/* void RunGeneratePulsarSignalTest(LALStatus *status, int argc, char **argv) */ /* 02/02/05 gam */
void RunGeneratePulsarSignalTest(LALStatus *status)
  INT4    i, j, k;         /* all purpose indices */
  INT4    iSky = 0;        /* for loop over sky positions */
  INT4    jDeriv = 0;      /* for loop over spindowns */
  INT4    testNumber = 0;  /* which test is being run */

  /* The input and output structs used by the functions being tested */
  PulsarSignalParams *pPulsarSignalParams = NULL;
  REAL4TimeSeries *signalvec = NULL;
  SFTParams *pSFTParams = NULL;
  SkyConstAndZeroPsiAMResponse *pSkyConstAndZeroPsiAMResponse;
  SFTandSignalParams *pSFTandSignalParams;
  SFTVector *outputSFTs = NULL;
  SFTVector *fastOutputSFTs = NULL;
  REAL4 renorm; /* to renormalize SFTs to account for different effective sample rates */

  /* containers for detector and ephemeris data */
  LALDetector cachedDetector;
  CHAR IFO[6] = "LHO";
  EphemerisData *edat = NULL;

  char earthFile[] = TEST_DATA_DIR "earth00-19-DE405.dat.gz";
  char sunFile[]   = TEST_DATA_DIR "sun00-19-DE405.dat.gz";

  /* containers for sky position and spindown data */
  REAL8 **skyPosData;
  REAL8 **freqDerivData;
  INT4 numSkyPosTotal = 8;
  INT4 numSpinDown = 1;
  INT4 numFreqDerivTotal = 2;
  INT4 numFreqDerivIncludingNoSpinDown; /* set below */
  INT4 iFreq = 0;
  REAL8 cosTmpDEC;
  REAL8 tmpDeltaRA;
  REAL8 DeltaRA = 0.01;
  REAL8 DeltaDec = 0.01;
  REAL8 DeltaFDeriv1 = -1.0e-10;
  REAL8 DeltaFDeriv2 = 0.0;
  REAL8 DeltaFDeriv3 = 0.0;
  REAL8 DeltaFDeriv4 = 0.0;
  REAL8 DeltaFDeriv5 = 0.0;

  /* containers for number of SFTs, times to generate SFTs, reference time, and gap */
  INT4 numSFTs = 4;
  REAL8 f0SFT = 943.12;
  REAL8 bandSFT = 0.5;
  UINT4 gpsStartTimeSec = 765432109; /* GPS start time of data requested seconds; example = Apr 08 2004 04:01:36 UTC */
  UINT4 gpsStartTimeNan = 0;          /* GPS start time of data requested nanoseconds */
  LIGOTimeGPSVector *timeStamps;
  LIGOTimeGPS GPSin;   /* holder for reference-time for pulsar parameters at the detector; will convert to SSB! */
  REAL8 sftGap = 73.0; /* extra artificial gap between SFTs */
  REAL8 tSFT   = 1800.0;
  REAL8 duration = tSFT + (numSFTs - 1)*(tSFT + sftGap);
  INT4 nBinsSFT = (INT4)(bandSFT*tSFT + 0.5);

  /* additional parameters that determine what signals to test; note f0SGNL and bandSGNL must be compatible with f0SFT and bandSFT */
  REAL8 f0SGNL = f0SFT + bandSFT/2.0;
  REAL8 dfSGNL = 1.0/tSFT;
  REAL8 bandSGNL = 0.005;
  INT4  nBinsSGNL = (INT4)(bandSGNL*tSFT + 0.5);
  INT4  nsamples = 18000; /* nsamples from SFT header; 2 x this would be the effective number of time samples used to create an SFT from raw data */
  INT4  Dterms = 3;       /* 09/07/05 gam; use Dterms to fill in SFT bins with fake data as per LALDemod else fill in bin with zero */
  REAL8 h_0 = 7.0e-22;    /* Source amplitude; use arbitrary small number for default */
  REAL8 cosIota;        /* cosine of inclination angle iota of the source */

  /* variables for comparing differences */
  REAL4 maxDiffSFTMod, diffAtMaxPower;
  REAL4 overallMaxDiffSFTMod;
  REAL4 maxMod, fastMaxMod;
  INT4  jMaxMod, jFastMaxMod;
  REAL4 tmpDiffSFTMod, sftMod, fastSFTMod;
  REAL4 smallMod = 1.e-30;
  REAL4 epsDiffMod;
  REAL4 epsBinErrorRate;   /* 10/12/04 gam; Allowed bin error rate */
  INT4  binErrorCount = 0; /* 10/12/04 gam; Count number of bin errors  */

  /* randval is always set to a default value or given a random value to generate certain signal parameters or mismatch */
  REAL4 randval;
   INT4 seed=0;
   INT4 rndCount;
   RandomParams *randPar=NULL;
   FILE *fpRandom;


  /* generate timeStamps */
  timeStamps = (LIGOTimeGPSVector *)LALMalloc(sizeof(LIGOTimeGPSVector));
  timeStamps->data =(LIGOTimeGPS *)LALMalloc (numSFTs*sizeof(LIGOTimeGPS));
  timeStamps->length = numSFTs;
  for (i = 0; i < numSFTs; i++) {
      timeStamps->data[i].gpsSeconds = gpsStartTimeSec + (UINT4)(i*(tSFT + sftGap));
      timeStamps->data[i].gpsNanoSeconds = 0;
  } /* for i < numSFTs */

  /* generate skyPosData */
  skyPosData=(REAL8 **)LALMalloc(numSkyPosTotal*sizeof(REAL8 *));
        skyPosData[iSky] = (REAL8 *)LALMalloc(2*sizeof(REAL8));
        /* Try fairly random sky positions skyPosData[iSky][0] = RA, skyPosData[iSky][1] = DEC */
        if (iSky == 0) {
          skyPosData[iSky][0] = 0.02*LAL_TWOPI;
          skyPosData[iSky][1] = 0.03*LAL_PI/2.0;
        } else if (iSky == 1) {
          skyPosData[iSky][0] = 0.23*LAL_TWOPI;
          skyPosData[iSky][1] = -0.57*LAL_PI/2.0;
        } else if (iSky == 2) {
          skyPosData[iSky][0] = 0.47*LAL_TWOPI;
          skyPosData[iSky][1] = 0.86*LAL_PI/2.0;
        } else if (iSky == 3) {
          skyPosData[iSky][0] = 0.38*LAL_TWOPI;
          skyPosData[iSky][1] = -0.07*LAL_PI/2.0;
        } else if (iSky == 4) {
          skyPosData[iSky][0] = 0.65*LAL_TWOPI;
          skyPosData[iSky][1] = 0.99*LAL_PI/2.0;
        } else if (iSky == 5) {
          skyPosData[iSky][0] = 0.72*LAL_TWOPI;
          skyPosData[iSky][1] = -0.99*LAL_PI/2.0;
        } else if (iSky == 6) {
          skyPosData[iSky][0] = 0.81*LAL_TWOPI;
          skyPosData[iSky][1] = 0.19*LAL_PI/2.0;
        } else if (iSky == 7) {
          skyPosData[iSky][0] = 0.99*LAL_TWOPI;
          skyPosData[iSky][1] = 0.01*LAL_PI/2.0;
        } else {
          skyPosData[iSky][0] = 0.0;
          skyPosData[iSky][1] = 0.0;
        } /* END if (k == 0) ELSE ... */
  } /* END for(iSky=0;iSky<numSkyPosTotal;iSky++) */

