예제 #1
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){

  static LALStatus  status;  

  static LALDetector          *detector;
  static LIGOTimeGPSVector    timeV;
  static REAL8Cart3CoorVector velV;
  static REAL8Vector          timeDiffV;
  static REAL8                foft;
  static HoughPulsarTemplate  pulsarTemplate;

  EphemerisData   *edat = NULL;
  CHAR  *uvar_earthEphemeris = NULL; 
  CHAR  *uvar_sunEphemeris = NULL;
  SFTVector  *inputSFTs  = NULL;  
  REAL8 *alphaVec=NULL;
  REAL8 *deltaVec=NULL;
  REAL8 *freqVec=NULL;
  REAL8 *spndnVec=NULL;

  /* pgV is vector of peakgrams and pg1 is onepeakgram */
  static UCHARPeakGram    *pg1, **pgV; 
  UINT4  msp; /*number of spin-down parameters */
  CHAR   *uvar_ifo = NULL;
  CHAR   *uvar_sftDir = NULL; /* the directory where the SFT  could be */
  CHAR   *uvar_fnameOut = NULL;               /* The output prefix filename */
  CHAR   *uvar_fnameIn = NULL;  
  INT4   numberCount, ind;
  UINT8  nTemplates;   
  UINT4   mObsCoh;
  REAL8  uvar_peakThreshold;
  REAL8  f_min, f_max, fWings, timeBase;
  INT4  uvar_blocksRngMed;
  UINT4  sftlength; 
  INT4   sftFminBin;
  UINT4 loopId, tempLoopId;
  FILE  *fpOut = NULL;
  BOOLEAN uvar_help;
  CHAR *fnameLog=NULL;
  FILE *fpLog = NULL;
  CHAR *logstr=NULL;
  /*REAL8 asq, bsq;*/ /* square of amplitude modulation functions a and b */

  /*    Set up the default parameters.      */
  /* ****************************************************************/

  /* LAL error-handler */
  lal_errhandler = LAL_ERR_EXIT;
  msp = 1; /*only one spin-down */
  /* memory allocation for spindown */
  pulsarTemplate.spindown.length = msp;
  pulsarTemplate.spindown.data = NULL;
  pulsarTemplate.spindown.data = (REAL8 *)LALMalloc(msp*sizeof(REAL8));
  uvar_help = FALSE;
  uvar_peakThreshold = THRESHOLD;

  uvar_earthEphemeris = (CHAR *)LALMalloc(1024*sizeof(CHAR));

  uvar_sunEphemeris = (CHAR *)LALMalloc(1024*sizeof(CHAR));

  uvar_sftDir = (CHAR *)LALMalloc(1024*sizeof(CHAR));

  uvar_fnameOut = (CHAR *)LALMalloc(1024*sizeof(CHAR));

  uvar_fnameIn = (CHAR *)LALMalloc(1024*sizeof(CHAR));

  uvar_blocksRngMed = BLOCKSRNGMED;

  /* register user input variables */
  LAL_CALL( LALRegisterBOOLUserVar( &status, "help", 'h', UVAR_HELP, "Print this message", &uvar_help), &status);  
  LAL_CALL( LALRegisterSTRINGUserVar( &status, "ifo", 'i', UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Detector GEO(1) LLO(2) LHO(3)", &uvar_ifo ), &status);
  LAL_CALL( LALRegisterSTRINGUserVar( &status, "earthEphemeris", 'E', UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Earth Ephemeris file", &uvar_earthEphemeris), &status);
  LAL_CALL( LALRegisterSTRINGUserVar( &status, "sunEphemeris", 'S', UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Sun Ephemeris file", &uvar_sunEphemeris), &status);
  LAL_CALL( LALRegisterSTRINGUserVar( &status, "sftDir", 'D', UVAR_OPTIONAL, "SFT Directory", &uvar_sftDir), &status);
  LAL_CALL( LALRegisterSTRINGUserVar( &status, "fnameIn", 'T', UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Input template file", &uvar_fnameIn), &status);
  LAL_CALL( LALRegisterSTRINGUserVar( &status, "fnameOut", 'o', UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Output filename", &uvar_fnameOut), &status);
  LAL_CALL( LALRegisterINTUserVar( &status, "blocksRngMed", 'w', UVAR_OPTIONAL, "RngMed block size", &uvar_blocksRngMed), &status);
  LAL_CALL( LALRegisterREALUserVar( &status, "peakThreshold", 't', UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Peak selection threshold", &uvar_peakThreshold), &status);

