M2-by-K tile L2 to a second complex matrix formed by a M1-by-N1
    tile A1 on top of a M2-by-N2 tile A2 (N1 == N2).

    This is the right-looking Level 2.5 BLAS version of the algorithm.

    m       INTEGER
            The number of rows of the matrix A.  M >= 0.

    n       INTEGER
            The number of columns of the matrix A.  N >= 0.

    ib      INTEGER
            The inner-blocking size.  IB >= 0.

    NB      INTEGER
            The blocking size.  NB >= 0.

    hU      COMPLEX_16 array, dimension(LDHU, N), on cpu.
            On entry, the NB-by-N upper triangular tile hU.
            On exit, the content is incomplete. Shouldn't be used.

    ldhu    INTEGER
            The leading dimension of the array hU.  LDHU >= max(1,NB).

    dU      COMPLEX_16 array, dimension(LDDU, N), on gpu.
            On entry, the NB-by-N upper triangular tile dU identical to hU.
            On exit, the new factor U from the factorization.

    lddu    INTEGER
            The leading dimension of the array dU.  LDDU >= max(1,NB).

    hA      COMPLEX_16 array, dimension(LDHA, N), on cpu.
            On entry, only the M-by-IB first panel needs to be identical to dA(1..M, 1..IB).
            On exit, the content is incomplete. Shouldn't be used.

    ldha    INTEGER
            The leading dimension of the array hA.  LDHA >= max(1,M).

    dA      COMPLEX_16 array, dimension(LDDA, N), on gpu.
            On entry, the M-by-N tile to be factored.
            On exit, the factor L from the factorization

    ldda    INTEGER
            The leading dimension of the array dA.  LDDA >= max(1,M).

    hL      COMPLEX_16 array, dimension(LDHL, K), on vpu.
            On exit, contains in the upper part the IB-by-K lower triangular tile,
            and in the lower part IB-by-K the inverse of the top part.

    ldhl    INTEGER
            The leading dimension of the array hL.  LDHL >= max(1,2*IB).

    dL      COMPLEX_16 array, dimension(LDDL, K), on gpu.
            On exit, contains in the upper part the IB-by-K lower triangular tile,
            and in the lower part IB-by-K the inverse of the top part.

    lddl    INTEGER
            The leading dimension of the array dL.  LDDL >= max(1,2*IB).

    hWORK   COMPLEX_16 array, dimension(LDHWORK, 2*IB), on cpu.

    ldhwork INTEGER
            The leading dimension of the array hWORK.  LDHWORK >= max(NB, 1).

    dWORK   COMPLEX_16 array, dimension(LDDWORK, 2*IB), on gpu.

    lddwork INTEGER
            The leading dimension of the array dWORK.  LDDWORK >= max(NB, 1).

    ipiv    INTEGER array on the cpu.
            The pivot indices array of size K as returned by ZTSTRF

    info    INTEGER
            - PLASMA_SUCCESS successful exit
            - < 0 if INFO = -k, the k-th argument had an illegal value
            - > 0 if INFO = k, U(k,k) is exactly zero. The factorization
                has been completed, but the factor U is exactly
                singular, and division by zero will occur if it is used
                to solve a system of equations.

    @ingroup magma_zgesv_tile
extern "C" magma_int_t
    magma_order_t order, magma_int_t m, magma_int_t n,
    magma_int_t ib, magma_int_t nb,
    magmaDoubleComplex    *hU, magma_int_t ldhu,
    magmaDoubleComplex_ptr dU, magma_int_t lddu,
    magmaDoubleComplex    *hA, magma_int_t ldha,
    magmaDoubleComplex_ptr dA, magma_int_t ldda,
    magmaDoubleComplex    *hL, magma_int_t ldhl,
    magmaDoubleComplex_ptr dL, magma_int_t lddl,
    magma_int_t *ipiv,
    magmaDoubleComplex    *hwork, magma_int_t ldhwork,
    magmaDoubleComplex_ptr dwork, magma_int_t lddwork,
    magma_int_t *info)
#define UT(i,j) (dUT + (i)*ib*lddu + (j)*ib )
#define AT(i,j) (dAT + (i)*ib*ldda + (j)*ib )
#define L(i)    (dL  + (i)*ib*lddl          )
#define L2(i)   (dL2 + (i)*ib*lddl          )
#define hU(i,j) (hU  + (j)*ib*ldhu + (i)*ib )
#define hA(i,j) (hA  + (j)*ib*ldha + (i)*ib )
#define hL(i)   (hL  + (i)*ib*ldhl          )
#define hL2(i)  (hL2 + (i)*ib*ldhl          )