  freqDerivData = NULL; /* 02/02/05 gam */
  if (numSpinDown > 0) {
    freqDerivData=(REAL8 **)LALMalloc(numFreqDerivTotal*sizeof(REAL8 *));
    for(jDeriv=0;jDeriv<numFreqDerivTotal;jDeriv++) {
        freqDerivData[jDeriv] = (REAL8 *)LALMalloc(numSpinDown*sizeof(REAL8));
        if (jDeriv == 0) {
          for(k=0;k<numSpinDown;k++) {
            freqDerivData[jDeriv][k] = 0.0;
        } else if (jDeriv == 1) {
          for(k=0;k<numSpinDown;k++) {
            freqDerivData[jDeriv][k] = 1.e-9; /* REALLY THIS IS ONLY GOOD FOR numSpinDown = 1; */
        } else {
          for(k=0;k<numSpinDown;k++) {
            freqDerivData[jDeriv][k] = 0.0;
        } /* END if (k == 0) ELSE ... */
    } /* END for(jDeriv=0;jDeriv<numFreqDerivTotal;jDeriv++) */
    numFreqDerivIncludingNoSpinDown = numFreqDerivTotal;
  } else {
    numFreqDerivIncludingNoSpinDown = 1;  /* Even if numSpinDown = 0 still need to count case of zero spindown. */
  }  /* END if (numSpinDown > 0) ELSE ... */

  /* Initialize ephemeris data */
  XLAL_CHECK_LAL (status, ( edat = XLALInitBarycenter( earthFile, sunFile ) ) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC);

  /* Allocate memory for PulsarSignalParams and initialize */
  pPulsarSignalParams = (PulsarSignalParams *)LALMalloc(sizeof(PulsarSignalParams));
  pPulsarSignalParams->pulsar.position.system = COORDINATESYSTEM_EQUATORIAL;
  pPulsarSignalParams->pulsar.spindown = NULL;
  if (numSpinDown > 0) {
    LALDCreateVector(status->statusPtr, &(pPulsarSignalParams->pulsar.spindown),((UINT4)numSpinDown));
    CHECKSTATUSPTR (status);
  pPulsarSignalParams->orbit.asini = 0 /* isolated pulsar */;
  pPulsarSignalParams->transfer = NULL;
  pPulsarSignalParams->dtDelayBy2 = 0;
  pPulsarSignalParams->dtPolBy2 = 0;
  /* Set up pulsar site */
  if (strstr(IFO, "LHO")) {
       cachedDetector = lalCachedDetectors[LALDetectorIndexLHODIFF];
  } else if (strstr(IFO, "LLO")) {
       cachedDetector = lalCachedDetectors[LALDetectorIndexLLODIFF];
  } else if (strstr(IFO, "GEO")) {
      cachedDetector = lalCachedDetectors[LALDetectorIndexGEO600DIFF];
  } else if (strstr(IFO, "VIRGO")) {
      cachedDetector = lalCachedDetectors[LALDetectorIndexVIRGODIFF];
  } else if (strstr(IFO, "TAMA")) {
      cachedDetector = lalCachedDetectors[LALDetectorIndexTAMA300DIFF];
  } else {
      /* "Invalid or null IFO" */
  pPulsarSignalParams->site = &cachedDetector;
  pPulsarSignalParams->ephemerides = edat;
  pPulsarSignalParams->startTimeGPS.gpsSeconds = (INT4)gpsStartTimeSec;
  pPulsarSignalParams->startTimeGPS.gpsNanoSeconds = (INT4)gpsStartTimeNan;
  pPulsarSignalParams->duration = (UINT4)duration;
  pPulsarSignalParams->samplingRate = (REAL8)ceil(2.0*bandSFT); /* Make sampleRate an integer so that T*samplingRate = integer for integer T */
  pPulsarSignalParams->fHeterodyne = f0SFT;

  GPSin.gpsSeconds = timeStamps->data[0].gpsSeconds;
  GPSin.gpsNanoSeconds = timeStamps->data[0].gpsNanoSeconds;

  /* Allocate memory for SFTParams and initialize */
  pSFTParams = (SFTParams *)LALCalloc(1, sizeof(SFTParams));
  pSFTParams->Tsft = tSFT;
  pSFTParams->timestamps = timeStamps;
  pSFTParams->noiseSFTs = NULL;

    /* Initial seed and randPar to use LALUniformDeviate to generate random mismatch during Monte Carlo. */
    fpRandom = fopen("/dev/urandom","r");
    rndCount = fread(&seed, sizeof(INT4),1, fpRandom);
    /* seed = 1234; */ /* Test value */
    LALCreateRandomParams(status->statusPtr, &randPar, seed);
    CHECKSTATUSPTR (status);

