예제 #1
static signed pibchain2 (void const * memory, char const * filename, flag_t flags) 

	struct nvm_header2 * nvm_header;
	size_t origin = ~0;
	size_t offset = 0;
	signed module = 0;
		nvm_header = (struct nvm_header2 *)((char *)(memory) + offset);
		if (LE16TOH (nvm_header->MajorVersion) != 1) 
			if (_allclr (flags, NVM_SILENCE)) 
				error (0, errno, NVM_HDR_VERSION, filename, module);
			return (-1);
		if (LE16TOH (nvm_header->MinorVersion) != 1) 
			if (_allclr (flags, NVM_SILENCE)) 
				error (0, errno, NVM_HDR_VERSION, filename, module);
			return (-1);
		if (LE32TOH (nvm_header->PrevHeader) != origin) 
			if (_allclr (flags, NVM_SILENCE)) 
				error (0, errno, NVM_HDR_LINK, filename, module);
			return (-1);
		if (checksum32 (nvm_header, sizeof (* nvm_header), 0)) 
			error (0, 0, NVM_HDR_CHECKSUM, filename, module);
			return (-1);
		origin = offset;
		offset += sizeof (* nvm_header);
		if (LE32TOH (nvm_header->ImageType) == NVM_IMAGE_PIB) 
			pibpeek2 ((char *)(memory) + offset);
		if (checksum32 ((char *)(memory) + offset, LE32TOH (nvm_header->ImageLength), nvm_header->ImageChecksum)) 
			if (_allclr (flags, NVM_SILENCE)) 
				error (0, errno, NVM_IMG_CHECKSUM, filename, module);
			return (-1);
		offset += LE32TOH (nvm_header->ImageLength);
	while (~nvm_header->NextHeader);
	return (0);
예제 #2
signed pibfile2 (struct _file_ const * file)

	struct nvm_header2 nvm_header;
	uint32_t origin = ~0;
	uint32_t offset = 0;
	unsigned module = 0;
	if (lseek (file->file, 0, SEEK_SET))
		error (1, errno, FILE_CANTHOME, file->name);
		if (read (file->file, &nvm_header, sizeof (nvm_header)) != sizeof (nvm_header))
			error (1, errno, NVM_HDR_CANTREAD, file->name, module);
		if (LE16TOH (nvm_header.MajorVersion) != 1)
			error (1, errno, NVM_HDR_VERSION, file->name, module);
		if (LE16TOH (nvm_header.MinorVersion) != 1)
			error (1, errno, NVM_HDR_VERSION, file->name, module);
		if (checksum32 (&nvm_header, sizeof (nvm_header), 0))
			error (1, errno, NVM_HDR_CHECKSUM, file->name, module);
		if (LE32TOH (nvm_header.PrevHeader) != origin)
			error (1, errno, NVM_HDR_LINK, file->name, module);
		if (LE32TOH (nvm_header.ImageType) == NVM_IMAGE_PIB)
			if (fdchecksum32 (file->file, LE32TOH (nvm_header.ImageLength), nvm_header.ImageChecksum))
				error (1, errno, NVM_IMG_CHECKSUM, file->name, module);
			if (lseek (file->file, 0, SEEK_SET))
				error (1, errno, FILE_CANTHOME, file->name);
			return (0);
		if (fdchecksum32 (file->file, LE32TOH (nvm_header.ImageLength), nvm_header.ImageChecksum))
			error (1, errno, NVM_IMG_CHECKSUM, file->name, module);
		origin = offset;
		offset = LE32TOH (nvm_header.NextHeader);
	while (~nvm_header.NextHeader);
	if (lseek (file->file, 0, SEEK_SET))
		error (1, errno, FILE_CANTHOME, file->name);
	return (-1);
예제 #3
static signed nvmimage2 (void const * memory, size_t extent, char const * filename, flag_t flags)

	struct nvm_header1 * nvm_header;
	unsigned module = 0;
	uint32_t offset = 0;
		nvm_header = (struct nvm_header1 *)((char *)(memory) + offset);
		if (LE32TOH (nvm_header->HEADERVERSION) != 0x60000000)
			if (_allclr (flags, NVM_SILENCE))
				error (0, errno, NVM_HDR_VERSION, filename, module);
			return (-1);
		if (checksum32 (nvm_header, sizeof (* nvm_header), 0))
			if (_allclr (flags, NVM_SILENCE))
				error (0, errno, NVM_HDR_CHECKSUM, filename, module);
			return (-1);
		offset += sizeof (* nvm_header);
		extent -= sizeof (* nvm_header);
		if (_anyset (flags, NVM_VERBOSE))
			printf ("------- %s (%d) -------\n", filename, module);
			nvmpeek1 (nvm_header);
		if (LE32TOH (nvm_header->IMAGETYPE) == NVM_IMAGE_FIRMWARE)
			firmware (filename, module, (char *)(memory) + offset, 0x70, flags);
		if (checksum32 ((char *)(memory) + offset, LE32TOH (nvm_header->IMAGELENGTH), nvm_header->IMAGECHECKSUM))
			if (_allclr (flags, NVM_SILENCE))
				error (0, errno, NVM_IMG_CHECKSUM, filename, module);
			return (-1);
		offset += LE32TOH (nvm_header->IMAGELENGTH);
		extent -= LE32TOH (nvm_header->IMAGELENGTH);
	while (nvm_header->NEXTHEADER);
	if (extent)
		if (_allclr (flags, NVM_SILENCE))
			error (0, errno, NVM_HDR_LINK, filename, module);
	return ((signed)(extent));
예제 #4
signed BootParameters2 (struct plc * plc)

	unsigned module = 0;
	struct nvm_header2 nvm_header;
	if (lseek (plc->PIB.file, 0, SEEK_SET))
		error (1, errno, FILE_CANTHOME, plc->PIB.name);
		if (read (plc->PIB.file, &nvm_header, sizeof (nvm_header)) != sizeof (nvm_header))
			error (1, errno, NVM_HDR_CANTREAD, plc->PIB.name, module);
		if (LE16TOH (nvm_header.MajorVersion) != 1)
			error (1, ECANCELED, NVM_HDR_VERSION, plc->PIB.name, module);
		if (LE16TOH (nvm_header.MinorVersion) != 1)
			error (1, ECANCELED, NVM_HDR_VERSION, plc->PIB.name, module);
		if (checksum32 (&nvm_header, sizeof (nvm_header), 0))
			error (1, ECANCELED, NVM_HDR_CHECKSUM, plc->PIB.name, module);

