bool ShockerScriptableControlObject::HasProperty (NPIdentifier id) { char *name = Browser::Instance ()->UTF8FromIdentifier (id); bool res = false; res = !strcmp (name, "X") || !strcmp (name, "Y"); free (name); LOG_PLUGIN ("[%i shocker] ShockerScriptableControlObject::HasProperty (%s): %i\n", getpid (), name, res); return res; }
void ShockerScriptableControlObject::LogError (const NPVariant *args, uint32_t arg_count, NPVariant *result) { g_assert (arg_count == 1); g_assert (NPVARIANT_IS_STRING (args [0])); LOG_PLUGIN ("[%i shocker] ShockerScriptableControlObject::LogError ('%s')\n", getpid (), STR_FROM_VARIANT (args [0])); #if DEBUG_ERROR_GECKO == 1 findRealErrorOnStack (this); #endif GetLogProvider ()->LogError (STR_FROM_VARIANT (args [0])); BOOLEAN_TO_NPVARIANT (true, *result); }
void ShockerScriptableControlObject::MouseRightClick (const NPVariant *args, uint32_t arg_count, NPVariant *result) { unsigned int delay = 0; if (arg_count >= 1) { g_assert (NPVARIANT_IS_NUMBER (args [0])); delay = NUMBER_TO_INT32 (args [0]); } LOG_PLUGIN ("[%i shocker] ShockerScriptableControlObject::MouseRightClick (delay: %i)\n", getpid (), delay); GetInputProvider ()->MouseRightClick (delay); BOOLEAN_TO_NPVARIANT (true, *result); }
static int plugin_command_dispatch(struct command_base* cbase, struct hub_user* user, struct hub_command* cmd) { struct plugin_handle* plugin = (struct plugin_handle*) cmd->ptr; struct plugin_callback_data* data = get_callback_data(plugin); struct plugin_command_handle* cmdh; struct plugin_user* puser = (struct plugin_user*) user; // FIXME: Use a proper conversion function instead. struct plugin_command* pcommand = (struct plugin_command*) cmd; // FIXME: Use a proper conversion function instead. LOG_PLUGIN("plugin_command_dispatch: cmd=%s", cmd->prefix); LIST_FOREACH(struct plugin_command_handle*, cmdh, data->commands, { if (strcmp(cmdh->prefix, cmd->prefix) == 0) return cmdh->handler(plugin, puser, pcommand); });
static NPError Plugin_Destroy (NPP instance, NPSavedData** save) { LOG_PLUGIN ("[%i shocker] Plugin_Destroy destroying: %p\n", getpid (), instance->pdata); if(instance == NULL) return NPERR_INVALID_INSTANCE_ERROR; PluginObject* plugin = (PluginObject *) instance->pdata; if (plugin) { plugin->Shutdown (); delete plugin; } return NPERR_NO_ERROR; }
void plugin_close(struct uhub_plugin* plugin) { struct plugin_hub_internals* internals = (struct plugin_hub_internals*) plugin->internals; LOG_PLUGIN("plugin_close: \"%s\"", plugin->filename); plugin_callback_data_destroy(plugin->handle, internals->callback_data); hub_free(internals); plugin->internals = NULL; #ifdef HAVE_DLOPEN dlclose(plugin->handle); #else FreeLibrary((HMODULE) plugin->handle); #endif hub_free(plugin->filename); hub_free(plugin); }
void ShockerScriptableControlObject::SendKeyInput (const NPVariant *args, uint32_t arg_count, NPVariant *result) { g_assert (arg_count >= 4); g_assert (NPVARIANT_IS_NUMBER (args [0])); g_assert (NPVARIANT_IS_BOOLEAN (args [1])); g_assert (NPVARIANT_IS_BOOLEAN (args [2])); g_assert (NPVARIANT_IS_BOOLEAN (args [3])); LOG_PLUGIN ("[%i shocker] ShockerScriptableControlObject::SendKeyInput (key_code: %i, key_down: %i extended: %i, unicode: %i)\n", getpid (), NUMBER_TO_INT32 (args [0]), NPVARIANT_TO_BOOLEAN (args [1]), NPVARIANT_TO_BOOLEAN (args [2]), NPVARIANT_TO_BOOLEAN (args [3])); GetInputProvider ()->SendKeyInput (NUMBER_TO_INT32 (args [0]), NPVARIANT_TO_BOOLEAN (args [1]), NPVARIANT_TO_BOOLEAN (args [2]), NPVARIANT_TO_BOOLEAN (args [3])); BOOLEAN_TO_NPVARIANT (true, *result); }