  /* allocate memory for structs needed by LALComputeSkyAndZeroPsiAMResponse and LALFastGeneratePulsarSFTs */
  pSkyConstAndZeroPsiAMResponse = (SkyConstAndZeroPsiAMResponse *)LALMalloc(sizeof(SkyConstAndZeroPsiAMResponse));
  pSkyConstAndZeroPsiAMResponse->skyConst = (REAL8 *)LALMalloc((2*numSpinDown*(numSFTs+1)+2*numSFTs+3)*sizeof(REAL8));
  pSkyConstAndZeroPsiAMResponse->fPlusZeroPsi = (REAL4 *)LALMalloc(numSFTs*sizeof(REAL4));
  pSkyConstAndZeroPsiAMResponse->fCrossZeroPsi = (REAL4 *)LALMalloc(numSFTs*sizeof(REAL4));
  pSFTandSignalParams = (SFTandSignalParams *)LALMalloc(sizeof(SFTandSignalParams));
  /* create lookup table (LUT) values for doing trig */
  /* pSFTandSignalParams->resTrig = 64; */ /* length sinVal and cosVal; resolution of trig functions = 2pi/resTrig */
  /* pSFTandSignalParams->resTrig = 128; */ /* 10/08/04 gam; length sinVal and cosVal; domain = -2pi to 2pi inclusive; resolution = 4pi/resTrig */
  pSFTandSignalParams->resTrig = 0; /* 10/12/04 gam; turn off using LUTs since this is more typical. */
  /* 02/02/05 gam; if NOT pSFTandSignalParams->resTrig > 0 should not create trigArg etc... */
  if (pSFTandSignalParams->resTrig > 0) {
    pSFTandSignalParams->trigArg = (REAL8 *)LALMalloc((pSFTandSignalParams->resTrig+1)*sizeof(REAL8));
    pSFTandSignalParams->sinVal  = (REAL8 *)LALMalloc((pSFTandSignalParams->resTrig+1)*sizeof(REAL8));
    pSFTandSignalParams->cosVal  = (REAL8 *)LALMalloc((pSFTandSignalParams->resTrig+1)*sizeof(REAL8));
    for (k=0; k<=pSFTandSignalParams->resTrig; k++) {
       /* pSFTandSignalParams->trigArg[k]= ((REAL8)LAL_TWOPI) * ((REAL8)k) / ((REAL8)pSFTandSignalParams->resTrig); */ /* 10/08/04 gam */
       pSFTandSignalParams->trigArg[k]= -1.0*((REAL8)LAL_TWOPI) + 2.0 * ((REAL8)LAL_TWOPI) * ((REAL8)k) / ((REAL8)pSFTandSignalParams->resTrig);
       pSFTandSignalParams->sinVal[k]=sin( pSFTandSignalParams->trigArg[k] );
       pSFTandSignalParams->cosVal[k]=cos( pSFTandSignalParams->trigArg[k] );
  pSFTandSignalParams->pSigParams = pPulsarSignalParams;
  pSFTandSignalParams->pSFTParams = pSFTParams;
  pSFTandSignalParams->nSamples = nsamples;
  pSFTandSignalParams->Dterms = Dterms;  /* 09/07/05 gam */

  /* ********************************************************/
  /*                                                       */
  /*                                                       */
  /* ********************************************************/
  for(iSky=0;iSky<numSkyPosTotal;iSky++) {

    /* set source sky position declination (DEC) */
    randval = 0.5; /* Gives default value */
      randval = ( (REAL4)(iSky) )/( (REAL4)(numSkyPosTotal) );
       LALUniformDeviate(status->statusPtr, &randval, randPar); CHECKSTATUSPTR (status);
    pPulsarSignalParams->pulsar.position.latitude = skyPosData[iSky][1] + (((REAL8)randval) - 0.5)*DeltaDec;
    cosTmpDEC = cos(skyPosData[iSky][1]);
    if (cosTmpDEC != 0.0) {
          tmpDeltaRA = DeltaRA/cosTmpDEC;
    } else {
          tmpDeltaRA = 0.0; /* We are at a celestial pole */

    /* set source sky position right ascension (RA) */
    randval = 0.5; /* Gives default value */
      randval = ( (REAL4)(iSky) )/( (REAL4)(numSkyPosTotal) );
      LALUniformDeviate(status->statusPtr, &randval, randPar); CHECKSTATUSPTR (status);
    pPulsarSignalParams->pulsar.position.longitude = skyPosData[iSky][0] + (((REAL8)randval) - 0.5)*tmpDeltaRA;

    /* Find reference time in SSB for this sky positions */
    int ret = XLALConvertGPS2SSB ( &(pPulsarSignalParams->pulsar.refTime), GPSin, pPulsarSignalParams );
    if ( ret != XLAL_SUCCESS ) {
      XLALPrintError ("XLALConvertGPS2SSB() failed with xlalErrno = %d\n", xlalErrno );
      ABORTXLAL (status);

    /* one per sky position fill in SkyConstAndZeroPsiAMResponse for use with LALFastGeneratePulsarSFTs */
    LALComputeSkyAndZeroPsiAMResponse (status->statusPtr, pSkyConstAndZeroPsiAMResponse, pSFTandSignalParams);
    CHECKSTATUSPTR (status);

    /* ********************************************************/
    /*                                                       */
    /* START SECTION: LOOP OVER SPINDOWN                     */
    /*                                                       */
    /* ********************************************************/
    for(jDeriv=0;jDeriv<numFreqDerivIncludingNoSpinDown;jDeriv++) {
     /* source spindown parameters */
     if (numSpinDown > 0) {
       for(k=0;k<numSpinDown;k++) {
         randval = 0.5; /* Gives default value */
            if (freqDerivData[jDeriv][k] < 0.0) {
               randval = ( (REAL4)(iSky) )/( (REAL4)(numSkyPosTotal) );
            } else {
               randval = 0.5; /* If derivative is not negative (i.e., it is zero) then do not add in mismatch; keep it zero. */
           LALUniformDeviate(status->statusPtr, &randval, randPar); CHECKSTATUSPTR (status);
         if (k == 0) {
          pPulsarSignalParams->pulsar.spindown->data[k] = freqDerivData[jDeriv][k] + (((REAL8)randval) - 0.5)*DeltaFDeriv1;
         } else if (k == 1) {
          pPulsarSignalParams->pulsar.spindown->data[k] = freqDerivData[jDeriv][k] + (((REAL8)randval) - 0.5)*DeltaFDeriv2;
         } else if (k == 2) {
          pPulsarSignalParams->pulsar.spindown->data[k] = freqDerivData[jDeriv][k] + (((REAL8)randval) - 0.5)*DeltaFDeriv3;
         } else if (k == 3) {
          pPulsarSignalParams->pulsar.spindown->data[k] = freqDerivData[jDeriv][k] + (((REAL8)randval) - 0.5)*DeltaFDeriv4;
         } else if (k == 4) {
          pPulsarSignalParams->pulsar.spindown->data[k] = freqDerivData[jDeriv][k] + (((REAL8)randval) - 0.5)*DeltaFDeriv5;
         } /* END if (k == 0) ELSE ... */

     /* ***************************************************/
     /*                                                  */
     /*                                                  */
     /* ***************************************************/
     for(iFreq=0;iFreq<nBinsSGNL;iFreq++) {