#if 0

		if (_allclr (LE16TOH (nvm_header.ExecuteMask), (1 << (plc->hardwareID - 1))))
			if (lseek (plc->PIB.file, LE32TOH (nvm_header.NextHeader), SEEK_SET) == -1)
				error (1, errno, "Can't skip module: %s (%d)", plc->PIB.name, module);


		if (LE32TOH (nvm_header.ImageType) == NVM_IMAGE_PIB)
			if (WriteExecuteParameters2 (plc, module, &nvm_header))
				return (-1);
		if (lseek (plc->PIB.file, LE32TOH (nvm_header.NextHeader), SEEK_SET) == -1)
			error (1, errno, "Can't skip module: %s (%d)", plc->PIB.name, module);
	while (~nvm_header.NextHeader);
	return (0);
예제 #5
static signed function (char const * filename, struct node const * node)

	char * memory = 0;
	signed extent = 0;
	signed fd;
	if ((fd = open (filename, O_BINARY | O_RDWR)) == -1)
		error (1, errno, FILE_CANTOPEN, filename);
	if ((extent = lseek (fd, 0, SEEK_END)) == -1)
		error (1, errno, FILE_CANTSIZE, filename);
	if (!(memory = (char *)(malloc (extent))))
		error (1, errno, FILE_CANTLOAD, filename);
	if (lseek (fd, 0, SEEK_SET))
		error (1, errno, FILE_CANTHOME, filename);
	if (read (fd, memory, extent) != extent)
		error (1, errno, FILE_CANTREAD, filename);
	if (LE32TOH (* (uint32_t *)(memory)) == 0x60000000)
		error (1, 0, FILE_WONTREAD, filename);
	if (LE32TOH (* (uint32_t *)(memory)) == 0x00010001)
		pibedit2 (filename, node, memory, extent);
		pibedit1 (node, memory, extent);
	if (lseek (fd, 0, SEEK_SET))
		error (1, errno, FILE_CANTHOME, filename);
	if (write (fd, memory, extent) != extent)
		error (1, errno, FILE_CANTSAVE, filename);
	close (fd);
	return (0);
예제 #6
static signed pibedit2 (char const * filename, struct node const * node, char * memory, size_t extent)

	struct nvm_header2 * nvm_header;
	uint32_t origin = ~0;
	uint32_t offset = 0;
	unsigned length = 0;
	unsigned module = 0;
		nvm_header = (struct nvm_header2 *)(memory + offset);
		if (LE16TOH (nvm_header->MajorVersion) != 1)
			error (1, 0, NVM_HDR_VERSION, filename, module);
		if (LE16TOH (nvm_header->MinorVersion) != 1)
			error (1, 0, NVM_HDR_VERSION, filename, module);
		if (LE32TOH (nvm_header->PrevHeader) != origin)
			error (1, 0, NVM_HDR_LINK, filename, module);
		if (checksum32 (nvm_header, sizeof (* nvm_header), 0))
			error (1, 0, NVM_HDR_CHECKSUM, filename, module);
		origin = offset;
		offset += sizeof (* nvm_header);
		extent -= sizeof (* nvm_header);
		length = LE32TOH (nvm_header->ImageLength);
		if (checksum32 (memory + offset, length, nvm_header->ImageChecksum))
			error (1, 0, NVM_IMG_CHECKSUM, filename, module);
		if (LE32TOH (nvm_header->ImageType) == NVM_IMAGE_PIB)
			xmledit (node, memory + offset, length);
			nvm_header->ImageChecksum = checksum32 (memory + offset, length, 0);
			nvm_header->HeaderChecksum = checksum32 (nvm_header, sizeof (* nvm_header), nvm_header->HeaderChecksum);
			return (0);
		offset += length;
		extent -= length;
	while (~nvm_header->NextHeader);
	return (-1);
예제 #7
static void function2 (struct _file_ * file, signed index, flag_t flags) 

	static signed image = 0;
	static signed origin = ~0;
	static signed offset = 0;
	struct nvm_header2 nvm_header;
	if (read (file->file, &nvm_header, sizeof (nvm_header)) != sizeof (nvm_header)) 
		error (1, errno, NVM_HDR_CANTREAD, file->name, image);
	if (LE16TOH (nvm_header.MajorVersion) != 1) 
		error (1, 0, NVM_HDR_VERSION, file->name, image);
	if (LE16TOH (nvm_header.MinorVersion) != 1) 
		error (1, 0, NVM_HDR_VERSION, file->name, image);
	if (checksum32 (&nvm_header, sizeof (nvm_header), 0)) 
		error (1, 0, NVM_HDR_CHECKSUM, file->name, image);
	if (~nvm_header.PrevHeader) 
		error (1, 0, NVM_HDR_LINK, file->name, image);
	if (~nvm_header.NextHeader) 
		error (1, 0, NVM_HDR_LINK, file->name, image);
	nvm_header.PrevHeader = HTOLE32 (origin);
	origin = offset;
	if (index) 
		offset += sizeof (nvm_header);
		offset += LE32TOH (nvm_header.ImageLength);
		nvm_header.NextHeader = HTOLE32 (offset);
	nvm_header.HeaderChecksum = 0;
	nvm_header.HeaderChecksum = checksum32 (&nvm_header, sizeof (nvm_header), 0);
	if (write (STDOUT_FILENO, &nvm_header, sizeof (nvm_header)) != sizeof (nvm_header)) 
		error (1, errno, NVM_HDR_CANTSAVE, file->name, image);
	copyimage (file, LE32TOH (nvm_header.ImageLength), image);
예제 #8
signed RemoteHosts (struct plc * plc)

	struct channel * channel = (struct channel *)(plc->channel);
	struct message * message = (struct message *)(plc->message);

#ifndef __GNUC__
#pragma pack (push,1)

	struct __packed vs_sw_ver_request
		struct ethernet_hdr ethernet;
		struct qualcomm_hdr qualcomm;
	* request = (struct vs_sw_ver_request *) (message);
	struct __packed vs_sw_ver_confirm
		struct ethernet_hdr ethernet;
		struct qualcomm_hdr qualcomm;
		uint8_t MSTATUS;
		uint32_t NUMDEVICES;
		struct __packed
			uint8_t ENUMID;
		DEVICE [1];
	* confirm = (struct vs_sw_ver_confirm *) (message);

#ifndef __GNUC__
#pragma pack (pop)

	Request (plc, "Request Enumeration ID Table");
	memset (message, 0, sizeof (* message));
	EthernetHeader (&request->ethernet, channel->peer, channel->host, channel->type);
	QualcommHeader (&request->qualcomm, 0, (VS_EM_ID_TABLE | MMTYPE_REQ));
	plc->packetsize = (ETHER_MIN_LEN - ETHER_CRC_LEN);
	if (SendMME (plc) <= 0)
		error (PLC_EXIT (plc), errno, CHANNEL_CANTSEND);
		return (-1);
	while (ReadMME (plc, 0, (VS_EM_ID_TABLE | MMTYPE_CNF)) > 0)
		unsigned count = LE32TOH (confirm->NUMDEVICES);
		if (confirm->MSTATUS)
			Failure (plc, PLC_WONTDOIT);
		while (count--)
			hexout (confirm->DEVICE [count].MACADDRESS, ETHER_ADDR_LEN, ':', count? ' ': '\n', stdout);
	return (0);
예제 #9
signed fdmanifest (signed fd, char const * filename, struct nvm_header2 * nvm_header, unsigned module)

