// Input: characters, tags
// Output: glyphs, char indices
le_int32 IndicOpenTypeLayoutEngine::glyphProcessing(const LEUnicode chars[], le_int32 offset, le_int32 count, le_int32 max, le_bool rightToLeft,
                    LEGlyphStorage &glyphStorage, LEErrorCode &success)
    if (LE_FAILURE(success)) {
        return 0;

    if (chars == NULL || offset < 0 || count < 0 || max < 0 || offset >= max || offset + count > max) {
        success = LE_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
        return 0;

    le_int32 retCount = OpenTypeLayoutEngine::glyphProcessing(chars, offset, count, max, rightToLeft, glyphStorage, success);

    if (LE_FAILURE(success)) {
        return 0;

    if (fVersion2) {
        OpenTypeLayoutEngine::glyphSubstitution(count,max, rightToLeft, glyphStorage, success);
    } else {
        IndicReordering::adjustMPres(fMPreFixups, glyphStorage, success);
    return retCount;
예제 #2

le_uint32 LookupProcessor::applyLookupTable(const LookupTable *lookupTable, GlyphIterator *glyphIterator,
                                         const LEFontInstance *fontInstance, LEErrorCode& success) const
    if (LE_FAILURE(success)) {
        return 0;

    le_uint16 lookupType = SWAPW(lookupTable->lookupType);
    le_uint16 subtableCount = SWAPW(lookupTable->subTableCount);
    le_int32 startPosition = glyphIterator->getCurrStreamPosition();
    le_uint32 delta;

    for (le_uint16 subtable = 0; subtable < subtableCount; subtable += 1) {
        const LookupSubtable *lookupSubtable = lookupTable->getLookupSubtable(subtable);

        delta = applySubtable(lookupSubtable, lookupType, glyphIterator, fontInstance, success);

        if (delta > 0 && LE_FAILURE(success)) {
            return 1;


    return 1;
예제 #3
// Input: characters
// Output: characters, char indices, tags
// Returns: output character count
le_int32 ArabicOpenTypeLayoutEngine::characterProcessing(const LEUnicode chars[], le_int32 offset, le_int32 count, le_int32 max, le_bool rightToLeft,
        LEUnicode *&/*outChars*/, LEGlyphStorage &glyphStorage, LEErrorCode &success)
    if (LE_FAILURE(success)) {
        return 0;

    if (chars == NULL || offset < 0 || count < 0 || max < 0 || offset >= max || offset + count > max) {
        success = LE_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
        return 0;


    if (LE_FAILURE(success)) {
        return 0;

    switch (fScriptCode) {
    case arabScriptCode:
        ArabicShaping::shape(chars, offset, count, max, rightToLeft, glyphStorage);

    case hebrScriptCode:
        HebrewShaping::shape(chars, offset, count, max, rightToLeft, glyphStorage);

    return count;
// Input: characters, tags
// Output: glyphs, char indices
le_int32 OpenTypeLayoutEngine::glyphProcessing(const LEUnicode chars[], le_int32 offset, le_int32 count, le_int32 max, le_bool rightToLeft,
                                               LEGlyphStorage &glyphStorage, LEErrorCode &success)
    if (LE_FAILURE(success)) {
        return 0;

    if (chars == NULL || offset < 0 || count < 0 || max < 0 || offset >= max || offset + count > max) {
        success = LE_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
        return 0;

    mapCharsToGlyphs(chars, offset, count, rightToLeft, rightToLeft, glyphStorage, success);

    if (LE_FAILURE(success)) {
        return 0;
    if (fGSUBTable.isValid()) {
      if (fScriptTagV2 != nullScriptTag && fGSUBTable->coversScriptAndLanguage(fGSUBTable, fScriptTagV2, fLangSysTag, success)) { 
          count = fGSUBTable->process(fGSUBTable, glyphStorage, rightToLeft, fScriptTagV2, fLangSysTag, fGDEFTable, fSubstitutionFilter,
                                    fFeatureMap, fFeatureMapCount, fFeatureOrder, success);