  /* read all command line variables */
  LAL_CALL( LALUserVarReadAllInput(&status, argc, argv), &status);

  /* exit if help was required */
  if (uvar_help)
  /* open log file for writing */
  fnameLog = LALCalloc( (strlen(uvar_fnameOut) + strlen(".log") + 10),1);
  if ((fpLog = fopen(fnameLog, "w")) == NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open file %s for writing\n", fnameLog);
  /* get the log string */
  LAL_CALL( LALUserVarGetLog(&status, &logstr, UVAR_LOGFMT_CFGFILE), &status);  

  fprintf( fpLog, "## Log file for HoughValidate\n\n");
  fprintf( fpLog, "# User Input:\n");
  fprintf( fpLog, "#-------------------------------------------\n");
  fprintf( fpLog, "%s", logstr);

  /* append an ident-string defining the exact CVS-version of the code used */
    CHAR command[1024] = "";
    fprintf (fpLog, "\n\n# CVS-versions of executable:\n");
    fprintf (fpLog, "# -----------------------------------------\n");
    fclose (fpLog);
    sprintf (command, "ident %s | sort -u >> %s", argv[0], fnameLog);
    /* we don't check this. If it fails, we assume that */
    /* one of the system-commands was not available, and */
    /* therefore the CVS-versions will not be logged */
    if ( system(command) ) fprintf (stderr, "\nsystem('%s') returned non-zero status!\n\n", command );


  /* open output file for writing */
  fpOut= fopen(uvar_fnameOut, "w");
  /*setlinebuf(fpOut);*/  /* line buffered on */  
  setvbuf(fpOut, (char *)NULL, _IOLBF, 0);

  /* read template file */
    FILE  *fpIn = NULL;
    INT4   r;
    REAL8  temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4, temp5;
    UINT8  templateCounter; 
    fpIn = fopen(uvar_fnameIn, "r");
    if ( !fpIn )
	fprintf(stderr, "Unable to fine file %s\n", uvar_fnameIn);

    nTemplates = 0;
	r=fscanf(fpIn,"%lf%lf%lf%lf%lf\n", &temp1, &temp2, &temp3, &temp4, &temp5);
	/* make sure the line has the right number of entries or is EOF */
	if (r==5) nTemplates++;
      } while ( r != EOF);
    alphaVec = (REAL8 *)LALMalloc(nTemplates*sizeof(REAL8));
    deltaVec = (REAL8 *)LALMalloc(nTemplates*sizeof(REAL8));     
    freqVec = (REAL8 *)LALMalloc(nTemplates*sizeof(REAL8));
    spndnVec = (REAL8 *)LALMalloc(nTemplates*sizeof(REAL8));     
    for (templateCounter = 0; templateCounter < nTemplates; templateCounter++)
	r=fscanf(fpIn,"%lf%lf%lf%lf%lf\n", &temp1, alphaVec + templateCounter, deltaVec + templateCounter, 
		 freqVec + templateCounter,  spndnVec + templateCounter);