    magmaDoubleComplex c_one     = MAGMA_Z_ONE;
    magmaDoubleComplex c_neg_one = MAGMA_Z_NEG_ONE;

    int iinfo = 0;
    int maxm, mindim;
    int i, j, im, s, ip, ii, sb, p = 1;
    magmaDoubleComplex_ptr dAT, dUT;
    magmaDoubleComplex_ptr dAp, dUp;
    magmaDoubleComplex_ptr dL2 = dL + ib;
    magmaDoubleComplex *hL2 = hL + ib;
    p = 2;

    /* Check input arguments */
    *info = 0;
    if (m < 0) {
        *info = -1;
    else if (n < 0) {
        *info = -2;
    else if (ib < 0) {
        *info = -3;
    else if ((lddu < max(1,m)) && (m > 0)) {
        *info = -6;
    else if ((ldda < max(1,m)) && (m > 0)) {
        *info = -8;
    else if ((lddl < max(1,ib)) && (ib > 0)) {
        *info = -10;

    if (*info != 0) {
        magma_xerbla( __func__, -(*info) );
        return *info;

    /* quick return */
    if ((m == 0) || (n == 0) || (ib == 0))
        return *info;

    ip = 0;

    /* Function Body */
    mindim = min(m, n);
    s      = mindim / ib;

    if ( ib >= mindim ) {
        /* Use CPU code. */
        CORE_ztstrf(m, n, ib, nb,
                    (PLASMA_Complex64_t*)hU, ldhu,
                    (PLASMA_Complex64_t*)hA, ldha,
                    (PLASMA_Complex64_t*)hL, ldhl,
                    (PLASMA_Complex64_t*)hwork, ldhwork,

        CORE_zlacpy( PlasmaUpperLower, mindim, mindim,
                     (PLASMA_Complex64_t*)hL, ldhl,
                     (PLASMA_Complex64_t*)hL2, ldhl );
        CORE_ztrtri( PlasmaLower, PlasmaUnit, mindim,
                     (PLASMA_Complex64_t*)hL2, ldhl, info );
        if (*info != 0 ) {
            fprintf(stderr, "ERROR, trtri returned with info = %d\n", *info);

        if ( order == MagmaRowMajor ) {
            magma_zsetmatrix( m, n, hU, ldhu, dwork, lddwork );
            magmablas_ztranspose( m, n, dwork, lddwork, dU, lddu );

            magma_zsetmatrix( m, n, hA, ldha, dwork, lddwork );
            magmablas_ztranspose( m, n, dwork, lddwork, dA, ldda );
        } else {
            magma_zsetmatrix( m, n, hU, ldhu, dU, lddu );
            magma_zsetmatrix( m, n, hA, ldha, dA, ldda );
        magma_zsetmatrix( p*ib, n, hL, ldhl, dL, lddl );
    else {
        /* Use hybrid blocked code. */
        maxm = magma_roundup( m, 32 );

        if ( order == MagmaColMajor ) {
            magmablas_zgetmo_in( dU, dUT, lddu, m,  n );
            magmablas_zgetmo_in( dA, dAT, ldda, m,  n );
        } else {
            dUT = dU; dAT = dA;
        dAp = dwork;
        dUp = dAp + ib*lddwork;

        ip = 0;
        for( i=0; i < s; i++ ) {
            ii = i * ib;
            sb = min(mindim-ii, ib);
            if ( i > 0 ) {
                // download i-th panel
                magmablas_ztranspose( sb, ii, UT(0,i), lddu, dUp, lddu );
                magmablas_ztranspose( sb, m,  AT(0,i), ldda, dAp, ldda );
                magma_zgetmatrix( ii, sb, dUp, lddu, hU(0, i), ldhu );
                magma_zgetmatrix( m,  sb, dAp, ldda, hA(0, i), ldha );
                // make sure that gpu queue is empty
                magma_ztrmm( MagmaRight, MagmaLower, MagmaTrans, MagmaUnit,
                             n-(ii+sb), ib,
                             c_one, L2(i-1),      lddl,
                                    UT(i-1, i+1), lddu);
                magma_ztrsm( MagmaRight, MagmaLower, MagmaTrans, MagmaUnit,
                             n-(ii+sb), ib,
                             c_one, L(i-1),       lddl,
                                    UT(i-1, i+1), lddu);
                magma_zgemm( MagmaNoTrans, MagmaNoTrans,
                             n-(ii+sb), m, ib,
                             c_neg_one, UT(i-1, i+1), lddu,
                                        AT(0,   i-1), ldda,
                             c_one,     AT(0,   i+1), ldda );