        } else {
          count = fGSUBTable->process(fGSUBTable, glyphStorage, rightToLeft, fScriptTag, fLangSysTag, fGDEFTable, fSubstitutionFilter,
                                    fFeatureMap, fFeatureMapCount, fFeatureOrder, success);

    return count;
예제 #5

le_uint32 LookupProcessor::applyLookupTable(const LEReferenceTo<LookupTable> &lookupTable, GlyphIterator *glyphIterator,
                                         const LEFontInstance *fontInstance, LEErrorCode& success) const
    if (LE_FAILURE(success)) {
        return 0;

    le_uint16 lookupType = SWAPW(lookupTable->lookupType);
    le_uint16 subtableCount = SWAPW(lookupTable->subTableCount);
    le_int32 startPosition = glyphIterator->getCurrStreamPosition();
    le_uint32 delta;

    for (le_uint16 subtable = 0; subtable < subtableCount; subtable += 1) {
      LEReferenceTo<LookupSubtable> lookupSubtable = lookupTable->getLookupSubtable(lookupTable, subtable, success);

        delta = applySubtable(lookupSubtable, lookupType, glyphIterator, fontInstance, success);
        if (delta > 0 && LE_FAILURE(success)) {
          _LETRACE("Posn #%d, type %X, applied subtable #%d/%d - %s\n", startPosition, lookupType, subtable, subtableCount, u_errorName((UErrorCode)success));
          return 1;


    return 1;
예제 #6
// Input: glyphs
// Output: positions
void LayoutEngine::positionGlyphs(LEGlyphStorage &glyphStorage, float x, float y, LEErrorCode &success)
    if (LE_FAILURE(success)) {


    if (LE_FAILURE(success)) {

    le_int32 i, glyphCount = glyphStorage.getGlyphCount();

    for (i = 0; i < glyphCount; i += 1) {
        LEPoint advance;

        glyphStorage.setPosition(i, x, y, success);

        fFontInstance->getGlyphAdvance(glyphStorage[i], advance);
        x += advance.fX;
        y += advance.fY;

    glyphStorage.setPosition(glyphCount, x, y, success);
예제 #7
Paragraph::Paragraph(const LEUnicode chars[], int32_t charCount, const FontRuns *fontRuns, LEErrorCode &status)
  : fParagraphLayout(NULL), fLineCount(0), fLinesMax(0), fLinesGrow(LINE_GROW), fLines(NULL), fChars(NULL),
    fLineHeight(-1), fAscent(-1), fWidth(-1), fHeight(-1)
	if (LE_FAILURE(status)) {

	LocaleRuns *locales = NULL;

    fChars = LE_NEW_ARRAY(LEUnicode, charCount);
    LE_ARRAY_COPY(fChars, chars, charCount);

    fParagraphLayout = new ParagraphLayout(fChars, charCount, fontRuns, NULL, NULL, locales, UBIDI_DEFAULT_LTR, FALSE, status);

	if (LE_FAILURE(status)) {

    le_int32 ascent  = fParagraphLayout->getAscent();
    le_int32 descent = fParagraphLayout->getDescent();
    le_int32 leading = fParagraphLayout->getLeading();

    fLineHeight = ascent + descent + leading;
    fAscent     = ascent;
le_int32 OpenTypeLayoutEngine::computeGlyphs(const LEUnicode chars[], le_int32 offset, le_int32 count, le_int32 max, le_bool rightToLeft, LEGlyphStorage &glyphStorage, LEErrorCode &success)
    LEUnicode *outChars = NULL;
    LEGlyphStorage fakeGlyphStorage;
    le_int32 outCharCount, outGlyphCount, fakeGlyphCount;

    if (LE_FAILURE(success)) {
        return 0;

    if (chars == NULL || offset < 0 || count < 0 || max < 0 || offset >= max || offset + count > max) {
        success = LE_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
        return 0;

    outCharCount = characterProcessing(chars, offset, count, max, rightToLeft, outChars, fakeGlyphStorage, success);
    if (LE_FAILURE(success)) {
        return 0;

    if (outChars != NULL) {
        fakeGlyphCount = glyphProcessing(outChars, 0, outCharCount, outCharCount, rightToLeft, fakeGlyphStorage, success);
        LE_DELETE_ARRAY(outChars); // FIXME: a subclass may have allocated this, in which case this delete might not work...
        //adjustGlyphs(outChars, 0, outCharCount, rightToLeft, fakeGlyphs, fakeGlyphCount);
    } else {
        fakeGlyphCount = glyphProcessing(chars, offset, count, max, rightToLeft, fakeGlyphStorage, success);
        //adjustGlyphs(chars, offset, count, rightToLeft, fakeGlyphs, fakeGlyphCount);

    outGlyphCount = glyphPostProcessing(fakeGlyphStorage, glyphStorage, success);

    return outGlyphCount;
le_int32 OpenTypeLayoutEngine::characterProcessing(const LEUnicode chars[], le_int32 offset, le_int32 count, le_int32 max, le_bool rightToLeft,
                LEUnicode *&outChars, LEGlyphStorage &glyphStorage, LEErrorCode &success)
    if (LE_FAILURE(success)) {
        return 0;