       /* set source orientation psi */
       randval = 0.5; /* Gives default value */
            randval = ( (REAL4)(iFreq) )/( (REAL4)(nBinsSGNL) );
          LALUniformDeviate(status->statusPtr, &randval, randPar); CHECKSTATUSPTR (status);
       pPulsarSignalParams->pulsar.psi = (randval - 0.5) * ((REAL4)LAL_PI_2);

       /* set angle between source spin axis and direction from source to SSB, cosIota */
       randval = 1.0; /* Gives default value */
            randval = ( (REAL4)(iFreq) )/( (REAL4)(nBinsSGNL) );
          LALUniformDeviate(status->statusPtr, &randval, randPar); CHECKSTATUSPTR (status);
       cosIota = 2.0*((REAL8)randval) - 1.0;

       /* h_0 is fixed above; get A_+ and A_x from h_0 and cosIota */
       pPulsarSignalParams->pulsar.aPlus = (REAL4)(0.5*h_0*(1.0 + cosIota*cosIota));
       pPulsarSignalParams->pulsar.aCross = (REAL4)(h_0*cosIota);

       /* get random value for phi0 */
       randval = 0.125; /* Gives default value pi/4*/
            randval = ( (REAL4)(iFreq) )/( (REAL4)(nBinsSGNL) );
          LALUniformDeviate(status->statusPtr, &randval, randPar); CHECKSTATUSPTR (status);
       pPulsarSignalParams->pulsar.phi0 = ((REAL8)randval) * ((REAL8)LAL_TWOPI);

       /* randval steps through various mismatches to frequencies centered on a bin */
       /* Note that iFreq = nBinsSGNL/2 gives randval = 0.5 gives no mismatch from frequency centered on a bin */
       randval = ( (REAL4)(iFreq) )/( (REAL4)(nBinsSGNL) );
          LALUniformDeviate(status->statusPtr, &randval, randPar); CHECKSTATUSPTR (status);
       pPulsarSignalParams->pulsar.f0 = f0SGNL + iFreq*dfSGNL + (((REAL8)randval) - 0.5)*dfSGNL;

       testNumber++; /* Update count of which test we about to do. */

       /* FIRST: Use LALGeneratePulsarSignal and LALSignalToSFTs to generate outputSFTs */
       signalvec = NULL;
       LALGeneratePulsarSignal(status->statusPtr, &signalvec, pPulsarSignalParams);
       CHECKSTATUSPTR (status);
       outputSFTs = NULL;
       LALSignalToSFTs(status->statusPtr, &outputSFTs, signalvec, pSFTParams);
       CHECKSTATUSPTR (status);

       #ifdef PRINT_OUTPUTSFT
           if (testNumber == TESTNUMBER_TO_PRINT) {
              i=SFTINDEX_TO_PRINT; /* index of which outputSFT to output */
              fprintf(stdout,"iFreq = %i, inject h_0 = %23.10e \n",iFreq,h_0);
              fprintf(stdout,"iFreq = %i, inject cosIota = %23.10e, A_+ = %23.10e, A_x = %23.10e \n",iFreq,cosIota,pPulsarSignalParams->pulsar.aPlus,pPulsarSignalParams->pulsar.aCross);
              fprintf(stdout,"iFreq = %i, inject psi = %23.10e \n",iFreq,pPulsarSignalParams->pulsar.psi);
              fprintf(stdout,"iFreq = %i, inject phi0 = %23.10e \n",iFreq,pPulsarSignalParams->pulsar.phi0);
              fprintf(stdout,"iFreq = %i, search f0 = %23.10e, inject f0 = %23.10e \n",iFreq,f0SGNL + iFreq*dfSGNL,pPulsarSignalParams->pulsar.f0);
              fprintf(stdout,"outputSFTs->data[%i].data->length = %i \n",i,outputSFTs->data[i].data->length);
              renorm = ((REAL4)nsamples)/((REAL4)(outputSFTs->data[i].data->length - 1));
              for(j=0;j<nBinsSFT;j++) {
                /* fprintf(stdout,"%i %g %g \n", j, renorm*outputSFTs->data[i].data->data[j].re, renorm*outputSFTs->data[i].data->data[j].im); */
                fprintf(stdout,"%i %g \n",j,renorm*renorm*outputSFTs->data[i].data->data[j].re*outputSFTs->data[i].data->data[j].re + renorm*renorm*outputSFTs->data[i].data->data[j].im*outputSFTs->data[i].data->data[j].im);

       /* SECOND: Use LALComputeSkyAndZeroPsiAMResponse and LALFastGeneratePulsarSFTs to generate outputSFTs */
       LALFastGeneratePulsarSFTs (status->statusPtr, &fastOutputSFTs, pSkyConstAndZeroPsiAMResponse, pSFTandSignalParams);
       CHECKSTATUSPTR (status);

          if (testNumber == TESTNUMBER_TO_PRINT) {
            REAL4  fPlus;
            REAL4  fCross;
            i=SFTINDEX_TO_PRINT; /* index of which outputSFT to output */
            fPlus = pSkyConstAndZeroPsiAMResponse->fPlusZeroPsi[i]*cos(2.0*pPulsarSignalParams->pulsar.psi) + pSkyConstAndZeroPsiAMResponse->fCrossZeroPsi[i]*sin(2.0*pPulsarSignalParams->pulsar.psi);
            fCross = pSkyConstAndZeroPsiAMResponse->fCrossZeroPsi[i]*cos(2.0*pPulsarSignalParams->pulsar.psi) - pSkyConstAndZeroPsiAMResponse->fPlusZeroPsi[i]*sin(2.0*pPulsarSignalParams->pulsar.psi);
            fprintf(stdout,"iFreq = %i, inject h_0 = %23.10e \n",iFreq,h_0);
            fprintf(stdout,"iFreq = %i, inject cosIota = %23.10e, A_+ = %23.10e, A_x = %23.10e \n",iFreq,cosIota,pPulsarSignalParams->pulsar.aPlus,pPulsarSignalParams->pulsar.aCross);
            fprintf(stdout,"iFreq = %i, inject psi = %23.10e \n",iFreq,pPulsarSignalParams->pulsar.psi);
            fprintf(stdout,"iFreq = %i, fPlus, fCross = %23.10e,  %23.10e \n",iFreq,fPlus,fCross);
            fprintf(stdout,"iFreq = %i, inject phi0 = %23.10e \n",iFreq,pPulsarSignalParams->pulsar.phi0);
            fprintf(stdout,"iFreq = %i, search f0 = %23.10e, inject f0 = %23.10e \n",iFreq,f0SGNL + iFreq*dfSGNL,pPulsarSignalParams->pulsar.f0);
            fprintf(stdout,"fastOutputSFTs->data[%i].data->length = %i \n",i,fastOutputSFTs->data[i].data->length);
            for(j=0;j<nBinsSFT;j++) {
               /* fprintf(stdout,"%i %g %g \n",j,fastOutputSFTs->data[i].data->data[j].re,fastOutputSFTs->data[i].data->data[j].im); */
               fprintf(stdout,"%i %g \n",j,fastOutputSFTs->data[i].data->data[j].re*fastOutputSFTs->data[i].data->data[j].re + fastOutputSFTs->data[i].data->data[j].im*fastOutputSFTs->data[i].data->data[j].im);