static NPError Plugin_New (NPMIMEType type, NPP instance, guint16 mode, gint16 argc, char* argn[], char* argv[], NPSavedData* saved) { if(instance == NULL) return NPERR_INVALID_INSTANCE_ERROR; PluginObject* plugin = new PluginObject (instance, argc, argn, argv); if (!plugin) return NPERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR; instance->pdata = (void *) plugin; NPError rv = Browser::Instance ()->GetValue (instance, NPNVnetscapeWindow, (void *) &PluginObject::browser_app_context); LOG_PLUGIN ("[%i shocker] Plugin_New created: %p\n", getpid (), plugin); return rv; }
void ShockerScriptableControlObject::CaptureSingleImage (const NPVariant *args, uint32_t arg_count, NPVariant *result) { g_assert (arg_count == 6); g_assert (NPVARIANT_IS_STRING (args [0])); g_assert (NPVARIANT_IS_STRING (args [1])); g_assert (NPVARIANT_IS_NUMBER (args [2])); g_assert (NPVARIANT_IS_NUMBER (args [3])); g_assert (NPVARIANT_IS_NUMBER (args [4])); g_assert (NPVARIANT_IS_NUMBER (args [5])); LOG_PLUGIN ("[%i shocker] ShockerScriptableControlObject::CaptureSingleImage (image_dir: '%s', file_name: '%s', x: %i, y: %i, width: %i, height: %i)\n", getpid (), STR_FROM_VARIANT (args [0]), STR_FROM_VARIANT (args [1]), NUMBER_TO_INT32 (args [2]), NUMBER_TO_INT32 (args [3]), NUMBER_TO_INT32 (args [4]), NUMBER_TO_INT32 (args [5])); GetImageCaptureProvider ()->CaptureSingleImage (STR_FROM_VARIANT (args [0]), STR_FROM_VARIANT (args [1]), NUMBER_TO_INT32 (args [2]), NUMBER_TO_INT32 (args [3]), NUMBER_TO_INT32 (args [4]), NUMBER_TO_INT32 (args [5])); BOOLEAN_TO_NPVARIANT (true, *result); }
bool ShockerScriptableControlObject::GetProperty (NPIdentifier id, NPVariant *result) { char *name = Browser::Instance ()->UTF8FromIdentifier (id); bool res = false; PluginObject *plugin = GetPluginObject (); if (!strcmp (name, "X")) { INT32_TO_NPVARIANT (plugin->GetX (), *result); res = true; } else if (!strcmp (name, "Y")) { INT32_TO_NPVARIANT (plugin->GetY (), *result); res = true; } LOG_PLUGIN ("[%i shocker] ShockerScriptableControlObject::GetProperty (%s) x: %i, y: %i => %i\n", getpid (), name, plugin->GetX (), plugin->GetY (), res); return res; }
static int plugin_parse_line(char* line, int line_count, void* ptr_data) { struct hub_info* hub = (struct hub_info*) ptr_data; struct uhub_plugins* handle = hub->plugins; struct cfg_tokens* tokens = cfg_tokenize(line); struct plugin_handle* plugin; char *directive, *soname, *params; if (cfg_token_count(tokens) == 0) { cfg_tokens_free(tokens); return 0; } if (cfg_token_count(tokens) < 2) { cfg_tokens_free(tokens); return -1; } directive = cfg_token_get_first(tokens); soname = cfg_token_get_next(tokens); params = cfg_token_get_next(tokens); if (strcmp(directive, "plugin") == 0 && soname && *soname) { if (!params) params = ""; LOG_PLUGIN("Load plugin: \"%s\", params=\"%s\"", soname, params); plugin = plugin_load(soname, params, hub); if (plugin) { list_append(handle->loaded, plugin); cfg_tokens_free(tokens); return 0; } } cfg_tokens_free(tokens); return -1; }