    if (offset < 0 || count < 0 || max < 0 || offset >= max || offset + count > max) {
        success = LE_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
        return 0;

    le_int32 outCharCount = LayoutEngine::characterProcessing(chars, offset, count, max, rightToLeft, outChars, glyphStorage, success);

    if (LE_FAILURE(success)) {
        return 0;

    glyphStorage.allocateGlyphArray(outCharCount, rightToLeft, success);

    for (le_int32 i = 0; i < outCharCount; i += 1) {
        glyphStorage.setAuxData(i, (void *) fFeatureList, success);

    return outCharCount;
예제 #10
le_int32 HanOpenTypeLayoutEngine::characterProcessing(const LEUnicode chars[], le_int32 offset, le_int32 count, le_int32 max, le_bool /*rightToLeft*/,
        LEUnicode *&/*outChars*/, LEGlyphStorage &glyphStorage, LEErrorCode &success)
    if (LE_FAILURE(success)) {
        return 0;

    if (chars == NULL || offset < 0 || count < 0 || max < 0 || offset >= max || offset + count > max) {
        success = LE_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
        return 0;

    glyphStorage.allocateGlyphArray(count, FALSE, success);

    if (LE_FAILURE(success)) {
        return 0;

    // FIXME: do we want to add the 'trad' feature for 'ZHT' and the
    // 'smpl' feature for 'ZHS'? If we do this, we can remove the exact
    // flag from the language tag lookups, so we can use these features
    // with the default LangSys...
    for (le_int32 i = 0; i < count; i += 1) {
        glyphStorage.setAuxData(i, features, success);

    return count;
예제 #11
const LEFontInstance *FontMap::getScriptFont(le_int32 scriptCode, LEErrorCode &status)
    if (LE_FAILURE(status)) {
        return NULL;

    if (scriptCode <= -1 || scriptCode >= scriptCodeCount) {
        return NULL;

    le_int32 fontIndex = fFontIndices[scriptCode];

    if (fontIndex < 0) {
        sprintf(errorMessage, "No font was set for script %s", uscript_getName((UScriptCode) scriptCode));
        fGUISupport->postErrorMessage(errorMessage, "Font Map Error");
        status = LE_FONT_FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR;
        return NULL;

    if (fFontInstances[fontIndex] == NULL) {
        fFontInstances[fontIndex] = openFont(fFontNames[fontIndex], fPointSize, status);

        if (LE_FAILURE(status)) {
            sprintf(errorMessage, "Could not open font file %s", fFontNames[fontIndex]);
            fGUISupport->postErrorMessage(errorMessage, "Font Map Error");
            return NULL;

    return fFontInstances[fontIndex];
예제 #12
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    le_int32 failures = 0;

    for (le_int32 test = 0; test < testCount; test += 1) {
        LEErrorCode fontStatus = LE_NO_ERROR;

        printf("Test %d, font = %s... ", test, testInputs[test].fontName);

        PortableFontInstance fontInstance(testInputs[test].fontName, 12, fontStatus);

        if (LE_FAILURE(fontStatus)) {
            printf("could not open font.\n");

        LEErrorCode success = LE_NO_ERROR;
        LayoutEngine *engine = LayoutEngine::layoutEngineFactory(&fontInstance, testInputs[test].scriptCode, -1, success);
        le_int32 textLength = testInputs[test].textLength;
        le_bool result;
        TestResult actual;

        if (LE_FAILURE(success)) {
            // would be nice to print the script name here, but
            // don't want to maintain a table, and don't want to
            // require ICU just for the script name...
            printf("could not create a LayoutEngine.\n");

        actual.glyphCount = engine->layoutChars(testInputs[test].text, 0, textLength, textLength, testInputs[test].rightToLeft, 0, 0, success);

        actual.glyphs    = new LEGlyphID[actual.glyphCount];
        actual.indices   = new le_int32[actual.glyphCount];
        actual.positions = new float[actual.glyphCount * 2 + 2];

        engine->getGlyphs(actual.glyphs, success);
        engine->getCharIndices(actual.indices, success);
        engine->getGlyphPositions(actual.positions, success);

        result = compareResults(test, &testResults[test], &actual);

        if (result) {
        } else {
            failures += 1;

        delete[] actual.positions;
        delete[] actual.indices;
        delete[] actual.glyphs;
        delete   engine;

