예제 #1
*       _WriteAlphaToActiveAt
static void _WriteAlphaToActiveAt(GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hMem, int Intens, int x, int y) {
  /* Make sure the memory handle is valid */
  if (hMem) {
    GUI_MEMDEV * pDev = GUI_MEMDEV_H2P(hMem);
    GUI_USAGE_h hUsage = pDev->hUsage; 
    GUI_USAGE*  pUsage;
    int YSize = pDev->YSize;
    int yi;
    if (hUsage) {
      pUsage = GUI_USAGE_H2P(hUsage);
      for (yi = 0; yi < YSize; yi++) {
        int xOff = 0;
        int XSize;
        XSize = GUI_USAGE_GetNextDirty(pUsage, &xOff, yi);
        /* Draw the partial line which needs to be drawn */
        for (; XSize; ) {
          U8* pData;
          pData = (U8*)GUI_MEMDEV__XY2PTREx(pDev, xOff, yi);
          do {
            LCD_COLOR Color, BkColor;
            int xPos, yPos, Index;
            if (pDev->BitsPerPixel == 8) {
              Index = *pData++;
            } else {
              Index = *(U16*)pData;
              pData += 2;
            Color   = LCD_Index2Color(Index);
            xPos    = xOff + x;
            yPos    = yi +y;
            BkColor = LCD_GetPixelColor(xPos, yPos);
            Color   = LCD_MixColors256(Color, BkColor, Intens);
            Index   = LCD_Color2Index(Color);
            LCD_SetPixelIndex(xPos, yPos, Index);
          } while (--XSize);
          XSize = GUI_USAGE_GetNextDirty(pUsage, &xOff, yi);
예제 #2
*       _DrawBitmap_RLE8
static void _DrawBitmap_RLE8(int x0,int y0,int xsize, int ysize, const U8 GUI_UNI_PTR * pPixel, const LCD_LOGPALETTE GUI_UNI_PTR * pLogPal, int xMag, int yMag) {
  LCD_PIXELINDEX aColorIndex[2];
  int xi,y;
  int xL, yL;
  const U8 GUI_UNI_PTR * pPixelOrg = pPixel;
  char NoTrans = !(GUI_Context.DrawMode & LCD_DRAWMODE_TRANS);
  const LCD_PIXELINDEX* pTrans =NULL;
  char IsMagnified = ((yMag | xMag) != 1);
  aColorIndex[0] = LCD_ACOLORINDEX[0];
  aColorIndex[1] = LCD_ACOLORINDEX[1];
  /* Handle color translation */
  if ((pLogPal) && (pLogPal->pPalEntries)) {
    if ((pTrans = LCD_GetpPalConvTable(pLogPal)) == NULL) {
 /* Check if we can limit the number of lines due to clipping) */
  if (yMag == 1) {
    if (ysize > GUI_Context.ClipRect.y1 - y0 + 1)
      ysize = GUI_Context.ClipRect.y1 - y0 + 1;
  /* Init variables for looping */
  y =0;
  /* Check if we can use the cache to save some unnecessary iterations */
  if (!IsMagnified) {
    int yDiff = GUI_Context.ClipRect.y0 - y0;
    if ((Cache.pPixelStart == pPixel) && (yDiff > Cache.y)) {
      /* Accept cache values */
      y = Cache.y;
      xi = Cache.x;
      pPixel = Cache.pPixel;
  /* Init values for caching */
  Cache.pPixel = Cache.pPixelStart = pPixelOrg;
  Cache.x = Cache.y = 0;
  /* Repeat until we have reached bottom */
  for (; y < ysize; ) {
    U8 Cmd  = *pPixel++;
    U8 Data = *pPixel++;
    if (Cmd) {
      /* Save cache info */
      Cache.pPixel = pPixel-2;
      Cache.x = xi;
      Cache.y = y;
      LCD_ACOLORINDEX[1] = pTrans ? *(pTrans+Data) : Data;
      while (Cmd) {
        int xi1 = xi+Cmd;
        if (xi1>=xsize)
          xi1 = xsize;
        Cmd -= (xi1-xi);
        if (Data || NoTrans) {  /* Skip transparent pixels */
          if (IsMagnified) {
            xL = xMag * xi + x0;
            yL = yMag * y + y0;
            LCD_FillRect(xL, yL, xL + xMag * (xi1 - xi) -1 , yL + yMag - 1);
          } else {
            LCD_DrawHLine(x0+xi, y + y0, xi1+x0-1);
        xi =xi1;
        if (xi1==xsize) {
    } else {
      do {
        U8 Index = *pPixel++;
        if (Index || NoTrans) {  /* Skip transparent pixels */
          int x = x0+xi;
          PixelIndex = pTrans ? *(pTrans+Index) : Index;
          if (IsMagnified) {
            xL = xMag * xi + x0;
            yL = yMag * y + y0;
            LCD_FillRect(xL, yL, xL + xMag -1 , yL + yMag - 1);
          } else {
            #if 1 /* High speed variant */
              if (y + y0>= GUI_Context.ClipRect.y0)
                if (x >= GUI_Context.ClipRect.x0)
                  if (x <= GUI_Context.ClipRect.x1)
                    LCDDEV_L0_SetPixelIndex(x, y + y0, PixelIndex);
              LCD_SetPixelIndex(x, y + y0, PixelIndex);
        if (++xi >= xsize) {
          xi=0; y++;
          if (y >= ysize)
      } while (--Data);
  LCD_ACOLORINDEX[0] = aColorIndex[0];
  LCD_ACOLORINDEX[1] = aColorIndex[1];