  /* read sfts */     
  f_min = freqVec[0];     /* initial frequency to be analyzed */
  /* assume that the last frequency in the templates file is also the highest frequency */
  f_max = freqVec[nTemplates-1] ; 
  /* we need to add wings to fmin and fmax to account for 
     the Doppler shift, the size of the rngmed block size
     and also nfsizecylinder.  The block size and nfsizecylinder are
     specified in terms of frequency bins...this goes as one of the arguments of 
     LALReadSFTfiles */
  /* first correct for Doppler shift */
  fWings =  f_max * VTOT; 
  f_min -= fWings;    
  f_max += fWings; 
  /* create pattern to look for in SFT directory */   

    CHAR *tempDir = NULL;
    SFTCatalog *catalog = NULL;
    static SFTConstraints constraints;

    /* set detector constraint */
    constraints.detector = NULL;
    if ( LALUserVarWasSet( &uvar_ifo ) )    
      constraints.detector = XLALGetChannelPrefix ( uvar_ifo );

    /* get sft catalog */
    tempDir = (CHAR *)LALCalloc(512, sizeof(CHAR));
    strcpy(tempDir, uvar_sftDir);
    strcat(tempDir, "/*SFT*.*");
    LAL_CALL( LALSFTdataFind( &status, &catalog, tempDir, &constraints), &status);
    detector = XLALGetSiteInfo( catalog->data[0].header.name);

    mObsCoh = catalog->length;
    timeBase = 1.0 / catalog->data->header.deltaF;

    LAL_CALL( LALLoadSFTs ( &status, &inputSFTs, catalog, f_min, f_max), &status);

    LAL_CALL( LALNormalizeSFTVect (&status, inputSFTs, uvar_blocksRngMed), &status);

    if ( LALUserVarWasSet( &uvar_ifo ) )    
      LALFree( constraints.detector );
    LALFree( tempDir);
    LAL_CALL( LALDestroySFTCatalog( &status, &catalog ), &status);  	


  sftlength = inputSFTs->data->data->length;
    INT4 tempFbin;
    sftFminBin = floor( (REAL4)(timeBase * inputSFTs->data->f0) + (REAL4)(0.5));
    tempFbin = floor( timeBase * inputSFTs->data->f0 + 0.5);

    if (tempFbin - sftFminBin)
	fprintf(stderr, "Rounding error in calculating fminbin....be careful! \n");

  /* loop over sfts and select peaks */

  /* first the memory allocation for the peakgramvector */
  pgV = NULL;
  pgV = (UCHARPeakGram **)LALMalloc(mObsCoh*sizeof(UCHARPeakGram *));  

  /* memory for  peakgrams */
  for (tempLoopId=0; tempLoopId < mObsCoh; tempLoopId++)
      pgV[tempLoopId] = (UCHARPeakGram *)LALMalloc(sizeof(UCHARPeakGram));
      pgV[tempLoopId]->length = sftlength; 
      pgV[tempLoopId]->data = NULL; 
      pgV[tempLoopId]->data = (UCHAR *)LALMalloc(sftlength* sizeof(UCHAR));
      LAL_CALL (SFTtoUCHARPeakGram( &status, pgV[tempLoopId], inputSFTs->data + tempLoopId, uvar_peakThreshold), &status);

  /* having calculated the peakgrams we don't need the sfts anymore */
  LAL_CALL(LALDestroySFTVector(&status, &inputSFTs),&status );

  /* ****************************************************************/
  /* setting timestamps vector */
  /* ****************************************************************/
  timeV.length = mObsCoh;
  timeV.data = NULL;  
  timeV.data = (LIGOTimeGPS *)LALMalloc(mObsCoh*sizeof(LIGOTimeGPS));
    UINT4    j; 
    for (j=0; j < mObsCoh; j++){
      timeV.data[j].gpsSeconds = pgV[j]->epoch.gpsSeconds;
      timeV.data[j].gpsNanoSeconds = pgV[j]->epoch.gpsNanoSeconds;
  /* compute the time difference relative to startTime for all SFTs */
  timeDiffV.length = mObsCoh;
  timeDiffV.data = NULL; 
  timeDiffV.data = (REAL8 *)LALMalloc(mObsCoh*sizeof(REAL8));
    REAL8   t0, ts, tn, midTimeBase;
    UINT4   j; 