	off_t extent = LE32TOH (nvm_header->ImageLength);
	void * memory = malloc (extent);
	if (!memory)
		error (1, 0, FILE_CANTLOAD, filename);
	if (read (fd, memory, extent) != (signed)(extent))
		error (1, errno, FILE_CANTREAD, filename);
	if (lseek (fd, (off_t)(0) - extent, SEEK_CUR) == -1)
		error (1, errno, FILE_CANTSEEK, filename);
	printf ("------- %s (%d) -------\n", filename, module);
	if (manifest (memory, extent))
		error (1, 0, "Bad manifest: %s", filename);
	free (memory);
	return (0);
예제 #10
void nvmlock2 (struct nvm_header2 * header) 

	header->ImageChecksum = checksum32 ((char *)(header) + sizeof (* header), LE32TOH (header->ImageLength), 0);
	header->HeaderChecksum = checksum32 (header, sizeof (* header), header->HeaderChecksum);
예제 #11
void * manifetch (void const * memory, size_t extent, uint32_t type) 

	uint8_t * offset = (uint8_t *)(memory);
	while (extent) 
		struct TLVNode * node = (struct TLVNode *)(offset);
		if (LE32TOH (node->type) == type) 
			return ((void *)(&node->data));
		extent -= sizeof (* node) - sizeof (node->size) + LE32TOH (node->size);
		offset += sizeof (* node) - sizeof (node->size) + LE32TOH (node->size);
	return ((void *)(0));
예제 #12
bool CPLFirmware::IsValid () const 

	CPLFirmware::Header const * header;
	byte const * offset = (byte const *)(this->mbuffer);
	signed extent = this->mextent;
	signed image = 0;
	if ((!this->mbuffer) || (!this->mextent)) 

// oerror::error (0, ECANCELED, "No Firmware Image Available");

		return (false);
	std::cout << "start " << image << std::endl;
		header = (CPLFirmware::Header const *)(offset);
#if 1
  		CPLFirmware::Peek (header);
			oerror::error (1, 0, "Bad header version");
			return (false);
		if (omemory::checksum32 (header, sizeof (CPLFirmware::Header), 0)) 
			oerror::error (1, 0, "Bad header checksum");
			return (false);
		offset += sizeof (CPLFirmware::Header);
		extent -= sizeof (CPLFirmware::Header);
		if (omemory::checksum32 (offset, LE32TOH (header->IMAGELENGTH), header->IMAGECHECKSUM)) 
			oerror::error (1, 0, "Bad image checksum");
			return (false);
		offset += header->IMAGELENGTH;
		extent -= header->IMAGELENGTH;
		std::cout << "end " << image << std::endl;
	while (header->NEXTHEADER);
	std::cout << "exit" << std::endl;
	return (!extent);
예제 #13
static signed chknvm (char const * filename, flag_t flags)

	void * memory = (void *)(0);
	signed extent = 0;
	signed status = 0;
	signed fd;
	if ((fd = open (filename, O_BINARY|O_RDONLY)) == -1)
		if (_allclr (flags, NVM_SILENCE))
			error (0, errno, FILE_CANTOPEN, filename);
		return (-1);
	if ((extent = lseek (fd, 0, SEEK_END)) == -1)
		if (_allclr (flags, NVM_SILENCE))
			error (0, errno, FILE_CANTSIZE, filename);
		return (-1);
	if (!(memory = malloc (extent)))
		if (_allclr (flags, NVM_SILENCE))
			error (0, errno, FILE_CANTLOAD, filename);
		return (-1);
	if (lseek (fd, 0, SEEK_SET))
		if (_allclr (flags, NVM_SILENCE))
			error (0, errno, FILE_CANTLOAD, filename);
		return (-1);
	if (read (fd, memory, extent) != extent)
		if (_allclr (flags, NVM_SILENCE))
			error (0, errno, FILE_CANTREAD, filename);
		return (-1);
	close (fd);
	if (LE32TOH (* (uint32_t *)(memory)) == 0x60000000)
		status = nvmimage2 (memory, extent, filename, flags);
		status = nvmchain2 (memory, extent, filename, flags);
	free (memory);
	return (status);
예제 #14
signed ClassifierPriorityMap (struct classifier_priority_map * map)

	printf ("%s Any ", reword (LE32TOH (map->Priority), actions, SIZEOF (actions)));
	Classifier (&map->CLASSIFIER);
	printf (" add perm\n");
	return (0);
예제 #15
void nvmpeek (void const * memory) 

	if (LE32TOH (*(uint32_t *)(memory)) == 0x60000000) 
		nvmpeek1 (memory);
	nvmpeek2 (memory);
예제 #16
static int pio_get(const char* buf, mmap_gpio* pio)
	uint32_t port = pio->port - 'A';
	if (port > PIO_NR_PORTS)
		return -1;

	uint32_t val;
	uint32_t port_num_func, port_num_pull;
	uint32_t offset_func, offset_pull;

	port_num_func = pio->pin >> 3;
	offset_func = ((pio->pin & 0x07) << 2);

	port_num_pull = pio->pin >> 4;
	offset_pull = ((pio->pin & 0x0f) << 1);

	/* func */
	val = LE32TOH(PIO_REG_CFG(buf, port, port_num_func));
	pio->cfg = (val>>offset_func) & 0x07;

	/* pull */
	val = LE32TOH(PIO_REG_PULL(buf, port, port_num_pull));
	pio->pull = (val>>offset_pull) & 0x03;

	/* dlevel */
	val = LE32TOH(PIO_REG_DLEVEL(buf, port, port_num_pull));
	pio->drv_level = (val>>offset_pull) & 0x03;

	/* i/o data */
	if (pio->cfg > 1)
		pio->data = -1;
	else {
		val = LE32TOH(PIO_REG_DATA(buf, port));
		pio->data = (val >> pio->pin) & 0x01;

	return PIO_SUCCESS;
예제 #17
static void function1 (struct _file_ * file, signed index, flag_t flags) 

	static signed image = 0;
	static uint32_t offset = 0;
	struct nvm_header1 nvm_header;
	if (read (file->file, &nvm_header, sizeof (nvm_header)) != sizeof (nvm_header)) 
		error (1, errno, NVM_HDR_CANTREAD, file->name, image);
	if (LE32TOH (nvm_header.HEADERVERSION) != 0x60000000) 
		error (1, 0, NVM_HDR_VERSION, file->name, image);
	if (checksum32 (&nvm_header, sizeof (nvm_header), 0)) 
		error (1, 0, NVM_HDR_CHECKSUM, file->name, image);
	if (nvm_header.NEXTHEADER) 
		error (1, 0, NVM_HDR_LINK, file->name, image);
	if (index) 
		offset += sizeof (nvm_header);
		offset += LE32TOH (nvm_header.IMAGELENGTH);
		nvm_header.NEXTHEADER = HTOLE32 (offset);
	nvm_header.HEADERCHECKSUM = 0;
	nvm_header.HEADERCHECKSUM = checksum32 (&nvm_header, sizeof (nvm_header), 0);
	if (write (STDOUT_FILENO, &nvm_header, sizeof (nvm_header)) != sizeof (nvm_header)) 
		error (1, errno, NVM_HDR_CANTSAVE, file->name, image);
	copyimage (file, LE32TOH (nvm_header.IMAGELENGTH), image);
예제 #18
void nvrampeek (struct config_nvram * config_nvram) 

