static int test(typename C::size_type n, const typename C::value_type& x, const typename C::allocator_type& a) { C c(n, x, a); LIBCPP_ASSERT(c.__invariants()); TC_ASSERT_EXPR(a == c.get_allocator()); TC_ASSERT_EXPR(c.size() == n); for (typename C::const_iterator i = c.cbegin(), e = c.cend(); i != e; ++i) TC_ASSERT_EXPR(*i == x); return 0; }
void test_exceptions(S s, It first, It last) { S aCopy = s; try { s.append(first, last); assert(false); } catch (...) {} LIBCPP_ASSERT(s.__invariants()); assert(s == aCopy); }
static int test(S s, typename S::difference_type pos, typename S::difference_type n, S expected) { typename S::const_iterator first = s.cbegin() + pos; typename S::const_iterator last = s.cbegin() + pos + n; typename S::iterator i = s.erase(first, last); LIBCPP_ASSERT(s.__invariants()); TC_ASSERT_EXPR(s[s.size()] == typename S::value_type()); TC_ASSERT_EXPR(s == expected); TC_ASSERT_EXPR(i - s.begin() == pos); return 0; }
void test(const charT* s, unsigned n) { typedef std::basic_string<charT, std::char_traits<charT>, test_allocator<charT> > S; typedef typename S::traits_type T; typedef typename S::allocator_type A; S s2(s, n); LIBCPP_ASSERT(s2.__invariants()); assert(s2.size() == n); assert(T::compare(, s, n) == 0); assert(s2.get_allocator() == A()); assert(s2.capacity() >= s2.size()); }
int main() { { typedef std::unordered_multiset<NotConstructible, test_hash<std::hash<NotConstructible> >, test_compare<std::equal_to<NotConstructible> >, test_allocator<NotConstructible> > C; C c(7); LIBCPP_ASSERT(c.bucket_count() == 7); assert(c.hash_function() == test_hash<std::hash<NotConstructible> >()); assert(c.key_eq() == test_compare<std::equal_to<NotConstructible> >()); assert(c.get_allocator() == (test_allocator<NotConstructible>())); assert(c.size() == 0); assert(c.empty()); assert(std::distance(c.begin(), c.end()) == 0); assert(c.load_factor() == 0); assert(c.max_load_factor() == 1); } #if TEST_STD_VER >= 11 { typedef std::unordered_multiset<NotConstructible, test_hash<std::hash<NotConstructible> >, test_compare<std::equal_to<NotConstructible> >, min_allocator<NotConstructible> > C; C c(7); LIBCPP_ASSERT(c.bucket_count() == 7); assert(c.hash_function() == test_hash<std::hash<NotConstructible> >()); assert(c.key_eq() == test_compare<std::equal_to<NotConstructible> >()); assert(c.get_allocator() == (min_allocator<NotConstructible>())); assert(c.size() == 0); assert(c.empty()); assert(std::distance(c.begin(), c.end()) == 0); assert(c.load_factor() == 0); assert(c.max_load_factor() == 1); } #endif }
void test(const charT* s, const A& a) { typedef std::basic_string<charT, std::char_traits<charT>, A> S; typedef typename S::traits_type T; std::size_t n = T::length(s); S s2(s, a); LIBCPP_ASSERT(s2.__invariants()); assert(s2.size() == n); assert(T::compare(, s, n) == 0); assert(s2.get_allocator() == a); assert(s2.capacity() >= s2.size()); }
int main() { // The default launch policy is implementation defined. libc++ defines // it to be std::launch::async. bool DefaultPolicyIsDeferred = false; bool DPID = DefaultPolicyIsDeferred; std::launch AnyPolicy = std::launch::async | std::launch::deferred; LIBCPP_ASSERT(AnyPolicy == std::launch::any); { auto checkInt = [](std::future<int>& f) { return f.get() == 3; }; test<int>(checkInt, DPID, f0); test<int>(checkInt, false, std::launch::async, f0); test<int>(checkInt, true, std::launch::deferred, f0); test<int>(checkInt, DPID, AnyPolicy, f0); } { auto checkIntRef = [&](std::future<int&>& f) { return &f.get() == &i; }; test<int&>(checkIntRef, DPID, f1); test<int&>(checkIntRef, false, std::launch::async, f1); test<int&>(checkIntRef, true, std::launch::deferred, f1); test<int&>(checkIntRef, DPID, AnyPolicy, f1); } { auto checkVoid = [](std::future<void>& f) { f.get(); return true; }; test<void>(checkVoid, DPID, f2); test<void>(checkVoid, false, std::launch::async, f2); test<void>(checkVoid, true, std::launch::deferred, f2); test<void>(checkVoid, DPID, AnyPolicy, f2); } { using Ret = std::unique_ptr<int>; auto checkUPtr = [](std::future<Ret>& f) { return *f.get() == 3; }; test<Ret>(checkUPtr, DPID, f3, 3); test<Ret>(checkUPtr, DPID, f4, std::unique_ptr<int>(new int(3))); } #ifndef TEST_HAS_NO_EXCEPTIONS { std::future<void> f = std::async(f5, 3); std::this_thread::sleep_for(ms(300)); try { f.get(); assert (false); } catch ( int ) {} } { std::future<void> f = std::async(std::launch::deferred, f5, 3); std::this_thread::sleep_for(ms(300)); try { f.get(); assert (false); } catch ( int ) {} } #endif }
void test(std::basic_string_view<charT> sv, const A& a) { typedef std::basic_string<charT, std::char_traits<charT>, A> S; typedef typename S::traits_type T; { S s2(sv, a); LIBCPP_ASSERT(s2.__invariants()); assert(s2.size() == sv.size()); assert(T::compare(,, sv.size()) == 0); assert(s2.get_allocator() == a); assert(s2.capacity() >= s2.size()); } { S s2(a); s2 = sv; LIBCPP_ASSERT(s2.__invariants()); assert(s2.size() == sv.size()); assert(T::compare(,, sv.size()) == 0); assert(s2.get_allocator() == a); assert(s2.capacity() >= s2.size()); } }
void test(int i) { typedef std::error_code T; typedef std::hash<T> H; static_assert((std::is_same<H::argument_type, T>::value), "" ); static_assert((std::is_same<H::result_type, std::size_t>::value), "" ); ASSERT_NOEXCEPT(H()(T())); H h; T ec(i, std::system_category()); const std::size_t result = h(ec); LIBCPP_ASSERT(result == static_cast<std::size_t>(i)); ((void)result); // Prevent unused warning }