    ts = timeV.data[0].gpsSeconds;
    tn = timeV.data[0].gpsNanoSeconds * 1.00E-9;
    timeDiffV.data[0] = midTimeBase;

    for (j=1; j< mObsCoh; ++j){
      ts = timeV.data[j].gpsSeconds;
      tn = timeV.data[j].gpsNanoSeconds * 1.00E-9;  
      timeDiffV.data[j] = ts + tn -t0 + midTimeBase; 

  /*   setting of ephemeris info */ 
  edat = (EphemerisData *)LALMalloc(sizeof(EphemerisData));
  (*edat).ephiles.earthEphemeris = uvar_earthEphemeris;
  (*edat).ephiles.sunEphemeris = uvar_sunEphemeris;
  /* compute detector velocity for those time stamps                */
  velV.length = mObsCoh;
  velV.data = NULL;
  velV.data = (REAL8Cart3Coor *)LALMalloc(mObsCoh*sizeof(REAL8Cart3Coor));
    VelocityPar   velPar;
    REAL8     vel[3]; 
    UINT4     j; 

    velPar.detector = *detector;
    velPar.tBase = timeBase;
    velPar.vTol = ACCURACY;
    velPar.edat = NULL;

    /* read in ephemeris data */
    LAL_CALL( LALInitBarycenter( &status, edat), &status);
    velPar.edat = edat;

    /* now calculate average velocity */    
    for(j=0; j< velV.length; ++j){
      velPar.startTime.gpsSeconds     = timeV.data[j].gpsSeconds;
      velPar.startTime.gpsNanoSeconds = timeV.data[j].gpsNanoSeconds;
      LAL_CALL( LALAvgDetectorVel ( &status, vel, &velPar), &status );
      velV.data[j].x= vel[0];
      velV.data[j].y= vel[1];
      velV.data[j].z= vel[2];   

  /* amplitude modulation stuff */
    AMCoeffs amc; 
    AMCoeffsParams *amParams;
    EarthState earth;
    BarycenterInput baryinput;  /* Stores detector location and other barycentering data */

    /* detector location */
    baryinput.site.location[0] = detector->location[0]/LAL_C_SI;
    baryinput.site.location[1] = detector->location[1]/LAL_C_SI;
    baryinput.site.location[2] = detector->location[2]/LAL_C_SI;
    baryinput.dInv = 0.e0;
    /* alpha and delta must come from the skypatch */
    /* for now set it to something arbitrary */
    baryinput.alpha = 0.0;
    baryinput.delta = 0.0;

    /* Allocate space for amParams stucture */
    /* Here, amParams->das is the Detector and Source info */
    amParams = (AMCoeffsParams *)LALMalloc(sizeof(AMCoeffsParams));
    amParams->das = (LALDetAndSource *)LALMalloc(sizeof(LALDetAndSource));
    amParams->das->pSource = (LALSource *)LALMalloc(sizeof(LALSource));
    /* Fill up AMCoeffsParams structure */
    amParams->baryinput = &baryinput;
    amParams->earth = &earth; 
    amParams->edat = edat;
    amParams->das->pDetector = detector; 
    /* make sure alpha and delta are correct */
    amParams->das->pSource->equatorialCoords.latitude = baryinput.delta;
    amParams->das->pSource->equatorialCoords.longitude = baryinput.alpha;
    amParams->das->pSource->orientation = 0.0;
    amParams->das->pSource->equatorialCoords.system = COORDINATESYSTEM_EQUATORIAL;
    amParams->polAngle = amParams->das->pSource->orientation ; /* These two have to be the same!!*/

    /* timeV is start time ---> change to mid time */    
    LAL_CALL (LALComputeAM(&status, &amc, timeV.data, amParams), &status); 