            // do the cpu part
            CORE_ztstrf(m, sb, ib, nb,
                        (PLASMA_Complex64_t*)hU(i, i), ldhu,
                        (PLASMA_Complex64_t*)hA(0, i), ldha,
                        (PLASMA_Complex64_t*)hL(i),    ldhl,
                        (PLASMA_Complex64_t*)hwork, ldhwork,

            if ( (*info == 0) && (iinfo > 0) )
                *info = iinfo + ii;
            // Need to swap betw U and A
            magmablas_zswapblk( MagmaRowMajor, n-(ii+sb),
                                UT(i, i+1), lddu,
                                AT(0, i+1), ldda,
                                1, sb, ipiv+ii, 1, nb );

            for (j=0; j < ib; j++) {
                im = ipiv[ip]-1;
                if ( im == j ) {
                    ipiv[ip] += ii;
            for (j=0; j < ib; j++) {
                im = ipiv[ip]-1;
                if ( im != (j) ) {
                    im = im - nb;
                    assert( (im >= 0) && (im < m) );
                    magmablas_zswap( n-(ii+sb), UT(i, i+1)+j*lddu, 1, AT(0, i+1)+im*ldda, 1 );
                } else {
                    ipiv[ip] += ii;

            CORE_zlacpy( PlasmaUpperLower, sb, sb,
                         (PLASMA_Complex64_t*)hL(i), ldhl,
                         (PLASMA_Complex64_t*)hL2(i), ldhl );
            CORE_ztrtri( PlasmaLower, PlasmaUnit, sb,
                         (PLASMA_Complex64_t*)hL2(i), ldhl, info );
            if (*info != 0 ) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR, trtri returned with info = %d\n", *info);
            // upload i-th panel
            magma_zsetmatrix( sb, sb, hU(i, i), ldhu, dUp, lddu );
            magma_zsetmatrix( m, sb, hA(0, i), ldha, dAp, ldda );
            magma_zsetmatrix( p*ib, sb, hL(i), ldhl, L(i), lddl );
            magmablas_ztranspose( sb, sb, dUp, lddu, UT(i,i), lddu );
            magmablas_ztranspose( m,  sb, dAp, ldda, AT(0,i), ldda );
            // make sure that gpu queue is empty
            // do the small non-parallel computations
            if ( s > (i+1) ) {
                magma_ztrmm( MagmaRight, MagmaLower, MagmaTrans, MagmaUnit,
                             sb, sb,
                             c_one, L2(i),      lddl,
                                    UT(i, i+1), lddu);
                magma_ztrsm( MagmaRight, MagmaLower, MagmaTrans, MagmaUnit,
                             sb, sb,
                             c_one, L(i),      lddl,
                                    UT(i, i+1), lddu);
                magma_zgemm( MagmaNoTrans, MagmaNoTrans,
                             sb, m, sb,
                             c_neg_one, UT(i, i+1), lddu,
                                        AT(0, i  ), ldda,
                             c_one,     AT(0, i+1), ldda );
            else {
                magma_ztrmm( MagmaRight, MagmaLower, MagmaTrans, MagmaUnit,
                             n-mindim, sb,
                             c_one, L2(i),      lddl,
                                    UT(i, i+1), lddu);
                magma_ztrsm( MagmaRight, MagmaLower, MagmaTrans, MagmaUnit,
                             n-mindim, sb,
                             c_one, L(i),      lddl,
                                    UT(i, i+1), lddu);
                magma_zgemm( MagmaNoTrans, MagmaNoTrans,
                             n-mindim, m, sb,
                             c_neg_one, UT(i, i+1), lddu,
                                        AT(0, i  ), ldda,
                             c_one,     AT(0, i+1), ldda );

        if ( order == MagmaColMajor ) {
            magmablas_zgetmo_out( dU, dUT, lddu, m,  n );
            magmablas_zgetmo_out( dA, dAT, ldda, m,  n );
    return *info;
예제 #11
파일: calcs2.c 프로젝트: cran/repeated
    return( -pR->dSumC * exp( pR->dParams[P_PHI] ) *
            L2( pR ));
예제 #12
파일: calcs2.c 프로젝트: cran/repeated
dL2_dPhi_dPhi( RECURSE_PARAMS *pR )
    double dTmp = pR->dSumC * exp( pR->dParams[P_PHI] );
    return( dTmp * ( dTmp - 1.0 ) * L2( pR ));
예제 #13
QRectF transition::boundingRect() const{