void test(S s, typename S::size_type n, S expected) { try { s.resize(n); LIBCPP_ASSERT(s.__invariants()); assert(n <= s.max_size()); assert(s == expected); } catch (std::length_error&) { assert(n > s.max_size()); } }
void test(It first, It last, const A& a) { typedef typename std::iterator_traits<It>::value_type charT; typedef std::basic_string<charT, std::char_traits<charT>, A> S; typedef typename S::traits_type T; S s2(first, last, a); LIBCPP_ASSERT(s2.__invariants()); assert(s2.size() == std::distance(first, last)); unsigned i = 0; for (It it = first; it != last; ++it, ++i) assert(s2[i] == *it); assert(s2.get_allocator() == a); assert(s2.capacity() >= s2.size()); }
static int test(const charT* s) { typedef std::basic_string<charT, std::char_traits<charT>, test_allocator<charT> > S; typedef typename S::traits_type T; typedef typename S::allocator_type A; std::size_t n = T::length(s); S s2(s); LIBCPP_ASSERT(s2.__invariants()); TC_ASSERT_EXPR(s2.size() == n); TC_ASSERT_EXPR(T::compare(, s, n) == 0); TC_ASSERT_EXPR(s2.get_allocator() == A()); TC_ASSERT_EXPR(s2.capacity() >= s2.size()); return 0; }
void test_npos(S s, SV sv, typename S::size_type pos, S expected) { try { s.append(sv, pos); LIBCPP_ASSERT(s.__invariants()); assert(pos <= sv.size()); assert(s == expected); } catch (std::out_of_range&) { assert(pos > sv.size()); } }
void test1(const typename C::allocator_type& a) { #if TEST_STD_VER > 14 static_assert((noexcept(C { typename C::allocator_type {} })), "" ); #elif TEST_STD_VER >= 11 static_assert((noexcept(C(typename C::allocator_type())) == std::is_nothrow_copy_constructible<typename C::allocator_type>::value), "" ); #endif C c(a); LIBCPP_ASSERT(c.__invariants()); assert(c.empty()); assert(c.get_allocator() == a); }
void test_with_iterator() { int ia[] = {1, 2, 3, 4}; int ia1[] = {4, 1, 2, 3}; const unsigned sa = sizeof(ia)/sizeof(ia[0]); gen r; std::random_shuffle(ia, ia+sa, r); LIBCPP_ASSERT(std::equal(ia, ia+sa, ia1)); assert(std::is_permutation(ia, ia+sa, ia1)); std::random_shuffle(ia, ia+sa, r); assert(std::is_permutation(ia, ia+sa, ia1)); }
void test(S s, typename S::size_type pos, S str, S expected) { typename S::size_type old_size = s.size(); S s0 = s; try { s.insert(pos, str); LIBCPP_ASSERT(s.__invariants()); assert(pos <= old_size); assert(s == expected); } catch (std::out_of_range&) { assert(pos > old_size); assert(s == s0); } }
void test_w(const char_type* A, typename std::regex_traits<char_type>::char_class_type expected, bool icase = false) { typedef typename std::regex_traits<char_type>::char_class_type char_class_type; std::regex_traits<char_type> t; typedef forward_iterator<const char_type*> F; char_class_type result = t.lookup_classname(F(A), F(A + t.length(A)), icase); assert((result & expected) == expected); LIBCPP_ASSERT((expected | std::regex_traits<char_type>::__regex_word) == result); const bool matches_underscore = t.isctype('_', result); if (result != expected) assert(matches_underscore && "expected to match underscore"); else assert(!matches_underscore && "should not match underscore"); }
int main() { { std::vector<int> v(100); v.push_back(1); assert(is_contiguous_container_asan_correct(v)); v.shrink_to_fit(); assert(v.capacity() == 101); assert(v.size() == 101); assert(is_contiguous_container_asan_correct(v)); } { std::vector<int, limited_allocator<int, 401> > v(100); v.push_back(1); assert(is_contiguous_container_asan_correct(v)); v.shrink_to_fit(); assert(v.capacity() == 101); assert(v.size() == 101); assert(is_contiguous_container_asan_correct(v)); } #ifndef _LIBCPP_NO_EXCEPTIONS { std::vector<int, limited_allocator<int, 400> > v(100); v.push_back(1); assert(is_contiguous_container_asan_correct(v)); v.shrink_to_fit(); LIBCPP_ASSERT(v.capacity() == 200); // assumes libc++'s 2x growth factor assert(v.size() == 101); assert(is_contiguous_container_asan_correct(v)); } #endif #if TEST_STD_VER >= 11 { std::vector<int, min_allocator<int>> v(100); v.push_back(1); assert(is_contiguous_container_asan_correct(v)); v.shrink_to_fit(); assert(v.capacity() == 101); assert(v.size() == 101); assert(is_contiguous_container_asan_correct(v)); } #endif }
int main() { { std::random_device r; std::random_device::result_type e = r(); ((void)e); // Prevent unused warning } #ifndef TEST_HAS_NO_EXCEPTIONS try { std::random_device r("/dev/null"); (void)r(); LIBCPP_ASSERT(false); } catch (const std::system_error&) { } #endif }
void test() { typedef std::hash<T> H; static_assert((std::is_same<typename H::argument_type, T>::value), "" ); static_assert((std::is_same<typename H::result_type, std::size_t>::value), "" ); ASSERT_NOEXCEPT(H()(T())); H h; for (int i = 0; i <= 5; ++i) { T t(static_cast<T>(i)); const bool small = std::integral_constant<bool, sizeof(T) <= sizeof(std::size_t)>::value; // avoid compiler warnings if (small) { const std::size_t result = h(t); LIBCPP_ASSERT(result == static_cast<size_t>(t)); ((void)result); // Prevent unused warning } } }