    /* calculate a^2 and b^2 */
    /* for (ii=0, asq=0.0, bsq=0.0; ii<mObsCoh; ii++) */
    /*       { */
    /* 	REAL8 *a, *b; */
    /*        	a = amc.a + ii; */
    /* 	b = amc.b + ii; */
    /* 	asq += (*a) * (*a); */
    /* 	bsq += (*b) * (*b); */
    /*       } */
    /* free amParams */


  /* loop over templates */    
  for(loopId=0; loopId < nTemplates; ++loopId){
    /* set template parameters */    
    pulsarTemplate.f0 = freqVec[loopId];
    pulsarTemplate.longitude = alphaVec[loopId];
    pulsarTemplate.latitude = deltaVec[loopId];
    pulsarTemplate.spindown.data[0] = spndnVec[loopId];
      REAL8   f0new, vcProdn, timeDiffN;
      REAL8   sourceDelta, sourceAlpha, cosDelta, factorialN;
      UINT4   j, i, f0newBin; 
      REAL8Cart3Coor       sourceLocation;
      sourceDelta = pulsarTemplate.latitude;
      sourceAlpha = pulsarTemplate.longitude;
      cosDelta = cos(sourceDelta);
      sourceLocation.x = cosDelta* cos(sourceAlpha);
      sourceLocation.y = cosDelta* sin(sourceAlpha);
      sourceLocation.z = sin(sourceDelta);      

      /* loop for all different time stamps,calculate frequency and produce number count*/ 
      /* first initialize number count */
      for (j=0; j<mObsCoh; ++j)
	  /* calculate v/c.n */
	  vcProdn = velV.data[j].x * sourceLocation.x
	    + velV.data[j].y * sourceLocation.y
	    + velV.data[j].z * sourceLocation.z;

	  /* loop over spindown values to find f_0 */
	  f0new = pulsarTemplate.f0;
	  factorialN = 1.0;
	  timeDiffN = timeDiffV.data[j];	  
	  for (i=0; i<msp;++i)
	      factorialN *=(i+1.0);
	      f0new += pulsarTemplate.spindown.data[i]*timeDiffN / factorialN;
	      timeDiffN *= timeDiffN;
	  f0newBin = floor(f0new*timeBase + 0.5);
	  foft = f0newBin * (1.0 +vcProdn) / timeBase;    
	  /* get the right peakgram */      
	  pg1 = pgV[j];
	  /* calculate frequency bin for template */
	  ind =  floor( foft * timeBase + 0.5 ) - sftFminBin; 
	  /* update the number count */
    } /* end of block calculating frequency path and number count */      

    /* printing result in the output file */
    fprintf(fpOut,"%d %f %f %f %g \n", 
	    numberCount, pulsarTemplate.longitude, pulsarTemplate.latitude, pulsarTemplate.f0,
	    pulsarTemplate.spindown.data[0] );
  } /* end of loop over templates */

  /* Closing files */

  /* Free memory and exit */


  for (tempLoopId = 0; tempLoopId < mObsCoh; tempLoopId++){
    pg1 = pgV[tempLoopId];  
  LAL_CALL (LALDestroyUserVars(&status), &status);

예제 #2
 * MAIN function of PredictFStat code.
 * Calculates the F-statistic for a given position in the sky and detector
 * semi-analytically and outputs the final 2F value.
int main(int argc,char *argv[])
  LALStatus status = blank_status;	/* initialize status */
  REAL8 rho2;	/* SNR^2 */

  UserInput_t uvar = empty_UserInput;
  CHAR *VCSInfoString;          /**< LAL + LALapps Git version string */

  vrbflg = 1;	/* verbose error-messages */

  /* set LAL error-handler */
  lal_errhandler = LAL_ERR_EXIT;

  /* register all user-variable */
  LAL_CALL (initUserVars(&status, &uvar), &status);