       /* find maximum difference in power */
       epsDiffMod = 0.20; /* maximum allowed percent difference */ /* 10/12/04 gam */
       overallMaxDiffSFTMod = 0.0;
       for (i = 0; i < numSFTs; i++) {
          renorm = ((REAL4)nsamples)/((REAL4)(outputSFTs->data[i].data->length - 1));
          maxDiffSFTMod = 0.0;
          diffAtMaxPower = 0.0;
          maxMod = 0.0;
          fastMaxMod = 0.0;
          jMaxMod = -1;
          jFastMaxMod = -1;
          /* Since doppler shifts can move the signal by an unknown number of bins search the whole band for max modulus: */
          for(j=0;j<nBinsSFT;j++) {
               sftMod = renorm*renorm*crealf(outputSFTs->data[i].data->data[j])*crealf(outputSFTs->data[i].data->data[j]) + renorm*renorm*cimagf(outputSFTs->data[i].data->data[j])*cimagf(outputSFTs->data[i].data->data[j]);
               sftMod = sqrt(sftMod);
               fastSFTMod = crealf(fastOutputSFTs->data[i].data->data[j])*crealf(fastOutputSFTs->data[i].data->data[j]) + cimagf(fastOutputSFTs->data[i].data->data[j])*cimagf(fastOutputSFTs->data[i].data->data[j]);
               fastSFTMod = sqrt(fastSFTMod);
               if (fabs(sftMod) > smallMod) {
                   tmpDiffSFTMod = fabs((sftMod - fastSFTMod)/sftMod);
                   if (tmpDiffSFTMod > maxDiffSFTMod) {
                       maxDiffSFTMod = tmpDiffSFTMod;
                   if (tmpDiffSFTMod > overallMaxDiffSFTMod) {
                       overallMaxDiffSFTMod = tmpDiffSFTMod;
                   if (sftMod > maxMod) {
                       maxMod = sftMod;
                       jMaxMod = j;
                   if (fastSFTMod > fastMaxMod) {
                       fastMaxMod = fastSFTMod;
                       jFastMaxMod = j;
          if (fabs(maxMod) > smallMod) {
             diffAtMaxPower = fabs((maxMod - fastMaxMod)/maxMod);
          #ifdef PRINT_MAXSFTPOWER
            fprintf(stdout,"maxSFTMod, testNumber %i, SFT %i, bin %i = %g \n",testNumber,i,jMaxMod,maxMod);
            fprintf(stdout,"maxFastSFTMod, testNumber %i, SFT %i, bin %i = %g \n",testNumber,i,jFastMaxMod,fastMaxMod);
            fprintf(stdout,"maxDiffSFTMod, testNumber %i, SFT %i, bin %i = %g \n",testNumber,i,jMaxDiff,maxDiffSFTMod);
            fprintf(stdout,"diffAtMaxPower, testNumber %i, SFT %i, bins %i and %i = %g \n",testNumber,i,jMaxMod,jFastMaxMod,diffAtMaxPower);
            if (diffAtMaxPower > epsDiffMod) {
              fprintf(stdout,"diffAtMaxPower, testNumber %i, SFT %i, bins %i and %i = %g exceeded epsDiffMod = %g \n",testNumber,i,jMaxMod,jFastMaxMod,diffAtMaxPower,epsDiffMod);
              /* break; */ /* only report 1 error per test */
            if (jMaxMod != jFastMaxMod) {
              fprintf(stdout,"MaxPower occurred in different bins: testNumber %i, SFT %i, bins %i and %i\n",testNumber,i,jMaxMod,jFastMaxMod);
              /* break; */ /* only report 1 error per test */
          if (jMaxMod != jFastMaxMod) {
              binErrorCount++; /* 10/12/04 gam; count up bin errors; if too ABORT at bottom of code */
          if ( diffAtMaxPower > epsDiffMod ) {
          /* 10/12/04 gam; turn on test above and add test below */
          if ( fabs(((REAL8)(jMaxMod - jFastMaxMod))) >  1.1 ) {
       } /* END for(i = 0; i < numSFTs; i++) */
         fprintf(stdout,"overallMaxDiffSFTMod, testNumber = %i, SFT %i, bin %i = %g \n",testNumber,iOverallMaxDiffSFTMod,jOverallMaxDiff,overallMaxDiffSFTMod);

       /* 09/07/05 gam; Initialize fastOutputSFTs since only 2*Dterms bins are changed by LALFastGeneratePulsarSFTs */
       for (i = 0; i < numSFTs; i++) {
          for(j=0;j<nBinsSFT;j++) {
             fastOutputSFTs->data[i].data->data[j] = 0.0;

       XLALDestroySFTVector( outputSFTs);


     } /* END for(iFreq=0;iFreq<nBinsSGNL;iFreq++) */
     /* ***************************************************/
     /*                                                  */
     /* END SECTION: LOOP OVER FREQUENCIES               */
     /*                                                  */
     /* ***************************************************/
   } /* END for(jDeriv=0;jDeriv<numFreqDerivIncludingNoSpinDown;jDeriv++) */
  /* ********************************************************/
  /*                                                       */
  /* END SECTION: LOOP OVER SPINDOWN                       */
  /*                                                       */
  /* ********************************************************/

  } /* END for(iSky=0;iSky<numSkyPosTotal;iSky++) */
  /* ********************************************************/
  /*                                                       */
  /* END SECTION: LOOP OVER SKY POSITIONS                  */
  /*                                                       */
  /* ********************************************************/

  /* 10/12/04 gam; check if too many bin errors */
  epsBinErrorRate = 0.20;  /* 10/12/04 gam; maximum allowed bin errors */
  if ( (((REAL4)binErrorCount)/((REAL4)testNumber)) > epsBinErrorRate ) {