int main(int, char**) { { typedef std::unordered_set<NotConstructible, test_hash<std::hash<NotConstructible> >, test_compare<std::equal_to<NotConstructible> >, test_allocator<NotConstructible> > C; C c = 7; LIBCPP_ASSERT(c.bucket_count() == 7); assert(c.hash_function() == test_hash<std::hash<NotConstructible> >()); assert(c.key_eq() == test_compare<std::equal_to<NotConstructible> >()); assert(c.get_allocator() == (test_allocator<NotConstructible>())); assert(c.size() == 0); assert(c.empty()); assert(std::distance(c.begin(), c.end()) == 0); assert(c.load_factor() == 0); assert(c.max_load_factor() == 1); } return 0; }
int tc_libcxx_containers_unord_map_cnstr_size_pass(void) { { typedef std::unordered_map<NotConstructible, NotConstructible, test_hash<std::hash<NotConstructible> >, test_compare<std::equal_to<NotConstructible> >, test_allocator<std::pair<const NotConstructible, NotConstructible> > > C; C c(7); LIBCPP_ASSERT(c.bucket_count() == 7); TC_ASSERT_EXPR(c.hash_function() == test_hash<std::hash<NotConstructible> >()); TC_ASSERT_EXPR(c.key_eq() == test_compare<std::equal_to<NotConstructible> >()); TC_ASSERT_EXPR(c.get_allocator() == (test_allocator<std::pair<const NotConstructible, NotConstructible> >())); TC_ASSERT_EXPR(c.size() == 0); TC_ASSERT_EXPR(c.empty()); TC_ASSERT_EXPR(std::distance(c.begin(), c.end()) == 0); TC_ASSERT_EXPR(c.load_factor() == 0); TC_ASSERT_EXPR(c.max_load_factor() == 1); } TC_SUCCESS_RESULT(); return 0; }
int main(int, char**) { #ifdef _LIBCPP_HAS_NO_STRONG_ENUMS LIBCPP_STATIC_ASSERT(static_cast<int>(std::launch::any) == (static_cast<int>(std::launch::async) | static_cast<int>(std::launch::deferred)), ""); #else LIBCPP_STATIC_ASSERT(std::launch::any == (std::launch::async | std::launch::deferred), ""); static_assert(std::launch(0) == (std::launch::async & std::launch::deferred), ""); LIBCPP_STATIC_ASSERT(std::launch::any == (std::launch::async ^ std::launch::deferred), ""); LIBCPP_STATIC_ASSERT(std::launch::deferred == ~std::launch::async, ""); std::launch x = std::launch::async; x &= std::launch::deferred; assert(x == std::launch(0)); x = std::launch::async; x |= std::launch::deferred; LIBCPP_ASSERT(x == std::launch::any); x ^= std::launch::deferred; assert(x == std::launch::async); #endif static_assert(static_cast<int>(std::launch::async) == 1, ""); static_assert(static_cast<int>(std::launch::deferred) == 2, ""); return 0; }
void test_npos(S s, S str, typename S::size_type pos, S expected) { if (pos <= str.size()) { s.append(str, pos); LIBCPP_ASSERT(s.__invariants()); assert(s == expected); } #ifndef TEST_HAS_NO_EXCEPTIONS else { try { s.append(str, pos); assert(false); } catch (std::out_of_range&) { assert(pos > str.size()); } } #endif }
void test(S s, typename S::size_type n, S expected) { if (n <= s.max_size()) { s.resize(n); LIBCPP_ASSERT(s.__invariants()); assert(s == expected); } #ifndef TEST_HAS_NO_EXCEPTIONS else { try { s.resize(n); assert(false); } catch (std::length_error&) { assert(n > s.max_size()); } } #endif }
int main() { #ifndef _LIBCPP_HAS_NO_GENERALIZED_INITIALIZERS { typedef std::unordered_set<int, test_hash<std::hash<int> >, test_compare<std::equal_to<int> >, test_allocator<int> > C; typedef int P; C c({ P(1), P(2), P(3), P(4), P(1), P(2) }, 7, test_hash<std::hash<int> >(8) ); LIBCPP_ASSERT(c.bucket_count() == 7); assert(c.size() == 4); assert(c.count(1) == 1); assert(c.count(2) == 1); assert(c.count(3) == 1); assert(c.count(4) == 1); assert(c.hash_function() == test_hash<std::hash<int> >(8)); assert(c.key_eq() == test_compare<std::equal_to<int> >()); assert(c.get_allocator() == test_allocator<int>()); assert(!c.empty()); assert(std::distance(c.begin(), c.end()) == c.size()); assert(std::distance(c.cbegin(), c.cend()) == c.size()); assert(std::fabs(c.load_factor() - (float)c.size()/c.bucket_count()) < FLT_EPSILON); assert(c.max_load_factor() == 1); } #if TEST_STD_VER >= 11 { typedef std::unordered_set<int, test_hash<std::hash<int> >, test_compare<std::equal_to<int> >, min_allocator<int> > C; typedef int P; C c({ P(1), P(2), P(3), P(4), P(1), P(2) }, 7, test_hash<std::hash<int> >(8) ); LIBCPP_ASSERT(c.bucket_count() == 7); assert(c.size() == 4); assert(c.count(1) == 1); assert(c.count(2) == 1); assert(c.count(3) == 1); assert(c.count(4) == 1); assert(c.hash_function() == test_hash<std::hash<int> >(8)); assert(c.key_eq() == test_compare<std::equal_to<int> >()); assert(c.get_allocator() == min_allocator<int>()); assert(!c.empty()); assert(std::distance(c.begin(), c.end()) == c.size()); assert(std::distance(c.cbegin(), c.cend()) == c.size()); assert(std::fabs(c.load_factor() - (float)c.size()/c.bucket_count()) < FLT_EPSILON); assert(c.max_load_factor() == 1); } #endif #endif // _LIBCPP_HAS_NO_GENERALIZED_INITIALIZERS }
int main(int, char**) { { typedef std::unordered_multimap<int, std::string> C; typedef std::pair<int, std::string> P; P a[] = { P(1, "one"), P(2, "two"), P(3, "three"), P(4, "four"), P(1, "four"), P(2, "four"), }; C c(a, a + sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0])); test(c); assert(c.bucket_count() >= 7); c.reserve(3); LIBCPP_ASSERT(c.bucket_count() == 7); test(c); c.max_load_factor(2); c.reserve(3); LIBCPP_ASSERT(c.bucket_count() == 3); test(c); c.reserve(31); assert(c.bucket_count() >= 16); test(c); } #if TEST_STD_VER >= 11 { typedef std::unordered_multimap<int, std::string, std::hash<int>, std::equal_to<int>, min_allocator<std::pair<const int, std::string>>> C; typedef std::pair<int, std::string> P; P a[] = { P(1, "one"), P(2, "two"), P(3, "three"), P(4, "four"), P(1, "four"), P(2, "four"), }; C c(a, a + sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0])); test(c); assert(c.bucket_count() >= 7); c.reserve(3); LIBCPP_ASSERT(c.bucket_count() == 7); test(c); c.max_load_factor(2); c.reserve(3); LIBCPP_ASSERT(c.bucket_count() == 3); test(c); c.reserve(31); assert(c.bucket_count() >= 16); test(c); } #endif reserve_invariant(20); return 0; }