	printf ("TYPE=0x%02X ", LE32TOH (config_nvram->NVRAMTYPE));
	printf ("(%s) ", NVRAMName (LE32TOH (config_nvram->NVRAMTYPE)));
	printf ("PAGE=0x%04X ", LE32TOH (config_nvram->NVRAMPAGE));
	printf ("BLOCK=0x%04X ", LE32TOH (config_nvram->NVRAMBLOCK));
	printf ("SIZE=0x%04X ", LE32TOH (config_nvram->NVRAMSIZE));
	printf ("(%d) ", LE32TOH (config_nvram->NVRAMSIZE));
	printf ("\n");
예제 #19
static void function (char const * filename, signed index, flag_t flags) 

	uint32_t version;
	struct _file_ file = 
	if (_anyset (flags, NVM_VERBOSE)) 
		error (0, 0, "%s", file.name);
	if ((file.file = open (file.name, O_BINARY|O_RDONLY)) == -1) 
		error (1, errno, FILE_CANTOPEN, file.name);
	if (read (file.file, &version, sizeof (version)) != sizeof (version)) 
		error (1, errno, FILE_CANTREAD, file.name);
	if (lseek (file.file, 0, SEEK_SET)) 
		error (1, errno, FILE_CANTHOME, file.name);
	if (LE32TOH (version) == 0x60000000) 
		function1 (&file, index, flags);
		function2 (&file, index, flags);
	close (file.file);
예제 #20
static void function (char const * filename, flag_t flags) 

	uint32_t version;
	signed ifd;
	if ((ifd = open (filename, O_BINARY|O_RDONLY)) == -1) 
		error (1, errno, FILE_CANTOPEN, filename);
	if (read (ifd, &version, sizeof (version)) != sizeof (version)) 
		error (1, errno, FILE_CANTREAD, filename);
	close (ifd);
	if (LE32TOH (version) == 0x60000000) 
		function1 (filename, flags);
		function2 (filename, flags);
예제 #21
void nvmpeek1 (void const * memory) 

	extern char const * nvm_imagetypes [];
	extern char const * nvm_platforms [];
	struct nvm_header1 * nvm_header = (struct nvm_header1 *)(memory);
	char const * string = "Unknown";
	char platform [100];
	printf ("\tHeader Version = 0x%08X-%02X\n", LE32TOH (nvm_header->HEADERVERSION), nvm_header->HEADERMINORVERSION);
	printf ("\tHeader Checksum = 0x%08X\n", LE32TOH (nvm_header->HEADERCHECKSUM));
	printf ("\tHeader Next = 0x%08X\n", LE32TOH (nvm_header->NEXTHEADER));
	printf ("\tFlash Address = 0x%08X\n", LE32TOH (nvm_header->IMAGEROMADDR));
	printf ("\tImage Address = 0x%08X\n", LE32TOH (nvm_header->IMAGEADDRESS));
	printf ("\tEntry Address = 0x%08X\n", LE32TOH (nvm_header->ENTRYPOINT));
	printf ("\tImage Checksum = 0x%08X\n", LE32TOH (nvm_header->IMAGECHECKSUM));
	printf ("\tImage Size = 0x%08X (%d)\n", LE32TOH (nvm_header->IMAGELENGTH), LE32TOH (nvm_header->IMAGELENGTH));
	if (LE32TOH (nvm_header->IMAGETYPE) < NVM_IMAGETYPES) 
		string = nvm_imagetypes [LE32TOH (nvm_header->IMAGETYPE)];
	printf ("\tImage Type = %s\n", string);
	strfbits (platform, sizeof (platform), nvm_platforms, "|", LE16TOH (nvm_header->IGNOREMASK));
	printf ("\tImage Omit = %s\n", platform);
예제 #22
signed WriteMOD (struct plc * plc, uint8_t module, void const * memory, size_t extent)

	struct channel * channel = (struct channel *)(plc->channel);
	struct message * message = (struct message *)(plc->message);

#ifndef __GNUC__
#pragma pack (push,1)

	struct __packed vs_wr_mod_request
		struct ethernet_hdr ethernet;
		struct qualcomm_hdr qualcomm;
		uint8_t MODULEID;
		uint8_t MACCESS;
		uint16_t MLENGTH;
		uint32_t MOFFSET;
		uint32_t MCHKSUM;
	* request = (struct vs_wr_mod_request *) (message);
	struct __packed vs_wr_mod_confirm
		struct ethernet_hdr ethernet;
		struct qualcomm_hdr qualcomm;
		uint8_t MSTATUS;
		uint8_t MODULEID;
		uint8_t MACCESS;
		uint16_t MLENGTH;
		uint32_t MOFFSET;
	* confirm = (struct vs_wr_mod_confirm *) (message);

#ifndef __GNUC__
#pragma pack (pop)

	uint32_t length = PLC_RECORD_SIZE;
	uint32_t offset = 0;
	while (extent)
		memset (message, 0, sizeof (* message));
		EthernetHeader (&request->ethernet, channel->peer, channel->host, channel->type);
		QualcommHeader (&request->qualcomm, 0, (VS_WR_MOD | MMTYPE_REQ));
		if (length > extent)
			length = (signed)(extent);
		memcpy (request->MBUFFER, (byte *)(memory) + offset, length);
		request->MODULEID = module;
		request->MACCESS = 0;
		request->MLENGTH = HTOLE16 (length);
		request->MOFFSET = HTOLE32 (offset);
		request->MCHKSUM = checksum32 (request->MBUFFER, length, 0);
		plc->packetsize = sizeof (* request);
		if (SendMME (plc) <= 0)
			error (PLC_EXIT (plc), errno, CHANNEL_CANTSEND);
			return (-1);
		if (ReadMME (plc, 0, (VS_WR_MOD | MMTYPE_CNF)) <= 0)
			error (PLC_EXIT (plc), errno, CHANNEL_CANTREAD);
			return (-1);
		if (confirm->MSTATUS)
			Failure (plc, PLC_WONTDOIT);
			return (-1);
		if (LE16TOH (confirm->MLENGTH) != length)
			error (PLC_EXIT (plc), 0, PLC_ERR_LENGTH);
			return (-1);
		if (LE32TOH (confirm->MOFFSET) != offset)
			error (PLC_EXIT (plc), 0, PLC_ERR_OFFSET);
			return (-1);
		offset += length;
		extent -= length;
	return (0);
signed WriteExecuteFirmware (struct plc * plc, unsigned module, void const * nvm_header)

	return ((LE32TOH (*(uint32_t *)(nvm_header)) == 0x60000000)? WriteExecuteFirmware1 (plc, module, nvm_header): WriteExecuteFirmware2 (plc, module, nvm_header));
예제 #24
signed ModuleWrite (struct plc * plc, struct _file_ * file, unsigned index, struct vs_module_spec * vs_module_spec) 

	struct channel * channel = (struct channel *)(plc->channel);
	struct message * message = (struct message *)(plc->message);