    * Exactement le meme calcule que pour getP1 et getP2
    * Mais le const ne permet pas l'utilisation de
    * Fonctions internes à la classe

    QPointF T1(n1->getX()+(n1->getWidth()/2),n1->getY()); //centre du T du noeud1
    QPointF R1(n1->getX()+n1->getWidth(),n1->getY()+(n1->getHeight()/2));
    QPointF B1(n1->getX()+(n1->getWidth()/2),n1->getY()+n1->getHeight());
    QPointF L1(n1->getX(),n1->getY()+(n1->getHeight()/2));

    QPointF T2(n2->getX()+(n2->getWidth()/2),n2->getY()); //centre du T du noeud1
    QPointF R2(n2->getX()+n2->getWidth(),n2->getY()+(n2->getHeight()/2));
    QPointF B2(n2->getX()+(n2->getWidth()/2),n2->getY()+n2->getHeight());
    QPointF L2(n2->getX(),n2->getY()+(n2->getHeight()/2));

    QPointF middleN1(n1->getX()+n1->getWidth()/2,n1->getY()+n1->getHeight()/2); //centre du noeud1
    QPointF middleN2(n2->getX()+n2->getWidth()/2,n2->getY()+n2->getHeight()/2); //centre du noeud2

    QPointF p1;
    QPointF p2;

    //si n1 est en dessou de n2
    if( middleN1.y() > middleN2.y() ){

        //si n1 est plus a gauche
        if( middleN1.x() < n2->getX()){

            p1 = L1;
        //si n1 est plus a droite
        else if(middleN1.x() > n2->getX()+n2->getWidth()){

            p1 = R1;
        //si non il est a peut pres au milieu

            p1 = B1;

    //si n1 est au dessus de n2
    else if( middleN1.y() < middleN2.y() ){

        //si n1 est plus a gauche
        if( middleN1.x() < n2->getX()){

            p1 = L1;
        //si n1 est plus a droite
        else if(middleN1.x() > n2->getX()+n2->getWidth()){

            p1 = R1;
        //si non il est a peut pres au milieu

            p1 = T1;

    //si les noeuds sont alignés horizontalement
    else if(middleN1.y() == middleN2.y()){

        //si n1 est plus a gauche
        if( middleN1.x() < n2->getX()){

            p1 = L1;
        //si n1 est plus a droite
        else if(middleN1.x() > n2->getX()+n2->getWidth()){

            p1 = R1;
    //si les noeud sont alignés verticalement
    else if(middleN1.x() == middleN2.x()){

        //si n1 est au dessus de n2
        if(middleN1.y() < n2->getY()){
            p1 = T1;
        //si n1 est en dessous de n2
        else if(middleN1.y() > n2->getY()+n2->getHeight()){
            p1 = B1;

    //si n1 est en dessou de n2
    if( middleN2.y() > middleN1.y() ){

        //si n1 est plus a gauche
        if( middleN2.x() < n1->getX()){

            p2 = L2;
        //si n1 est plus a droite
        else if(middleN2.x() > n1->getX()+n1->getWidth()){

            p2 = R2;
        //si non il est a peut pres au milieu

            p2 = B2;

    //si n1 est au dessus de n2
    else if( middleN2.y() < middleN1.y() ){

        //si n1 est plus a gauche
        if( middleN2.x() < n1->getX()){

            p2 = L2;
        //si n1 est plus a droite
        else if(middleN2.x() > n1->getX()+n1->getWidth()){

            p2 = R2;
        //si non il est a peut pres au milieu

            p2 = T2;

    //si les noeuds sont alignés horizontalement
    else if(middleN2.y() == middleN1.y()){

        //si n1 est plus a gauche
        if( middleN2.x() < n1->getX()){

            p2 = L2;
        //si n1 est plus a droite
        else if(middleN2.x() > n1->getX()+n1->getWidth()){

            p2 = R2;
    //si les noeud sont alignés verticalement
    else if(middleN2.x() == middleN1.x()){