    return failures;
예제 #13
LEReferenceTo<ScriptTable> ScriptListTable::findScript(const LETableReference &base, LETag scriptTag, LEErrorCode &success) const
    if (LE_FAILURE(success) ) {
        return LEReferenceTo<ScriptTable>(); // get out
     * There are some fonts that have a large, bogus value for scriptCount. To try
     * and protect against this, we use the offset in the first scriptRecord,
     * which we know has to be past the end of the scriptRecordArray, to compute
     * a value which is greater than or equal to the actual script count.
     * Note: normally, the first offset will point to just after the scriptRecordArray,
     * but there's no guarantee of this, only that it's *after* the scriptRecordArray.
     * Because of this, a binary serach isn't safe, because the new count may include
     * data that's not actually in the scriptRecordArray and hence the array will appear
     * to be unsorted.
    le_uint16 count = SWAPW(scriptCount);

    if (count == 0) {
        return LEReferenceTo<ScriptTable>(); // no items, no search

    // attempt to construct a ref with at least one element
    LEReferenceToArrayOf<ScriptRecord> oneElementTable(base, success, &scriptRecordArray[0], 1);

    if( LE_FAILURE(success) ) {
        return LEReferenceTo<ScriptTable>(); // couldn't even read the first record - bad font.

    le_uint16 limit = ((SWAPW(scriptRecordArray[0].offset) - sizeof(ScriptListTable)) / sizeof(scriptRecordArray)) + ANY_NUMBER;
    Offset scriptTableOffset = 0;

    if (count > limit) {
        // the scriptCount value is bogus; do a linear search
        // because limit may still be too large.
        LEReferenceToArrayOf<ScriptRecord> scriptRecordArrayRef(base, success, &scriptRecordArray[0], limit);
        for(le_int32 s = 0; (s < limit)&&LE_SUCCESS(success); s += 1) {
            if (SWAPT(scriptRecordArrayRef(s,success).tag) == scriptTag) {
                scriptTableOffset = SWAPW(scriptRecordArrayRef(s,success).offset);
    } else {
        LEReferenceToArrayOf<ScriptRecord> scriptRecordArrayRef(base, success, &scriptRecordArray[0], count);

        scriptTableOffset = OpenTypeUtilities::getTagOffset(scriptTag, scriptRecordArrayRef, success);

    if (scriptTableOffset != 0) {
        return LEReferenceTo<ScriptTable>(base, success, scriptTableOffset);

    return LEReferenceTo<ScriptTable>();
예제 #14
XeTeXFontInst_FT2::XeTeXFontInst_FT2(const char* pathname, int index, float pointSize, LEErrorCode &status)
    : XeTeXFontInst(pointSize, status)
    , face(0)
    , fFreeTypeOnly(false)
    if (LE_FAILURE(status)) {

	FT_Error	err;
	if (!gFreeTypeLibrary) {
		err = FT_Init_FreeType(&gFreeTypeLibrary);
		if (err != 0) {
			fprintf(stderr, "FreeType initialization failed! (%d)\n", err);

	err = FT_New_Face(gFreeTypeLibrary, (char*)pathname, index, &face);

	if (err != 0) {
        status = LE_FONT_FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR;

	/* for non-sfnt-packaged fonts (presumably Type 1), see if there is an AFM file we can attach */
	if (index == 0 && !FT_IS_SFNT(face)) {
		char*	afm = new char[strlen((const char*)pathname) + 5];	// room to append ".afm"
		strcpy(afm, (const char*)pathname);
		char*	p = strrchr(afm, '.');
		if (p == NULL || strlen(p) != 4 || tolower(*(p+1)) != 'p' || tolower(*(p+2)) != 'f')
			strcat(afm, ".afm");	// append .afm if the extension didn't seem to be .pf[ab]
			strcpy(p, ".afm");		// else replace extension with .afm
		FT_Attach_File(face, afm);	// ignore error code; AFM might not exist
		delete[] afm;
		fFreeTypeOnly = true;


	if (LE_FAILURE(status))
	char	buf[20];
	if (index > 0)
		sprintf(buf, ":%d", index);
		buf[0] = 0;
	fFilename = new char[strlen(pathname) + 2 + strlen(buf) + 1];
	sprintf(fFilename, "[%s%s]", pathname, buf);
le_uint32 PairPositioningFormat1Subtable::process(const LEReferenceTo<PairPositioningFormat1Subtable> &base, GlyphIterator *glyphIterator, const LEFontInstance *fontInstance, LEErrorCode &success) const
    LEGlyphID firstGlyph = glyphIterator->getCurrGlyphID();
    le_int32 coverageIndex = getGlyphCoverage(base, firstGlyph, success);