  /* do ALL cmdline and cfgfile handling */
  LAL_CALL (LALUserVarReadAllInput(&status, argc, argv), &status);

  if (uvar.help)	/* if help was requested, we're done here */
    exit (0);

  if ( (VCSInfoString = XLALGetVersionString(0)) == NULL ) {
    XLALPrintError("XLALGetVersionString(0) failed.\n");

  if ( uvar.version ) {
    printf ("%s\n", VCSInfoString );

  /* Initialize code-setup */
  LAL_CALL ( InitPFS(&status, &GV, &uvar ), &status);

  { /* Calculating the F-Statistic */
    REAL8 al1, al2, al3;
    REAL8 Ap2 = SQ(GV.aPlus);
    REAL8 Ac2 = SQ(GV.aCross);
    REAL8 cos2psi2 = SQ( cos(2*uvar.psi) );
    REAL8 sin2psi2 = SQ( sin(2*uvar.psi) );

    al1 = Ap2 * cos2psi2 + Ac2 * sin2psi2;	/* A1^2 + A3^2 */
    al2 = Ap2 * sin2psi2 + Ac2 * cos2psi2;	/* A2^2 + A4^2 */
    al3 = ( Ap2 - Ac2 ) * sin(2.0*uvar.psi) * cos(2.0*uvar.psi);	/* A1 A2 + A3 A4 */

    /* SNR^2 */
    rho2 = GV.Mmunu.Sinv_Tsft * (GV.Mmunu.Ad * al1 + GV.Mmunu.Bd * al2 + 2.0 * GV.Mmunu.Cd * al3 );

  if (uvar.printFstat)
    fprintf(stdout, "\n%.1f\n", 4.0 + rho2);

  /* output predicted Fstat-value into file, if requested */
  if (uvar.outputFstat)
      FILE *fpFstat = NULL;
      CHAR *logstr = NULL;

      if ( (fpFstat = fopen (uvar.outputFstat, "wb")) == NULL)
	  XLALPrintError ("\nError opening file '%s' for writing..\n\n", uvar.outputFstat);

      /* log search-footprint at head of output-file */
      LAL_CALL( LALUserVarGetLog (&status, &logstr,  UVAR_LOGFMT_CMDLINE ), &status );

      fprintf(fpFstat, "%%%% cmdline: %s\n", logstr );
      LALFree ( logstr );

      fprintf ( fpFstat, "%s\n", VCSInfoString );

      /* append 'dataSummary' */
      fprintf (fpFstat, "%s", GV.dataSummary );
      /* output E[2F] and std[2F] */
      fprintf (fpFstat, "twoF_expected = %g;\n", 4.0 + rho2);
      fprintf (fpFstat, "twoF_sigma    = %g;\n", sqrt( 4.0 * ( 2.0 + rho2 ) ) );

      /* output antenna-pattern matrix MNat_mu_nu = matrix(A, B, C) */
	/* compute A = <a^2>, B=<b^2>, C=<ab> from the 'discretized versions Ad, Bc, Cd */
	REAL8 A = GV.Mmunu.Ad / GV.numSFTs;
	REAL8 B = GV.Mmunu.Bd / GV.numSFTs;
	REAL8 C = GV.Mmunu.Cd / GV.numSFTs;
	REAL8 D = A * B - C * C;
	fprintf (fpFstat, "A = %f;\n", A );
	fprintf (fpFstat, "B = %f;\n", B );
	fprintf (fpFstat, "C = %f;\n", C );
	fprintf (fpFstat, "D = %f;\n", D );
      fclose (fpFstat);
    } /* if outputFstat */

  /* Free config-Variables and userInput stuff */
  LAL_CALL (LALDestroyUserVars (&status), &status);
  LALFree ( GV.dataSummary );
  XLALFree ( VCSInfoString );

  /* did we forget anything ? */

  return 0;

} /* main() */