        //si n1 est au dessus de n2
        if(middleN2.y() < n1->getY()){
            p2 = T2;
        //si n1 est en dessous de n2
        else if(middleN2.y() > n1->getY()+n1->getHeight()){
            p2 = B2;

    *  Pour des noeud circulaires

   /* int xCenterNode1 = n1->getX()+n1->getWidth()/2;
    int yCenterNode1 = n1->getY()+n1->getHeight()/2;
    int xCenterNode2 = n2->getX()+n2->getWidth()/2;
    int yCenterNode2 = n2->getY()+n2->getHeight()/2;

    //determine les coordonés sur le cercle du 2e cercle
    int longueur_vecteur = sqrt(pow(xCenterNode2-xCenterNode1,2)+pow(yCenterNode2-yCenterNode1,2));
    int longueur_rayon = n2->getWidth()/2;
    int ratio = longueur_vecteur/longueur_rayon;
    int x1_2 = xCenterNode1-xCenterNode2; //corrdonée du grand vecteur p1->p2
    int y1_2 = yCenterNode1-yCenterNode2;
        //divise enssuite les coordonée du vecteur par le ratio
    int nx1_2 = x1_2/ratio;
    int ny1_2 = y1_2/ratio;

    int px2 = xCenterNode2+nx1_2;
    int py2 = yCenterNode2+ny1_2;

    //determine les coodronés sur le cercle du 1er crecle
    int px1 = nx1_2-xCenterNode1;
    int py1 = ny1_2-yCenterNode1;
    px1 = (-1)*px1;
    py1 = (-1)*py1;

    QPointF tmp_p1(px1,py1);
    QPointF tmp_p2(px2,py2);

    QRectF rect(p1,p2);
    return rect;
	[5]  = { {  648000, HFPLL, 1, 0x18 },  LVL_NOM, 1050000, 4 },
	[6]  = { {  702000, HFPLL, 1, 0x1A },  LVL_NOM, 1050000, 4 },
	[7]  = { {  756000, HFPLL, 1, 0x1C }, LVL_HIGH, 1150000, 4 },
	[8]  = { {  810000, HFPLL, 1, 0x1E }, LVL_HIGH, 1150000, 4 },
	[9]  = { {  864000, HFPLL, 1, 0x20 }, LVL_HIGH, 1150000, 4 },
	[10] = { {  918000, HFPLL, 1, 0x22 }, LVL_HIGH, 1150000, 7 },
	[11] = { {  972000, HFPLL, 1, 0x24 }, LVL_HIGH, 1150000, 7 },
	[12] = { { 1026000, HFPLL, 1, 0x26 }, LVL_HIGH, 1150000, 7 },
	[13] = { { 1080000, HFPLL, 1, 0x28 }, LVL_HIGH, 1150000, 7 },
	[14] = { { 1134000, HFPLL, 1, 0x2A }, LVL_HIGH, 1150000, 7 },
	[15] = { { 1188000, HFPLL, 1, 0x2C }, LVL_HIGH, 1150000, 7 },
	{ }