int main(int, char**) { { typedef std::unordered_multimap<int, std::string> C; typedef std::pair<int, std::string> P; typedef C::local_iterator I; P a[] = { P(1, "one"), P(2, "two"), P(3, "three"), P(4, "four"), P(1, "four"), P(2, "four"), }; C c(a, a + sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0])); LIBCPP_ASSERT(c.bucket_count() == 7); C::size_type b = c.bucket(0); I i = c.begin(b); I j = c.end(b); assert(std::distance(i, j) == 0); b = c.bucket(1); i = c.begin(b); j = c.end(b); assert(std::distance(i, j) == 2); assert(i->first == 1); assert(i->second == "one"); ++i; assert(i->first == 1); assert(i->second == "four"); i->first = 2; b = c.bucket(2); i = c.begin(b); j = c.end(b); assert(std::distance(i, j) == 2); assert(i->first == 2); assert(i->second == "two"); ++i; assert(i->first == 2); assert(i->second == "four"); b = c.bucket(3); i = c.begin(b); j = c.end(b); assert(std::distance(i, j) == 1); assert(i->first == 3); assert(i->second == "three"); b = c.bucket(4); i = c.begin(b); j = c.end(b); assert(std::distance(i, j) == 1); assert(i->first == 4); assert(i->second == "four"); b = c.bucket(5); i = c.begin(b); j = c.end(b); assert(std::distance(i, j) == 0); b = c.bucket(6); i = c.begin(b); j = c.end(b); assert(std::distance(i, j) == 0); } { typedef std::unordered_multimap<int, std::string> C; typedef std::pair<int, std::string> P; typedef C::const_local_iterator I; P a[] = { P(1, "one"), P(2, "two"), P(3, "three"), P(4, "four"), P(1, "four"), P(2, "four"), }; const C c(a, a + sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0])); LIBCPP_ASSERT(c.bucket_count() == 7); C::size_type b = c.bucket(0); I i = c.begin(b); I j = c.end(b); assert(std::distance(i, j) == 0); b = c.bucket(1); i = c.begin(b); j = c.end(b); assert(std::distance(i, j) == 2); assert(i->first == 1); assert(i->second == "one"); ++i; assert(i->first == 1); assert(i->second == "four"); b = c.bucket(2); i = c.begin(b); j = c.end(b); assert(std::distance(i, j) == 2); assert(i->first == 2); assert(i->second == "two"); ++i; assert(i->first == 2); assert(i->second == "four"); b = c.bucket(3); i = c.begin(b); j = c.end(b); assert(std::distance(i, j) == 1); assert(i->first == 3); assert(i->second == "three"); b = c.bucket(4); i = c.begin(b); j = c.end(b); assert(std::distance(i, j) == 1); assert(i->first == 4); assert(i->second == "four"); b = c.bucket(5); i = c.begin(b); j = c.end(b); assert(std::distance(i, j) == 0); b = c.bucket(6); i = c.begin(b); j = c.end(b); assert(std::distance(i, j) == 0); } { typedef std::unordered_multimap<int, std::string> C; typedef std::pair<int, std::string> P; typedef C::const_local_iterator I; P a[] = { P(1, "one"), P(2, "two"), P(3, "three"), P(4, "four"), P(1, "four"), P(2, "four"), }; C c(a, a + sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0])); LIBCPP_ASSERT(c.bucket_count() == 7); C::size_type b = c.bucket(0); I i = c.cbegin(b); I j = c.cend(b); assert(std::distance(i, j) == 0); b = c.bucket(1); i = c.cbegin(b); j = c.cend(b); assert(std::distance(i, j) == 2); assert(i->first == 1); assert(i->second == "one"); ++i; assert(i->first == 1); assert(i->second == "four"); b = c.bucket(2); i = c.cbegin(b); j = c.cend(b); assert(std::distance(i, j) == 2); assert(i->first == 2); assert(i->second == "two"); ++i; assert(i->first == 2); assert(i->second == "four"); b = c.bucket(3); i = c.cbegin(b); j = c.cend(b); assert(std::distance(i, j) == 1); assert(i->first == 3); assert(i->second == "three"); b = c.bucket(4); i = c.cbegin(b); j = c.cend(b); assert(std::distance(i, j) == 1); assert(i->first == 4); assert(i->second == "four"); b = c.bucket(5); i = c.cbegin(b); j = c.cend(b); assert(std::distance(i, j) == 0); b = c.bucket(6); i = c.cbegin(b); j = c.cend(b); assert(std::distance(i, j) == 0); } { typedef std::unordered_multimap<int, std::string> C; typedef std::pair<int, std::string> P; typedef C::const_local_iterator I; P a[] = { P(1, "one"), P(2, "two"), P(3, "three"), P(4, "four"), P(1, "four"), P(2, "four"), }; const C c(a, a + sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0])); LIBCPP_ASSERT(c.bucket_count() == 7); C::size_type b = c.bucket(0); I i = c.cbegin(b); I j = c.cend(b); assert(std::distance(i, j) == 0); b = c.bucket(1); i = c.cbegin(b); j = c.cend(b); assert(std::distance(i, j) == 2); assert(i->first == 1); assert(i->second == "one"); ++i; assert(i->first == 1); assert(i->second == "four"); b = c.bucket(2); i = c.cbegin(b); j = c.cend(b); assert(std::distance(i, j) == 2); assert(i->first == 2); assert(i->second == "two"); ++i; assert(i->first == 2); assert(i->second == "four"); b = c.bucket(3); i = c.cbegin(b); j = c.cend(b); assert(std::distance(i, j) == 1); assert(i->first == 3); assert(i->second == "three"); b = c.bucket(4); i = c.cbegin(b); j = c.cend(b); assert(std::distance(i, j) == 1); assert(i->first == 4); assert(i->second == "four"); b = c.bucket(5); i = c.cbegin(b); j = c.cend(b); assert(std::distance(i, j) == 0); b = c.bucket(6); i = c.cbegin(b); j = c.cend(b); assert(std::distance(i, j) == 0); } return 0; }