    if (LE_FAILURE(success)) {
      return 0;
    GlyphIterator tempIterator(*glyphIterator);

    if (coverageIndex >= 0 && glyphIterator->next()) {
        Offset pairSetTableOffset = SWAPW(pairSetTableOffsetArray[coverageIndex]);
        LEReferenceTo<PairSetTable> pairSetTable(base, success, ((char *) this + pairSetTableOffset));
        if (LE_FAILURE(success)) {
          return 0;
        le_uint16 pairValueCount = SWAPW(pairSetTable->pairValueCount);
        le_int16 valueRecord1Size = ValueRecord::getSize(SWAPW(valueFormat1));
        le_int16 valueRecord2Size = ValueRecord::getSize(SWAPW(valueFormat2));
        le_int16 recordSize = sizeof(PairValueRecord) - sizeof(ValueRecord) + valueRecord1Size + valueRecord2Size;
        LEGlyphID secondGlyph = glyphIterator->getCurrGlyphID();
        LEReferenceTo<PairValueRecord> pairValueRecord;

        if (pairValueCount != 0) {
            pairValueRecord = findPairValueRecord(base, (TTGlyphID) LE_GET_GLYPH(secondGlyph), pairSetTable->pairValueRecordArray, pairValueCount, recordSize, success);

        if (pairValueRecord.isEmpty()) {
            return 0;

        if (valueFormat1 != 0) {
            pairValueRecord->valueRecord1.adjustPosition(SWAPW(valueFormat1), (char *) this, tempIterator, fontInstance);

        if (valueFormat2 != 0) {
            const ValueRecord *valueRecord2 = (const ValueRecord *) ((char *) &pairValueRecord->valueRecord1 + valueRecord1Size);

            valueRecord2->adjustPosition(SWAPW(valueFormat2), (char *) this, *glyphIterator, fontInstance);

        // back up glyphIterator so second glyph can be
        // first glyph in the next pair
        return 1;

    return 0;
예제 #16
le_int32 LayoutEngine::characterProcessing(const LEUnicode chars[], le_int32 offset, le_int32 count, le_int32 max, le_bool rightToLeft,
                LEUnicode *&outChars, LEGlyphStorage &glyphStorage, LEErrorCode &success)
    if (LE_FAILURE(success)) {
        return 0;

    if (offset < 0 || count < 0 || max < 0 || offset >= max || offset + count > max) {
        success = LE_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
        return 0;

    const GlyphSubstitutionTableHeader *canonGSUBTable = (GlyphSubstitutionTableHeader *) CanonShaping::glyphSubstitutionTable;
    LETag scriptTag  = OpenTypeLayoutEngine::getScriptTag(fScriptCode);
    LETag langSysTag = OpenTypeLayoutEngine::getLangSysTag(fLanguageCode);
    le_int32 i, dir = 1, out = 0, outCharCount = count;

    if (rightToLeft) {
        out = count - 1;
        dir = -1;

    if (canonGSUBTable->coversScript(scriptTag)) {
        CharSubstitutionFilter *substitutionFilter = new CharSubstitutionFilter(fFontInstance);

        glyphStorage.allocateGlyphArray(count, rightToLeft, success);

        if (LE_FAILURE(success)) {
            return 0;

        for (i = 0; i < count; i += 1, out += dir) {
            glyphStorage[i] = (LEGlyphID) chars[offset + i];
            glyphStorage.setAuxData(i, (void *) canonFeatures, success);

        outCharCount = canonGSUBTable->process(glyphStorage, rightToLeft, scriptTag, langSysTag, NULL, substitutionFilter, NULL);

        outChars = LE_NEW_ARRAY(LEUnicode, outCharCount);
        for (i = 0; i < outCharCount; i += 1) {
            outChars[i] = (LEUnicode) LE_GET_GLYPH(glyphStorage[i]);

        delete substitutionFilter;

    return outCharCount;
예제 #17
le_int32 ClassDefFormat2Table::getGlyphClass(const LETableReference& base, LEGlyphID glyphID, LEErrorCode &success) const
    if(LE_FAILURE(success)) return 0;
    TTGlyphID ttGlyph    = (TTGlyphID) LE_GET_GLYPH(glyphID);
    le_uint16 rangeCount = SWAPW(classRangeCount);
    LEReferenceToArrayOf<GlyphRangeRecord> classRangeRecordArrayRef(base, success, &classRangeRecordArray[0], rangeCount);
    le_int32  rangeIndex =
      OpenTypeUtilities::getGlyphRangeIndex(ttGlyph, classRangeRecordArrayRef, success);

