static void CloseDatabase(AirspaceDBType *db) { LOGENTRY; if (db->external) { LOGTAG("Closing external"); DBRecordFree(db->lat1Idx); DBRecordFree(db->lon1Idx); DBRecordFree(db->lat3Idx); DBRecordFree(db->lon3Idx); DBRecordFree(db->typeIdx); PFCloseFile(db->extDB); } else { LOGTAG("Closing internal"); DBRecordFree(db->lat1Idx); DBRecordFree(db->lon1Idx); DBRecordFree(db->lat3Idx); DBRecordFree(db->lon3Idx); DBRecordFree(db->typeIdx); DBClose(db->intDB); } PFMemFree(db); LOGEXIT; }
static Boolean AsImportDB(PFFileRef f, const char *dbname, UInt32 dbType, void (*cb)(const char *)) { DmOpenRef db; UInt16 j; UInt16 numRecords; LOGENTRY; LOGSTR(dbname); LOGINT32(dbType); db = DBOpen(dbname, false, true); ModErrThrowIf(!db); LOGLINE; /* * purge any existing records * */ numRecords = DBGetNumRecords(db); LOGINT16(numRecords); if (numRecords) { (*cb)(StrPurgingDatabase); DBClose(db); DBDelete(dbname); db = DBOpen(dbname, false, true); } /* * dimension new database. * * 5 index records * */ LOGLINE; (*cb)(StrCreatingdatabaseStructure); for (j=0;j<lastIdxRec;j++) { UInt16 recnum = DBNewRecord; (void)DBRecordCreate(db, recnum, NULL, 1); } /* * import records from file * */ ErrTry { LOGINT16(numRecords); for (j=0;;j++) { AirspaceType *as; UInt16 recNum = j+lastIdxRec; // skip past db headers Int16 lat1, lon1, lat3, lon3; LOGTAG("Adding:"); LOGINT16(j); as = ImportRecord(f, &lat1, &lon1, &lat3, &lon3, cb); if (as == NULL) { LOGTAG("End of file mark"); break; } LOGINT16(PFMallocSize(as)); /* * add record to the database * */ (void)DBRecordCreate(db, recNum, as, PFMallocSize(as)); LOGTAG("Bounds:"); LOGINT16(lat1); LOGINT16(lon1); LOGINT16(lat3); LOGINT16(lon3); /* * store bounding coordinates and airspace type * */ AddIntToRecord(db, lat1IdxRec, lat1); AddIntToRecord(db, lon1IdxRec, lon1); AddIntToRecord(db, lat3IdxRec, lat3); AddIntToRecord(db, lon3IdxRec, lon3); AddIntToRecord(db, typeIdxRec, as->type); PFMemFree(as); } } ErrCatch(errNo) { (*cb)(StrErrorDetectedPurgingDatabase); DBClose(db); DBDelete(dbname); errNo = 0; return false; } ErrEndCatch; DBClose(db); LOGEXIT; return true; }
static AirspaceDBType *OpenDatabase(char *intName) { AirspaceDBType *db = PFMalloc(sizeof(AirspaceDBType)); char extName[64]; ModErrThrowIf(!db); /* * check for external database first * */ StrPrintF(extName, "/PALM/Launcher/%s.pdb", intName); if ((db->extDB = PFOpenFile(extName, pfFileReadOnly))) { LOGTAG("External airspace"); db->numRecords = DBFGetNumRecords(db->extDB) - lastIdxRec; if (db->numRecords > 0) { db->lat1Idx = DBFRecordGet(db->extDB, lat1IdxRec, false); db->lon1Idx = DBFRecordGet(db->extDB, lon1IdxRec, false); db->lat3Idx = DBFRecordGet(db->extDB, lat3IdxRec, false); db->lon3Idx = DBFRecordGet(db->extDB, lon3IdxRec, false); db->typeIdx = DBFRecordGet(db->extDB, typeIdxRec, false); } else { PFCloseFile(db->extDB); } db->external = true; } else { /* * check internal... * */ LOGTAG("Internal airspace"); db->external = false; db->intDB = DBOpen(intName, false, true); db->numRecords = DBGetNumRecords(db->intDB) - lastIdxRec; if (db->numRecords > 0) { db->lat1Idx = DBRecordGet(db->intDB, lat1IdxRec, false); db->lon1Idx = DBRecordGet(db->intDB, lon1IdxRec, false); db->lat3Idx = DBRecordGet(db->intDB, lat3IdxRec, false); db->lon3Idx = DBRecordGet(db->intDB, lon3IdxRec, false); db->typeIdx = DBRecordGet(db->intDB, typeIdxRec, false); } else { DBClose(db->intDB); } } LOGINT16(db->numRecords); if (db->numRecords < 1) { PFMemFree(db); db = NULL; } return db; }