int main() { { typedef std::unordered_set<int, test_hash<std::hash<int> >, test_compare<std::equal_to<int> >, test_allocator<int> > C; C c0(7, test_hash<std::hash<int> >(8), test_compare<std::equal_to<int> >(9), test_allocator<int>(10) ); C c = std::move(c0); LIBCPP_ASSERT(c.bucket_count() == 7); assert(c.size() == 0); assert(c.hash_function() == test_hash<std::hash<int> >(8)); assert(c.key_eq() == test_compare<std::equal_to<int> >(9)); assert(c.get_allocator() == test_allocator<int>(10)); assert(c.empty()); assert(static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(c.begin(), c.end())) == c.size()); assert(static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(c.cbegin(), c.cend())) == c.size()); assert(c.load_factor() == 0); assert(c.max_load_factor() == 1); assert(c0.empty()); } { typedef std::unordered_set<int, test_hash<std::hash<int> >, test_compare<std::equal_to<int> >, test_allocator<int> > C; typedef int P; P a[] = { P(1), P(2), P(3), P(4), P(1), P(2) }; C c0(a, a + sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]), 7, test_hash<std::hash<int> >(8), test_compare<std::equal_to<int> >(9), test_allocator<int>(10) ); C c = std::move(c0); LIBCPP_ASSERT(c.bucket_count() == 7); assert(c.size() == 4); assert(c.count(1) == 1); assert(c.count(2) == 1); assert(c.count(3) == 1); assert(c.count(4) == 1); assert(c.hash_function() == test_hash<std::hash<int> >(8)); assert(c.key_eq() == test_compare<std::equal_to<int> >(9)); assert(c.get_allocator() == test_allocator<int>(10)); assert(!c.empty()); assert(static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(c.begin(), c.end())) == c.size()); assert(static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(c.cbegin(), c.cend())) == c.size()); assert(std::fabs(c.load_factor() - (float)c.size()/c.bucket_count()) < FLT_EPSILON); assert(c.max_load_factor() == 1); assert(c0.empty()); } { typedef std::unordered_set<int, test_hash<std::hash<int> >, test_compare<std::equal_to<int> >, min_allocator<int> > C; C c0(7, test_hash<std::hash<int> >(8), test_compare<std::equal_to<int> >(9), min_allocator<int>() ); C c = std::move(c0); LIBCPP_ASSERT(c.bucket_count() == 7); assert(c.size() == 0); assert(c.hash_function() == test_hash<std::hash<int> >(8)); assert(c.key_eq() == test_compare<std::equal_to<int> >(9)); assert(c.get_allocator() == min_allocator<int>()); assert(c.empty()); assert(static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(c.begin(), c.end())) == c.size()); assert(static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(c.cbegin(), c.cend())) == c.size()); assert(c.load_factor() == 0); assert(c.max_load_factor() == 1); assert(c0.empty()); } { typedef std::unordered_set<int, test_hash<std::hash<int> >, test_compare<std::equal_to<int> >, min_allocator<int> > C; typedef int P; P a[] = { P(1), P(2), P(3), P(4), P(1), P(2) }; C c0(a, a + sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]), 7, test_hash<std::hash<int> >(8), test_compare<std::equal_to<int> >(9), min_allocator<int>() ); C c = std::move(c0); LIBCPP_ASSERT(c.bucket_count() == 7); assert(c.size() == 4); assert(c.count(1) == 1); assert(c.count(2) == 1); assert(c.count(3) == 1); assert(c.count(4) == 1); assert(c.hash_function() == test_hash<std::hash<int> >(8)); assert(c.key_eq() == test_compare<std::equal_to<int> >(9)); assert(c.get_allocator() == min_allocator<int>()); assert(!c.empty()); assert(static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(c.begin(), c.end())) == c.size()); assert(static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(c.cbegin(), c.cend())) == c.size()); assert(std::fabs(c.load_factor() - (float)c.size()/c.bucket_count()) < FLT_EPSILON); assert(c.max_load_factor() == 1); assert(c0.empty()); } #if _LIBCPP_DEBUG >= 1 { std::unordered_set<int> s1 = {1, 2, 3}; std::unordered_set<int>::iterator i = s1.begin(); int k = *i; std::unordered_set<int> s2 = std::move(s1); assert(*i == k); s2.erase(i); assert(s2.size() == 2); } #endif }
int main() { { typedef test_hash<std::hash<int> > Hash; typedef test_compare<std::equal_to<int> > Compare; typedef test_allocator<int> Alloc; typedef std::unordered_set<int, Hash, Compare, Alloc> C; typedef int P; C c1(0, Hash(1), Compare(1), Alloc(1, 1)); C c2(0, Hash(2), Compare(2), Alloc(1, 2)); c2.max_load_factor(2); swap(c1, c2); LIBCPP_ASSERT(c1.bucket_count() == 0); assert(c1.size() == 0); assert(c1.hash_function() == Hash(2)); assert(c1.key_eq() == Compare(2)); assert(c1.get_allocator().get_id() == 1); assert(static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(c1.begin(), c1.end())) == c1.size()); assert(static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(c1.cbegin(), c1.cend())) == c1.size()); assert(c1.max_load_factor() == 2); LIBCPP_ASSERT(c2.bucket_count() == 0); assert(c2.size() == 0); assert(c2.hash_function() == Hash(1)); assert(c2.key_eq() == Compare(1)); assert(c2.get_allocator().get_id() == 2); assert(static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(c2.begin(), c2.end())) == c2.size()); assert(static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(c2.cbegin(), c2.cend())) == c2.size()); assert(c2.max_load_factor() == 