#ifndef __GNUC__
#pragma pack (push,1)

	struct __packed vs_module_operation_write_request 
		struct ethernet_std ethernet;
		struct qualcomm_std qualcomm;
		uint32_t RESERVED;
		uint8_t NUM_OP_DATA;
		struct __packed 
			uint16_t MOD_OP;
			uint16_t MOD_OP_DATA_LEN;
			uint32_t MOD_OP_RSVD;
			uint32_t MOD_OP_SESSION_ID;
			uint8_t MODULE_IDX;
			uint16_t MODULE_ID;
			uint16_t MODULE_SUB_ID;
			uint16_t MODULE_LENGTH;
			uint32_t MODULE_OFFSET;
	* request = (struct vs_module_operation_write_request *)(message);
	struct __packed vs_module_operation_write_confirm 
		struct ethernet_std ethernet;
		struct qualcomm_std qualcomm;
		uint16_t MSTATUS;
		uint16_t ERR_REC_CODE;
		uint32_t RESERVED;
		uint8_t NUM_OP_DATA;
		struct __packed 
			uint16_t MOD_OP;
			uint16_t MOD_OP_DATA_LEN;
			uint32_t MOD_OP_RSVD;
			uint32_t MOD_OP_SESSION_ID;
			uint8_t MODULE_IDX;
			uint16_t MODULE_ID;
			uint16_t MODULE_SUB_ID;
			uint16_t MODULE_LENGTH;
			uint32_t MODULE_OFFSET;
	* confirm = (struct vs_module_operation_write_confirm *)(message);

#ifndef __GNUC__
#pragma pack (pop)

	unsigned timeout = channel->timeout;
	uint16_t length = PLC_MODULE_SIZE;
	uint32_t extent = vs_module_spec->MODULE_LENGTH;
	uint32_t offset = 0;
	Request (plc, "Flash %s", file->name);
	while (extent) 
		memset (message, 0, sizeof (* message));
		EthernetHeader (&request->ethernet, channel->peer, channel->host, HOMEPLUG_MTYPE);
		QualcommHeader (&request->qualcomm, 0, (VS_MODULE_OPERATION | MMTYPE_REQ));
		plc->packetsize = sizeof (struct vs_module_operation_write_request);
		if (length > extent) 
			length = extent;
		if (read (file->file, request->MODULE_DATA, length) != length) 
			error (1, errno, FILE_CANTREAD, file->name);
		request->NUM_OP_DATA = 1;
		request->MODULE_SPEC.MOD_OP_DATA_LEN = HTOLE16 (sizeof (request->MODULE_SPEC) + sizeof (request->MODULE_DATA));
		request->MODULE_SPEC.MOD_OP_SESSION_ID = HTOLE32 (plc->cookie);
		request->MODULE_SPEC.MODULE_IDX = index;
		request->MODULE_SPEC.MODULE_ID = HTOLE16 (vs_module_spec->MODULE_ID);
		request->MODULE_SPEC.MODULE_SUB_ID = HTOLE16 (vs_module_spec->MODULE_SUB_ID);
		request->MODULE_SPEC.MODULE_LENGTH = HTOLE16 (length);
		request->MODULE_SPEC.MODULE_OFFSET = HTOLE32 (offset);

#if 0

		fprintf (stderr, "RESERVED 0x%08X\n", LE32TOH (request->RESERVED));
		fprintf (stderr, "NUM_OP_DATA %d\n", request->NUM_OP_DATA);
		fprintf (stderr, "MOD_OP 0x%02X\n", LE16TOH (request->MODULE_SPEC.MOD_OP));
		fprintf (stderr, "MOD_OP_DATA_LEN %d\n", LE16TOH (request->MODULE_SPEC.MOD_OP_DATA_LEN));
		fprintf (stderr, "RESERVED 0x%08X\n", LE32TOH (request->MODULE_SPEC.MOD_OP_RSVD));
		fprintf (stderr, "MODULE_ID 0x%04X\n", LE16TOH (request->MODULE_SPEC.MODULE_ID));
		fprintf (stderr, "MODULE_SUB_ID 0x%04X\n", LE16TOH (request->MODULE_SPEC.MODULE_SUB_ID));
		fprintf (stderr, "MODULE_LENGTH %d\n", LE16TOH (request->MODULE_SPEC.MODULE_LENGTH));
		fprintf (stderr, "MODULE_OFFSET 0x%08X\n", LE32TOH (request->MODULE_SPEC.MODULE_OFFSET));


		if (SendMME (plc) <= 0) 
			error ((plc->flags & PLC_BAILOUT), errno, CHANNEL_CANTSEND);
			return (-1);
		channel->timeout = PLC_MODULE_WRITE_TIMEOUT;
		if (ReadMME (plc, 0, (VS_MODULE_OPERATION | MMTYPE_CNF)) <= 0) 
			error ((plc->flags & PLC_BAILOUT), errno, CHANNEL_CANTREAD);
			channel->timeout = timeout;
			return (-1);
		channel->timeout = timeout;

#if 0

		fprintf (stderr, "MSTATUS 0x%04X\n", LE16TOH (confirm->MSTATUS));
		fprintf (stderr, "ERROR_REC_CODE %d\n", LE16TOH (confirm->ERR_REC_CODE));
		fprintf (stderr, "RESERVED 0x%08X\n", LE32TOH (confirm->RESERVED));
		fprintf (stderr, "NUM_OP_DATA %d\n", confirm->NUM_OP_DATA);
		fprintf (stderr, "MOD_OP 0x%02X\n", LE16TOH (request->MODULE_SPEC.MOD_OP));
		fprintf (stderr, "MOD_OP_DATA_LEN %d\n", LE16TOH (confirm->MODULE_SPEC.MOD_OP_DATA_LEN));
		fprintf (stderr, "RESERVED 0x%08X\n", LE32TOH (confirm->MODULE_SPEC.MOD_OP_RSVD));
		fprintf (stderr, "MODULE_ID 0x%04X\n", LE16TOH (confirm->MODULE_SPEC.MODULE_ID));
		fprintf (stderr, "MODULE_SUB_ID 0x%04X\n", LE16TOH (confirm->MODULE_SPEC.MODULE_SUB_ID));
		fprintf (stderr, "MODULE_LENGTH %d\n", LE16TOH (confirm->MODULE_SPEC.MODULE_LENGTH));
		fprintf (stderr, "MODULE_OFFSET 0x%08X\n", LE32TOH (request->MODULE_SPEC.MODULE_OFFSET));


		if (confirm->MSTATUS) 
			Failure (plc, PLC_WONTDOIT);
			return (-1);
		if (LE16TOH (confirm->MODULE_SPEC.MODULE_LENGTH) != length) 
			error ((plc->flags & PLC_BAILOUT), 0, PLC_ERR_LENGTH);
			return (-1);
		if (LE32TOH (confirm->MODULE_SPEC.MODULE_OFFSET) != offset) 
			error ((plc->flags & PLC_BAILOUT), 0, PLC_ERR_OFFSET);
			return (-1);
		extent -= length;
		offset += length;
	return (0);
예제 #25
signed WriteExecuteFirmware1 (struct plc * plc, unsigned module, const struct nvm_header1 * nvm_header) 

	struct channel * channel = (struct channel *)(plc->channel);
	struct message * message = (struct message *)(plc->message);

