예제 #1
 * @brief  Read LPS25HB output register, and calculate the raw pressure
 * @param  raw_press the pressure raw value
 * @retval PRESSURE_OK in case of success, an error code otherwise
static PRESSURE_StatusTypeDef LPS25HB_I2C_ReadRawPressure(uint32_t *raw_press)
    uint8_t buffer[3], i;
    uint32_t tempVal=0;
    uint8_t tmp = 0x00;
    if(LPS25HB_IO_Read(&tmp, LPS25HB_SlaveAddress, LPS25HB_CTRL_REG1_ADDR, 1) != PRESSURE_OK)
      return PRESSURE_ERROR;

    /* Output Data Rate selection */
    tmp &= (LPS25HB_ODR_MASK);
    if(tmp == 0x00)
      if(LPS25HB_IO_Read(&tmp, LPS25HB_SlaveAddress, LPS25HB_CTRL_REG2_ADDR, 1) != PRESSURE_OK)
        return PRESSURE_ERROR;

      /* Serial Interface Mode selection */
      tmp &= ~(LPS25HB_ONE_SHOT_MASK);
      tmp |= LPS25HB_ONE_SHOT_START;

      if(LPS25HB_IO_Write(&tmp, LPS25HB_SlaveAddress, LPS25HB_CTRL_REG2_ADDR, 1) != PRESSURE_OK)
        return PRESSURE_ERROR;
        if(LPS25HB_IO_Read(&tmp, LPS25HB_SlaveAddress, LPS25HB_STATUS_REG_ADDR, 1) != PRESSURE_OK)
          return PRESSURE_ERROR;
    /* Read the register content */

      return PRESSURE_ERROR;

    /* Build the raw data */
    for (i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++)
        tempVal |= (((uint32_t) buffer[i]) << (8 * i));

    /* convert the 2's complement 24 bit to 2's complement 32 bit */
    if (tempVal & 0x00800000)
        tempVal |= 0xFF000000;

    /* return the built value */
    *raw_press = ((uint32_t) tempVal);
    return PRESSURE_OK;
예제 #2
 * @brief  Read LPS25HB output register, and calculate the pressure in mbar
 * @param  pfData the pressure value in mbar
 * @retval PRESSURE_OK in case of success, an error code otherwise
static PRESSURE_StatusTypeDef LPS25HB_GetPressure(float* pfData)
    uint32_t raw_press = 0;
    uint8_t tmp = 0x00;
    if(LPS25HB_IO_Read(&tmp, LPS25HB_SlaveAddress, LPS25HB_CTRL_REG1_ADDR, 1) != PRESSURE_OK)
      return PRESSURE_ERROR;

    /* Output Data Rate selection */
    tmp &= (LPS25HB_ODR_MASK);
    if(tmp == 0x00)
      if(LPS25HB_IO_Read(&tmp, LPS25HB_SlaveAddress, LPS25HB_CTRL_REG2_ADDR, 1) != PRESSURE_OK)
        return PRESSURE_ERROR;

      /* Serial Interface Mode selection */
      tmp &= ~(LPS25HB_ONE_SHOT_MASK);
      tmp |= LPS25HB_ONE_SHOT_START;

      if(LPS25HB_IO_Write(&tmp, LPS25HB_SlaveAddress, LPS25HB_CTRL_REG2_ADDR, 1) != PRESSURE_OK)
        return PRESSURE_ERROR;
        if(LPS25HB_IO_Read(&tmp, LPS25HB_SlaveAddress, LPS25HB_STATUS_REG_ADDR, 1) != PRESSURE_OK)
          return PRESSURE_ERROR;

    if(LPS25HB_I2C_ReadRawPressure(&raw_press) != PRESSURE_OK)
      return PRESSURE_ERROR;

    *pfData = (float)raw_press /4096.0f;
    return PRESSURE_OK;
예제 #3
 * @brief  Read LPS25HB output register, and calculate the raw pressure
 * @param  raw_press the pressure raw value
 * @retval PRESSURE_OK in case of success, an error code otherwise
static PRESSURE_StatusTypeDef LPS25HB_I2C_ReadRawPressure(int32_t *raw_press)
    uint8_t buffer[3], i;
    uint32_t tempVal = 0;

    /* Read the register content */

                       3) != PRESSURE_OK)
        return PRESSURE_ERROR;

    /* Build the raw data */
    for (i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++)
        tempVal |= (((uint32_t) buffer[i]) << (8 * i));

    /* convert the 2's complement 24 bit to 2's complement 32 bit */
    if (tempVal & 0x00800000)
        tempVal |= 0xFF000000;

    /* return the built value */
    *raw_press = ((int32_t) tempVal);

    return PRESSURE_OK;
예제 #4
 * @brief  Read ID address of LPS25HB
 * @param  ht_id the pointer where the ID of the device is stored
 * @retval PRESSURE_OK in case of success, an error code otherwise
static PRESSURE_StatusTypeDef LPS25HB_ReadID(uint8_t *p_id)
      return PRESSURE_ERROR;
    return LPS25HB_IO_Read(p_id, LPS25HB_SlaveAddress, LPS25HB_WHO_AM_I_ADDR, 1);
예제 #5
 * @brief  Read LPS25HB output register, and calculate the raw temperature
 * @param  raw_data the temperature raw value
 * @retval PRESSURE_OK in case of success, an error code otherwise
static PRESSURE_StatusTypeDef LPS25HB_I2C_ReadRawTemperature(int16_t *raw_data)
    uint8_t buffer[2];
    uint16_t tempVal=0;