1); } { typedef test_hash<std::hash<int> > Hash; typedef test_compare<std::equal_to<int> > Compare; typedef test_allocator<int> Alloc; typedef std::unordered_set<int, Hash, Compare, Alloc> C; typedef int P; P a2[] = { P(10), P(20), P(30), P(40), P(50), P(60), P(70), P(80) }; C c1(0, Hash(1), Compare(1), Alloc(1, 1)); C c2(std::begin(a2), std::end(a2), 0, Hash(2), Compare(2), Alloc(1, 2)); c2.max_load_factor(2); swap(c1, c2); assert(c1.bucket_count() >= 8); assert(c1.size() == 8); assert(*c1.find(10) == 10); assert(*c1.find(20) == 20); assert(*c1.find(30) == 30); assert(*c1.find(40) == 40); assert(*c1.find(50) == 50); assert(*c1.find(60) == 60); assert(*c1.find(70) == 70); assert(*c1.find(80) == 80); assert(c1.hash_function() == Hash(2)); assert(c1.key_eq() == Compare(2)); assert(c1.get_allocator().get_id() == 1); assert(static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(c1.begin(), c1.end())) == c1.size()); assert(static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(c1.cbegin(), c1.cend())) == c1.size()); assert(c1.max_load_factor() == 2); LIBCPP_ASSERT(c2.bucket_count() == 0); assert(c2.size() == 0); assert(c2.hash_function() == Hash(1)); assert(c2.key_eq() == Compare(1)); assert(c2.get_allocator().get_id() == 2); assert(static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(c2.begin(), c2.end())) == c2.size()); assert(static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(c2.cbegin(), c2.cend())) == c2.size()); assert(c2.max_load_factor() == 1); } { typedef test_hash<std::hash<int> > Hash; typedef test_compare<std::equal_to<int> > Compare; typedef test_allocator<int> Alloc; typedef std::unordered_set<int, Hash, Compare, Alloc> C; typedef int P; P a1[] = { P(1), P(2), P(3), P(4), P(1), P(2) }; C c1(std::begin(a1), std::end(a1), 0, Hash(1), Compare(1), Alloc(1, 1)); C c2(0, Hash(2), Compare(2), Alloc(1, 2)); c2.max_load_factor(2); swap(c1, c2); LIBCPP_ASSERT(c1.bucket_count() == 0); assert(c1.size() == 0); assert(c1.hash_function() == Hash(2)); assert(c1.key_eq() == Compare(2)); assert(c1.get_allocator().get_id() == 1); assert(static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(c1.begin(), c1.end())) == c1.size()); assert(static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(c1.cbegin(), c1.cend())) == c1.size()); assert(c1.max_load_factor() == 2); assert(c2.bucket_count() >= 4); assert(c2.size() == 4); assert(c2.count(1) == 1); assert(c2.count(2) == 1); assert(c2.count(3) == 1); assert(c2.count(4) == 1); assert(c2.hash_function() == Hash(1)); assert(c2.key_eq() == Compare(1)); assert(c2.get_allocator().get_id() == 2); assert(static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(c2.begin(), c2.end())) == c2.size()); assert(static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(c2.cbegin(), c2.cend())) == c2.size()); assert(c2.max_load_factor() == 1); } { typedef test_hash<std::hash<int> > Hash; typedef test_compare<std::equal_to<int> > Compare; typedef test_allocator<int> Alloc; typedef std::unordered_set<int, Hash, Compare, Alloc> C; typedef int P; P a1[] = { P(1), P(2), P(3), P(4), P(1), P(2) }; P a2[] = { P(10), P(20), P(30), P(40), P(50), P(60), P(70), P(80) }; C c1(std::begin(a1), std::end(a1), 0, Hash(1), Compare(1), Alloc(1, 1)); C c2(std::begin(a2), std::end(a2), 0, Hash(2), Compare(2), Alloc(1, 2)); c2.max_load_factor(2); swap(c1, c2); assert(c1.bucket_count() >= 8); assert(c1.size() == 8); assert(*c1.find(10) == 10); assert(*c1.find(20) == 20); assert(*c1.find(30) == 30); assert(*c1.find(40) == 40); assert(*c1.find(50) == 50); assert(*c1.find(60) == 60); assert(*c1.find(70) == 70); assert(*c1.find(80) == 80); assert(c1.hash_function() == Hash(2)); assert(c1.key_eq() == Compare(2)); assert(c1.get_allocator().get_id() == 1); assert(static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(c1.begin(), c1.end())) == c1.size()); assert(static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(c1.cbegin(), c1.cend())) == c1.size()); assert(c1.max_load_factor() == 2); assert(c2.bucket_count() >= 4); assert(c2.size() == 4); assert(c2.count(1) == 1); assert(c2.count(2) == 1); assert(c2.count(3) == 1); assert(c2.count(4) == 1); assert(c2.hash_function() == Hash(1)); assert(c2.key_eq() == Compare(1)); assert(c2.get_allocator().get_id() == 2); assert(static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(c2.begin(), c2.end())) == c2.size()); assert(static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(c2.cbegin(), c2.cend())) == c2.size()); assert(c2.max_load_factor() == 1); } { typedef test_hash<std::hash<int> > Hash; typedef test_compare<std::equal_to<int> > Compare; typedef other_allocator<int> Alloc; typedef std::unordered_set<int, Hash, Compare, Alloc> C; typedef int P; C c1(0, Hash(1), Compare(1), Alloc(1)); C c2(0, Hash(2), Compare(2), Alloc(2)); c2.max_load_factor(2); swap(c1, c2); LIBCPP_ASSERT(c1.bucket_count() == 0); assert(c1.size() == 0); assert(c1.hash_function() == Hash(2)); assert(c1.key_eq() == Compare(2)); assert(c1.get_allocator() == Alloc(2)); assert(static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(c1.begin(), c1.end())) == c1.size()); assert(static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(c1.cbegin(), c1.cend())) == c1.size()); assert(c1.max_load_factor() == 