static struct acpu_level acpu_freq_tbl_slow[] __initdata = {
	{ 1, {   384000, PLL_8, 0, 0x00 }, L2(0),   950000 },
	{ 1, {   432000, HFPLL, 2, 0x20 }, L2(5),   975000 },
	{ 1, {   486000, HFPLL, 2, 0x24 }, L2(5),   975000 },
	{ 1, {   540000, HFPLL, 2, 0x28 }, L2(5),  1000000 },
	{ 1, {   594000, HFPLL, 1, 0x16 }, L2(5),  1000000 },
	{ 1, {   648000, HFPLL, 1, 0x18 }, L2(5),  1025000 },
	{ 1, {   702000, HFPLL, 1, 0x1A }, L2(5),  1025000 },
	{ 1, {   756000, HFPLL, 1, 0x1C }, L2(10), 1075000 },
	{ 1, {   810000, HFPLL, 1, 0x1E }, L2(10), 1075000 },
	{ 1, {   864000, HFPLL, 1, 0x20 }, L2(10), 1100000 },
	{ 1, {   918000, HFPLL, 1, 0x22 }, L2(10), 1100000 },
	{ 1, {   972000, HFPLL, 1, 0x24 }, L2(10), 1125000 },
	{ 1, {  1026000, HFPLL, 1, 0x26 }, L2(10), 1125000 },
	{ 1, {  1080000, HFPLL, 1, 0x28 }, L2(15), 1175000 },
	{ 1, {  1134000, HFPLL, 1, 0x2A }, L2(15), 1175000 },
	{ 1, {  1188000, HFPLL, 1, 0x2C }, L2(15), 1200000 },
예제 #15
	[6]  = { {  702000, HFPLL, 1, 0x1A }, 1150000, 1150000, 4 },
	[7]  = { {  756000, HFPLL, 1, 0x1C }, 1150000, 1150000, 4 },
	[8]  = { {  810000, HFPLL, 1, 0x1E }, 1150000, 1150000, 4 },
	[9]  = { {  864000, HFPLL, 1, 0x20 }, 1150000, 1150000, 4 },
	[10] = { {  918000, HFPLL, 1, 0x22 }, 1150000, 1150000, 5 },
	[11] = { {  972000, HFPLL, 1, 0x24 }, 1150000, 1150000, 5 },
	[12] = { { 1026000, HFPLL, 1, 0x26 }, 1150000, 1150000, 5 },
	[13] = { { 1080000, HFPLL, 1, 0x28 }, 1150000, 1150000, 5 },
	[14] = { { 1134000, HFPLL, 1, 0x2A }, 1150000, 1150000, 5 },
	[15] = { { 1188000, HFPLL, 1, 0x2C }, 1150000, 1150000, 5 },
	{ }

static struct acpu_level tbl_slow[] __initdata = {
	{ 1, {   384000, PLL_8, 0, 0x00 }, L2(0),   950000 },
	{ 0, {   432000, HFPLL, 2, 0x20 }, L2(5),   975000 },
	{ 1, {   486000, HFPLL, 2, 0x24 }, L2(5),   975000 },
	{ 0, {   540000, HFPLL, 2, 0x28 }, L2(5),  1000000 },
	{ 1, {   594000, HFPLL, 1, 0x16 }, L2(5),  1000000 },
	{ 0, {   648000, HFPLL, 1, 0x18 }, L2(5),  1025000 },
	{ 1, {   702000, HFPLL, 1, 0x1A }, L2(5),  1025000 },
	{ 0, {   756000, HFPLL, 1, 0x1C }, L2(5),  1075000 },
	{ 1, {   810000, HFPLL, 1, 0x1E }, L2(5),  1075000 },
	{ 0, {   864000, HFPLL, 1, 0x20 }, L2(5),  1100000 },
	{ 1, {   918000, HFPLL, 1, 0x22 }, L2(5),  1100000 },
	{ 0, {   972000, HFPLL, 1, 0x24 }, L2(5),  1125000 },
	{ 1, {  1026000, HFPLL, 1, 0x26 }, L2(5),  1125000 },
	{ 0, {  1080000, HFPLL, 1, 0x28 }, L2(15), 1175000 },
	{ 1, {  1134000, HFPLL, 1, 0x2A }, L2(15), 1175000 },
	{ 0, {  1188000, HFPLL, 1, 0x2C }, L2(15), 1200000 },
	[1]  = { {  486000, HFPLL, 2, 0x24 }, 1050000, 1050000, 2 },
	[2]  = { {  594000, HFPLL, 1, 0x16 }, 1050000, 1050000, 2 },
	[3]  = { {  702000, HFPLL, 1, 0x1A }, 1050000, 1050000, 4 },
	[4]  = { {  810000, HFPLL, 1, 0x1E }, 1050000, 1050000, 4 },
	[5]  = { {  918000, HFPLL, 1, 0x22 }, 1150000, 1150000, 5 },
	[6]  = { { 1026000, HFPLL, 1, 0x26 }, 1150000, 1150000, 5 },
	[7]  = { { 1134000, HFPLL, 1, 0x2A }, 1150000, 1150000, 5 },
	[8]  = { { 1242000, HFPLL, 1, 0x2E }, 1150000, 1150000, 5 },
	[9]  = { { 1350000, HFPLL, 1, 0x32 }, 1150000, 1150000, 5 },
	{ }

