예제 #1
static CYTHON_INLINE long mat_ZZ_LLL_U(struct ZZ **det, mat_ZZ *x, mat_ZZ *U, long a, long b, long verbose)
    *det = new ZZ();
    return LLL(**det,*x,*U,a,b,verbose);
예제 #2
  const LLLCtrl<Base<F>>& ctrl )
    if( z.Width() != 1 )
        LogicError("z was assumed to be a column vector");

    const Int n = z.Height();
    const Int m = n+1;

    Identity( B, m, n );
    auto bLastRow = B( IR(m-1), ALL );
    Transpose( z, bLastRow );
    Scale( NSqrt, bLastRow );

    Matrix<F> R;
    auto info = LLL( B, U, R, ctrl );

    return info.nullity;

#define PROTO(F) \
  template Int ZDependenceSearch \
  ( const Matrix<F>& z, \
          Base<F> NSqrt, \
          Matrix<F>& B, \
          Matrix<F>& U, \
    const LLLCtrl<Base<F>>& ctrl );

예제 #3
bool LatticeCoordinates
( const Matrix<F>& B,
  const Matrix<F>& y,
        Matrix<F>& x ) 
    typedef Base<F> Real;
    const Int m = B.Height();
    const Int n = B.Width();
    if( y.Height() != m || y.Width() != 1 )
        LogicError("y should have been an ",m," x 1 vector");

    if( FrobeniusNorm(y) == Real(0) )
        Zeros( x, n, 1 );
        return true;
    Matrix<F> BRed( B );
    Matrix<F> UB, RB;
    auto infoB = LLL( BRed, UB, RB );
    auto MB = BRed( ALL, IR(0,infoB.rank) );

    Matrix<F> A;
    Zeros( A, m, infoB.rank+1 );
        auto AL = A( ALL, IR(0,infoB.rank) ); 
        auto aR = A( ALL, IR(infoB.rank) );
        AL = MB;
        aR = y;
    // Reduce A in-place
    Matrix<F> UA, RA;
    auto infoA = LLL( A, UA, RA );
    if( infoA.nullity != 1 )
        return false;

    // Solve for x_M such that M_B x_M = y
    // NOTE: The last column of U_A should hold the coordinates of the single
    //       member of the null-space of (the original) A
    Matrix<F> xM;
    xM = UA( IR(0,infoA.rank), IR(infoB.rank) );
    const F gamma = UA(infoA.rank,infoB.rank);
    if( Abs(gamma) != Real(1) )
        LogicError("Invalid member of null space");
        xM *= -Conj(gamma);

    // Map xM back to the original coordinates using the portion of the 
    // unimodular transformation of B (U_B) which produced the image of B 
    auto UBM = UB( ALL, IR(0,infoB.rank) );
    Zeros( x, n, 1 );
    Gemv( NORMAL, F(1), UBM, xM, F(0), x );
    if( infoB.nullity != 0 )
        Matrix<F> C;
        Zeros( C, m, infoB.nullity+1 );
        auto cL = C( ALL, IR(infoB.rank-1) );
        auto CR = C( ALL, IR(infoB.rank,END) );

        // Reduce the kernel of B
        CR = UB( ALL, IR(infoB.rank,END) );
        LLL( CR );

        // Attempt to reduce the (reduced) kernel out of the coordinates
        // TODO: Which column to grab from the result?!?
        cL = x;
        LLL( C );
        x = cL;

    return true;
예제 #4
파일: LLL.c 프로젝트: Macaulay2/Singular
long LatticeSolve(vec_ZZ& x, const mat_ZZ& A, const vec_ZZ& y, long reduce)
   long n = A.NumRows();
   long m = A.NumCols();

   if (y.length() != m)
      Error("LatticeSolve: dimension mismatch");

   if (reduce < 0 || reduce > 2)
      Error("LatticeSolve: bad reduce parameter");

   if (IsZero(y)) {
      return 1;

   mat_ZZ A1, U1;
   ZZ det2;
   long im_rank, ker_rank;

   A1 = A;

   im_rank = image(det2, A1, U1);
   ker_rank = n - im_rank;

   mat_ZZ A2, U2;
   long new_rank;
   long i;

   A2.SetDims(im_rank + 1, m);
   for (i = 1; i <= im_rank; i++)
      A2(i) = A1(ker_rank + i);

   A2(im_rank + 1) = y;

   new_rank = image(det2, A2, U2);

   if (new_rank != im_rank ||
      (U2(1)(im_rank+1) != 1  && U2(1)(im_rank+1) != -1))
      return 0;

   vec_ZZ x1;

   for (i = 1; i <= im_rank; i++)
      x1(i) = U2(1)(i);

   if (U2(1)(im_rank+1) == 1)
      negate(x1, x1);

   vec_ZZ x2, tmp;

   for (i = 1; i <= im_rank; i++) {
      mul(tmp, U1(ker_rank+i), x1(i));
      add(x2, x2, tmp);

   if (reduce == 0) {
      x = x2;
      return 1;
   else if (reduce == 1) {
      U1.SetDims(ker_rank+1, n);
      U1(ker_rank+1) = x2;
      image(det2, U1);

      x = U1(ker_rank + 1);
      return 1;
   else if (reduce == 2) {
      U1.SetDims(ker_rank, n);
      LLL(det2, U1);
      U1.SetDims(ker_rank+1, n);
      U1(ker_rank+1) = x2;
      image(det2, U1);

      x = U1(ker_rank + 1);
      return 1;

   return 0;