#ifndef __GNUC__
#pragma pack (push,1)

	struct __packed vs_write_execute_request 
		struct ethernet_std ethernet;
		struct qualcomm_std qualcomm;
		uint32_t FLAGS;
		uint8_t ALLOWED_MEM_TYPES [8];
		uint32_t TOTAL_LENGTH;
		uint32_t CURR_PART_LENGTH;
		uint32_t CURR_PART_OFFSET;
		uint32_t START_ADDR;
		uint32_t CHECKSUM;
		uint8_t RESERVED2 [8];
	* request = (struct vs_write_execute_request *) (message);
	struct __packed vs_write_execute_confirm 
		struct ethernet_std ethernet;
		struct qualcomm_std qualcomm;
		uint32_t MSTATUS;
		uint32_t FLAGS;
		uint8_t ALLOWED_MEM_TYPES [8];
		uint32_t TOTAL_LENGTH;
		uint32_t CURR_PART_LENGTH;
		uint32_t CURR_PART_OFFSET;
		uint32_t START_ADDR;
		uint32_t CHECKSUM;
		uint8_t RESERVED2 [8];
	* confirm = (struct vs_write_execute_confirm *) (message);

#ifndef __GNUC__
#pragma pack (pop)

	unsigned action = PLC_MODULE_ABSOLUTE;
	uint32_t length = PLC_MODULE_SIZE;
	uint32_t offset = LE32TOH (nvm_header->IMAGEADDRESS);
	uint32_t extent = LE32TOH (nvm_header->IMAGELENGTH);
	Request (plc, "Write %s (%d) (%08X:%d)", plc->NVM.name, module, offset, extent);
	while (extent) 
		memset (message, 0, sizeof (* message));
		EthernetHeader (&request->ethernet, channel->peer, channel->host, channel->type);
		QualcommHeader (&request->qualcomm, 0, (VS_WRITE_AND_EXECUTE_APPLET | MMTYPE_REQ));
		if (length > extent) 
			Request (plc, "Start %s (%d) (%08X)", plc->NVM.name, module, LE32TOH (nvm_header->ENTRYPOINT));
			length = extent;
			action |= PLC_MODULE_EXECUTE;
		if (read (plc->NVM.file, request->IMAGE, length) != (signed)(length)) 
			error (1, errno, FILE_CANTREAD, plc->NVM.name);
		request->CLIENT_SESSION_ID = HTOLE32 (plc->cookie);
		request->SERVER_SESSION_ID = HTOLE32 (0);
		request->FLAGS = HTOLE32 (action);
		request->ALLOWED_MEM_TYPES [0] = 1;
		request->TOTAL_LENGTH = nvm_header->IMAGELENGTH;
		request->CURR_PART_LENGTH = HTOLE32 (length);
		request->CURR_PART_OFFSET = HTOLE32 (offset);
		request->START_ADDR = nvm_header->ENTRYPOINT;
		request->CHECKSUM = nvm_header->IMAGECHECKSUM;
		plc->packetsize = sizeof (* request);
		if (SendMME (plc) <= 0) 
			error ((plc->flags & PLC_BAILOUT), errno, CHANNEL_CANTSEND);
			return (-1);
		if (ReadMME (plc, 0, (VS_WRITE_AND_EXECUTE_APPLET | MMTYPE_CNF)) <= 0) 
			error ((plc->flags & PLC_BAILOUT), errno, CHANNEL_CANTREAD);
			return (-1);
		if (confirm->MSTATUS) 
			Failure (plc, PLC_WONTDOIT);
			return (-1);
		if (LE32TOH (confirm->CURR_PART_LENGTH) != length) 
			error ((plc->flags & PLC_BAILOUT), 0, PLC_ERR_LENGTH);
			return (-1);
		if (LE32TOH (confirm->CURR_PART_OFFSET) != offset) 
			error ((plc->flags & PLC_BAILOUT), 0, PLC_ERR_OFFSET);
			return (-1);
		offset += length;
		extent -= length;
	return (0);
예제 #26
signed EmulateHost (struct plc * plc)

	struct channel * channel = (struct channel *)(plc->channel);
	struct message * message = (struct message *)(plc->message);
	static char const * actions [] =
		"start device",
		"store firmware",
		"store parameters",
		"update host",
		"config memory",
		"restore defaults",

#ifndef __GNUC__
#pragma pack (push,1)

	struct __packed vs_host_action_ind
		struct ethernet_hdr ethernet;
		struct qualcomm_hdr qualcomm;
		uint8_t MACTION;
		uint8_t MAJOR_VERSION;
		uint8_t MINOR_VERSION;
	* indicate = (struct vs_host_action_ind *) (message);

#if 0

	struct __packed vs_host_action_rsp
		struct ethernet_hdr ethernet;
		struct qualcomm_hdr qualcomm;
		uint8_t MSTATUS;
	* response = (struct vs_host_action_rsp *) (message);


#ifndef __GNUC__
#pragma pack (pop)

