예제 #1
LM_EventCaptureCheck(MWContext * context, uint32 current_event) {

    if (context->event_bit & current_event)
	return TRUE;
    if (context->grid_parent)
	return LM_EventCaptureCheck(context->grid_parent, current_event);
    return FALSE;
예제 #2
// If the user has hit return load the url
// Otherwise pass the key on to the base library
void CNetscapeEdit::OnChar(UINT nChar, UINT nCnt, UINT nFlags)
    BOOL bJsWantsEvent = m_Form->event_handler_present ||

    // Check if we generated this event.  If so, the base.  If not, call JS
    if (m_callBase || !bJsWantsEvent) {

	if(nChar == '\r') {	   // the user hit return

#ifdef DEBUG
        if(!m_bOnCreateCalled) {
            TRACE("Bug 88020 still present\n");
#if defined (DEBUG_blythe) || defined(DEBUG_ftang) || defined(DEBUG_bstell) || defined(DEBUG_nhotta) || defined(DEBUG_jliu)

	    if(m_Submit) { // if we are the only element, return == submit

		// if the text is different throw out the old text and add the
		//   new text into the layout structure

		// we are about to submit so tell libmocha about it first
		//   do the submit in our closure if libmocha says its OK
		JSEvent *event;
		event = XP_NEW_ZAP(JSEvent);
		event->type = EVENT_SUBMIT;
		event->layer_id = m_Form->layer_id;

		ET_SendEvent(m_Context, (LO_Element *)m_Form, event, 
			     edit_submit_closure, this);

	    else {

		// we aren't auto-submitting, but the user still hit return
		//   they prolly mean that we should check to see if we should
		//   send a change event
		if(!(GetStyle() & ES_MULTILINE))


        } // wasn't the return key
	// let the CGenericView to handle the Tab, to step through Form elements
	// and links, even links inside a form.
	if(nChar == VK_TAB) {
        // if the high order bit is set (i.e. its negative) the shift 
        //   key is being held down
        BOOL bShift = GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < 0 ? TRUE : FALSE;

        //  Determine our form element.
        if(m_Context)   {
            CFormElement *pMe = CFormElement::GetFormElement(ABSTRACTCX(m_Context), m_Form);
            if(pMe) {
                //  We're handling tabbing between form elements.
	CEdit::OnChar(nChar, nCnt, nFlags);
//#endif	/* NO_TAB_NAVIGATION */

	CEdit::OnChar(nChar, nCnt, nFlags);
	//If m_callBase is set, this event is a callback from a JS event and
	//we have to update the value of the edit field to reflect new values.
	if (bJsWantsEvent) {

    // Give the event to JS.  They'll call the base when they get back.
    // Grab key events for this layer's parent.
    CL_GrabKeyEvents(m_Context->compositor, CL_GetLayerParent(m_Form->layer));

     * If there's a compositor and someone has keyboard focus.
     * Note that if noone has event focus, we don't really need
     * to dispatch the event.
    if (m_Context->compositor && 
        !CL_IsKeyEventGrabber(m_Context->compositor, NULL)) {
        CL_Event event;
        fe_EventStruct fe_event;

	fe_event.fe_modifiers = nCnt;	    
	fe_event.nChar = nChar;	    
	fe_event.uFlags = nFlags;
	fe_event.x = 1;

        event.type = CL_EVENT_KEY_DOWN;
        event.which = nChar;
	event.fe_event = (void *)&fe_event;
	event.fe_event_size = sizeof(fe_EventStruct);
        event.modifiers = (GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < 0 ? EVENT_SHIFT_MASK : 0) 
			| (GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) < 0 ? EVENT_CONTROL_MASK : 0) 
			| (GetKeyState(VK_MENU) < 0 ? EVENT_ALT_MASK : 0); 
        event.x = CL_GetLayerXOrigin(m_Form->layer);
        event.y = CL_GetLayerYOrigin(m_Form->layer);
	event.data = nFlags>>14 & 1;//Bit represeting key repetition

        CL_DispatchEvent(m_Context->compositor, &event);