2); LIBCPP_ASSERT(c2.bucket_count() == 0); assert(c2.size() == 0); assert(c2.hash_function() == Hash(1)); assert(c2.key_eq() == Compare(1)); assert(c2.get_allocator() == Alloc(1)); assert(static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(c2.begin(), c2.end())) == c2.size()); assert(static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(c2.cbegin(), c2.cend())) == c2.size()); assert(c2.max_load_factor() == 1); } { typedef test_hash<std::hash<int> > Hash; typedef test_compare<std::equal_to<int> > Compare; typedef other_allocator<int> Alloc; typedef std::unordered_set<int, Hash, Compare, Alloc> C; typedef int P; P a2[] = { P(10), P(20), P(30), P(40), P(50), P(60), P(70), P(80) }; C c1(0, Hash(1), Compare(1), Alloc(1)); C c2(std::begin(a2), std::end(a2), 0, Hash(2), Compare(2), Alloc(2)); c2.max_load_factor(2); swap(c1, c2); assert(c1.bucket_count() >= 8); assert(c1.size() == 8); assert(*c1.find(10) == 10); assert(*c1.find(20) == 20); assert(*c1.find(30) == 30); assert(*c1.find(40) == 40); assert(*c1.find(50) == 50); assert(*c1.find(60) == 60); assert(*c1.find(70) == 70); assert(*c1.find(80) == 80); assert(c1.hash_function() == Hash(2)); assert(c1.key_eq() == Compare(2)); assert(c1.get_allocator() == Alloc(2)); assert(static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(c1.begin(), c1.end())) == c1.size()); assert(static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(c1.cbegin(), c1.cend())) == c1.size()); assert(c1.max_load_factor() == 2); LIBCPP_ASSERT(c2.bucket_count() == 0); assert(c2.size() == 0); assert(c2.hash_function() == Hash(1)); assert(c2.key_eq() == Compare(1)); assert(c2.get_allocator() == Alloc(1)); assert(static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(c2.begin(), c2.end())) == c2.size()); assert(static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(c2.cbegin(), c2.cend())) == c2.size()); assert(c2.max_load_factor() == 1); } { typedef test_hash<std::hash<int> > Hash; typedef test_compare<std::equal_to<int> > Compare; typedef other_allocator<int> Alloc; typedef std::unordered_set<int, Hash, Compare, Alloc> C; typedef int P; P a1[] = { P(1), P(2), P(3), P(4), P(1), P(2) }; C c1(std::begin(a1), std::end(a1), 0, Hash(1), Compare(1), Alloc(1)); C c2(0, Hash(2), Compare(2), Alloc(2)); c2.max_load_factor(2); swap(c1, c2); LIBCPP_ASSERT(c1.bucket_count() == 0); assert(c1.size() == 0); assert(c1.hash_function() == Hash(2)); assert(c1.key_eq() == Compare(2)); assert(c1.get_allocator() == Alloc(2)); assert(static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(c1.begin(), c1.end())) == c1.size()); assert(static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(c1.cbegin(), c1.cend())) == c1.size()); assert(c1.max_load_factor() == 2); assert(c2.bucket_count() >= 4); assert(c2.size() == 4); assert(c2.count(1) == 1); assert(c2.count(2) == 1); assert(c2.count(3) == 1); assert(c2.count(4) == 1); assert(c2.hash_function() == Hash(1)); assert(c2.key_eq() == Compare(1)); assert(c2.get_allocator() == Alloc(1)); assert(static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(c2.begin(), c2.end())) == c2.size()); assert(static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(c2.cbegin(), c2.cend())) == c2.size()); assert(c2.max_load_factor() == 1); } { typedef test_hash<std::hash<int> > Hash; typedef test_compare<std::equal_to<int> > Compare; typedef other_allocator<int> Alloc; typedef std::unordered_set<int, Hash, Compare, Alloc> C; typedef int P; P a1[] = { P(1), P(2), P(3), P(4), P(1), P(2) }; P a2[] = { P(10), P(20), P(30), P(40), P(50), P(60), P(70), P(80) }; C c1(std::begin(a1), std::end(a1), 0, Hash(1), Compare(1), Alloc(1)); C c2(std::begin(a2), std::end(a2), 0, Hash(2), Compare(2), Alloc(2)); c2.max_load_factor(2); swap(c1, c2); assert(c1.bucket_count() >= 8); assert(c1.size() == 8); assert(*c1.find(10) == 10); assert(*c1.find(20) == 20); assert(*c1.find(30) == 30); assert(*c1.find(40) == 40); assert(*c1.find(50) == 50); assert(*c1.find(60) == 60); assert(*c1.find(70) == 70); assert(*c1.find(80) == 80); assert(c1.hash_function() == Hash(2)); assert(c1.key_eq() == Compare(2)); assert(c1.get_allocator() == Alloc(2)); assert(static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(c1.begin(), c1.end())) == c1.size()); assert(static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(c1.cbegin(), c1.cend())) == c1.size()); assert(c1.max_load_factor() == 2); assert(c2.bucket_count() >= 4); assert(c2.size() == 4); assert(c2.count(1) == 1); assert(c2.count(2) == 1); assert(c2.count(3) == 1); assert(c2.count(4) == 1); assert(c2.hash_function() == Hash(1)); assert(c2.key_eq() == Compare(1)); assert(c2.get_allocator() == Alloc(1)); assert(static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(c2.begin(), c2.end())) == c2.size()); assert(static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(c2.cbegin(), c2.cend())) == c2.size()); assert(c2.max_load_factor() == 1); } #if TEST_STD_VER >= 11 { typedef test_hash<std::hash<int> > Hash; typedef test_compare<std::equal_to<int> > Compare; typedef min_allocator<int> Alloc; typedef std::unordered_set<int, Hash, Compare, Alloc> C; typedef int P; C c1(0, Hash(1), Compare(1), Alloc()); C c2(0, Hash(2), Compare(2), Alloc()); c2.max_load_factor(2); swap(c1, c2); LIBCPP_ASSERT(c1.bucket_count() == 