	struct nvm_header1 nvm_header;
	struct pib_header pib_header;
	uint32_t offset;
	char const * PIB = plc->PIB.name;
	char const * NVM = plc->NVM.name;
	signed timer = channel->timeout;
	signed status = 0;
	Request (plc, "Waiting for Host Action");
	while (1)
		channel->timeout = plc->timer;
		status = ReadMME (plc, 0, (VS_HOST_ACTION | MMTYPE_IND));
		channel->timeout = timer;
		if (status < 0)
		if (status > 0)
			printf ("\n");
			if (indicate->MACTION < (sizeof (actions) / sizeof (char const *)))
				Confirm (plc, "Host Action Request is (%d) %s.", indicate->MACTION, actions [indicate->MACTION]);
				error (0, ENOTSUP, "Host Action 0x%0X", indicate->MACTION);
			memcpy (channel->peer, indicate->ethernet.OSA, sizeof (channel->peer));
			channel->timeout = timer;
			if (indicate->MACTION == 0x00)
				unsigned module = 0;
				char firmware [PLC_VERSION_STRING];
				if (HostActionResponse (plc))
					return (-1);
				if (lseek (plc->PIB.file, 0, SEEK_SET))
					error (1, errno, FILE_CANTHOME, plc->PIB.name);
				if (read (plc->PIB.file, &pib_header, sizeof (pib_header)) != sizeof (pib_header))
					error (1, errno, FILE_CANTREAD, plc->PIB.name);
				if (lseek (plc->PIB.file, 0, SEEK_SET))
					error (1, errno, FILE_CANTHOME, plc->PIB.name);
				if (BE16TOH (*(uint16_t *)(&pib_header)) < 0x0305)
					offset = LEGACY_PIBOFFSET;
				else if (BE16TOH (*(uint16_t *)(&pib_header)) < 0x0500)
					offset = INT6x00_PIBOFFSET;
					offset = AR7x00_PIBOFFSET;
				if (WriteMEM (plc, &plc->PIB, 0, offset, LE16TOH (pib_header.PIBLENGTH)))
					return (-1);
				if (lseek (plc->NVM.file, 0, SEEK_SET))
					error (1, errno, FILE_CANTHOME, plc->NVM.name);
				if (read (plc->NVM.file, &nvm_header, sizeof (nvm_header)) != sizeof (nvm_header))
					error (1, errno, FILE_CANTREAD, plc->NVM.name);
				while (nvm_header.NEXTHEADER)
					lseek (plc->NVM.file, LE32TOH (nvm_header.NEXTHEADER), SEEK_SET);
					if (read (plc->NVM.file, &nvm_header, sizeof (nvm_header)) != sizeof (nvm_header))
						error (1, errno, FILE_CANTREAD, plc->NVM.name);
				if (WriteFirmware1 (plc, module, &nvm_header))
					return (-1);
				if (StartFirmware1 (plc, module, &nvm_header))
					return (-1);
				if (WaitForStart (plc, firmware, sizeof (firmware)))
					return (-1);
				if (_anyset (plc->flags, PLC_FLASH_DEVICE))
					if (WriteNVM (plc))
						return (-1);
					if (WritePIB (plc))
						return (-1);
					if (FlashNVM (plc))
						return (-1);
			if (indicate->MACTION == 0x01)
				if (HostActionResponse (plc))
					return (-1);
				close (plc->NVM.file);
				if (ReadFirmware1 (plc))
					return (-1);
				if ((plc->NVM.file = open (plc->NVM.name = plc->nvm.name, O_BINARY|O_RDONLY)) == -1)
					error (1, errno, "%s", plc->NVM.name);
				if (ResetDevice (plc))
					return (-1);
			if (indicate->MACTION == 0x02)
				if (HostActionResponse (plc))
					return (-1);
				close (plc->PIB.file);
				if (ReadParameters1 (plc))
					return (-1);
				if ((plc->PIB.file = open (plc->PIB.name = plc->pib.name, O_BINARY|O_RDONLY)) == -1)
					error (1, errno, "%s", plc->PIB.name);
				if (ResetDevice (plc))
					return (-1);
			if (indicate->MACTION == 0x03)
				if (HostActionResponse (plc))
					return (-1);
				close (plc->NVM.file);
				if (ReadFirmware1 (plc))
					return (-1);
				if ((plc->NVM.file = open (plc->NVM.name = plc->nvm.name, O_BINARY|O_RDONLY)) == -1)
					error (1, errno, "%s", plc->NVM.name);
				close (plc->PIB.file);
				if (ReadParameters1 (plc))
					return (-1);
				if ((plc->PIB.file = open (plc->PIB.name = plc->pib.name, O_BINARY|O_RDONLY)) == -1)
					error (1, errno, "%s", plc->PIB.name);
				if (ResetDevice (plc))
					return (-1);
			if (indicate->MACTION == 0x04)

#if 0

 *	Due to an omission in the INT6300 BootLoader, responding to this VS_HOST_ACTION
 *      indication will suppress subsequent VS_HOST_ACTION messages and the device will
 *     	not request firmware and parameters; this may be corrected on the INT6400;

				if (HostActionResponse (plc))
					return (-1);


				if (WriteCFG (plc))
					return (-1);

 *	At this point, one could download firmware and parameters without waiting for
 *	further  requests from the device; however, we elect to wait for them since it
 *	is 'good form'; a device should send code 0x00 within 10 seconds of this one;

			if (indicate->MACTION == 0x05)
				if (HostActionResponse (plc))
					return (-1);
				close (plc->NVM.file);
				if ((plc->NVM.file = open (plc->NVM.name = NVM, O_BINARY|O_RDONLY)) == -1)
					error (1, errno, "%s", plc->NVM.name);
				close (plc->PIB.file);
				if ((plc->PIB.file = open (plc->PIB.name = PIB, O_BINARY|O_RDONLY)) == -1)
					error (1, errno, "%s", plc->PIB.name);
				if (ResetDevice (plc))
					return (-1);
			error (0, ENOSYS, "Host Action 0x%0X", indicate->MACTION);
	return (0);
예제 #27
signed WriteFirmware1 (struct plc * plc, unsigned module, const struct nvm_header1 * nvm_header)

	struct channel * channel = (struct channel *)(plc->channel);
	struct message * message = (struct message *)(plc->message);

#ifndef __GNUC__
#pragma pack (push,1)

	struct __packed vs_wr_mem_request
		struct ethernet_hdr ethernet;
		struct qualcomm_hdr qualcomm;
		uint32_t MOFFSET;
		uint32_t MLENGTH;
	* request = (struct vs_wr_mem_request *) (message);
	struct __packed vs_wr_mem_confirm
		struct ethernet_hdr ethernet;
		struct qualcomm_hdr qualcomm;
		uint8_t MSTATUS;
		uint32_t MOFFSET;
		uint32_t MLENGTH;
	* confirm = (struct vs_wr_mem_confirm *) (message);

#ifndef __GNUC__
#pragma pack (pop)

	uint32_t length = PLC_RECORD_SIZE;
	uint32_t offset = LE32TOH (nvm_header->IMAGEADDRESS);
	uint32_t extent = LE32TOH (nvm_header->IMAGELENGTH);
	Request (plc, "Write %s (%d) (%08X:%d)", plc->NVM.name, module, offset, extent);
	while (extent)
		memset (message, 0, sizeof (* message));
		EthernetHeader (&request->ethernet, channel->peer, channel->host, channel->type);
		QualcommHeader (&request->qualcomm, 0, (VS_WR_MEM | MMTYPE_REQ));
		if (length > extent)
			length = extent;
		if (read (plc->NVM.file, request->BUFFER, length) != (signed)(length))
			error (1, errno, FILE_CANTREAD, plc->NVM.name);
		request->MLENGTH = HTOLE32 (length);
		request->MOFFSET = HTOLE32 (offset);
		plc->packetsize = sizeof (* request);
		if (SendMME (plc) <= 0)
			error (PLC_EXIT (plc), errno, CHANNEL_CANTSEND);
			return (-1);
		if (ReadMME (plc, 0, (VS_WR_MEM | MMTYPE_CNF)) <= 0)
			error (PLC_EXIT (plc), errno, CHANNEL_CANTREAD);
			return (-1);
		if (confirm->MSTATUS)
			Failure (plc, PLC_WONTDOIT);
			return (-1);
		if (LE32TOH (confirm->MLENGTH) != length)
			error (PLC_EXIT (plc), 0, PLC_ERR_LENGTH);
			return (-1);
		if (LE32TOH (confirm->MOFFSET) != offset)
			error (PLC_EXIT (plc), 0, PLC_ERR_OFFSET);
			return (-1);
		offset += length;
		extent -= length;
	return (0);
예제 #28
signed WriteParameters (struct plc * plc, unsigned module, void const * nvm_header) 

	return ((LE32TOH (*(uint32_t *)(nvm_header)) == 0x60000000)? WriteParameters1 (plc, module, nvm_header): WriteParameters2 (plc, module, nvm_header));
예제 #29
signed ReadFirmware1 (struct plc * plc)

    struct channel * channel = (struct channel *)(plc->channel);
    struct message * message = (struct message *)(plc->message);