bool ShockerScriptableObject::HasMethod (NPIdentifier id) { bool res = false; char *name = Browser::Instance ()->UTF8FromIdentifier (id); ShockerScriptableObjectMethod *method = GetMethods (); while (method->name) { if (!strcmp (name, method->name)) { res = true; break; } method++; } LOG_PLUGIN ("[%i shocker] %s::HasMethod (%s): %i\n", getpid (), GetTypeName (), name, res); free (name); return res; }
NPError NP_Initialize (NPNetscapeFuncs* mozilla_funcs, NPPluginFuncs* plugin_funcs) { LOG_PLUGIN ("[%i shocker] NP_Initialize\n", getpid ()); Dl_info dl_info; // Prevent firefox from unloading us if (dladdr ((void *) &NP_Initialize, &dl_info) != 0) { void *handle = dlopen (dl_info.dli_fname, RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_NOLOAD); if (handle == NULL) printf ("[%i shocker] tried to open a handle to, but: '%s' (rare crashes might occur).\n", getpid (), dlerror ()); } else { printf ("[%i shocker] could not get path of '%s' (rare crashes might occur).\n", getpid (), dlerror ()); } Browser_Initialize (mozilla_funcs); Plugin_Initialize (plugin_funcs); Shocker_Initialize (); return NPERR_NO_ERROR; }
void ShockerScriptableControlObject::CompareImages (const NPVariant *args, uint32_t arg_count, NPVariant *result) { guint8 res = false; g_assert (arg_count >= 5); g_assert (NPVARIANT_IS_STRING (args [0])); g_assert (NPVARIANT_IS_STRING (args [1])); g_assert (NPVARIANT_IS_NUMBER (args [2])); g_assert (NPVARIANT_IS_STRING (args [3])); g_assert (NPVARIANT_IS_BOOLEAN (args [4])); LOG_PLUGIN ("[%i shocker] ShockerScriptableControlObject::CompareImages (imageFile1: '%s', imageFile2: '%s', tolerance: %i, diffFileName: '%s', copySourceFiles: %i)\n", getpid (), STR_FROM_VARIANT (args [0]), STR_FROM_VARIANT (args [1]), NUMBER_TO_INT32 (args [2]), STR_FROM_VARIANT (args [3]), NPVARIANT_TO_BOOLEAN (args [4])); ::CompareImages (STR_FROM_VARIANT (args [0]), STR_FROM_VARIANT (args [1]), NUMBER_TO_INT32 (args [2]), STR_FROM_VARIANT (args [3]), NPVARIANT_TO_BOOLEAN (args [4]), &res); BOOLEAN_TO_NPVARIANT ((bool) res, *result); }
bool ShockerScriptableObject::Invoke (NPIdentifier id, const NPVariant *args, guint32 arg_count, NPVariant *result) { bool res = false; char *name = Browser::Instance ()->UTF8FromIdentifier (id); ShockerScriptableObjectMethod *method = GetMethods (); while (method->name) { if (!strcmp (name, method->name)) { scriptable_method m = method->Invoke; (this->*m) (args, arg_count, result); res = true; break; } method++; } LOG_PLUGIN ("[%i shocker] %s::Invoke (%s): %i\n", getpid (), GetTypeName (), name, res); free (name); return res; }
const char * ShockerScriptableControlObject::GetTestPath () { if (test_path == NULL) { NPVariant nplocation; NPVariant nppath; NPObject *window = NULL; NPIdentifier identifier = Browser::Instance ()->GetStringIdentifier ("location"); Browser::Instance ()->GetValue (instance, NPNVWindowNPObject, &window); Browser::Instance ()->GetProperty (instance, window, identifier, &nplocation); identifier = Browser::Instance ()->GetStringIdentifier ("pathname"); Browser::Instance ()->GetProperty (instance, NPVARIANT_TO_OBJECT (nplocation), identifier, &nppath); test_path = g_path_get_basename (STR_FROM_VARIANT (nppath)); } LOG_PLUGIN ("[%i shocker] ShockerScriptableControlObject::GetTestPath (): %s\n", getpid (), test_path); return test_path; }
bool RenderDataCapturerObject::GetProperty (NPIdentifier id, NPVariant *result) { LOG_PLUGIN ("[%i shocker] RenderDataCapturerObject::GetProperty (%s): nope\n", getpid (), Browser::Instance ()->UTF8FromIdentifier (id)); return false; }