    LALDestroyRandomParams(status->statusPtr, &randPar);
    CHECKSTATUSPTR (status);

  /* fprintf(stdout,"Total number of tests completed = %i. \n", testNumber);
  fflush(stdout); */

  if (numSpinDown > 0) {
    LALDDestroyVector(status->statusPtr, &(pPulsarSignalParams->pulsar.spindown));
    CHECKSTATUSPTR (status);

  /* deallocate memory for structs needed by LALComputeSkyAndZeroPsiAMResponse and LALFastGeneratePulsarSFTs */
  XLALDestroySFTVector( fastOutputSFTs);
  /* 02/02/05 gam; if NOT pSFTandSignalParams->resTrig > 0 should not create trigArg etc... */
  if (pSFTandSignalParams->resTrig > 0) {

  /* deallocate skyPosData */

  if (numSpinDown > 0) {
    /* deallocate freqDerivData */



예제 #2
int main( int argc, char *argv[]){

  static LALStatus            status;  
  static LALDetector          detector;
  static LIGOTimeGPSVector    timeV;
  static REAL8Cart3CoorVector velV;
  static REAL8Vector          timeDiffV;
  static REAL8Vector          foft;
  static PulsarSignalParams  params;
  static SFTParams sftParams;

  static UCHARPeakGram     pg1;
  static COMPLEX8SFTData1  sft1;
  static REAL8PeriodoPSD   periPSD;

  REAL4TimeSeries   *signalTseries = NULL;
  SFTVector    *inputSFTs  = NULL;  
  SFTVector    *outputSFTs = NULL;
  /* data about injected signal */
  static PulsarData           pulsarInject;

  /* the template */
  static HoughTemplate  pulsarTemplate, pulsarTemplate1;

  /*FILE  *fpOUT = NULL;  output file pointer */
  FILE  *fpLog = NULL; /* log file pointer */
  CHAR  *logstr=NULL; /* log string containing user input variables */
  CHAR  *fnamelog=NULL; /* name of log file */
  INT4  nfSizeCylinder;
  EphemerisData   *edat = NULL;

  INT4   mObsCoh, numberCount;
  REAL8  sftBand;  
  REAL8  timeBase, deltaF, normalizeThr, threshold;
  UINT4  sftlength; 
  INT4   sftFminBin;
  REAL8  fHeterodyne;
  REAL8  tSamplingRate;

  /* grid spacings */
  REAL8 deltaTheta;
  INT4 mmP, mmT; /* for loop over mismatched templates */

  /* user input variables */
  INT4 uvar_ifo, uvar_blocksRngMed;
  REAL8 uvar_peakThreshold;
  REAL8 uvar_alpha, uvar_delta, uvar_h0, uvar_f0;
  REAL8 uvar_psi, uvar_phi0, uvar_fdot, uvar_cosiota;
  CHAR *uvar_earthEphemeris=NULL;
  CHAR *uvar_sunEphemeris=NULL;
  CHAR *uvar_sftDir=NULL;
  CHAR *uvar_fnameout=NULL;

  /*  set up the default parameters  */

  nfSizeCylinder = NFSIZE;

  /* set other user input variables */
  uvar_peakThreshold = THRESHOLD;
  uvar_ifo = IFO;
  uvar_blocksRngMed = BLOCKSRNGMED;

  /* set default pulsar parameters */
  uvar_h0 = H0;
  uvar_alpha = ALPHA;
  uvar_delta = DELTA;
  uvar_f0 =  F0;
  uvar_fdot = FDOT;
  uvar_psi = PSI;
  uvar_cosiota = COSIOTA;
  uvar_phi0 = PHI0;

  /* now set the default filenames */
  uvar_earthEphemeris = (CHAR *)LALMalloc(512*sizeof(CHAR));

  uvar_sunEphemeris = (CHAR *)LALMalloc(512*sizeof(CHAR));

  uvar_sftDir = (CHAR *)LALMalloc(512*sizeof(CHAR));

  uvar_fnameout = (CHAR *)LALMalloc(512*sizeof(CHAR));
  strcpy(uvar_fnameout, FILEOUT);

  /* register user input variables */
  XLAL_CHECK_MAIN( XLALRegisterNamedUvar( &uvar_ifo,            "ifo",            INT4,   'i', OPTIONAL, "Detector GEO(1) LLO(2) LHO(3)" ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC);
  XLAL_CHECK_MAIN( XLALRegisterNamedUvar( &uvar_blocksRngMed,   "blocksRngMed",   INT4,   'w', OPTIONAL, "RngMed block size") == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC);
  XLAL_CHECK_MAIN( XLALRegisterNamedUvar( &uvar_peakThreshold,  "peakThreshold",  REAL8,  't', OPTIONAL, "Peak selection threshold") == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC);
  XLAL_CHECK_MAIN( XLALRegisterNamedUvar( &uvar_earthEphemeris, "earthEphemeris", STRING, 'E', OPTIONAL, "Earth Ephemeris file") == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC);
  XLAL_CHECK_MAIN( XLALRegisterNamedUvar( &uvar_sunEphemeris,   "sunEphemeris",   STRING, 'S', OPTIONAL, "Sun Ephemeris file") == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC);
  XLAL_CHECK_MAIN( XLALRegisterNamedUvar( &uvar_sftDir,         "sftDir",         STRING, 'D', OPTIONAL, "SFT Directory") == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC);
  XLAL_CHECK_MAIN( XLALRegisterNamedUvar( &uvar_fnameout,       "fnameout",       STRING, 'o', OPTIONAL, "Output file prefix") == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC);
  XLAL_CHECK_MAIN( XLALRegisterNamedUvar( &uvar_alpha,          "alpha",          REAL8,  'r', OPTIONAL, "Right ascension") == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC);
  XLAL_CHECK_MAIN( XLALRegisterNamedUvar( &uvar_delta,          "delta",          REAL8,  'l', OPTIONAL, "Declination") == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC);
  XLAL_CHECK_MAIN( XLALRegisterNamedUvar( &uvar_h0,             "h0",             REAL8,  'm', OPTIONAL, "h0 to inject") == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC);
  XLAL_CHECK_MAIN( XLALRegisterNamedUvar( &uvar_f0,             "f0",             REAL8,  'f', OPTIONAL, "Start search frequency") == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC);
  XLAL_CHECK_MAIN( XLALRegisterNamedUvar( &uvar_psi,            "psi",            REAL8,  'p', OPTIONAL, "Polarization angle") == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC);
  XLAL_CHECK_MAIN( XLALRegisterNamedUvar( &uvar_phi0,           "phi0",           REAL8,  'P', OPTIONAL, "Initial phase") == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC);
  XLAL_CHECK_MAIN( XLALRegisterNamedUvar( &uvar_cosiota,        "cosiota",        REAL8,  'c', OPTIONAL, "Cosine of iota") == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC);
  XLAL_CHECK_MAIN( XLALRegisterNamedUvar( &uvar_fdot,           "fdot",           REAL8,  'd', OPTIONAL, "Spindown parameter") == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC);