    /* Read the register content */
    if(LPS25HB_IO_Read(buffer, LPS25HB_SlaveAddress, (LPS25HB_TEMP_OUT_L_ADDR | LPS25HB_I2C_MULTIPLEBYTE_CMD), 2) != PRESSURE_OK)
      return PRESSURE_ERROR;

    /* Build the raw value */
    tempVal = (((uint16_t)buffer[1]) << 8)+(uint16_t)buffer[0];

    /* Return it */
    *raw_data = ((int16_t)tempVal);
    return PRESSURE_OK;
예제 #6
 * @brief  Enter the shutdown mode for LPS25HB
 * @param  None
 * @retval PRESSURE_OK in case of success, an error code otherwise
static PRESSURE_StatusTypeDef LPS25HB_PowerOff(void)
    uint8_t tmpreg;

    /* Read the register content */
    if(LPS25HB_IO_Read(&tmpreg, LPS25HB_SlaveAddress, LPS25HB_CTRL_REG1_ADDR, 1) != PRESSURE_OK)
      return PRESSURE_ERROR;

    /* Reset the power down bit */
    tmpreg &= ~(LPS25HB_MODE_ACTIVE);

    /* Write register */
    if(LPS25HB_IO_Write(&tmpreg, LPS25HB_SlaveAddress, LPS25HB_CTRL_REG1_ADDR, 1) != PRESSURE_OK)
      return PRESSURE_ERROR;
    return PRESSURE_OK;
예제 #7
 * @brief  Reboot memory content of LPS25HB
 * @param  None
 * @retval PRESSURE_OK in case of success, an error code otherwise
static PRESSURE_StatusTypeDef LPS25HB_RebootCmd(void)
    uint8_t tmpreg;

    /* Read CTRL_REG5 register */
    if(LPS25HB_IO_Read(&tmpreg, LPS25HB_SlaveAddress, LPS25HB_CTRL_REG2_ADDR, 1) != PRESSURE_OK)
      return PRESSURE_ERROR;

    /* Enable or Disable the reboot memory */
    tmpreg |= LPS25HB_RESET_MEMORY;

    /* Write value to MEMS CTRL_REG5 regsister */
    if(LPS25HB_IO_Write(&tmpreg, LPS25HB_SlaveAddress, LPS25HB_CTRL_REG2_ADDR, 1) != PRESSURE_OK)
      return PRESSURE_ERROR;
    return PRESSURE_OK;
예제 #8
 * @brief  Set LPS25HB Initialization
 * @param  LPS25HB_Init the configuration setting for the LPS25HB
 * @retval PRESSURE_OK in case of success, an error code otherwise
static PRESSURE_StatusTypeDef LPS25HB_Init(PRESSURE_InitTypeDef *LPS25HB_Init)
    uint8_t tmp1 = 0x00;

    /* Configure the low level interface ---------------------------------------*/
    if(LPS25HB_IO_Init() != PRESSURE_OK)
      return PRESSURE_ERROR;

    if(LPS25HB_PowerOn() != PRESSURE_OK)
      return PRESSURE_ERROR;

    if(LPS25HB_IO_Read(&tmp1, LPS25HB_SlaveAddress, LPS25HB_CTRL_REG1_ADDR, 1) != PRESSURE_OK)
      return PRESSURE_ERROR;

    /* Output Data Rate selection */
    tmp1 &= ~(LPS25HB_ODR_MASK);
    tmp1 |= LPS25HB_Init->OutputDataRate;

    /* Interrupt circuit selection */
    tmp1 &= ~(LPS25HB_DIFF_EN_MASK);
    tmp1 |= LPS25HB_Init->DiffEnable;

    /* Block Data Update selection */
    tmp1 &= ~(LPS25HB_BDU_MASK);
    tmp1 |= LPS25HB_Init->BlockDataUpdate;

    /* Serial Interface Mode selection */
    tmp1 &= ~(LPS25HB_SPI_SIM_MASK);
    tmp1 |= LPS25HB_Init->SPIMode;

    if(LPS25HB_IO_Write(&tmp1, LPS25HB_SlaveAddress, LPS25HB_CTRL_REG1_ADDR, 1) != PRESSURE_OK)
      return PRESSURE_ERROR;

    if(LPS25HB_IO_Read(&tmp1, LPS25HB_SlaveAddress, LPS25HB_RES_CONF_ADDR, 1) != PRESSURE_OK)
      return PRESSURE_ERROR;

    /* Serial Interface Mode selection */
    tmp1 &= ~(LPS25HB_P_RES_MASK);
    tmp1 |= LPS25HB_Init->PressureResolution;

    /* Serial Interface Mode selection */
    tmp1 &= ~(LPS25HB_T_RES_MASK);
    tmp1 |= LPS25HB_Init->TemperatureResolution;

    if(LPS25HB_IO_Write(&tmp1, LPS25HB_SlaveAddress, LPS25HB_RES_CONF_ADDR, 1) != PRESSURE_OK)
      return PRESSURE_ERROR;
    return PRESSURE_OK;