#define AVS(x) .avsdscr_setting = (x)

static struct acpu_level freq_tbl_PVS0[] __initdata = {
	{ 1, {   384000, PLL_8, 0, 0x00 }, L2(0),   950000, AVS(0x70001F) },
	{ 1, {   486000, HFPLL, 2, 0x24 }, L2(4),   950000, AVS(0x0) },
	{ 1, {   594000, HFPLL, 1, 0x16 }, L2(4),   975000, AVS(0x0) },
	{ 1, {   702000, HFPLL, 1, 0x1A }, L2(4),  1000000, AVS(0x0) },
	{ 1, {   810000, HFPLL, 1, 0x1E }, L2(4),  1025000, AVS(0x0) },
	{ 1, {   918000, HFPLL, 1, 0x22 }, L2(4),  1050000, AVS(0x0) },
	{ 1, {  1026000, HFPLL, 1, 0x26 }, L2(4),  1075000, AVS(0x0) },
	{ 1, {  1134000, HFPLL, 1, 0x2A }, L2(9),  1100000, AVS(0x70000D) },
	{ 1, {  1242000, HFPLL, 1, 0x2E }, L2(9),  1125000, AVS(0x0) },
	{ 1, {  1350000, HFPLL, 1, 0x32 }, L2(9),  1150000, AVS(0x0) },
	{ 1, {  1458000, HFPLL, 1, 0x36 }, L2(9),  1175000, AVS(0x0) },
	{ 1, {  1566000, HFPLL, 1, 0x3A }, L2(9),  1200000, AVS(0x0) },
	{ 1, {  1674000, HFPLL, 1, 0x3E }, L2(9),  1225000, AVS(0x0) },
	{ 1, {  1728000, HFPLL, 1, 0x40 }, L2(9),  1250000, AVS(0x70000B) },
	{ 0, { 0 } }
	[6]  = { {  729600, HFPLL, 1,  38 }, LVL_NOM,   950000, 3 },
	[7]  = { {  806400, HFPLL, 1,  42 }, LVL_HIGH, 1050000, 4 },
	[8]  = { {  883200, HFPLL, 1,  46 }, LVL_HIGH, 1050000, 4 },
	[9]  = { {  960000, HFPLL, 1,  50 }, LVL_HIGH, 1050000, 4 },
	[10] = { { 1036800, HFPLL, 1,  54 }, LVL_HIGH, 1050000, 5 },
	[11] = { { 1113600, HFPLL, 1,  58 }, LVL_HIGH, 1050000, 5 },
	[12] = { { 1190400, HFPLL, 1,  62 }, LVL_HIGH, 1050000, 6 },
	[13] = { { 1267200, HFPLL, 1,  66 }, LVL_HIGH, 1050000, 6 },
	[14] = { { 1344000, HFPLL, 1,  70 }, LVL_HIGH, 1050000, 7 },
	[15] = { { 1420800, HFPLL, 1,  74 }, LVL_HIGH, 1050000, 7 },
	[16] = { { 1497600, HFPLL, 1,  78 }, LVL_HIGH, 1050000, 7 },
	{ }

static struct acpu_level acpu_freq_tbl_v1_pvs0[] __initdata = {
	{ 1, {  300000, PLL_0, 0,   0 }, L2(0),   825000,  73 },
	{ 0, {  345600, HFPLL, 2,  36 }, L2(3),   825000,  85 },
	{ 1, {  422400, HFPLL, 2,  44 }, L2(3),   825000, 104 },
	{ 0, {  499200, HFPLL, 2,  52 }, L2(6),   825000, 124 },
	{ 1, {  576000, HFPLL, 1,  30 }, L2(6),   825000, 144 },
	{ 1, {  652800, HFPLL, 1,  34 }, L2(7),   825000, 165 },
	{ 1, {  729600, HFPLL, 1,  38 }, L2(7),   825000, 186 },
	{ 0, {  806400, HFPLL, 1,  42 }, L2(10),  835000, 208 },
	{ 1, {  883200, HFPLL, 1,  46 }, L2(10),  845000, 229 },
	{ 0, {  960000, HFPLL, 1,  50 }, L2(10),  860000, 252 },
	{ 1, { 1036800, HFPLL, 1,  54 }, L2(10),  880000, 275 },
	{ 0, { 1113600, HFPLL, 1,  58 }, L2(12),  905000, 298 },
	{ 0, { 1190400, HFPLL, 1,  62 }, L2(12),  920000, 321 },
	{ 0, { 1267200, HFPLL, 1,  66 }, L2(12),  940000, 346 },
	{ 1, { 1344000, HFPLL, 1,  70 }, L2(12),  960000, 371 },
	{ 0, { 1420800, HFPLL, 1,  74 }, L2(16),  980000, 397 },