static AirspaceType *ImportRecord(PFFileRef f, Int16 *lat1, Int16 *lon1, Int16 *lat3, Int16 *lon3, void (*cb)(const char *)) { char line[256], name[256]; char *description = PFMalloc(4096); char *segStr = PFMalloc(2400); Int16 segCount; AirspaceType *as = PFMalloc(2400+2400*sizeof(LineSegmentType)); void *segStart = PFMalloc(2400*sizeof(LineSegmentType)); void *segPtr = segStart; void *writePtr; double blat1, blon1, blat2, blon2; LOGENTRY; ModErrThrowIf(!description); ModErrThrowIf(!segStr); ModErrThrowIf(!as); ModErrThrowIf(!segStart); /* * type & class: * * A-G = class A to G * * S[ADMPRTW]= Special Use (SUAS) * * W[LHB] = Airway, (L)ow level, (H)igh level or Both * * O= Other * */ if (!PFReadLine(f,line)) { PFMemFree(as); PFMemFree(description); PFMemFree(segStart); PFMemFree(segStr); LOGEXIT; return NULL; } switch (line[0]) { case 'A': as->type = asTypeClassA; break; case 'B': as->type = asTypeClassB;break; case 'C': as->type = asTypeClassC;break; case 'D': as->type = asTypeClassD;break; case 'E': as->type = asTypeClassE;break; case 'F': as->type = asTypeClassF;break; case 'G': as->type = asTypeClassG;break; case 'S': switch (line[1]) { case 'A': as->type = suasAlert; break; case 'D': as->type = suasDanger; break; case 'M': as->type = suasMoa; break; case 'P': as->type = suasProhibited; break; case 'R': as->type = suasRestricted; break; case 'T': as->type = suasTra; break; case 'W': as->type = suasWarning; break; } as->type |= asTypeSUAS; break; case 'W': switch(line[1]) { case 'L': as->type = asTypeLowAirway; break; case 'H': as->type = asTypeHighAirway; break; case 'B': as->type = asTypeHighAirway | asTypeLowAirway; break; default:ErrThrow(113); break; } break; case 'O': as->type = asTypeOther; break; default: ErrThrow(114); break; } LOGINT16(as->type); /* * name * */ PFReadLine(f, line); StrCopy(name, line); (*cb)(name); /* * description * */ *description = 0; while (line[0] != '-') { StrCat(description, line); StrCat(description, "\n"); PFReadLine(f, line); LOGSTR(line); } /* * frequency or RNP * */ PFReadLine(f,line); if (as->type & asTypeAirway) { as->extra = StrAToI(line); } else { as->extra = (StrAToI(line)*256+StrAToI(&line[4])); } LOGINT16(as->extra); /* * lower & upper altitude * */ PFReadLine(f,line); ImportAltitude(line, &as->lowerAltRef, &as->lowerAlt); PFReadLine(f,line); ImportAltitude(line, &as->upperAltRef, &as->upperAlt); LOGINT16(as->lowerAlt); LOGINT16(as->upperAlt); /* * boundary segments follow: * * L = Line: * * L<lat> <lon> * * A = Arc: * * A[LR]<lat2> <lon2> <lat3> <lon3> <lat1> <lon1> * * (L=left arc, R=right arc) * * (point 1 is centre, 2 and 3 are start and end points) * * C = Circle: * * C<lat> <lon> <radius> * * segStr is built and the bounding limits of the airspace (blat1 etc) * are updated as the segments are read and processed * */ blat1 = -PI/2; blon1 = -PI; blat2 = PI/2; blon2 = PI; segCount = 0; PFReadLine(f,line); while (line[0] != 'X') { const char *s = line+1; if (line[0] == 'L') { LineSegmentType l; double lat, lon; lat = StrToDouble(s); = DEG_TO_INT32(lat); SKIP_FIELD(s); lon = 0-StrToDouble(s); l.lon = DEG_TO_INT32(lon); //LOGINT32(; LOGINT32(l.lon); segStr[segCount] = 'l'; *(LineSegmentType*)segPtr = l; segPtr += sizeof(LineSegmentType); blat1 = MAX(blat1, DEG_TO_RAD(lat)); blon1 = MAX(blon1, DEG_TO_RAD(lon)); blat2 = MIN(blat2, DEG_TO_RAD(lat)); blon2 = MIN(blon2, DEG_TO_RAD(lon)); } else if (line[0] == 'A') { double lat1, lon1; double lat2, lon2; double lat3, lon3; double radius,bearing; ArcSegmentType ar; s+=1; /* * end points * */ lat2 = DEG_TO_RAD(StrToDouble(s)); SKIP_FIELD(s); lon2 = 0-DEG_TO_RAD(StrToDouble(s)); SKIP_FIELD(s); lat3 = DEG_TO_RAD(StrToDouble(s)); SKIP_FIELD(s); lon3 = 0-DEG_TO_RAD(StrToDouble(s)); /* * centre * */ SKIP_FIELD(s); lat1 = DEG_TO_RAD(StrToDouble(s)); SKIP_FIELD(s); lon1 = 0-DEG_TO_RAD(StrToDouble(s)); = RAD_TO_INT32(lat1); ar.lon = RAD_TO_INT32(lon1); /* * note to self: * * Because 0 < bearing < 2*PI (check AvCalcs), * RAD_TO_INT16(bearing) can return under/overflow Int16 but * luckily it doesn't matter - only under PalmOS though! Under * CygWin it definetely needs handling. * * During the porting process, this should be addressed * */ bearing = AvCalcGreatCircleCourse(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, &radius); ar.radius = RAD_TO_INT32(radius); ar.start = RAD_TO_INT16(bearing); bearing = AvCalcGreatCircleCourse(lat1, lon1, lat3, lon3, &radius); ar.end = RAD_TO_INT16(bearing); if (line[1] == 'L') ar.radius = -ar.radius; //LOGINT32(ar.radius); //LOGINT16(ar.start); //LOGINT16(ar.end); segStr[segCount] = 'a'; *(ArcSegmentType*)segPtr = ar; segPtr += sizeof(ArcSegmentType); /* * assume arc is a complete circle, and calculate * bounding box accordingly * * latitude limits are easy - just add the * radian-radius, and limit the max to +-90 degrees * */ blat1 = MAX(blat1, MIN(PI/2, lat1+radius)); blat2 = MIN(blat2, MAX(-PI/2,lat1-radius)); /* * longitude is more complicated, as it needs to wrap * around. * * scale the radius according to our latitude * * remember west is +ve!!! * * Wrap around at 180deg W/E * */ radius /= cos(lat1); lon1 += radius; if (lon1 > PI) lon1 -= 2*PI; blon1 = MAX(blon1, lon1); blon2 = MIN(blon2, lon1); lon1 -= 2*radius; if (lon1 < -PI) lon1 += 2*PI; blon1 = MAX(blon1, lon1); blon2 = MIN(blon2, lon1); } else if (line[0] == 'C') { double lat1, lon1; double radius; ArcSegmentType ar; /* * centre * */ lat1 = DEG_TO_RAD(StrToDouble(s)); SKIP_FIELD(s); lon1 = 0-DEG_TO_RAD(StrToDouble(s)); = RAD_TO_INT32(lat1); ar.lon = RAD_TO_INT32(lon1); /* * radius in nm * */ SKIP_FIELD(s); radius = NM_TO_RAD(StrToDouble(s)); ar.radius = RAD_TO_INT32(radius); ar.start = 0; ar.end = 0; //LOGINT32(;LOGINT32(ar.lon); //LOGINT32(ar.radius); segStr[segCount] = 'a'; *(ArcSegmentType*)segPtr = ar; segPtr += sizeof(ArcSegmentType); /* * latitude limits are easy - just add the * radian-radius, and limit the max to +-90 degrees * */ blat1 = MAX(blat1, MIN(PI/2, lat1+radius)); blat2 = MIN(blat2, MAX(-PI/2,lat1-radius)); /* * longitude is more complicated, as it needs to wrap * around. * * scale the radius according to our latitude * * remember west is +ve!!! * * Wrap around at 180deg W/E * */ radius /= cos(lat1); lon1 += radius; if (lon1 > PI) lon1 -= 2*PI; blon1 = MAX(blon1, lon1); blon2 = MIN(blon2, lon1); lon1 -= 2*radius; if (lon1 < -PI) lon1 += 2*PI; blon1 = MAX(blon1, lon1); blon2 = MIN(blon2, lon1); } segCount++; PFReadLine(f,line); } segStr[segCount] = 0; LOGINT16(segPtr - segStart); /* * adjust length of strings so that the segment records * start on an even byte boundary * */ if ( (segCount+1 + StrLen(description) + 1) & 1 ) { LOGTAG("Adjusting length"); StrCat(description,"\n"); } /* * add the segment string, name, auth