    if (rangeIndex < 0 || LE_FAILURE(success)) {
        return 0;

    return SWAPW(classRangeRecordArrayRef(rangeIndex, success).rangeValue);
예제 #18
le_int32 LookupProcessor::process(LEGlyphStorage &glyphStorage, GlyphPositionAdjustments *glyphPositionAdjustments,
                                  le_bool rightToLeft, const LEReferenceTo<GlyphDefinitionTableHeader> &glyphDefinitionTableHeader,
                              const LEFontInstance *fontInstance, LEErrorCode& success) const
    if (LE_FAILURE(success)) {
        return 0;

    le_int32 glyphCount = glyphStorage.getGlyphCount();

    if (lookupSelectArray == NULL) {
        return glyphCount;

    GlyphIterator glyphIterator(glyphStorage, glyphPositionAdjustments,
                                rightToLeft, 0, 0, glyphDefinitionTableHeader, success);
    le_int32 newGlyphCount = glyphCount;

    for (le_uint16 order = 0; order < lookupOrderCount && LE_SUCCESS(success); order += 1) {
        le_uint16 lookup = lookupOrderArray[order];
        FeatureMask selectMask = lookupSelectArray[lookup];

        if (selectMask != 0) {
          _LETRACE("Processing order#%d/%d", order, lookupOrderCount);
          const LEReferenceTo<LookupTable> lookupTable = lookupListTable->getLookupTable(lookupListTable, lookup, success);
          if (!lookupTable.isValid() ||LE_FAILURE(success) ) {
            le_uint16 lookupFlags = SWAPW(lookupTable->lookupFlags);

            glyphIterator.reset(lookupFlags, selectMask);

            while (glyphIterator.findFeatureTag()) {
                applyLookupTable(lookupTable, &glyphIterator, fontInstance, success);
                if (LE_FAILURE(success)) {
                    _LETRACE("Failure for lookup 0x%x - %s\n", lookup, u_errorName((UErrorCode)success));
                    return 0;

            newGlyphCount = glyphIterator.applyInsertions();

    return newGlyphCount;
예제 #19
void XeTeXFontInst_FT2::initialize(LEErrorCode &status)
    if (face == 0) {
        status = LE_FONT_FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR;


	if (LE_FAILURE(status)) {
		/* font can ONLY be used via FreeType APIs, not direct table access */
		fFreeTypeOnly = true;
		status = LE_NO_ERROR;
		/* fill in fields that XeTeXFontInst::initialize failed to get for us */
		fUnitsPerEM = face->units_per_EM;
		fAscent = yUnitsToPoints(face->ascender);
		fDescent = yUnitsToPoints(face->descender);
//		fLeading = ;
		fItalicAngle = 0;
		PS_FontInfoRec	font_info;
		if (FT_Get_PS_Font_Info(face, &font_info) == 0) {
			// will return error if it wasn't a PS font
			fItalicAngle = font_info.italic_angle;
예제 #20
void UnicodeArabicOpenTypeLayoutEngine::mapCharsToGlyphs(const LEUnicode chars[],
    le_int32 offset, le_int32 count, le_bool reverse, le_bool /*mirror*/,
    LEGlyphStorage &glyphStorage, LEErrorCode &success)
    if (LE_FAILURE(success)) {

    if (chars == NULL || offset < 0 || count < 0) {
        success = LE_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;

    le_int32 i, dir = 1, out = 0;

    if (reverse) {
        out = count - 1;
        dir = -1;

    glyphStorage.allocateGlyphArray(count, reverse, success);

    for (i = 0; i < count; i += 1, out += dir) {
        glyphStorage[out] = (LEGlyphID) chars[offset + i];
void ContextualGlyphInsertionProcessor2::doInsertion(LEGlyphStorage &glyphStorage, le_int32 atGlyph, le_uint16 &index, le_uint16 count, le_bool /* isKashidaLike */, le_bool isBefore, LEErrorCode &success)
    if (!count)

    LEGlyphID *insertGlyphs = glyphStorage.insertGlyphs(atGlyph, count + 1, success);

    if (LE_FAILURE(success))

    for (le_uint32 glyph = 0; glyph < count + 1; glyph++)
        insertGlyphs[glyph] = 0; // undef