  /* read all command line variables */
  BOOLEAN should_exit = 0;
  XLAL_CHECK_MAIN( XLALUserVarReadAllInput(&should_exit, argc, argv, lalAppsVCSInfoList) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC);
  if (should_exit)
  /* write the log file */
  fnamelog = (CHAR *)LALMalloc( 512*sizeof(CHAR));
  strcpy(fnamelog, uvar_fnameout);
  strcat(fnamelog, "_log");
  /* open the log file for writing */
  if ((fpLog = fopen(fnamelog, "w")) == NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open file %s for writing\n", fnamelog);

  /* get the log string */

  fprintf( fpLog, "## Log file for HoughMismatch\n\n");
  fprintf( fpLog, "# User Input:\n");
  fprintf( fpLog, "#-------------------------------------------\n");
  fprintf( fpLog, "%s", logstr);

  /* append an ident-string defining the exact CVS-version of the code used */
    CHAR command[1024] = "";
    fprintf (fpLog, "\n\n# CVS-versions of executable:\n");
    fprintf (fpLog, "# -----------------------------------------\n");
    fclose (fpLog);
    sprintf (command, "ident %s | sort -u >> %s", argv[0], fnamelog);
    /* we don't check this. If it fails, we assume that */
    /* one of the system-commands was not available, and */
    /* therefore the CVS-versions will not be logged */
    if ( system(command) ) fprintf (stderr, "\nsystem('%s') returned non-zero status!\n\n", command );


  /* set peak selection threshold */
  SUB( LALRngMedBias( &status, &normalizeThr, uvar_blocksRngMed ), &status ); 
  threshold = uvar_peakThreshold/normalizeThr; 

  /* set detector */
  if (uvar_ifo ==1) detector=lalCachedDetectors[LALDetectorIndexGEO600DIFF];
  if (uvar_ifo ==2) detector=lalCachedDetectors[LALDetectorIndexLLODIFF];
  if (uvar_ifo ==3) detector=lalCachedDetectors[LALDetectorIndexLHODIFF];

  /* copy user input values */
  pulsarInject.f0 = uvar_f0;
  pulsarInject.latitude = uvar_delta;
  pulsarInject.longitude = uvar_alpha;
  pulsarInject.aPlus = 0.5 * uvar_h0 * ( 1.0 + uvar_cosiota * uvar_cosiota );
  pulsarInject.aCross = uvar_h0 * uvar_cosiota;
  pulsarInject.psi = uvar_psi;
  pulsarInject.phi0 = uvar_phi0;
  pulsarInject.spindown.length = 1;
  pulsarInject.spindown.data = NULL;
  pulsarInject.spindown.data = (REAL8 *)LALMalloc(sizeof(REAL8));
  pulsarInject.spindown.data[0] = uvar_fdot;

  /* copy these values also to the pulsar template */
  /* template is complately matched at this point */
  pulsarTemplate.f0 = uvar_f0;
  pulsarTemplate.latitude = uvar_delta;
  pulsarTemplate.longitude = uvar_alpha;
  pulsarTemplate.spindown.length = 1;
  pulsarTemplate.spindown.data = NULL;
  pulsarTemplate.spindown.data = (REAL8 *)LALMalloc(sizeof(REAL8));
  pulsarTemplate.spindown.data[0] = uvar_fdot;

  /* allocate memory for mismatched spindown template */
  pulsarTemplate1.spindown.length = 1;
  pulsarTemplate1.spindown.data = NULL;
  pulsarTemplate1.spindown.data = (REAL8 *)LALMalloc(sizeof(REAL8));

  /* read sfts */
    CHAR *tempDir;
    tempDir = (CHAR *)LALMalloc(512*sizeof(CHAR));
    strcpy(tempDir, uvar_sftDir);
    strcat(tempDir, "/*SFT*.*"); 
    sftBand = 0.5; 
    SUB( LALReadSFTfiles ( &status, &inputSFTs, uvar_f0 - sftBand, uvar_f0 + sftBand, nfSizeCylinder + uvar_blocksRngMed , tempDir), &status);

  /* get sft parameters */
  mObsCoh = inputSFTs->length;
  sftlength = inputSFTs->data->data->length;
  deltaF = inputSFTs->data->deltaF;
  timeBase = 1.0/deltaF;
  sftFminBin = floor( timeBase * inputSFTs->data->f0 + 0.5);
  fHeterodyne = sftFminBin*deltaF;
  tSamplingRate = 2.0*deltaF*(sftlength -1.);

  /* create timestamp vector */
  timeV.length = mObsCoh;
  timeV.data = NULL;  
  timeV.data = (LIGOTimeGPS *)LALMalloc(mObsCoh*sizeof(LIGOTimeGPS));

  /* read timestamps */
    INT4    i; 
    SFTtype  *sft= NULL; 
    sft = inputSFTs->data;
    for (i=0; i < mObsCoh; i++){
      timeV.data[i].gpsSeconds = sft->epoch.gpsSeconds;
      timeV.data[i].gpsNanoSeconds = sft->epoch.gpsNanoSeconds;

  /* compute the time difference relative to startTime for all SFT */
  timeDiffV.length = mObsCoh;
  timeDiffV.data = NULL; 
  timeDiffV.data = (REAL8 *)LALMalloc(mObsCoh*sizeof(REAL8));

    REAL8   t0, ts, tn, midTimeBase;
    INT4   j; 

    ts = timeV.data[0].gpsSeconds;
    tn = timeV.data[0].gpsNanoSeconds * 1.00E-9;
    timeDiffV.data[0] = midTimeBase;

    for (j=1; j< mObsCoh; ++j){
      ts = timeV.data[j].gpsSeconds;
      tn = timeV.data[j].gpsNanoSeconds * 1.00E-9;  
      timeDiffV.data[j] = ts+tn -t0+midTimeBase; 