and segment records to the * airspace record * */ LOGLINE; writePtr = (void*)&as->segmentCode; PFMemMove(writePtr, segStr, segCount+1); writePtr += segCount+1; PFMemMove(writePtr, description, StrLen(description)+1); writePtr += StrLen(description)+1; PFMemMove(writePtr, segStart, segPtr - segStart); writePtr += segPtr - segStart; LOGSTR(GetStringFromList(as->segmentCode,1)); PFMallocResize(as, writePtr-(void*)as); LOGINT16(PFMallocSize(as)); /* * adjust the longitude limits if the span is > 180 degrees by * swapping lon1 and lon2 around * */ if (fabs(blon1 - blon2) > PI) { double tmp = blon1; blon1 = blon2; blon2 = tmp; } *lat1 = RAD_TO_INT16(blat1); *lon1 = RAD_TO_INT16(blon1); *lat3 = RAD_TO_INT16(blat2); *lon3 = RAD_TO_INT16(blon2); PFMemFree(description); PFMemFree(segStart); PFMemFree(segStr); LOGEXIT; return as; }
AutoPtr< ArrayOf<String> > NativeDaemonEvent::UnescapeArgs( /* [in] */ const String& rawEvent) { Boolean DEBUG_ROUTINE = FALSE; String LOGTAG("unescapeArgs"); List<String> parsed; Int32 length = rawEvent.GetLength(); Int32 current = 0; Int32 wordEnd = -1; Boolean quoted = FALSE; // if (DEBUG_ROUTINE) Slog.e(LOGTAG, "parsing '" + rawEvent + "'"); if (rawEvent.GetChar(current) == '\"') { quoted = TRUE; current++; } while (current < length) { // find the end of the word char terminator = quoted ? '\"' : ' '; wordEnd = current; while (wordEnd < length && rawEvent.GetChar(wordEnd) != terminator) { if (rawEvent.GetChar(wordEnd) == '\\') { // skip the escaped char ++wordEnd; } ++wordEnd; } if (wordEnd > length) wordEnd = length; String word = rawEvent.Substring(current, wordEnd); current += word.GetLength(); if (!quoted) { word = word.Trim(); } else { current++; // skip the trailing quote } // unescape stuff within the word String w; StringUtils::ReplaceAll(word, String("\\\\"), String("\\"), &w); StringUtils::ReplaceAll(w, String("\\\""), String("\""), &word); // if (DEBUG_ROUTINE) Slog.e(LOGTAG, "found '" + word + "'"); parsed.PushBack(word); // find the beginning of the next word - either of these options Int32 nextSpace = rawEvent.IndexOf(' ', current); Int32 nextQuote = rawEvent.IndexOf(" \"", current); if (DEBUG_ROUTINE) { // Slog.e(LOGTAG, "nextSpace=" + nextSpace + ", nextQuote=" + nextQuote); } if (nextQuote > -1 && nextQuote <= nextSpace) { quoted = TRUE; current = nextQuote + 2; } else { quoted = FALSE; if (nextSpace > -1) { current = nextSpace + 1; } } // else we just start the next word after the current and read til the end if (DEBUG_ROUTINE) { // Slog.e(LOGTAG, "next loop - current=" + current + // ", length=" + length + ", quoted=" + quoted); } } AutoPtr< ArrayOf<String> > parsedArray = ArrayOf<String>::Alloc(parsed.GetSize()); List<String>::Iterator it; Int32 i; for (it = parsed.Begin(), i = 0; it != parsed.End(); ++it, i++) { (*parsedArray)[i] = *it; } return parsedArray; }
void AlarmSetCondition(MessageDialogDataType *md, AlarmLevelType level) { Int16 j; /* * check existing alarms * */ LOGENTRY; for (j=0; j< numAlarms; j++) { if (StrCompare(md->message, alarm[j].data->message) == 0) { /* * found the same alarm, check if it's being cleared or if we should * increase the alarm level * */ LOGTAG("Found existing alarm"); LOGSTR(alarm[j].data->message); if (level == alarmOff) { /* * clear the alarm * */ ClearAlarm(j); MessageDialogDataFree(md); LOGEXIT; return; } /* * increase alarm level? * */ if (alarm[j].level < level) { alarm[j].level = level; alarm[j].time = PFGetSeconds(); alarm[j].returnedCounter = MAX_RETURNS; } MessageDialogDataFree(md); LOGEXIT; return; } } /* * the code above should have removed the existing alarm condition * if level == alarmOff, so just return from here * */ if (level == alarmOff) { MessageDialogDataFree(md); LOGEXIT; return; } /* * new alarm * */ ModErrThrowIf(numAlarms == MAX_ALARMS); alarm[numAlarms].level = level; alarm[numAlarms].data = md; alarm[numAlarms].ack = false; alarm[numAlarms].time = PFGetSeconds(); alarm[numAlarms].returnedCounter = MAX_RETURNS; numAlarms++; LOGEXIT; }
/* * function : ScanForWaypoints * * Scans for proximity waypoints. maxTicks specifies how long we're allowed * to run for. If stopOnEvent is true then an event in the PalmOS event * queue can interrupt the scan. * * Returns true if the scan reached the end of its cycle * */ static Boolean ScanForWaypoints(UInt16 maxTicks, Boolean stopOnEvent) { UInt32 startTime = PFGetTicks(); Waypoint *wp; double wpRange; double wpBearing, wpBearingFrom; double maxRange; UInt16 j; UInt16 runwayIcon = 0; static UInt32 lastScanTime; Int16 numScanned = 0; ShortWaypointType *swp; /* * scan state machine controls what we should do: * * scanning - obvious really! * * waiting - waiting for 8 seconds between scans * * starting - ready to start a new scan * */ LOGENTRY; if (scanState == waiting) { if (PFTimerHasExpired(lastScanTime, PFTicksPerSecond()*8)) { scanState = starting; } } if (scanState == starting) { newProxList->numWaypoints = 0; LOGTAG("Scan starting"); search = WDMInitProxScan(WPDataset, GPS.posn.lat32, GPS.posn.lon32, FMDS.noObstacles, searchMask); /* * No waypoints to search * */ if (!search) { scanState = waiting; lastScanTime=PFGetTicks(); LOGEXIT; return true; } scanState = scanning; } if (scanState != scanning) { LOGEXIT; return false; } /* * determine how far out we should look from current position. If all * of the prox lists are full then the max we should look is not beyond * the furthest waypoint, otherwise we default to 3000 nm. * */ if (newProxList->numWaypoints == MAX_PROXWAYPOINTS) { maxRange = newProxList->waypoints[MAX_PROXWAYPOINTS-1].range; } else { if (searchString[0] == 0) { maxRange = 3000.0/NM_PER_RADIAN; } else { /* * search string specified - search entire database * */ maxRange = 0.0; } } do { //LOGINT16((Int16) (maxRange*NM_PER_RADIAN)); //LOGINT32(RAD_TO_INT32(maxRange)); swp = WDMGetProxWaypoint(search, RAD_TO_INT32(maxRange)); if (swp == NULL) { /* * end of scanning cycle * */ LOGTAG("EOScan"); LOGINT16(numScanned); WDMFreeSearch(search); search = NULL; if (newProxList == &proxList) { newProxList = PFMalloc(sizeof(*newProxList)); } else { PFMemMove(&proxList, newProxList, sizeof(*newProxList)); } scanState = waiting; lastScanTime=PFGetTicks(); LOGEXIT; return true; } numScanned++; //LOGTAG("Considering:"); //LOGSTR(wp->ident); /* * discard based on ident-search * */ if (searchString[0] && identOnly) { char ident[6]; StrNCopy(ident, swp->extra, sizeof(ident)-1); ident[sizeof(ident)-1] = 0; if (StrNCaselessCompare(ident, searchString, StrLen(searchString)) != 0) { continue; } } wp = WDMGetWaypoint(WPDataset, swp->wpId); /* * discard based on search string * */ if (searchString[0]) { char s[20], d[100]; char *subStr; StrToLower(d, wp->ident); StrToLower(s, searchString); subStr = StrStr(d,s); /* if (identOnly && subStr != d) { PFMemFree((void*)wp); continue; } */ if (!subStr) { StrToLower(d, GetStringFromList(wp->ident,1)); if (!StrStr(d,s)) { PFMemFree(wp); continue; } } } /* * runway surface and dimension checks - discard any airfield * that doesn't meet these criteria * * NB We don't discard a waypoint based on runway dimensions * if a search string is specified. * */ if ( WDMGetWaypointType(wp) & wpAllAirfields ) { CpRunwayInfoType *runways; UInt16 numRunways; Boolean found = false; runways = CpGetRunwayInfo(GetStringFromList(wp->ident,2),&numRunways); if (runways) { UInt16 k; /* * there are 8 icons for the runways, to represent 180 * degrees, which gives 22.5 degrees of coverage per * icon. Quadrupling everything allows us to use whole * numbers for the calculation. * */ runwayIcon = ((runways[0].heading*10 + 5)*4 + 45) / 90; WRAPMAX(runwayIcon, 7); for (k=0;k<numRunways && runways[k].length >= Preferences.runwayLength;k++) { /* * if this runway's width and surface are appropriate, then * we'll use it's heading to determine which icon to * display * */ if (runways[k].width >= Preferences.runwayWidth && ( Preferences.runwaySurface == surfEither || ((Preferences.runwaySurface == surfHard && runways[k].hardSurface) || (Preferences.runwaySurface == surfGrass && !runways[k].hardSurface)))) { runwayIcon = ((runways[0].heading*10 + 5)*4 + 45) / 90; WRAPMAX(runwayIcon, 7); found = true; break; } } PFMemFree(runways); } else { runwayIcon = 8; if (Preferences.runwayWidth == 0 && Preferences.runwayLength == 0) found = true; } /* * NB We don't discard a waypoint based on runway dimensions if a * search string is specified. * */ if (!found && !searchString[0] && displayFilter != all) { /* * discard * */ PFMemFree(wp); continue; } } wpBearingFrom = AvCalcGreatCircleCourse(wp->latitude, wp->longitude, GPS.posn.latitude, GPS.posn.longitude, &wpRange); wpBearing = AvCalcGreatCircleCourse(GPS.posn.latitude, GPS.posn.longitude, wp->latitude, wp->longitude, &wpRange); /* * if we're using magnetic headings, convert the bearing * to use local magnetic variation * */ if (Preferences.useMagnetic) { wpBearing += DEG_TO_RAD((double)GPS.posn.magVarn); wpBearingFrom += wp->magVar; WRAPMAX(wpBearing,2*PI); WRAPMAX(wpBearingFrom,2*PI); } /* * look for the insertion position if necessary * */ if (newProxList->numWaypoints > 0) { /* * it's a good idea to look backwards through this * list, as waypoints are most likely to be added * at the end * */ for (j=newProxList->numWaypoints;j>0 && wpRange < newProxList->waypoints[j-1].range;j--); /* * if this triggers then we haven't found a place to * insert the waypoint - its range is beyond that of * the last waypoint in the list * */ if(j==newProxList->numWaypoints && newProxList->numWaypoints==MAX_PROXWAYPOINTS) { PFMemFree(wp); continue; } } else { j = 0; } /* * j is pointing to the insertion position * * Don't bother shuffling other records if we're adding to the * end of the list * */ if (j<newProxList->numWaypoints) { /* * move the waypoints down the list , set the change * flag to mark them as having been updated. * */ PFMemMove(&newProxList->waypoints[j+1], &newProxList->waypoints[j], sizeof(ProxWaypointType)*(MAX_PROXWAYPOINTS-1-j)); } LOGTAG("Adding:"); LOGSTR(wp->ident); newProxList->waypoints[j].id=swp->wpId; newProxList->waypoints[j].type=WDMGetWaypointType(wp); newProxList->waypoints[j].range=wpRange; newProxList->waypoints[j].bearing=(Int16) round(RAD_TO_DEG(wpBearing)); newProxList->waypoints[j].bearingFrom=(Int16) round(RAD_TO_DEG(wpBearingFrom)); newProxList->waypoints[j].runwayIcon = runwayIcon; StrCopy(newProxList->waypoints[j].ident,wp->ident); StrNCopy(newProxList->waypoints[j].name, GetStringFromList(wp->ident,1), MAX_NAMECHARS-1); newProxList->waypoints[j].name[MAX_NAMECHARS-1] = 0; if (newProxList->numWaypoints<MAX_PROXWAYPOINTS) { /* * we haven't filled the list, so this waypoint *must* * be a new entry in the list. * */ newProxList->numWaypoints++; } PFMemFree(wp); } while (!(stopOnEvent && PFEventAvailable()) && !PFTimerHasExpired(startTime, maxTicks)); LOGINT16(numScanned); LOGEXIT; return false; }
/* * function : DiversionFormHandleEvent * * Handles all events directed at the form. * * Returns true if the event is handled */ Boolean DiversionFormHandleEvent(EventPtr event) { Boolean handled = false; char *alphaInput; switch (PFEventGetType(event)) { case frmOpenEvent: DiversionFormInit(); GUIFormResize(false, false); UpdateDisplay(); handled = true; break; case winDisplayChangedEvent: if (GUIFormResize(false, false)) UpdateDisplay(); handled = true; break; case evtGPSFix: case evtGPSFixLost: case evtGPSPositionUpdate: case nilEvent: /* * turn scanning on/off according to state of GPS * */ if (GPSState) { if ( (scanState != disabled && GPS.sat.fixType < 2) || (scanState == disabled && GPS.sat.fixType > 1)) { ResetScan(); if (!GUIMenuIsDisplayed()) UpdateDisplay(); } else if (GUIFieldIsDirty(DvSearchStr)) { LOGTAG("Dirty field"); GUIFieldClean(DvSearchStr); ResetScan(); if (!GUIMenuIsDisplayed()) UpdateDisplay(); } else if (scanState != disabled) { /* * update the display if the scan is completed or while * we're still searching * */ // if (ScanForWaypoints(PFTicksPerSecond()*3/4,true) || newProxList == &proxList) (void)ScanForWaypoints(PFTicksPerSecond()*3/4,true); if (!GUIMenuIsDisplayed()) UpdateDisplay(); } } else { /* * if (FpIsBlank(FlightPlan)) { * * GUIObjectHide( MapPanToWaypointButton); * * } * * No GPS on, we're using our reference position * */ if (ScanForWaypoints(PFTicksPerSecond()*3/4,true) || newProxList == &proxList) if (!GUIMenuIsDisplayed()) UpdateDisplay(); } handled = true; break; case keyDownEvent: handled = HandleKeyEvent(event); break; case menuEvent: switch (PFEventGetMenuID(event)) { case MnDivertEmergency: GUIFormGoto(MapForm); handled = true; break; case MnInformation: if (selectedWaypointID != UNSELECTED) { /* * waypoint is locked here, but will be unlocked by * the WPInfoDialog * */ WPInfoSetWaypointInfo(selectedWaypointID); GUIFormPopup(WPInfoDialog); } handled = true; break; } break; case ctlSelectEvent: handled = HandleCtlSelectEvent(event); break; case sclEnterEvent: case sclRepeatEvent: case sclExitEvent: handled = true; break; case penDownEvent: if (PFScreenPointInRectangle(PFEventGetX(event)*2, PFEventGetY(event)*2, &proxDisplayArea)) { handled = HandleProxSelectEvent(event); } break; case fldEnterEvent: AlphaPadDialogInit(GUIFieldGetText(DvSearchStr)); GUIFormPopup(AlphaPadDialog); handled = true; break; case evtAlphaInput: alphaInput = AlphaPadGetInput(); GUIFieldSetText(DvSearchStr, alphaInput, true); PFMemFree(alphaInput); ResetScan(); UpdateDisplay(); handled = true; break; case frmCloseEvent: DiversionFormDeInit(); handled = false; break; case evtWaypointInfoReq: /* * this is sent by the command popup dialog * */ default: break; } return handled; }