0); assert(c1.size() == 0); assert(c1.hash_function() == Hash(2)); assert(c1.key_eq() == Compare(2)); assert(c1.get_allocator() == Alloc()); assert(static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(c1.begin(), c1.end())) == c1.size()); assert(static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(c1.cbegin(), c1.cend())) == c1.size()); assert(c1.max_load_factor() == 2); LIBCPP_ASSERT(c2.bucket_count() == 0); assert(c2.size() == 0); assert(c2.hash_function() == Hash(1)); assert(c2.key_eq() == Compare(1)); assert(c2.get_allocator() == Alloc()); assert(static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(c2.begin(), c2.end())) == c2.size()); assert(static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(c2.cbegin(), c2.cend())) == c2.size()); assert(c2.max_load_factor() == 1); } { typedef test_hash<std::hash<int> > Hash; typedef test_compare<std::equal_to<int> > Compare; typedef min_allocator<int> Alloc; typedef std::unordered_set<int, Hash, Compare, Alloc> C; typedef int P; P a2[] = { P(10), P(20), P(30), P(40), P(50), P(60), P(70), P(80) }; C c1(0, Hash(1), Compare(1), Alloc()); C c2(std::begin(a2), std::end(a2), 0, Hash(2), Compare(2), Alloc()); c2.max_load_factor(2); swap(c1, c2); assert(c1.bucket_count() >= 8); assert(c1.size() == 8); assert(*c1.find(10) == 10); assert(*c1.find(20) == 20); assert(*c1.find(30) == 30); assert(*c1.find(40) == 40); assert(*c1.find(50) == 50); assert(*c1.find(60) == 60); assert(*c1.find(70) == 70); assert(*c1.find(80) == 80); assert(c1.hash_function() == Hash(2)); assert(c1.key_eq() == Compare(2)); assert(c1.get_allocator() == Alloc()); assert(static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(c1.begin(), c1.end())) == c1.size()); assert(static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(c1.cbegin(), c1.cend())) == c1.size()); assert(c1.max_load_factor() == 2); LIBCPP_ASSERT(c2.bucket_count() == 0); assert(c2.size() == 0); assert(c2.hash_function() == Hash(1)); assert(c2.key_eq() == Compare(1)); assert(c2.get_allocator() == Alloc()); assert(static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(c2.begin(), c2.end())) == c2.size()); assert(static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(c2.cbegin(), c2.cend())) == c2.size()); assert(c2.max_load_factor() == 1); } { typedef test_hash<std::hash<int> > Hash; typedef test_compare<std::equal_to<int> > Compare; typedef min_allocator<int> Alloc; typedef std::unordered_set<int, Hash, Compare, Alloc> C; typedef int P; P a1[] = { P(1), P(2), P(3), P(4), P(1), P(2) }; C c1(std::begin(a1), std::end(a1), 0, Hash(1), Compare(1), Alloc()); C c2(0, Hash(2), Compare(2), Alloc()); c2.max_load_factor(2); swap(c1, c2); LIBCPP_ASSERT(c1.bucket_count() == 0); assert(c1.size() == 0); assert(c1.hash_function() == Hash(2)); assert(c1.key_eq() == Compare(2)); assert(c1.get_allocator() == Alloc()); assert(static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(c1.begin(), c1.end())) == c1.size()); assert(static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(c1.cbegin(), c1.cend())) == c1.size()); assert(c1.max_load_factor() == 2); assert(c2.bucket_count() >= 4); assert(c2.size() == 4); assert(c2.count(1) == 1); assert(c2.count(2) == 1); assert(c2.count(3) == 1); assert(c2.count(4) == 1); assert(c2.hash_function() == Hash(1)); assert(c2.key_eq() == Compare(1)); assert(c2.get_allocator() == Alloc()); assert(static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(c2.begin(), c2.end())) == c2.size()); assert(static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(c2.cbegin(), c2.cend())) == c2.size()); assert(c2.max_load_factor() == 1); } { typedef test_hash<std::hash<int> > Hash; typedef test_compare<std::equal_to<int> > Compare; typedef min_allocator<int> Alloc; typedef std::unordered_set<int, Hash, Compare, Alloc> C; typedef int P; P a1[] = { P(1), P(2), P(3), P(4), P(1), P(2) }; P a2[] = { P(10), P(20), P(30), P(40), P(50), P(60), P(70), P(80) }; C c1(std::begin(a1), std::end(a1), 0, Hash(1), Compare(1), Alloc()); C c2(std::begin(a2), std::end(a2), 0, Hash(2), Compare(2), Alloc()); c2.max_load_factor(2); swap(c1, c2); assert(c1.bucket_count() >= 8); assert(c1.size() == 8); assert(*c1.find(10) == 10); assert(*c1.find(20) == 20); assert(*c1.find(30) == 30); assert(*c1.find(40) == 40); assert(*c1.find(50) == 50); assert(*c1.find(60) == 60); assert(*c1.find(70) == 70); assert(*c1.find(80) == 80); assert(c1.hash_function() == Hash(2)); assert(c1.key_eq() == Compare(2)); assert(c1.get_allocator() == Alloc()); assert(static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(c1.begin(), c1.end())) == c1.size()); assert(static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(c1.cbegin(), c1.cend())) == c1.size()); assert(c1.max_load_factor() == 2); assert(c2.bucket_count() >= 4); assert(c2.size() == 4); assert(c2.count(1) == 1); assert(c2.count(2) == 1); assert(c2.count(3) == 1); assert(c2.count(4) == 1); assert(c2.hash_function() == Hash(1)); assert(c2.key_eq() == Compare(1)); assert(c2.get_allocator() == Alloc()); assert(static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(c2.begin(), c2.end())) == c2.size()); assert(static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(c2.cbegin(), c2.cend())) == c2.size()); assert(c2.max_load_factor() == 1); } #endif }