    // Note: Kashida vs Split Vowel seems to only affect selection and highlighting.
    // We note the flag, but do not layout different.
    // https://developer.apple.com/fonts/TTRefMan/RM06/Chap6mort.html

    le_int16 targetIndex = 0;

    if (isBefore) {
        insertGlyphs[count] = glyphStorage[atGlyph];
    } else {
        insertGlyphs[targetIndex++] = glyphStorage[atGlyph];

    while(count-- && LE_SUCCESS(success)) {
        le_uint16 insertGlyph;

        if (insertionAction.getObject(index++, insertGlyph, success))
            insertGlyphs[targetIndex++] = SWAPW(insertGlyph);
예제 #22
void LayoutEngine::adjustMarkGlyphs(LEGlyphStorage &glyphStorage, LEGlyphFilter *markFilter, LEErrorCode &success)
    float xAdjust = 0;
    le_int32 p, glyphCount = glyphStorage.getGlyphCount();

    if (LE_FAILURE(success)) {

    if (markFilter == NULL) {
        success = LE_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;

    float ignore, prev;

    glyphStorage.getGlyphPosition(0, prev, ignore, success);

    for (p = 0; p < glyphCount; p += 1) {
        float next, xAdvance;
        glyphStorage.getGlyphPosition(p + 1, next, ignore, success);

        xAdvance = next - prev;
        glyphStorage.adjustPosition(p, xAdjust, 0, success);

        if (markFilter->accept(glyphStorage[p])) {
            xAdjust -= xAdvance;

        prev = next;

    glyphStorage.adjustPosition(glyphCount, xAdjust, 0, success);

// read a 32-bit value that might only be 16-bit-aligned in memory
#define READ_LONG(code) (le_uint32)((SWAPW(*(le_uint16*)&code) << 16) + SWAPW(*(((le_uint16*)&code) + 1)))

// FIXME: should look at the format too... maybe have a sub-class for it?
le_uint32 ExtensionSubtable::process(const LEReferenceTo<ExtensionSubtable> &thisRef,
                                     const LookupProcessor *lookupProcessor, le_uint16 lookupType,
                                      GlyphIterator *glyphIterator, const LEFontInstance *fontInstance, LEErrorCode& success) const

    if (LE_FAILURE(success)) {
        return 0;

    le_uint16 elt = SWAPW(extensionLookupType);

    if (elt != lookupType) {
        le_uint32 extOffset = READ_LONG(extensionOffset);
        LEReferenceTo<LookupSubtable> subtable(thisRef, success,  extOffset);

        if(LE_SUCCESS(success)) {
          return lookupProcessor->applySubtable(subtable, elt, glyphIterator, fontInstance, success);

    return 0;
예제 #24

    NOTE: This could be optimized somewhat by keeping track
    of the previous sequenceIndex in the loop and doing next()
    or prev() of the delta between that and the current
    sequenceIndex instead of always resetting to the front.
void SubstitutionLookup::applySubstitutionLookups(
        LookupProcessor *lookupProcessor,
        SubstitutionLookupRecord *substLookupRecordArray,
        le_uint16 substCount,
        GlyphIterator *glyphIterator,
        const LEFontInstance *fontInstance,
        le_int32 position,
        LEErrorCode& success)
    if (LE_FAILURE(success)) {

    GlyphIterator tempIterator(*glyphIterator);

    for (le_uint16 subst = 0; subst < substCount && LE_SUCCESS(success); subst += 1) {
        le_uint16 sequenceIndex = SWAPW(substLookupRecordArray[subst].sequenceIndex);
        le_uint16 lookupListIndex = SWAPW(substLookupRecordArray[subst].lookupListIndex);


        lookupProcessor->applySingleLookup(lookupListIndex, &tempIterator, fontInstance, success);
예제 #25
void LayoutEngine::adjustGlyphPositions(const LEUnicode chars[], le_int32 offset, le_int32 count, le_bool  reverse,
                                        LEGlyphStorage &glyphStorage, LEErrorCode &success)
    if (LE_FAILURE(success)) {

    if (chars == NULL || offset < 0 || count < 0) {
        success = LE_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;

    LEReferenceTo<GlyphDefinitionTableHeader> gdefTable((GlyphDefinitionTableHeader *) CanonShaping::glyphDefinitionTable,
    CanonMarkFilter filter(gdefTable, success);

    adjustMarkGlyphs(&chars[offset], count, reverse, glyphStorage, &filter, success);

    if (fTypoFlags & LE_Kerning_FEATURE_FLAG) { /* kerning enabled */
      LETableReference kernTable(fFontInstance, LE_KERN_TABLE_TAG, success);
      KernTable kt(kernTable, success);
      kt.process(glyphStorage, success);