  /* compute detector velocity for those time stamps  */ 
  velV.length = mObsCoh; 
  velV.data = NULL;
  velV.data = (REAL8Cart3Coor *)LALMalloc(mObsCoh*sizeof(REAL8Cart3Coor));
    VelocityPar   velPar;
    REAL8     vel[3]; 
    UINT4     j; 

    velPar.detector = detector;
    velPar.tBase = timeBase;
    velPar.vTol = 0.0; /* irrelevant */
    velPar.edat = NULL;

    /* read in ephemeris data */
    XLAL_CHECK_MAIN( ( edat = XLALInitBarycenter( uvar_earthEphemeris, uvar_sunEphemeris ) ) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC);
    velPar.edat = edat;

    /* calculate detector velocity */    
    for(j=0; j< velV.length; ++j){
      velPar.startTime.gpsSeconds     = timeV.data[j].gpsSeconds;
      velPar.startTime.gpsNanoSeconds = timeV.data[j].gpsNanoSeconds;
      SUB( LALAvgDetectorVel ( &status, vel, &velPar), &status );
      velV.data[j].x= vel[0];
      velV.data[j].y= vel[1];
      velV.data[j].z= vel[2];   

  /* set grid spacings */
    deltaTheta = 1.0 / ( VTOT * uvar_f0 * timeBase );
    /* currently unused: REAL8 deltaFdot = deltaF / timeBase; */

  /* allocate memory for f(t) pattern */
  foft.length = mObsCoh;
  foft.data = NULL;
  foft.data = (REAL8 *)LALMalloc(mObsCoh*sizeof(REAL8));

  /* allocate memory for Hough peripsd structure */
  periPSD.periodogram.length = sftlength;
  periPSD.periodogram.data = NULL;
  periPSD.periodogram.data = (REAL8 *)LALMalloc(sftlength* sizeof(REAL8));
  periPSD.psd.length = sftlength;
  periPSD.psd.data = NULL;
  periPSD.psd.data = (REAL8 *)LALMalloc(sftlength* sizeof(REAL8));

  /* allocate memory for peakgram */
  pg1.length = sftlength;
  pg1.data = NULL;
  pg1.data = (UCHAR *)LALMalloc(sftlength* sizeof(UCHAR));

  /* generate signal and add to input sfts */  
  /* parameters for output sfts */
  sftParams.Tsft = timeBase;
  sftParams.timestamps = &(timeV);
  sftParams.noiseSFTs = inputSFTs;  
  /* signal generation parameters */
  params.orbit.asini = 0 /* isolated pulsar */;
  /* params.transferFunction = NULL; */
  params.site = &(detector);
  params.ephemerides = edat;
  params.startTimeGPS.gpsSeconds = timeV.data[0].gpsSeconds;   /* start time of output time series */
  params.startTimeGPS.gpsNanoSeconds = timeV.data[0].gpsNanoSeconds;   /* start time of output time series */
  params.duration = timeDiffV.data[mObsCoh-1] + 0.5 * timeBase; /* length of time series in seconds */
  params.samplingRate = tSamplingRate;
  params.fHeterodyne = fHeterodyne;
  /* reference time for frequency and spindown is first timestamp */
  params.pulsar.refTime.gpsSeconds = timeV.data[0].gpsSeconds; 
  params.pulsar.refTime.gpsNanoSeconds = timeV.data[0].gpsNanoSeconds;

  params.pulsar.position.longitude = pulsarInject.longitude;
  params.pulsar.position.latitude = pulsarInject.latitude ;
  params.pulsar.position.system = COORDINATESYSTEM_EQUATORIAL; 
  params.pulsar.psi = pulsarInject.psi;
  params.pulsar.aPlus = pulsarInject.aPlus;
  params.pulsar.aCross = pulsarInject.aCross;
  params.pulsar.phi0 = pulsarInject.phi0;
  params.pulsar.f0 = pulsarInject.f0;
  params.pulsar.spindown = &pulsarInject.spindown ;

  SUB( LALGeneratePulsarSignal(&status, &signalTseries, &params ), &status);
  SUB( LALSignalToSFTs(&status, &outputSFTs, signalTseries, &sftParams), &status); 

  /* fill in elements of sft structure sft1 used in peak selection */
  sft1.length = sftlength;
  sft1.fminBinIndex = sftFminBin;
  sft1.timeBase = timeBase;

  /* loop over mismatched templates */
  for (mmT = -2; mmT <= 2; mmT++)
      for (mmP = -2; mmP <= 2; mmP++)
	  INT4 mmFactor;
	  /* displace the template */
	  mmFactor = 1.0;
	  pulsarTemplate1.f0 = pulsarTemplate.f0 /*+ mmFactor * mm * deltaF*/; 
	  pulsarTemplate1.latitude = pulsarTemplate.latitude + mmFactor * mmT * deltaTheta;
	  pulsarTemplate1.longitude = pulsarTemplate.longitude + mmFactor * mmP * deltaTheta;
	  pulsarTemplate1.spindown.data[0] = pulsarTemplate.spindown.data[0] /*+ mmFactor * mm * deltaFdot*/;
	  numberCount = 0;
	  /* now calculate the number count for the template */
          INT4 j;
	  for (j=0; j < mObsCoh; j++)  
	      INT4 ind;
	      sft1.epoch.gpsSeconds = timeV.data[j].gpsSeconds;
	      sft1.epoch.gpsNanoSeconds = timeV.data[j].gpsNanoSeconds;
	      sft1.data = outputSFTs->data[j].data->data;
	      SUB( COMPLEX8SFT2Periodogram1(&status, &periPSD.periodogram, &sft1), &status );	
	      SUB( LALPeriodo2PSDrng( &status, 
				      &periPSD.psd, &periPSD.periodogram, &uvar_blocksRngMed), &status );	
	      SUB( LALSelectPeakColorNoise(&status,&pg1,&threshold,&periPSD), &status); 	 
	      SUB( ComputeFoft(&status, &foft, &pulsarTemplate1, &timeDiffV, &velV, timeBase), &status);
	      ind = floor( foft.data[j]*timeBase - sftFminBin + 0.5); 
	      numberCount += pg1.data[ind]; 
	  /* print the number count */
	  fprintf(stdout, "%d    %d    %d\n", mmT, mmP, numberCount);
  /* free structures created by signal generation routines */
  signalTseries =NULL;
  XLALDestroySFTVector( outputSFTs);

  /* destroy input sfts */
  XLALDestroySFTVector( inputSFTs);

  /* free other structures */