#ifndef __GNUC__
#pragma pack (push,1)

    struct __packed vs_rd_mod_request
        struct ethernet_hdr ethernet;
        struct qualcomm_hdr qualcomm;
        uint8_t MODULEID;
        uint8_t MACCESS;
        uint16_t MLENGTH;
        uint32_t MOFFSET;
        uint8_t MSECRET [16];
    * request = (struct vs_rd_mod_request *) (message);
    struct __packed vs_rd_mod_confirm
        struct ethernet_hdr ethernet;
        struct qualcomm_hdr qualcomm;
        uint8_t MSTATUS;
        uint8_t RES [3];
        uint8_t MODULEID;
        uint8_t RESERVED;
        uint16_t MLENGTH;
        uint32_t MOFFSET;
        uint32_t CHKSUM;
        uint8_t BUFFER [PLC_RECORD_SIZE];
    * confirm = (struct vs_rd_mod_confirm *) (message);

#ifndef __GNUC__
#pragma pack (pop)

    uint32_t header = 0;
    uint32_t extent = 0;
    uint32_t offset = 0;
    uint16_t length = PLC_RECORD_SIZE;
    Request (plc, "Read Firmware from Device");
    if (lseek (plc->nvm.file, 0, SEEK_SET))
        error (PLC_EXIT (plc), errno, FILE_CANTHOME, plc->nvm.name);
        return (1);
        memset (message, 0, sizeof (* message));
        EthernetHeader (&request->ethernet, channel->peer, channel->host, channel->type);
        QualcommHeader (&request->qualcomm, 0, (VS_RD_MOD | MMTYPE_REQ));
        plc->packetsize = (ETHER_MIN_LEN - ETHER_CRC_LEN);
        request->MODULEID = VS_MODULE_MAC;
        request->MLENGTH = HTOLE16 (length);
        request->MOFFSET = HTOLE32 (offset);
        if (SendMME (plc) <= 0)
            error (PLC_EXIT (plc), errno, CHANNEL_CANTSEND);
            return (-1);
        if (ReadMME (plc, 0, (VS_RD_MOD | MMTYPE_CNF)) <= 0)
            error (PLC_EXIT (plc), errno, CHANNEL_CANTREAD);
            return (-1);
        if (confirm->MSTATUS)
            Failure (plc, PLC_WONTDOIT);
            return (-1);
        if (LE16TOH (confirm->MLENGTH) != length)
            error (PLC_EXIT (plc), 0, PLC_ERR_LENGTH);
            return (-1);
        if (LE32TOH (confirm->MOFFSET) != offset)
            error (PLC_EXIT (plc), 0, PLC_ERR_OFFSET);
            return (-1);
        length = LE16TOH (confirm->MLENGTH);
        offset = LE32TOH (confirm->MOFFSET);
        if (checksum32 (confirm->BUFFER, length, confirm->CHKSUM))
            error (PLC_EXIT (plc), ECANCELED, "Bad Packet Checksum");
            return (-1);
        if (offset == extent)
            struct nvm_header1 * nvm_header = (struct nvm_header1 *)(confirm->BUFFER);
            if (checksum32 (nvm_header, sizeof (* nvm_header), 0))
                error (PLC_EXIT (plc), ECANCELED, "Bad Header Checksum");
                return (-1);
            if (LE32TOH (nvm_header->HEADERVERSION) != 0x60000000)
                error (PLC_EXIT (plc), ECANCELED, "Bad Header Version");
                return (-1);
            extent += sizeof (* nvm_header);
            extent += LE32TOH (nvm_header->IMAGELENGTH);
            header = LE32TOH (nvm_header->NEXTHEADER);
        if ((offset + length) > extent)
            length = extent - offset;
        if (lseek (plc->nvm.file, offset, SEEK_SET) != (off_t)(offset))
            error (PLC_EXIT (plc), errno, FILE_CANTSEEK, plc->nvm.name);
            return (-1);
        if (write (plc->nvm.file, confirm->BUFFER, length) != (signed)(length))
            error (PLC_EXIT (plc), errno, FILE_CANTSEEK, plc->nvm.name);
            return (-1);
        offset += length;
        length = 1024;
    while ((header) || (offset < extent));
    Confirm (plc, "Read %s", plc->nvm.name);
    return (0);
예제 #30
static signed nvmchain2 (void const * memory, size_t extent, char const * filename, flag_t flags)

	struct nvm_header2 * nvm_header;
	unsigned module = 0;
	uint32_t origin = ~0;
	uint32_t offset = 0;
	uint32_t length = 0;
		nvm_header = (struct nvm_header2 *)((char *)(memory) + offset);
		if (LE16TOH (nvm_header->MajorVersion) != 1)
			if (_allclr (flags, NVM_SILENCE))
				error (0, errno, NVM_HDR_VERSION, filename, module);
			return (-1);
		if (LE16TOH (nvm_header->MinorVersion) != 1)
			if (_allclr (flags, NVM_SILENCE))
				error (0, errno, NVM_HDR_VERSION, filename, module);
			return (-1);
		if (LE32TOH (nvm_header->PrevHeader) != origin)
			if (_allclr (flags, NVM_SILENCE))
				error (0, errno, NVM_HDR_LINK, filename, module);
			return (-1);
		if (checksum32 (nvm_header, sizeof (* nvm_header), 0))
			if (_allclr (flags, NVM_SILENCE))
				error (0, 0, NVM_HDR_CHECKSUM, filename, module);
			return (-1);
		origin = offset;
		offset += sizeof (* nvm_header);
		extent -= sizeof (* nvm_header);
		length = LE32TOH (nvm_header->ImageLength);
		if (_anyset (flags, NVM_VERBOSE))
			printf ("------- %s (%d) -------\n", filename, module);
			nvmpeek2 (nvm_header);
		if (LE32TOH (nvm_header->ImageType) == NVM_IMAGE_MANIFEST)
			if (_anyset (flags, NVM_MANIFEST))
				printf ("------- %s (%d) -------\n", filename, module);
				manifest ((char *)(memory) + offset, length);
				return (0);
		if (checksum32 ((char *)(memory) + offset, length, nvm_header->ImageChecksum))
			if (_allclr (flags, NVM_SILENCE))
				error (0, errno, NVM_IMG_CHECKSUM, filename, module);
			return (-1);
		offset += length;
		extent -= length;
	while (~nvm_header->NextHeader);
	if (extent)
		if (_allclr (flags, NVM_SILENCE))
			error (0, errno, NVM_HDR_LINK, filename, module);
	return (0);