    // default is no adjustments
예제 #26
le_bool CanonMarkFilter::accept(LEGlyphID glyph) const
  LEErrorCode success = LE_NO_ERROR;
  le_int32 glyphClass = classDefTable->getGlyphClass(classDefTable, glyph, success);
  if(LE_FAILURE(success)) return false;
  return glyphClass != 0;
SubtableProcessor *NonContextualGlyphSubstitutionProcessor::createInstance(const LEReferenceTo<MorphSubtableHeader> &morphSubtableHeader, LEErrorCode &success)
  LEReferenceTo<NonContextualGlyphSubstitutionHeader> header(morphSubtableHeader, success);

  if(LE_FAILURE(success)) return NULL;

  switch (SWAPW(header->table.format)) {
    case ltfSimpleArray:
      return new SimpleArrayProcessor(morphSubtableHeader, success);

    case ltfSegmentSingle:
      return new SegmentSingleProcessor(morphSubtableHeader, success);

    case ltfSegmentArray:
      return new SegmentArrayProcessor(morphSubtableHeader, success);

    case ltfSingleTable:
      return new SingleTableProcessor(morphSubtableHeader, success);

    case ltfTrimmedArray:
      return new TrimmedArrayProcessor(morphSubtableHeader, success);

        return NULL;
void ArabicOpenTypeLayoutEngine::adjustGlyphPositions(const LEUnicode chars[], le_int32 offset, le_int32 count, le_bool reverse,
                                                      LEGlyphStorage &glyphStorage, LEErrorCode &success)
    if (LE_FAILURE(success)) {

    if (chars == NULL || offset < 0 || count < 0) {
        success = LE_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;

    if (fGPOSTable != NULL) {
        OpenTypeLayoutEngine::adjustGlyphPositions(chars, offset, count, reverse, glyphStorage, success);
    } else if (fGDEFTable != NULL) {
        GDEFMarkFilter filter(fGDEFTable);

        adjustMarkGlyphs(glyphStorage, &filter, success);
    } else {
        GlyphDefinitionTableHeader *gdefTable = (GlyphDefinitionTableHeader *) CanonShaping::glyphDefinitionTable;
        GDEFMarkFilter filter(gdefTable);

        adjustMarkGlyphs(&chars[offset], count, reverse, glyphStorage, &filter, success);
// "glyphs", "indices" -> glyphs, indices
le_int32 UnicodeArabicOpenTypeLayoutEngine::glyphPostProcessing(LEGlyphStorage &tempGlyphStorage, LEGlyphStorage &glyphStorage, LEErrorCode &success)
    if (LE_FAILURE(success)) {
        return 0;

    // FIXME: we could avoid the memory allocation and copy if we
    // made a clone of mapCharsToGlyphs which took the fake glyphs
    // directly.
    le_int32 tempGlyphCount = tempGlyphStorage.getGlyphCount();
    LEUnicode *tempChars = LE_NEW_ARRAY(LEUnicode, tempGlyphCount);

    if (tempChars == NULL) {
        return 0;

    for (le_int32 i = 0; i < tempGlyphCount; i += 1) {
        tempChars[i] = (LEUnicode) LE_GET_GLYPH(tempGlyphStorage[i]);


    ArabicOpenTypeLayoutEngine::mapCharsToGlyphs(tempChars, 0, tempGlyphCount, FALSE, TRUE, glyphStorage, success);


    return tempGlyphCount;
예제 #30
StateTableProcessor2::StateTableProcessor2(const LEReferenceTo<MorphSubtableHeader2> &morphSubtableHeader, LEErrorCode &success)
  : SubtableProcessor2(morphSubtableHeader, success), 
    stateTableHeader(morphSubtableHeader, success),
    stHeader(stateTableHeader, success, (const StateTableHeader2*)&stateTableHeader->stHeader)
  if (LE_FAILURE(success)) {
  nClasses = SWAPL(stHeader->nClasses);
  classTableOffset = SWAPL(stHeader->classTableOffset);
  stateArrayOffset = SWAPL(stHeader->stateArrayOffset);
  entryTableOffset = SWAPL(stHeader->entryTableOffset);
  classTable = LEReferenceTo<LookupTableBase>(stHeader, success, classTableOffset);
  format = SWAPW(classTable->format);
  stateArray = LEReferenceToArrayOf<EntryTableIndex2>(stHeader, success, stateArrayOffset, LE_UNBOUNDED_ARRAY);